1985-1986 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 85/86/1 Substituted by Senate Resolution 85/86/3 .............................................................1 Bill 85/86/2 Special Allocation to SGA for Washington, DC Trip ...........................................2 Bill 85/86/3 Special Allocation to Consumer Relations Board .................................................3 Bill 85/86/4 1985 Summer School Allocations .........................................................................4 Bill 85/86/5 Special Allocation to Parachute Club ....................................................................5 Bill 85/86/6 Repeal of Student Senate Bill 82/83/29, Election Procedure Revision .................6 Bill 85/86/7 1985-86 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................7 Bill 85/86/8 Coliseum Studies Referendum ..............................................................................9 Bill 85/86/9 1985-86 Student Health Insurance Plan ..............................................................11 Bill 85/86/10 Constitutional Revision: Business Administration College Council ...................12 Bill 85/86/11 Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee ................15 Bill 85/86/12 Closing of 1984-85 Accounts ..............................................................................16 Bill 85/86/13 SGA By-Laws Revision: Replacement of Student Senators ...............................18 Bill 85/86/14 Presentation of New Coliseum Proposal .............................................................19 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.................................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Gay & Lesbian Resources Center ...........................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................20 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...................................................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................21 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................21 Bill 85/86/16 Students Against Multiple Sclerosis (SAMS) Special Allocation ......................22 Bill 85/86/17 Public Relations Student Society of American Special Allocation .....................23 Bill 85/86/18 Engineering Council Special Allocation .............................................................24 Bill 85/86/19 Amendment to Senate Bill 85/86/11 Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee .........................................................................25 Bill 85/86/20 Proper Planning of the Proposed Coliseum .........................................................26 Bill 85/86/21 Approval of Revised Associated Students of Kansas Constitution .....................27 Bill 85/86/22 Enhanced Student Input on the Fred Bramlage Coliseum Program Planning Committee............................................................................................30 Bill 85/86/23 Phi Alpha Theta (History Honorary) Special Allocation ....................................32 Bill 85/86/24 American Institute of Architecture Students Special Allocation ........................33 Bill 85/86/25 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions .........................................................34 Bill 85/86/26 Bill 85/86/27 Bill 85/86/28 Bill 85/86/29 Bill 85/86/30 Bill 85/86/31 Consumer Relations Board Special Allocation for Landlord Tenant Handbook ............................................................................................................39 Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations for use of the $700,000 ...................................................................................................40 Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment ...............................................................42 KSU SGA Constitutional Revision: Non-Incidental Fee Procedure ...................43 Men’s Glee Club Special Allocation ...................................................................44 Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs Special Allocation ..............................45 1985-1986 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments page Bill 85/86/10 Constitutional Revision: Business Administration College Council ...................12 Bill 85/86/21 Approval of Revised Associated Students of Kansas Constitution .....................27 Bill 85/86/25 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions .........................................................34 Bill 85/86/29 KSU SGA Constitutional Revision: Non-Incidental Fee Procedure ...................43 By-Laws Amendments Bill 85/86/13 SGA By-Laws Revision: Replacement of Student Senators ...............................18 Elections Bill 85/86/6 Repeal of Student Senate Bill 82/83/29, Election Procedure Revision .................6 Statutes Amendments Allocations Bill 85/86/7 Bill 85/86/12 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 Bill 85/86/15 1985-86 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................7 Closing of 1984-85 Accounts ..............................................................................16 1985-86 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.................................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Gay & Lesbian Resources Center ...........................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................20 1985-86 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...................................................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................21 1985-86 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................21 Special Allocations Bill 85/86/2 Special Allocation to SGA for Washington, DC Trip ...........................................2 Bill 85/86/3 Special Allocation to Consumer Relations Board .................................................3 Bill 85/86/4 1985 Summer School Allocations .........................................................................4 Bill 85/86/5 Special Allocation to Parachute Club ....................................................................5 Bill 85/86/16 Students Against Multiple Sclerosis (SAMS) Special Allocation ......................22 Bill 85/86/17 Bill 85/86/18 Bill 85/86/23 Bill 85/86/24 Bill 85/86/26 Bill 85/86/30 Bill 85/86/31 Public Relations Student Society of American Special Allocation .....................23 Engineering Council Special Allocation .............................................................24 Phi Alpha Theta (History Honorary) Special Allocation ....................................32 American Institute of Architecture Students Special Allocation ........................33 Consumer Relations Board Special Allocation for Landlord Tenant Handbook ............................................................................................................39 Men’s Glee Club Special Allocation ...................................................................44 Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs Special Allocation ..............................45 Privilege Fees Funding Regulations and Guidelines Miscellaneous Bill 85/86/1 Bill 85/86/8 Bill 85/86/9 Bill 85/86/11 Bill 85/86/14 