2015-16 FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIPS HANDBOOK Important Financial Aid Dates Fall 2015 Aug 31 ~ Fall 2015 Semester Begins Sep 02 ~ Community College Cal Grant Deadline Sep 11 ~ Last day to drop units for full refund Sep 12 ~ Last Day to Add Full-Term Courses Sep 14~ Census Day nd Oct 29 ~ 2 Financial Aid Disbursement Oct 30 ~ Loan Application Deadline Nov 06 ~ Drop After This Day To Avoid Repayment (60%) Nov 30 ~ SAP Appeal Deadline Dec 14-19 ~ Final Exams Dec 19 ~ Semester Ends Dec 19 ~ Last Day to Turn in a BOG Application for Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Jan 01 ~ 2016-17 FAFSA Available Online Jan 25 ~ Spring 2016 Semester Begins Feb 07 ~ Last Day to Add Full Term Courses Feb 08 ~ Census Day Mar 02 ~ FAFSA & Cal Grant Priority Deadline nd Mar 24 ~ 2 Financial Aid Disbursement Apr 08 ~ Drop After This Day to Avoid Repayment (60%) Apr 08 ~ Loan Application Deadline Apr 29 ~ SAP Appeal & Income Change Deadline May 16-21 ~ Final Exams May 20 ~ Graduation May 21 ~ Spring Semester Ends May 21 ~ Last Day to Turn in A BOG App for Spring 2016 Table of Contents IMPORTANT FINANCIAL AID DATES ................................................................................. COVER CABRILLO COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIPS OFFICE ................................................... 3 LOCATION .......................................................................................................................................... 3 HOURS .............................................................................................................................................. 3 CONTACT US ...................................................................................................................................... 3 HOW TO APPLY......................................................................................................................... 4 BOARD OF GOVERNOR’S ENROLLMENT FEE WAIVER (BOG) ........................................................................ 4 FREE APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL STUDENT AID (FAFSA )............................................................................ 4 ELIGIBILITY................................................................................................................................ 5 ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) .............................................................. 5 EDUCATION PLANS FOR FINANCIAL AID STUDENTS ..................................................................................... 5 Education Plan Workshops ............................................................................................................. 5 FEDERAL ELIGIBILITY ............................................................................................................................. 6 FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY .............................................................................................................. 6 COST OF ATTENDANCE .......................................................................................................................... 6 EXPECTED FAMILY CONTRIBUTION (EFC) ................................................................................................. 6 2015-16 Cost of Attendance ........................................................................................................... 7 Financial Need ................................................................................................................................ 7 FRAUD ............................................................................................................................................... 7 PRIVACY RIGHTS .................................................................................................................................. 7 DEPENDENCY STATUS ............................................................................................................... 8 DEPENDENCY EXCEPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 8 TYPES OF AID ............................................................................................................................ 9 FEDERAL AID....................................................................................................................................... 9 CALIFORNIA STATE AID ......................................................................................................................... 9 CALIFORNIA DREAM ACT FOR AB540 STUDENTS ...................................................................... 9 WILLIAM D. FORD FEDERAL DIRECT LOANS ............................................................................ 10 TYPES OF LOANS ................................................................................................................................ 10 LOAN LIMITS..................................................................................................................................... 10 2015-16 LOAN POLICIES .................................................................................................................... 10 HOW TO APPLY FOR STUDENT LOANS AT CABRILLO .................................................................................. 11 TERMS AND CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................... 11 LOAN PROCESSING TIMELINES .............................................................................................................. 11 EXIT COUNSELING .............................................................................................................................. 11 REPAYMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 11 FEDERAL WORK STUDY ........................................................................................................... 12 TERMS AND CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................... 12 SCHOLARSHIPS ....................................................................................................................... 12 CABRILLO GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP ......................................................................................................... 12 SCHOLARSHIP BINDER ......................................................................................................................... 12 OVERPAYMENT OF PELL GRANT ............................................................................................. 13 POST WITHDRAWAL DISBURSEMENT ..................................................................................................... 13 WITHDRAWAL DATES ......................................................................................................................... 13 2015-16 Page 1 WITHDRAWAL & REPAYMENT ................................................................................................ 14 PROCESSING YOUR FINANCIAL AID ......................................................................................... 15 ADDITIONAL FORMS AND DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................. 