BILL 77/78/1 BY: MAINTENANCE OF STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION RECORDS Ed Wenzl WHEREAS Article III Section 1 of the Student Governing Association By-Laws provides: “To insure the consistency needed in the maintenance and operation of the Kansas State University SGA, every principal branch of student government - the legislative, executive and judicial - shall be responsible to keep a record of rules and procedures., and WHEREAS such records provide a useful and valuable source of information, and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Archives receives only the minutes of Student Senate meetings, and WHEREAS the need to maintain Student Governing Association’s records of rules and procedures in an accessible and assessable manner exists BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Chairperson of the Senate Operations Committee shall transfer to the Kansas State University Archives the official papers and records of the outgoing Student Body President within three years after the newly elected Student Body President shall have assumed office. SECTION 2. The Chairperson of the Senate Operations Committee shall transfer to the Kansas State University Archives the official papers and records of the outgoing Chairperson of the Student Senate within three years after the newly elected Chairperson of the Student Senate shall have assumed office. SECTION 3. The Chairperson of the Senate Operations Committee shall transfer to the Kansas State University Archives the bound legislation of the Student Senate, the minutes of the Student Senate meetings, and other such official papers and records as shall be generated by the various committees or Student Senate action within one year after the first fall meeting of the Student Senate. SECTION 4. The provisions of this bill, as enumerated above, shall become effective the first meeting of the Student Senate in September 1977. SECTION 5. The Senate Operations Committee shall be responsible for maintenance and safety of the official records and papers during the time that outgoing officials give up those papers to the time those papers arrive at the Archives. SECTION 6. The official papers and records transferred to the Kansas State University Archives under the provisions of this bill shall be known as the Archives of the Student Governing Association, Kansas State University. PASSED 3/3/77 B-1 BILL 77/78/2 BY: SUMMER SESSION ALLOCATIONS Summer Session Allocations Board BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as final Summer Session Allocations for 1977 Union Rec Services K-State Artists Student Publications University for Man Amount Requested $ 25,000 6,800 3,500 7,000 1,851 $ 44,151 PASSED 3/10/77 B-2 Amount Allocated $ 22.500 4,500 3,000 6,500 1,851 $ 38,351 BILL 77/78/3 BY: REMOVAL OF I.C.C. MONIES FROM RESERVES Grace Hwang WHEREAS the International Coordinating Council (ICC) received from final allocations for 1976-77 $1,000 plus $500 in reserves in the Honorarium category, and WHEREAS the $500 in reserves was to be used for the purpose of obtaining a speaker for the opening ceremonies of the new International Center and in conjunction with International Week, and WHEREAS $600 has been spent and $400 allocated for a speaker for the last part of April and the opening ceremonies will not be held until next fall (upon completion of the new Center) but International Week will be held April 4-8, 1977, with numerous events and activities planned to broaden cultural and political understanding and bring about better international relations at K-State BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocated $500 to be taken out of reserves and used for two main International Week events: Dr. Afaf Mahfouz, the Cultural Counselor for the Egyptian Consul, to talk and show movies on “Women in the Third World” $300 and Arabian Night entertainers to put on a cultural presentation - $200. PASSED 42/1 - 3/10/77 B-3 BILL 77/78/4 BY: SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING FOR SGA ADVERTISING Cindy Thomas, Skip Boyd WHEREAS the money allotted by SGA for advertising was depleted in advertising for the new Students’ Attorney, and WHEREAS SGA must advertise to the student body for positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet, University committees and Personnel Selection Committee appointments, and WHEREAS this must be done without delay BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. $220 be allocated to SGA for advertising and shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 35/6 - 3/10/77 B-4 BILL 77/78/5 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF A STUDENT SENATOR Cindy Thomas WHEREAS the following Student Senator has absences greater than the minimum required to justify impeachment BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate bring impeachment proceedings against: Bill Grisolia – A&S – 3 absences: 2/24/77, 3/10/77, 3/26/77. FAILED: 28/4/3 - 3/31/77 B-5 BILL 77/78/6 BY: RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF STUDENT GRIEVANCE COUNSELOR Ed Wenzl WHEREAS the need exists for a person knowledgeable in University affairs who can assist individuals with University related grievances, and WHEREAS Student Senate Bill 76/77/22 (see Bound Legislation 1976-77, Page 41) created the office of Student Grievance Counselor on a two month trial basis, and WHEREAS such time is not sufficient to judge the use and effectiveness of that office BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Establishment and Funding. A. The position of Student Grievance Counselor is hereby re-established for the 1977-78 academic year. B. The Student Grievance Counselor shall begin work on October 17, 1977. C. The Student Grievance Counselor shall establish weekly hours which shall be most accessible to clients. The Student Body President and Student Senate Chairperson shall arrange for office space in the Student Government Services Offices. D. The Student Grievance Counselor shall be paid $125/month for at least ten hours of work per week. E. Funding for this position shall be from the Students’ Attorney account. SECTION 2. Selection and Qualifications. A. The Student Grievance Counselor shall be selected by the Personnel Selection Committee pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 (f) of the Student Governing Association By-Laws. B. The applicant for the office of Student Grievance Counselor shall possess those skills and attributes as enumerated as follows: thorough knowledge of the University’s environment and its structure, wisdom and integrity, counseling skills, communication skills, knowledge of University grievance procedures, basic knowledge of the function of the Student Grievance Counselor office. SECTION 3. Accountability. A. The Student Grievance Counselor shall submit to the Student Senate bisemesterly, or when requested by the Student Senate, a report of activities. B. The Student Senate shall conduct a final review of the office before the 197879 tentative allocations. B-6 C. The Student Grievance Counselor shall maintain a file on all grievances handled. For purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment), the Students’ Attorney, the parties involved in a conflict, and members of hearing and grievance boards shall be considered the only individuals with a legitimate interest in the information contained in such files, unless given written permission by the client involved. SECTION 4. Duties. A. The Student Grievance Counselor shall acknowledge and help resolve grievances by working with University officials, the Student Governing Association, or other appropriate individuals or agencies. B. The Student Grievance Counselor shall aid clients by providing information and assisting them with the judicial system and academic disputes. C. The Student Grievance Counselor shall, upon request, participate with clients in matters before hearing and grievance boards. D. The Student Grievance Counselor shall recommend ways of improving administrative and academic procedures to reduce the number and degree of problems. PASSED 18/16/4 - 9/29/77 VETOED 10/3/77 B-7 BILL 77/78/7 BY: BY-LAWS REVISION: ADDITION OF COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE AS A STANDING COMMITTEE Karla Engel, Cathy McCosh, Brad Henson, Mary Smith, Sheree Lowe, Troy Horine, Richard Stumpf, Rachel Masters, Myra Randell, Tom Tuckwood, Melodi Dooling WHEREAS the functions of Student Senate directly affects the student body, and WHEREAS there has been a lack of communication between Student Senate and the student body, and WHEREAS interest has been expressed by Student Senators concerning the problem BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate initiate a Communications Committee as a Standing Committee of Student Senate. SECTION 2. Student Senate amend the KSU SGA By-Laws in the following manner: Article V - Section 6 - Add a Part H to read: H. Communications Committee shall be responsible for the public relations efforts of Student Senate. 1. To provide information when requested to other colleges and universities, all news media, and any member of the SGA. 2. To schedule Student Senate programs with student groups on Campus. 3. To survey student opinion on issues of importance. 4. To encourage the enrollment of Kansas high school students at KSU. 5. The Public Relations Director of the Student Body President’s Cabinet shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. PASSED 36/7/1 - 4/7/77 B-8 BILL 77/78/8 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF A STUDENT SENATOR Student Senate Exec. Committee WHEREAS the Student Senate By-Laws to the Constitution states in Article V, Section C, “Any member who misses three (3) meetings will automatically be considered for impeachment by the Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Chairperson of Student Senate.”, and WHEREAS the following Student Senator has absences greater than the minimum required to justify impeachment BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate bring impeachment proceedings against: Bill Grisolia - Arts & Sciences - 4 absences: 2/24/77, 3/10/77, 3/26/77, 3/31/77. PASSED 4/7/77 B-9 BILL 77/78/9 BY: FUNDING OFF SOILS JUDGING TEAM Max Knopp, Mick Morrell, Rex Hoskinson, Mark Scanlan, Brad Henson, Emily Compton, Richard Stumpf WHEREAS the Kansas State Soils Judging Team has qualified to participate in the National Soils Contest as a result of winning the regional contest, and WHEREAS the team needs $521.16 to go to Clemson, S. Carolina, April 13th, and WHEREAS Ag. Council has contributed $257.69 and Agronomy has given $75.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $188.47 to the K-State Soils Judging Team for the National Meet at Clemson, S. Carolina, April 13th. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. SECTION 3. The following are expenses for the meet: Lodging Food $4/day for 6 nights = $3/day for 6 days = # of students attending Transportation: 2,593 miles x $.12/mile $5/day car rental x 6 days $24.00 $21.00 $45.00 x4 $180.00 $311.16 $30.00 $341.16 $521.16 Total Expenses: Less amount allocated by Ag. Council Less amount allocated by Agronomy Remainder (requesting from Student Senate) PASSED 20/11/9 - 4/21/77 B-10 $257.69 $75.00 $332.69 $181.47 BILL 77/78/10 BY: TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS FOR 1977-78 Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be tentatively allocated and approved for the 1977-78 Fiscal Year: AMOUNT REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas FINANCE COMM. TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCATIONS $ 8,828.50 ($.25/every student enrolled both full and part-time) $ 7,239.25 $7,239.25 ($.25 Line Item) 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1.50 line item/ full-time student & $.42 line item/part-time student 42,571.20 42,571.20 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,540.00 3,210.00 3,210.00 Drug Education Center 6,224.50 3,799.00 3,550.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Black Student Union (BSU) College Councils Environmental Awareness Center Fine Arts Council 1.60 line item FONE 46,331.20 46,331.20 ($1.60 line item) 5,274.39 3,882.39 12,720.00 12,720.00 Infant & Child Care Center 3,240.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 5,290.00 4,930.00 4,680.00 KSDB-FM Radio 7,303.80 7,303.80 7,303.80 I.D. Cards K-State Union Long Range for Capital Outlay 7.00 line item 3,882.39 8,994.86 for the first 6 mos. + $2,936.00 in reserves for the second 6 mos. 202,699.00 202,699.00 ($7.00 line item) ------------- 3,478.66 3,478.66 6,400.00 2,325.00 3,175.00 Native American Indian Student Body 850.00 850.00 850.00 Parachute Club 300.00 0.00 0.00 3,314.00 3,263.00 3,263.00 MECHA Pregnancy Counseling B-11 AMOUNT REQUESTED Recreational Services Student Governing Association (SGA) 2.50 line item 22,997.25 Student Publications Students’ Attorney 3.00 line item 13,340.00 Touchstone University for Man (UFM) 21,905.80 21,905.80 86,871.00 86,871.00 ($3.00 line item) 11,660.00 12,080.00 + $900 in reserves under student salary 1,720.00 1,720.00 18,466.00 15,311.50 18,066.00 4,267.10 4,217.10 4,267.10 318.00 318.00 318.00 ------------ ------------ 5,000.00 (estimated) 1,065.00 0.00 730.00 578,983.44 564,998.40 573,514.76 Veterans on Campus Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS 72,392.50 72,392.50 ($2.50 line item) 2,030.00 University Learning Network Withholding FINANCE COMM. TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCATIONS PASSED 38/2/1 - 4/28/77 B-12 BILL 77/78/11 BY: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE INCREASE FOR THE K-STATE UNION Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas WHEREAS the K-State Union needs an increase in funds to continue operations at the present level, and WHEREAS the majority of Kansas State University students voting in the referendum on April 6, 1977 voted in favor of a student activity fee increase for the operations of the K-State Union BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. An increase of $5.00/semester/full-time student and $6.00/semester new assessment to part-time students in the student activity fee. These increases will go into effect the Fall of 1977. These increases will be allocated to the K-State Union’s student services and programs. SECTION 2. These increases are to be reviewed by Student Senate every three (3) years at which time they may be reallocated as deemed necessary by Student Senate. PASSED 33/9/1 - 4/7/77 B-13 BILL 77/78/12 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: OPEN MEETINGS Cindy Thomas, Terry Matlack, Skip Boyd WHEREAS the Attorney General for the State of Kansas has determined that the Student Governing Association at Kansas State University is not subject to the Open Meeting Law, and WHEREAS it is not only in the interest of SGA but also in fairness to the student body for SGA to have its meetings open to the public BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V of the SGA Constitution be amended by adding the following Section 502 and down noting the remaining sections: 502. All meetings of Student Senate, Student Senate committees (standing or special), and sub-committees of Student Senate committees shall at all times be open to the public. This shall include, but not be limited to, the University Activities Board and College Councils. The only closed session that may be held is by the Student Senate Personnel Selection Committee, to be declared by the chair of that committee for the discussion of personnel matters only. FAILED 15/17/5 - 10/6/77 B-14 BILL 77/78/13 BY: APPOINTMENT OF SENATE APPROVED POSITIONS Cindy Thomas, Terry Matlack, Brad Henson WHEREAS the appointment and approval of persons to various functions throughout the University is an important function of the Student Governing Association, and WHEREAS the quality of personnel appointed to the positions can have a marked effect upon the general welfare of the student body, and WHEREAS Student Senators and students-at-large may not personally know the nominees, and WHEREAS Student Senators and students-at-large are currently not afforded opportunity prior to floor debate to review in depth the nominee’s qualifications or capabilities for the position to be filled, and WHEREAS Student Senate meetings last quite long and questions of nominee’s qualifications can occupy valuable time, or else he ignored BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All persons nominated for positions to be approved by Student Senate shall be made available to Senators and students-at-large for an informal hearing at a time convenient to the nominee during Student Government Services office hours and prior to the date of final approval. SECTION 2. The location of said hearing shall be in a place convenient to the nominee, Student Senators, and the student body. SECTION 3. The time and place of the aforementioned hearing shall be announced to all Student Senators and SGA officers before or at the time of first reading of the appointment. SECTION 4. The hearing shall be open and speaking privileges extended to all members of SGA. SECTION 5. The Student Senate Chairperson shall designate an unbiased person to conduct the hearing in a manner which allows all view points to be expressed and complete explanation of the facts to occur without hindrance. SECTION 6. In the event the time and/or place must be changed, 48 hours is deemed the minimum amount of time that can elapse between notification of the change in accordance with Section III pertaining to who shall be notified and the actual occurrence of the hearing. FAILED 9/15/77 B-15 BILL 77/78/14 BY: PROCLAMATION OF HONORARY MEMBER OF THE STUDENT BODY Kansas State University’s Student Senate WHEREAS the Honorable Alf M. Landon has broadened the horizons of Kansas State University students throughout the years and has contributed to the pursuit of knowledge, and WHEREAS this student body wishes to show their appreciation and give him due recognition, and WHEREAS Alf M. Landon is a 1908 graduate of the “other” university in Kansas reputedly down the Kaw River, and as such he has been denied the pleasure, privileges, benefits, and satisfaction of being an actual member of the Kansas State University student body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Alf M. Landon be approved as a bona-fide honorary member of the Kansas State University student body. SECTION 2. He shall be presented with a validated student i.d. card. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY – 9/8/77 B-16 BILL 77/78/15 BY: FUNDING OF DELEGATES TO THE 4TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STUDENT LEGAL RIGHTS Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas, Stan Watt, Bob Burns, Inga Fenijn WHEREAS the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University has gained a great amount of national recognition thru the sponsorship of the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights, and WHEREAS KSU students should support their own national conference, and WHEREAS students participating in the conference will have an opportunity to gain a great amount of educational information, and WHEREAS KSU SGA’s name has been identified with the conference, with no financial commitment to this date BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocated $300 to the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights for registration fees for five (5) delegates to attend the conference. SECTION 2. These monies shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. Personnel Selection Committee will select individuals who will represent KSU students. SECTION 4. The students selected to participate in the conference shall submit an oral report to Student Senate the first Thursday following the conference. PASSED 9/22/77 B-17 BILL 77/78/16 BY: CLOSING OF 1976-77 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS SGA allocates the student activity fee for one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts after June 30, 1977, and WHEREAS each group received notice of an appeal date and requested appeal hearings were granted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Comptroller’s Office to decrease the following accounts by the amounts listed below and that this money be placed in the SGA Unallotted account. Architecture and Design College Council Architecture Fine Arts Art Department Fine Arts Arts & Sciences College Council Black Student Union Business Administration College Council Crops & Soils Judging Team Consumer Relations Board Dairy Cattle Judging Team Debate Drug Education Center Education College Council Engineering College Council Engineering Open House Environmental Awareness Center Graduate Student Council Home Ec. College Council Infant and Child Care Legal Services MECHA Pregnancy Counseling Rifle Team Student Rights Conference Student Governing Association University Learning Network University for Man Wildlife Society Wool Judging Team TOTAL $ 226.27 76.05 89.36 1,245.11 2,010.24 1,600.72 30.02 371.91 8.16 7.90 243.93 760.61 69.90 15.02 289.02 804.48 103.14 6.69 642.46 83.38 353.49 5.24 22.95 1,871.90 20.45 394.70 44.50 13.00 $11,410.60 SECTION 2. The following group shall retain the amount listed below for the remainder of 1977-78 fiscal year. Drug Education Center 60.00 PASSED 9/28/77 B-18 BILL 77/78/17 BY: 1977-78 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Allocations for Fiscal Year 197778 REQUESTED 1977-78 Associated Students of Kansas $ 8,828.50 ($.25/every student enrolled both full & part-time) Black Student Union (BSU) College Councils TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1977-78 $7,239.25 ( 1,750.00 1,750.00 $1.50 line item/full time students & $.42 line item/part-tine students FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATION 1977-78 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1977-78 $7,060.25 $.25 line item $7,060.25 ) 1,750.00 1,750.00 42,571.20 42,571.20 42,571.20 ($1.50 line item/full-time students & $.42 LI/part-time students Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,540.00 3,210.00 3,210.00 3,210.00 Drug Education Center 6,224.50 3,550.00 3,550.00 3,621.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Environmental Awareness Center Fine Arts Council 1.60 line item ( FONE I.D. Cards 5,274.39 12,720.00 46,331.20 45,185.60 $1.60 line item 3,882.39 45,185.60 ) 3,882.39 4,017.39 8,994.86 8,994.86 for the first 6 months 2,936.00 2,936.00 for the second 6 months 9,600.00 Infant & Child Care Center 3,240.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 5,290.00 4,680.00 4,680.00 4,680.00 KSDB-FM Radio 7,303.80 7,303.80 7,303.80 7,303.80 K-State Union Long Range for Capital Outlay 7.00 line item 202,699.00 357,456.00 357,456.00 ($7.00 line item) ($12.00 LI/full-time & $6.00 LI/part-time students) --------------- 3,478.66 2,478.66 2,478.66 6,400.00 3,175.00 3,175.00 3,175.00 Native American Indian Student Body 850.00 850.00 850.00 850.00 Parachute Club 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,314.00 3,263.00 3,263.00 3,263.00 2.50 line item 72,392.50 ( MECHA Pregnancy Counseling Recreational Services B-19 70,602.50 $2.50 line item 70,602.50 ) REQUESTED 1977-78 Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications Students’ Attorney Touchstone University for Man (UFM) University Learning Network Veterans on Campus Withholding Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS 22,997.25 3.00 line item 13,340.00 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1977-78 FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATION 1977-78 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1977-78 21,905.80 21,905.80 22,490.80 86,871.00 ( 84,723.00 $3.00 line item 84,723.00 ) 12,080.00 12,080.00 + $ 900 in reserves under student salary 12,080.00 2,030.00 1,720.00 1,720.00 1,720.00 18,466.00 18,066.00 18,066.00 21,241.50 4,267.10 4,267.10 4,267.10 4,267.10 318.00 318.00 318.00 318.00 ------------ 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,065.00 730.00 730.00 730.00 $ 578,983.44 $ 573,517.76 $ 722,009.16 $ 723,848.60 PASSED 41/0/0 - 9/29/77 B-20 BILL 77/78/18 BY: SUPPORT OF GREEN SURVIVAL Dale Denning WHEREAS Kansas State University administration and Alumni Association are sponsoring a Campus Beautification Project known as Green Survival, and WHEREAS Kansas State University students are also involved and concerned with the beauty and physical status of our Campus, and WHEREAS the Alumni Association has already donated $400 to the cause but still requires $300 more for advertising and posters BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association allocate $150 to be spent on advertising. SECTION 2. These funds are to be allocated from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 9/22/77 B-21 BILL 77/78/19 BY: LIAISON GUIDELINES, REVISION OF SENATE BILL 68/1/8 Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 68/1/8 set the guidelines for liaisons to various groups funded by SGA, and WHEREAS the guidelines need to be reinforced and reviewed BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Duties. A. The liaison is the responsibility of all Student Senators, excluding members of Finance Committee and Senators from the College of Veterinary Medicine. B. The liaison is to act as an objective information link between Student Senate and the organization to which he/she is a liaison. He/she will provide the Student Senate’s viewpoint when necessary. SECTION 2. Attendance by liaison shall be as follows: A. The liaison shall be represented at all his/her appointed organizational meetings. B. In case of absence, the liaison will inform the organization chairperson of who will be attending the meeting in his/her place. SECTION 3. Reporting System shall be as follows: A. The liaison will present the Senate Operations Committee Chairperson with a written summary of the organization’s meetings (within 48 hours after each meeting) which will be made available to the public. B. An oral report may be added during the Student Senate meeting, if the liaison feels it is necessary. C. Failure to submit a report after each meeting will result in notification of the Student Senate Chairperson by the Senate Operations Committee Chairperson. SECTION 4. The liaison shall have the following rights A. Voting. 1. The rights of voting will be in consistency with the constitution of the organization. B-22 B. Debate. 1. The liaison shall have the right to speak so as to provide the Student Senate’s viewpoint in his/her organization’s meeting. SECTION 5. The Chairperson of the Senate Operations Committee shall publish a list of all organizations, their liaisons for the Student Senate, and announce any open positions. PASSED 10/13/77 B-23 BILL 77/78/20 BY: FUNDING OF RAPE FILM Jane Knoche, Max Knopp, Stacy Norris, Anne Shearer, Greg Tucker, Cindy Thomas WHEREAS there is a need for students to be further educated on the subject of rape, and WHEREAS many students viewed the films shown during the Rape and It’s Victims Seminar, and WHEREAS these students rated the films and judged the film ‘NO Pat Answer” the highest, and WHEREAS the Center for Student Development is in charge of films of this nature and programs utilizing them BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association approve the expenditure of one hundred thirty dollars ($130) to purchase the film “No Pat Answer” to be used by the Center for Student Development in its Rape Prevention Program. SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 10/6/77 B-24 BILL 77/78/21 BY: RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF STUDENT GRIEVANCE COUNSELOR Ed Wenzl WHEREAS the need exists for a person knowledgeable in University affairs who can assist individuals with University related grievances, and WHEREAS Student Senate Bill 76/77/22 (See Bound Legislation 1976-77) created the office of Student Grievance Counselor on a two-month trial basis, and WHEREAS such time is not sufficient to judge the use and effectiveness of that office BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Establishment. A. The position of Student Grievance Counselor is hereby re-established for the 1977-78 academic year. B. The Student Grievance Counselor shall begin work on October 31, 1977. C. The Student Grievance Counselor shall establish weekly hours. The Student Body President and Student Senate Chairperson shall arrange for office space in the Student Government Services Offices. SECTION 2. Selection and Qualifications. A. The Student Grievance Counselor shall be selected by the Personnel Selection Committee pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 (f) of the Student Governing Association By-Laws. B. The applicant for the office of Student Grievance Counselor shall possess those skills and attributes as enumerated as follows: thorough knowledge of the University’s environment and its structure, wisdom and integrity, counseling skills, communication skills, knowledge of University grievance procedures, basic knowledge of the function of the Student Grievance Counselor office. SECTION 3. Accountability. A. The Student Grievance Counselor shall submit to the Student Senate bisemesterly, or when requested by the Student Senate, a report of activities. B. The Student Senate shall conduct a final review of the office before the 197879 tentative allocations. B-25 C. The Student Grievance Counselor shall maintain a file on all grievances handled. For purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment), the Students’ Attorney, the parties involved in a conflict, and members of hearing and grievance boards shall be considered the only individuals with a legitimate interest in the information contained in such files, unless given written permission by the client involved. SECTION 4. Duties. A. The Student Grievance Counselor shall acknowledge and help resolve grievances by working with University officials, the Student Governing Association, or other appropriate individuals or agencies. B. The Student Grievance Counselor shall aid clients by providing information and assisting them with the judicial system and academic disputes. C. The Student Grievance Counselor shall, upon request, participate with clients in matters before hearing and grievance boards. D. The Student Grievance Counselor shall recommend ways of improving administrative and academic procedures to reduce the number and degree of problems. PASSED 10/13/77 B-26 BILL 77/78/22 BY: KSDB-FM AMERICAN TOP 40 Tom Tuckwood, Mary Smith, Sheree Lowe WHEREAS KSDB-FM is the student radio station at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS as outlined by the FCC licensing, KSDB-FM serves the students and Manhattan community, and WHEREAS the syndicated program American Top 40, hereinafter referred to as “AT 40”, is the number one syndicated program in the United States, and WHEREAS KSDB-FM has in the past financed AT 40 through a Kansas State Union grant since 1974, and WHEREAS the Kansas State Union has elected to finance only one-third of the cost of AT 40 for the 1977-78 school year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate finance one-third of the program AT 40 beginning on November 12, 1977 to February 11, 1978. SECTION 2. This funding will be for a total of ten weeks and will amount to $430.00 ($43/show). SECTION 3. This funding will be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 26/7/2 - 10/20/77 B-27 BILL 77/78/23 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AND BY-LAWS REVISIONS Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Article IV of the SGA Constitution by adding a Section 402 (b) to read: No Student Body President, as having been duly elected and having served one full term, shall be eligible for re-election to the position. SECTION 2. Student Senate amend Article V of the SGA Constitution by striking the present Section 505 (A) which reads: Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall be elected by Student Senate members in the Spring for a term of one (1) year. and inserting the following: A. Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall be elected by Student Senate members in the Spring the second meeting of the newly formed Student Senate for a term of one (1) year. He/she will be sworn in and assume the duties of Chairperson the third meeting of the new Student Senate. B. No Student Senate Chairperson after having been duly elected shall be eligible for re-election to that position. and down noting remaining Sections. SECTION 3. Student Senate amend Article I of the By-Laws to the SGA Constitution be deleting the present Section 1, Part D (1) which reads: The Chairperson of the Elections Committee may not, while serving as chairperson, run in an election which comes under this committee. and inserting the following: Neither the Chairperson of the Elections Committee nor Elections Committee members may run in an election which comes under this committee while serving on this committee. PASSED 36/1/1 - 10/27/77 B-28 BILL 77/78/24 BY: UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES Terry Matlack, Stan Watt WHEREAS the newly elected Student Body President needs time to become accustomed to his new environment, and WHEREAS the newly elected Student Body President needs adequate time to hold interviews and make selections as to his appointments to all University committees without the pressure of immediate appointments, and WHEREAS a change in committee personnel in March or April can be damaging to the effectiveness of the present workings of the committees, and WHEREAS this would give the members-elect a chance to observe the committee in action and to become familiar with its workings before taking over BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All student University committee appointments shall carry a term of July 1 thru June 30, unless otherwise specified by the By-Laws of that committee. PASSED 10/27/77 B-29 BILL 77/78/25 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: OPEN MEETINGS Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas, Brian Rassette, Mel Dooling, Barb Riedel, Stacy Norris, E.J. Compton, Karla Engel WHEREAS the Attorney General for the State of Kansas has determined that the Student Governing Association at Kansas State University is not subject to the Open Meeting Law, and WHEREAS it is not only in the interest of SGA but also in fairness to the student body for SGA to have its meetings open to the public BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V of the SGA Constitution he amended by adding the following as Section 502 and down noting the remaining sections: 502. A. All meetings of Student Senate and Student Senate committees, standing or special, shall be open to members of the Student Governing Association. This provision shall include but not be limited to College Councils and the University Activities Board. The only exception shall be the Personnel Selection Committee of Student Senate for the consideration of personnel matters B. The chairperson of the given body shall be responsible for maintaining an orderly meeting. PASSED? 34/5/1 – 10/27/77 B-30 BILL 77/78/26 BY: TOWN MEETINGS Ken Allen, Jeff Norris WHEREAS approximately 60 percent of all students attending Kansas State University reside off campus (off campus refers to those students who do not live in an organized living group under the supervision of IFC, KSUARH, or Pan-Hellenic Council), and WHEREAS there are no adequate means of communication at this time to reach off campus students, and WHEREAS to set up adequate means of communication advertising monies would be needed BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $50.00 out of Reserves for Contingencies account to advertise “Town Meetings”. SECTION 2. Town Meetings be held once a month to obtain problems that deal with offcampus students. SECTION 3. Communications Committee, the Student Body President’s Public Relations Director, and Off-Campus Housing Director shall be responsible for scheduling “Town Meetings” and schedule pertinent speakers concerning off-campus concerns. PASSED 10/27/77 B-31 BILL 77/78/27 BY: APPROVAL OF FALL 1977 STUDENT SENATE AND ONE POSITION ON THE BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Elections Committee WHEREAS the Election Judges have certified the Election results, and WHEREAS the student body has cast a majority of their votes for the following people BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved f or the following offices: Agriculture Student Senators Mick Morrell Ted Knopp Jeff Zillinger Randy Tosh Architecture & Design Student Senator Pete Kruse Arts & Sciences Student Senators Lori Bergen Joseph Rossini Hank Spencer Steve Walton Mark Kinnaman Camillia Pace Bill Shay Business Administration Student Senators Brian Rassette Dennis Shehi Education Student Senator Lisa Zahn Engineering Student Senators Clarence Waters Dave McKee Home Economics Student Senators Candi Caplinger Kitty King Graduate School Student Senator Richard McClanathan SECTION 2. The following individual be approved as a member of the Board of Student Publications: Pam Good. PASSED 10/27/77 B-32 BILL 77/78/28 BY: BY-LAWS REVISION: PERSONNEL SELECTION COMMITTEE Personnel Selection Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate revise the SGA By-Laws by amending Article IV, Legislative; Section 6; Part F, Personnel Selection Committee in the following manner 1. same a. To consider applicants for appointment. i. Personnel of the following programs will: be subject to confirmation by the Personnel Selection Committee. (a) Previously established or current programs entirely funded by Student Senate or directly the result of Student Senate action. In cases of the above nature, Student Senate will be notified of the selections made with responsibility for approval remaining with the Personnel Selection Committee. Guidelines for approval of such positions should be established by the respective programs. (b) Personnel of programs created by Student Senate action and entirely funded by S.G.A. will be selected by the Personnel Selection Committee. Student Senate will be notified, in writing, by Personnel Selection Committee of the selected applicants’ names and qualifications. A member of Personnel Selection Committee will represent the selected applicant. Approval of the committee’s selection will be by a simple majority vote of Student Senate. Upon request by Student Senate, Personnel Selection Committee will be responsible for scheduling an informal meeting with the selected applicant(s). (c) Immediately following tentative allocations, Personnel Selection Committee will submit to Student Senate a list of positions that will be subject to approval by Student Senate in the coming year. The list will be reviewed annually by Personnel Selection Committee and will be subject to approval by a majority of Student Senate. B-33 (d) Paid personnel not included in (a) or (b) above, but which receive S.G.A. funding are subject to approval by Personnel Selection Committee, either through direct involvement in the selection process or by periodic review of the selection procedure utilized by the respective program or organization. b. To consider complaints against S.G.A. personnel appointed by the Personnel Selection Committee and to remove such personnel, if necessary. c. To serve as chairperson for interview panels. d. To aid in the orientation of newly selected S.G.A. personnel. 