Bill 85/86/19 Bill 85/86/20 Bill 85/86/22 Bill 85/86/27 Bill 85/86/28 Substituted by Senate Resolution 85/86/3 .............................................................1 Coliseum Studies Referendum ..............................................................................9 1985-86 Student Health Insurance Plan ..............................................................11 Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee ................15 Presentation of New Coliseum Proposal .............................................................19 Amendment to Senate Bill 85/86/11 Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee .........................................................................25 Proper Planning of the Proposed Coliseum .........................................................26 Enhanced Student Input on the Fred Bramlage Coliseum Program Planning Committee............................................................................................30 Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations for use of the $700,000 ...................................................................................................40 Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment ...............................................................42 BILL 85/86/1 SUBSTITUTED BY SENATE RESOLUTION 85/86/3 B-1 BILL 85/86/2 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO SGA FOR WASHINGTON, D.C. TRIP Steve Brown & Mark Jones WHEREAS the Fiscal Year ‘86 President’s budget contains massive cuts in Federal Student Assistance, and WHEREAS students must voice concern and lobby to keep such drastic cuts from occurring, and WHEREAS the KSU student body needs to be represented as the student leaders of Kansas meet with our national representatives to voice students’ concerns BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $205 to the Student Governing Association to send a representative appointed by Mark Jones and Steve Brown to Washington, D.C. on March 9-13, 1985 to represent the Kansas State University student body in voicing students’ concerns over the Fiscal Year ‘86 budget cuts (refer to Student Senate Resolution 85/86/2). SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. A full report shall be presented to the Student Senate upon return. PASSED 3/7/85 B-2 BILL 85/86/3 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD Steve Cashman WHEREAS it is necessary for members of the Consumer Relations Board to be informed on current consumer issues, and WHEREAS the American Council on Consumer Interest Conference is a good working conference with sessions on recent consumer legislation, current consumer topics and educational methods, and WHEREAS the Consumer Relations Board is recognized by the American Council on Consumer Interest, and their presence at the conference promotes K-State BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Consumer Relations Board be allocated $167 from the Reserves for Contingencies account to attend the American Council on Consumer Interest Conference on March 27-30, 1985 in Fort Worth, Texas. PASSED 3/21/85 B-3 BILL 85/86/4 BY: 1985 SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 84/85/19 eliminated the summer school allocation process thus channeling all requests for money to be used during the summer semester through the regular Student Senate allocation process, and WHEREAS a separate summer school bill for summer of 1985 is necessary before the change to l2-month funding can begin for the 1986 Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS Finance Committee has held hearings with and reviewed carefully the budgets of all groups requesting summer allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as final for the 1985 Summer School Session: K-State Union Student Publications Recreational Services Summer Artist Series Summer Repertory Theatre U-LearN University for Man KSDB—FM Radio FONE 1983 ALLOCATED $22,982 5,500 4,700 4,175 4,620 0 2,470 1,093 0 $45,540 PASSED 4/4/85 B-4 1984 ALLOCATED $25,000 7,000 4,800 4,510 6,075 1,297 2,582 1,916 330 $53,510 1985 ALLOCATED $24,000 6,250 4,700 3,500 5,390 600 1,052 0 0 $45,492 BILL 85/86/5 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO PARACHUTE CLUB Finance Committee WHEREAS the Parachute Club is an established student organization providing training and advanced instruction to KSU students and others, and WHEREAS seven new canopies are needed to satisfy FFA regulations and improve safety standards for participants, and WHEREAS in order to save $4,340 in the cost of seven square canopies, purchase must be made by April 1, 1985, and WHEREAS the Parachute Club has agreed to pay back all allocated funds by April 1, 1986 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $2,400 to the Parachute Club to assist in the purchase of seven square canopies to be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 2. No expenditures will be approved until a promissory note has been signed by the Parachute Club. SECTION 3. If for any reason the full allocation is not repaid by April 1, 1986, Parachute Club shall forfeit its right to obtain further student activity fee funding until such time as the $2,400 has been repaid in full. PASSED 3/28/85 B-5 BILL 85/86/6 BY: REPEAL OF STUDENT SENATE BILL 82/83/29, ELECTION PROCEDURE REVISION 1985 SGA Elections Committee WHEREAS the primary responsibility of a smoothly run election rests with the Elections Committee, and WHEREAS it is necessary for an Elections Committee member to be present at all times throughout an election, and WHEREAS the 1985 Elections Committee encountered workability problems trying to staff and maintain multiple polling places, and WHEREAS the size of the Elections Committee works well for its purposes, making increasing the size unfeasible, and WHEREAS different polling places for different colleges proved to be confusing for the voter BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A. Senate Bill 82/83/29 be repealed and the particular polling place for each college shall be left to the discretion of the SGA Elections Committee. B. This determination shall be made by January 1st and each college council shall be notified immediately following the decision. SECTION 2. The SGA election polls shall be supervised by the SGA Elections Committee. PASSED 4/11/85 B-6 BILL 85/86/7 BY: 1985-86 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1984-85 Associated Students of Kansas *with $.10 coming from Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs ($3,202.60) + $12,810.40 = $16,013.00 $16,013.00* ($.50 FTE) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) College Councils *Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine REQUESTED 1985-86 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1985-86 $.50 head count (estimated $16,100.00) 596.20 1,234.00 794.60 1,209.00 1,635.14 698.42 599.25 251.80 138.20 43,829.40 42,400.56* ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) 4,646.04 2,129.40 11,231.88 6,694.08 2,740.80 6,915.12 4,185.60 2,606.64 1,251.