Report Descriptions by Tab

Report Descriptions by Tab
Reports in MyReports are grouped by tab or report category. The following guide describes each report and is organized
by tab. For more information on using any report, see the MyReports Training & Job Aids section of the Controller’s Office
website (
Transactional Reports
Accounts Payable/Purchase Order Inquiry Report
Displays detailed line level information associated with a single Voucher, Vendor Invoice Number, or Purchase Order.
Asset Management Report
Used by Custodians, this report lists detailed information about capitalized assets to enable departments to perform
their physical inventory. The report can also be used for basic inquiry, including the status of an asset.
Balance Sheet Report
Displays Asset and Liability account activity and balances for a selected date range. The report can be displayed at a
summary Account level, or at a detail level including Fund, Dept ID, and Project.
Distribution of Payroll Expense Report (DPE)
Displays detailed payroll information for all transactions processed through the Payroll System at a level of detail not
available in the GL Payroll Journal.
Purchase Order Lien Balance Report
Displays purchase orders with open balances for the specified search criteria, as of the close of the previous business
Transaction Detail Report
Displays detailed transaction information including Payroll, Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, Financial Journals,
and Budget Journals. Facilitates research and reconciliation. Used for Step 1 in GL Verification and to review general
ledger detail for a set of criteria.
Operational Reports
Actual vs. Plan Comparison Report
Compares YTD Actuals to YTD Plan and calculates variance. Also compares Actuals/Forecast to Fiscal Year Plan and
calculates variance. Report defaults to Level C of the account tree, but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E.
Current Year vs. Prior Year Actuals Comparison Report
Provides a side-by-side comparison of the current fiscal year’s actual transactions through the last closed month and
the previous fiscal year’s actual transactions through the same month. Report defaults to Level C of the account tree,
but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E.
Gift and Endowment Income Report
Displays transfer activity for Restricted Gifts, Unrestricted Gifts, and Endowment income between the Foundation and
the Regents across all Business Units.
Monthly Report
Two formats: 1. Displays monthly Actuals, compares Actuals/Forecast to Plan and displays variance to Plan.
2. Displays monthly Actuals on a fiscal year basis, and calculates a YTD monthly average amount for each Actual
account category. Report defaults to Level C of the account tree, but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E.
Net Position Report
Displays the actual Equity/Net Position of a Dept ID, Fund, or Award/Project -- including current year Revenues,
Expenses, and Other Changes -- for a selected date range.
Project Comparison Report
Displays Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes, and Net Position by Project in side-by-side columns. Options include
comparing Actuals against Plan or Forecast with calculated variance; output can be viewed at levels B through E of the
Account tree. The report is best used to view a small set of non-sponsored Projects.
Sponsored Projects Balances Report
Enables departments to monitor Awards/Projects at any point in time, and at any level of the Dept ID tree. The report
shows Budget, Actual Expenses, and Other Changes, and indicates whether each project has a positive or deficit
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Report Descriptions by Tab
Management Reports
Fund Group Report
Displays Actual Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes and Net Position by Fund Group (source of funds). Report can
be expanded and collapsed up and down the Fund tree (Levels C-E) and the Account tree (Levels B-E) to see data at
various levels.
Mission Based Report
Displays Actual Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes, and Net Position by Mission (Function Code). Report defaults to
Level C of the account tree, but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E.
Organization Report
Compares YTD Actuals against YTD Plan or YTD Forecast and calculates the variance by Department(s) or
Department Nodes. Report can be expanded and collapsed up and down the Dept ID tree to see data at all
department levels. Report defaults to Level C of the account tree, but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E.
Project Use Report
Displays Actual Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes, and Net Position by Project Use, an attribute of the Project
chartfield, which indicates a specified activity or purpose of the project. Report defaults to Level C of the Account tree,
but can also be viewed at Account Level B, D, & E.
