MEASURE D CITIZEN’S OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE October 2, 2007 Minutes The meeting of the Measure D Citizen’s Oversight Committee was held at, 6500 Soquel Drive, room 804A, Aptos, CA on Tuesday, October 2, 2007. Present: Rodney Brooks, Leflora Cunningham, Diane Craddock, Bob Petersen, Lou Tuosto, Bud Winslow Absent: Kris Reyes Guests: David Casnocha Cabrillo College staff members in attendance: Paul Anderson, Pegi Ard, Doug Deaver, Rob Ingram, Brian King Rodney called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. I. Introductions: Diane Craddock, Leflora Cunningham-Walsh and Bud Winslow were introduced to the committee. II. Agenda Modifications The agenda was approved unanimously. III. Approval of Minutes of May 8, 2007 and August 7, 2007: The minutes of May 8 2007 were approved (Tuosto/Petersen) with three abstentions (Winslow/Cunningham). The minutes of August 7, 2007 were approved (Tuosto/Petersen). IV. Oral communications: Rodney asked if there were any comments from members of the public. There were none. V. Role of Citizens’ Oversight Committee members—David Casnocha New members received a binder of materials related to serving on the committee. David Casnocha has served as Bond counsel of both of the bonds. Prop 39 required a 59% voter approval. One requirement of Prop 39 is the establishment of a Citizens’ Oversight Committee. The District is required to perform annual financial and performance audits, M:\Citizen Oversight Committee\COC 2007-08\COC Minutes 10.2.07.doc with a greater level of project specificity. Cabrillo has been using Exhibit B to answer whether or not bond proceeds have been used on Measure D projects. Representatives on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee should be from stakeholder groups as specified in the Education code. Specific legal requirements on who serves on the committee are in section 5.1 of the Bylaws. This Citizens’ Oversight Committee is an advisory committee to the Board of Trustees, not a decision making body, and is subject to the Brown Act. The public is available to comment. The primary obligation of this committee is to ensure that no bond money is spent on teacher or administrator salaries. Measure D passed in March, 2004. In November, 2004 the Attorney General issued an opinion that salaries like Doug’s could be included in Bond expenditures; but in Cabrillo’s case, it is not. Second task of the committee is to inform the public of what has been accomplished with bond monies. The District is responsible for maintaining a website for the community, or a column could be published in a publication, letters to the editor, periodic Foundation reports or newsletters, appearing before the Board of Trustees, to inform the public. If the college is not doing a good job, please inform Doug, Pegi, Brian, etc. of your opinion. Third requirement is a written annual report. Expenditures should be reviewed with an eye that bond money is not being spent foolishly. The committee should inspect college facilities, review maintenance plans, and look at cost savings mechanisms. What steps have staff taken to stretch bond dollars? Members may serve two consecutive two year terms; membership is staggered. New members can expect the college to provide agendas, minutes, website. Lou asked if notice is sent to the Sentinel. Cabrillo follows a standard Brown Act notification to all newspapers and libraries and posts the information on the website. The committee does not have authority to direct staff. Bud asked if when speaking to the Board or the public, should members identify themselves as member of the committee, or is a member prohibited from speaking on behalf of the committee? David replied that members should identify themselves as a member of the committee but that they are speaking as a member of the public. Pegi noted a roster of all checks written are included in the monthly Facilities Master Plan that is submitted to the Board. Twice a year the Facilities Master Plan is also formally received and adopted by the Board. The committee received this update in an email each month after the Board meeting and it is posted on the website. According to the Brown Act, if someone must miss a meeting but can be present via conference call, a notice should be posted where the member is located. There can be no serial meeting, members may not call each other to discuss items, they can socialize but cannot conduct business of the committee. M:\Citizen Oversight Committee\COC 2007-08\COC Minutes 10.2.07.doc Rodney noted that the committee is independent and its objective is oversight. Auditors come in at the end of the year. Each member is free to be as detailed as desired with college staff. VI. Annual Report: Pegi distributed the third annual report to the committee. The report is sent to the media. Lou recommended members to get out into the public to let them know about the positive things that are happening at Cabrillo. He asked if it would b appropriate to write a “Letter to the Editor” and identify oneself as a member of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee? David replied that it can’t hurt if it is positive. If person speaks on behalf of themselves, that is fine, but if they speak on behalf of the committee, then it should come from the chair. There is no pattern established within the state. Lou recommended a future agenda item to craft a letter to reflect positively on the college. Brian noted the recent positive media coverage for Cabrillo and that the Grand Jury gets their information from the newspapers. Leflora suggested including a piece in the Student Voice written by a student. Brian gave everyone a lot of credit for the coherent and comprehensive grand jury response and thanked the committee for their excellent service. Lou noted that a civil grand jury investigation is almost a standard procedure for projects of this magnitude. David reiterated the charge of the committee is to keep eyes and ears open with regard to the community at large. Santa Cruz City Schools bond was reviewed before Cabrillo’s. The civil grand jury doesn’t have authority to enforce anything; they issue a report and attend oversight committee meetings. The investigation was not prompted by any complaint by any individual. Bob noted that the golden thread that runs through Cabrillo is openness, community involvement is invited, and that relationship builds trust. Pegi stated that the grand jury response was developed by staff, was shared with members of the committee, with the facilities committee of the board, and was presented to the Board. Bud stated that when asked to served on a civil grand jury, potential members are asked if they have an ax to grind. The members are to receive complaints by citizens and decide if it is serious. Those investigated are asked to respond but not required. VII. Facilities Master Plan Update Pegi distributed the FMP Board report and a handout from the Facilities Development Office staff. Doug reviewed the document and noted that Measure C funded projects are not under the oversight of this committee. The potential solar project is not a Measure D project. On page 4 of 13, there is funding over and above Measure D funds. When State funding is obtained and requires a match, money is allocated and not spent in order to receive state money. M:\Citizen Oversight Committee\COC 2007-08\COC Minutes 10.2.07.doc • The Student Activities Center (SAC): The bookstore is ready to move in today. Accreditation team will be working out of this facility next week. This building opening late; contractors will have claims and Cabrillo will have claims. We don’t have money budgeted for that, but have short paid contractors that have caused delays. • Watsonville Library Acquisition: The acquisition is currently in escrow. It is planned to tear down the old building and construct a new facility. The architect is not selected yet. Leflora noted that there is plenty of time to get into sustainability issues. Rodney asked whether it will remain vacant until torn down? Doug replied that there will be a period of vacancy, but the goal is to move quickly. On October 9, a grant from the Federal Economic Development Agency will be announced at a news conference. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Location to be determined. Agenda building Elect vice chair The meeting was adjourned by Rodney Brooks at 11:45 a.m. M:\Citizen Oversight Committee\COC 2007-08\COC Minutes 10.2.07.doc