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,417.20 4,286.47 3,960.70 Debate 6,599.70 7,259.67 6,599.70 Fine Arts Council 57,526.00 (estimated $66,128.90) ($2.30 LI/full-time student & $2.00 LI/part-time student) FONE Crisis Center Gay & Lesbian Resource Center Honorariums *Black Student Union Coalition for Human Rights Gay & Lesbian Resource Center International Coordinating Council University for Man 10,018.85 11,168.85 10,493.85 0.00 365.91 0.00 5,600.00 7,955.30 3,850.00* 3,506.46 4,370.85 3,614.66 1000.00 600.00 0.00 1,800.00 450.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) B-7 ALLOCATED 1984-85 K-State Union REQUESTED 1985-86 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1985-86 366,810.00 ($12.80 LI/full-time & $6.40 LI/part-time student) $12.00 LI/full-time & $6.00 LI/part-time student ($381,964.80, est) KSDB-FM Radio 10,813.51 13,070.43 12,072.61 Legal Services 19,909.40 24,658.68 22,239.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MEChA 468.26 0.00 0.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 234.50 430.00 180.00 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay Recreational Services 74,614.25 ($2.65 LI/full-time & $.90 LI/part-time student) $2.50 LI/full-time & $.75 LI/part-time student ($79,078.65, est) Reserves for Contingencies Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,647.19 0.00 0.00 31,176.50 32,494.63 31,888.50 89,898.00 ($3.20 LI/full-time & $1.15 LI/part-time student) $3.00 LI/full-time & $1.00 LI/part-time student ($95,491.20, est) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 2,134.80 437.80 395.80 10,523.80* 13,960.24 12,742.40 10,006.68 13,298.28 11,998.78 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 471.90 503.30 503.30 125,433.20 43,829.40 601,658.65 143,882.35 42,400.56 638,763.55 128,670.52 42,400.56 638,763.55 $ 770,921.25 825,046.46 809,834.63 University for Man (UFM) *represents a 30% cutback figured From the 80-81 base year of $15,034.00 U-LearN Withholding (estimated) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Non-Line Items College Councils Items Item Line Items, FTE, Head Count PASSED 5/2/85 B-8 BILL 85/86/8 BY: COLISEUM STUDIES REFERENDUM Senate Operations Standing Committee & 1985 SGA Elections Committee WHEREAS a presentation of a petition to Student Senate signed by 10% of the KSU SGA members will cause a student referendum to take place, as stated in Article XI of the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS the group “KSU for the Best Coliseum” has presented such a petition to the Student Senate Chairman, and WHEREAS the Senate Operations Standing Committee and the 1985 SGA Elections Committee have verified the needed 1,810 signatures BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A. A referendum on the question: “I am in favor of delaying development of the proposed Fred Bramlage Coliseum until a formal market study, pro forma study and traffic study have been completed. I am also in favor of reevaluating the coliseum project with consideration of study results.” will take place on Tuesday, May 7, 1985. B. The 1985 SGA Elections Committee shall be responsible for the equitable running of the KSU SGA referendum as directed by Article I, Section 1, of the KSU SGA By-Laws. C. Referendum wording, regulations, date, time, place and voting procedures shall be made available to the Kansas State Collegian five (5) days prior to the referendum. D. Any posting shall follow existing University regulations. E. Any person recognized by his/her respective college or school for fee purposes as a student at KSU shall be eligible to vote. F. Voting shall be by secret ballot. G. Polls shall be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on the day of the referendum voting in the K-State Union Concourse on the first floor. Their operation shall be the responsibility of the 1985 SGA Elections Committee. When the polls are unmanned, the ballot boxes shall be taken to the Coordinator of Student Activities office until such time as they are re-manned. H. There shall be no electioneering within 50 feet of the polling places. SECTION 2. A. The voter shall mark the ballot “Yes” or “No” according to instructions on the ballot and deposit it in the ballot box. No one at the voting booths has the authority to check the ballots to see if they have been correctly marked. B-9 B. After the polls have closed, the ballots shall be taken to the SGS Office for counting. C. Three judges chosen by the 1985 Elections Committee shall certify the results of the referendum to the Student Body President and the President of the University. D. After the votes have been counted, a report of the results shall be published in the Kansas State Collegian. E. A report shall be incorporated in the Student Senate minutes. SECTION 3. Funds in the amount of $114.50 shall be required in the operation of said referendum. These funds shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 4/30/85 NOTE: The referendum passed the student body on May 7, 1985, by a vote of 1302-716. However, 2/3 of those voting did not concur, and it was therefore considered only an expression of student opinion. B-10 BILL 85/86/9 BY: 1985-86 STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS the current student health insurance policy underwritten by Keystone Life Insurance Company expires August 27, 1985, and WHEREAS Keystone submitted three proposals for 1985-86, and WHEREAS the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee found the proposal which increased the deductible per accident or sickness but reduced the yearly premium to best fit the needs to the entire student body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the following Keystone Life Insurance Company policy for the 1985-86 academic year: Annual Rates: Student Only Student & Spouse Student & Child(ren) Student, Spouse & Child(ren) $ 390.00 $ 923.00 $ 895.00 $1,290.00 PASSED 5/2/85 B-11 BILL 85/86/10 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE COUNCIL Sally Traeger BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the College of Business Administration College Council Constitution: Article 2, Section 2 - Delete “The function of this council shall be to consider and take such action upon measures having as their function the fulfillment of the primary objectives as stated in the preamble of the Constitution; recommendation of person (s) to the President of the University for appointment to Tribunal positions, at such time as may be necessary;” Insert “The function of this council shall be to fulfill the primary objectives as stated in the preamble of the Constitution;” Article 2, Section 2-A - Delete “Nominated officers will include Curriculum Committee Chairperson, Newsletter Chairperson, and Election Committee”. Insert “Nominated officers shall include Publications Committee Chairperson and the Elections Committee Chairperson”. Article 2, Section 2 - Add a new Part C to read: C. COMMITTEES 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, as well as the Chairpersons of the Elections and Publications Committees. 2. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE a. The Chairperson of the Publications Committee shall be chosen from qualified applicants upon completion of interviews to be conducted by the Elections Committee rests with a 2/3 vote by the Business Administration Council. b. Membership of the Publications Committee will include a number of Business Council members determined by said council. Additional members will be chosen by the Elections Committee through an application and interview process, with final approval resting with a 2/3 vote by Business Council. c. The purpose of the Publications Committee shall be to organize the publication of any publication of the Business Council. B-12 3. