MyPortfolio Report

MyPortfolio Report
The MyPortfolio Report displays summary level General Ledger
(GL) and projections data for a single Faculty or Principal
Investigator’s (PI) portfolio of Projects.
What can I learn from the MyPortfolio Report?
View an entire portfolio for a single faculty member in one report
o Combines GL data and projections entered in faculty portfolio
o Displays sponsored balances and non-sponsored net position
View percent spent vs. percent time elapsed-to-date in a graphic
View Project details such as Nickname and Activity Period begin
and end dates
3. Include or Exclude Burn Rate Graphic
• May be turned on or off from the filter page or from within the
report view
• Included by default; longer report run times are likely
when the graphic is included – for faster run times, choose
MyPortfolio Report Features
Limit by PI Type (Award/Parent PI, Project PI, and/or Lab Owner)
Include or exclude Burn Rate graphic
Include or exclude Inactive Project-Activity Periods
Include or exclude Pending Project-Activity Periods
Include or exclude PI details (Award PI, Project PI, Lab Owner)
Filtering the MyPortfolio Report
1. Enter Faculty Name
• This field includes type-ahead functionality which displays
valid matches as you type, allowing you to quickly and easily
find the correct faculty name
2. Choose the PI Type(s) – default is all types. PI Types are Project
attributes entered during PeopleSoft Project chartfield setup.
a. Award PI: The Principal Investigator/Owner/Manager of the
Award/Parent ID
b. Project PI: The Principal Investigator/Owner/Manager of a
c. Lab Owner: The Project’s Lab Owner
• TIP: Use CTRL/command + click to select two of the three types
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Allows quick comparison of percentages of time elapsed
against dollars spent (actuals and liens) to date (does not
include projections)
• Displays only for Sponsored Projects
4. Select Project-Activity Periods (optional)
• Default: only active Project-Activity Periods are displayed
a. Check the Include Inactive Project-Activity Periods
checkbox to include all inactive activity periods
b. Check the Include Pending Project-Activity Periods to
include pending activity periods (those which have approved
budget pending but are not yet active)
c. Check both boxes to include both inactive and pending
5. Make your desired Report Output Selection
• Default is On Screen HTML; displays in new window/tab
• You can also choose PDF or Excel download from the report
6. Click the Run Report button
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MyPortfolio Report
Working in the Report View
The report is divided into two main sections: SPONSORED
results are first sorted by PI Type.
1. SPONSORED PROJECTS are subtotaled for each Award
2. NON-SPONSORED PROJECTS are subtotaled by Parent ID
3. Totals are provided for the Sponsored Projects section and
separately for the Non-Sponsored section
Optional comments entered for the faculty member (not restricted
to a Project) using the Comments for Faculty tool in Portfolio
Projections are displayed at the end of the report
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Click an underlined blue link to see additional detail:
1. Selecting an Award or Parent ID will display the Award/Parent
Summary Report
in a new
2. Linked actuals
and liens display
in the Transaction
Detail Report
(TDR) in a new tab/window
Use the checkboxes in the upper right-hand corner of the report
header to show or hide PI Details and/or the Burn Rate
Graphic. Make your selection then click the Update button
o Default is PI Details hidden and Burn Rate Graphic
A light blue speech bubble icon displayed next to a Project
Nickname/Title indicates comments were entered via the Faculty
Portfolio Projections tool. Use your mouse to hover over the icon
to display the first 500 entered
characters of the comments.
o To see comments longer than
500 characters, export the
report to PDF or Excel
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MyPortfolio Report
Tips & Tricks
Additional Information & Assistance
The MyPortfolio report always runs for the current date and
cannot be generated for a prior period
Exclude the Burn Rate Graphic for faster run times. (You can
turn on the burn rate graphic from the report view, if desired.)
Additional information about MyReports including how to request
access, training and contact information can be found on the
Controller’s Office Website
The MyPortfolio report is the only report in the Faculty Portfolio
suite of reports that does not include the Save as MyFavorite
If you require help with a technical problem, or have a question
about a specific report, please contact the Controller’s Office
Solution Center or 415.476.2126
A Project is defined as “Sponsored” based on the Fund. All
Funds under Fund tree node 400C and Funds 4900 and 1810
are considered to be “Sponsored.” All other Funds are “NonSponsored.”
To stay informed about MyReports news, be sure to join the
MyReports ListServ by following the directions on the MyReports
Contacts page of the Controller’s Office Website
Note that within MyReports, positive and negative signs have
been “normalized”. Figures within brackets, e.g. (6,088) are
considered unfavorable results (subtract from balance), and
those not in brackets are considered favorable results (add to
UPlan (Hyperion) data is not available in Faculty Portfolio reports
For easier navigation, close your browser tabs/windows (usually
the result of drilling through to another report) when you have
completed reviewing and/or exporting the information
Sponsored Projects with a zero balance as of June 30, 2013
were not converted to our current chart of accounts, and are
therefore not available in the MyPortfolio report. Use WebLinks
to view information related to these projects.
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