15 VERIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 15 CABRILLO PROCESSING TIMELINES......................................................................................................... 15 AWARDING FINANCIAL AID .................................................................................................... 16 AWARD NOTIFICATION ....................................................................................................................... 16 FIRST DISBURSEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 16 SECOND DISBURSEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 16 COLLEGE BANK ....................................................................................................................... 17 YOUR CABRILLO ACCESS CARD ............................................................................................... 17 CABRILLO SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 18 2015-16 POLICIES AFFECTING ELIGIBILITY ............................................................................... 19 SUBMITTING 2014 TAXES FOR VERIFICATION ........................................................................................ 19 PELL GRANT LIFETIME ELIGIBILITY USED (LEU) ........................................................................................ 19 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA - GED REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 19 LOAN APPLICATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 19 UNDECLARED MAJOR NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID ............................................................... 19 EDUCATIONAL PLANS ......................................................................................................................... 19 PACE OF PROGRESS ............................................................................................................................ 19 FINANCIAL AID COURSE REPEAT POLICY ................................................................................................. 19 OTHER/OFF CAMPUS RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 20 FINANCIAL AID RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................... 20 CHECK YOUR STATUS ONLINE! ................................................................................................ 20 SELF-SERVICE SCANNER .......................................................................................................... 20 ESERVICES DAYS! .................................................................................................................... 20 CONSTITUTION DAY ............................................................................................................... 20 ELIGIBLE FINANCIAL AID DEGREES/MAJORS ........................................................................... 21 2015-16 Page 2 Cabrillo College Financial Aid & Scholarships Office Location Aptos Campus Building 100 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center Enrollment Services Office 318 Union Street Watsonville, CA 95076 Hours Aptos Financial Aid Counter Hours Monday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Watsonville Financial Aid Counter Hours Monday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday-Thursday closed from 1-2pm Hours subject to change. Check our website for updated counter hours. Contact Us Aptos 831-479-6415 phone 831-479-5016 fax financial.aid@cabrillo.edu Watsonville 831-786-4701 phone 831-786-4715 fax financial.aid@cabrillo.edu go.cabrillo.edu/finaid 2015-16 Page 3 How to Apply Board of Governor’s Enrollment Fee Waiver (BOG) Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ) http://go.cabrillo.edu/fa-apps fafsa.gov All students must complete a new application each school year. The school year begins with Fall semester and ends with the Summer term. FAFSA Priority Funding Deadline: March 2, 2015 Students who miss this deadline should still apply! All students applying for financial aid must complete the FAFSA online at fafsa.gov. BOG Deadline You may apply for the BOG up until the last day of each term. The Board of Governor’s Enrollment Fee Waiver waives the unit enrollment fee at Cabrillo College for California. BOG is not a cash award. Apply for a BOG by completing the BOG Application, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the California Dream Act Application for AB540 students. Students who complete the California Dream Act Application (Dream App) will also be considered for Cal Grant. Once you qualify for a BOG, it continues for the remainder of the school year. The BOG fee waiver is not retroactive to prior terms. If you qualify for a BOG and have already paid registration fees, you will receive a refund from the Cabrillo College Bank. The Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver (BOG) is subject to State of California regulations and eligibility determined by Cabrillo Admissions & Records Office (A&R). Beginning Fall 2015, A&R will monitor student’s academic standing. Students on Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal may lose BOG eligibility the following Fall 2016. 2015-16 Cabrillo College Federal School Code: 001124 FAFSA results are emailed to the student in the form of a Student Aid Report (SAR). As soon as you receive your SAR, look it over carefully to make sure all the information is correct and that your FAFSA has not been rejected. Check: • Names on FAFSA are identical to names on social security cards, no nicknames or abbreviations. • Income information • Academic level/goal • IRS data obtained using the FAFSA retrieval tool If corrections are not needed, keep the SAR for your records. Unnecessary corrections will cause delays in your financial aid. If you need to make corrections, do them online at www.fafsa.gov. If you have questions, please call, email or stop by the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office. Students who file a FAFSA are considered for the BOG as well as other forms of aid. Warning: Other FAFSA websites will charge you money!! Use the official website fafsa.gov for free. Page 4 Eligibility Academic Eligibility: Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) To meet academic eligibility standards (SAP) you must: 1. Have completed at least 67% of ALL cumulative units attempted at Cabrillo. This ratio is your Pace of Progress. 2. Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.0 3. Not have exceeded 150% of your program units. See our 2015-16 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy: http://cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/pdf/15-16%20SAP.pdf or, refer to your eforms Library Education Plans for Financial Aid Students A new state law requires that all community college students have an Education Plan (Ed Plan). Financial Aid will continue to require Ed Plans for appeals and loans. Having an Ed Plan keeps you on track to reach your goal, and is one of the requirements in order to maintain your priority registration. All students now have access to Student Planning, a planning tool found on your Student Menu in WebAdvisor. You can start to plan your courses using the Student Planning tool at any time on your own. Having courses planned for your upcoming term(s) in the Student Planning tool on WebAdvisor, will meet the Ed Plan requirement to maintain your priority registration. To learn more about how to use the Student Planning Tool, stop by the Transfer/Career Center. We have students and staff available to assist you. There are two types of Ed Plans: 1) An Abbreviated Ed Plan (1 to 2 semesters to get you started) and a 2) A Comprehensive Ed Plan (laying out all of the courses you need to reach your goal at Cabrillo). A Comprehensive Ed Plan is required for students submitting a Maximum Time Frame Appeal or a Minimum Standard Appeal. An Abbreviated Educational Plan, for 1 or 2 semesters, will suffice for a Student Loan Application. All Ed Plans for Financial Aid purposes must be Approved and Archived either by a Cabrillo Counselor or through attending an Education Plan Workshop (not just prepared by you in your Student Planning Tool.) Education Plan Workshops Two-hour workshop present important information and planning resources and is designed for new students, for those who have never developed an Education Plan, and for those who want to learn more about putting together a solid Ed Plan. You’ll leave the Ed Plan Workshop with an Abbreviated Education Plan using the Student Planning tool. Some students may be required to attend an Education Plan Workshop prior to scheduling a counseling appointment. Please consult the Counseling webpage http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/counseling/ to learn more Education Plans, how to use the Student Planning tool and your next steps in developing a comprehensive education plan. 2015-16 Page 5 Federal Eligibility To be eligible to receive federal financial aid you must meet the following requirements: • Have a high school diploma or GED • Have a declared eligible major • Be working toward an eligible program (i.e. Associate Degree, transfer toward a Bachelor’s Degree, or a Certificate of Achievement) • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen • Have completed the required forms • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress • Have financial need (except in the case of unsubsidized loans) • Be in compliance with Selective Service Registration • Not owe a refund or repayment on a federal grant • Not be in default on a federal student loan • Not have a drug conviction for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid. Financial Eligibility Cost of Attendance A student budget that includes standard fees and costs is assigned to all financial aid recipients. The budget, or cost of attendance, is based on data provided by the California Student Aid Commission and the Chancellor’s Office for California Community Colleges. Standard student budgets are constructed recognizing the different costs for students living at home or living away from home. An additional $200/unit enrollment fee is added to the budget for out-of-state students. International students add an additional $204/unit enrollment fee plus $4/unit capital outlay fee. Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is calculated using the information you provide on the FAFSA. The Federal Processor calculates a Student Contribution for all students and a Parent Contribution for Dependent students based on income, assets, household size, age and other factors. The EFC is the amount of money you and your family are expected to contribute toward your educational costs. 2015-16 Page 6 2015-16 Cost of Attendance Financial Need Fall and Spring Semesters In State At Home Enrollment Fees Health Fees Student Rep Fee Student Activity Card Student Center Fee Books and Supplies Room & Board Transportation Personal Expenses TOTAL $1,288 38 2 20 10 1764 4,950 1125 3159 $12,356 Away from Home $,1288 38 2 20 10 1764 12,051 1269 2898 $19,340 Enrollment fees are based on 14 units per semester @ $46 per unit. These fees are subject to change. Your financial aid need is the difference between your Cost of Attendance and your Expected Family Contribution (EFC.) It is often not possible to meet a student’s full financial aid need. Your Cost of Attendance (Determined by the Financial Aid Office) - Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) (Determined by FAFSA) - Other Resources (Such as Scholarships) ___________________________________ = Your Financial NEED Fraud Any individual committing fraud on an application for financial aid, or any individual who fraudulently manipulates the financial aid programs or process for personal gain will be reported to the Department of Education, Office of Inspector General. Cases of suspected fraud which results in the receipt of aid, will be reported for possible collection of funds and/or prosecution. These include: knowingly misrepresenting family or financial information, purposefully certifying false statements as true and correct, intentionally falsifying, misrepresenting or altering documents used in the financial aid process. Privacy Rights Cabrillo Financial Aid only provides information to students who present a government issued photo ID (College ID, Driver’s License, Passport, etc.) If calling you must provide your student ID number and be prepared to answer additional demographic and academic questions to verify your identity. Cabrillo will not look up students using social security numbers nor or provide social security numbers to inquirers. Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) we cannot release student financial information to anyone other than you, the student. If you wish your information to be released to someone else, you must submit the Authorization to Release Information Form via your eforms library. 2015-16 Page 7 Dependency Status The federal government expects students and their families to contribute toward educational expenses. You are considered Dependent and are required to provide parent(s) information on the FAFSA unless: Were you born before January 1, 1992? As of today, are you married? (Also answer “Yes” if you are separated but not divorced.) At the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, will you be working on a master’s or doctorate program (such as an MA, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, EdD, graduate certificate, etc.)? Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training? Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? Do you now have or will you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016? Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2016? At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or were you a dependent or ward of the court for custody reasons (not juvenile probation)? As determined by a court in your state of legal residence, are you or were you an emancipated minor? As determined by a court in your state of legal residence, are you or were you in legal guardianship (non-parent)? At any time on or after July 1, 2014, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? At any time on or after July 1, 2014, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? At any time on or after July 1, 2014, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? Students who meet one of the criteria listed are considered Independent and, if married are required to also provide spouse’s information on the FAFSA. Dependency Exceptions Students with adverse or unusual circumstances may be considered for a dependency status change by submitting a Dependency Status Petition to the Financial Aid Office. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Submit your FAFSA without parental data. You will receive an email from FAFSA stating that your FAFSA is rejected. Cabrillo will receive your rejected FAFSA. Submit the Dependency Status Petition and supporting third party documentation to Cabrillo Financial Aid. If your petition is approved the college will resubmit your FAFSA as an Independent Student. Dependency Status Petitions must be renewed each academic year. 2015-16 Page 8 Types of Aid Federal Aid Pell Grant Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) Federal Work Study Direct Student Loans California State Aid Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver (BOG) Cal Grant Child Development Grant Chafee Grant for Foster Youth For information on the types of financial aid administered at Cabrillo College visit: http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/available.html California Dream Act for AB540 Students AB540 students may be eligible for state and institutional aid! You are an AB540 student if you attended a CA high school for at least three years, graduated from a California High School with a diploma, GED, or passed the CA High School Proficiency Exam, and are registered at a California Community College. Cabrillo AB540 students who meet the GPA and unit completion criteria are eligible to apply for the Cabrillo Scholarship. Dream Act AB130 - Effective January 1, 2013 students who meet AB540 criteria can apply for the Board of Governor’s (BOG) Enrollment Fee Waiver at California Community Colleges. Eligible students can receive BOG for the 2015-16 academic year. Dream Act AB131 Students who meet AB540 criteria can fill out the California Dream Act Application (The ‘Dream App’) to determine eligibility for the BOG Enrollment Fee Waiver, Cal Grant, EOPS, CARE, CalWorks, and Chafee Grants (for former foster youth.) The Dream App became available January 1, 2015 for the 2015-16 school year. For additional Information about the Dream Act (AB540, AB130, AB131) contact: California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) 1-888-224-7268 or visit www.caldreamact.org Find the 2015-16 DreamApp Online at: https://dream.csac.ca.gov/ 2015-16 Page 9 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans Types of Loans Subsidized Direct Loan – 4.29% fixed interest While you are in school at least half-time, during your repayment grace period, and during any approved deferment periods, the federal government will pay the interest on your Subsidized Loans. After you graduate, withdraw from school, or drop below half-time enrollment, there is a six month grace period before repayment of the loans begins. When you enter repayment, you are responsible to begin repaying the amount you borrowed as well as the interest that will accrue during the repayment period. Unsubsidized Direct Loan – 4.29% fixed interest Interest accrues immediately after disbursement. If you borrow Unsubsidized Loans, we strongly recommend that you begin making interest payments right after you receive your loan check. If you do not make interest payments while you are in school, the interest continues to accrue and is added (capitalized) to your principal loan balance at repayment. When interest capitalization occurs, you will then be paying interest on top of interest which greatly increases the amount of your loan and the total amount you will be repaying. This should be a loan of last resort! Loan Limits DEPENDENT STUDENTS Grade Level 1 0-29.9 completed units Grade Level 2 30+ completed units Subsidized/Unsubsidized Combined $3,500 Additional Unsubsidized $2,000 Yearly Maximum $5,500 $4,500 $2,000 $6,500 INDEPENDENT STUDENTS Subsidized/Unsubsidized Combined Grade Level 1 $3,500 0-29.9 completed units Grade Level 2 $4,500 30+ completed units Additional Yearly Unsubsidized Maximum $6,000 $9,500 $6,000 $10,500 Lifetime Undergraduate Aggregate Limits $31,000 no more than $23,000 can be subsidized Lifetime Undergraduate Aggregate Limits $57,000 no more than $23,000 can be subsidized There is a 1.073% Origination Fee for all Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans that are first disbursed between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015. The Origination Fee will increase to 1.068% for new loans disbursed after October 1, 2015. st Interest rates are determined on July 1 of each year for the coming academic year. 2015-16 Loan Policies Cabrillo accepts only one loan application per school year. Loan increase requests will not be considered. Progress reports from instructors may be required for students with a SAP status of Warning or Probation before loan funds can be disbursed. Federal regulation states new borrowers (since July 1, 2013) may only receive Subsidized loans up to 150% of their current program. Cabrillo College does not participate in the Private Alternative Loan Program. Cabrillo College does not participate in the PLUS Loan Program. Loans received for one semester at another college do not transfer to Cabrillo Loans awarded for one semester at Cabrillo do not transfer to another college. 2015-16 Page 10 How to Apply for Student Loans at Cabrillo To apply for a student loan at Cabrillo, you must submit five forms in addition to the FAFSA and any additional documents that have been requested. On http://studentloans.gov/ 1. Master Promissory Note 2. Entrance Loan Counseling On your Cabrillo eforms link via your WebAdvisor 3. Direct Loan Request From a Cabrillo Academic Counselor 831-479-6274 4. A current Educational Plan that lists the courses you will need to take to complete your academic goal. You must be following your Educational Plan and be enrolled in at least 6.0 degree applicable units to be eligible for a student loan at Cabrillo. Terms and Conditions For information on Direct Loans visit: http://go.cabrillo.edu/loans Loans must be repaid. Students interested in borrowing Direct Loans must apply each school year. To apply, you must: Complete the FAFSA and establish eligibility Complete your financial aid file by submitting all required forms (eforms link via WebAdvisor) Complete online Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (studentloans.gov) Be enrolled in & attending 6 or more degree applicable units from your Educational Plan each semester Meet Cabrillo’s semester deadlines: (Fall 2015 – 10/30/15 ; Spring 2016 – 4/08/16) Loan Processing Timelines Allow 5-8 weeks after you submit your loan forms to receive your loan funds. Note: Loan processing timelines are in addition to financial aid processing timelines. Note: Loans are not disbursed until after the 4th week of the term unless you are not grant eligible or are in an Allied Health Program (RN, RT, DH). Exit Counseling Loan EXIT Counseling is REQUIRED: If you drop below half-time enrollment (6.0 units) Within 30 days PRIOR to graduating or leaving Cabrillo Repayment William D. Ford Direct Loans are low-interest loans to help pay for the cost of a student’s education. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education rather than a bank or other financial institution. Direct Loans are a form of financial aid and must be repaid with interest. 2015-16 Page 11 Federal Work Study Terms and Conditions Cabrillo College participates in the Federal Work Study Program (FWS) which provides employment opportunities to eligible students. This is an award to work in a job on-campus or off-campus for a public or nonprofit agency. Hourly wages on campus range from $9.00 to $13.25. Students receive a monthly paycheck for hours worked and can earn up to the amount of their award. Priority is given to students who met the March 2nd FAFSA priority deadline and who had work study employment at Cabrillo College during the prior academic year. Work Study funds are limited and are awarded on a first come first serve basis. Conditions of Eligibility: Be enrolled in at least 6 degree applicable units Have met Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements Indicated an interest in Work Study on the current FAFSA Effective Fall 2015 Federal Work Study awards will be limited to 3 academic years (retroactive.) NOTE: At the beginning of each semester, students who have not been awarded FWS and have a completed financial aid file may request to be placed on a FWS waitlist via the electronic fillable request form on the Financial Aid Federal Work Study page. https://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/fws/ Scholarships Cabrillo General Scholarship Cabrillo offers a General Scholarship each academic year. http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/genscholarship.html Scholarship Binder For information on many other scholarships, visit: http://go.cabrillo.edu/scholarshipbinder Scholarship Information is FREE! Be aware of scholarship scams that ask you to pay for financial aid and scholarship information. Before you pay for information, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office or go to the Federal Trade Commission’s website for Scholarship Scams at: www.ftc.gov/scholarshipscams 2015-16 Scholarship Search There are hundreds of scholarship opportunities an ambitious student can discover. The best way to match your particular goals and interests with scholarship opportunities is to search online. There are several FREE online scholarship searches. See list below. http://go.cabrillo.edu/scholarshipbinder www.schoolsoup.com www.fastweb.com http://apps.collegeboard.org/cbsearch_ss/welcome.jsp Page 12 Overpayment of Pell Grant If you drop classes during the add/drop period and this results in a change of your enrollment status, you may owe money. If you get paid for a class that you never attended, you will owe money. This includes short-term and weekend classes. If you owe an overpayment, you have 30 days to repay the college in full or it will be reported to the Department of Education (DOE). You will not be able to register for classes at Cabrillo or receive transcripts until the overpayment has been paid. Once reported to the DOE, you will not be able to receive further financial aid from any college. Post Withdrawal Disbursement If you did not receive all of your earned federal aid and your withdrawal date has been determined, you may be eligible for a Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD). To determine if you were eligible to receive federal funds even though none were disbursed, the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office must have: • Received your valid SAR with calculated EFC • (for borrowers) originated your loan request and have a signed MPN (First-year, first-time borrowers must have completed the first 30 days of the term.) 2015-16 For example… Student C. Hawk enrolls full-time at the beginning of the semester and receives her first financial aid disbursement. C. Hawk then decides that she needs a part-time job. If she drops to: 3/4 time, she will receive an adjusted 2nd disbursement; 1/2 time, she will not receive a 2nd disbursement and may owe money; Less than 1/2 time, she will not receive a 2nd disbursement and will owe all or a portion of the first disbursement money back to the college. Withdrawal Dates If you withdraw from all of your classes before completing 60% of the term, you will be required to return any unearned federal funds. If you drop all your classes on or before the following dates, you will owe a repayment. : Fall 2015: 11/06/15 ~ or~ Spring 2016: 4/08/16 It is your responsibility to drop classes! Do not rely on your instructors to drop classes for you. Page 13 Withdrawal & Repayment If you receive federal financial aid and withdraw from all of your classes before completing more than 60% of the term, you will be required to return any unearned federal funds. The Financial Aid Office will calculate the amount. Federal Work Study earnings are excluded from the calculation. If you were awarded aid and drop or are dropped from all of your classes on or before the published Census Day, you must repay the full amount received. Your withdrawal from college date is: • The date you notify the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office that you intend to completely withdraw, or • The midpoint of the term if: You leave without notifying the college, or you receive all Fs and/or NP’s or Instructor Drops, or • Your last date of attendance in class as determined by the instructor. The Financial Aid & Scholarships Office uses your withdrawal date to calculate the amount of federal aid you may owe. Within 30 days, we will notify you of any repayment or offer you a Post Withdrawal Disbursement. For example: At full-time enrollment (12 units) you are awarded a $2,888 Pell Grant. There are 111 days in the term and you withdraw on the 36th day. 32% of your grant is earned and 68% is unearned. $2,888 x 68% = $1,964. unearned Pell The total amount of grant aid disbursed is multiplied by 50%. This is your grant protection. $2,888 x 50% = $1,444 Students who receive either all F’s or NP’s or Instructor You will owe the college a share of the grant based Drops will be considered unofficially withdrawn and the on how many units you took. percentage at the midpoint (50%) of the enrollment period will be used to calculate unearned aid. Students who have loans will have to return funds in accordance with the terms of the Master Promissory Note (MPN). You have 30 days from the date you withdraw to repay unearned federal aid in full to the college. You will be unable to receive academic transcripts or register for future classes at Cabrillo College until you clear this debt. Grant overpayments will be reported to the Department of Education on day 31 if you fail to repay the overpayment. A national hold will then be placed on your student aid eligibility. Dropping units can cost you Money!!! 