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE a. The Chairperson of the elections Committee shall be elected by the 2/3 approval of the Business Council. b. Membership of the Elections Committee will include five (5) members of the Business Council. c. The purpose of the Elections Committee shall be to oversee the general election process as stated in Article III, Section 1, of the Constitution. Other responsibilities will be to conduct interviews for the following positions: 1. Any vacated seat 2. The Chairperson of the Publications Committee 3. Any at-large committee positions. d. Elections Committee shall have the power to make any and all election rules and procedures except those specifically listed. They shall abide by all Student Governing Association election rules. 4. OPEN HOUSE COMMITTEE a. The Vice President of the Business Council shall serve as the Chairperson of the Open House Committee. b. Membership of the Open House Committee will include a number of Business Council members determined by the Business Council. Additional members will be chosen by the Elections Committee through an application and interview process with final approval of Elections Committee resting with a 2/3 vote of Business Council. c. The purpose of the Open House Committee shall be to organize the College of Business Administration Open House activities. 5. FINANCE COMMITTEE a. Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. b. The members of the Finance Committee shall be the President, Secretary and two (2) members of Business Council. c. The purpose of the Finance Committee shall be to prepare general guidelines for the allocation of Business Council monies and to present their recommendations for funding to the Business Council. d. Further, they shall be responsible for the continual monitoring of the spending practices of each of the groups requesting funding. B-13 Article 2, Section 4 - Delete “No student shall have more than one vote.” Add a new Part B to read: “Only students elected to Business Council shall be considered for retention upon approval of the current council. Student Senators and Ambassadors wishing to remain on council must run in the general college election.” Change Part B to C. Article 2, Section 5-B - Delete “must have at least a 2.5 GPA for total period enrolled at Kansas State University.” Article 2, Section 6-A - Change “3/4 majority” to “2/3 majority”. Article 3, Section l-D - Change “Dean of the College of Business Administration or his representative” to “Business Council Faculty Advisors”. PASSED 9/12/85 B-14 BILL 85/86/11 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STUDENT BOND REFINANCING AD HOC COMMITTEE Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS Student Senate has been given the responsibility and the authority to allocate $700,000, and WHEREAS the money has become available through refinancing current student debts, and WHEREAS to best facilitate a smoothly run process, a reviewing committee should make recommendations to Student Senate BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate establish the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee. A. The committee shall consist of five (5) Student Senators and three (3) atlarge students. B. The Student Senate Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member. C. Pat Bosco, Assistant Vice President for Educational & Student Services, shall be a non-voting member of the committee. D. At their first meeting, the committee shall select a chair from among their membership. SECTION 2. The committee shall be selected by a committee consisting of the Student Senate Chair, Student Senate Vice Chair, Coordinator of Finances, and Personnel Selections Committee Chair. SECTION 3. The ad hoc committee shall report back to Student Senate by October 24th with recommendations for use of the $700,000. A. It shall be the responsibility of this ad hoc committee to review all ideas and present its priorities to Student Senate for consideration. PASSED 9/19/85 B-15 BILL 85/86/12 BY: CLOSING OF 1984-85 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS the allocation of the student activity fee is a period of one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the 1984-85 Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1985, and WHEREAS the groups listed below had monies left in their accounts at the end of the 1984-85 Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS each group was notified of their account status, and WHEREAS appeals to keep the monies were accepted and hearings held BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Controller’s Office to shift the following account balances from their respective accounts to the Reserves for Contingencies account: Agriculture College Council Architecture & Design College Council Art Department Fine Arts Associated Students of Kansas at KSU Black Student Union Business Administration College Council Coalition for Human Rights Dance Fine Arts Education College Council FONE Graduate Student Council Honorariums Home Economics College Council International Coordinating Council KSDB-FM Radio KSDB-FM Summer Legal Services Minority Cultural Programs Music Trip Fund Puerto Rican Student Organization Shuttle Service Sports Club Council Student Governing Association Students for Handicapped Concerns Touchstone Veterinary Medicine College Council Women’s Resource Center $ .01 2.60 5.00 .65 517.42 62.76 98.47 83.67 954.74 46.16 43.48 4,016 .00 .06 39.09 345.82 14.76 42.46 2,021.79 5.46 77.86 1,656.28 401.81 419.64 .02 800.00 198.92 158.54 $12,013.47 B-16 SECTION 2. The following groups be allowed to retain the amounts listed below for the remainder of the 1985-86 Fiscal Year: International Coordinating Council U-LearN Graduate Student Council Arts & Sciences College Council Student Governing Association Shuttle Service $ 400.00 115.22 565.00 201.80 322.50 200.00 $1,804.52 PASSED 10/3/85 B-17 BILL 85/86/13 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISION: REPLACEMENT OF STUDENT SENATORS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Student Senate Chair traditionally has not held the powers of a Student Senator, and WHEREAS the constitution does not clarify the legislative status of the Student Senate Chair, and WHEREAS the election of a Student Senator to the position of Student Senate Chair may leave his/her college underrepresented BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 2-A of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended by adding the underlined section: In the event a member of Student Senate transfers from one college or school in the university to another or is elected to the position of Student Senate Chairperson, the member will automatically lose his/her membership in the Student Senate and a new member will be appointed by the college or school left without representation. If the period of vacancy is less than two (2) months prior to the election of that seat, the council may fill the vacancy with one of the council members with full voting privileges. PASSED 10/3/85 B-18 BILL 85/86/14 BY: PRESENTATION OF NEW COLISEUM PROPOSAL David Dakin & Kent Williams WHEREAS $7 million