Project Use Report – Job Aid MYR-204d What is the Project Use Report? The Project Use Report displays Actual Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes, and Net Position by Project Use, an attribute of the Project chartfield, which indicates a specified activity or purpose of the project. Report defaults to Level C of the Account tree, but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E. What can I learn from the Project Use Report? Provides clear reporting of Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes and Net Position totaled by Project Use on an annual or YTD basis (depending on the time filters used). Report can be run for a Control Point, Division, and Department or at the Dept ID posting level. Allows Actual Expenses, Revenues and Other Changes to be expanded and collapsed up and down the Account tree to see data at many account levels Provides drill-through capability to Revenues, Expenses and Other Changes totals by Project Use to display transaction details. Provides calculated positive or deficit Net Position totals by Project Use category for the Account Level selected. Report Filters The Report Date Range for this report can be changed – either by Month and Year, or by Quarter. If you select Quarter, the Report Date Range will be automatically updated to reflect the corresponding quarter(s). Account Titles displayed with black underlines can be expanded to see additional details. In the graphic below, “SPONSORED PROJECT REVENUE" is expanded to view all revenue line items that roll up to the Account Level. Click on any underlined titles to view the next level down. In addition to the Business Unit, you must enter a value for at least one chartfield indicated by an orange triangle. Tips & Tricks Report defaults to Account level C. The level can be changed to summarize at a higher Level B, or changed to provide greater granularity at level D or level E. Report displays data according to the dates selected in the filter page, and totals Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes and Net Position by Project Use. MYR-204d 06/27/2014 Page 1 of 2 Project Use Report – Job Aid MYR-204d To collapse a previously expanded item, right-click on any expanded black underlined item and select “Drill Up”. In the graphic below, the “SPONSORED PROJECT REVENUE” parent is being collapsed. Drill-through functionality is indicated in the report by blue hyperlinks. To view the details of the value, click the hyperlink to generate a Transaction Detail Report. The report displays in a new browser tab. Net Position is calculated and totaled by Project Use at the bottom of the report. For detailed information on the calculation of Net Position, please refer to Job Aid COA-214 MYR-204d 06/27/2014 Page 2 of 2