2. The Interviewing Panels. The membership of any interviewing panel shall consist of three to seven (37) members. The composition shall be members from the Personnel Selection Committee and other appropriate resource people (Student Senate liaison, faculty advisor, etc.). The panel will be selected when a vacancy occurs as reported by the faculty advisor and the Student Senate liaison. PASSED 11/3/77 B-34 BILL 77/78/29 BY: UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CONSTITUTIONAL AND BY-LAWS REVISIONS Barb Riedel WHEREAS the University Activities Board (UAB) wishes to up-date its constitution and bylaws as to its representatives, their voting privileges, and their duties, and WHEREAS these changes would help the effectiveness of the board BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revision to the UAB. Constitution: Strike in Article II, Section 201 - 1 “, and any organization recognized under the International Coordinating Council (ICC).” SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following revisions to the UAB. By Laws: Strike in Article I, Section 101 - 1 “to serve as a non-voting liaison”. Add in Article I, Section 102 - after “Religious Activities” “and the K-State Union Reservations Secretary” Add a new Section 202 in Article II and move 202 to 203 202. A vice-chairperson shall be elected by the UAB membership. He/she shall preside at meetings in the absence of the chairperson. He/she shall also assist the chairperson with administrative duties. Strike in Article V, Section 501 - 1 “International Coordinating Council recognized members;” Strike in Article V, Section 501 - 1 - b “At that time, the president or another student officer must be present to answer questions regarding the organization and its activities.” and insert in its place: “Representatives of organizations need only be present if requested by UAB.” Strike Article VII completely. PASSED 11/3/77 B-35 BILL 77/78/30 BY: ALL-UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE DATE FOR 1980 Cindy Thomas, Terry Matlack WHEREAS Student Senate has not yet approved the All-University Open House date for 1980 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. March 28 and 29, 1980 be declared the date for All-University Open House for 1980. PASSED 11/10/77 B-36 BILL 77/78/31 BY: TENTATIVE ALLOCATION TO SUMMER SCHOOL ARTIST SERIES Finance Committee WHEREAS the Summer School Artist Series receives its funding from the Summer School Allocations Board, and WHEREAS the summer school allocations will not take place until next spring, and WHEREAS it would be extremely beneficial to the manager of the series, Professor Warren Walker, to know an estimation of the amount he has to work with so that he may begin booking the programs BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate tentatively allocate $3,000 to the Summer School Artist Series. SECTION 2. The final allocation given to the Series will be up to Summer School Allocations Board. PASSED 11/10/77 B-37 BILL 77/78/32 BY: REVISION OF SGA SPENDING REGULATIONS: SUBSISTENCE FEES Steve Walton, Finance Committee WHEREAS the current daily subsistence rates for approved in-state and/or out-of-state travel were established in the Fall of 1974, and WHEREAS the costs of retail-purchased meals have increased 37% in the United States since that time, and WHEREAS the rates in hotels have (based on the US average) also increased 34% since that time, and WHEREAS the current prediction for general cost of living change over the next nine months is an upward movement in costs of 5-7%, and WHEREAS these changes in costs have increased the degree of hardship attendant to subsistence travel for KSU students beyond that intended by the Senate in its now effective 1974 legislation setting subsistence rates BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate replace Senate Bill 74/75/31 with the following words in Sections II and III of Senate Bill 71/72/46, SGA Spending Regulations: Section II. A maximum of $5/person/day shall be allowed for meal expenses incurred in approved in-state and/or out-of- state travel. Section III. A maximum of $5.50/person/day shall be allowed for lodging expenses incurred in approved in-state and/or out-of-state travel. SECTION 2. This will be effective for all College Councils and Senate allocations beginning with Fiscal Year 1978-79. PASSED 32/0 - 2/16/78 B-38 BILL 77/78/33 BY: REVISION OF COLLEGE COUNCIL SPENDING POLICY Bob Burns, Richard McClanathan, Brad Metzler, Steve McCarter, Architecture & Design College Council WHEREAS Senate Resolution 77/78/12 established a policy to be followed by College Councils “when spending monies”, and WHEREAS said resolution unjustly discriminates against College Councils, when compared to policies followed by SGA in funding other University-related organizations and programs BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 1 (B) of Senate Resolution 77/78/12 be changed to read: Monies may be spent on gifts only upon prior written approval of the Finance Committee. SECTION 2. Section 1 (F) of Senate Resolution 77/73/12 be changed to read: Monies may be spent on capital improvements (any improvements to any buildings or land) or capital equipment (i.e. office equipment, appliances, etc.) only upon prior written approval of the Finance Committee SECTION 3. In the event that the Finance Committee disapproves the proposed expenditures, the College Council may appeal the adverse decision to the Student Senate for judgment. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be in conjunction with the 1977-78 College Council Spending Policy which expires June 30, 1978. PASSED 12/1/77 B-39 BILL 77/78/34 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISION: ELECTION DATE Cindy Thomas, Terry Matlack, Brian Rassette, Lori Bergen, Dennis Shehi WHEREAS there is a need for more continuity and efficiency in Student Senate, and WHEREAS the following split elections has not provided continuity and commitment in Student Senate as originally intended, and WHEREAS the voter turnout and interest for the Fall Election has been small, as compared to the Spring Election BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 503 of the SGA Constitution “one-half elected in the Spring and one-half elected in the Fall, as indicated by the By-Laws” be deleted. SECTION 2. Article I, Section 2, Part A, Numbers 2 and 3 of the SGA By-Laws be combined to read: 2. The Student Senate shall be elected the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the Spring Semester for a one-year term. SECTION 3. This would go into effect February 1980 with the Student Senate elected October 1978 being held over until February 1980. FAILED 2/16/78 B-40 BILL 77/78/35 BY: CONFERENCE SUMMARY’S TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Finance Committee WHEREAS during tentative allocations groups request money for conferences and conventions every year, and WHEREAS Student Senate needs more accountability in this area BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All groups, excluding line items and College Councils, going on trips or conferences in which all or part of the expenses are being paid for by Student Senate will submit a summary to Finance Committee. SECTION 2. A written summary must be submitted before any expense vouchers may be approved by the Financial Advisor. In the event a cash advance is given, a summary must be submitted within one week of their return in order that any similar event be considered for the next year. SECTION 3. This will go into effect at the start of Spring Semester 1978. SECTION 4. These summary’s will be filed by Finance Committee and used as a basis for future funding of conferences for that group. PASSED 1/26/78 B-41 BILL 77/78/36 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S HOURLY REQUIREMENT Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas WHEREAS the Student Body President at Kansas State University should be required to remain a student while serving in office, and WHEREAS student hood is the one commonality of members of S.G.A., and WHEREAS under the current Constitution of S.G.A. the Student Body President would not have to be enrolled at all BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Article IV, Section 402 of the SGA Constitution by adding: The Student Body President shall be required to maintain seven (7) hours undergraduate credit or six (6) hours graduate credit during the Fall and Spring sessions to be eligible to remain in office. SECTION 2. This shall become effective February 15, 1978. PASSED 36/3/1 - 2/2/78 B-42 BILL 77/78/37 BY: REVISION OF KSU LITERATURE AND NOTICE REGULATIONS: CAMPAIGN REFORM Brent Thompson, Brian Rassette, Cindy Thomas, Terry Matlack WHEREAS there is not enough knowledge about candidates running for election, and WHEREAS voter turnout has been reduced during the recent past, and WHEREAS posters encourage each of the above BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section VII of the KSU Literature and Notice Regulations be revised to read: Campaign materials may be posted no sooner than one and a half (1/2) weeks (10 calendar days) prior to and including the day of the General Election and must be removed by midnight the day following the Election. PASSED l/26/78 B-43 BILL 77/78/38 BY: SPENDING POLICY FOR COLLEGE COUNCILS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 Ad hoc Committee on College Council Spending Policy WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57, College Council Funding, called for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to formulate a policy on spending that the nine (9) College Councils would have to adhere to when allocating or spending monies BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following policy be used by the College Councils when spending monies: A. When any monies are to be allocated for travel to a conference or convention there must be some type of recognizable public notification or publication - no less than two (2) weeks for in-state travel and six (6) weeks for out-of-state travel before said conference or convention. B. No monies may be spent on gifts. C. No monies may be spent for telephone equipment. Money may be spent on telephone calls only if it pertains to organization business. D. Any item or service that can be purchased on Campus must be purchased on Campus. E. Monies spent on parties or social functions are hereby prohibited. F. Monies may be spent on capital improvements (any improvements to any buildings or land) or capital equipment (office equipment, appliances, etc.) only upon approval of Finance Committee. G. No monies may be spent on clothing without approval of Finance Committee. PASSED 1/26/78 B-44 BILL 77/78/39 BY: FUNDING OF DELEGATION TO THE STUDENT CONFERENCE ON NATIONAL AFFAIRS (SCONA) State & Community Affairs Committee WHEREAS there is something to be gained by sending delegates to the Student Conference on National Affairs (SCONA), and WHEREAS SGA has in the past, but not in recent years, sent delegates to this conference, and WHEREAS Kansas State University can provide input, as well as benefit from such a conference BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $70 for registration fees which cover lodging and meals for two (2) delegates at the Student Conference on National Affairs (SCONA) at Texas A&M University from February 15-18, 1978. SECTION 2. Student Senate allocate $156 for transportation expenses to and from the SCONA Conference for the two (2) delegates. SECTION 3. The Personnel Selection Committee will select the individuals who will represent the KSU students at the SCONA Conference. SECTION 4. The two (2) delegates attending will report to the Student Senate on the conference at the first meeting of the Student Senate following the conference. SECTION 5. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. FAILED 1/26/78 B-45 BILL 77/78/40 BY: REFERENDUM ON A NEW COLISEUM AT KSU Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas, Randy Rosh WHEREAS Kansas State University students can benefit from a new basketball/concert and all-purpose facility and WHEREAS students may be willing to accept partial responsibility for the funding of a new facility, and WHEREAS students may want to provide seed money and thus initiate plans for a new fieldhouse, and WHEREAS $10/semester/full-time student and $5/semester/part-time student could generate $3,000,000 in revenue for construction of a new facility, and WHEREAS the Student Governing Association will, in the event of student passage of this referendum, strongly urge the Kansas State University Administration to secure the balance of the funding from the State of Kansas, the K-State Alumni/Endowment Association, and/or the City of Manhattan, and WHEREAS students should be able to formally express themselves as to their financial support of a new facility BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate authorize the holding of a referendum on the following question to be held on February 15, 1978, in conjunction with the SGA General Election. The following shall be adopted as responsibilities of the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University: Student Governing Association leaders shall request the Kansas State University Administration and the University Long Range Planning Committee, in conjunction with the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, to implement the necessary requirements to construct and operate an indoor basketball, concert, and allpurpose facility. This building is to meet program requirements, in order of priority, for men’s and women’s basketball, concerts, and other general University needs. It should be operational in approximately 1983. The Student Governing Association shall be involved in the planning and utilization decisions of this facility at every level. This building is to be partially funded in the following manner: B-46 1. A $5/semester/full-time student and a $2.50/semester/part-time student increase in the present student activity fee to begin in the Fall of 1979. An additional fee increase of $5/semester/full-time student and $2.50/semester/part-time student (to bring the total to $10) to be assessed the semester preceding the date the contracts may be let for construction of the facility. (Contracts would not be let for construction until all funds are available, either from State or Alumni, etc.) This increase shall be collected to help defray architectural consultant costs and assist in the retirement of 30year construction bonds. These monies are not to be used for operating expenses. Upon retirement of these bonds, this assessed increase will be terminated. 2. The officers of the Student Governing Association will petition the Kansas State University Administration to seek the additional resources to build and operate the aforementioned facility. 3. In the event additional funding cannot be committed, as indicated by the University President (State of Kansas, City of Manhattan, Alumni/Endowment gifts, or a combination of these, etc.) by June 30, 1981, the Student Governing Association shall request this increase to be terminated and will conduct a subsequent referendum in the Fall of 1981 to determine the appropriate allocation for the fees collected to that date. YES________ NO_________ PASSED 35/4/1 - 2/2/78 B-47 BILL 77/78/41 BY: BY-LAWS REVISION: MEMBERSHIP OF STANDING COMMITTEES Cindy Thomas, Skip Boyd, Greg Tucker, Hank Spencer, Terry Matlack WHEREAS there is a need for more active committee participation on the part of Student Senators, and WHEREAS the majority of Student Senate legislative research is done in Student Senate standing committees BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Insert in Article IV, Section 6, a Part B to read as follows: B. It is the responsibility of every Student Senator to serve as a member on a standing committee with the exception of Graduate School and Veterinary Medicine Student Senators. PASSED 2/23/78 B-48 BILL 77/78/42 BY: SEATING OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND STUDENT SENATORS Elections Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved for the respective positions: Student Body President Sam Brownback Board of Student Publications Deb Williams Ron Wilson Tom Tuckwood Agriculture Student Senators Jay Selanders Alan Sobba Tim Bearnes Architecture and Design Student Senators Inga Fenijn Jim Bruns Arts & Sciences Student Senators Helen Burtis Dana Poster Greg Musil Stacy Cope Business Administration Student Senators Rich Macha Bill Manning Steve Anderson Education Student Senator Tim Phares Engineering Student Senators Pam Nicklaus Tim Strobel Roger Seymour Graduate School Student Senator Jeff Labahn Home Economics Student Senators Wes Babcock Nancy VanMeter Veterinary Medicine Student Senator Scott Pfizenmaier PASSED 2/23/78 B-49 RESOLUTION 77/78/1 BY: VOTING ACCESSIBILITY AND PART TIME REPRESENTATION IN APPORTIONMENT Bill Grisolia WHEREAS student input is a vital element and the foundation of representative government, and WHEREAS part-time students are legitimate members of the student body and should be granted representation through reapportionment of Student Senate seats, and WHEREAS one of the highest priorities should be that of seeking legitimacy and credibility with the student body, and WHEREAS increasing the number of polling places around Campus would increase voter turnout and benefit the Student Senate decision-making process BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate reapportion its Senate seats effective Fall ‘77 to include representation of part-time students. SECTION 2. All student referendums and elections shall he voted on by the students at several new and strategic locations in addition to the library and the student union. DIED IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE R-1 RESOLUTION 77/78/2 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF PARKING TASK FORCE Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas WHEREAS the students, faculty, administration, and visitors have expressed concern about the parking and traffic situation on the KSU Campus, and WHEREAS the demand for parking spaces on the KSU Campus has exceeded the space provided BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A student task force be created to investigate alternatives to improve the present parking and traffic situation on Campus. The committee shall consult with the Parking and Traffic Commission and other schools of similar size and location for information. SECTION 2. The committee shall consist of one chairperson, two student members-at-large, one student member of the Traffic and Parking Commission to be appointed by the Student Body President and three Student Senators to be selected by the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 3. The committee shall submit a report to Student Senate by May 5, 1977. SECTION 4. The final resolution, passed by Student Senate based on the committee’s report, shall be given to the Traffic and Parking Commission. PASSED 41/1 - 3/10/77 R-2 RESOLUTION 77/78/3 BY: APPROVAL OF 1977-78 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Cindy Thomas, Skip Boyd WHEREAS interviews were conducted for chairpersons of the standing committees by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chairperson has chosen the following people to fill these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people for the specified positions: Finance Committee Academic Affairs Committee Senate Operations Committee Personnel Selection Committee Student Affairs Committee State & Community Affairs Committee Max Knopp Pat Robinson Mike McCoy Stacy Norris Cathy McCosh Rachel Masters PASSED 36/1 - 3/10/77 R-3 RESOLUTION 77/78/4 BY: RECOMMENDATIONS FROM UNION TASK FORCE COMMITTEE Union Task Force WHEREAS we feel, after careful examination, that the Union is justified in an increase in student activity fees, and WHEREAS students are capable of making decisions concerning what services they would like for the Union to provide/amount of student activity fees BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate authorize facilitate a referendum to be held on the following question on April 6, 1977: I approve an increase of $5.00 per semester per full-time student and $6.00 per semester new assessment to part-time students in the student activity fee. These increases, which will go into effect the Fall of 1977, will be allocated to K-State Union’s student services and programs. These are to be reviewed by Student Senate every three years at which time they may be reallocated as deemed necessary by Student Senate. SECTION 2. Said referendum will include questions to determine the students’ positions in funding the Union services and programs. PASSED 25/12/3 - 3/10/77 R-4 RESOLUTION 77/78/5 BY: APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CABINET FOR 1977-78 Terry Matlack WHEREAS the new Student Body President must fill the positions on his Cabinet, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted for the position of Administrative Assistant BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Stan Watt be approved for the Cabinet position of Administrative Assistant. PASSED 3/24/77 R-5 RESOLUTION 77/78/6 BY: APPROVAL OF 1977-78 CABINET MEMBERS Terry Matlack WHEREAS interviews were conducted for the following Cabinet positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following appointments to the proper Cabinet positions: Administrative Assistant Public Relations Director Veterans Affairs Director Off-Campus & Married Students Affairs Director Women s Affairs Director Budget Director Community & State Affairs Director Attorney General College Council Coordinator Minority Affairs Co-Director Minority Affairs Co-Director PASSED 4/7/77 R-6 Fred Works Diddy Bell Paul Wilson Lloyd Landkamer Helen Burtis Rich Macha Seavey Anthony Paul Edgerley Patty Field Ezell Blanchard Liz Esteban RESOLUTION 77/78/7 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS Terry Matlack, Paul Edgerley WHEREAS the SGA Constitution regards that members of the student judicial system will be selected with the advice and consent of Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following appointments to Student Review Board: Chairperson Max Wietharn Lee Ann Schwartzkopf Mary Pruitt Phil Osborn Stephen Peters PASSED 4/14/77 R-7 RESOLUTION 77/78/8 BY: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Terry Matlack, Paul Edgerley BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved for appointment to the Traffic Appeals Board: Chairperson Rex Matlack Henry Leonard Gary Mitchell Jim Howard Steve Salter PASSED 4/21/77 R-8 RESOLUTION 77/78/9 BY: APPROVAL OF TRIBUNAL MEMBERS Terry Matlack, Paul Edgerley WHEREAS the SGA Constitution regards that members of the student judicial system will be selected with the advice and consent of Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following appointments to Tribunal: Chancellor John Bosch Mark Werner Fred Ford Becky Browne John Brettell PASSED 4/14/77 R-9 RESOLUTION 77/78/10 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Terry Matlack, Paul Edgerley, Cindy Thomas, Mike McCoy WHEREAS the SGA Constitution regards that members of the student judicial system will be selected with the advice and consent of Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following appointments to Judicial Council John Feldhausen Randy Groves Off-Campus Student Senate PASSED 4/14/77 R-10 RESOLUTION 77/78/11 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT GRIEVANCE COUNSELOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the requirements, responsibilities, and duties for the position of Student Grievance Counselor were set forth in Senate Bill 76/77/72, and WHEREAS the selected individual meets the specified qualifications, and WHEREAS the selection committee consisting of Nyles Davis, Brenda West, Paul Edgerley, and Stacy Norris have determined that this individual could best fulfill the responsibilities and duties of this position. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Ted Knopp be approved as the new Student Grievance Counselor effective immediately. PASSED 4/14/78 R-11 RESOLUTION 77/78/12 BY: SPENDING POLICY FOR COLLEGE COUNCILS Ad hoc Committee on College Council Spending Policy WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57, College Council Funding, called for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to formulate a policy on spending that the nine (9) College Councils would have to adhere to when allocating or spending monies BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following policy be used by the College Councils when spending monies: A. When any monies are to be allocated for travel to a conference or convention there must be some type of recognizable public notification or publication - no less than two (2) weeks for in-state travel and six (6) weeks for out-of-state travel before said conference or convention. B. No monies may be spent on gifts. C. No monies may be spent on telephones. Money may be spent on telephone calls only if it pertains to organization business. D. Any item or service that can be purchased on Campus must be purchased on Campus E. Monies spent on parties or social functions are hereby prohibited. F. No monies may be spent on capital improvements (any improvements to any buildings or land) or capital equipment (office equipment, appliances, etc.). PASSED 4/21/77 R-12 RESOLUTION 77/78/13 BY: APPROVAL OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATIONS STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Cindy Thomas BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals to the specified positions: Barb Riedel Karla Engel Academic Affairs Standing Committee Chairperson Communications Standing Committee Chairperson PASSED 4/21/77 R-13 RESOLUTION 77/78/14 APPROVAL OF UNION GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS BY: Stan Watt and Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS six student seats on Union Governing Board were open, due to the expiration of terms, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee consisting of UGB members and a member of Personnel Selection Committee held interviews on Tuesday, May 29th, for the six vacancies BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people as voting members of the Union Governing Board: Susan Hamilton, Gregory Mayer, Kevin Burnett, Robert Christiansen, Marc Elkins SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following individual as a non-voting member of the Union Governing Board: Clarence Waters PASSED 4/28/77 R-14 RESOLUTION 77/78/15 BY: APPROVAL OF ASSISTANT CAMPUS COORDINATOR OF UNIVERSITY FOR MAN Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the position of Assistant Campus Coordinator of UFM, funded by the Student Governing Association, needs to be filled, and WHEREAS the selected individual meets all the specified requirements, and WHEREAS the selection committee, consisting of Sue Maes, Ann Swegle, Dave Ayres. Melody Williams and Barb Kille have determined that this individual could best fulfill the responsibilities of this position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lisa Barnes be approved by Student Senate as the Assistant Campus Coordinator of the University for Man. PASSED 4/28/77 R-15 RESOLUTION 77/78/16 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD MEMBERS Stan Watt, Stacy Norris WHEREAS three (3) student-at-large positions were open on the University Activities Board, and WHEREAS nine (9) qualified applicants applied for the three (3) seats, and WHEREAS interviews were held Tuesday, March 29th, by members of UAB and Personnel Selection Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals for the three (3) seats open on the University Activities Board. Chairperson Steve Francis Mike LaRosh Larry Morris PASSED 4/28/77 R-16 RESOLUTION 77/78/17 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR Terry Matlack BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individual for the position of International Affairs Director on the Student Body President’s Cabinet: Bill Storey. PASSED 5/5/77 R-17 RESOLUTION 77/78/18 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL MEMBERS Terry Matlack, Stan Watt WHEREAS five (5) seats (three voting and two alternates) on the Intercollegiate Athletic Council were available, and WHEREAS interviews were held by Terry Matlack, Stan Watt, and Kerry Patrick, and WHEREAS these individuals were found to be the most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate nominate the following individuals as voting members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Allison Luthi, Ted Knopp, Craig McVey SECTION 2. Student Senate nominate the following individuals as alternate members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Bill Oswald, Jean Sharp PASSED 5/5/77 R-18 RESOLUTION 77/78/19 BY: SUPPORT OF A/Cr/NCr Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS Student Senate at Kansas State University is concerned with the quality of higher education, and WHEREAS many students currently use Cr/NCr to experiment in courses outside their major field, and WHEREAS in order to increase student motivation in these courses and offer a more appropriate evaluation of the knowledge gained by the student, and WHEREAS the transition to an A/Cr/NCr system could be accomplished quickly, easily, and inexpensively, and WHEREAS this system is currently in use at several other collegiate institutions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support and request the implementation of an A/Cr/NCr system at Kansas State University. PASSED 38/1/3 - 5/5/77 R-19 RESOLUTION 77/78/20 BY: APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS CENTER’S WHITE BOND COORDINATOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the position of white bond coordinator was created, and WHEREAS an individual was needed to fill, this position for the 1977-78 year, and. WHEREAS the following job responsibilities were set forth: 1. Coordinate and supervise collection and removal of white bond paper on Campus, year round. 2. Maintain loading dock area in Seaton Hall, and WHEREAS the interview committee, consisting of Brent Jacques and Stacy Norris, believes that this person could best fulfill the needs of the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Becky O’Donnell be approved as White Bond Coordinator, effective July 1, 1977 thru June 30, 1978 at a salary of $50/month. PASSED 9/8/77 R-20 RESOLUTION 77/78/21 BY: APPROVAL OF CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS these job qualifications were established: 1. One year of work on the Consumer Relations Board. 2. Senior classification or graduate student in Family Economics, and WHEREAS extensive interviews were conducted by Susan McClure, Brian Rassette, Brenda West, Stacy Norris, and Ann Hoyt, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes that this person is best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Deb Haifleigh be approved to assume the responsibilities for the position of Consumer Relations Board Director, effective September 1, 1977 at the salary of $250/month. PASSED 9/8/77 R-21 RESOLUTION 77/78/22 BY: APPROVAL OF FONE DIRECTOR & ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the position of FONE Director and Assistant Director were available, and WHEREAS the following job responsibilities were established: 1. Recruitment & training of new volunteers at the beginning of each semester & the summer. 2. Continued in-service training of all FONE volunteers. 3. Update & maintenance of FONE files and resource material. 4. Responsible for operation of FONE, Inc., and WHEREAS the interviewing committee, consisting of Dr. Robert Sinnett, Suzy Olson, and Mark Scanlan, believes these persons to be the best qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. James Bartlett be approved as Director of the FONE, effective July 1, 1977 thru May 30, 1978 at the salary of $250/month. SECTION 2. Thomas Hochstettler be approved as Assistant Director of the FONE at a salary of $150/month for the first month of the Fall and Spring Semesters (Aug. 15 - Sept. 15, 1977 and Jan. 15 - Feb. 15, 1978). PASSED 9/8/77 R-22 RESOLUTION 77/78/23 BY: APPROVAL OF DRUG EDUCATION CENTER DIRECTOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the following job responsibilities were set forth: 1. Working knowledge of drugs. 2. Knowledge of drug crisis procedure. 3. Evaluate student needs and provide programs & education to meet these needs. 4. To coordinate application, selection & training of volunteers, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes this person could best fulfill these responsibilities BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jeff Morris be approved as the Director of the Drug Education Center at the salary of $250/month for 11 months, effective September 1, 1977. SECTION 2. The salary and length of time of this position is contingent on final allocations. PASSED 9/15/77 R-23 RESOLUTION 77/78/24 BY: APPROVAL OF PREGNANCY COUNSELING DIRECTOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: 1. Graduate student in counseling or related field. 2. Strong interest in furthering education in counseling & sex education. 3. Knowledge & experience in counseling techniques, sex education, and pregnancy counseling. 4. Be available a minimum of 20 hours/week and keep regular office hours. 5. Have the ability to work cooperatively with the KSU Counseling Center staff, and WHEREAS the interviews were conducted by the following: Barb Kille, Stacy Norris, Linda Teener, Bill Ogg, and Susan Crew, and WHEREAS the committee decided that this person meets the preceding qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Ivri Messinger be approved as the Pregnancy Counseling Director, effective September 1977 - August 1978, at a salary of $250/month for 11 months. PASSED 9/15/77 R-24 RESOLUTION 77/78/25 BY: APPROVAL OF INFANT & CHILD CARE GRADUATE ASSISTANT Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the following job responsibilities were set forth: 1. To prepare planning programs for children aged 6 mos. to 5 years. 2. To supervise undergraduate student teachers. 3. To consult with parents. 4. To perform any additional services applicable to the position of graduate assistant, and WHEREAS the interviews were conducted by the following: Barb Kille, Marlene Glasscock and Ivalee McCord, and WHEREAS the committee decided that this person will be the best to fulfill the preceding responsibilities BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Diana Bonner be approved as a Graduate Assistant in the Infant & Child Care Center, effective September 1, 1977 - May 30, 1978 at a salary of $305.55/month for 9 months. SECTION 2. The salary and length of time of this position is contingent on final allocations. PASSED 9/15/77 R-25 RESOLUTION 77/78/26 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK (ULN) WORK-STUDY STAFF Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS University Learning Network is funded for six (6) work-study positions, and WHEREAS three (3) vacancies have occurred in the staff, and WHEREAS interviews were held by Pat Bosco, Mindy Fogelman, Brad Brunson, and Stacy Norris to fill these vacancies BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Bobbie McGregor, Bob Elliott, and Dan Roberts is approved to assume the duties of the University Learning Network Work-Study staff. PASSED 9/8/77 R-26 RESOLUTION 77/78/27 BY: APPROVAL OF WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER’S WORK-STUDY POSITION Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS Women’s Resource Center is funded for one (1) work-study position, and WHEREAS one (1) position was open, and WHEREAS interviews were held by Maxine Lentz and Roger Luce to fill this vacancy BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Pamela A. Warren be approved to assume the duties of the Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Position. SECTION 2. The salary and length of time of this position is contingent on final allocations. PASSED 9/22/77 R-27 RESOLUTION 77/78/28 BY: MANHATTAN GROWTH, UNIVERSITY AND STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Senate Operations Committee, State and Community Affairs Committee, and Ed Wenzl WHEREAS the City of Manhattan is currently trying to decide its direction of growth, and WHEREAS the constitution of the Student Governing Association of KSU empowers the Student Senate with Protecting the rights and interests of the student body, and WHEREAS the Student Body President is the official voice of the student body BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Body President shall submit a letter of support for university involvement, concerning the direction of growth of the City of Manhattan to the Manhattan City Commission and President Duane Acker. SECTION 2. State and Community Affairs Committee, in conjunction with the Student Body President, shall lobby university officials and the Manhattan City Commission to insure university and student involvement in this area. SECTION 3. A sub-committee within the State and Community Affairs Committee shall be established to insure positive input into this area by Student Senate and the Student Body President as a whole. SECTION 4. The Student Senate Chairperson and the State and Community Affairs Committee Chairperson shall set the number of individuals on the committee and select a chairperson. SECTION 5. The Student Body President shall appoint one student-at-large to represent him/her on this committee with full voting and speaking privileges. DIED IN STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE R-28 RESOLUTION 77/78/29 BY: APPROVAL OF SENATE OPERATIONS CHAIRPERSON, STUDENT AFFAIRS CHAIRPERSON, AND STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS CHAIRPERSON Cindy Thomas and Skip Boyd WHEREAS there has been three (3) resignations of the standing committee chairpersons (Senate Operations, Student Affairs, and State and Community Affairs), and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Senate Chairperson and Vice Chairperson BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Greg Tucker be approved as Chairperson of the Senate Operations Standing Committee. SECTION 2. Jane Knoche be approved as Chairperson of the Student Affairs Standing Committee. SECTION 3. Anne Shearer be approved as Chairperson of the State and Community Affairs Committee. PASSED 9/22/77 R-29 RESOLUTION 77/78/30 BY: SUPPORT FOR CHANGE IN UNIVERSITY HOUSING POLICY Ron Nelson, Ed Wenzl, and Bob Burns WHEREAS the Preamble to the Student Governing Association Constitution states, “The students of Kansas State University united in the belief that the goals of a democratic community can be furthered only by the citizenship habits, attitudes skills, and knowledge acquired through experience and that the degree of student development is likely to parallel closely the extent of responsibility which students carry for their own society...”, and WHEREAS Article 5, Section 508, Part C of the Student Governing Association Constitution provides that, “The Student Senate shall have the power to enact, by majority vote, laws of the student body necessary to the well being of the student community, and WHEREAS the University housing policy may affect the general welfare of the student body, and WHEREAS the policy requiring freshmen to live in organized living groups (residence halls, fraternities, sororities, and scholarship houses) may restrict the individual’s welfare, and WHEREAS allowing students a freedom of choice permits them to develop a greater level of maturity and responsibility BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate endorse the proposal to change the housing policy from requiring freshmen to live in organized living groups (residence halls, fraternities, sororities, and scholarship houses) to encouraging freshmen to live in organized living groups (residence hall, fraternities, sororities, and scholarship houses). SECTION 2. Student Senate encourages the Housing Council to state and publish the advantages a student, especially a freshman, may gain by living in organized living groups (residence halls, fraternities, sororities, and scholarship houses). PASSED 9/29/77 R-30 RESOLUTION 77/78/31 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR Terry Matlack and Grace Hwang WHEREAS a vacancy was created due to the resignation of Bill Storey, as International Affairs Director on the Student Body President’s Cabinet, and WHEREAS The SGA Constitution requires such a position to be filled, and WHEREAS six outstanding candidates were interviewed BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Martha Winkler be approved as the International Affairs Director on the Student Body President’s Cabinet. PASSED 10/6/77 R-31 RESOLUTION 77/78/32 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Greg Tucker, Cindy Thomas, Skip Boyd WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Chairperson of Senate Operations to appoint the Elections Committee Chairperson, and WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Chairperson of Student Senate to appoint an Elections Committee, consisting of five (5) members, and WHEREAS interviews were held by Greg Tucker, Cindy Thomas, and Skip Boyd to determine the appointments to these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. E.J. Compton be approved as Elections Committee Chairperson for Fall 1977. SECTION 2. Dave Kearney be approved as Elections Committee Vice Chairperson for Fall 1977. SECTION 3. The following individuals be approved as Elections Committee members: Sandy Walters, Brian Reister, Rod Bohn, and Barb Riedel R-32 APPRECIATION OF THE 4TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STUDENT LEGAL RIGHTS RESOLUTION 77/78/33 BY: “Opey” Matlack, “Turkey” Thomas, “Goob” Rassette, “Lacy” Norris, “Aunt Bee” Matlack, “Barney” Matlack Deb and Carlos Martinez, Sandra Walters, Roger Loose, Nyles Davis, Pat Bosco, “Easy” Compton, Anne “Sure” WHEREAS the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights was a smashing success, and WHEREAS KSU’s SGA gained a great amount of national recognition from its sponsorship, and WHEREAS the coordinators spent an enormous amount of time and effort in coordinating the conference BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate hereby acknowledge the efforts of William O. Shay and Ronald Nelson for their outstanding accomplishment of coordinating the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights. SECTION 2. Both men shall be given a 15 second standing ovation during the delegates’ report on the conference. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 10/20/77 R-33 RESOLUTION 77/78/34 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD (UGB) CHAIRPERSON Terry Matlack and Stan Watt WHEREAS the University Activities Board (UAB) is in need of a Chairperson, due to the resignation of Steve Francis, and WHEREAS the University Activities Board (UAB) has met and made their selection BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Paul Wilson as the Chairperson of the University Activities Board (UAB). PASSED 11/17/77 R-34 RESOLUTION 77/78/35 BY: SUPPORT OF STUDENT I.D. CARD TASK FORCE’S RECOMMENDATION Hank Spencer and Mel Dooling WHEREAS Student Senate established a task force to investigate the quality of the present I.D. card system, and WHEREAS the task force has presented Student Senate with a report and the following recommendations BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate accept the task force’s recommendations as follows: 1. A. If the University believes it is not necessary to produce the card on Campus, then the University accept the proposal submitted by Connecticut Laminating Company (C.L.C.) or Harco-Omni Card. B. If the University believes it is necessary to produce the card on Campus, then the University accept the proposal submitted by Harco-Omni Card or up-date the present Polaroid system. 2. The validation system be changed from a sticker to a hot stamp. 3. The responsibility of the I.D. card system be removed from the Library. 4. That the Student Governing Association continue to fund the I.D. card system at $1.60/new student I.D. 5. That the faculty and staff I.D. cards be funded by the University. 6. That the administration provide the capital to cover any additional and/or remaining overhead not covered by the Student Governing Association. 7. That in the event the administration cannot find a department which could operate such a system, or is not able (or willing) to supply the extra capital outlay needed to provide such a system, the Student Governing Association cease funding the I.D. card system at the end of the 1977-78 fiscal year. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 11/10/77 R-35 RESOLUTION 77/78/36 BY: STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES COMMITTEE – REVISIONS TO SENATE BILL 69/29/1 Student Affairs Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 69/29/1 set up membership guidelines for the Student Health Services Committee, and WHEREAS these guidelines need to be revised and expanded BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Health Services Committee, established in Senate Bill 69/29/2, to be constituted as an advisory board for the Student Health Center. SECTION 2. The Student Health Services Committee shall consist of ten (10) members: A. Two (2) members of the professional staff of the Student Health Center (selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs) acting in the capacity of advisors without voting rights. B. Seven (7) student members of the Kansas State University student body. C. One (1) Student Senator from Student Senate acting in the capacity of liaison with speaking privileges. The above replaces Article IV, Section 1 of the Committees Constitution. SECTION 3. The seven (7) student members be selected by the Student Body President as vacancies arise. Each member is to serve for a minimum of one (1) year. The above replaces Article VI, Section 2 of the Committee’s Constitution. SECTION 4. To facilitate communication between Student Senate and the Student Health Services Committee, the chairperson of the Student Health Services Committee shall be required to come before Student Senate two (2) times a semester and give a report on the committee’s actions. Add a Section 3 to Article III. SECTION 5. Student Health Services Committee By-Laws, Rules and Regulations revisions must come before Student Senate for review. PASSED 11/17/77 R-36 RESOLUTION 77/78/37 BY: SUPPORT OF RECENT GRADUATE ON BOARD OF REGENTS Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas, Paula Jacques, Richard Stumpf, Roger Luce WHEREAS a recent college graduate on the Board of Regents could bring a “fresh” perspective on the college campus, and WHEREAS student input thru the Student Advisory Council has been effective, yet we realize that an “actual” board member receives more complete information and is formally involved in the decision-making process, and WHEREAS there are many recent college graduates qualified to perform the duties of being a Board of Regents member of Kansas BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Senate supports the concept of having a recent college graduate to the Board of Regents and strongly urges Governor Bennett to consider the nominees submitted to him by the Student Advisory Council to the Board of Regents. SECTION 2. The Student Senate Chairperson will send a copy of this resolution to Governor Bennett. PASSED 12/1/77 R-37 RESOLUTION 77/78/38 BY: APPROVAL OF SUMMER SESSION ALLOCATIONS BOARD MEMBERS Terry Matlack, E. J. Compton WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/29, revising summer session student activity fee allocation procedures, goes into effect for the 1977-78 board, and WHEREAS the bill requires the Student Body President to appoint four (4) committee members with the approval of Student Senate, and WHEREAS the following individuals have met the committee requirement, i.e. summer school attendance BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following persons be approved as Summer Session Allocations Board members: Gwen Cross, Sheree Lowe, Camillia Pace, Bob Renne PASSED 2/2/78 R-38 RESOLUTION 77/78/39 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Greg Tucker, Skip Boyd WHEREAS applications were accepted, and WHEREAS interviews were held for the position of Elections Committee Chairperson BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lisa Zahn be approved as Elections Committee Chairperson for the Spring Elections to be held February 15, 1978. PASSED 1/26/78 R-39 RESOLUTION 77/78/40 BY: SUPPORT OF APPOINTMENT OF A RECENT COLLEGE GRADUATE TO THE KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Kansas State University Student Body (Terry Matlack, Roger Luce) WHEREAS Governor Robert Bennett recently appointed E. Bernard Franklin to the Kansas Board of Regents, and WHEREAS E. Bernard Franklin is a recent college graduate with a fresh perspective on the student concerns in higher education, and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Senate requested Governor Bennett to appoint a recent college graduate and he responded favorably BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate go on record as supporting Governor Robert Bennett’s selection of E. Bernard Franklin to the Kansas Board of Regents. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to Governor Robert Bennett and E. Bernard Franklin by the Chairperson of Student Senate. PASSED 1/26/78 R-40 RESOLUTION 77/78/41 BY: APPOINTMENT TO THE KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Terry “the Munchkin” Matlack and Wif, Cathy; Roger “the Indian” Luce; Diddy “Dumb” Bell, Jenny “Geeze Louise” Johnston, Cindy “Loose Woman” Thomas, Pat “the Wop” Bosco WHEREAS Earl Bernard “Bernie” Franklin has been distinguished as a Kansas State University graduate, and WHEREAS he once led our astute student body as its “fearless leader” (student body president), and WHEREAS as his major prerequisite for serving on the Board of Regents was his involvement in Student Government at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS we still consider Earl Bernard Franklin to be one of us and he always will be, and WHEREAS we are very proud of him BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. In honor of his achievements and recent appointment to the Kansas Board of Regents, Student Senate shall give Earl Bernard Franklin 15 seconds of robust spontaneous applause and 45 seconds of silent meditation, with fond memory of his presence. SECTION 2. Earl Bernard Franklin shall supply Student Senate and the K-State Collegian with a more recent photograph than the one appearing in the January 26, 1978, paper. SECTION 3. One folded chair shall be kept at the back of the Student Senate Chambers retired at every Senate meeting for the next week to be titled “Earl Bernard Franklin Memorial Folding Chair”, in his honor. SECTION 4. A copy of this resolution shall be sent to Earl Bernard Franklin and his mother, along with a note signed by every member of Student Senate and the Cabinet. PASSED 1/26/78 R-41 RESOLUTION 77/78/42 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Skip Boyd, Lisa Zahn WHEREAS applications were accepted, and WHEREAS interviews were held for the five (5) positions open on Elections Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the Spring 1978 Elections Committee: Greg Mermis, Camillia Pace, Chris Belser, Kitty King, Pat Smith PASSED 2/2/78 R-42 RESOLUTION 77/78/43 BY: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NOON-HOUR GYMNASIUM RULES Steve Walton, Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas WHEREAS students are the primary consumers of KSU Recreational Services, and WHEREAS students formerly obtained considerable benefits from noon-hour use of the gymnasium for recreational purposes, and WHEREAS discrimination on the basis of University status (faculty, staff, student) is an arbitrary and invidious solution to rising demands for available noon-hour gym space, and WHEREAS the pre-existing noon-hour faculty “class” provides an insufficient justification for the exclusion of students because: 1. The agreement between HPER and the faculty establishing the restrictive period was voided when HPER transferred control of the period to Rec Services. 2. The basis of entry to the class - being a faculty or staff member - contradicted the acknowledged reason for the class - aiding the health of “older” individuals - as none of the several “older” students could be admitted to the “class”. 3. The period was not a class in any accepted sense: there was no direct supervision, no requirement for following a planned course of action, nor any tuition or credit provisions. 4. Since the period has been closed, the hour has not changed from what it had been a free and open recreational period with no elements that would justify exclusive status, and WHEREAS the existence of a facility use fee for faculty and staff is an insufficient justification for the exclusion of students because: 1. Students, through their regular fees, support the recreational system to a degree significantly greater than that financial help provided by faculty and staff. 2. Student fees are currently financing the solution to the noon-hour problem; the Rec Complex. Student financial assistance here dwarves revenues from use fees ($3.7 million as opposed to $15,000/year). R-43 3. Students cannot purchase use cards to obtain noon-hour admission, even if they desired to BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate express its disapproval of the recent actions taken to close use of the gym to students over the noon-hour. SECTION 2. Student Senate urge the new policy to be terminated at the conclusion of the current experimental stage. SECTION 3. Student Senate urge that the policy enacted for operation after March 15, eliminate all noon-hour discrimination on the basis of University status. PASSED 2/9/78 R-44 RESOLUTION 77/78/44 BY: ADMINISTRATION FUNDING OF ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Steve Walton WHEREAS Student Senate and the numerous College Councils are now called upon to financially support many academically-oriented activities and organizations (academically-oriented being specified as those organizations which operate to fulfill the requirements of a University course offered for credit), and WHEREAS funding for these organizations should be provided by the University Administration rather than by the Student Activity Fee, and WHEREAS elimination of these organizations and activities from dependency on student funds would be of considerable benefit to the financial status of Student Senate as well as the several College Councils, and WHEREAS the funding of these organizations and activities by the University Administration would aid (in most cases) the publicizing by KSU, claimed by President Acker to be vital to the future provision of state support to certain University academic programs BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate desires that the University Administration assume partial financial responsibility for those academically-oriented organizations and activities now currently funded by the Student Activity Fee. PASSED 2/16/78 R-45 RESOLUTION 77/78/45 BY: SUPPORT FOR AGRICULTURAL AWARENESS DAY Alan MacRunnels, Tommy Garrett, Cindy Thomas, Terry Matlack, Grace Hwang, Skip Boyd, Mick. Morrell, Jeff Zillinger, Stacy Norris, Rich Macha, Brian Rassette Sheree Lowe, Karla Engel, Roger Luce WHEREAS the economy of Kansas is predominantly based on agriculture, and WHEREAS Kansas State University is one of the oldest land-grant colleges in the United States, and WHEREAS a large portion of K-State students comes from an agricultural background, and WHEREAS we are sensitive to the Kansas farmer’s problems and concerns BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 17th of February should be known as Agricultural Awareness Day and shall be used to help inform all students concerning the agricultural issues of today. SECTION 2. Each class on this date is encouraged to use all or part of their class time for student discussion about the current agricultural crisis. PASSED 2/16/78 R-46 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 24, 1977 10:55 PM – 12:55 PM The first meeting of the 1977-78 Spring Student Senate was called to order by Steve Phillips, outgoing Chairperson. There were 34 Senators present. Anne Shearer, Dent Wilcoxon and Sandra Walters were excused. Pat Sargent was late. Bill Grisolia, Randy Groves, Dave Kearney, Pat Robinson, Deb Stadel and Tom Tuckwood were absent. PROXIES: Barb Riedel for Anne Shearer Troy Horine for Tom Tuckwood, Marilyn Trotter for Dent Wilcoxon Terry “Clyde” Matlack was sworn in as the 1977-78 Student Body President of Kansas State University by Paula Hoisington, Chancellor of Tribunal. Student Senators elected on February 23, 1977 (with the exception of Pat Sargent) were sworn in by Paula Hoisington, Chancellor Tribunal. Board of Student Publications members elected on February 23, 1977 (with the exception of Vic Winter) were sworn in by Paula Hoisington, Chancellor of Tribunal. ANNOUNCEMENTS None FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/1 - Maintenance of Student Governing Association Records Senate Resolution 77/78/1 - Voting Accessibility and Part Time Representation in Apportionment NEW BUSINESS Terry Matlack, outgoing Vice Chairperson of Senate and newly elected Student Body President, took over the chair. Steve Phillips, outgoing Student Senate Chairperson, explained the position of Student Senate Chairperson. Chris Badger, outgoing Student Body President, spoke on the position of Student Senate Chairperson. Nominations were taken for 1977-78 Student Senate Chairperson: Cindy Thomas, Ted Knopp. Phil Palma moved nominations cease. Passed. Cindy and Ted gave opening statements. Richard Stumpf moved that the election be held next week. Phil Palma called the question. Failed. Questions were asked of each nominee. The nominees left the room and there was discussion on each nominee. The question was called. Vote was taken by Secret Ballot. CINDY THOMAS was elected as the new STUDENT SENATE CHAIRPERSON for 1977-78. INFORMAL DISCUSSIONS M-1 Cindy stated that the election of Vice Chairperson of Student Senate and the Student Senate Representative to Faculty Senate will be held next week. Dale Denning moved to adjourn. Passed. M-2 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 3, 1977 7:00 PM – 12:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. Cindy briefly went over parliamentary procedures. Roll was taken. There were 39 Senators present. C. Haverfield, D. Kearney, B. Kille and A. Shearer were excused. S. McCarter was late. Proxies: C. Coffman for D. Kearney, B. Riedel for A. Shearer, S. Lowe for B. Kille, R. Masters for C. Haverfield. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 24, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Paula Hoisington could not attend the meeting so no one was sworn in. Those needing to be sworn in are: Pat Sargent, Student Senator, Sandra Walters, Student Senator, Anne Shearer, Student Senator, Vic Winter, Board of Student Publications. Cindy Thomas - The Student Senate Retreat has been postponed until March 26th. The women Student Senators will have a small get together next Thursday before Senate at Stacy Norris’ house. Need to talk to all Senators regarding committee assignments. Make an appointment and fill out an application next week. Committee chairpersons individuals interested in this need to fill out an application and make appointment by tomorrow. Selections will be made by Mon. Will have a list of university committees out early next week. We have no parliamentarian tonight so bear with me. Pat Sargent - Need one graduate and one undergraduate on Plagiarism Committee. DIRECTORS REPORTS Max Knopp briefly explained Finance reports by funded groups. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Grace Hwang - Islamic celebration on March 4 at 8:00 pm at 1021 Denison to celebrate the birthday of Mohammad. International Week April 4-8. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Introduced Nyles Davis, new Students’ Attorney. The plans for the new Rec Complex are in Vince Cools office. The next meeting about the Rec Complex is March 10th at 3:30 in the Directors Conference Room. Is taking applications for Cabinet positions. He asked that committees NOT hold their meetings in the Lounge Area in the SGS Offices. Jenny will schedule the SGS Conference Room for you or there are plenty of rooms in the Union. To schedule Union rooms contact Barb Pretzer in the Directors Office on second floor. The SGS Staff Personnel met Thurs. morning in Stateroom #1. ALL ARE ASKED TO DESTROY ALL TRASH LEFT IN THE SGS OFFICE. There is a sign-out sheet in the office on Jenny’s desk. This is for all office personnel. This is for your convenience and help when someone comes in or you are answering the phone. He asked f or suggestions on office improvements. Handbooks need to be revised. He asked for suggestions. Patty Field is the Open House Coordinator. M-3 Cindy Thomas - All committees and individuals are urged to type their own materials. Jenny will inform you as to what kind of work will be done by the committees, etc. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS Infant and Child Care - Marlene Glascock, Social Services Director - Ann Benson, Pregnancy Counseling - Linda Teener, University for Man - Ann Swegle, Consumer Relations Board - Brenda West, Drug Education Center - Jeff Morris, Environmental Awareness Center - Brent Jacques, FONE - Susie Olson, University Learning Network - Susan Small, Women’s Resource Center - Ann Benson, Union - Walt Smith. COMMITTEE REPORTS Old Chairpersons gave reports of what their committee does: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Jim Hamilton - works in faculty-student relations, academic policies, peer advising, 9-week drop period, field trip liability insurance, foreign language instructors, chairperson serves on Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Comm. and Consultative Council, looking into President’s Honor Roll, suggestions boxes on campus, look into getting class projects back, mandatory class instruction. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Deals with the $19.25 activity fee. A very time-consuming committee. Approved a budget shift for Am. Indian Student Body. SENATE OPERATIONS - Rex Meyer - Organized files, Elections Comm. is a subcomm., organized the Eggs and Issues Breakfast, take care of the office. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Selects personnel for programs funded by SGA, selects Senate Aides. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Thomas - Have two sub-committees under them: Student Services and Student Rights. Handles anything that concerns students outside of academics. AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Mike McCoy - Julie Hampl explained the survey and survey results of Senators. Suggestions for improvements were explained. Pat Robinson explained the survey of voters. Ed Wenzl spoke on projected student enrollments in other Big 8 schools. Campus Projections from Don Hoyt’s Office based on fall semesters: Full-Time Part-Time 1976 14,636 1,123 1977 15,294 1,174 1978 15,211 1,167 1979 14,986 1,150 1980 14,923 1,145 1981 14,577 1,118 1982 14,095 1,081 1983 13,686 1,050 1984 13,111 1,006 1985 12,601 967 Cindy Thomas spoke on the workings of the committee. AD HOC COMMITTEE ON TUITION BY MAIL - Ken Allen - Sent out questionnaires to other universities. Have been talking with administrators on campus. M-4 PERSONNEL SELECTION COMMITTEE - Stacy Norris - Working on selecting three student-at-large members for the University Activities Board, a Commencement Committee, and the Student Grievance Counselor. ELECTIONS - Gerry Coffman - Putting together the Elections Notebook. Committee members need to get their reports in by next Thursday. AD HOC COMMITTEE ON COLLEGE COUNCILS FUNDING - Skip Boyd - Working on general policies. The Non-Line Item Task Force has been working to determine if SGA organizations need more money and if so, how much. UNION TASK FORCE - Bill Grisolia - Walt Smith, Union Director, said a $4 increase was the least he could operate on. If they don’t get the money prices will go up and services will be reduced. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/2 - Summer Session Allocations Senate Bill 77/78/3 - Removal of ICC Monies from Reserves Senate Bill 77/78/4 - Supplemental Funding for SGA Advertising Senate Resolution 77/78/2 - Establishment of a Parking Task Force Senate Resolution 77/78/3 - Approval of Standing Committee Chairpersons Senate Resolution 77/78/4 - Recommendation From Union Task Force Committee OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/1 -Maintenance of Student Governing Association Records, was moved. Ed Wenzl explained the bill. Questions were asked. Brad Henson moved to amend by striking “one month” in Sections 1, 2 and 3 and inserting “three years” in Sections 1 and 2 and “one year” in Section 3. He further moved to strike all of Section 5 and inserting: Senate Operations Standing Committee shall be responsible for maintenance and safety of the official records and papers during the time that outgoing officials give up those papers to the time those papers arrive at the Archives. Sandy Walters moved to amend the amendment to change Sections 1 and 2 to “one year” rather than “three years” as Brad’s amendment reads. Question was moved on Sandy’s amendment to the amendment. Failed. Richard Stumpf moved to divide the question on Brad’s amendment. Passed. #1 - Dave Kaup called the question on the first part of Brad’s amendment. Passed. #2 - Question was called on the second part of Brad’s amendment. Passed. The question was moved on the entire bill, as amended. Passed. Senate Resolution 77/78/1 - Voting Accessibility and Part Time Representation in Apportionment, was moved. Bill Grisolia explained the bill. M-5 Questions were asked. Richard Stumpf moved to friendly amend Section 2 to strike “not to be” and insert “in addition to”. Accepted as friendly. Barb Riedel moved to refer the resolution to the Senate Operations Committee. Debated Barb’s motion. Pat Sargent moved the question on Barb’s motion. Passed. Cindy Thomas explained the “Sunshine Law”. Nyles Davis, Students’ Attorney, answered questions on the law. Discussion was held on secret ballots. A vote was taken as to whether or not to vote by secret ballot. Passed to vote by secret ballot. Terry Matlack spoke on the job description of the Vice Chairperson of Student Senate. Nominations were taken for the 1977-78 Vice Chairperson of Student Senate: Skip Boyd, Bill Grisolia, Ed Wenzl, Tom Tuckwood. Rachel Masters moved nominations cease. Passed. Each individual gave opening statements. Questions were asked of each nominee. The nominees left the room and there was discussion on the nominees. Came to an immediate vote on ending discussion. Failed. There was further discussion. The questions was called to end discussion. Vote was taken by Secret Ballot. Those Senators not voting are: D. Hoppas, B Henson, B. Grisolia, A. Shearer, L. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon. SKIP BOYD is the new VICE CHAIRPERSON OF STUDENT SENATE. The vote was: Skip - 21, Tom - 11, Ed - 1, Bill - 1. Nominations were taken for Student Senate Representative to Faculty Senate. Pat Sargent - Dale Denning (declined) Tom Tuckwood moved nominations cease. Passed. Student Senate voted a unanimous ballot for Pat Sargent. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas took a straw vote on the date for the Senate Retreat. March 26th was accepted. Mick Morrell stated that his fraternity is having its 50th Year Anniversary. Sam Brownback will be there this weekend. Dave Kaup - Fred Harris will be here March 11. Sandra Walters - She spoke on the Senate Seminar Class. Times and dates will be posted on the bulletin board. See Sandy for more information. Ken Allen moved to adjourn. Failed. Brad Henson - Expressed concern over continually asking the students for more activity fees. Skip Boyd - Thanked the body for their support for him as Vice Chairperson of Student Senate. The Task Force on Non-Line Items will meet at 6:30 next Thursday. Mark Scanlan moved to adjourn. Passed. Minutes Taken By: Bryce Haverkamp Minutes Typed By: Jenny Johnston M-6 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 10, 1977 7:00 PM – 12:45 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 27 Senators present. K. Allen, H. Dean, R. Groves, D. Hoppas, D. Kaup, B. Riedel, M. Smith, D. Stadel, G. Tucker and S. Walters were excused late. C. Huneycutt and A. Shearer were excused. B. Grisolia, P. Palma and T. Tuckwood were absent. PROXIES: Myra Randell for Carol Huneycutt, Rachel Masters for Dave Kaup, Randy Groves for Ann Shearer, Gerry Coffman for Barb Riedel, Troy Horine for Tom Tuckwood, Mick Morrell for Bill Grisolia, Greg Tucker for Phil Palma, Cathy Haverfield for Sandy Walters, Brad Henson for Ken Allen. APPROVAL OF MARCH 3, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Mark Scanlan is the Parliamentarian. May obtain an excused absence from a Senate meeting because of illness, a test or class that evening, of a death in the family. May only have three (3) unexcused absences during one term. If you leave a meeting early, let the Chair know where you are going. No homework will be done during a Senate meeting. If you have to be absent (excused or unexcused) you can have a proxy. Amendments must be written and to the Chair before it will be recognized. Roll call vote or division of the house - must be called for before the vote begins or right after the vote is taken. Use of the Yield - used to ask a question or give speaking privileges to someone outside of Senate. Point of Order or Point of Information - must pertain to subject at hand Executive Comm. Potluck Dinner - Sunday, March 20th - 6:00 - 9:00 - at Stacy Norris’ house. Senate Retreat - March 26th - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm - Little Red School House down by Council Grove. Univ. Comm. list is up on the bulletin board. Turn in applications to Cindy for any of these. DIRECTORS REPORTS UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK (ULN) - Susan Small - Had 3289 called in February, was 800 more than in 1976. Working with 5 work-study students and 15 volunteers. Working on a ride exchange program. Have a plant clinic available. Will try to publicize any meetings, speakers, etc. for you. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Rec Services meeting was changed to March 24th in the Directors Conference Room. Will have a Living Group Advisory Council meeting right after spring break. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS Black Student Union (BSU) - Ezell Blanchard M-7 International Coordinating Council (ICC) - Abdu Tofa KSDB-FM Radio - Bob Fidler Legal Services - Nyles Davis MECHA - Liz Esteban Native Am. Indian Student Body (NAISB) - Frank Kekahbah. SWEARING IN Andy Hartman, SGA Attorney General, swore in the following people: Cindy Thomas - Senate Chairperson Skip Boyd - Senate Vice Chairperson Pat Sargent - Senator Sandy Walters - Senator. Those left to be sworn in are: Vic Winter - Student Publications Bill Grisolia - Senator Anne Shearer - Senator, 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS - CONTINUED Sport Parachute - Rex Westmeyer Touchstone - Ted Grossardt Veterans on Campus (VOC) - Bill McAndrew Rec Services - Raydon Robel, Raydon also explained and went over the new Rec Complex Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) - Craig Swann. COMMITTEE REPORTS FACULTY SENATE - Pat Sargent - Met Tuesday. Passed a secondary degree. There is a committee on faculty evaluations. College Councils have to get going on tenure and reappointment evaluations. Deadline is April 15. Temp. College Council Coordinator for Tenure and Reappointment is Dana Elmer. GTA skills came up. UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD (UAB) - Stan Watt for Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Tabled approval of one organization and approved several fund raising projects. Stan resigned as chairperson. Craig Rundle is the chairperson until the new members are selected. AD HOC COMM. ON COLLEGE COUNCIL SPENDING - Skip Boyd - Met Wednesday. Have been working on a policy. TASK FORCE TO INVESTIGATE THE NON-LINE ITEMS - Skip Boyd – Still investigating. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/5 - Approval of Administrative Assistant to the Cabinet. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 76/77/74 - Establishment of a Student Referendum Concerning the Union and NonLine Item Fee Increase - dies on the table NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/2 - Summer Session Allocations, was moved. M-8 Tracey Smith explained the bill. Had no appeals on the tentative allocations and therefore finalized allocations. Questions were asked. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 77/78/3 - Removal of I.C.C. Monies from Reserves, was moved. Grace Hwang spoke to the bill. She explained the activities of International Week. Questions were asked. The question was called. Senate Bill 77/78/4 - Supplemental Funding for SGA Advertising, was moved. Skip Boyd explained the bill. Questions were asked. Dave Kearney called the question. Senate Resolution 77/78/2 - Establishment of Parking Task Force, was moved. Terry Matlack explained the resolution. Skip Boyd took over the chair for Cindy Thomas, since she was a sponsor of the legislation. Jo Lee Wingerson and Karl Stickley, Traffic and Parking Commission members, were present to answer questions. There was discussion and questions were asked. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 77/78/3 - Approval of 1977-78 Standing Committee Chairpersons, was moved. Cindy Thomas spoke on the resolution. Questions were asked of the nominees. Deb Stadel called the question. Senate Resolution 77/78/4 - Recommendations from Union Task Force Committee, was moved. Rachel Masters explained the resolution. Randy Groves moved to combine the two questions. The question was moved. Passed. Ed Wenzl moved to change $4.00 to $5.00. The question was called. Ed requested a Roll Call Vote. Passed: 28/9/3 YES: G. Coffman, E. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, C. Haverfield, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kearney, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, B. Metzler, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, R. Stumpf, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, E. Wenzl NO: K. Allen, B. Grisolia, R. Groves, B. Henson, B. Kille, M. McCoy, M. Morrell, P. Sargent, A. Stetson ABSTAIN: D. Kaup, A. Shearer, S. Walters ABSENT: D. Hoppas, P. Palma, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon. There was further discussion. Cathy McCosh moved the question on the resolution, as amended. Rachel Masters requested a Roll Call Vote. M-9 YES: G. Coffman, E. Compton, H. Dean, M. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, B. Kille, J. Knoche, S. Lowe, R. Masters, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, M. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, G. Tucker NO: K. Allen, D. Denning, B. Grisolia, B. Henson, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, M. Knopp, S. McCarter, M. Morrell, L. Smith, D. Stadel, E. Wenzl ABSTAIN: A. Shearer, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters ABSENT: D. Hoppas, P. Palma, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Have an opening on Finance Comm. for a Student Senator. Application must be made by Friday at 10:00. Standing Committees will be made up by Noon on Friday. Skip Boyd - Have two at-large positions open on Finance Committee. Application must be made by 10:00 Friday. Dave Kaup moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-10 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 24, 1977 7:00 PM – 8:10 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 39 Senators present. D. Hoppas and N. Trotter were excused. G. Tucker was late. T. Horine and B. Kille were excused late. PROXIES: S. Lowe for B. Kille, A. Stetson for D. Hoppas, D. Wilcoxon for N. Trotter, T. Tuckwood for T. Horine APPROVAL OF MARCH 10, 1977 MINUTES Cindy Thomas - Scratch the last two lines of the first paragraph. SWEARING IN Andy Hartman, SGA Attorney General, swore in Bill Grisolia, Student Senator, Anne Shearer, Student Senator. Left to he sworn in is Vic Winter, Student Publications ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - The letter she sent out on 3/22/77 is now in effect. The letter outlined rules for absences and parliamentary procedure. Absences: Allowed three (3) unexcused absences during one term. Absences excused for the following reasons only: illness, test or class that night, death in the family Names of proxies must be given to Cindy prior to the meeting. Must tell the Chair when leaving or it will be counted as an unexcused absence Parliamentary Procedure: Amendments must be written out and given to the Chair in order to be recognized. Roll call or division of the house must be called before or after the voting process to be recognized. Use of Yield - to ask or answer a question or can be given to someone who does not have speaking privileges Point of Information or Point of Order - must pertain to subject at hand and used to clarify a situation. Rachel Masters - Will have “Collegian Cronies” softball practice at 3:00 or 3:30 tomorrow. Meet in the SGS Offices. First game is April 4th. Anyone is encouraged to play. Stacy Norris - Will have a sign-up sheet for Student Senators to visit to living groups about the Union Line Item Fee Increase on the Bulleting Board in the SGS Offices. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Rec Services Council is looking at sites for the new Rec complex. Want input from students. There are 4 sites being considered. Among them are: south of the old football stadium in the practice field and between east and west stadiums. COMMITTEE REPORTS PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Will hold interviews next week for University Activities Board and the Student Grievance Counselor. Handling the advertising for the Union Line Item Fee Increase Referendum. M-11 FINANCE - Max Knopp - Met Wednesday night. Meg Keeley spoke on Finances. Sat up hearing times for the groups requesting funds from SGA. Will start Sunday with the Social Services. Will have each group 30 minutes. First reading of the Tentative Allocations Bill will be April 7. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Rachel Masters - Met Tuesday for the first time. Have four sub-committees: State Legislative, Board of Regents, Chamber of Commerce, City Commission. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cathy McCosh - Met Tuesday. Brain-stormed about ideas. STUDENT OPERATIONS - Mike McCoy - Met Tuesday. Need to get liaisons straightened out. Mike needs a list of three preferences you would like to he liaison to by tomorrow. Organized the Union Fee Increase Referendum. Will have four voting places: Cardwell - Weber - Union - Library. Poll workers are needed badly. Discussed goals for the future. Hope to have an Eggs and Issues deal this spring and a larger one in the fall. Also hope to hold the Student Senate/Faculty Senate Banquet again. Discussed remodeling of the Conference Room. AD HOC COMM. ON REGISTRATION BY MAIL - Ken Allen - Decided this would not be feasible at the present time. TASK FORCE ON NON-LINE ITEMS - Skip Boyd - Recommended no increase. Felt the need was not as great as it was thought to have been at the beginning. UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Approved three groups and 2 fund raising events. FIRST READINGS Skip Boyd took over the chair. Senate Resolution 77/78/6 - Approval of 1977-78 Cabinet Members. OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/5 - Approval of Administrative Assistant to the Cabinet for 1977-78, was moved. Terry Matlack explained the resolution and introduced Stan Watt. Questions were asked of Terry and Stan. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Think about what you are going to say before you say it and don’t drag it on. People tend not to listen to you later on if you have something important to say. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Bill Grisolia - The Union Task Force will meet next week to organize the questions that are to go along with the referendum on April 6. Mick Morrell - KSU Rodeo is this weekend. Saturday night is the battle of the sexes and Sunday is a calf dressing contest. Skip Boyd - went over the agenda for the Retreat this weekend. Will be held Saturday at the Little Red School House between Manhattan and Council Grove. Will leave from the south side of the Union at 8:30 am. Attendance is mandatory. Will have to brown-bag it for lunch - drinks will be available for 25¢. M-12 Cindy Thomas - She read the resignation of Phil Palma, A&S Student Senator, until October. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-13 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 31, 1977 7:00 PM - 10:25 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 29 Senators present. B. Grisolia was absent. M. McCoy and M. Trotter were excused. E. J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Kaup, B. Kille, M. Knopp, M Morrell, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, L. Smith, T. Tuckwood were excused late. PROXIES: C. Coffman for M. Morrell, R. Hoskinson for 1. Knopp, M. Smith for S. Walters, R. Masters for M. McCoy, D. Wilcoxon for M. Trotter, T. Horine for T. Tuckwood, R. Groves for P. Robinson APPROVAL OF MARCH 24, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - No one will be let into the SGS Offices by the night manager. If you need to get into the office, get a key from anyone of the office personnel who has a key before hand. Jane Knoche - Need 2 people to work at a time at the S.G.A. table during All-University Open House Saturday from 9:00 - 4:00. DIRECTORS REPORTS INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR - Grace Hwang - She went over the activities of International Week. In recognition of the interdependence of all people, the contributions of all cultures, and our need to understand more about each other, International Coordinating Council (funded by S.G.A.) is sponsoring International Week, April 4-8, 1977. Monday - April 4 - International Fair - 10:30 - 3:30. Dances Around the World - 8:00. Tuesday - April 5 - Panel Discussion - Human Rights in Latin America and Related Issues - 10:30 Longing - A Pakistan Movie 2:30. Chinese Movie Night - 7:00. Wednesday - April 6 - The Art of Character Writing - 10:30 - 2:30. Apartheid-Problems in Southern Africa - 3:30. African Night - 8:00. Thursday - April 7 - Women in the Third World - 10:30. I Want a Solution - Egyptian Movie - 3:00. Arabian Night - 8:00 Friday - April 8 - Ping Pong Tournament - 10:30 - 4:30. Feast of Nations Potluck Dinner - 6:30. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Stan Watt - Union Fee Increase Referendum will be held next Wednesday, April 6. Monday and Tuesday are key nights. Need people to speak to groups those nights. A sign-up sheet was passed around to get people to sign-up. Need to get people out to vote so that it won’t be back in our laps. COMMITTEE REPORTS UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Selected three new members for the board: Mike LaRosh, Larry Morris, Steve Francis. Delta Mu is no longer is registered campus organization. M-14 STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cathy McCosh - Met last week. Jane Knoche is the new vice chairperson of the committee. Will get group pictures up in each college. Pictures will be taken next week at 6:45 pm outside the Big 8 Room. SENATE OPERATIONS - Melodi Dooling - Met Tuesday. Worked on the referendum. Do need poll workers desperately. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Rachel Masters - Met Tuesday. Ann Shearer has a list of Chamber of Commerce Committees that we felt affected students and things they have done. UNION TASK FORCE - Rachel Masters - Met today. Drew up the questionnaire that will go along with the referendum on Wednesday. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Sheree Lowe - Interviewed for the Student Grievance Counselor yesterday. Will have a poster out tomorrow on the referendum. DIRECTORS REPORTS (continued) STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Rec Services Council will meet tomorrow. Could reach a decision on the site location for the new Rec Complex then. Will meet in the Director’s Conference Room at 2:30. Are in the process of filling university committee positions. Hope to have a bill up for 1st reading next week. FIRST READINGS Alan Stetson moves special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/5 at this time. Failed 26/12. Cindy Thomas explained Senate Bill 77/78/5 - Impeachment of a Student Senator Skip Boyd explained Senate Bill 77/78/6 - Spending Policy for College Councils Rachel Masters explained Senate Bill 77/78/7 By-Laws Revision OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 76/77/79 - Appointment and Removal Structure to University Committees, was moved. Melodi Dolling explained the bill. E. J. Compton moved to friendly amend line 3 of Section 4 by adding after Chairperson “whichever is the appointer”. It was accepted as friendly. Came to an immediate vote. NEW BUSINESS Barb Riedel moved Senate Resolution 77/78/6 - Approval of 1977-78 Cabinet Members. Richard Stumpf moved to divide the question. Passed. Each individual was considered separately and a vote was taken on each separately. Terry Matlack spoke on each individual, as they were introduced. Questions were asked of each. Liz and Ezell will be considered next week. The total bill will be typed in next week’s minutes, after Ezell and Liz are considered. All the other individuals were approved for the proper positions. Rich Macha presented the Student Governing Association Budget. Rich is the Budget Director on Terry’s Cabinet. M-15 Cindy Thomas - Made an error on special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/5. The motion did pass. Senate Bill 77/78/5 - Impeachment of a Student Senator, is now on the floor. Brad Henson moved to overrule the chair in order to take another vote on the motion to consider Senate Bill 77/78/5. Failed: 11/22. Paul Edgerley, SGA Attorney General, explained the constitution regarding this matter. The two parts he explained were: Constitution - Article V, Section 508, B By-Laws Article V, Section 2, Part C Skip Boyd, Student Senate Vice Chairperson, took over the chair so that Cindy could speak on the bill. Cindy Thomas explained the bill. Questions were asked of Cindy. Bill Grisolia was not present for the meeting and did not speak to Cindy about being excused. Cindy stated that he had told her earlier that he would be present. Troy Horine moved the question on the bill. Dave Kaup requested a roll call vote. YES: G. Coffman, E. J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dolling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kearney, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, B. Metzler, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, M. Robinson, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, M. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, G. Tucker, E. Wenzl NO: K. Allen, D. Hoppas, D. Kaup, S. Walters ABSTAIN: M. McCoy, M. Morrell, T. Tuckwood ABSENT: B. Grisolia, B. Kille, S. Lowe, P. Sargent, L. Smith, D. Stadel, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon INFORMAL DISCUSSION Brad Henson - Tuesday is the City Commission Election. Vote for Joe Rippetoe. Skip Boyd - First softball game is Monday at 4:30 on the blue diamond. Cindy Thomas - The first reading of the Tentative Allocations for 1977-78 bill will be next week. The following meetings will be used to consider this: Wednesday April 13th, Thursday - April 14th, Wednesday - April 20th, Thursday - April 21st, Randy Groves moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-16 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 7, 1977 7:00 PM - 10:40 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 37 Senators present. H. Dean, R. Hoskinson, J. Knoche, M. McCoy, and B. Metzler were excused late. A. Shearer was excused. C. Tucker was late. PROXIES: E.J. Compton for J. Knoche, D. Denning for B. Metzler, B. Riedel for A. Shearer APPROVAL OF MARCH 31, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - New Senator from the College of Arts & Sciences until October replacing Phil Palma is HAWK SPENCER. Thanked a number of people for their work with the referendum yesterday. Thanked the Student Affairs Comm. for setting up the table for Open House last weekend. Have one Student Senate position open on Finance Comm. Have some university committee anointments that need to be made. A list is on the bulletin board. Tentative Allocations schedule is as follows: Wednesday, April 13 - 6:00 – Midnight, Thursday, April 14 - 6:00 – Midnight, Wednesday, April 20 - 6:00 – Midnight, Thursday, April 21 - 6:00 – Midnight, Thursday, April 28 - 7:00 - ? Finish Up. Skip Boyd - May 1st is the next softball game. Will try to have practice on Sundays across from Haymaker. Bill Grisolia - Free concerts in the City Park on Sundays. Start at 1:00. Bill has resigned his position on Finance Comm. Mark Scanlan - Wednesday, April 13th at 5:45 - There will be a session for new Student Senators on parliamentary procedure. DIRECTORS REPORTS UNIVERSITY FOR MAN - Ann Swegle - UFM and Union Program Council (UPC) will co-sponsor a creative workshop entitled “Poetry an the Novel” on April 14th at 6:30 in the Union Little Theatre. On April 15th there will be a lecture at 10:30 in Union Forum Hall. Received $6,000 from the City of Manhattan for the child care center. She showed a UFM film entitled “Grassroots Education”. The film is 20 minutes long and shows all aspects of UFM and the free university. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - There is a conference at Emporia on May 7 and 8. Open to anyone. Only cost will be food and lodging. Rec Services Planning Comm. made a recommendation to the Long Range Planning Comm. that the new Rec Complex be placed where West Stadium are at the present. Terry, Cindy, and Cathy McCosh will be attending the 8th Annual National Student Symposium sponsored by the Center for the Study of the Presidency in Washington, D.C. The theme of the symposium is “National Leadership and Priorities for the Third Century”. The dates of the symposium are April 15-17, 1977. The cost to SGA is Terry’s registration fee and plane fare and a portion of Chris’ plane fare. Have been interviewing individuals for university committee positions all week. Should be completed next week. Ezell Blanchard attended an M-17 Omega Psi Phi Convention last weekend and was awarded “Distinguished Scholar of the Year” We have had some materials missed from the office. These include the label maker, label tapes, and about 20 pen refills. If anyone has any idea what has happened to these materials, see Terry or return them and no questions will be asked. This could be the beginning of a large problem. Cindy and Terry will make a list of goals for the next year. COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cathy McCosh - Greg Tucker and Barb Riedel are setting up the University Leadership Workshop. SENATE OPERATIONS - Melodi Dooling - Thanked all those who helped with the referendum polls yesterday. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Thanked the members of the comm. for their work on the referendum. Also thanked Senate Operations and others. Helped interview for the Grievance Counselor. Had 13 applicants. Brought four back for a second interview. Ted Knopp was finally selected. TASK FORCE ON NON-LINE ITEM FUNDING - Skip Boyd – Need two more people to serve on this task force. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Met several times last week. These meetings resulted in the Tentative Allocations Bill. Approved a budget shift for Native American Indian Student Body. Mick Morrell is the Vice Chairperson. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/7 - Approval of Student Review Board Members Senate Resolution 77/78/8 - Approval of Traffic Appeals Board Members Senate Resolution 77/78/9 - Approval of Tribunal Members Senate Resolution 77/78/10 - Approval of Judicial Council Member Senate Resolution 77/78/11 - Approval of Student Grievance Counselor Senate Bill 77/78/9 - Funding of Soils Judging Team Senate Bill 77/78/10 - Tentative Allocations for 1977-78 OLD BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/6 - Approval of Cabinet Members, was moved onto the floor. Terry Matlack spoke on the individuals up for Co-Directors of Minority Affairs. Ezell was introduced. Came to an immediate vote. Passed. Liz was not present. Came to an immediate vote. Passed. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/8 - Impeachment of a Student Senator, was moved. Skip Boyd took over the chair. Cindy Thomas spoke on the bill. M-18 Bill Grisolia spoke on the hill. Bill Grisolia called the question. Cathy McCosh moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/79/11 - Student Activity Fee Increase for the K-State Union. Passed. Terry Matlack spoke on the bill. Yesterday’s Referendum Count Yes - 1,904 - 61%, No - 1,211 - 39% - Total 3,115 Questions were asked of Terry. Randy Groves moved to amend by changing $5.00 to $4.00. Mike McCoy moved the question. Failed: 4/38/1. A roll call vote was requested and granted. Amend to change $5 to $4 in Senate Bill 77/78/11 ROLL CALL VOTES: YES: K. Allen, B. Grisolia, R. Groves, D. Kaup NO: G. Coffman, E. J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, C. Haverfield, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith, M. Smith, S. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSTAIN: B. Henson ABSENT: G. Tucker. Dave Kaup moved to strike Section 1 and. insert the following: An increase of $4.50 per semester per full-time student and $6.00 per semester new assessment to part-time students in the student activity fee be allocated to the K-State Union’s student services and programs. An increase of $.50 per semester per full-time students in the student activity fee to be allocated to non-line item accounts. These increases will go into effect for the Fall of 1977. Bill Grisolia objected to consideration of this motion. It passed not to consider. The question was moved on the bill as it originally read. A roll call vote was requested and granted. ROLL CALL VOTE ON Senate Bill 77/78/11: YES: G. Coffman, E. J. Compton, H. Dean, m. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, M. Randell, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, S. Walter, E. Wenzel, D. Wilcoxon NO: K. Allen, S. Denning, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, D. Kaup, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, B. Riedel, H. Spencer ABSTAIN: A. Shearer ABSENT: B. Grisolia. Walt Smith thanked the Student Senate for all they have done for the Union. They won’t be back for a long time. Senate Bill 77/78/6 -Spending Policy for College Councils, was moved. Skip Boyd made necessary changes as they came from committee. It is now Senate Resolution 77/78/12. Mike McCoy moved to table until Senate could have the revised bill before them. Passed. M-19 Senate Bill 77/78/7 -By-Laws Revision, was moved. Sheree Lowe explained the bill. There was debate. The question was called. Bill Grisolia requested a roll call vote and it was granted. ROLL CALL VOTE on Senate Bill 77/78/7: YES: K. Allen, E. J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, B. Grisolia, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, B. Kille, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, D. Wilcoxon NO: G. Coffman, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, D. Kaup, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, S. Walter, E. Wenzl ABSTAIN: A. Shearer INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Need people to serve on the committee we just formulated. Deadline for chairperson is Thursday. Ken Allen - Last Student Senate Credit class is Tuesday at 7:30. Papers are due. Pat Sargent - If you have any questions regarding A/Cr-N/Cr see Pat Robinson, Pat Sargent, or a member of the Academic Affairs Committee. Hope to have a resolution up on this soon. Have Tenure and Reappointment evaluations twice a year. Dana Elmer is the coordinator of this. If you have any questions talk to him or Pat Sargent. Brad Henson - Had 15-20 people show up for the rap session yesterday. Thanked those S.G.A. people who showed up. Concerns included: Rape, A-Dorm Switch, Union services, Reapportionment of Student Senators, Action Line in the Collegian (students to Senators) Greg Tucker -. Derby Day - Next Thursday - 8:00 - 12:00 - Mother’s Worry. Randy Groves moved to adjourn. Passed. M-20 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 13, 1977 6:00 PM – 10:35 PM The first meeting of 1977-78 Tentative Allocations was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 30 Senators present. B. Henson was excused. B. Grisolia and C. Tucker were late. Those excused late were K. Allen, H. Dean, D. Denning, R. Groves, R. Masters, S. McCarter, M. McCoy, P. Robinson, D. Stadel, P. Stumpf and E. Wenzl. Proxies: C. Haverfield for P Masters, C. McCosh for B. Henson, A. Stetson for P. Robinson, M. McCoy for R. Groves, E. Wenzl for R. Stumpf, S. McCarter for D. Denning ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - E.J. Compton is the Student Senator appointed to Finance Comm. We are live on KSDB-FM during allocations, so watch it. Allocation Procedure: The question will be divided. Will hear 5-6 groups over the four nights First we will hear Finance Committee’s Recommendation After that, the group representative will speak. Followed by the Liaison’s report. Questions will be asked of the Finance Comm. rep, the representative and/or the liaison at this time. Then we will go into debate After debate has ended, a vote will be taken either on Finance Committee’s Recommendation as it stands, on the bill or as amended Debate will be limited to 5 minutes per speaker and this will include any yielding. You can amend an amendment Final amendments are due April 26th at 5:00 pm. Senate Bill 77/78/10 - Tentative Allocations for 1977-78, was moved onto the floor. Richard Stumpf moved to divide the question by groups. Passed. Max Knopp introduced the Finance Committee members. Have this amount to allocate - $ 120,000.00 Less WITHHOLDING - $5,000.00 Have this amount to work with - 115,000.00 Have the following amounts in the following accounts: Reserves for Contingencies - $ 11,613.00 Long Range - 7,600.77 Nichols Gym Reserve - 10,000.00. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) Max Knopp gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Craig Swann, Campus Director, and Deb Harrison, Executive Director, spoke on the operations of ASK. If they don’t get what they are requesting, consider giving ASK the $.25 line item plus $500 to be put into an account at K-State for the Campus Director to use towards programs at K-State. No liaison report was given. Questions were asked of Deb and Craig. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation of a .25 LI ($7,239.25) for ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS. Passed. M-21 BLACK STUDENT UNION (BSU) Mick Morrell gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Anthony Seals, newly elected President, spoke on the group. No liaison report was given. Questions were asked of Mick and Anthony. Ernie Downs, advisor to BSU, explained career planning. Questions were asked of Marilyn Trotter regarding Orientation (career planning). Pat Bosco spoke on Student Senate’s responsibility to BSU since they were asked to cut their budget and since they did so drastically. This also holds true of the other minority groups. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of 1,750.00 for BLACK STUDENT UNION. Passed. CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD (CRB) Polly Green gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Brenda West, Director, spoke on the organization. No liaison report was given. Questions were asked of Brenda and Polly. Ed Wenzl moved to decrease Dues, Memberships and Subscriptions from $40 to $0 and increase Travel from $140 to $180. Came to an immediate vote on Ed’s amendment. Failed. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’ Recommendation of $3,210.00 for CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD. Passed. DRUG EDUCATION CENTER (DEC) Sandy Walters gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. John Leslie, Director, and Jeff Morris, Assistant Director, spoke on the Center. John announced his resignation effective June 1, 1977. He will be graduating. Jeff explained the duties of the Assistant Director. Dave Kaup gave a liaison report. Questions were asked of Jeff and John. The questions mainly centered around the position of Assistant Director. Ken Allen moved to amend by adding an Assistant Director at $200/mo. for 11 months ($2,200) - Bringing the total to $5,999.00. There was discussion on Ken’s amendment. Mick Morrell moved to amend Ken’s amendment by changing the figure to read $150/mo. for 11 months ($1,650) - Bringing the total to $5,449.00. E.J. Compton called the question on Mick’s amendment. Failed. There was further discussion on Ken’s amendment. Richard Stumpf moved the question on Ken’s amendment. Failed. Hank Spencer moved to decrease the Director’s Salary to $220.50/mo. for 11 months ($2,425.50) and change the Assistant Director position to work-study at $2.30/hr. for 15 weeks in the fall and 15 weeks in the spring ($362.25). This would make the total read $3,836.75. The question was moved on Hank’s amendment. Failed. Richard Stumpf moved to add an Assistant Director at $150/mo. for 9 months ($1,350) - Bringing the total to $5,149.00. M-22 Mike McCoy moved the question on Richard’s amendment. Failed. Dave Kearney moved the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $3,799.00 for DRUG EDUCATION CENTER. Passed. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER (EAC) Carolyn Hoener gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Brent Jacques, Director, spoke on the Center. Myra Randell gave a liaison report. Questions were asked of Brent. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $600.00 for the ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER. Passed. Bill Grisolia moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-23 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 14, 1977 6:00 PM – MIDNIGHT The second meeting of Tentative Allocations for 1977-78 was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas, There were 27 Senators present. D. Denning and C. McCosh were excused. R. Masters, B. Riedel, L. Smith, and D. Hoppas were late. B. Grisolia was absent. M. Dooling, C. Haverfield, T. Horine, D. Kaup, A. Shearer, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, E. Wenzl, B. Metzler and S. Lowe were excused late. Proxies: S. McCarter for B. Metzler, R. Masters for C. Haverfield, K. Allen for D. Kaup, J. Knoche for C. McCosh, A. Stetson for M. Dooling, B. Riedel for A. Shearer, B. Kille for S. Lowe, H. Spencer for D. Denning. APPROVAL OF APRIL 7, 1977 MINUTES Randy Groves - Under UFM Directors Report - Page 1 It should read $6,000 for $6,00. Under Terry’s Director’s Report - Page 2 - second paragraph - The Rec Complex is recommended for West Stadium only - not East and West Stadiums. APPROVAL OF APRIL 13, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Executive Comm. meeting - Sunday - 7:00 pm – Vista Drive-In on Tuttle Creek Blvd. Still have some university committee appointments to make. When you are in the office, please turn off the lights and lock the door or find someone in the building to lock the door for you. Stacy Norris - If you want a Senate Aide, let her know who by Monday or Tuesday of next week. Also, need a short statement as to what you will be having them do. Rachel tasters - Need people to help tabulate the questionnaire that was done during the referendum on the Union. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Stan Watt for Terry Matlack - There will be a Cabinet meeting Tuesday at 9:00 pm in the SGS Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Letters were sent to the Social Service on what positions will be open in each group. Barb Kille helped interview for Asst. Coord. of UFM this week. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Tuesday. Heard a talk on a fire protection study for the campus. Value and honor code was discussed. FIRST READING Senate Resolution 77/78/13 - Approval of Academic Affairs and Communications Committees Chairpersons NEW BUSINESS M-24 Pat Sargent moved Senate Resolution 77/78/7 -Approval of Student Review Board Members. Brad Benson moved to divide the question by people. Passed. Paul Edgerley introduced each individual. Questions were asked of each individual and a vote was taken on each separately. Max Knopp moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/11 - Approval of Student Grievance Counselor, at this time. Passed. Stacy Norris spoke on the resolution. Had 13 applicants. Ted Knopp spoke on the position of Student Grievance Counselor and he answered questions. Came to an immediate vote. Alan Stetson moved Senate Resolution 77/78/9 - Approval of Tribunal Members. Paul Edgerley spoke on the resolution. Each individual was introduced and questions were asked. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 77/78/10 - Approval of Judicial Council Members, was moved. Paul Edgerley introduced John Feldhausen. Questions were asked of John and Paul. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 77/78/9 - Funding of Soils Judging Team, was moved. Mick Morrell spoke on the bill. The judging contest will be held at K-State next year. Questions were asked of Mick and Max. Four team members and an alternate are attending the meet. Ken Allen moved to table until an itemized breakdown of the budget is before Student Senate. Passed. OLD BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/12 - Spending Policy for College Councils, was untabled. Skip Boyd explained the resolution as it was changed by the ad hoc committee. Questions were asked of Skip Boyd. Mike McCoy moved to table. Passed. Senate Bill 77/78/10 - Tentative Allocations for 1977-78, was moved onto the floor. FONE Max Knopp gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Susie Olson, Director of the FONE, explained the functions of the FONE. Hot Line is open from 5 pm to 7 am daily. Questions were asked of Susie. No liaison report was given. Dave Kaup moved to increase the Assistant Director’s Salary from $300 to $1,350 ($150/mo. for 9 mos.) - Bringing the total allocation to $4,932.39. E.J. Compton called the question on Dave’s amendment. Failed. Barb Riedel called the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $3,882.39 for the FONE. PASSED. M-25 ID CARDS Max Knopp explained Finance Committee’s Recommendation. BUDGET Salary $ 7,249.96, Printing 100.00, Repairs 336.00, Office Supplies 6,533.10, Total $ 14,219.06, Less Revenue 1,500.00 Total $ 12,719.06 Questions were asked of Max, Pat Bosco, and Chester Peters, Vice President for Student Affairs. Debate was entered into. Ken Allen moved to table until April 21st. Passed. INFANT AND CHILD CARE Polly Green gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Ivalee McCord, Director of the Center, spoke on the position. Can only have 15 or 16 children/day. Have 44 children enrolled at the Center. Age range from 6 months to 5 years. Questions were asked of Polly, Dr. McCord, Pat Bosco and Max Knopp. Richard Stumpf moved to decrease the salary to $2,250 (250/mo. for 9 mos.). The question was moved on Richard’s amendment. Failed. Mike McCoy called the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $2,750.00 for the INFANT AND CHILD CARE CENTER. PASSED. KSDB-FM RADIO Sandy Walters gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Bob Fidler, Faculty Advisor to KSDB, was available to answer questions since Finance Comm. went exactly along with their request. Questions were asked of Bob. The question was moved on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $7,303.80 for KSDB-FM RADIO. PASSED. MECHA Mick Morrell gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Rick Garibay, President of MECHA, spoke on the budget. No liaison report was given. Questions were asked of Rick. Veryl Switzer, Assoc. Dean of Minority Affairs, and Antonia Pigno, MECHA Advisor, spoke on the organization. Debate was entered into. Brad Henson moved to increase: Honorariums from $1,200.00 to $3,000.00, Advertising from $100.00 to $200.00, Rent of Space from “0” to $100. Bringing the total allocation to $4,325.00. The question was moved on Brad’s amendment. Failed. Hank Spencer moved to increase: Honorariums from $1,2000.00 to $2,500.00, Advertising from $100 to $150.00, Bringing the total allocation to $3,675.00. Dave Kaup moved the question on Hank’s amendment. Failed: 20/22/0. Melodi Dooling requested a Roll Call Vote on Hank’ amendment: YES: K. Allen, D. Denning, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, J. Knoche, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, B. M-26 Riedel, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, E. Wenzl NO: G. Coffman, E.J. Compton, H. Dean, M. Dooling, R. Groves, D. Hoppas, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Kille, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, M. Morrell, M. Randell, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, A. Shearer, M. Smith, D. Stadel, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters ABSENT: B. Grisolia, D. Wilcoxon. Richard Stumpf moved to increase: Honorariums from $1,200.00 to $2,000.00, Advertising from $100 to $150.00 Bringing the total allocation to $3,175.00. The question was called on Richard’s amendment. Passed. The question was called on a Tentative Allocation for MECHA of $3,175.00. PASSED. NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN STUDENT BODY Carolyn Homer gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Frank Kekahbah, President of NAISB, spoke on the budget. No liaison report was requested. Questions were asked of Frank. There was debate. Doug Hoppas called the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $850.00 for NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN STUDENT BODY. PASSED, INFORMAL DISCUSSION Skip Boyd - Softball Practice Sunday at 2:00 - Field across from Haymaker Hall. If there are any amendments to the College Council Spending Policy bill get them to Skip by Tuesday. Sandy Walters - Student Senate Credit Class - Line No. 3123 Those who took it this semester and want to take it for credit next semester pre-enroll. For further information and questions contact John Burtis - 776-3298, Sandy Walters - 5394611, Room 240 Brad Henson requested a hand-count on changing the SGA logo. Senate voted in favor of this change. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-27 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 20, 1977 6:00 PM – 11:35 PM The third meeting of Tentative Allocations for 1977-78 was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 38 Senators present. H. Dean, D. Kaup, M. McCoy, P. Robinson, L. Smith, R. Stumpf and D. Wilcoxon were excused late. M. Dooling was excused. B. Grisolia and G. Tucker were absent. D. Stadel was late. PROXIES: M. Trotter for D. Wilcoxon, E. Wenzl for R. Stumpf, R. Groves for M. McCoy, B. Riedel for L. Smith, K. Allen for D. Kaup, A. Stetson for M. Dooling. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dale Denning - Those elected as Senior Class Officers for next year are: President Julie Hampl, Vice President Mike Evans, Secretary Cathy McCosh, Treasurer Casey Garten. TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS FOR 1977-78 The bill was moved onto the floor. INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Max Knopp gave Finance Committees Recommendation. Grace Hwang., Director of International Affairs, and Abdu Tofa, President of ICC spoke on the organization and the budget requested. K State has 604 foreign students ICC represents 61 countries Liz Smith gave a liaison report. Questions were asked for Grace and Abdu. Mick Morrell moved the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $4,930.00 for ICC. Passed. PARACHUTE CLUB Polly Green gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Rex Westmeyer, President of the Club spoke on the recommendation of Finance Committee, and the organization itself. Have revised the amount requested from $1,080.00 to $300.00, under Professional Equipment. Have 45 people on the roll - not all are active at one given time. An individual joining the club pays a fee of $67.00. $17 of this is for training materials, log books, jumps and first semester dues. The remaining $50 is profit used for repairing equipment, travel., etc. After paying the initial $67.00, dues are $5.00/semester. The number of jumps could be as high as 30. At present, Rex is the only instructor. Brad Henson moved to increase Professional Equipment from “0” to $300. Dale Denning called the question on Fred’s amendment. Failed. Rachel Masters moved to increase Professional Equipment from “0” to $200. Max Knopp read the following Section out of Senate Bill 74/75/37 M-28 Section 2. Effective fiscal year 1975-76, Student Senate will male no allocations from the $19.25 activity fee to competitive sports not recognized as intramurals or sports clubs under the jurisdiction of Rec Services. In the event of an increase in the activity fee, the present $19.25 will not be allocated to these sports. The question was called on Rachel’s amendment. Failed. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of “0” for PARACHUTE CLUB. Passed. PREGNANCY COUNSELING Sandy Walters gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Linda Teener, Director of the Center, spoke on the services offered. Jane Knoche and Barb Kille gave liaison reports. Questions were asked of Linda. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $3,263.00 for PREGNANCY COUNSELING. Passed. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION Mick Morrell gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Terry Matlack, Student Body President, spoke on the budget. Questions were asked of Terry. Rachel Masters moved to increase Public Relations from $1,300 to $1,540, Out of State Travel from $250 to $500, Dues, etc. from $165 to $190. Alan Stetson moved to divide the question by topics. Passed. Public Relations amendment Brad Henson called the question on Rachel’s amendment regarding P.R. Myra Randell requested a roll call vote YES: K. Allen, B. Henson, T. Horine, J. Knoche, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, T. Tuckwood NO: G. Coffman, E.J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, D. Hoppas, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Kille, M. Knopp, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, A. Shearer, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, S. Walters, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSTAIN: M. Dooling, M. McCoy, M. Scanlan ABSENT: B. Grisolia, G. Tucker. Out of State Travel The question was called on Rachel’s amendment concerning Travel. Failed. Dues memberships, Subscriptions The question was called on Rachel’s amendment concerning Dues, etc. Failed. Sheree Lowe moved to increase Public Relations from $1,300 to $1,420. E.J. Compton moved the question on Sheree’s amendment. Failed. Brad Henson moved to increase Public Relations from $1,300 to $1,400. The question was moved on Brad’s amendment. Failed. The question was called on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $21,905.80 for the STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION. Passed. STUDENTS’ ATTORNEY Carolyn Hoener gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. M-29 Nyles Davis, Students’ Attorney, spoke on the office. Questions were asked of Nyles. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committees Recommendation of $11,660.00 + $900 in reserves for grievance counselor for the STUDENTS’ ATTORNEY. Passed. TOUCHSTONE Sandy Walters gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Ted Grossardt spoke on the budget. Questions were asked of Ted and Sandy. E.J. Compton moved to increase advertising from $200 to $250. Rachel Masters called the question on E.J.’s amendment. Failed. Ken Allen called the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $1,720 for TOUCHSTONE. Passed. VETERANS ON CAMPUS Max Knopp gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Jerry Martin, President, and Gary Waltrip, Vice President, spoke on the organization and on the budget. No liaison report was given. Questions were asked of Jerry, Gary and Paul Wilson, Veterans Affairs Director on Terry’s Cabinet. There was debate. The question was moved to Finance Committee’s Recommendation of $318.00 for VETERANS ON CAMPUS. Passed. Mark Scanlan moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-30 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 21, 1977 6:00 PM – 12:15 PM The four meeting of Tentative Allocations for 1977-78 was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 34 Senators present. H. Dean, D. Hoppas, B. Metzler, M. Smith, D. Stadel and G. Tucker were excused late. T. Horine was excused absent. B. Grisolia, T. Tuckwood and S. Walters were absent. PROXIES: S. Lowe for S. Walters, H. Dean for T. Tuckwood, D. Denning for B. Metzler, T. Tuckwood for M. Smith, D. Hoppas for D. Stadel, M. Trotter for D. Wilcoxon APPROVAL OF APRIL 14, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. APPROVAL OF APRIL 20, 1977 MINUTES Approved - with the exception of the roll, which will be reviewed by Cindy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Wenzl - Non-Line Item Task Force will meet at 3:00 on Monday in Rm. 205 C of the Union. Pat Sargent - Don’t let individuals sway your vote during the allocation process. Vote the way you feel comfortable voting. Terry Matlack - A show of hands was given of those interested in attending the Idea Exchange Conference on Emporia on May 7 and 8. Myra Randell moved to suspend the rules to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/8 Approval of Traffic Appeals Board Members, at this time. Passed. Rachel Masters moved to divide the question by individual. Passed. Terry Matlack explained the resolution. Terry introduced Gary Mitchell and Steve Salter, individually. Questions were asked of each individually. Came to an immediate vote on each separately. Passed. Randy Groves moved to table til later in the evening until the other individuals were present. Passed. DIRECTORS REPORTS None COMMITTEE REPORTS PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Anyone who wants a Senate Aide let her know. Need a description of the duties they will have. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Rachel Masters - Met Monday. Will hold interviews tomorrow, hopefully, for the Chamber of Commerce Committee. Have alot of positions open. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Heard reports on the many projects the committee is working on. Pat Sargent - If you have any questions regarding M-31 ACR/NCR, get them answered before the resolution comes onto the floor of Student Senate. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Tuesday. Heard reports from committee members. Cathy Haverfield is the Student Senate Rep. on the Faculty Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate. Discussed the banner for S.G.A. A student rep. on the Library Comm. will be present next week. Looking into the possibility of making K-State a closed campus. Looking at revisions for the Student Handbook. Next meeting will be Tuesday - 4:00 Union Board Room. Mick Morrell moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/9, Funding of Soils Judging Team, at this time. Passed. Mick Morrell introduced Dr. Orville Bidwell, Coach of the Soils Judging Team. Mick made corrections to the bill. They are only requesting $188.47 - not $242.00. Dr. Bidwell explained the contest. There was debate. Questions were asked of Dr. Bidwell. The question was called on the bill, as corrected by Mick. Randy Groves requested a roll call vote. ROLL CALL: YES: E.J. Compton, D. Denning, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, R. Hoskinson, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, S. McCarter, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, M. Scanlan, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, M. Trotter, E. Wenzl NO: K. Allen, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, D. Kaup, D, Kearney, B. Kille, R. Masters, C. McCosh, P. Sargent, S. Shearer, L. Smith ABSTAIN: G. Coffman, M. Dooling, T. Horine, C. Huneycutt, M. McCoy, G. Tucker, S. Walters, D. Wilcoxon, H. Spencer ABSENT: H. Dean, B. Grisolia, M. Smith, T. Tuckwood. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/14 Approval of Governing Board (UAB) Members Senate Resolution 77/78/15 - Approval of Assistant Campus Coordinator of UFM Senate Resolution 77/78/16 - Approval of UAB Members NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/13 - Approval of Academic Affairs and Communications Standing Committees Chairpersons, was moved. Since Cindy Thomas is the sponsor, Skip Boyd took over the chair. Cindy explained the resolution and the positions. Questions were asked of Karla. Came to an immediate vote on the resolution as it originally read. OLD BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/12 - Spending Policy for College Councils, was untabled. Skip Boyd, again, explained the resolution. Questions were asked of Skip. Debate was entered into. Meg Keeley spoke on the resolution. M-32 Doug Hoppas moved to amend Part A. by changing “6 weeks to 4 weeks” The question was called on the resolution by Dale Denning. Max Knopp moved to untable Senate Resolution 77/78/8 - Approval of Traffic Appeals Board Members. Passed. Paul Edgerley introduced each candidate individually. Questions were asked of each separately. The question was called on each candidate individually. Each passed. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/10 - Tentative Allocations for 1977-78, was moved onto the floor. I.D. CARDS Max Knopp introduced Rachel Moreland, I.D. Center Supervisor. She handed out an information sheet. This sheet gave the following cost analysis for ID cards: Film $ .32 Pouch .216 Laminate .035 Insert .01 IBM Card .03 Val. Label .015 Maintenance .33 Labor 1.12 Computer Printing .04 $ 1.83 The sheet stated more information: SGA absorbs the cost of faculty and staff IDs also ($.17/card). Computations: $ 1.83 x 7,000 = number of cards made last year $ 12,810 $12,810 ÷ 6,400 (# of new students) = $2.00/card ID Center needs $12,720 from SGA. $12,720÷ ,6,400 (# of new students) = $1.99/student. Questions were asked of Rachel. The ID was changed to speed up time of obtaining the I.D.’s. It took approximately one month to get the old cards made. Takes 1-2 days with the new cards. There is no cost difference between the old and new cards. The new cards take much less labor to produce than the old cards. Into the 3rd year with the new cards. Main goal of the new cards was to get the picture on the front side. The new cards are repaired free of charge to the student. Debate was entered into. Ken Allen and Hank Spencer investigated the ID on a whole. Hank Spencer moved to table until April 20th. Passed, Ken Allen moved to set up a task force to investigate this and to report back next week and to be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson. Mick Morrell moved to amend the amendment by striking “to be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson” and inserting the names of those on the task force: Ken Allen, Hank Spencer, and Melodi Dooling. M-33 Mike McCoy called the question on Mick’s amendment to the amendment. Passed. Ken Allen called the question on his amendment, as amended by Mick. Passed. ENTERTAINMENT The Boyd Hall Bello-Tones performed two songs for the Student Senate. The songs were done in barber shop style. Those in the group were: Janice Heikes, Patty Field, Ann Zimmerman, and Annie Krable. UNION Max Knopp spoke on behalf of Finance Committee. The line item is up for review this year (every 3 years). We cannot deal with the increases we approved until they are approved by the Board of Regents. Walt Smith was present to answer questions. Came to an immediate vote on the K-STATE UNION’s Tentative Allocation of a $7.00 Line item ($202,699.00). Passed. REC SERVICES Max Knopp spoke on behalf of Finance Committee. The line item is up for review this year (every 3 years). Raydon Robel answered questions about the new Rec Complex. Rachel Masters gave a liaison report. There was no debate, The question on called on the REC SERVICES’ Tentative Allocation of a $2.50 Line Item ($72,392.50). Passed. UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK Mick Morrell gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Mick Morrell and Rex Hoskinson gave liaison reports. Susan Small, Director of ULN, went over the programs offered and the services offered. Calls March 1975- 1,554 March 1976 - 2,141 March 1977 - 2,959 Walk-Ins: March 1975 - 43 March 1976 - 59 March 1977 - 153 Questions were asked of Susan and Mindy Fogelman, Asst. Coord. of ULN. Sheree Lowe moved to increase advertising from $250 to $300. Came to an immediate vote on Sheree’s amendment. Passed. Brad Henson called the question on a Tentative Allocation of $4,267.10 for the UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK. Passed. UNIVERSITY FOR MAN Mick Morrell gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Ann Swegle, Director, and Sue Macs, Director/Advisor, spoke on the cuts from their original request in State Car and the Director’s Salary - both to “0”. Sue went over the history of UFM. UFM was founded many of the Social Services you presently fund. M-34 Holly Dean gave a liaison report. Coordinates the national conferences on free universities, no matter where they are held. Questions were asked. Debate was entered into. Mark Scanlan moved to increase Non-Student Salaries to $5,145.00 by add a Director at $275/mo. for 10 mos. The question was moved on Mark’s amendment. Passed. Cathy McCosh moved to insert a new category entitled Out-of-State Travel and place $240 in it. Came to an immediate vote on Cathy’s amendment. Failed. The question was moved on a Tentative Allocation of $18,066.00 for UNIVERSITY FOR MAN. Passed. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER Max Knopp gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Ann Benson, Director, spoke on the services of the Center and its goals. Served 1,200 students last semester and 1,500 this semester. Gerry Coffman and Carol Huneycutt gave liaison reports. Gerry read three letters that were written to Student Senate regarding the non-funding of WRC. Questions were asked of Ann, Max and Margaret Nordin, Advisor to WRC. Debate was entered into. Gerry Coffman moved to reinstate the original request of $1,065 in place of the “0” Finance Committee Recommendation. The question was called on Gerry’s amendment. Failed: 17/23/3 A ROLL CALL VOTE was requested YES: K. Allen, G. Coffman, M. Dooling, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, S. Lowe, R. Masters, M. Randell, D. Stadel, M. Trotter, E. Wenzl NO: H. Dean, D. Denning, R. Groves, D. Hoppas, M. Knopp, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith, M. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, C. Tucker, S. Walters, D. Wilcoxon, H. Spencer ABSTAIN: E.J. Compton, T. Horine, T. Tuckwood ABSENT: B. Grisolia. Dale Denning moved to increase the following categories from “0”: Work-Study Salary $ 360.00 Postage 30.00 Printing 30.00 Advertising 60.00 Rent of Equipment 80.00 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions 65.00 Office Supplies 50.00 $ 675.00 Dave Kaup moved to amend Dale’s amendment by increasing advertising from $60 to $80 and Dues, Memberships, and Subscriptions from $65 to $100. This would make the total read $730.00. The question was called on Dave’s amendment to the amendment. Passed. The question was called on Dale’s amendment, as amended by Dave. Passed. M-35 The question was moved on a Tentative Allocation of $730.00 for the WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER. Passed 36/4/3. Gerry Coffman requested a ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: K. Allen, G. Coffman, E.J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Kille, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, D. Wilcoxon, H. Spencer NO: J. Knoche, M. Knopp, M. Morrell, E. Wenzel ABSTAIN: D. Hoppas, T. Horine, S. Walter ABSENT: B. Grisolia. INFORMAL DISCUSS ION Cindy Thomas - Any amendments to the Tentative Allocations are due by 5:00 pm next Tuesday. No other amendments will be recognized. Tuesday at 4:00 there will be a forum on MECHA. The meeting next week will begin at 6:00. Cindy read a letter of resignation from Mike McCoy. He has been elected President of his House. Skip Boyd - First softball game is May 1st at 5:30. Liaison reports should be objective. Terry Matlack - Thanked Max Knopp and Finance Committee for a fine job they did on Tentative Allocations. A round of applause was given. Fred Works - Positions are open for ARH people on the University Activities Board, Judicial Council, Contract Review Comm., and Rec Services. Karla Engel - The first meeting of the Communications Committee will he Tuesday at 3:30. Melodi Dooling - I.D. Task Force will probably meet tomorrow. Connie Doebele - KSDB-FM - Thanked all the body for their cooperation. This is the 5th year KSDB has aired allocations. Brad Henson - Native Am. Indian Student Body will be sponsoring 3 buses to the Nelson Art Gallery in K.C. on May 2rd . Will have a sign-up table in the Union on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The bus trip is free. Greg Tucker - Will have a Senior Class Elections Losers Party at Mother’s Worry on Tuesday. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-36 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 28, 1977 6:00 PM - 1:30 AM The Final Tentative Allocations meeting for 1977-78 was called to order by Parliamentarian Mark Scanlan. There were 24 Senators present. K. Allen and L. Smith were excused. D. Denning, D. Hoppas, S. McCarter and S. Walters were late. H. Dean, J. Knoche, B. Grisolia, M. Knopp, R. Masters, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, M. Morrell, P. Robinson, A. Shearer, M. Smith, A. Stetson, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, and D. Wilcoxon were excused late. PROXIES: C. McCosh for J. Knoche, D. Kaup for K. Allen, M. Knopp for M. Morrell, B. Riedel for L. Smith, M. Trotter for D. Wilcoxon. APPROVAL OF APRIL 21, 1977 MINUTES Gerry Coffman was Troy Horine’s Proxy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Wenzl - Non-Line Item Task Force will meet Monday at 3:00 in the Union, Rm. 207. Mark Scanlan - Next week will be the last meeting of the semester - No meeting dead week and final week. DIRECTORS REPORTS INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Grace Hwang - She introduced the President of the Iranian Association, Hossein Akhavi-Pour. He spoke on the speaker they will have on May 3 at 3:30 in the Union Little Theatre, Dr. H. El Ashhab. He is from Libia and will speak on issues and conflict in the Middle East. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER - Brent Jacques - Will sponsor a free movie on May 3 at 7:00 in the Union Little Theatre entitled “Lovejoy’s Nuclear War”. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT -Terry Matlack - An architect student will be arranging the office tonight. Just an experiment. Long Range Planning will consider the Rec Complex on May 2 at 3:00 in the Director’s Conference Room in the Union. Women’s Resource Center sponsored Women’s Awareness Week this week. Has been real good. Will conclude tonight. He explained why the State funds the Director of the K.U. Student Union and does not fund ours. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Karla Engel - Met last Tuesday. Discussed the Leadership Workshop to be held next semester. Will not have Senate Visitation the remaining of this semester. Will begin again next semester. Will try to set up some stuff with KSDB. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Tuesday. Went over the report to be given to Cindy Thomas. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday evening. Discussed A/Cr/NCr at great length. Looking into other academic areas. FIRST READINGS M-37 Senate Resolution 77/78/17 - Approval of International Affairs Director Senate Resolution 77/78/18 - Approval of Intercollegiate Athletic Council Members Senate Resolution 77/78/19 - Support for A/Cr/NCr NEW BUSINESS Dave Kearney moved Senate Resolution 77/78/15 - Approval of Assistant Campus Coordinator of University for Man. Barb Kille explained the resolution. Had a lot of applicants. UFM narrowed it down to five. The interviewing committee narrowed it to two. The final selection was then made. Lisa was introduced. No questions were asked. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 77/78/14 - Approval of Union Governing Board Members, was moved. It was moved to divide the question by individuals. Passed. Stan Watt spoke on the resolution. All applicants were present except Susan and Robert. Questions were asked of each individually. A separate vote was taken on each individual. Senate Resolution 77/78/16 - Approval of University Activities Board Members, was moved. Stan Watt explained the resolution. Had 6 applicants Steve Francis was introduced. He was the only one present. Stan and Steve answered questions. Came to an immediate vote. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/10 - Tentative Allocations for 1977-78, was moved onto the floor. ID CARDS Was untabled. Hank Spencer reported from the ID Task Force that was set up last week. He handed out an info sheet on the recommendation from the Task Force. That recommendation is: Allocate $8,994.96 for the 1st 6 mos. and place $2,936.00 in reserves for the 2nd 6 mos. This totals $11,930.96. The figures are as follows: FIRST SECOND TOTAL 6 MONTHS 6 MONTHS FOR YEAR Salary $ 7,249.96 $ --------$ 7,249.96 Repairs Maintenance 276.00 --------276.00 Parts ---------50.00 50.00 Supplies M-38 Labels Pouches Film Laminate Printing Inserts IBM Cards Data Processing 189.00 270.00 660.00 -------- (164.00) (1,242.00) (2,640.00) (280.00) 353.00 1,512.00 3,300.00 280.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 240.00 -----------240.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 $ 8,994.96 $ 4,436.00 $13,450.96 Less Revenue ----------1,500.00 1,500.00 $ 8,994.96 $ 2,936.00 $11,930.96 Brad Henson moved that Student Senate accept the Task Force’s Recommendation. There was no debate. Tom Tuckwood called the question on a Tentative Allocation of $8,994.96 for the first 6 months and $2,936.00 placed in reserves for the second 6 months for the ID CARDS. Passed. Meg Keeley, SGA Financial Advisor, recapped our financial situation. She stated that we are only working with estimates. Cindy Thomas stated that the amendments will come up in the following order: Touchstone Drug Education Center - Fone Students’ Attorney MECHA Women’s Resource Center International Coordinating Council SGA It was noted that Touchstone thought they were coming up later in the evening. Cindy ruled that since she did notify a representative of Touchstone that they would come up first and since they were not present they will be heard last. DRUG EDUCATION CENTER Richard Stumpf moved to Increase the Assistant Director’s Salary from “0” to $1,350.00 ($150/mo. for 9 mos.) - Making the total read $5,149.00. There was debate. John Leslie, Director; Jeff Morris, Asst. Director; and Bob Sinnett, Advisor, spoke and answered questions. Sheree Lowe called the question on Richard’s amendment. Failed. Rachel Masters moved to decrease the total Drug Education Center’s allocation to “0”. There was debate. The question was moved on Rachel’s amendment. Failed. Rachel Masters moved to decrease Telephone from $240 to $120; Adverting from $200 to $100; Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions from $200 to $100; Professional and Scientific Equipment and Supplies from $254 to $l27 Office Supplies from $75 to $37.50; and Printing from $50 to $25 - Making the total read $3,289.50 There was debate. Pat Sargent moved to amend the amendment as follows: M-39 Decrease Telephone from $240 to $220; Decrease Dues, Memberships and Subscriptions from $200 to $100; Decrease Professional & Scientific Equipment and Supplies from $254 to $150; Decrease Office Supplies from $75 to $50 Making the total read $3,550.00. Doug Hoppas moved to limit total debate to 15 minutes. Failed. The question was called on Pat’s amendment to Rachel’s amendment. Passed. The question was called on Rachel’s amendment, as amended. Passed. TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR DRUG EDUCATION CENTER = $3,550.00. STUDENTS’ ATTORNEY Cathy McCosh moved to increase the Non-Student Salary from $11,100 to $11,520 ($960/mo. for 12 months.). Making the total allocation read $12,080.00 + $900 in reserves. Stacy Norris spoke on the amendment There was debate The question was moved on Cathy’s amendment. Passed TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR STUDENTS’ ATTORNEY = $12,080.00 + $900 in reserves. MECHA Rachel Masters moved to decrease Honorariums from 2,000 to $1,200 - Making the total allocation read $2,375.00. There was debate. The question was moved on Rachel’s amendment. Failed 17/23/3. Ed Wenzl requested a roll call vote. YES: E.J. Compton, H. Dean, R. Hoskinson, D. Kearney, B. Kille, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, D. Stadel, G. Tucker, D. Wilcoxon NO: K. Allen, G. Coffman, D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, T. Horine, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, J. Knoche, S. McCarter, M. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, T, Tuckwood, S. Walters, E. Wenzl ABSTAIN: D. Hoppas, M. Morrell, L. Smith ABSENT: B. Grisolia. TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR MECHA = $3,175.00. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER E.J. Compton moved to decrease the total allocation to “0”. There was debate. The question was moved on E.J.’s amendment. Failed: 9/34/0. A roll call vote was requested. YES: E.J. Compton, D. Hoppas, R. Robinson, M. Knopp, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, A. Shearer, S. Walters, E. Wenzl NO: K. Allen, G. Coffman, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, T. Horine, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, D. Wilcoxon M-40 ABSENT: B. Grisolia TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER = $730.00 INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Barb Kille moved to decrease Rent of Space from $100 to $50; Professional Services from $200 to $150; Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions from $300 to $200; and Stationary from $250 to $200. Making the total read $4,680.00. There was debate. Tom Tuckwood called the question on Barb’s amendment. Passed. TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL = $4,680.00. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION Cathy McCosh moved to increase Public Relations from $1,300 to $1,540. Making the total allocation read $22,145.80. There was debate. The question was moved on Cathy’s amendment. Passed: 22/20/1 A roll call vote was requested. YES: E.J. Compton, D. Denning, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, A. Stetson, G. Tucker NO: K. Allen, G. Coffman, H. Dean, M. Dooling, R. Groves, D. Kaup, D. Metzler, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, A. Shearer, M. Smith, D. Stadel, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSTAIN: M. Morrell ABSENT: B. Grisolia. TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR SGA = $22,145.80. TOUCHSTONE Rachel Masters moved to decrease the total allocation to “0”. There was debate. Barb Riedel moved the question on Rachel’s amendment. Failed. TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FOR TOUCHSTONE = $1,720.00. Dale Denning moved to reconsider STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION’S Public Relations Budget. Passed. Tom Tuckwood moved to limit total debate to 30 minutes. Failed. Barb Riedel moved to limit debate to 2 minutes/person. Passed. There was debate. The question was moved on Cathy’s amendment to increase Public Relations from $1,300 to $1,540 - Making the total allocation read $22,145.80. Failed: 18/21/2 A roll call vote was requested. YES - B. Henson, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, B. Kille, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, M. Morrell, B. Riedel, P. Sargent,. M. Scanlan, A. Stetson, G. Tucker NO: G. Coffman, E.J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Metzler, M. Randell, P. M-41 Robinson, A. Shearer, M. Smith, D. Stadel, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, T. Tuckerwood, S. Walters, E. Wenzl ABSTAIN: K. Allen, L. Smith ABSENT: B. Grisolia, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon. Tom Tuckwood called the question on Senate Bill 77/78/10 - Tentative Allocations for 1977-78. Cindy Thomas asked that a roll call vote be taken. THE TOTAL BILL IS LOCATED AT THE END OF THESE MINUTES. YES: K. Allen, G. Coffman, E.J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters NO: R. Masters, E. Wenzl ABSTAIN: D. Kaup ABSENT: B. Grisolia, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Thanked Max Knopp and Finance Comm. for a fine job on Tentative Allocations. Thanked Mark Scanlan for taking over the meeting tonight while she was in the Tribunal hearing. Thanked Mark Scanlan and Skip Boyd for helping chair the Tentative Allocation meetings. There will be no Executive Comm. meeting Sunday. She read the resignations of Gerry Coffman, Education February, and Bill Grisolia, Arts & Sciences - Feb. Bill Grisolia was found guilty by Tribunal of non-feasance in office, after he had resigned. Mike McCoy - Will have a Woodsie Sunday at 1:00 at Roadgrader Park. Cost is $2.50 per person. Pat Sargent - Thanked Cindy for doing an excellent job chairing these meetings. He also reported on Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee meeting. A hand count was taken of those who would rather have the Woodsie next semester. This passed. Personnel Selection Committee - Stacy Norris - Working on Senate Aides. Terry Matlack - This is National Secretaries Week. Senate did a fine job on allocations, except for one area. Cathy McCosh - Student Affairs will meet Tuesday at 4:00. Senior Class needs ideas for the logo for the shirts. Pave a box in the S.G.S. Offices. Barb Riedel - Academic Affairs will meet Tuesday at 3:30. Mike McCoy - Senate Operations will meet Tuesday at 3:30. Gerry Coffman moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-42 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MAY 5, 1977 7:00 PM - 9:35 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 36 Senators present. K. Allen. M. McCoy, S. Lowe were excused late. T. Horine and D. Kaup were excused. M. Knopp was absent. G. Tucker was late. PROXIES Dave Kearney for Troy Horine, Cathy Haverfield for Dave Kaup, Randy Groves for Mike McCoy, Brad Henson for Ken Allen, Barb Kille for Sheree Lowe. APPROVAL OF APRIL 28, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Introduced the new Education College Senator replacing Gerry Coffman, Rochelle Forsberg. Her term will last until February of 1978. The first meeting next fall will be held during the first full week of classes. DIRECTORS REPORTS INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Grace Hwang - Thanked all of the Senators for the support they gave I.C.C. this year. We all have a job of convincing the public that the new International Center is for all of us. GRIEVANCE COUNSELOR Ted Knopp - Estimated having had 12-15 contacts. All but one have been referrals. Cannot justify the funding of the position for next year. He does feel, however, that it is a necessary position. The position should he that of an ombudsman. COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COUNCIL - Cathy McCosh - Met Wednesday. They are fixing up the Athletic Dorm on the inside. ARH people went and discussed hall government. Dorm contracts will go up in the Fall of 1978. Utility costs will be up next year. Will have phones in Marlatt Hall Fall of 1978. TRAFFIC AND PARKING TASK FORCE - Alan Stetson - Members on the task force are: Alan Stetson – Chairperson: Mel Dooling; Randy Groves; Mark Groves; Karl Stickley; Ann Jorns Mark Hoffman. Had their first meeting and set up goals and objectives. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - Karla Engel - Met. Tuesday. Set up four goals: 1. Communication through students. 2. Communication through faculty. 3. Communication through high school students and faculty. 4. Communication through other Big 8 schools. Discussed chancing the billing process for the different groups. High School Leadership Conference is tentatively set for Oct. 29 and 30, 1977. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cathy McCosh - Narrowed the logo designs to four. Will vote on it later in the evening. PERSONNEL SELECTION COMM. - Stacy Norris - Will hold interviews next week for: FONE - Director and Assistant Director. CRB – Director. DEC – Director. Infant and Child Care - Graduate Assistant. EAC – Director. M-43 UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Approved some fund- raising activities. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Holly Dean - Hope to have the academic grievance boxes up next fall. ID TASK FORCE - Hank Spencer - Last meeting will be 1:30 on Monday. DIRECTORS REPORTS (continued) STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Need to appoint two people to the Students’ Attorney Board of Governors. Need to appoint someone to be K-State’s representative to the ASK Board of Directors. Will be working on some sort of a program to beautify the Campus and bring more awareness to our environment over the summer. Questions were asked of Terry about the site of the new Rec Complex. Chester Peters, Vice Pres. for Student Affairs, was given the National Association of Student Personnel Award for Good Service. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/17 - Approval of International Affairs Director, was moved. Terry Matlack spoke on the resolution and introduced Bill Storey. Questions were asked of Bill and Grace Hwang, past director. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 77/78/18 - Approval of Intercollegiate Athletic Council Members, was moved. Terry Matlack spoke on the resolution and introduced the individuals. Questions were asked of each. Jean Sharp and Allison Luthi were not present. Dave Kaup called the question. Senate Resolution 77/78/19 - Support of A/Cr/NCr, was moved. Pat Sargent spoke on the resolution. Questions were asked of Pat. There was debate. The question was moved. Brad Henson requested a roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: K. Allen, E.J. Compton, H. Dean, D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Forsberg, R. Groves, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, S. Lowe, R. Masters, S. McCarter, C. McCosh, M. McCoy, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, L. Smith, M. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters NO: A. Shearer ABSTAIN: D. Hoppas, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSENT: M. Knopp. INFORMAL DISCUSSION The body voted on a new SGA logo. Jane Knoche - Proposed Bikeway map is up in the office. Skip Boyd - Due to lack of participation, there will be no intramural softball team. Terry Matlack - He and Cathy McCosh will be married on June 4 at 7:00 in Buckeye. Reception will be held on Sunday at Clearwater from 2-5. M-44 Cindy Thomas - Good luck on your finals. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-45 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM The first meeting of the Fall Semester was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 38 Senators present. H. Dean was absent. D. Kaup and E. Wenzl were excused. A. Shearer, D. Stadel and M. Trotter were excused late. PROXIES: B. Riedel for A. Shearer, C. Haverfield for D. Kaup, R. Stumpf for H. Wenzl APPROVAL OF MAY 5, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Introduced: Bob Burns - New Grad. Senator - Seat lasts until Feb. Susan Angle, SGA Financial Advisor Brad Rassette, Cindy’s Senate Aide Terry Matlack and Cathy McCosh were married over the summer. Don’t forget the Kegger after Student Senate at Straube House. $1/person. Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet is next Thursday at 5:30. $3.50/person. RSVP by Noon on Sept. 6. Senate Exec. will meet Tuesday at 7:30 am in the Union. Have 9 positions open: State & Community Affairs Standing Comm. Chairperson, Student Affairs Standing Comm. Chairperson, Senate Operations Standing Comm. Chairperson, Elections Chairperson, 5 Elections Comm. members, Housing Council - 1 Senator, Union Governing Board - 1 Senator, 3 Arts & Sciences Student Senators, 1 Engineering Student Senator, You all should have received a Calendar of Events. Get your class schedules into Jenny as soon as possible. She explained the Absence and Proxy Policies: You are allowed 3 unexcused absences during your term. Excused absences may be obtained because of illness, death in the family, or a test or class on Thurs. nights. Proxies must be a Student Senator. Must notify the Chairperson 24 hours in advance of your reason for being absent and who your proxy will be. She made a ruling from the chair: adjournment will be at 10:30, unless it is overruled during the meeting. DIRECTORS REPORTS FONE - Jim Bartlett - He is to be approved next week. FONE just opened at Straube tonight. Had a good summer. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Pat and Susan Angle did a great deal of work over the summer on the Student Handbook. Cost went over the amount allocated. Will have a bill up later to allocate more money. UFM is in the process of moving into Straube. Rented it for a 10 year period, with the option to re-rent if not sold by Endowment Assoc, and will have the first chance to decline the offer if sold. Bikeway is being held up by the City. Alf Landon’s birthday is Sept. 9th. He is 90 years old. Held a reception over the summer for summer graduates. Hope to continue this and hope to have one in December for December graduates. Positions open: 1 member on the University Activities Board, Director of International Affairs on the Cabinet, 1 member on the Alumni Relations Board. PUBLIC RELATIONS - Diddy Bell - Needs ideas for a newsletter. Should be placed in her box. Newsletter will be sent to all living groups. M-46 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Stan Watt - Governor Bennett will be here on Sept. 29th for an open forum with students and a luncheon with campus leaders. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Karla Engel - Working on the High School Leadership Workshop to be held Oct. 22 and 23. SENATE OPERATIONS - Skip Boyd - Met last night. Only had 2 out of 5 members show up. Went over goals and responsibilities set up by Cindy Thomas for the committee. Will make a check on Liaisons. Will look into getting a Student Senate Historian. Would like to hold the Eggs and Issues Breakfast at the end of Sept. or first of Oct. Will try to recruit Senate Aides during the Activities Carnival on Sept. 11. Senate Exchange - Send a Senator to another Regent institution and have them send one to our Senate meeting. Need someone interested in working on the archives. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Will meet Tues. night at 7:00 to consider appeals from groups for money remaining from 1976-77 fiscal year. Don’t know financial situation yet. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - At the end of last semester we selected the following which will be up for your approval: EAC White Bond Coordinator, DEC Director, CRB Director, ULN - 3 new work-study positions, FONE Director and Assistant Director, Pregnancy Counseling Director, Infant & Child Care Graduate Assistant. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Latest Teacher-Course Evaluation Print-outs is now in booklet form next to the mailboxes. ID CARD TASK FORCE - Hank Spencer - Got good response from the questionnaire sent out over the summer to schools in the U.S. Have contacted 2 of the companies today. Hope to make a recommendation before October. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/6 - Re-establishment of Student Grievance Counselor Senate Bill 77/78/12 - Open Meeting Bill Senate Resolution 77/78/20 - Approval of Environmental Awareness Center’s White Bond Coordinator Senate Resolution 77/78/21 - Approval of Consumer Relations Board Director Senate Resolution 77/78/22 - Approval of FONE Director and Assistant Director OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Would like to get feedback on the idea of having a Senator reside over a portion of the meeting for experience. Pat Bosco - The All-University Leadership Workshop (replacing the U.A.B. Leadership Workshop) will be held Sept. 24, 1977 in the Union Big 8 Room. Will start about M-47 a 8:30 am. Will have a section on faculty advising for faculty members that are advisors for groups on campus. Pat Sargent - A-Cr-NCr will be brought up in Faculty Academic Affairs Comm. meeting next week. Terry Matlack - ASK Workshop will be Sept. 10 in Topeka. RSVP to Terry. Looking for a student to head the Student United Way Drive. Talk to Pat Sargent if you are interested. He headed the drive last year. Environmental Awareness Week is scheduled for the last week in Sept. It is being sponsored by the Environmental Awareness Center. Need to revise the KSU Literature and Notice Regulations. Tom Tuckwood - Listen to KSDB-FM at 7:00 on Tues. for the first presidential program. Guest will be Terry Matlack. Skip Boyd - Steve Arnoldy is his Senate Aide. Need people to work at the SGA table at the Activities Carnival on Sept. 11. Jim Bartlett - All are invited to the FONE volunteer training session to be held Sept. 10 and 11 at Straube. Sat. - 9:00 - 3:00 Sun. - 1:00 - 4:30 Cindy Thomas - Read resignations from: Holly Dean - Home Ec. until Oct. Cathy McCosh-Matlack - Arts & Sciences until Feb. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn to the Kegger at Straube. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-48 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 8, 1977 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 34 Senators present. R. Groves, J. Knoche, M. Morrell and P. Sargent were excused late. P. Robinson was absent. PROXIES: Max Knopp for Mick Morrell President Duane Acker spoke on the legislative session that was completed: Conservatory has been relocated. Will build a new classroom/office building between Dickens and Justin Halls. Will build a new Plant Science building. Dairy Barn will be a head house for the greenhouses. Greenhouses will replace the dairy lots and hooked onto the south to a new Plant Science building. New Rec Complex will be built out by the Washburn Complex. Hope to have it approved by the Board of Regents in Oct. and ready to been finalized by the architect. Had an excellent legislative year. Have an endorsement by the Board of Regents for a number of items. At present they are in the Governor’s office. Should no by mid-April what our appropriation will be for the next year. Planning coal-powered power plant Questions were asked of President Acker: Fire Safety, Bikeway, New K.U. Rec Complex, Board of Regents Rep., Possibility of utilities of new Rec Complex being paid by the state, Separate funding for the College of Veterinary Medicine, Relationship between KSU and American Institute of Baking, How long before a new Fieldhouse could be built, Will students be involved in selecting personnel for the new Facilities Dept. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Adjournment time is 10:30. Don’t forget. Proxies need to be in 24 hours in advance. Get applications in for open positions by Monday. Executive Committee meeting - Sunday - 630 - SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Kevin Kneisley will be heading up the student United Way Drive on Campus. ASK Retreat is this weekend. UFM is having a workday at Straube on Saturday. Need all the help they can get. Governor Bennett is coming to Campus to talk to students on Sept. 29 from Noon - 2:00 in the Union. The transformer came in for the International Center. Should be open soon. Environmental Awareness Week is the last week in Sept. Will have activities Tues., Wed., and Thurs. HEAF, a lending agency in the State of Kansas, will have an advisory board. Need one student from a Kansas institution. Applications are open for that. See Terry if interested. He showed the plaque that will be presented to Alf Landon tomorrow. It was carved by Vice President Peters and is a sunflower with the following engraved on it: ALF LANDON, “Our Kansas Sunflower”, September 9, 1977, Student Governing Association, Kansas State University. M-49 OFF-CAMPUS AND MARRIED STUDENTS DIRECTOR - Lloyd Landkamer - If anyone needs help from him, let him know. He and Diddy are working on a bulletin board to be placed on Campus mainly for off-campus people. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE COMMITTEE - Max Knopp - Met Tuesday night. Heard appeals from groups with money remaining from fiscal year 1976-77. Approved two of them: Home Ec. College Council - $103 for a newsletter, Drug Education Center - $60 for last years bills ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Barb Riedel - Met Sunday. Next meeting will be Tuesday at 4:30. She and Pat Sargent went to Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee Tuesday. Postponed discussion of A-Cr-NCr. Got a lot of negative feedback. We will have to unite and fight for this or we will probably lose it. STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Jane Knoche - Met Wednesday at 4:00. Went over: Environmental Awareness Week, Rape Session, Distribution of Student Handbook, Student Senate representation on various committees, High School Leadership Workshop. INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL- Allison Luthi- Gave some 1976-77 budget highlights: Revenue over by $326,798, Expenses over by $136,774, Debt was retired during the summer, Major financial problems in the future: stadium turf, stadium parking lot, new field house. Phil Wilson resigned. He was baseball coach and assistant athletic director. His assistant athletic director’s duties are divided between Bones Ney and Conrad Colbert. Dave Baker was hired as baseball coach. Hired Max VanLaningham as assistant fund raiser. Football ticket sales up, except for students. Taxes will not be included in the price of basketball tickets this year; will be paid separately. Sent a letter of commendation to Laurie Miller, who was selected to be one of the 12 members to participate in the U.S. World University Team. FIRST READINGS Bill 77/78/13 - Appointment of Senate Approved Positions Resolution 77/78/23 - Approval of Drug Education Center Director Resolution 77/78/24 - Approval of Pregnancy Counseling Director Resolution 77/78/25 - Approval of Infant and Child Care Center Graduate Assistant Senate Resolution 77/78/26 - Approval of University Learning Network Work-Study Staff OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/20 - Approval of Environmental Awareness Center’s White Bond Coordinator, was moved. Stacy Norris spoke on the resolution. Becky was introduced. Questions were asked of Becky Came to an immediate vote. M-50 Senate Resolution 77/78/21 - Approval of Consumer Relations Board Director, was moved. Stacy Norris spoke on the resolution. Deb was introduced. No questions were asked. Came to an immediate vote. Mark Scanlan moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/26 - Approval of University Learning Network Work-Study Staff. Passed. Pat Bosco introduced Brad Brunson, ULN Director. Brad introduced the people. Questions were asked of Pat regarding the work-study program. Questions were asked of the individuals. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 77/78/22 - Approval of FONE Director and Assistant Director, was moved. Mark Scanlan explained the resolution. Jim Bartlett and Tom Hochstettler were introduced. No questions were asked. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 77/78/6 - Reestablishment of Student Grievance Counselor, was moved. Ed Wenzl explained the bill. Ted Knopp and Nyles Davis spoke on the position. There was discussion. Troy Horine moved to table until September 29th. Passed. Senate Bill 77/78/12 - Constitutional Revision: Open Meetings, was moved. Terry Matlack explained the bill. There was discussion. Brad Henson moved to table until September 15th. Passed. Alan Stetson moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/14 - Proclamation of Honorary Member of Student Body. Terry Matlack explained the bill. Came to an immediate vote. DIRECTORS REPORTS (continued) ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) - Craig Swann - ASK Retreat is this weekend. Will be a great brainstorming session. Hope to see some of you there. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas announced the following birthdays and all sang Happy Birthday: Mick Morrell - Aug. 30, Cathy Matlack - Sept. 4, Ed Wenzl - Sept. 5, Brad Metzler Sept. 5. Christian Loschcke, a former Graduate Senator, came and said good-bye. Terry Matlack introduced the Collegian staff, and KSDB staff. Barb Riedel moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-51 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 15, 1977 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 29 Senators present. T. Horine, M. Smith, M. Trotter and E. Wenzl were excused. D. Kaup, S. Lowe, L. Smith, A. Stetson and T. Tuckwood were excused late. S. McCarter and D. Stadel were late. PROXIES: T. Tuckwood for T. Horine, R. Stumpf for E. Wenzl, D. Denning for H. Smith, B. Riedel for L. Smith. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - have positions open for: 1 Senator on Housing Council, 1 Senator on Use of Facilities Comm., 1 Senator on Union Governing Board, 5 members of the Elections Comm., 1 Elections Comm. chairperson, Standing Comm. chairpersons. The Exec. Comm. and Cabinet will hold a joint meeting (wine party) at Terry’s. Give $1 to Terry or Cindy by noon Friday. Sign up on the bulletin board to bring munchies. Conference next week entitled “Rape and Its Victims. Will be held Sept. 19-21 in the K-State Union. Pat Bosco - UAB is sponsoring a Campus Leadership Workshop on September 24 beginning at 8:45 am in the Union Big 8 Room. Will last until around Noon. Stacy Norris - There will be a potluck Salad Dinner for all the women Senators on Thursday evening at 5:30 pm at Cindy Thomas’ place to get to know Susan Angle better. Brad Henson - UFM registration for the fall semester starts Monday. Barb Kille moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/24 - Approval of Pregnancy Counseling Director. Passed. Barb Kille spoke on the resolution and introduced Ivri. She works 4 hrs./day. Came to an immediate vote. DIRECTORS REPORTS SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR - Jeff Morris - Will have two Social Services give a report per meeting. If you have any suggestions regarding the reports, let Jeff know. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Stan Watt - Terry Matlack is at a Board of Regents meeting. He will return later in the meeting. Grace Hwang, Stan and Terry held interviews for International Affairs Director on Terry’s Cabinet. Selected Martha Winkler. Governor Bennett will be on Campus on Sept. 29th for an open forum and a luncheon with Campus leaders. He introduced Inga Fenijn, Terry’s assistant. STUDENT RIGHTS CONFERENCE - Bill Shay - The 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights will be held in K.C. on October 14-16, 1977, at the Radisson- Muehlbach. The first one was held in New York, the second in San Francisco, and the third in K.C. Those universities who put in bids for the conference this year were: KSU, University of Minnesota, and University of M-52 Texas at Austin. KSU won. It is under the auspices of Continuing Education. Four mailings will go out to every college in the nation. Guest speakers will be Julian Bond and Sam Ervin. K.C.’s Mayor Wheeler will give tile opening address. Topics and facilitators of the workshops were read. Need volunteers to work at the conference. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Craig Swann - ASK Retreat went real well. Legislative Assembly selection will end on Tuesday. He went over the issues that ASK will back the coming year. Toying with the idea of having two Legislative Assembly session this year. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bill Griffith, President of the Older Manhattan Neighborhoods Association, spoke to the Student Senate concerning the issue of the City’s growth. The report will be on file in the SGS Office for those who wish to look at it. The next meeting will be to discuss parking. Questions were asked of Bill. Gerry Jaramillo, planning intern with the City Commission, gave their viewpoint on the City’s growth. Their report is also available in the SGA Office. Manhattan grew from 23,850 in 1967 to 30,100 in 1977 - an increase of 26%. This excludes the University. Have 430 acres of land available for development. Decided on four major districts: N.E., S.E., Stagg Hill, and Little Kitten Creek. Big Blue River defines the eastern boundary line. The cost of developing the four major districts by the city is: N.E. $3.9 million, Stagg Hill - $2.4 million, S.E. - $2.6 million, Little Kitten Creek - $2.8 million. The total area of the city increased by 48.8% between 1967 and 1977. Area used for residential purposes increased by 52.9% in the same 10 year span. The greatest increase in residential area was in multifamily uses (71.7% increase), and mobile home parks (644.6% increase) indicating some real changes in the housing market. Questions were asked of Gerry. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Wednesday at Kites. Gave a progress report on the Rape Seminar scheduled for Sept. 20 and 21. The SGA banner is finished. Working now on a smaller one. Looking into life insurance program for the university. Working on having maps placed around campus. Talking with the Student Health Advisory Board. Discussed student handbook distribution and the Environmental Awareness Week activities. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - If you want a Senate Aide, contact Stacy before next week. COMMUNICATIONS - Karla Engel - Met Tuesday night. Still working on the High School Leadership Conference. Will discuss Senate Visitation next Tuesday. UNITED WAY DRIVE - Terry Matlack introduced Kevin Kneisley, student coordinator. Kevin needs some assistants to go to living groups. Thinking of having a Gong Show. SENATE OPERATIONS - Ken Allen - Met Tuesday. Discussed: liaisons, senate handbooks, senate exchange program, having files in the office for each standing committee. Will meet Monday at 7:00 pm at Vista Drive-in on Tuttle Creek Blvd. UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Met last week. Approved 1 group. Discussed Activities Carnival. Working on Campus Leadership Workshop. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Pat Sargent - A-Cr/NCr system has a lot of pluses and minuses. Had little feedback from students in general. Need people to work on this. M-53 DIRECTORS REPORTS (continued) STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Roger Luce, a native American Indian, will serve on the Regents Institutions Coordinating Council. Will bring a bill up to help defer Roger’s travel expenses. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/27 - Approval of Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Position Senate Resolution 77/78/28 - Support for Eastward and Southward Growth by the City of Manhattan Senate Bill 77/78/15 - Funding of Delegates to the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/12 will be brought up next week. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/23 - Approval of Drug Education Center Director, was moved. Stacy Norris introduced Jeff. She explained the resolution. Had 5 applicants. Questions were asked of Jeff. So far he has six volunteers. No advertising has been done yet. Volunteerism is up. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 77/78/25 - Approval of Infant and Child Care Graduate Assistant, was moved. Barb Kille introduced Diana and her supervisor, Marlene Glasscock. Diana works every afternoon. She has two students working under her. Questions were asked of Diana and Barb. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 77/78/13 - Appointment of Senate Approved Positions, was moved. Brad Henson spoke to the bill. A number of Senators stated they felt this was a good idea but would not be utilized. There was further discussion. It was felt that Personnel Selection Committee’s selection process needs to be revised. Richard Stumpf moved to refer to Personnel Selection Committee until October 13. Brad Henson requested a roll call vote, Failed: 11/22/2 to refer to committee. YES (to refer): E. J. Compton, B. Henson, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, J. Knoche. M. Knopp, M. Morrell, P. Robinson, E. Stumpf, E. Wenzl NO: K. Allen, B. Burns, D. Denning, R. Forsberg, r. Groves, C, Haverfield, D. Hoppas, D. Hoppas, D. Kearney, B. Kille, S. Lowe, S, McCarter, B. Metzler, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith, D. Stadel, A. Stetson, H. Spencer, G. Tucker ABSTAIN: M. Smith, D. Wilcoxon ABSENT: M. Dooling, T. Horine, M. Trotter, T. Tuckwood, S. Walters. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION M-54 Cindy Thomas - Thanked Steve Arnoldy for being in charge of the SGA table at the Activities Carnival. Thanked Brian Rassette for doing the name plates. Turn them in at the end of each meeting. Thanked Carol Huneycutt for making the SGA banner. Read a note of resignation from Deb Stadel, Arch. & Design Senator until Oct. Steve Arnoldy - Thanked those who helped at the Activities Carnival. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-55 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 35 Senators present. B. Burns, M. Trotter and E. Wenzl were excused. M. Dooling, D. Hoppas, T. Horine and B. Metzler were late. A. Shearer and S. Walters were excused late. PROXIES: D. Kaup for E. Wenzl, K. Allen for B. Burns, C. Waters for A. Shearer. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - She introduced the new Senators: Clarence Waters - Engineering - Oct. 500 Sunset - 539-2318, Terri Groening - Home Ec. - Oct. - 1500 Oxford P1., #19 - 776-3773, Lori Bergen - Arts & Sciences - Oct. - 601 Fairchild Terr. - 539-4693 Mitch Holthus - Arts & Sciences - Feb. - 1200 Centennial Dr. - 539-7561, Jim Howard - Arts & Sciences - Feb. - 500 Sunset - 539-2318 Still have one opening on Senate from Arch. & Design until Oct. DEADLINE for Final Allocations amendments is 5:00 TUESDAY, so that we can contact the groups as to when they will be coming up Wednesday or Thursday. Will be interviewing for the Elections Committee and the Elections Committee Chairperson next week. Environmental Awareness Week is next week. Stacy Norris - Get applications into her next week if you wish to be one of the five attending the 4th Annual Conference on Student Legal Rights. Susan Angle - Campus Leadership Workshop is this weekend. DIRECTORS REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Stan Watt - Luncheon for Governor Bennett will be held on Sept. 29th at 1:00 pm in room KS Ballroom. Price is $1.25 to be paid at the door. Sign up with Jenny by Monday at 5:00. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Greg Tucker - Met Monday at Vista Drive-In. Discussed: liaisons, eggs and issues, senate aide orientation and senate exchange. Senate Aide Orientation will be held Monday at 7:00 in the Office. HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - Mel Dooling - Registration - Need 15 Senators to work registration. Tom Tuckwood - Housing - Need housing for these people Saturday night. Sheree Lowe - Workshops - Need people to do a workshop with another Senator. Will do a workshop three times on the 22nd of Oct. Need 20 Senators total. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Rape Seminar registration table was very successful. Registered a total of 145 for the two days and 200 on Monday night. Handed out Student Handbooks on Tuesday at a table in the Union. Working on the Environmental Awareness Week campaign. Next meeting will be Wed. at 3:45 at Jane’s place (1837 College Hgts., #7). M-56 Skip Boyd took over the chair. Cindy and Terry went to a tea. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Max Knopp - Met Tuesday and discussed the college council budgets. Approved 6 budgets: Will be looking at the last three Sunday: Education, Engineering, and Graduate School. Susan Angle - The $10,000 in reserves for the renovation of Nichols Gym will revert back to SGA on June 30, 1978. The final allocation bill is pretty tentative because we have not received enrollment figures yet. ID CARD TASK FORCE - Hank Spencer - Still investigating ID Cards. Library wants out. Union is looking at this point. Met with Polaroid people on Tuesday. Have more meetings as follows: Sept. 23 - 2:30 - R.D. Products - Directors Conference Room, union. Sept. 30 - 3:30 - Omni Cards - Directors Conference Room. Oct. 14 - 11:30 - Connecticut Laminating Co. - Directors Conference Room Also looking into faculty getting their I.D.’s free of charge, and validation system. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Got more feedback on A-Cr-NCr. GRIEVANCE COUNSELOR - Troy Horine - He, Jane Knoche and Ed Wenzl met with Nyles Davis, the Students’ Attorney, this week. Ezell Blanchard - Co-Director of Minority Affairs on Terry’s Cabinet - Spoke on the rape incidents at the A-dorm. Something should be done to remove the social stigma that has been placed on all athletes because of this. Your help is definitely needed. All are invited to attend all minority organization’s meetings to see what the organization is all about. The minority organizations will have events take place prior to Homecoming. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/29 - Approval of Senate Operations Chairperson, Student Affairs Chairperson, and State and Community Affairs Chairperson Senate Resolution 77/78/30 - Support of Change in University Housing Policy Senate Bill 77/78/16 - Closing of 1976-77 Accounts Senate Bill 77/78/17 - 1977-78 Final Allocations Senate Bill 77/78/18 - Support of Green Survival Senate Bill 77/78/19 - Liaison Guidelines: Revision of Senate Bill 68/1/8 OLD BUSINESS None There will be a meeting Monday at 1:30 in the Office regarding Senate Bill 77/78/12 Constitutional Revision: Open Meetings. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/27 - Approval of Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Position, was moved. Roger Luce explained the resolution. Had 9 applicants. He introduced Pam. Questions were asked of Pam. M-57 Came to an immediate vote. Alan Stetson moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/18 - Support of Green Survival. Passed. Dale Denning spoke on the bill. The other $150 is coming from the university. Becky O’Donnell explained the ads. Will mainly be advertising the activities of the week. Tom Tuckwood moved the question. Senate Resolution 77/78/28 - Support of Eastward and Southward Growth by the City of Manhattan, was moved. Ken Allen moved to replace this resolution with the substitute resolution, Manhattan Growth, University and Student Involvement. Passed. Ken Allen spoke to the resolution. There was discussion. Richard Stumpf moved to amend Section 1. by striking “concerning the direction of growth of the City of Manhattan”; Section 2. by striking “in this area”; Section 3. striking “into this area”. Richard’s amendment did not receive a second. Sheree Lowe moved to amend by striking the 1st WHEREAS clause, striking “Growth in the title, striking both Section 1 and Section 2, striking “into this area” and “as a whole” in Section 3, add at the end of Section 3 “to University officials and the Manhattan City Commission”. Skip Boyd rejected the amendment by Sheree Lowe because it changed the intent of the resolution. Barb Riedel moved to refer Senate Resolution 77/78/28 to the State and Community Affairs Committee. Passed. Senate Bill 77/78/15 - Funding of Delegates to the 4th Annual National Conference On Student Legal Rights, was moved. Terry Matlack spoke to the bill. Questions were asked of Terry. Lori Bergen moved to amend by adding a Section 4. Came to an immediate vote on Lori’s amendment. Passed (see in the bill) Mick Morrell called the question on the bill, as amended. Hank Spencer moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/29 - Approval of Senate Operations Chairperson, Student Affairs Chairperson, and State and Community Affairs Chairperson. Passed. Mark Scanlan took over the chair. Cindy Thomas and Skip Boyd spoke on the resolution. They explained the qualifications there were looking for. They had a lot of good people apply. Questions were asked of Greg, Anne, Cindy and Skip. Sandy Walters moved to divide the question by section. Passed. Cindy gave each individual’s qualifications. There was separate discussion on each section and a vote was taken on each section. Cindy Thomas took over the chair. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Executive Committee will meet Sunday at 6:30 in the SGS Offices. M-58 Jeff Morris - A number of people met with the Collegian staff last night and aired their feelings. This is the only way to get your views across. Rex Hoskinson - Thanked the people that handed out the handbook. Pie Throw will probably be outside the Union. Remember when you signed up to work. Terry Matlack - There will be an open forum on Friday, Sept. 30, at 12:30 with Martha Winkler, who will be coming up for approval as International Affairs Director. Bikeway passed the City Commission. Karla Engel - She explained the Communications Committee. Next meeting will be Tuesday at 4:30. Mick Morrell - He is U.L.N.’s liaison and is now a volunteer. Each Senator should get involved with the liaison group. You really get a lot out of doing this. Stacy Norris - Personnel Selection Committee will meet at 2:45 Tuesday in the office. Cindy Thomas - KSDB will broadcast final allocations. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-59 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM The first meeting of Final Allocations was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 33 Senators present. D. Denning and M. Trotter were excused. R. Forsberg, D. Hoppas and S. Lowe were late. C. Huneycutt, L. Smith, M. Smith, G, Tucker and T. Tuckwood were excused late. H. Randell was absent. PROXIES: D. Wilcoxon for M. Trotter, H. Spencer for D. Denning, S. Walters for M. Smith, R. Stumpf for M. Randell ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas went over parliamentary procedures that will be followed this evening. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/16 - Closing of 1976-77 Accounts, was moved by Max Knopp. Max explained the bill. One question was asked of Max. There was discussion. Mick Morrell moved to amend Section 2 by deleting “Home Ec. College Council - $103.14” and moving it to Section 1. Sandy Walters called the question on Mick’s amendment. Passed. Dave Kaup called the question on the bill, as amended. Terry Matlack and Susan Angle explained our financial situation. At present, going by Tentative Allocations, we are $15,468.83 in the black. Estimated total available during 1977-78 $722,185.00 Money returned (as per Senate Bill 77/78/16) = $11,410.60 Tentative Allocations for 1977-78 = $718,126.77 Senate Bill 77/78/17 - 1977-78 Final Allocations, was moved onto the floor. Richard Stumpf moved to amend Drug Education Center’s Tentative Allocation of $3,550.00 by increasing Telephone from $220 to $271 and increasing Dues, Memberships, and Subscriptions from $100 to $120. This would make the total allocation read $3,621.00. Telephone increase is to cover the cost of moving from 615 Fairchild Terr. to 1221 Thurston. Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions increase is to cover the cost of purchasing the 1978 Physician Desk Reference. Questions were asked of Jeff Morris, Drug Education Center Director. Tom Tuckwood called the question on Richard’s amendment. Passed DRUG EDUCATION CENTER Final Allocation = $3,621.00 E. J. Compton moved to amend University For Man’s Tentative Allocation of $18,066.00 by adding a category entitled “Capital Improvements” and placing $3,148.50 in the category. This would make the total allocation read $21,214.50. A breakdown of the $3,148.50 is as follows: Exterior fire escape Stairs (2 @ $200) $ 400.00 Storm Windows, doors & installation 1,923.50 M-60 60 windows @ $20.95 Window installation charges 6 storm doors and installation First Year Facility Operating Deficit $1,257.00 306.50 360.00 825.00 $ 3,148.50 Dave Ayres and Joe Rippetoe spoke on the amendment and UFM in general. They are going into their 10th year. Will be renting out the third floor for $300/month to a university organization on Nov. 1. Borrowed $20,000 from a local agency on a one-year note. Plan to have a fundraiser in the spring to pay the note off. Questions were asked of Dave and Joe. Mick Morrell moved the question on E.J.’s amendment. Passed UNIVERSITY FOR MAN Final Allocation = $21,214.50. Greg Tucker moved to amend the Student Governing Association’s Tentative Allocation of $21,905.80 by increasing Student Handbook from $745 to $900, increasing In-State Travel from “0” to $90, increasing Social Service Cards from “0” to $120, by increasing Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions from $165 to $185, and by increasing Programs from $100 to $300. This would make the total allocation, read $22,490.80. Terry Matlack, Student Body President, explained the amendment: Printing - to cover the unexpected expenses in printing up the handbook In-State Travel - to pay Roger Luce’s travel expenses to go to the Student Advisory Council meetings in Topeka - $.07/mile, 120 miles, 8 trips = $67. The remaining $23 is for any extra trips Roger may have to make. Social Service Cards - Have ran out of cards from last year completely. They also need to be up-dated. Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions - $20 for the Manhattan Mercury. They do not give out any complimentary copies, as the Topeka Capital does. Programs - Only have $28 left in the category to date. Need to have some money in the account. $75 will come out of it for the plague we gave to Alf Landon. Questions were asked of Terry. There was debate. Mel Dooling moved to divide the question. Failed. Sandy Walters called the question on Greg’s amendment. Passed STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION Final Allocation =$22,490.80. Brad Henson moved to amend Infant and Child Care Center’s Tentative Allocations of $2,750 for a Graduate Assistant to $2,750 for a One-Year Special Personal Assistant. Alan Stetson moved to table until Thursday evening because of the fact that no one was present from the Center tonight. Passed. They will be up at 8:00. E. J. Compton moved to amend FONE’s Tentative Allocation of $3,882.39 by increasing Printing from $25 to $150 and by increasing Telephone from $544.39 to $554.39. This would make the total allocation read $4,017.39. Jim Bartlett, FONE director, explained the amendment: M-61 Printing - $65 to revise the volunteer handbook, $28 for FONE cards, $30 for copying of resource files, $27 for miscellaneous printing. Telephone - Moving of phone from 615 Fairchild Terr. to 1221 Thurston. Questions were asked of Jim. E. J. Compton called the question on her amendment. Passed. FONE Final Allocation = $4,017.39 Hank Spencer moved to amend the ID Cards’ Tentative Allocation of $8,994.86 for the first 6 months and $2,936.00 for the second 6 months by striking these two figures completely and inserting $9,600.00. Mel Dooling and Hank explained the amendment: Repairs and Maintenance $ 360.00 $.06 x 6,000 Supplies Labels ($.015 x 6,000) 90.00 Punches ($.216 x 6,000) 1,296.00 Film ($.32 x 6,000) 1,920.00 Lamination ($.035 x 6,000) 210.00 Printing Inserts ($.01 x 6,000) 60.00 IBM Cards ($.03 x 6,000) 180.00 Data Processing 240.00 $.04 x 6,000 -------------$ 4,356.00 Salary for Personnel 5,244.00 $ 9,600.00 Questions were asked of Hank Spencer and Mel Dooling. Torn Tuckwood called the question on the I.D. Card Task Force’s amendment. Passed. I.D. CARDS Final Allocation = $9,600.00 INFORMAL DISCUSSION Rex Hoskinson - Raised $30 at the Pie Throw today for bike racks. Greg Tucker - Selected Elections Committee: Chairperson - E. J. Compton, Vice Chairperson - Dave Kearney, Members - Barb Riedel, Brian Reister, Rodney Bohn, Sandy Walters. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-62 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 7:00 PM - 10:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 34 Senators present. D. Denning was absent. D. Hoppas was late. M. Trotter and D. Wilcoxon were excused. M. Dooling, R. Hoskinson, J. Howard, A. Stetson, G. Tucker and C. Waters were excused late. PROXIES: P. Robinson for R. Groves, P. Sargent for C. Waters, M. Dooling for J. Howard. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 MINUTES Randy Groves was present, not excused late. Change the total present to 33. ANNOUNCEMENTS Jane Knoche - Student Affairs will have a table in the Union Wednesday and Thursday of next week to man Operation Identification Engravers. Sign up to work. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Environmental Awareness Week was concluded today. Amy Button deserves a great deal of thanks. Governor Bennett came today. The luncheon was successful. Martha Winkler, nominee for International Affairs Director, will be at an oven forum at 12:30, Friday, in the SGS Conference Room. Open meetings bill will come up next week. Housing Council met. Talked about possible increase in housing costs for next year. Be about the same as last year’s increase. Stan Watt went in Terry’s place. He introduced two special guests: Deb Harrison, Exec. Dir, of ASK, and Rich Green, Student Senate Pres. at Washburn University in Topeka. COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Wed. at 3:45. She thanked those who participated in the pie throw. Raised $50, cleared $30. Discussed life insurance policy. Deb Haifleigh, Consumer Relations Board Director, came and discussed different types of policies. Ed Wenzl sent our letters. Will meet Monday at Cathy Haverfield’s apartment at 3:45. Will discuss selection process of Student Health Advisory Board. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - Karla Engel - Working on High School Leadership Conference. She went over some of the details. Tom Tuckwood is working on Senate Visitation. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Working on A-Cr-NCr. Looking into dual degrees. Pat Sargent - Will have a briefing meeting when ever we get everything put together. M-63 UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Met last Friday. Approved several fund raisers. Had a report on the Activities Carnival and on the Campus Leadership Workshop. U.A.B. will be taking over poster approval. PERSONNEL SELECTION COMMITTEE - Stacy Norris - Get applications in by Tuesday for the Student Legal Rights Conference. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Anne Shearer - Working on Bikeways, more lighting on campus, rape prevention programs, better ties with alumni and Endowment Assoc, getting the State Legislature to come to campus next semester for a visit, and getting students on Chamber of Commerce committees. City Commission will meet Monday at 7:00 in the City Hall to discuss city growth. ELECTIONS COMM. - E. J. Compton - Dave Kearney and Sandy Walters are in charge of getting poll workers, Rod Bohn is in charge of equipment, Barb is in charge of data processing, and E.J. and Brian Reister are in charge of advertising. Will meet Tuesday night. Applications for filing are in the office. Return to Lorene Dahm in Holtz Hall by 5:00 on Oct. 12th. Must present fee card and ID at this time. Elections will be held Oct. 26. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/31 - Approval of International Affairs Director Senate Bill 77/78/20 - Funding of Rape Film The film will be shown next week. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/17 - Final Allocations for 1977-78, was continued from where we left off last night. Ken Allen moved to amend Associated Students of Kansas’ (ASK) Tentative Allocation of $7,060.25 ($.25 line item) by adding an extra $230.80 t he used on the K-State Campus for campus projects. Breakdown: Travel (in-state ) $ 100.80 Copying 30.00 Advertising 100.00 $ 230.80 Questions were asked of Craig Swann and Deb Harrison. Craig is the ASK Campus Director at K-State and Deb is the Exec. Director of ASK. Richard Stumpf moved to amend the amendment by deleting the $100.80 for travel. This would make the total read $130.00. The question was moved on Richard’s amendment to the amendment. Failed. Sandy Walters called the question on Ken’s original amendment. Passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) - Final Allocation = $7,060.25 + $230.80 to be left on the KSU Campus for Campus projects Brad Henson moved to amend Infant and Child Care’s Tentative Allocation of $2,750.00 for a Graduate Assistant’s Salary to $2,750.00 for a One-Year Special Personal Assistant. Barb Kille explained why no representative was present. She spoke with the people today. They are not opposed to the amendment. No one knows why Student Senate is funding this particular type of position. M-64 Skip Boyd took over the chair. Came to an immediate vote on Brad’s amendment. Passed. INFANT AND CHILD CARE Final Allocation $2,750.00 for a one-year special personal assistant’s salary Richard Stumpf called the question on Senate Bill 77/78/17 - Final Allocations for 197778, as amended. Dave Kearney requested a roll call vote. The bill is located at the end of the minutes. All voted yes with the exception of the following: Those absent - Dale Denning, Marilyn Trotter, Dent Wilcoxon Greg Tucker took over the chair. Ed Wenzl moved to untable Senate Bill 77/78/6 - Re-establishment of Student Grievance Counselor. Passed. Ed explained the revised bill. Questions were asked of Ed and Nyles Davis, Students’ Attorney. Salary = $125/month for 7 months ($875). Nyles explained Ted Knapp’s position last year. There was discussion. Pat Sargent moved to amend Section 1 by striking Funding, part D, and part E. Dave Kearney called the question on Pat’s amendment. Failed. Richard Stumpf moved to amend: Section 1, Part B by changing October 17, 1977 to November 1, 1977 Section 1, Part C by striking “which shall .be most accessible to clients Section 1, Part D by striking $125 and inserting $75 Section 3, Part A by striking it entirely and up noting subsequent parts. There was discussion on Richard’s amendment. Sheree Lowe moved the question on Richard’s amendment. Failed: 8/24/8. Roll Call Vote was requested. YES: D. Hoppas, M. Knopp, M. Randell, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, A. Shearer, L. Smith, A. Stetson NO: K. Allen, L. Bergen, B. Burns, E.J. Compton, M. Dooling, R. Forsberg, T. Groening, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, M. Holthus, D. Kaup, B. Kille, J. Knoche, S. Lowe, S. McCarter, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, B. Riedel, M. Scanlan, M. Smith, H. Spencer ABSTAIN: R. Groves, J. Howard, D. Kearney, R. Stumpf, T. Tuckwood, C. Waters, S. Walters, E. Wenzl COULD NOT VOTE BECAUSE HE WAS CHAIRING THE MEETING: G. Tucker ABSENT: D. Denning, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon. Bob Burns moved to strike Section 3, Part A. Tom Tuckwood called the question on Bob’s amendment. Passed. Tom Tuckwood called the question on the entire bill, as amended. Mick Morrell requested a roll call vote. YES: B. Burns, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, C. Huneycutt, M. Holthus, D. Kaup, B. Kille, J. Knoche, B. Metzler, P. Robinson, P. Sargent. M. Smith, R. Stumpf, T. Tuckwood, C. Waters, S. Walters, E. Wenzl M-65 NO: K. Allen L. Bergen, M. Dooling, R. Forsberg, T. Groening, C. Haverfield, R. Hoskinson, D. Kearney, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, S. McCarter, M. Morrell, M. Randell, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith ABSTAIN: E. J. Compton, R. Groves, J. Howard, A. Stetson ABSENT: D. Denning, B. Riedel H. Spencer M. Trotter D. Wilcoxon COULD NOT VOTE BECAUSE HE WAS CHAIRING THE MEETING: G. Tucker NEW BUSINESS Mark Scanlan took over the chair. Senate Bill 77/78/19 - Liaison Guidelines - Revision of Senate Bill 68/1/8, was moved. Greg Tucker moved to strike Section 2 and add a Section 3, Part C to read: Failure to comply with Section 3, Part A shall result in notification of the Student Senate Chairperson. The question was moved on Greg’s amendment. Failed. Troy Horine moved to refer back to Senate Operations Committee. Passed. Skip Boyd took over the chair. Senate Resolution 77/78/30 - Support of Change in University Housing Policy, was moved. Ed Wenzl explained the resolution. Ron Nelson, ACLU President, read a letter he wrote to Dean Tom Frith, Director of Housing. Questions were asked of Ron and Ed. Pat Sargent called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Susan Angle was given a round of applause for getting us through Final Allocations so smoothly. Terry Matlack - Will be another newsletter going out next week. Let Diddy Bell know if you have any news to go into it. Karla Engel - Communications Comm. will send out their second mailing for the High School Leadership Conference tomorrow. Jane Knoche – Student Affairs will have their pictures taken Monday. The committee will have 4-6 student-at-large positions open. Stan Watt - Thanked those who participated in the Governor Bennett activities today. Dave Kearney moved to adjourn, Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-66 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 6, 1977 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 30 Senators present. S. McCarter was late. D. Hoppas was absent. B. Burns, M. Dooling, M. Trotter, G. Tucker and C. Waters were excused. C. Haverfield, T. Horine, C. Huneycutt, B. Kille, S. Lowe, P. Robinson and T. Tuckwood were excused late. PROXIES: R. Groves for C. Waters, K. Allen for B. Burns, A. Stetson for G. Tucker, L. Smith for S. Lowe, R. Hoskinson for C. Haverfield, D. Wilcoxon for M. Trotter. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Student Senate pictures will be taken at 7:30 next Thursday. DIRECTORS REPORTS CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD - Deb Haifleigh - Have had 626 inquiries since February. Have had 128 inquiries since school started this fall. Have had 170 cases since January. Only had 9 cases so far this fall. Have 10 board members working. Has been teaching a UFM class in auto mechanics. Hope to go to a lot of living groups to give presentations. Working on marketing surveys. DRUG EDUCATION CENTER - Jeff Morris - During Oct. and Nov. the center is trying a new service of crisis intervention in conjunction with the FONE. Using a pager system. Will be provided with private funds for the 2 months. May be funded by the center funds later on. Will be advertising this service. Have presentations planned each month in the Union. Doing two specials on Cable TV this semester. Looking into taking on the probation program again this year. UNITED WAY - Kevin Kneisley - Clank Show is October 12, 1977 at 8:00 in McCain Auditorium. Hope to bring in $3,000 from the Clank Show, $3,000 from the dance-a-thon, and $5,000 from the putt-a-thon. The entire campus goal is $40,000. DIRECTORS REPORTS (continued) STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Need 1 student-at-large for each of the following committees: Rec Complex Planning Committee, Honors Program Coordinating Committee. Received a letter from Governor Bennett thanking us for his activities here at K-State last Thursday. Alan Stetson does not wish to continue as Traffic and Parking Task Force Chairperson. Therefore, Alan will serve with Mark Hoffman as co-chairpersons. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE COMMITTEE - Max Knopp - Met Tuesday. Still approving college council budgets. Seems to be a big mix-up this year. Approved Engineering and Grad. School. Approved a budget shift for the Students’ Attorney from Dues, M-67 Memberships, and Subscriptions to Travel. Next meeting will be Sunday at 8:00 in the office. UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Met last Friday. Went over poster registration. Now being done by SGA. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Barb Riedel - Met this week. Went over A/Cr/NCr. Getting info on Peer Advising. Helping out with Teacher-Course Evaluation. Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Comm. meeting was Tuesday. May be a change in graduation ceremonies this spring. Pat Sargent - Will have a briefing Wednesday at 4:00 in the conference room in the SGS Office on A/Cr/NCr. Will get packets out Mon. or Tues. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE - E. J. Compton - Met Tuesday. Polls will be in the Library and Union. Polls will be open from 7:30 am -. 6:30 pm. Applications are available in the SGS Office. Filing deadline is October 12th at 5:00 pm. They are to be returned to Lorene Dahm in Holtz Hall. Elections are October 26th. Dave Kearney - Poll workers - Will be sending out letters to living groups asking for Poll Workers. Will give each Senator a Poll Worker Sheet and want each to come back with five names. Return by October 18th. There will be a Poll Workers meeting October 23rd at 7:00 pm in Room 212 of Union and a meeting October 24th at 4:30 pm in Room 212 of Union. Mandatory to attend one. STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Jane Knoche - Met Monday. Discussed reapportionment: 1 - Fall - elect by colleges. Spring - elect by living groups. 2 Fall and Spring - elect by living groups. 3 - Fall and Spring - elect by both living groups and colleges. Looking into “buying power cards”. SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE - Hank Spencer - Met and finalized goals: Eggs and Issues, Senate Aide Program, Liaison System, Senate Exchange, Senate Historian – Archives, Recognition of Student Senate, Senate Evaluations. Ken Allen - Retreat is scheduled for October 28th and 29th. Will be over in time for the Oklahoma/K-State football game. Will begin at 6:30 on Friday night and adjourn at 11:00 am Saturday. The location has not been finalized. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/32 - Approval of Elections Committee Chairperson and Elections Committee Members Senate Bill 77/78/21 - Re-establishment of Student Grievance Counselor Mick Morrell moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/32 - Approval of Elections Committee Chairperson and Elections Committee Members. Passed. Cindy Thomas spoke on the resolution. Three applied for chairperson, 8 applied for committee. E. J. Compton introduced the committee members. The questions was called. OLD BUSINESS Dave Kaup moved to override the veto of the Student Body President to Senate Bill 77/78/6 Re-establishment of Student Grievance Counselor. Terry Matlack read a statement regarding why he vetoed the bill. Main reason was the money situation. M-68 Ted Knopp spoke to the service. Had 16 cases last spring. Questions were asked of Terry and Ted. Nyles Davis, Students’ Attorney, answered questions regarding University-related case load. The question was called on Dave’s motion to override the veto. Brad Henson requested a roll call vote. Need 30 yes to override the veto. All of Senate voted NO to override the veto with the following exceptions: YES: K. Allen, B. Burns, D. Kaup ABSENT: M. Dooling, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, D. Kearney, S. McCarter, T. Tuckwood ABSTAIN: C. Waters. The motion failed - 3/34/1 - to override the veto. Ed Wenzl moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/21 - Re-establishment of Student Grievance Counselor. Failed: 17/20. Senate Bill 77/78/12 - Constitutional Revision: Open Meetings, was untabled. There was discussion. Questions were asked. Dave Kaup moved to amend by adding after “Councils” in the 2nd sentence of 502: Any vote taken by these bodies must be taken by either a voice, hand, or roll call vote. The question was called on Dave’s amendment. Brad Henson requested a roll call vote. YES - C. Haverfield, B. Henson, M. Holthus, D. Kaup, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, L. Smith, H. Spencer NO - K. Allen, L. Bergen. E.J. Compton, D. Denning, R. Forsberg, R. Groves, T. Groening, R. Hoskinson, C. Huneycutt, J. Howard, B. Kille, J, Knoche, S. McCarter, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, M. Randell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, M. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, M. Trotter, S, Walters, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSTAIN: B. Burns, G. Tucker, C. Walters ABSENT: M. Dooling, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, D. Kearney, T. Tuckwood. Randy Groves moved to-amend the second sentence by striking: Union Governing Board, Board of Student Publications, Student Health Advisory Board and by inserting at the end of the first sentence: and no vote shall be taken by secret ballot, excepting in the election of Student Senate officers. Ken Allen moved to divide the question. Passed. STRIKING motion - There was discussion. The question was called. Passed. INSERTING motion - There was discussion. Hank Spencer moved to refer this bill back to the sponsors. Failed. Brad Henson moved the question on the INSERTING amendment. Failed 15/20/4. Sheree Lowe requested a roll call vote. YES: L. Bergen, D. Denning, R. Forsberg, R. Groves, R. Hoskinson, J. Howard, J. Knoche, S. McCarter, B. Metzler, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, A. Stetson, C. Waters M-69 NO: K. Allen, B. Burns, T. Groening, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, C. Huneycutt, M. Holthus, D. Kaup, B. Kille, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, M. Randell, B. Riedel, L. Smith, M. Smith, R. Stumpf, M. Trotter, S. Walters, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSTAIN: E. J. Compton, M. Morrell, H. Spencer, G. Tucker ABSENT: M. Dooling, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, D. Kearney, T. Tuckwood. Brad Henson moved the question on Senate Bill 77/78/12, as amended. NOTE: Need 33 to pass this. Roll call vote was requested. YES: K. Allen, L. Bergen, T. Groves, B. Henson, R. Hoskinson, M. Holthus, J. Howard, J. Knoche, M. Knopp, B. Metzler, M. Randell, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, M. Smith, E. Wenzl NO: D. Denning, R. Forsberg, T. Groening, C. Haverfield, C. Huneycutt, D. Kaup, B. Kille, S. Lowe, S. McCarter, M. Morrell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, L. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, S. Walters ABSTAIN: B. Burns, E.J. Compton, A. Shearer, G. Tucker, C. Waters ABSENT: M. Dooling, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, D. Kearney, M. Trotter, T. Tuckwood, D. Wilcoxon. NEW BUSINESS Mitch Holthus moved Senate Resolution 77/78/31 - Approval of International Affairs Director. Terry Matlack introduced Martha and spoke to her qualifications. Questions were asked of Martha. Came to an immediate vote. Jane Knoche moved Senate Bill 77/78/20 - Funding of Rape Film. She introduced Margaret Nordin, Special Assistant to President Acker in the Area of Rape. Dean Nordin spoke on rape prevention The film was shown. It was made at the University of Kansas. Both reported and unreported rapes are rising. The University is purchasing two other films. Questions were asked of Dean Nordin. The question was called on the bill. It was moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-70 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 13, 1977 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 31 Senators present. E. J. Compton, T. Groening, B. Metzler, P. Robinson and E. Wenzl were excused. D. Denning, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, M. Smith and A. Stetson were excused late. D. Kaup was absent. G. Tucker and S. Walters were late. PROXIES: K. Allen for D. Kaup, D. Denning for B. Metzler, B. Kille for T. Groening, R. Stumpf for E. Wenzl, M. Morrell for E. J. Compton, A. Stetson for P. Robinson. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 6, 1977 MINUTES Date should read 10/6/77 not 10/8/77. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Exec. Meeting, Sunday, 6:30, SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK - Brad Brunson Calls Walk-ins Total Aug. 1976 1,741 107 1,848 Sept. 4,530 206 4,736 Oct. 3,826 142 3,968 Nov. 2,827 144 2,971 Dec. 1,681 83 1,764 Jan. 1977 1,645 85 1,730 Feb. 3,289 175 3,464 March 2,959 153 3,112 April 3,148 145 3,293 May 2,167 112 2,279 June 699 86 785 July 515 63 578 Aug. closed Registration Week 1,159 67 1,226 Sept. 5,273 262 5,535 Continuing Plant Clinic in conjunction with Horticulture Club. Oct. 29th - Social Services will sponsor a resources workshop for foreign students in the International Center. Oct. 3 - K.U. people came up to view ULN and the Center for Student Development. Spent the entire day. The month of September (above) broke the record since ULN opened. Utilize as much free advertising as possible, but the Collegian is the best form. UNIVERSITY FOR MAN - Lisa Barnes - Thanked those who helped with the remodeling of the UFM House at 1221 Thurston. On Oct. 20-22 eight are going to a Free-University Conference in Illinois. Five staff members will be leading workshops. Horticulture Club is landscaping the yard Friday afternoon. Vice Pres. Chalmers donated some furniture. Any other donations of furniture would be M-71 welcomed. SGA Funded Positions: Lisa Barnes - Student Coordinator, Teena Hosey - Student Asst. Coordinator, Dave Ayres - Non-Student Coordinator, Melody Williams - Non-Student Asst. Coordinator. 3,800 registered for fall classes. Will have a fund-raising dance on Friday, Oct. 21, from 9-1 at the National Guard Armory. Tickets are $2.50 each. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Center on the Study of the Presidency will host their yearly conference this fall in New York. We have not allocated money to send anyone, but you are all welcome to apply to go if you pay your own way. Open meetings bill will come up after elections. Will have to be some changes in basketball ticket sales next year. Came to a head this year. 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights begins tomorrow. There was discussion regarding new fieldhouse vs. Rec. Complex. Raydon Robel was present to answer questions about the new Rec. Complex. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Barb Riedel - Met Wednesday. Had a briefing on A/Cr/NCr. UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD - Barb Riedel - Met last Friday. Approved groups for 1977-78 school year. Will continue this tomorrow. STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - Jane Knoche - Met Wednesday night at Brad’s apartment. Discussed: Student Buying Power Card, Student Health Advisory Board, Reapportionment. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE - E.J. Compton - Making new posters for the tables. The ones used in the past got ruined by moisture while stored in the conference room closet. Had 61 people file. None filed from Architecture. There will be a candidate’s meeting Sunday in room 206 of the Union at 7:30 pm to draw for positions on the ballot. SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE - Greg Tucker - Met Monday at 6:30 pm. Discussed the goals and assignments. Assignments will be posted. Also discussed liaison guidelines bill that is before you tonight and the retreat. Looking for a Senate Historian/Archives. COMMUNICATIONS COMM. - Karla Engel - Working hard on the High School Leadership Conference. Everything is under control. Have had no responses. Need your money by Monday if you are planning to attend the buffet luncheon on Saturday at 12:30. Cost of $3.00. FINANCE COMM. - Max Knopp - Met Sunday night. Discussed Education College Council budget. Will have to send it back to the council. Seems as though the President of the council made the allocations himself. KSDB-FM came and explained the bill that is on first readings tonight. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMM. - Anne Shearer - Met today. Looking into some of the cross-walks. Will be working on the parking around the campus. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/22 - KSDB-FM American Top 40 Senate Bill 77/78/23 - Constitutional and By-Laws Revisions Senate Bill 77/78/24 - University Committee Appointment Procedures M-72 OLD BUSINESS Ken Allen moved Senate Bill 77/78/19 - Liaison Guidelines - Revision of Senate Bill 68/1/8. Greg Tucker explained the bill. There was discussion. The question was moved on the bill, as revised by Senate Operations Comm. Ken Allen took over the chair. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/21 - Re-establishment of Student Grievance Counselor, was moved. Richard Stumpf spoke on the bill, as revised since the failure of Senate Bill 77/78/6. Questions were asked of Richard Stumpf, Nyles Davis, and Ted Knopp. Ted spoke on Terry Matlack’s behalf. Greg Tucker moved to strike Section 1, Parts D and E and strike Funding in the title of Section 1. The question was moved on Greg’s amendment. Passed. The question was called on the bill, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Passed out blank sheets for evaluations on anything or anyone. Anyone interested in presiding over a meeting, if you are going out of Student Senate in October, they will take precedent over February people. All sang Happy Birthday to Dent Wilcoxon, whose Birthday was last Thursday. Academic Affairs - Barb Riedel - Next meeting will be Tuesday at 4:00 in the SGS Conference Room. Jane Knoche- She went over reapportionment. Greg Tucker - Senior Party - Saturday - Mother’s Worry - 2:00 - 6:00. UPC Vail Ski Trip still has openings. He explained Blue Key’s “K-State Ambassador’s’ Contest. University Sing is coming up. Richard Stumpf - If interested in touring the International Center as a group contact him. Also, anyone can tour the building individually. Someone is there all the time. Ken Allen moved to adjourn. Passed Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-73 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 20, 1977 7:00 PM – 10:10 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 27 Senators present. D. Denning, C. Haverfield, S Lowe, P. Robinson and M. Smith with were excused late. R. Forsberg, R. Hoskinson, M. Randell, M. Scanlan and E. Wenzl were absent. M. Holthus, J. Knoche, S. McCarter, A. Shearer and D. Wilcoxon were excused. D. Kaup and S. Walters were late. PROXIES: R. Groves for A. Shearer, E. J. Compton for J. Knoche, M. Knopp for R. Hoskinson, L. Smith for S. Lowe, M. Morrell for M. Scanlan, M. Dooling for M. Holthus, C. Huneycutt for C. Haverfield, L. Bergen for R. Forsberg, M. Trotter for D. Wilcoxon. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 13, 1977 MINUTES PROXIES: K. Allen for D. Kaup not D. Kearney, D. Denning for B. Metzler not P. Robinson, A. Stetson for P. Robinson not B. Metzler, ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Saturday is the MECHA Conference. 9:00 am - 3:30 pm. There will be a free dance in the Main Ballroom of the K-State Union from 9:00 pm - 1:00 am. DIRECTORS REPORTS PREGNANCY COUNSELING - Ivri Messinger - The following statistics were taken from parents at Parent Orientation in June of 1977: 900 parents answered the following questions. 1. Pregnancy Counseling should be available through the University for all students. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Nor Disagree 159 548 146 32 10 2. Objective information regarding sexual behavior should be available to students through the University. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Nor Disagree 145 557 137 37 21 3. The University should emphasize individual student responsibility for decisions regarding sexual behavior. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Nor Disagree 210 522 97 46 11 Spoke on the topics dealt with in Pregnancy Counseling. Have showed 2 films since September. Peer Sex Education Program has been reorganized. Becoming very active. # of Contacts Summer 1976 160 M-74 Summer 1977 295 September 1976 102 September 1977 293 October 1977 (to date) 231 See an individual regarding birth control matters usually once. Like to see someone regarding pregnancy two or three times. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER - Maxine Lentz - Purpose: to help men and women become more aware of women in our society. Concerns program, resource, campus and community referrals. Have 16 volunteers and one intern from the Counseling Dept. Adult Student Social: meets every Thursday in Justin Hall from 1:30 – 4:30 pm. Have 3 social meetings/month and 1 program/month. During September we had 38 walk-ins and phone calls. Nov. 2 - 1:00 pm - Union 212 Men’s Awareness Program. Nov. 18 - 8:00 pm - Union 203 - ERA Panel/Debate Speaker on The “Total Jewish Woman. She is from Washburn Univ. English Dept. - Co-sponsored by B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation. CINDY THOMAS - Summarized evaluations done last week. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Had a Board of Regents meeting today and will be going back tomorrow. Discussed having a recent college graduate appointed to the Board of Regents to fill the three vacancies. Will compile a list of people as recommendations and submit it to Governor Bennett. The Governor said he would consider our recommendations. Also discussed the 1202 Commission, Union and Rec Complex utilities being paid by the state. Further discussed whether the University can remove the requirement for freshmen to live in the residence halls from the catalogue and fee waiver for graduate students. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Craig Swann - Legislative Assembly meeting - Sunday 1:00 pm Union Big 8 Room - John Carlin will speak at the opening. Party - Saturday night - 8:30 pm - Cavalier Club. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS COMM. - Karla Engel - High School Leadership Conference that was scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled. Not enough people to attend. Next meeting – 3:30 pm - Monday - Kites. STUDENT AFFAIRS COMM. - Brad Henson - Met Monday. Next meeting will be Wednesday, 3:45 pm - SGS Conference Room. Will be looking into: part-time reapportionment, new proposal for basketball ticket sales. Will be looking into the latter at the Wednesday meeting. Tabled the Student Buying Power Card until next Spring. Working on Campus Identification - to help new people on Campus get around (maps, signs, etc.). Looking at the way Student Health Advisory Board reappoints their members. The members themselves do this. Will have a bill on first reading next week. Went over reapportionment. Discussed what Senate had said last week. Will have a survey at Elections on Wednesday. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMM. - Barb Riedel - Arts & Sciences faculty has proposed some changes in several different areas. Will come up at the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Comm. meeting Tuesday at 3:30 in room 204 of the Union, along with A/Cr/NCr. Will have a briefing Monday at 3:30 in the SGS Conf. Rm. on A/Cr/NCr. Will also go over the proposed changes. PERSONNEL SELECTION COMM. - Stacy Norris - Will start advertising for a Student Grievance Counselor next week. M-75 ELECTIONS COMM. - E.J. Compton - Next Wednesday is the BIG DAY. Put posters in the campus mail to be put on each floor of the residence halls. Have 57 people running for 20 positions. No one is running in Arch. & Design. Results will be on KSDB that night. Absentee ballots will be available Monday in the office. Dave Kearney - Still need a lot of people to work the polls. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/25 - Constitutional Revision: Open Meetings Senate Bill 77/78/26 - Town Meetings Senate Resolution 77/78/33 - Appreciation of the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights Mick Morrell moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/7/33 - Appreciation of the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights. Passed. Terry Matlack spoke to the resolution. There were no questions or debate. Came to an immediate vote. Bill Shay - Gave a conference report. Had 270 people show up. Had a lot of offers to hold the conference next year. Will be sending out one more mailing to summarize the conference. Each of the delegates gave their impression of the conference and questions were asked. Delegates: Carlos Martinez, Roger Luce, Deb Haifleigh, Stacy Norris, Brian Rassette. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/22 - KSDB-FM American Top 40, was moved. Tom Tuckwood spoke on the bill. He introduced Bob Fidler, faculty advisor, and Deb Davis, station manager. Bob and Tom answered questions. There was discussion. Liz Smith moved to table until next week. Failed. E. J. Compton moved the question. A roll call vote was requested. YES: K. Allen, L. Bergen, B. Burns, E.J. Compton, R. Forsberg, T. Groening, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, C. Huneycutt, S. Walters, D. Wilcoxon, B. Kille, J. Knoche, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, M. Scanlan, M. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, H. Spencer, M. Trotter, T. Tuckwood NO: R. Groves, J. Howard, D. Kaup, P. Sargent, L. Smith, G. Tucker, C. Waters ABSTAIN: S. Lowe, A. Shearer ABSENT: D. Denning, M. Dooling, R. Hoskinson, M. Holthus, D. Kearney, M. Knopp, S. McCarter, M. Randell, E. Wenzl. Dave Kaup moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-76 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 27, 1977 10:35 PM – 11:00 PM The first meeting of the Fall 1977 Student Senate was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 39 Senators present. B. Burns and M. Holthus were absent. M. Dooling, C. Huneycutt and D. Wilcoxon were excused. SWEARING IN John Bosch, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in the people elected at the October 26, 1977 Student Senate Election. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Will have a parliamentary procedures meeting before the meeting begins next week. Pat Sargent - Please attend the Faculty Academic Affairs Committee meeting on November 15th at 3:30. Need a lot of student input. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/28 - By-Laws Revision: Personnel Selection Committee Senate Bill 77/78/29 - UAB Constitutional and By-Laws Revisions Greg Tucker moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-77 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 27, 1977 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM The last meeting of the Spring 1977 Student Senate was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 35 Senators present. B. Burns, C. Huneycutt and M. Randell were absent. D. Denning was late. M. Dooling and D. Wilcoxon were excused. R. Groves, A. Shearer and E. Wenzl were excused late. PROXIES: K. Allen for E. Wenzl, H. Spencer for M. Dooling, M. Trotter for D. Wilcoxon, R. Groves for A. Shearer, Cindy Thomas and Terry Matlack handed out cigars and suckers to the retiring Student Senators, as they answered roll. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 20, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Introduced Sam Brownback, a past Senator who has been serving as Central Regional Vice President for FFA. He was a Senator from the College of Agriculture. Executive Committee will meet Sunday. United Way info, from Kevin Kneisley: Putt-a-thon took in over $1,700, Dance-a-thon took in $1,200, Clank Show took in $578, less $122 for rental of auditorium, 4th Floor of Moore Hall will hold a Haunted House. DIRECTORS REPORTS FONE - Jim Bartlett - Had 537 first 7 weeks of school. Had 355 last Fall at this time. He went over their budget to date. Trying to make an honest attempt to expand to the community. Looking for alternate funding. It looks good. Still have Ring-a-Day where they reach the elderly. Working on programs for rape prevention and child abuse. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER. - Becky O’Donnell - Collect white bond in 56 offices on Campus in 14 buildings. The company they deal with is Shade, Inc. In the past, they received $110/ton for computer cards and $50/ton for white bond paper. As of September, will receive $40.80/ton for white bond paper, up to 5 tons and $100/ton for computer cards. Need more space to store paper. Seaton Hall Loading Docks will hold about 2 tons. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack -- Welcomed new Senators. China Day is November 5th. Helen Burtis will be going to a regional review workshop on Title 9. She is the Women’s Affairs Director on the Cabinet. Rec Complex Planning Comm. seats have been filled. Brad Metzler will sit on this committee from Student Senate. Need an ASK Board of Director Rep. from K-State. Fred Works has resigned. Applications due Nov. 4th, Friday. He and Cindy have been visiting living groups. PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR - Diddy Bell - Monthly newsletter is coming up. Anything you wish in it should be put in her box. These go to living groups. COMMITTEE REPORTS M-78 SENATE OPERATIONS - Greg Tucker - Need liaison forms back as soon as possible. Need to get Senate Aide Program going and organized. Alan Stetson - Eggs and Issues will be held Nov. 10th at 7:30 am in the Flint Hills Room of the K-State Union. Cost will be $2. Topic Academic Policies and Academic Affairs. Ken Allen - Retreat to be held Saturday morning at the UFM House, 1271 Thurston, from 8:00 11:30 am. IT IS MANDATORY. Need to get a written excuse to Cindy if you cannot make it. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Wednesday at 3:45 in the SGS Conference Room. Picture will be taken Nov. 7th at 8:00 pm in Room 102. Discussion on ticket sales for basketball was held. Survey that was taken at Elections is being tabulated. Next meeting - Monday at 3:45 at Linda Eagleton’s apartment, 1837 College Hgts., Apt. 10. ELECTIONS - Dave Kearney - Thanked all those who worked the polls. Also thanked those Senators who turned in their 5 polls workers. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Will have one student-at-large committee position open. Applications should be in to Terry Matlack as soon as possible. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Had a lot of students represented at the Faculty Academic Affairs Comm. meeting. Encourage you all to keep coming. You will have speaking privileges. Discussed incompletes. It was tabled. Thanked those people who went and visited with instructors. Next Faculty Academic Affairs Comm. meeting will be Nov. 15th at 3:30 pm. Next Academic Affairs Comm. meeting will be Wednesday at 4:00 pm. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Will be selecting a Grievance Counselor. Craig Swann will be graduating in December. He is ASK Campus Director for KState.. Will need a replacement. Will interview for both positions later on next week, probably. COMMUNICATIONS - Sheree Lowe for Karla Engel - Next meeting will be Tuesday at 4:30, in the SGS Conference Room. Need a report from each committee member as to what they did to get ready for the High School Leadership Conference that was cancelled due to poor attendance. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Jim Howard for Anne Shearer - Met today. Discussed: traffic, lighting, visit from state legislature, student representation on Manhattan City Committee and Manhattan Chamber of Commerce committees. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/27 – Approval of Fall 1977 Student Senate and One Position on Board of Student Publications OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/23 - Constitutional and By-Laws Revisions, was moved. Jane Knoche took over the chair. Terry Matlack explained the bill. There was no debate or questions. Came to an immediate vote. Failed. (Needed 34 yes to pass) Brad Henson requested a roll call vote. M-79 YES: All voted yes to the following exceptions (36) NO: B. Henson ABSTAIN: D. Kearney ABSENT: B. Burns, C. Huneycutt, J. Knoche - was chairing the meeting and could not vote, M. Randell, M. Smith, T. Tuckwood. Senate Bill 77/78/23 - above, will not go into effect until passed by 6 or the 9 College Councils (only the constitutional revisions). Cindy Thomas took over the chair. Senate Bill 77/78/24 - University Committee Appointment Procedures, was moved. Stan Watt, Administrative Assistant on the Cabinet, spoke to the bill. There were questions and debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 77/78/25 - Constitutional Revision: Open Meetings, was moved. Terry Matlack spoke to the bill. Questions were asked of Terry and Cindy. There was debate. Ken Allen moved to amend Part A by inserting after Student Governing Association. “All votes taken by these bodies must be taken by voice, hand, or roll call vote”. The question was moved by Ken’s amendment. Failed: 14/26/0. Dave Kaup requested a roll call vote on Ken’s amendment. YES: K. Allen, M. Dooling, C. Haverfield, B. Henson, M. Holthus, D. Kaup, M. Knopp, S. Lowe, M. Morrell, M. Smith, H. Spencer, G. Tuckwood, C. Waters, D. Hoppas NO: L. Bergen, E.J. Compton, D. Denning, R. Forsberg, R. Groves, T. Groening, T. Horine, R. Hoskinson, J. Howard, D. Kearney, B. Kille, J. Knoche, B. Metzler, B. Riedel, P. Robinson, P. Sargent, M. Scanlan, A. Shearer, L. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, M. trotter, G. Tucker, S. Walters, E. Wenzl, D. Wilcoxon ABSENT: B. Burns, C. Huneycutt, S. McCarter, M. Randell. The question was called on the bill, as it originally read. Brad Henson moved to recess. Failed. The vote was taken. Passed: 34/5/1 Brad Henson requested a roll call vote (needed 34 yes to pass). YES: All voted yes with the following exceptions. (34) NO: D. Hoppas, D. Kearney, R. Stumpf, S. Walters, E. Wenzl ABSTAIN: T. Horine ABSENT: B. Burns, S. McCarter, C. Huneycutt, M. Randell, Senate Bill 77/78/25 - above, will not go into effect until ratified by 6 of the 9 College Councils. Senate Bill 77/78/26 - Town Meeting, was moved. Mark Scanlan took over the chair. Ken Allen spoke to the bill. Troy Horine called the question. Brad Henson moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/27 - Approval of Fall 1977 Student Senate and One Position on the Board of Student Publications. Passed. E. J. Compton spoke to the bill. M-80 Each were introduced. Pam Good was not present. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas and Terry Matlack gave out the bi-annual Student Senate Awards to retiring Student Senators. Dale Denning and Barb Riedel read their last will and testament to SGA Members. Some of the retiring Student Senators spoke on their term in office. Randy Groves - Homecoming starts 10 days from today. We went over the scheduled events. Greg Tucker - University Sing will be held Sunday night at 7:30 in McCain Auditorium. Cost is $1.50/person. Hank Spencer - Phi Kappa Alpha will hold a Haunted House Monday night from 7-10. Proceeds go to Big Brothers. Cindy Thomas - Thanked the retiring Student Senators for what they have done and hope to see their bright shining faces in the office in the future. Read the resignation of Myra Randell, Home Ec. Senator until February. Dave “Let’s Get The Hell Out of Here” Kearney - moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-81 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 3, 1977 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 33 Senators present. B. Burns, D. Hoppas, K. King and S. Walton were excused. R. Tosh was unexcused. J. Howard, C. Huneycutt, S. Lowe, S. McCarter, M. Morrell, and J. Zillinger were excused late. PROXIES: T. Horine for B. Burns, A. Stetson for D. Hoppas, B. Henson for S. Walton, D. Shehi for K. King, P. Sargent for J. Howard, M. Morrell for R. Tosh. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES SESSION Conducted by Cindy Thomas and Terry Matlack APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 27, 1977 MINUTES 7:00 pm meeting - Approved as read. 10:35 pm meeting - Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Exec. Comm. will meet at 6:30 pm next Thursday night. There is 1 position on Finance Comm. open for a Student Senator. Next Finance Comm. meeting is 3:30 on Tuesday in the SGS Conference Room. If you are interested in the position, please attend this meeting. Will probably interview next Wednesday and Thursday. She introduced Brent Thompson, her Administrative Assistant replacing Brian Rassette. She went over the responsibilities of Student Senate. Adjournment time has been set for 10:30 pm. Committee appointments should be made by next week. Jane Knoche - She and E.J. Compton are having a sloppy joe dinner at 5:30 pm at their apartment. It is only for women senators. Will take place next Thursday. Greg Tucker - Need to get liaison preferences in. Will put in your boxes soon. Susan Angle - Will hold a Financial Workshop next Wednesday at 3:30 pm in the Union, Room 213. Sandy Walters - Senate Credit forms should be in by Monday. If you have questions, contact: John Burtis 532-6875 DIRECTORS REPORTS I.D. CARD TASK FORCE - Hank Spencer and Mel Dooling - Mel read the history behind the task force and the responsibilities. Hank read the recommendations of the task force. The report should be completed by Monday. There will be 2 copies available for your review around the office. Questions were asked of Hank and Mel. DRUG EDUCATION CENTER - Jeff Morris - Had 104 calls during October - 9 were crisis calls. Looking into the Probation Program through the City of Manhattan. Office Hours: 1-4 pm weekdays. Phone Number: 539-7237. Looking into regaining the Dope Report through a fund-raising project. CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD - Deb Haifleigh - Look over the C.R.B. sheets placed in your boxes. Had 108 calls during Oct. - includes phone calls and walkM-82 ins. Had 13 new complaints filed in October. Working on a new research project through the Manhattan Mercury checking advertised specials. COMMITTEE REPORTS EGGS & ISSUES BREAKFAST - Alan Stetson - Will be held at 7:30 am on Nov. 10, in the Union Flint Hills Room. Cost is $1.50/person. There will be a faculty/student panel discussion on “Proposed Changes in Academic Policies”. Sign up if you are planning to attend. FINANCE COMM. - Mick Morrell for Max Knopp - Met Tuesday at 3:30 in the Conference Room. Had 3 budget shifts from the College of Home Economics. COMMUNICATIONS COMM. - Karla Engel - First “Town Meeting” will be Monday, Nov. 14, at 7:00 pm. Will deal with the parking problem. Location has not been set yet. Will try to hold the High School Leadership Conference in February. Next meeting will be Tuesday at 4:30 pm in the SGS Conference Room. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMM. - Anne Shearer - Met today and the main discussion centered around the parking problem. Will go and talk to each of the City Commissioners to see where they stand on the issue. STUDENT AFFAIRS COMM. - Jane Knoche - Met Monday at 3:45. Next meeting will be Mon. at 3:45 at 1919 Platt (AGR House). Pictures will be taken Nov. 7, at 8:00 pm in Calvin 102. ELECTIONS COMM. - E. J. Compton - Hope to have a breakdown in your boxes next week on where those who voted in the Oct. 26th Election were from (on or off campus). Cindy Thomas - ATTENTION COMM. CHAIRPERSON: Please post your meeting on the bulletin board in the SGS Office. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/30 - All-University Open House Date for 1980 Senate Bill 77/78/31 - Tentative Allocation to Summer School Artist Series OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Richard Stumpf took over the chair. Brad Henson moved Senate Bill 77/78/28 - By-Laws Revision: Personal Selection Committee. Stacy Norris explained the bill. Hank Spencer called the question. Cindy Thomas took over the chair. Alan Stetson moved Senate Bill 77/78/29 - University Activities Board Constitutional and ByLaws Revisions. Barb Riedel explained the bill. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION M-83 Hank Spencer - He and Mel will be available at 11:30 am in the Office on Tuesday to answer questions regarding the I.D. Card Task Force’s recommendations Terry Matlack - Steve Francis has resigned as Chairperson of U.A.B. Paul Wilson will be recommended to replace him. Will have a bill on 1st Reading next wee International Center Dedication has been set for Nov. 11 at 2:30 m. An open house will furrow the program. You are all invited to attend. Nov. 5 - China Day, Nov. 5 - Arab Night and Fashion Show. Mick Morrell moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-84 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 10, 1977 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 35 Senators present. L. Bergen, A. Shearer, S. Waters and C. Waters were excused late. E. J. Compton, S. McCarter, L. Smith, and S. Walton were late. T. Horine and J. Howard were absent. PROXIES: P. Sargent for C. Waters, J. Howard for A. Shearer, P. Kruse for T. Horine. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 3, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Martha Winkler - Invited all to the dedication of the International Center at 2:30 tomorrow. The open house following the dedication is sponsored by the international group. Cindy Thomas - Wes Babcock - Home Ec. until Feb. - is the new Senator replacing Myra Randell. Remember to stand when you are speaking. Will try to use a pro-con list for speakers. Get your food and drinks before the meeting to avoid running in and out during the meeting. Student Senate will be held at the International Center next week at 7:00. DIRECTORS REPORTS PREGNANCY COUNSELING - Ivri Messinger - Went over the purpose of the Center. Some statistics 1976 1977 Summer 151 295 Sept. 102 293 Oct. 530 447 783 1,035 I n the middle of a Peer Sex Education Workshop. Trying to set up an anonymous question and answer box on Campus. Answers will be available at her booth. Conducted 3 1 hr. presentations on pelvic exams in the Union. Had a display in the showcase in the Union Cafeteria in October. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Stan Watt, Admin. Asst., for Terry Matlack Received a letter from the Health Center regarding physicians being requested to go to the scene of the accident. They do not do this except for certain reasons. They will meet you at the Center. Call the Riley County Ambulance Service. Skip Boyd took over the chair. COMMITTEE REPORTS PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris – Selected a Grievance Counselor this week. She is Judy Davis, age 31, student in pre-law and political science, is presently the president of the local ACLU chapter. Her office is located in the ASK Office. Hours are Mon. & Wed. - 1-3 Tues. & Thurs. – 8:30- 10:30. Had 7 applicants. Will try to evaluate the directors and see if they are doing their job. Positions M-85 coming up are: ASK Campus Director, Lafene Student Health Advisory Council member, Assistant Coordinator of University Learning Network. SENATE OPERATIONS - Greg Tucker - Had 35-40 people at the Eggs and Issues breakfast banquet this morning at 7:30 am. Looking into Pres. Ford and Barry Flinchbaugh for future Eggs and Issues. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche – Met Monday at 3:45 at AGR house. Next meeting will be Monday at 3:45 at the Beta Sigma Psi house. Cindy Thomas took over the chair. Discussed basketball ticket sales, Student health committee, Reapportionment, as far as part-time students go. FINANCE - Max Knopp Working on improving the allocation process and revision of forms. Looking into up-dating financial guidelines. Working on having any groups receiving SGA monies that go to a conference or convention or trip to submit a report to Finance Comm. before they can be reimbursed for the trip. COMMUNICATIONS - Karla Engel - Presently working on the “Town Meetings”. The first will be held Nov. 16, Wed., at 7:00 pm at the First National Bank downtown. Speakers will be Mr. Stith and Terry Matlack on the parking problem. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday and went over some of the advising policies. Working on A/Cr/NCr. Looking into having a Advising Award. Next Faculty Academic Affairs meeting will be Tuesday at 3:30 in Union 204. All students are welcome and do have speaking privileges. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Anne Shearer - Been discussing the parking problem. Getting info on how City Commissioners and the administration feel. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/34 - Approval of University Activities Board (UAB) Chairperson Senate Resolution 77/78/35 - Support of Student Senate I.D. Card Task Force’s Recommendation Senate Bill 77/78/32 - Student Health Services Committee - Revisions to Senate Bill 69/29/1 Alan Stetson moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/35 - above, at this time. Passed. Questions were asked of Hank Spencer. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Jeff Blatt, Student Health Advisory Council chairperson, spoke on the responsibilities and duties of the committee. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Alan Stetson moved Senate Bill 77/78/30 - All-University Open House Date for 1980. Skip Boyd took over the chair. Cindy Thomas spoke on the bill. There was no questions or debate. Came to an immediate vote. M-86 Cindy Thomas took over the chair. Senate Bill 77/78/31 - Tentative Allocation to Summer School Artist Series, was moved. Max Knopp explained the bill. Warren Walker, series manager, was present to answer questions and he explained the series. Debate was entered into. E. J. Compton called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Sandy Walters - First Senate Credit Class will be Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Check the bulletin board in the office for details. Karla Engel - Meet at 645 pm next Thursday at the International Center to have the individual college pictures taken. Barb Riedel - Next Academic Affairs meeting will be at 6:30 on Tuesday. Skip Boyd, Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, explained the duties. Cindy Thomas explained her duties. Mick Morrell moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-87 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL CENTER NOVEMBER 17, 1977 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 34 Senators present. C. Caplinger, M. Kinnaman and L. Smith were excused late. D. Hoppas, T. Horine, J. Howard, P. Kruse and S. Walton were late. C. Huneycutt and C. Tucker were absent. A. Shearer was excused. PROXIES: Bill Shay for Greg Tucker, Joe Rossini f or Mark Kinnaman, Jim Howard for Anne Shearer. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 10, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - No meeting next week. Next meeting will be Dec. 1, 1977 in the Union Big 8 Room. Skip Boyd - Rec Complex Planning Comm. will meet Nov. 29 at 200 pm in the Union Directors Conference Room. Marilyn Trotter - Accepting applications in Holtz Hall for Orientation Leader. They are due Nov. 28. DIRECTORS REPORTS WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER – Maxine Lentz - Went over the purposes of the Center and their duties. Sponsoring a 6 week self-defense program. 50 people attended the Men’s Awareness Program in October. Have 8 student volunteers. Open House for Senators: Dec. 8 - 2-5 - Stop by and drink a cup of coffee. UNIVERSITY FOR MAN - Lisa Barnes, Teena Hosey, Dave Ayres, Melody Williams Lisa - Been working on a survey for all the Social Services trying to access students’ needs and gain feedback, Have drawn up a contract for those who would like to have a party at the UFM House. Working on the spring brochure. Teena- Literary Coffee House is being held in the Union Catskellar on Thursday. Putting together a student advisory board. Will have its first meeting on Nov. 29th. UFM t-shirts are being designed and will go on sale soon. Doing layout of the UFM brochure and all materials. Melody - Reported on the conference she and Dave attended last month. She is in charge of registration this semester. Working hard on the evening child care center. Working on getting solar technology into the UFM House. Dave - Dec. 8 - Programs dedicated to outer space. A rep. from the National Space Institute will be present. Dec. 2 & 3 - Arts and Crafts Sale - UFM House. Will be holding a Peace on Earth Good Will to People Week the week before Deadweek. COMMITTEE REPORTS STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Randy Tosh - Met this afternoon. Vice President Young was present and spoke on the parking lots. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Met Wednesday and selected a new ASK Campus Director - Paula Jacques. Will be holding interviews after Thanksgiving M-88 vacation for Asst. Coord. of ULN. Will be evaluating members of committees after this. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Next meeting will be Monday at 3:45 at the Chi Omega House. Discussed changes in Senate Bill 77/78/32. Went over the letter that will be going to I.A.C. on basketball ticket sales. Have two new members on the committee: Joe Rossini and Mark Kinnaman. Will be going over reapportionment at the next meeting. UNION GOVERNING BOARD - Sandy Walters - The Union will be closed Saturday and Sunday. Will be open 4:30 - 7:30 open from 4:30 - 7:30 for the game. Looking into getting another bank teller. Food Service is doing quite well. Will have a new ice machine in the Cafeteria; May buy new machines for the Bookstore. Complications have arisen with the present machines. COMMUNICATIONS - Karla Engel - Met Tuesday at 4:30. Defined the goals of the committee. Looking at having a Student Senator serving as a liaison to a Faculty Senator. Checking into “Take a Senator Home” program - home high school visitation. FACULTY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Brian Rassette - Met Tuesday. Only passed a portion of the Art and Sciences proposal. Credit-No Credit policy was completely defeated. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Met yesterday. New Senator is Dennis Shehi. Approved a budget shift for the Student Planning Association. Have approved all the College Council’s budgets. Next meeting will be Nov. 29 at 4:30 in the SGS Conference Room. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/33 - Revision of College Council Spending Policy. It will be revised for next week. . OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/34 - Approval of University Activities Board (UAB) Chairperson, was moved. Stan Watt introduced Paul Wilson. Questions were asked of Paul and Stan. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 77/78/32 - Student Health Services Committee – Revisions to Senate Bill 69/29/1, was moved. Jane Knoche spoke to the bill. No questions were asked. Ted Knopp moved to amend Section 4 by changing the number four (4) to two (2). There was debate. The question was moved on Ted’s amendment. Passed. Richard Stumpf moved to amend Section 2, Part C by striking “and voting”. The question was moved on Richard’s amendment. Passed: 22/18/2. Brad Henson requested a Roll Call Vote. M-89 YES: L. Bergen, B. Burns, C. Caplinger, R. Forsberg, D. Hoppas, T. Horine, J. Howard, T. Knopp, P. Kruse, S. Lowe, R. McClanathan, B. Rassette, P. Sargent, B. Shay, L. Smith, M. Smith, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, M. Trotter, G. Tucker, S. Walters, C. Waters NO: W. Babcock, E.J. Compton, B. Henson, M. Holthus, K. King, M. Kinnaman, J. Knoche, S. McCarter, D. McKee, B. Metzler, M. Morrell, J. Rossini, D. Shehi, H. Spencer, R. Tosh, S. Walton, L. Zahn, J. Zillinger ABSTAIN: M. Dooling, D. Wilcoxon ABSENT: C. Huneycutt, C. Pace, A. Shearer. Sheree Lowe moved to amend by changing the piece of legislation to a Resolution and by changing Section 3 by striking “through Student Senate’s Personnel Selection Committee” and inserting “by the Student Body President”, and by striking in Section 5 “approval” and inserting “review”. The question was moved on Sheree’s amendment. Passed. Ted Knopp moved to strike Section 4 and upnote Section 5 to 4. Came to an immediate vote on Ted’s amendment. Failed. Came to an immediate vote on Senate Resolution 77/78/36, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Cindy Thomas - Took a hand count of having a 10 minute recess time between 8:30 & 9:00 if it looks like the adjournment time will be 10:30. Terry Matlack - Announcement of Finance Committee student-at-large member will be made next week. Lisa Sexton was selected and will be nominated to replace Fred Works was KSU’s Rep. to the ASK Board of Director. Had two applicants. Went over events that took place at the Board of Regents meeting today. Discussed the budget requests submitted to the governor. Stan Watt - The Math Dept. is looking for a student-at-large for an advisory board. Must be a senior or junior and enrolled in 9 hours of Math here at KSU. Mick Morrell moved to adjourn. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-90 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM DECEMBER 1, 1977 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 37 Senators present. W. Babcock, M. Smith and S. Walters were excused. D. Hoppas, J. Rossini, and L. Smith were excused late. C. Huneycutt was absent. G. Tucker was late. PROXIES: Mark Kinnaman for Joe Rossini, Anne Shearer for Mary Smith, Bill Shay for Sandy Walters. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 17, 1977 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Terry Matlack introduced Paula Jacques, new ASK Campus Director replacing Craig Swann. DIRECTORS REPORTS ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER - Becky O’Donnell - Still looking for a place to store white bond paper the year around. CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD - Deb Haifleigh - During November: 106 calls, 11 complaints Completed a survey concerning advertising policies of chain stores in town. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - You all will be asked to help out at the Reception for December Graduates. Troy Horine explained the info. system proposed by Admissions and Records. Will have a terminal in each of the deans offices. Cost will be about $350,000 to $500,000. Terry feels this system would take alot of hassle out of enrollment and aide the students while here at KSU. Received a letter from Alf Landon thanking us for our participation in his 90th birthday and for the sunflower carved plaque. Jenny is working on a reunion of past and present SGA people. Will Be held early next year. If you have any ideas on this, forward them to Jenny. Chris Badger called regarding a paid internship program. Contact him if you are interested. Will hold an Eggs and Issues on Dec. 8. President Acker will speak on the budget request. RSVP by Tuesday. Will not have a Senate meeting next week. Therefore, this is the last meeting of the semester. Any bills in your boxes when you come back will be considered on First Readings. DRUG EDUCATION CENTER - Jeff Morris - Will sponsor a discussion on the use of speed on Dec. 14. The time and place will be announced later. Will be someplace in Justin Hall. He explained the probation program DEC is handling. People involved are only KSU students who have been arrested on a drug charge. He spoke on the relationship of DEC personnel and the Red Cross at the ELP Concert and their entire relationship No longer using the “bleeper system”. PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR - Diddy Bell - Will put another Newsletter out for next month. Have info for it in her box by 5:00 Monday. Cindy Thomas - Present certificates to: Barb Riedel, Max Knopp and .M. Morrell. Each Senator will receive one at the end of his/her term(s). M-91 COMMITTEE REPORTS FACULTY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Last two parts of the A & S proposal were defeated. The next meeting will be Tuesday in the Union, 204 at 3:30. STUDENT ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Next meeting is Monday at 3:30 in the SGS Conference Room. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Discussed reapportionment at the Monday meeting. Will hold an open forum on this at a later date. Received a reply from I.A.C on the sale of basketball tickets. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Have split up into special projects: E. J. Compton - part-time fees, Dennis Shehi - part-time fees, Mick Morrell - Student Publications (up for review in 1978-79), Max Knopp - up-date subsistance. Gwen Cross is the new student-at-large member of FINANCE Committee. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Candi Caplinger - Met tonight. Will hand out a survey at registration regarding the parking problem on Campus. Will be asking for volunteers to help with this. Visitation of legislators to Campus is being planned. REC SERVICES COUNCIL - Dennis Shehi - Met today. Looked at the plans for the new Rec Complex. Discussed the proposal to give the gym to faculty only from 11:30 – 12:30 weekdays. Will vote on it at the next meeting. Chet Peters and Dennis Shehi answered questions about this proposal. SENATE OPERATIONS - Greg Tucker - Did not meet this week. Took a hand count of those in favor of a Faculty Senate Lobby. It. passed. Will match you with a Faculty Senator in your college. Had the first Senate Aide meeting tonight. Not a very good turnout. Keep your Senate Aide busy and let them help you on a project. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 77/78/34 - Revision of Election Date Senate Bill 77/78/35 - Conference Reports to Finance Committee OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 77/78/33 - Revision of College Council Spending Policy, was moved. Bob Burns explained the bill. Brad Henson moved to change “SGA Financial Advisor” to “Finance Committee” in all sections. Hank Spencer moved to refer it back to the sponsors. The question was moved on Hank’s motion. Failed. Pat Bosco explained the duties of the SGA Financial Advisor. The question was called on Brad’s amendment. Passed. Pat Sargent moved to amend by adding a Section 4 to read: This resolution will be in conjunction with the 1977-78 College Council Spending Policy which expires June 30, 1978. The question was called on Pat’s amendment. Passed. M-92 The question was called on Senate Bill 77/78/33, as amended. Doug Hurley from Admission and Records was present to discuss and explain the info. system that Admission and Records is proposing (that Troy Horine explained in Terry Matlack’s Directors Report). It is called an Optical Scanner. NEW BUSINESS Brian Rassette moved special orders on Senate Resolution 77/78/37 - Support of Recent Graduate on Board of Regents. Passed. Terry Matlack answered questions about the resolution. The question was called. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Greg Tucker - Senate Operations will meet at 6:30 Monday in the Catskellar. Bill Shay - Christmas Party - Dec. 9 - his place. E. J. Compton moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-93 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 26, 1978 7:00 PM – 10:35 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 44 Senators present. Liz Smith, A&S until Feb., has resigned. PROXIES: Jim Howard for Clarence Waters APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 1, 1977 MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Skip Boyd, Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, not Cindy Thomas. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - She introduced Jeff LaBahn, Grad. Senator until Feb., replacing Bob Burns. As you read in the Collegian today, Bernard Franklin a past Student Body President at KSU, was appointed to the Board of Regents. Anyone wishing to donate $1 or $2 towards a plant for him, to be delivered to his office, should give it to Jenny by 11:30 Friday morning. Make sure you post your committee meetings on the bulletin board in the SGS Office. LEGISLATION DEADLINE is Tuesdays at 5:00 pm. Susan Angle - SGA Financial Advisor - Allocations Calendar: Feb. 1 - Wednesday Budget assistance workshop - 3:30 pm - Union 206. Feb. 3 - Friday - Budgets are due (not College Councils). March 1 - Hopefully, College Councils will have allocations completed. First 2 Weeks - Finance Committee will approve College Council Budgets. 2, 9 - 5-minute presentations to Student Senate. 3 weeks after Spring Break Finance Committee hearings. 2nd week of April - Senate Allocations. Will hold a workshop after the Feb. Elections on the allocation process for Senators. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - I.D. Card Program - Currently the administration is looking at areas where it should be located. Admissions & Records looks like the place it will end up. They have shown an interest in this. Just need to find the space. Tuesday at 3.30 - Planning a hearing on the fieldhouse referendum. Will be open to all students. Place will be announced later. Cindy Thomas - Amendments to the referendum bill will be due by Tuesday at 5:00 pm. No amendments will be accepted on the floor. Living Group Advisory Council will meet Tuesday at 8:00 in Union 206. Will hear the Student Body President candidates. On Feb. 9 at 600 pm in the Union Flint Hills Room, there will be a banquet with the Vice Presidents, Deans, and SGA members. Sign up with Jenny (or on her desk) by Feb. 3. Cost is $3.50/person. Vice President Paul Young was present to give a presentation on a coal powered power plant project. A question and answer sheet was handed out before the presentation. Questions were asked. Suggestions were made. COMMITTEE REPORTS M-94 FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met last Tuesday and discussed A/Cr/NCr. Pat Sargent - A/Cr/NCr is in a sub-committee now. Will be taking a look at the entire academic picture. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Discussed Teacher Tenure and will be looking into this. Looking at “advisor of the year” award similar to “teacher of the year” award we presently have. Will meet today at 3:30. PERSONNEL SELECTION - Stacy Norris - Held interviews Tuesday for ULN Assistant Coord. Held interviews today for Drug Education Center Director. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Anne Shearer - Will hold a dinner theatre on Feb. 13 at 6:30 pm in the Union Flint Hills Room for State Senators and Representatives. You may sign up with Jenny by Feb. 8. Cost will be $3.50/person Terry Matlack will give the welcome at 5:00 in the Key Rooms. Troy Horine - It was proposed by Ross Doyan, a State Senator, that $50,000 be allocated by the State to plan for the renovation of Nichols Gym. Will try to get a petition up on this next week. TRAFFIC & PARKING TASK FORCE - Mark Hoffman - He gave their final report. This report is available in the SGS Office. Terry forgot to mention in his Directors Report - Housing Council recommended to President Acker that he not change the policy requiring freshmen to live in residence halls. ELECTIONS - Lisa Zahn - Have had advertisements in the paper regarding filing. Have been working on getting poll workers and setting up committee members visiting living grouts. Have also scheduled rooms for candidates meetings and poll workers meetings. FILING DEADLINE - February 1 at 5:00 pm in the office of Lorene Dahm in Holtz Hall. You must present your fee card and ID card at this time. COMMUNICATIONS - Sheree Lowe - Will sponsor an open forum in the Union on Feb. 13 and 14 from 9:00 - 2:00 where Student Body President candidates and Student Senate candidates will be available for questions. Steve Walton - Try to get a Presidents Forum on Cable TV on Feb. 6 and 7. Will try to use Cable TV for the February Town Meeting. Just not enough time to get up a Town Meeting any other way. Pat Bosco - He went over the pamphlet that he and Susan Angle put together on “Wanted: Student Senators”. There will be a CANDIDATE INFORMATION SESSION on February 7 at 3 30 pm in the Big 8 Room of the Union. Speakers will be: Chester E. Peters, Susan Angle, Terry Matlack and Pat Bosco. The pamphlet explains the standing committee’s functions of Student Senate and tells who the chairpersons are of each. Mick Morrell moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/753/38 at this time. Passed. Mick Morrell explained the bill entitled: Spending Policy for College Councils for Fiscal Year 1978-79. Questions were asked. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/38 - Approval of Summer Session Allocations Board Members M-95 Senate Bill 77/78/36 - Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Hourly Requirement Senate Bill 77/78/37 - Revision of KSU Literature and Notice Regulations: Campaign Reform Senate Bill 77/78/38 - Spending Policy for College Councils for Fiscal Year 1978-79 Senate Bill 77/78/39 - Funding of Delegates to the Student Conference on National Affairs (SCONA) Senate Bill 77/78/40 - Referendum on a New Coliseum at KSU Senate Resolution 77/78/39 - Approval of Elections Committee Chairperson Senate Resolution 77/78/40 - Support of Appointment of a Recent College Graduate to the Kansas Board of Regents Brad Henson moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/75/30 - Approval of Elections Committee Chairperson, at this time. Passed. Greg Tucker spoke on the resolution. No questions were asked. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Anne Shearer moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/39 - Funding of Delegates to the Student Conference on National Affairs (SCONA), at this time. Passed. Randy Tosh answered any questions. There was debate. Steve Walton moved to amend Section 2 by striking $156 and inserting $220. There was debate. Came to an immediate vote on Steve’s amendment. Failed. There was further debate. The question was moved on the original bill. Steve Walton moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/37 – Revision of KSU Literature and Notice Regulations Campaign Reform, at this time. Passed. Terry Matlack spoke to the bill. Questions were asked. There was debate. Anne Shearer moved to add a Section 2. to read: This bill shall go into effect March 1, 1978. The question was moved on Anne’s amendment. Failed. Troy Horine moved the question on the bill as it originally read. NEW BUSINESS M-96 Max Knopp moved Senate Bill 77/78/35 - Conference Reports to Finance Committee. Max spoke on the bill. Questions were asked. Brad Henson moved to friendly amend by changing “report” to “summary” throughout the legislation. Accepted. There was no debate. Jane Knoche called the question on the bill. Dave McKee moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/40 - Support of Appointment of a Recent College Graduate to the Kansas Board of Regents, at this time. Passed. Terry Matlack explained the resolution. There were no questions and no debate Came to an immediate vote. Mark Kinnaman moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/41 - Appointment to Kansas Board of Regents, at this time. Passed. There were no questions and no debate. Cindy Thomas read the resolution. Came to an immediate vote. Mick Morrell moved Senate Bill 77/78/34 - Constitutional and By-Laws Revisions: Election Date. Cindy Thomas explained the bill. Questions were asked. Pat Sargent moved to table until next week. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Sandy Walters Burtis - Mary Jane Smith is engaged. Wedding date is set for May 27. Joe Rossini - Steve Walton got married over Christmas Break. Jim Howard moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-97 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 2, 1978 7:00 PM – 11:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 26 Senators present. S. McCarter was late. M. Dooling was absent. J. Howard, J. Knoche, C. Pace, P. Sargent, A. Shearer A. Stetson, R. Stumpf and G. Tucker were excused late. M. Holthus, S. Lowe, J. Rossini, M. Smith, M. Trotter, S. Burtis, D. Wilcoxon and J. Zillinger were excused. PROXIES: S. Walton for S. Lowe, A. Shearer for G. Tucker, B. Shay for S. Burtis, D. Shehi for A. Stetson, M. Kinnaman for J. Rossini, B. Rassette for P. Sargent, M. Morrell for J. Zillinger, H. Spencer for M. Dooling, D. Shehi for J. Knoche, C. Waters for J. Howard, R. Tosh for A. Shearer, L. Zahn for M. Holthus, P. Sargent for M. Dooling APPROVAL OF JANUARY 26, 1978 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Old Senators should set up a meeting with Cindy before retiring from office. Would like to have a joint meeting with she and Terry Matlack with the State and Community Affairs Committee. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) - Paula Jacques, Campus Director The Legislative Assembly met the first Sunday after school started. Set up priorities for the year. ASK will be hosting a conference on February 9-12, 1978 at Wichita State Univ. entitled “A National Conference for State and System Student Associations”. It is being sponsored by ASK in cooperation with National Student Lobby (NSL) and the National Student Association (NSA) and with the advice and help of Mitchell Edelstein. The conference should be helpful if you are establishing a statewide advocacy program or updating one that is in operation. The conference will bring together many state and national leaders and will provide the opportunity to set up a strong communication network between them. The registration fee is $30/participant. This covers the cost of materials, refreshments and workshop expenses. Questions regarding the conference should be directed to: Associated Students of Kansas, Attention: Rich Greene, 1700 College, Topeka, Kansas 66621, ASK voted to join NSL/NSA. ‘ Starting letter writing campaign on the marijuana issue. CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD - Deb Haifleigh, Director - Got active on the political level this year. Have a lot of new pamphlets in the office. Did a prescription drug price survey. Also, did a survey on whether or not a store has a good supply of their advertised specials. Have 15 volunteers this semester. Had a lot of landlord-tenant complaints this year. We are now investigating Cameo Composites. COMMITTEE REPORTS M-98 SENATE OPERATIONS - Greg Tucker, Chairperson - Met Tuesday. Will have Senate evaluations passed out the last meeting of the old Senate. The RETREAT will be held February 25. Need to have, a lot more liaison forms turned in. The first TALK WITH ACKER went over real well. About 40 people showed up. The next one will be February 20th. Will hold them once a month. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Richard Stumpf - committee member - Joe Rossini reported on the Intercollegiate Athletic Council Ticket Sales meeting. Looking into revising the handbook again this year. BUS SYSTEM - Brad Henson - Working on getting a bus system contracted with the University. SUMMER SESSION ALLOCATIONS BOARD - E. J. Compton, Chairperson - Met last week. Will start budget hearings next week. FINANCE - Max Knopp, Chairperson - Met today. Steve Walton presented a bill to raise the subsistance rate for group travel. Working on a bill to divide up the College Council Line Item. Some have too much money and some have too little. Approved some budget shifts. ELECTIONS - Lisa Zahn, Chairperson - Will hold a Candidates’ Meeting on Sunday at 8:00. Will have an Information Meeting at 3:30 on Tuesday. Will draw for positions on the ballot around 4:15 or 4:30. INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL (I.A.C) - Craig McVey, student member Met last Friday. President Acker was present. $47,000 is to go into women’s sports only, in addition to their allocation from the State. Heard from a representative that attended the NCAA Conference. Football ticket prices: $18.75 for a Season student ticket. $4.00 for individual student tickets - will be sold after the first game. $4.00/K-Block - 2 K-Block for 1 reserved seat Thinking of having ushers at the football games, much the same as the ushers at the basketball games. The only budget concern is the Wildcat Club. It is at a standstill at the present, because of the Ahearn Corp. Wildcat Club budget is running $15,000 over the allocated amount. The entire budget looks promising for the end of the year. Student Ticket Sales Committee will meet Friday at 3:00. FACULTY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel, student member - Met Tuesday. Talked of passing diplomas out at the graduation ceremonies rather than mailing them one week after the ceremonies. Wants a petition signed by Student Senate and Council members stating approve of this. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/42 - Approval of Elections Committee Members Brad Henson moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/42 at this time. Passed. Skip Boyd explained the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote on the resolution. FIRST READINGS (continued) Senate Resolution 77/78/43 - Recommendations for Noon-Hour Gymnasium Rules Skip Boyd took over the chair. Skip is the Senate Vice Chairperson. OLD BUSINESS M-99 Alan Stetson moved to untable Senate Bill 77/78/34 - Constitutional & By-Laws Revision: Election Date. Passed. Cindy Thomas spoke to the bill. Questions were asked. Mick Morrell moved to amend Section 2 by deleting all that after “classes” in the second line of #2, and insert “full week of classes following final allocations in the Fall semester for a one-year term”, and amend Section 3 by deleting the original and inserting “This shall go into effect October 1978 with the term of Student Senate elected February 1978 ending in October 1978.”. Lori Bergen called the question on Mick’s amendment. Failed: 27/7. Steve Walton moved to table this bill until next week. Passed. NEW BUSINESS Steve Walton moved special orders to consider Senate Bill 77/78/40 - Referendum on a New Coliseum at KSU, first. Passed. Terry Matlack explained the bill. Questions were asked of Terry. Brad Henson moved to overrule the decision of the chair that no amendments be submitted after Tuesday at 5:00. The chair was overruled by 17/13. Steve Walton moved to strike lines 1 & 2 of #1 excluding “This” in line 2 and inserting: A $10/semester/full-time student and, a $5/semester/part-time student activity fee to begin at such time that the University President informs Student Senate that the letting of construction bonds for the facility, within a subsequent period lasting one year is probable. If such communication is not made by July 30, 1985, any possibility of said increase shall be ended. Steve spoke to his amendment. Terry Matlack responded to the amendment made by Steve. There was further debate on Steve’s amendment. The question was moved on Steve’s amendment. Failed. Richard Stumpf moved to amend #1 by striking the second sentence and inserting: This increase shall be used only to assist in the retirement of 30-year construction bonds. The question was moved on Richard’s amendment. Failed. The question was moved on the original bill, as corrected by Terry at the beginning of the bill. Steve Walton requested a roll call vote. 35 Senators voted YES NO: B. Henson, J. LaBahn, R. McClanathan, R. Stumpf ABSTAIN: J. Zillinger ABSENT: S. McCarter, M. Smith, D. Wilcoxon, M. Trotter. Brad Henson moved to adjourn. Failed at 10:45. Anne Shearer moved that we suspend the rules to move into Informal Discussion. Failed. Mick Morrell moved Senate Resolution 77/78/38 - Approval of Summer Session Allocations Board Members. E. J. Compton spoke to the resolution. E. J. answered questions. Steve Walton called the question. M-100 Troy Horine moved Senate Bill 77/78/36 - Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Hourly Requirement. Terry Matlack spoke to the bill. Questions were asked. There was no debate. The question was moved. Brad Henson requested a roll call vote. 36 Senators voted YES NO: B. Henson, D. McKee, S. Walton ABSTAIN: R. McClanathan ABSENT: S. McCarter, M. Smith, M. Trotter, D. Wilcoxon. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Skip Boyd will give a Rec Services report next week. Jane Knoche won “the date with Willie Wildcat”. Steve Walton moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-101 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 9, 1978 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 30 Senators present. C. Caplinger and E. J. Compton were excused late. T. Horine, J. Howard, M. Trotter and D. Wilcoxon were excused. T. Knopp, A. Shearer and G. Tucker were late. M Kinnaman, .J. Knoche, B. Metzler, M. Smith and C. Waters were absent. PROXIES: P. Kruse for T. Horine, C. Waters for J. Howard, D. Shehi for J. Knoche. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 2, 1978 MINUTES Approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS Randy Tosh - The dinner-theatre with the Kansas Legislature that was scheduled for Feb. 13, has been rescheduled for March 23. Details will follow later. DIRECTORS REPORTS University Learning Network (ULN) - Brad Brunson, Director - He went over the sheets passed out. A copy of this is available in the SGS Office for anyone to look over. Could use volunteers. Lost five last semester. Only have 18 volunteers now. Could use 25-30. UNIVERSITY FOR MAN (UFM) Lisa Barnes - Have been renovating the new UFM House at 1221 Thurston. Have UFM T-shirts for sale at $4 each. Have 4,000 5,000 registrations for Spring classes. Evening child care will begin again. Have a weekly cable show on TV for half an hour. Will be holding a fund-raising drive to pay off the loan for renovating the new location. Class leaders are all volunteers. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - The forum held Wednesday afternoon on the fieldhouse issue went real well. The National Conference on student Legal Rights was sponsored by K-State the last time. Bill Shay was the coordinator. Will co-sponsor it again this year. Thursday and Friday of next week is the Board of Regents meeting. If you would like to attend, let Terry know. PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNCIL - Greg Schafer, student member - Have had 4 meetings since the committee was formed. Pat Bosco is the chairperson. Looked at unifying the letterhead for all KSU stationery. An info, booth has been proposed. Would like to do this after it is decided which is the main entrance to campus. A class would probably build it. Only cost would be the material. Diane Lederer, student member - Worked on the All-University Open House. Discussed the five options or Nichols Gym. All were under the categories of rebuilding or tearing it down. Worked on the master calendar for the Union. Turn events into Barb Pretzer in the Directors Office in the Union on second floor. Will be discussing the handing out of diplomas at graduation. Will be handling publicity of our school to Kansas and Missouri high schools. COMMITTEE REPORTS M-102 REC SERVICES COUNCIL -. Skip Boyd - Met the last two Tuesdays. The budget was the main item on the agendas. Will not be asking for a $1 increase. Received $5,000 from the University for this year. Will probably continue year to year. The cigarette sales tax may affect this. COMMUNICATIONS - Carla Engel - Will be working on publicity for the Elections and the referendum for the fieldhouse. Will have a forum with all the candidates on Monday and Tuesday from 9-2 in the Big 8 Room. ELECTIONS - Lisa Zahn - Met Monday and today. The Candidates’ Soapbox will be run in the Collegian Monday and Tuesday. Ad on voting procedures will be in the paper Monday and Tuesday. Need a lot of poll workers over the noon hour. Need about 65 more poll workers. Have close to 200 now. Poll workers meetings: Sunday - Big 8 Room -- 7:00, Monday - Rm. 204 of the Union - 7:30 SENATE INFO TABLE - Richard Stumpf - Had a Senate info, table in the Union last Wednesday. Answered questions. Not real successful. Will try it again in a couple of weeks with more publicity. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Pat Sargent -. The handing out of diplomas at the graduation ceremony is really becoming an issue. #1 - do the students really want it, #2 - the amount of work put in by faculty to get the grades out in time. Get feedback from your constituents. May have a survey at the Elections tables. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/44 - Administrative Funding of Academic Activities - strike Section 2 Senate Bill 77/78/32 - Revision of SGA Spending Regulations Subsistence Fees OLD BUSINESS Richard McClanathan moved to untable Senate Bill 77/78/34 - Constitutional and By-Laws Revision: Election Date. Passed. We are now in debate. Richard McClanathan moved to amend as follows: Section 1. - leave the same Section 2. -. Article IV, Section 403 (A) of the SGA Constitution be amended to read: The Student Body President shall be elected at the same time as the Student Senate and shall take office at the time of the third meeting of the new Student Senate following election. - the only change from the original Article IV, Section 403 (A) is the deletion of the word Spring before Student Senate in line 2. Section 3. Change the original Section 2 of the bill to read: 2. The Student Senate shall be elected the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes following the Fall Semester for a one-year term. - “following the Fall Semester” replaces “in the Spring Semester” in the original bill. Section 4. Article I, Section 2, Part A, number 4 of the SGA By-Laws he changed to Article I, Section 2, Part A, number 3. Section 5. This would go into effect in October 1980 with the Student Body President and Student Senate elected in February 1979 being held over until October 1980. M-103 There was discussion on Richard’s amendment. The question was moved on Richard’s amendment. Failed 5/28/2. Richard Stumpf requested a Roll Call Vote. All voted NO (28) with the following exceptions. YES : J. LaBahn, R. McClanathan, M. Morrell, D. Shehi, R. Stumpf ABSTAIN: B. Henson, J. Rossini ABSENT: J. Howard, M. Kinnaman, S. Lowe, B. Metzler, B. Shay, M. Smith, M. Trotter, C. Waters, D. Wilcoxon. Alan Stetson moved to divide the bill by Sections. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on SECTION 1. Failed: 27/9/0 (needed 34 yes to pass) Brad Henson requested a Roll Call Vote NO votes: E. J. Compton, J. LaBahn, M. McClanathan, M. Morrell, B. Rassette, A. Stetson, R. Stumpf, R. Tosh, J. Zillinger ABSENT: J. Howard, M. Kinnaman, B. Metzler, B. Shay, M. Smith, M. Trotter, C. Waters, D. Wilcoxon. Brian Rassette moved to reconsider SECTION 1. Mel Dooling called the question. Passed. Pat Sargent moved to table until next week. Passed. NEW BUSINESS Brad Henson moved Senate Resolution 77/78/43 - Recommendations for Noon-Hour Gymnasium Rules. Steve Walton accepted questions. Hank Spencer moved to table. Failed. Debate was entered into. The question was moved. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Pat Sargent - Talk to him if you are interested in being the Faculty Senate Rep. from Student Senate. Terry Matlack - Friday, Feb. 17, is Agricultural Awareness Day. Richard McClanathan moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGA Secretary M-104 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 16, 1978 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 38 Senators present. J. Rossini, G. Tucker were excused late. M. Trotter was excused. M. Dooling and H. Spencer were late. S. Burtis was absent. PROXIES: D. Wilcoxon for M. Trotter, T. Horine for C. Tucker, S. Lowe for L. Bergen. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - The new Senate will office next Thursday. DIRECTORS REPORTS WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER - Maxine Lentz - Combining our referral and resource services, we received a total of 133 walk-ins and phone calls last semester. These ranged from: counseling referrals, program information, medical referrals, and use of our resource library for papers due for class and personal interest. Programming for last semester was extensive. We had a total of 36 programs with a total attendance of 705. The types of programs varied: Adult Student Social - a weekly career life planning, financial aid, bio-feedback; men’s awareness program; UFM class on current dating trends; programs for campus organizations; The Total Jewish Woman; value clarification: Eyewitness Houston. This coming semester the Center will be providing a great deal more programs. A few specific topics that are in the planning stages are: leadership & women, women and financial planning, response to Houston, women & careers, women & health, women’s legal concerns in divorce, the black women, value clarification, and women & credit. Continuing programs shall include Adult Student Social, men’s awareness, and volunteer program. COMMITTEE REPORTS NICHOLS GYM - Troy Horine - Obtained over 1,000 signatures for the Nichols Gym Petition asking the Legislature to support Senator Doyen’s proposal of $50,000 for a study on the renovation of Nichols Gym. These will he sent to Senator Doyen. SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS BOARD - E.J. Compton - Tentative allocations are: K-State Union $ 22,500, Artists Series $ 3,000, Student Publications $ 4,000. ELECTIONS - Lisa Zahn - Sign up to work the polls next Wednesday, Feb. 22. Polls will be open from 7:30 am - 6-30 pm in the Union and Farrell. FINANCE - Max Knopp - Budget request shifts: Group From To Amount U.F.M. ? repairs ? Printing advertising ? Black Student ? honorariums 150.00 Union $130 to travel to BSU Conference Business College honorarium t-shirts 300.00 Council Ag College Council reserves for ? 345.00 M-105 contingencies Ed. College Council purchased 14 t-shirts and will then take orders. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Pat Sargent Survey was taken at the Election booth regarding the handing out of diplomas at graduation ceremonies. These will be tallied and taken to Faculty Senate. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 77/78/45 - Support for Agricultural Awareness Day Senate Bill 77/78/41 - By-Laws Revision: Membership of Standing Committees Mick Morrell moved special orders to consider Senate Resolution 77/78/45, above, at this time. Passed. Tommy Garrett spoke to the legislation. It was friendly amended to strike “is requested” in Section 2 and insert “is encouraged”. Lori Bergen moved to amend Section 1 by adding after “today” in line 4: Even though these issues might not be supported by S.G.A. The question was moved on Lori’s amendment. Failed. The question was called on the original resolution as it was friendly amended. OLD BUSINESS It was moved to untable Senate Bill 77/78/34 - Constitutional & By-Laws Revision: Election Date. Failed. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 77/78/44 - Administration Funding of Academic Activities, was moved. Steve Walton spoke to the resolution. Brian Rassette moved to friendly amend by inserting “partial” after assume in line 1 of Section 1. This was objected to by Ted Knopp. Brian moved his amendment. The question was moved. Passed. Dent Wilcoxon moved to refer the resolution to Finance Committee. The question was called on Dent’s motion Failed. Troy Horine moved to friendly amend by changing “academically-related” to “academically-oriented” in line 2 of Section 1. Accepted. Steve Walton moved to friendly amend by adding after “organizations” in the first WHEREAS clause: (academically-oriented being specified as those organizations which operate to fulfill the requirements of a University course offered for credit). Accepted. The question was called on the resolution. Senate Bill 77/78/32 - Revision of SGA Spending Regulations: Subsistence Fees, was moved. There were no questions asked and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Richard Stumpf moved to untable Senate Bill 77/78/34 - Constitutional & By-Laws Revision: Election Date. Passed. M-106 SECTION 1 was entered into. The question as called on SECTION 1. Failed: 29/10. Since Section 1 of the bill failed, the entire be Failed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Faculty Academic Affairs - Tuesday,-Feb. 21 – 3:30 - Rm. 205 of the Union. Sign the Nichols Gym Petition if you haven’t already. Congratulations to Lisa Zahn for her work on the Elections. Next week is Black Awareness Week. Pre-Senate Seminar - Mr. K’s - before Senate next Thursday - 400 - for all old Senate. Mel Dooling moved to adjourn. Passed. Sheree Lowe, Acting Secretary Typed by: Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-107 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FALL 1977 SENATE FEBRUARY 23, 1978 7:00 PM – 9:15 PM The meeting (last meeting of the Fall 1977 Student Senate) was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Thomas. There were 39 Senators present. S. Burtis was absent. C. Caplinger, M. Kinnaman, and A. Stetson were excused late. S. Walton was excused. PROXIES: D. Shehi for A. Stetson. ROLL CALL Cindy Thomas and Terry Matlack handed out certificates to the outgoing Senators. Cindy handed out cigars and Terry handed out suckers. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 9, 1978 MINUTES Approved as read. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 16, 1978 MINUTES 1 - 37 should read 38 2 - Lori Bergen was present, not excused late 3 - Committee Reports - Summer School Allocations Board - add Rec Services - $4,600 NOVEMBER 17, 1978 MINUTES Richard Stumpf - Senate Resolution 77/78/36 - page 4 &5 - Section 2 - Part C. - strike “and voting” in the second line. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cindy Thomas - Thanked the Student Senators for their work this year. Pat Sargent - Faculty Senate Academic Affairs - Established an ad hoc committee to study the Cr/NCr system. Need two (2) students, to work on this committee. Need to know tonight. Will have a report by October. DIRECTORS REPORTS PREGNANCY COUNSELING - Ivri Messinger, Director - The Center is place for people to come and discuss their problems and unwanted pregnancies. It is a place for men and women to come and get information on human sexuality. It is a place to talk about their fears, etc. in confidentiality. It is a place to get research info for papers, etc. People come to the Center to discuss certain issues to up-date the service. Train peer sex educators. This is on the up-rise. Presents sex education programs. 1,500 students have used the service in the last 6 months. Will hold an open house next Thursday from 1:00 - 5:00 at the Center, Rm. 118, in Holtz Hall. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) - Paula Jacques, Campus Director Legislative Caucus will be held Sunday and Monday at 11:00 am in Topeka at Washburn. Meet at 9:30 in back of the Union, if you want to go. Bring a car if you can. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Terry Matlack - Welcomed and congratulated the new Student Senators and a special congratulations to Sam Brown. A committee was M-108 formed to study the idea of not requiring freshmen to live in an organized living unit. The composition of the committee is: 1 - KSUARH Rep., 2 - SGA Rep., 3 Housing Council Rep., 4 - Center for Student Development Rep., 5 - Council on Student Affairs Rep. The 3¢ cigarette tax does not look good in the Legislature. U.F.M.’S having a fund-raising drive to pay off a debt they have due to remodeling 1221 Thurston. All-University Open House will be April 1, 1978. He went over the format of his year end report which was handed out to Senators. Senate Chairperson - Cindy Thomas - Gave her year-end report. COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT AFFAIRS - Jane Knoche - Met Monday. Discussed the installation of a WATS phone or whatever for students to use to call home. Tabled this. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Mick Morrell - Met today. Will hear the 5-minute presentations beginning March 2 and March 9. Will begin at 8:00. March 2 Consumer Relations Board, Drug Education Center, Ebony Theatre Co., Environmental Awareness Center, FONE, Hispanic Student Union, Infant & Child Care Center, Pregnancy Counseling, UFM (Univ. for Man), ULN (Univ. Learning Network), Women’s Resource Center, Student Publications (15 min.).March 9 - Black Student Union, Handicapped Student Org., I.C.C. (International Coordinating Council), I.D. Cards, KSDB-FM Radio, Legal Services, MECHA, Native Am. Indian Student Body, S.G.A., Touchstone, A.S.K. (Assoc. Students of Kansas) 15 min, Fine Arts Council (15 min.) Discussed Parttime increases. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Barb Riedel - Met Tuesday. Presented them some of the results of handing out diplomas at graduation ceremony survey. 76% wanted this done. It passed the committee. Was put on the Faculty Exec. Agenda. SENATE OPERATIONS - Greg Tucker - Retreat - Saturday morning at 9:00 - UFM House, 1221 Thurston. It is mandatory. Assembly will be held March 2nd, Thursday, at 6:00 in the Big Room for all minority students and Student Senators to exchange feelings and ideas to promote better communication. ELECTIONS - Lisa Zahn - Thanked those who helped with the Elections. Congratulations to all those elected. FIRST READINGS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Richard McClanathan moved Senate Bill 77/78/41 - By-Laws Revision: Membership of Standing Committees. Cindy Thomas explained the bill. --- a belated Valentine was sung to Jenny Johnston from Terry Matlack and Mick Morrell. There was no debate. Richard McClanathan called the question. M-109 Sheree Lowe moved Senate Bill 77/78/42 - Seating of Student Body President, Board of Student Publications, and Student Senate. Lisa Zahn introduced each. There was debate on the issue of running out of ballots both at the Library and the Union. Brian Rassette called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Terry and Cindy handed out awards, with the assistance of Cathy Matlack and Stacy Norris. Richard McClanathan moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, SGS Secretary M-110