of student money has been allocated towards the Fred Bramlage Coliseum, and WHEREAS this coliseum is being redesigned because of construction bids not being within the prescribed budget, and WHEREAS any redesign changes the scope of the contract BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The new plans, budget and drawings that will be used for re-bidding the Fred Bramlage Coliseum be presented to Student Senate. SECTION 2. This presentation should take place at the earliest possible time and must take place before finalization of the coliseum project. SECTION 3. It will be the responsibility of the Student Senate Chair to contact Bill Livingston, the coliseum architect; Vice President for Administration & Finance George Hiller; and any other persons necessary. The Student Senate Chair will organize and plan sections one and two above. PASSED 10/3/85 B-19 BILL 85/86/15 BY: 1985-86 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1985-86 $15,618.50 FINAL ALLOCATION 1985-86 ($.50 head count) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU 1,234.00 794.60 794.60 Black Student Union (BSU) 1,635.14 698.42 698.42 251.80 138.20 138.20 Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) College Councils Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) 4,646.04 2,129.40 11,231.88 6,694.08 2,740.80 6,915.12 4,185.60 2,606.64 1,251.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 4,286.47 3,960.70 3,960.70 Debate 7,259.67 6,599.70 6,599.70 Fine Arts Council 63,539.80 ($2.30 LI/full-time student) FONE Crisis Center 11,168.85 10,493.85 10,593.85 365.91 0.00 0.00 7,955.30 3,850.00 3,850.00* International Coordinating Council (ICC) 4,370.85 3,614.66 3,614.66 K-State Union 376,723.20 ($12.80 LI/full-time & $6.40 LI/part-time student) Gay & Lesbian Resource Center Honorariums *Black Student Union Coalition for Human Rights Gay & Lesbian Resource Center International Coordinating Council University for Man 1000.00 600.00 0.00 1,800.00 450.00 B-20 REQUESTED TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1985-86 FINAL ALLOCATION 1985-86 KSDB-FM Radio 13,070.43 12,072.61 12,072.61 Legal Services 24,659.68 22,239.00 22,239.00 430.00 180.00 180.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization Recreational Services 76,458.80 ($2.65 LI/full-time & $.90 LI/part-time student) Student Governing Association (SGA) 32,494.63 Student Publications 31,888.50 31,768.50 92,555.85 ($3.20 LI/full-time & $1.15 LI/part-time student) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 437.80 395.80 395.80 University for Man (UFM) 13,960.24 12,742.40 12,742.40 U-LearN 13,298.28 11,998.78 11,998.78 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 503.30 503.30 503.30 $ 825,046.46 809,834.63 795,947.23 Withholding (estimated) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) PASSED 10/24/85 B-21 BILL 85/86/16 BY: STUDENTS AGAINST MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (SAMS) SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the Kansas State University SAMS is part of a national organization devoted to raising funds for finding a cure and eventual elimination of multiple sclerosis (M.S.) as a threat to mankind, and WHEREAS these fund-raising efforts at K-State are part of a competition between 150 universities across the nation, and WHEREAS it is the goal of SAMS at K-State to become the top fund-raising university in the above mentioned competition, and WHEREAS by becoming the top fund-raising campus, K-State could expect to receive much national recognition for this accomplishment through an MTV concert held on our campus and through other media attention, and WHEREAS organizational expenses of setting up the support structure for undertaking this project exceeds the limited funding available from the parent national organization BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $324.80 to K-State’s SAMS Organization: Printing of invitations, brochures, minutes, agendas $4l Rental of 2 VCR’s and 2 TV’s $50 200 postage stamps $44 Telephone calls $87.50 Advertising for 5 events $82.50 Name tags, envelopes $19.80 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/24/85 B-22 BILL 85/86/17 BY: PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is a student organization open to all students with an interest in public relations, and WHEREAS a major problem for PRSSA members here at K-State is being rather isolated geographically from other students and professionals in the field, and WHEREAS The National Public Relations Student Society of America Conference is being held in Detroit, Michigan on November 10-13, and WHEREAS this will provide student representatives from K-State’s Chapter of PRSSA the opportunity to exchange ideas with students and professionals from around the country, and WHEREAS PRSSA has made a conscientious effort to seek additional sources of funding BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $462.66 to the Public Relations Student Society of America to send two representatives to the above named conference: State Car Travel Lodging & Subsistence ($10.50 x 2 people x 4 days) $378.66 84.00 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/24/85 B-23 BILL 85/86/18 BY: ENGINEERING COUNCIL SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS The National Engineering Student Council Leadership Conference is being held at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana on November 8-10, 1985, and WHEREAS Purdue University has hosted this conference the last two years, and WHEREAS from now on different universities will be asked to host this conference, and it is the intent of the College of Engineering at Kansas State to host the conference in the near future bringing tremendous national exposure to our Engineering School, and WHEREAS it is essential that the College of Engineering be represented at the above mentioned conference BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $63 to the Engineering Council to help defray costs involved in attending the above mentioned conference: Lodging & Subsistence - $10.50/day x 2 people x 3 days SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/24/85 B-24 BILL 85/86/19 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 85/86/11 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STUDENT BOND REFINANCING AD HOC COMMITTEE Chris Steineger WHEREAS the large number of proposals hinders the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee from making a recommendation by the deadline of October 24, 1985 which was established in Senate Bill 85/86/11 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 3 of Senate Bill 85/86/11 be changed from The ad hoc committee shall report back to Senate by October 24th with recommendations for use of the $700,000. to The ad hoc committee shall report back to Student Senate by October 24th with a progress report. PASSED 10/17/85 B-25 BILL 85/86/20 BY: PROPER PLANNING OF THE PROPOSED COLISEUM Martin Monto & Lawrence Tsen WHEREAS $7 million of student money has been committed towards the Fred Bramlage Coliseum, and WHEREAS the students assumed proper planning steps would be taken when they pledged support for the coliseum, and WHEREAS serious doubts about coliseum planning exist and as a result significant questions remain unanswered BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate request that the Kansas Board of Regents withdraw student monetary support for the proposed Fred Bramlage Coliseum until proper planning steps (acceptable to this Student Senate) are adopted. SECTION 2. Proper planning steps will include: Step 1 - A master plan of the entire project, Step 2 - A market study (to determine the need for and size of the coliseum) Step 3 - A financial feasibility study (pro forma study) Step 4 - A site study selection, Step 5 - A traffic study, Step 6 - A building program, Step 7 - A funding study, and Step 8 - A design. SECTION 3. These studies will be financed in the same manner and proportions as the proposed coliseum. SECTION 4. These studies should be conducted by independent firms. SECTION 5. A committee consisting of two (2) Student Senators, two (2) administrators, two (2) alumni and one (1) representative from the Athletic Department will oversee the selection of contracting firms and distribution of results to those listed in Section 6 as well as Student Senate and other interested parties. SECTION 6. Copies of this bill will be sent to the Kansas Board of Regents, KSU Alumni Association, KSU Foundation, KSU Athletic Department, President Duane Acker, and Faculty Senate. FAILED 19-30 ON 11/14/85 B-26 BILL 85/86/21 BY: APPROVAL OF REVISED ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS CONSTITUTION State & Community Affairs Standing Committee & Kevin Elmore WHEREAS there has been much growth in the statewide A.S.K. organization in recent years, and WHEREAS such expansion has resulted in the need to revise the organization’s constitution, and WHEREAS each member of the statewide A.S.K. organization must approve such revisions BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the following as the Constitution of A.S.K. as amended at the September Legislative Assembly: PREAMBLE The objectives of the Associated Students of Kansas shall be to educate students in the political and governmental process, to increase public awareness and participation among college students, to educate the public concerning interests and viewpoints of college students, and to channel student interests into the governmental decision-making process. ARTICLE I The name of this organization shall be the Associated Students of Kansas. Membership shall be open to any organization which is recognized by an accredited Kansas college or university as a campus-wide student governing association which meets the guidelines of the Associated Students of Kansas’ Constitution and accompanying By-laws. ARTICLE II SECTION 1. There shall be a Legislative Assembly, composed of one representative for each 1000 students from each member student governing association. The student governing associations shall determine the method of selecting and removing their representatives. The delegation should reflect the demographic composition of their campus student body. SECTION 2. The Legislative Assembly shall meet for annual sessions each academic year whenever called by the chair of the Legislative Assembly. B-27 SECTION 3. The powers and responsibilities of the Legislative Assembly shall be to determine policy; to determine student opinions on issues of concern in a bona fide manner; to recommend the budget to the member student governments; to represent and express the views of members in the governmental decision-making process, provided that the Assembly in good faith determines that a substantial majority of the members have the views thereby represented; to educate the public on issues of concern to the members and on the positions taken upon those issues; and to perform any acts in furtherance of end in conformity with the powers and responsibilities herein delegated; and to elect a chair of the Assembly. SECTION 4. The Legislative Assembly shall not: A. B. C. Intervene in strictly internal matters of the member institutions. Endorse, oppose or work for candidates for political office. Attempt to represent any non-member of A.S.K. ARTICLE III SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall be the executive agent of the Associated Students of Kansas. SECTION 2. Each member shall have one vote on the Board. There shall be additional nonvoting, ex-officio members as the Board may provide in its By-laws. The Board member shall be the student body president or the president’s designee. The Board member, if an appointed designee, shall be approved by the student body president and ratified by a two-thirds vote of the respective student senate. The A.S.K. Board member may be removed according to the mechanism established by the respective student governing association. SECTION 3. The Board of Directors shall meet once a month during the academic year or whenever called into special session by the chair or any three Board members. SECTION 4. The Board of Directors shall have the power to: A. B. C. D. E. F. Appoint and remove staff upon recommendation of the executive director. Recommend budgets and policy to the Legislative Assembly. Execute the mandates of the Legislative Assembly, but shall not exceed the powers of that body in acting as its agent. Make policy decisions when the Board determines in good faith that immediate action is necessary which precludes calling the Legislative Assembly into session, provided the Board does not exceed the policies authorized by the Legislative Assembly. Raise funds. Make expenditures pursuant to these powers and responsibilities. B-28 ARTICLE IV This Constitution shall be amended by a majority vote of the member student governing associations. ARTICLE V This Constitution shall become effective when ratified by a majority of the voting membership of the student governing association of each member. PASSED 11/14/85 B-29 BILL 85/86/22 BY: ENHANCED STUDENT INPUT ON THE FRED BRAMLAGE COLISEUM PROGRAM PLANNING COMMITTEE Martin Monto, Lawrence Tsen & Brett Bromich WHEREAS $7 million of student monies has been committed towards the Fred Bramlage Coliseum, and WHEREAS students are inadequately represented on the Program Planning Committee for the coliseum as compared to their financial commitment, and WHEREAS a marketing consultant can provide necessary input which may affect the design of the coliseum, and WHEREAS additional students on the Program Planning Committee would enhance communication and would help address students’ concerns BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate request that the Program Planning Committee of the Fred Bramlage Coliseum expand the student membership by an additional three (3) students with full membership privileges. SECTION 2. The selection of these individuals will be made by the Personnel Selections Committee of Student Senate with Student Senate’s approval. a. b. c. The selection process will be completed within fourteen (14) days of passage of this bill. The student representatives will provide reports to the Student Senate following each Program Planning Committee meeting. The foremost criteria the Personnel Selections Committee will consider when choosing the three (3) student members is their high level of knowledge and research in the coliseum issue. SECTION 3. These individuals will be charged with the responsibility of reviewing the plans with regard to the following concerns: a. b. c. d. The proposed facility be high quality, fully reflective of the quality of Kansas