Fund Group Report
Displays Actual Revenues, Expenses, Other Changes and Net Position by Fund Group (source of funds). Report can
be expanded and collapsed up and down the Fund tree (Levels C-E) and the Account tree (Levels B-E) to see data at
various levels.
Faculty Portfolio Reports
MyPortfolio Report
Displays summary level General Ledger (GL) and projections data for a Faculty and/or Principal Investigator’s (PI)
entire portfolio of funds, including project details such as sponsored balances and non-sponsored net position.
Award/Parent Summary Report
Provides a comprehensive view of sponsored or non-sponsored project activity with summary level General Ledger and
Projections data for Project Award/Parent IDs.
Faculty Portfolio Monthly Report
Displays monthly Actual and Projected financial information for the fiscal year by Project-Activity Period. Sponsored
Projects include Budget, Actuals, and Projections. Non-Sponsored Projects include Revenues, Actuals, Expenses,
Projections, and Net Position.
Payroll Detail by Month Report
Displays General Ledger (GL) and projection data for Payroll expenses by month. The report is run for Project–Activity
Period. By default, the report displays all payroll elements, such as Gross Pay, Benefits and VLA, but the output can
also be filtered to display single elements.
Project Summary Report
Displays summary level General Ledger (GL) and projection data for the Project chartfield. The report can be run for a
single or multiple Projects.
Sponsored Awards Summary Report
Displays RAS billing and payment information as well as Budget Balance and current fiscal year Net Position by AwardProject-Activity Period.
Program Portfolio Report
Displays summary level General Ledger (GL) and projections data for programs with projects from multiple PIs and/or
multiple Dept IDs. Report filters provide flexibility to define report data and date parameters and include the option to
display direct costs only.
Portfolio Projections
Standard Projections
Worksheet enables users to project up to 24-months of budget, expenses, and other changes for Sponsored projects.
Projections, (once published) are consolidated into reports with the actual expenditures to provide a projected balance.
Extended Projections
Worksheet provides the same functionality as standard projections with a rolling 60-month projection period.
Non-Sponsored Projections
Enables users to project up to 24-months of revenue, expenses, and other changes for Non-Sponsored projects.
Projections, (once published) are consolidated into reports with the actual revenue, expenses, and other changes to
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Report Descriptions by Tab
provide a projected balance.
Control Point Reports
SOM Financial Reports
Financial Reports developed and maintained by SOM. Access to the reports is administered by SOM and limited to
their authorized users.
FAS Financial Reports
Financial Reports developed and maintained by FAS. Access to the reports is administered by FAS and limited to their
authorized users.
HR Data Reports
Employee Appointment Report
Displays HR appointment details in a list format by Employee, Appointment Number, and Appointment Begin and End
Employee Distribution Report
Displays HR distribution details in a list by Employee, Distribution No., Distribution %, Distribution Chartstring, and
Distribution Begin and End Dates.
Employee Lookup Report
Displays all HR appointment and distribution line information for a single employee, or multiple employees.
HR Event Report
Displays HR Events such as Appointments and Separations with the ability to drill-through to Event details. Data
available from July 2013 forward.
HR Monthly Review Report
Combines several report subgroups into a single review report with the ability to display New Hires, Separations,
Appointments near end, Distributions near end, Probation period near end, Work permit end date, Limited employee
hours, and Distributions greater than 100%.
Inquiry Reports (Controller’s Office Website)
Links directly to the Inquiries page of the Controller’s Office Website where users may inquire on any chartfield, combo
edits, and many other commonly used codes and values.
Extended Projections
Worksheet provides the same functionality as standard projections with a rolling 60-month projection period.
Non-Sponsored Projections
Enables users to project up to 24-months of revenue, expenses, and other changes for Non-Sponsored projects.
Projections, (once published) are consolidated into reports with the actual revenue, expenses, and other changes to
provide a projected balance.
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MyReports – Quick Reference Guide
Revised February 2016