The Cal Poly SLO Application Fall 2014


The Cal Poly SLO


Fall 2014


• 20 years of transfer counseling experience

• 8 years of intensive STEM counseling

• Feeder CCC to CPSLO

• Trained other counselors in CA on CPSLO in partnership with Cuesta counselors

• NOT a CPSLO admissions employee or representative

• Established working relationships with CPSLO admissions staff

• This presentation is from a CCC perspective – what we, at AHC, know to be true and effective (highest acceptance rate in the state to CPSLO)

Our Purpose Today

• Overview of STEM educational planning for CPSLO (tools!)

• Explain how the CPSLO application process differs from other CSUs

• Overview of the CPSLO application process (again, tools!)

• Answer your questions

STEM educational planning for

CPSLO (tools!)


– articulation

– Course equivalency for lower division courses required for


• CPSLO Transfer Selection Criteria


– How applicants are evaluated for admissions selection


– Four primary areas – pay close attention to required coursework

• Transfer Guide

– Developed specifically by your Community College

Strategies while working on course completion

• Define your major!

• Develop a plan using (including semester by semester)


– CPSLO Transfer Selection Criteria

– Transfer Guide – developed by your CCC


• Get GOOD grades – use tutoring, office hours, good study habits, group study sessions, etc.

• Ask yourself what you would do if you never get into

CPSLO? Develop your educational plan with a back up in mind

Strategies while working on course completion (cont.)

• Get connected with CPSLO (VIP page) and make regular counseling appointments

• Make sure you know how to use ASSIST and the transfer selection criteria and check them regularly

• Prioritize your course selection with major coursework being #1 as well as Area A of CSUGE

(use ASSIST and the transfer selection guide)

• GE course completion is secondary

• Participate in internship/work experience related to the major and leadership and/or club/extra curricular involvement

Time to Apply - Tips

• Understand the uniqueness of the CPSLO application – use the guide.

• Have a counselor review the application before you submit it

• Wait to submit your application until you can confirm spring schedule will work

• Print off confirmation of submission

• Understand that getting any D or F grades in the year prior to transfer will jeopardize your admissions to

CPSLO – it is conditional!

• ALWAYS accept their offer of admissions right away.

Cal Poly Specifics

• Pages 1-12 of CSU application are same as any other CSU campus

• The last three pages are important!

• Evaluated in four areas, all weighted differently

• Compete by major

• Minimum GPA vs. selection

• This is your first Cal Poly Exam


• 1 st reading


• CSU & Cal Poly program required coursework

• General Ed

• Extra-curricular activities & work experience

• 2 nd reading

• California resident recently released veterans

• Service area (Based on high school graduation)

• California community college junior transfers

• SB 1440 applicants

• Father/mother level of education

• Faculty/staff dependent


CSU Application