State University. The drawings and specifications accommodate the multipurpose function detailed in the program statement. We know where the dollars are coming from to meet the construction, utility and maintenance costs. We have high confidence that the project will be bid within budget. SECTION 4. Student Senate call for the employment of independent consultants in matters deemed essential by the Program Planning Committee. B-30 SECTION 5. Student Senate support a plan to employ a marketing consultant to be included in the planning process. a. b. Student representative(s) be a part of the selection process of the marketing consultant. This marketing consultant will address future use, marketability and promotion of the coliseum. SECTION 6. Before the final bids are released, Student Senate will make recommendations regarding the above mentioned criteria to the University President and the Program Planning Committee. PASSED 11/21/85 B-31 BILL 85/85/23 BY: PHI ALPHA THETA (HISTORY HONORARY) SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the Phi Alpha Theta National Convention is being held in New York, New York December 27-20, 1085, and WHEREAS the Kansas State Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta has been named best in the nation for the past two years, and WHEREAS as winner Erie chapter was awarded $250 each year to buy new books for Farrell Library, and WHEREAS it is essential that the Kansas State Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta be represented at the above mentioned conference BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $198 to the Kansas State Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta to cover air fare for one person to attend the above named conference in New York. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 12/5/85 B-32 BILL 85/86/24 BY: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the National AIAS Forum is being held in New York, New York during the week of Thanksgiving, and WHEREAS the Kansas State Chapter of AIAS will participate in a design competition which takes place at the Forum as well as exhibit the work of KSU students, and WHEREAS the Kansas State Chapter of AIAS is hoping to receive a “chapter of the year” award and one KSU student is running for national office, and WHEREAS it is essential that the Kansas State Chapter of AIAS be represented at the above mentioned Forum BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Senate allocate $501 to the Kansas State Chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students to help defray costs involved in attending the above mentioned Forum in New York: $10.50/day x 2 people x 5 days for food $198 x 2 people for air fare $105 $396 SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/21/85 B-33 BILL 85/86/25 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the KSU SGA Constitution, and upon approval, be ratified by 6 of the 9 college councils: Article IV - 407. K. Change “Personnel Selections Standing Committee” to “Coordinator of Personnel Selections” Article V 502. A. ... The only exception shall be in the consideration of personnel matters. (used to read “The only exception shall be the Personnel Selections Standing Committee of Student Senate for the consideration of personnel matters only.”) 503. 8. Change “Vice President for Student Affairs” to “Vice President for Educational & Student Services” 506. C Change “chairperson of Personnel Selections Standing Committee” to “Coordinator of Personnel Selections” 511. Change “508” to “510” SECTION 2. The following revisions be made to Article IV, Section 6, of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution: A. The Student Senate shall have an Executive Committee, consisting of the Student Body President, the Chairperson of the Student Senate who shall act as the committee’s chair, the Vice Chairperson of the Student Senate, the Student Senate representative to Faculty Senate, Coordinator of Finances, Chairperson of Academic Affairs Standing Committee, Chairperson of Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee. Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee, Chairperson of State & Community Affairs Standing Committee, and Chairperson of Communications Standing Committee. The Executive Committee shall constitute the sole officers of the student body and shall have the power to assign topics or problems to one (1) of the six (6) standing committee chairpersons outlined in this article. D-2-a Change “Chairperson of Personnel Selections Committee” to “Coordinator of Personnel Selections” D-2-d Change “Vice President for Student Affairs” to “Vice President for Educational & Student Services” E. Senate Operations Committee shall have the responsibility of overseeing: B-34 1. KSU SGA Elections a. Senate Operations will select an Elections Committee Chairperson and seven (7) Elections Committee members. The positions will be by application to Senate Operations and subject to approval of Student Senate. b. The Elections Committee must submit, in writing, a report of activities to the Senate Operations Committee after the termination of their committee. 2. Student Senate Interns a. The Senate Intern program shall consist of twelve (12) members, each serving a one-year term. The Senate interns shall be chosen immediately following the general election through an interview process by a three (3) member panel consisting of the Student Senate Vice Chairperson, the Senate Operations Standing Committee Chairperson and the Senate Intern Coordinator of the previous term. b. Senate Interns will he assigned by the Senate Intern Coordinator of the previous term to work with the Student Senate Standing Committees as an ex-officio member, to be used at the chair’s discretion. Two (2) interns will be assigned to the following committees: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs & Social Services, Finance, Senate Operations, Communications, and State & Community Affairs. c. The newly elected Senate Operations Standing Chairperson shall appoint a Senate Operations member to serve as Senate Intern Coordinator for the upcoming term. Until the new Senate Intern Coordinator is chosen, the Senate Intern Coordinator of the previous term shall continue his/her duties. 3. The Senate Operations Standing Committee Chairperson shall appoint a Senate Operations member to serve as Personnel Selections Coordinator. Personnel Selections Coordinator shall have the following responsibilities: a. To form an interview panel for all personnel openings. The interview panel shall consist of three to seven (3-7), members including the Personnel Selections Coordinator and qualified sources outside of the Senate Operations Standing Committee. The panel will be selected when a vacancy occurs, as reported by the faculty advisor and Student Senate liaison and will have the following responsibilities: B-35 1. It shall consider applicants for appointment. The personnel of the following programs will be subject to confirmation by the interviewing panel: a. Previously established or current programs entirely funded by Student Senate or directly the result of Senate action. b. Paid personnel not included above but which receive SGA funding, either through direct involvement in the selection process or by periodic review of the selection procedure utilized by the respective program or organization. 