Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities /Attributes being developed: Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Gymnastics Approaches to learning: Collaborative learning, pairs, trios Level/Sector: Third Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I can analyse and discuss elements of my own and others’ work, recognising strengths and identifying areas where improvements can be made. HWB 3-24a Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? We are learning to apply and link movement skills accurately and with control in a sequence on floor and apparatus We are learning to use a model performance to make comparisons with own performance to set next steps We are learning to use criteria checklist to evaluate our own and others’ work We are learning to help others through peer tutoring We are learning to identify personal strengths and areas for development We are learning to observe a performance and give constructive feedback with good manners Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? Learners demonstrate a fluent, controlled and accurate sequence on floor or apparatus I understand how qualitative movements combine to make my sequence fluent and how a variety of themes e.g. inversion, direction, levels and speed make my sequence interesting I can use given criteria to evaluate my own and others’ work I can compare my work with a model performance in pictures or demonstrations and use the information to improve I can work in a supportive and positive manner as a peer tutor I can highlight an area of gymnastics that I, or my peers are good at and set targets, then check for improvement against targets Activities/Experiences: Practice/Develop individual skills Pupils demonstrate skills Watch model performer carry out a variety of skills/gymnastic sequence. (Discuss) Trying to refine sequence (quality) Continue to/try to develop a sequence on apparatus/trampeete work. Explore different start& finish positions for each skill. (experimental) Feedback -discuss findings Using mini white boards state/list strengths and areas for improvement in your partners’ sequence. (SAY/WRITE) Practice/develop skill through comparing own performance to model and checklist/criteria. balance, jumps, flight, travel, inversion if able). (DO) Illustrate using list of skills and diagram including direction and skills. Record for future use.(Planning sheet) (WRITE) Individualised learning (skill criteria cards) (DO/WRITE) Through performing and observation of movement they are developing thinking skills of Remembering- show and tell Understanding –explaining parts of sequence Applying-demonstrating sequence Analysing- match and compare movements Evaluating –judging and deciding through comparing and assessing Creating-plan and select skills Able to work in pairs/trios –observing peer sequence and giving feedback Literacy skills of listening and talking Confident Individuals-relate to others and manage themselves. Assess risk. Effective Contributors-resilience/work in pairs/groups Responsible Citizens-respect for others, can make informed choices and decisions Successful Learners-Think creatively and independently and make reasoned evaluations – using targets as a baseline to judge improvement Meeting Learners Needs: SUPPORT Differentiated resources Choice of role adopted by learner in each lesson IMPACT Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? Teacher assessment of pupils’ ability. Compare skills to a model performer & criteria checklist (DO) Self- assessment (how does it feel, look) (DO) Teacher/ pupil feedback and discussion. (SAY) Peer assessment. Look at partners’ performance. Grade out of 10 points. (DO/SAY) Using mini white boards state/list strengths & areas for improvement (WRITE) Teacher/pupil feedback and discussion (SAY) Teacher assessment (grading) (DO) . Teacher/pupil feedback and discussion Peer assessment. Look at partners’ performance. Grade out of 10 points. Lessons provide challenge for individuals as they set personal targets Partnerships: Associated primary schools and Greenwood Academy