Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Food & Health – Safe & Hygienic Practices Approaches to learning e.g. active learning, outdoor learning, cooperative/collaborative learning, ICT, peer education, creativity... Active learning Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities /Attributes being developed: KEY SKILLS: for learning, life and work Level/Sector: First level Remembering- copying and showing the correct procedure to wash hands Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking care of my teeth Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? LEARNING INTENTIONS Pupils will follow the correct procedures when preparing to handle food. Pupils will practice the correct procedures when preparing to handle food Pupils will follow safe and hygienic practices when consuming food. Pupils will understand safe & hygienic practices involved in storing food HWB 1-33a Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? Activities/Experiences: I can wash my hands using the correct process to ensure they are clean. Rinse hands in warm water Use soap Ensure you use the soap to clean palms of hands, front, back wrists, in between fingers and nails Rinse all the soap off of your hands with warm water - THE FOLLOWING LIST SUGGESTS A RANGE OF LEARNING EXPERIENCES WHICH COULD BE IMPLEMENTED IN ORDER TO PROMOTE THE OUTCOME AT HAND. THE UNDERLINED EXPERIENCES ARE ONES THAT WE HAVE INTRODUCED WITHIN OUR ESTABLISHMENT TO DATE, WHILE THE REMAINING ARE ONES THAT WE HAVE CONSIDERED IMPLEMENTING IN FUTURE TEACHING AND LEARNING. Circle time discussions Hand washing as a focus for the water tray Role play kitchen, preparing to handle food {reinforce basic procedures such as washing hands, putting an apron on and tying hair back} Sequencing activity on the process for hand washing Dry your hands thoroughly using a paper towel I wash my hands at appropriate times and on a regular basis. Before snack Before handling food or food equipment After being at the toilet After sneezing or coughing After outdoor play I can prepare for handling food correctly. Wash hands Put on an apron Tie long hair back Clean your work area Check equipment Handy hand wash video Identifying when you should wash your hands {circle the pictures that require you to wash your hands before or after} Drama- copy and imitate. Children initially copy the teacher as a positive role model preparing to handle food. Eventually children should be able to identify good and bad practice when preparing to handle food Assist to make snack using the learned techniques Sequencing activity on the safe and hygienic practices when preparing to handle food {pictures or photographs} Understanding- give examples of when you should wash hands Explain why they should follow practices when handling, consuming & storing food Meeting Learners Needs: SUPPORT -One to one support from class teacher, EYO or SFL -Differentiated worksheets -Visual aids available and clear step by step procedures IMPACT Challenge: Pupils will begin to take responsibility for their own safe and hygienic practise without adult direction. Application: Use knowledge of safe and hygienic practices & apply in new context e.g. when preparing to handle food at home Identifying good and bad practices worksheet {for example a circling activity} I know how and where to store different foods, and the reasons why they are stored in this way. Identify the different areas of the fridge and what should be stored in each area Identify how and where dry foods should be stored Identify how and where tinned food should stored Identify how and where packaged foods are stored Identify the possible dangers when food is not stored correctly Discussion on where we store food in school and at home and why. Identify good and bad practice when storing foods. Sorting activity. Pictures of food and different areas where they could be stored. Cut and stick activity. Where food should be stored. Partnerships: Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? Daily observation notes by the teacher on safe and hygienic practices when preparing to handle food and when consuming food. Teacher observations using Safe and hygienic practices checklist Hard evidence- worksheets, sticky pictures Children traffic light their work using colour codes trays or marker pens to share how they found the task. Video record the children preparing to handle food and consuming food in order to identify areas of strength and weakness to build on Peer assess others practice using a pictorial checklist. Discussion with the pupils through the safe and hygienic practice activities; (learning conversation with notes) Why do we wash our hands? When do we wash our hands? Why do we wear an apron? Why do we tie our hair back? Why do we clean our surfaces and check our equipment? Why are certain foods stored in certain areas?