Here are the highlights from the December 11, 2012 Faculty Senate meeting.  Meeting minutes will be  available on the website as they are approved by faculty senate.   

Here are the highlights from the December 11, 2012 Faculty Senate meeting. Meeting minutes will be available on the website as they are approved by faculty senate. Faculty Senate minutes for the November 13, 2012 meeting have been posted to our website: http://www.k‐ December 11, 2012: Guests:  Provost Mason thanked all for their participation in the December commencement ceremonies. She noted there was a new commencement program format used and asked for input. She reported that Kansas Board of Regents is requiring Post Tenure Review procedures be put in place and gave a little background about this. They want to see these in place by spring 2014. Faculty Senate Faculty Affairs committee will begin addressing this. She also gave an update to senate regarding dean searches for Human Ecology and K‐State Olathe.  Art DeGroat, Director of Military Affairs, gave a presentation to faculty senators regarding students on campus with military connections and some challenges they face. He also shared with senators what University Military Affairs enduring goals are. There was a brief question and answer period. Consent Agenda:  Senator Andrew Bennett presented the consent agenda containing several course and curriculum changes from the various colleges as well as a few graduation list corrections. It was approved as submitted. Standing committee and Student Senate reports:  Academic Affairs: Senator Andrew Bennett presented items on the discussion agenda for a vote. A proposal for a new South Asian Studies minor was approved and will be sent forward to the Provost office for submission to KBOR for approval. Also, a few associate degree programs were dropped from the K‐State Salina’s College of Technology and Aviation. All items on the discussion agenda were approved. Bennett also reported that work on the Interdisciplinary Programs Task Force is coming to a close and once completed, the Approval, Routing and Notification procedures will be revised by Academic Affairs to include these, as well as other changes.  Faculty Affairs: Senator Melia Fritch reported there were no action items for today. She did report on an item KBOR is discussing, and that is the Faculty of the Year Award. This has been in place for some time with KBOR, however, many of the institutions do not use it. Discussion ensued about whether this is worthwhile, what the purpose of the award is, etc. It was decided this will be an agenda item for senators to vote on in February. Also, the report and recommendations from the Professional Titles Working Group will be brought forward in February.  FSCOT: Senator David Rintoul reported on the email and calendar committee who has been meeting diligently over the past few months. You may have seen the email surveys they sent out asking for your input. Their final report will be submitted very soon for administration to review.  FSCOUP: Senator Bob Condia reported that Don Stubbings, University Police Captain, attended their December meeting to give them an annual update on security. Stubbings discussed the structure of the police department on campus; what their biggest issues are right now; and how 
they and others on campus can continue to educate students about personal safety, etc. Condia also reported the theme committee on sustainability will be charged in February and will look at more specific goals rather than broad recommendations. Student Senate: Senator Emilee Taylor reported they are finishing up with Ayers Saint Gross regarding recommendations for the Student Union master plan. Also, the tuition strategies committee met recently and will begin reviewing various models for student tuition increases. Announcements:  Senator Keen announced the Cats in the Capitol event will take place on February 13. She encouraged faculty members to participate in this event. Senator Lynn‐Sherow noted that Sesquicentennial celebrations will begin the day after on February 14 continuing through February 17.  Senator Keen reported that members of the Faculty Compensation Task Force have finished meeting and are preparing to send their report and recommendations to the President, Provost, and Faculty Senate President on December 12, 2012. It is intended that the report will be available for faculty to review and comment on before the spring semester begins. For the Good of the University:  Senator Bonella announced the Libraries are taking nominations for the Brice G. Hobrock Distinguished Faculty award. Here is the link if you wish to make a nomination: http://www.lib.k‐‐award Jim Bloodgood Faculty Senate President Management 204 Calvin Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 785.532.3711 