2015-16 12 units @ $46/unit = $552 $552 x 68% (unearned) = $375 aid college owes to the Dept. of Ed which you must repay to the college $1,964 (unearned federal) - $375 (unearned college) = $1,589. This is the initial total of unearned aid. $1,589 (unearned) - $1,444 (grant protection) = $145 aid you owe the Department of Education You would owe $145 to the Dept. of Ed and $375 to the college. $375 + $145 = $520 your total repayment This amount will be charged to your student account. Page 14 Processing Your Financial Aid Additional Forms and Documents Filing the FAFSA is just the first step. You will be required to submit additional form(s) or documents to complete your file. You will be notified by email how to view additional required forms through your WebAdvisor account under "My Documents". Keep your email, phone number and mailing address current through WebAdvisor. If you do not respond to correspondence, your financial aid will not be processed. Verification You may be randomly selected by the Federal Processor (FAFSA) for a process called verification. This means that we are required to verify such things as your household size, number in college, child support paid, tax filing information, income, and asset information. If you are selected for Verification, Verification Forms will be requested. Verification Forms for students and parents can be found on your eforms link via WebAdvisor. Worksheets must be completed, signed and submitted with no blanks. Forms with blanks will be returned to you and your aid will not be processed. If you do not select the IRS Data Retrieval Link on the FAFSA, you will be required to submit yours’, and in the case of dependent students, your parent’s, 2014 Federal Tax Return Transcript from the IRS. If you do not enter wages on your FAFSA, you may be asked to submit your W2s, 1099s, and disclose all wages earned ‘under the table.’ Request a Tax Transcript from the IRS online at irs.gov. Choose ‘Get a Transcript Online’ for a PDF; Choose ‘Get Transcript by Mail’ to be sent a paper transcript; or call 1-800-908-9946. Note: Cabrillo can no longer accept copies of tax returns, but must have IRS Tax Return Transcripts. Cabrillo Processing Timelines STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: STEP 4: STEP 5: STEP 6: STEP 7: STEP 8: File a FAFSA at FAFSA.gov FAFSA confirmation is sent to student; FAFSA Sent to College 2-4 weeks Financial Aid Office enters data, awards BOG (if eligible), & sends Acknowledgment email and document request to student. Students with no grant eligibility are notified by email. 1-2 weeks Student submits ALL requested documents. Weeks? Days? This depends on you! During peak processing periods (April -September), timelines could be doubled for steps 5-8 Financial Aid Office receives documents and posts to WebAdvisor. (Allow 24-48 hours.) Financial Aid Update #2 email sent. 1-3 weeks File is reviewed, eligibility is determined, and discrepancies resolved. (Steps 4, 5, & 6 are repeated for discrepancies.) up to 4 weeks Awards are processed and Award Letter notification is emailed. 1-2 weeks Awards are disbursed through Cabrillo Access Card/Higher One! 1-2 weeks 2015-16 Page 15 Awarding Financial Aid Award Notification An ‘Award Letter Ready To Be Viewed’ email will be sent to you after your file and academic progress have been reviewed. Award amounts are based on full-time enrollment. The actual amount received will differ if your enrollment status changes. You can view your estimated award amounts on your WebAdvisor account. Note: If you are repeating a course you have previously passed, its units may not count toward your financial aid award. For details visit http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/repeats.html Federal regulations require that all types of financial aid be coordinated. You must inform the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office if you receive any aid not listed on your Award Letter such as scholarships, stipends, and vocational rehabilitation. A revision to your financial aid may be necessary. First Disbursement First awards are disbursed no earlier than ten days prior to the start of each term. Awards will be posted to your Cabrillo Access Card or deposited in your checking account depending on which payment option you chose with Higher One. If you choose to not activate your Cabrillo Access Card, a check will be mailed to the address in your WebAdvisor account after 21 days. Note: Students awarded before the midpoint of the semester will be awarded in two disbursements. Students awarded after the midpoint of the term will be awarded in one disbursement. PELL Grant: Disbursement dates depend on when your completed file is reviewed and will reflect your actual enrollment status at the time of payment. Pell awards will not be increased for special studies, short-term, or weekend classes added after the second week of the term. If you get paid for a class that you do not attend, you will owe money. You may receive less Pell Grant than the amount on your Award Letter if your enrollment status is less than full-time and/or if you owe student charges. Cabrillo Scholarships: If you have been awarded a scholarship, it will be disbursed the week before the start of the term unless enrollment verification is required. Scholarships requiring enrollment verification will be disbursed within two weeks of the receipt of your enrollment verification. For more information on the Cabrillo General Scholarship visit: http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/genscholarship.html Note: For Summer term, no adjustments are made once you have been awarded. Second Disbursement SEOG and CAL Grant awards are not included in the first disbursement. SEOG, Cal Grants, and the second half of your Pell Grant, are disbursed approximately mid-way through the semester. Fall 2015 Second Disbursement Date: October 29, 2015 2015-16 Spring 2016 Second Disbursement Date: March 24, 2016 Page 16 College Bank Your Cabrillo Access Card Identification Only Chafee Grant and Federal Work Study Checks are disbursed by the College Bank. You are required to present valid photo ID (such as a California Driver’s License or California Identification Card) each time you pick up a check at the College Bank. Cabrillo College financial aid awards are now disbursed to your Cabrillo Access Card from Higher One, Inc., a financial services company focused solely on higher education. If you have questions about how to use your Cabrillo Access Card, visit www.CabrilloAccessCard.com, call 1-866-6294216, or stop by the College Bank in Building 100. Federal Work Study Checks Federal Work-Study checks are disbursed by the College Bank on the 10th of each month based on hours worked the previous month. Each student with a credit balance or pending financial aid award will be mailed a card. It will be sent to the address in your WebAdvisor account. Your card will arrive in a bright green envelope. Look for it and do not discard! In order to receive your money more quickly, you must activate your card. Make sure your address is current and correct! Student Charges Any student charges will be deducted from your financial aid and/or scholarship awards. Choose one of the following methods for receiving your financial aid disbursement: Easy Refund – This option places your award/refund on your Cabrillo Access Card, which