Curriculum for Excellence: working and planning together to develop and

Curriculum for Excellence:
working and planning
together to develop and
implement the Health and
Wellbeing framework
Support Information for clusters
Early to level 4
Learning in Health and Wellbeing (HWB) ensures that children and young people develop the
knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental,
emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future. Learning through health and
wellbeing enables children and young people to:
 make informed decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical
 experience challenge and enjoyment.
 experience positive aspects of healthy living and activity for themselves.
 apply their mental, emotional, social and physical skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle.
 make a successful move to the next stage of education or work.
 establish a pattern of health and wellbeing which will be sustained into adult life, and which
will help to promote the health and wellbeing of the next generation of Scottish children.
The Principles and Practice papers also remind us about the responsibility of all of us to deliver
some important aspects of Health and Wellbeing:
As important aspects of health and wellbeing are the responsibility of all staff in educational
establishments in partnership with others, and because of the importance of health and wellbeing to
learning and development, everyone should be clear about their areas of responsibility and their
roles in assessment.
Cluster working
Experience has shown that the process of collaborative professional development is very effective
for learning and developing practice.
This process should provide valuable CPD as you work together to develop a coherent approach to
implementation of the Health and Wellbeing framework across learning, at all levels in your cluster.
To develop effective partnership models in taking forward the experiences and outcomes
within Health and Wellbeing
Objective 1: Enhance the learning experience within health and wellbeing
What will this do for our learners?
There will be a positive impact on their health and wellbeing across learning.
It will enhance their learning in HWB and contribute to their development as described in the
main purposes detailed on page 1 of this leaflet. It will also contribute to the main purpose of
Curriculum for Excellence – to enable every child or young person to develop the ‘four
capacities’. Good quality learning in HWB across learning is important in promoting the
attributes and capabilities which contribute to the capacities.
How will we assess learners’ progress in HWB across learning?
The principles of assessment outlined in Building the Curriculum 5 are built into
the planning and assessment process. Try to ensure that self and peer assessment is built in
to your planning. They feature on the planning sheet.
By visiting the National Assessment Resource (NAR); you can see the assessment process
in action at all levels in educational establishments. You will also see how it fits in with all
other approaches to assessment, as this emerges. You can also use the emerging
examples of assessment developed by colleagues from across Scotland as the basis for
discussion around assessment:
You will also find in the NAR examples of ways in which the establishments featured
reported to parents and carers on learners’ progress in learning in health and wellbeing
across their learning.
Can we apply this process to other curricular areas?
Yes. You can use the planning template in the workbook to plan for implementation in all
curricular areas and aspects that are the responsibility of all.
Objective 2: Establish effective and sustainable partnerships and demonstrate innovative
cluster planning and working
What will this do for staff and partners?
You will make important progress in the development of health and wellbeing within your
cluster including progression, development, and partnership working.
You will experience high quality CPD as you learn, work and plan together.
Your work could be shared across your Local Authority or nationally through the use of
Partners will have an increased understanding of the contribution that they can make to the
HWB experiences and outcomes.
Objective 3: Positive impact on learning community
How can we evaluate the quality of the outcomes of our work?
There is advice about evaluation in the workbook and it will be included in your planning as
you check for learners’ success in achieving the learning aims.
You can, of course, use your establishments’ own self evaluation procedures which are
usually linked to the HMIE suite of self evaluation documents including ‘How good is our
A common approach to evaluation across all parts of your cluster will support this.
What do we need to know?
It will help you if you look again at Building the Curriculum 3, 4 and 5 to refresh your memory
about all the contexts, particularly those which impact on Health and Wellbeing:
You should revisit the HWB Principles and Practice papers and the HWB experiences and
What do we need to do to get started?
We have provided a workbook which will be a planning template for your cluster. It will take
you through each stage of the process and encourage you to reflect on your practice as you
go along.
Agreement on representation from across your cluster.
You may wish to get in contact with the person in your Local Authority who has responsibility
for HWB.
Identification of any partners you may plan to work with and involve them from the onset.