may be used as a MasterCard®, debit card, or to withdraw cash at Higher One ATM machines. College Bank Hours – Building 100 Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Three Cabrillo Access Card ATM Locations Cabrillo College Bookstore, Aptos Building 100 Lobby, Aptos Watsonville Center Lobby (by Enrollment Services) ACH Credit to a Third Party Account - This option allows the student’s financial aid/refund to be placed in their current personal checking/banking account with any banking institution in the U.S. Accuracy matters when entering your bank’s routing number and your account number. Mistakes could cost you a $25 account research fee and/or delay your deposit. If you do not activate the Cabrillo Access Card, financial aid disbursements and refunds will be mailed from Higher One, Inc. to the student's address of record after 21 days. Continuing students: Your card will remain active for nine months from your last transaction. Lost cards that were never activated can be replaced for no cost. Lost cards that were activated can be replaced for a $20 fee. To replace a lost card, contact the College Bank. If an ATM machine is not working, call Higher One Customer Service at 1-866-629-4216. 2015-16 Page 17 Cabrillo Support Services Accessibility Support Center (ACS), Formerly Disabled Student Program and Services (DSP&S) provides support services for students with disabilities. 831.479.6379 or 831.479.6370 or TTY 1.800.735.2922 Admissions & Records (A&R) provides help with registration, adding and dropping courses, enrollment verification, and degree and certificate production. A&R maintains the academic record of each student and provides official transcripts and general education certifications. 831.479.6201. Assistive Technology provides services, accommodation, and training in hardware and software in classrooms and labs for students who otherwise would not be able to use or would be severely limited in their access to technology. Appointments can be made by calling 831-477-5262. Children’s Center provides on-campus childcare for student parents. 831.479.6352 (for waitlist) Computer Technology Center provides registered Cabrillo students access to computers to write papers, do web research & communicate with professors via e-mail. 831.477.5286 Aptos 831.786.4703 Watsonville. Counseling provides academic counseling and educational plans for certificates, degrees, transfer admissions and financial aid requirements. 831.479.6274 Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS)/ Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) These state-funded programs provide a variety of support services, individualized academic counseling, tutoring, grants, and other forms of assistance to economically and educationally disadvantaged California residents. 831.479.6305. Fast Track to Work Office provides support services to students on welfare (CalWORKs) or unemployment. FTTW offers assistance with SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,) and scholarships. Call 831.479.6344. Foster Youth Independence Program (FYI) provides services to increase foster youth success rate of earning certificates, associate degrees, and transfer to four-year colleges and universities. The FYI team assists foster youth on an individual basis including help with forms, housing, and additional support services in the community.831.479-6115 2015-16 Learning Skills Program provides learning disability services and assessment. 831.479.6220 Puente Project increases the number of Mexican-American and Latino community college students who transfer to four-year universities. Puente offers instruction, mentoring and counseling. For more information call 831-479-6541 Aptos or 831-786-4743 Watsonville. Reading Center offers reading courses for all reading levels in order to improve speed, comprehension, retention and vocabulary. 831.479.6573 or 831.479.6442 Student Employment Office serves Cabrillo students and graduates seeking employment on or off campus. All jobs are listed online on the Student Employment website. Additionally, the office conducts workshops on job seeking skills and provides individualized assistance with resumes by appointment. 831.479.6413. The Transfer/Career Center provides services for students and community members planning to transfer to four-year colleges and universities including students who have been historically underrepresented in higher education; assists with applications, academic counseling, career planning, the job market and job seeking skills, maintains a career library and computer work stations. 831.479.6385 Veterans Center provides information and certification for veteran’s educational benefits, Educational Plans and referrals for other campus and community services provided by the Campus Veterans Coordinator. 831.477.5697 The Tutorials Program offers free group tutoring to students in a variety of subjects. All groups are made by appointment only and students must be registered in the courses for which they want the tutoring service. The Tutorials Program may be able to help students find help in subjects not offered directly through Tutorials. (831) 479-6470. https://www.cabrillo.edu/services/tutorials/ Check out other free learning resources on campus: https://www.cabrillo.edu/home/learning.html Writing Center & English as a Second Language Lab provides assistance in composition, style, grammar, and spelling for any Cabrillo student referred by a counselor or instructor. 831.479.6319 or 831.479.5790 Page 18 2015-16 Policies Affecting Eligibility Submitting 2014 TAXES for Verification Based on Federal Regulations, colleges cannot accept Tax Returns for verification. You must either use the IRS Data Retrieval link on your FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov (NOTE: Your name and address on the FAFSA must be identical to your name and address on your taxes.) ~OR~ You may submit a signed copy of yours’ (and in the case of dependent student) your parent(s)’ 2014 IRS Tax Return Transcript. Request a Tax Return Transcript from the IRS online at irs.gov Choose ‘Get a Transcript Online’ for a PDF; ‘Get Transcript by Mail’ to be sent a paper transcript; or call 1-800-908-9946. Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Federal Regulation now limits Pell Grant to the equivalent of 12 full time semesters or 600% LEU for your entire academic career. This regulation is retroactive to the first time you attended college and received a Pell Grant. LEU does not include terms you did not receive a Pell Grant. You can log on to www.nslds.ed.gov to view your LEU. High School Diploma - GED Requirements Federal regulation states that only students with a high school diploma or GED are eligible for federal financial aid. Students can no longer qualify for federal financial aid by passing an Ability to Benefit Test (ATB) or completing 6 Degree Applicable Units. This applies to students who enrolled in a degree program after July 1, 2012 for the first time. Loan Applications Students may submit only one loan application per school year. Loan increase requests are no longer accepted. Progress reports from instructors may be required for students with a SAP status of Warning or Probation before loan funds can be disbursed. Beginning July 1, 2013, new borrowers may only receive Subsidized loans up to 150% of their current program. The repayment period begins six months after the student is no longer enrolled at least half-time. Undeclared Major Not Eligible for Federal Financial Aid Per federal regulation, only students with a declared eligible academic major are eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Undecided majors are not eligible. Declare your major through your WebAdvisor account & let us know by submitting an electronic Student Correspondence via your eforms account. Educational Plans Educational Plans required for Financial Aid will now be prepared on your WebAdvisor on a new link called Student Planning. Make an appointment to attend an Educational Plan Workshop with an Academic Counselor. (831-479-6274) You will be able to develop your own preliminary Ed Plan which can be completed and approved by an Academic Counselor. Counselor approved Ed Plans will be archived electronically for Financial Aid and available to students on their WebAdvisor Timeline. Educational Plan Workshop Calendar: http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/counseling/ Pace of Progress Based on Federal Regulation, the college must evaluate each student’s cumulative Academic Progress. This includes each student’s entire academic history at Cabrillo. We can no longer look at student’s academic performance in recent terms to consider appeals and reinstatement. To meet SAP, students must have completed 67% of all units attempted. This ratio is called your Pace of Progress. To maintain Satisfactory Status, students must also maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0. Financial Aid Course Repeat Policy Federal Regulation limits the number of times a student may get paid financial aid for courses being repeated. Previously passed courses with a “D” or better can only be repeated once for financial aid payment. Repeat policies from the federal government apply to financial aid. Repeat policies from the State of California are different and apply to enrollment. Repeating courses can affect your SAP status. For Federal Financial Aid purposes, if you repeat a course to improve your grade, all grades, including drops and withdrawals, will count toward your cumulative GPA and Pace of progress. If courses MUST be repeated to complete a major requirement for graduation, the Division Dean will confirm the academic requirement with Admissions and Records. 2015-16 Page 19 Other/Off Campus Resources http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/support.html Financial Aid Rights and Responsibilities http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/eligibility.html Check Your Status Online! Visit our updated Check My Status page at go.cabrillo.edu/mystatus for instructions on how to check your financial aid status. Self-Service Scanner No More Waiting In Line to Turn in Financial Aid Documents! There are scanners available in Aptos and Watsonville Financial Aid lobbies. Students can scan requested documents themselves. Make sure your documents are Complete! No Blanks. You will need to know your Student ID Number! eServices Days! Need help with forms? Cabrillo Enrollment Services hosts eServices Days! Every 2nd Friday in Aptos & Every 3rd Friday in Watsonville. Get help with: FAFSA Dream Application BOG Chafee eForms WebAdvisor IRS Tax Return Transcripts Selective Service AmeriCorps Requests CCC Apply Transcripts Loan History Enrollment Verification Good Student (for Insurance) FSA ID and Password Check the Financial Aid website to learn the dates of our next eServices Day! http://cabrillo.edu/services/finaid/fafsaworkshops.html Constitution Day Constitution Day was created by the U.S. Department of Education so that colleges awarding Federal Financial Aid would hold events focusing on the U.S. Constitution. We hold our celebration on or about September 17th each year, the anniversary of the Constitution’s ratification. All students, members of the public, and the Cabrillo College community are invited to take part in this important civic event and learn more about the philosophical and legal foundations of our federal government. 2015-16 Page 20 Eligible Financial Aid Degrees/Majors Accounting/Finance: Accounting American Studies Anthropology Art History Art Photography Art-Studio Asian Studies Astronomy Bilingual/Bicultural Studies Biology Business: General Business Chemistry Communication Studies Computer Applications/Business Technology: A.S Cert A.A. A.A./A.A.-T A.A./A.A.-T A.A. A.A. A.A. A.S. A.A. A.A. A.A. A.A. A.A./A.A.-T Computer/Business Applications Administrative Support A.S. A.S./A.S.-T A.S. Cert A.S. Cert Cert A.S. Cert Cert A.S. Cert Computer and Information Systems: Computer Networking and System Administration Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Security Computer Support: Computer Support Computer Science: C++ Programming Java Programming Programming Web Programming Cert Cert Cert Cert Construction Management: Building Inspection and Construction Codes . A.S A.S A.S . A.S . Construction Management Energy Management Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management. Dance Dental Hygiene Digital Media: A.A. A.S. Digital Media/Publishing Web Design Web Development Web Media A.S . A.S. A.S./A.S.-T Early Childhood Education: Anti-Bias Education Bilingual Spanish English Teaching Curriculum Planning ECE Administration Children's Literacy Curriculum Infant/Toddler Care Teaching Working W/ Culturally Diverse Families Economics Engineering, General Engineering Technology English 2015-16 Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert Cert A.A. A.S. A.S. Cert A.A./A.A.-T Page 21 General Education: General Science Geography Geology Health Science/Community Health History Horticulture: A.A. A.A./A.A.-T A.S. A.S. A.A. A.A./A.A.-T General Horticulture and Crop Production Landscape Horticulture A.S. A.S. A.S. Human Services International Studies Journalism Kinesiology Liberal Arts & Sciences (Transfer): A.A. A.A. A.A./A.A.-T Interdisciplinary Studies A.A. Cert Cert Cert Liberal Arts & Sciences (Non-Transfer): Interdisciplinary Studies Liberal Studies (Elementary Ed.) Mathematics Medical Assisting Music Nursing Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Public Safety: Administration of Justice Criminal Justice: Corrections Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Fire Service Management Fire Technology Radiologic Technology Sociology Spanish Theatre Arts/Drama Women's Studies A.A A.A A.S./A.S.-T A.S. A.S. Cert A.A./A.A.-T A.S. A.A./A.A.-T A.S./A.S.-T A.A./A.A.-T A.A./A.A.-T A.A. A.A. A.A. A.S.-T A.S. A.S. A.S. A.S. A.S. Cert A.A./A.A.-T A.A./A.A.-T A.A./A.A.-T A.A. Legend: A.A. is an Associate in Arts Degree A.S. is an Associate in Science Degree A.A.-T is an Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree A.S.-T is an Associate in Science for Transfer Degree Cert is a Certificate of Achievement Based on the 2014-15 Catalog If your Major/Program is not on this list, you are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid. 2015-16 Page 22