2. It shall notify Student Senate, in writing, of the selected applicants’ names and qualifications. A member of the interview panel will represent the selected applicants. Approval of the committee’s selection will be by a simple majority vote of Student Senate. b. To consider complaints against SGA personnel appointed by the interview panel and to remove such personnel if necessary. Upon complaint by an SGA committee chairperson, a director, a Student Senator, or the Student Body President against some person selected by the interview panel, the Senate Operations Committee shall meet to consider the charges made against that person. The committee shall consider testimony of the complainant and the person charged. The committee shall have the power of removal, and if such power is exercised, Student Senate will be notified. Their decision in such matters may be appealed to the Student Senate which may over-rule the Senate Operations Committee’s decision by a majority vote. c. To serve as chairperson for the interview panel. d. To aid in the orientation of newly selected SGA personnel. 4. Senate Operations Committee shall oversee the editing of proposed Student Senate legislation. a. All legislation excluding that which is concerned with financial matters must be submitted to Senate Operations no later than four (4) calendar days prior to the regular meeting so called by the Student Senate Chairperson or Student Body President. b. Senate Operations shall make grammatical recommendations to the legislation’s sponsor(s) concerning the proposed legislation and suggest any necessary changes to express the sponsor’s intent of the legislation appropriate for introduction onto the floor of Student Senate. B-36 c. The proposed legislation should then be made available for the Executive Committee no later than two (2) calendar days prior to the regular meeting so called by the Student Senate Chairperson or the Student Body President. d. Possible exception may be made at the discretion of the Student Senate Chairperson. F. G. 1. It shall compile and maintain general academic information and facts concerning each college within the university and the university as a whole. This information should be made available to the student body and all other interested parties. 2. It shall provide information to students who have questions concerning academic grievances. 3. It shall initiate any programs, activities or projects it may deem necessary for the general academic welfare and benefit of the student body. Student Affairs & Social Services Committee shall be concerned with all matters of student life that relate to student rights, student services, student representation, university policies, and university facilities. 1. It shall initiate investigations and recommend new or reviewed policies, utilizing appropriate legislative channels in order to insure the welfare and rights of the student body. 2. It shall be responsible for the maintenance of any and all student social services. a. It shall have the added responsibility of organizing an annual “Student Social Services Awareness Week” to be held in the first semester of tie academic year. b. It shall conduct periodic evaluations of each social service program and its effectiveness and give monthly reports to Student Senate concerning their activities, programs and actions. 3. It shall initiate any program, activities or project it may deem necessary for the general welfare and benefit of the student body. H. Delete. K. Delete. Re-letter remaining sections. B-37 SECTION 3. The following revisions be made to Article IV, Section 9, of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution: The University Activities Board (UAB), acting under the SGA, shall have the authority to: A. Act on registration requests by any organization wishing to form on the K-State campus. B. Register fund-raising projects conducted by registered organizations. C. Establish their own policies and rules or procedures, with the advice of the Council on Student Affairs and the advice and approval of the Student Senate. D. Enforce UAB policy. PASSED 1/30/86 B-38 BILL 85/86/26 BY: CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR LANDLORD TENANT HANDBOOK Finance Committee WHEREAS the landlord-tenant handbook was last published in January 1984 and most copies have been sold, and WHEREAS income generated from the sale of the handbook was returned to the Reserves for Contingencies account, and WHEREAS the handbook has been an invaluable aid and asset to KSU students, both at home and in the classroom, and community people BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $240.10 to the Consumer Relations Board for the printing of 200 copies of the landlord-tenant handbook. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. Proceeds from the sale of the handbook shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 1/30/86 B-39 BILL 85/86/27 BY: STUDENT BOND REFINANCING AD HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE OF THE $700,000 Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee WHEREAS a sum of $700,000 has become available through the refinancing of the existing student bonds (Recreation Center, Union Annex I & II, and Football Stadium), and WHEREAS the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee was established to make recommendations to Student Senate for the use of these funds, and WHEREAS ample notice was given to the general student body, criteria was determined and hearings conducted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The $700,000 and accrued interest shall be allocated as follows: A. $183,663 be allocated toward the renovation of Holton Hall in two phases. This money shall remain accruing interest in the SGA Foundation account until time for renovation payment. The interest accrued from this amount will also be used for renovation. B. $86,182 be allocated to the KSU Child Care Cooperative. C. $150,000 be allocated to construct an elevator in Anderson Hall to make it accessible to handicapped individuals. D. $80,000 be allocated to Debate to create an endowment with the understanding that Debate will not submit requests for Student Senate funding in future years, excluding any special allocations. If a request for 1986-87 has already been submitted, such request shall be withdrawn. E. $60,000 be allocated to create an endowment for Ag. Judging Teams, with the understanding that Ag. Judging Teams will not submit requests for Student Senate funding in future years, excluding any special allocations. The distribution of the funds shall be through the Ag. Competition Team Council. F. $23,600 be allocated to KSDB-FM to purchase equipment to utilize the newly acquired broadcast tower. G. The remaining amount shall remain in the SGA Foundation account accruing interest. B-40 SECTION 2. The Student Services Support Fee will continue to be collected as outlined in Student Senate Bill 82/83/28 through the Spring 1989 Semester with Holton Hall remaining as the single priority. Future assessment after Spring 1989 shall be determined by the Student Senate as outlined in Student Senate sill 82/83/28. SECTION 3. Renovation of Holton Hall shall begin in May of 1987. SECTION 4. The l986-87 Student Senate shall establish guidelines in regard to the allocation of accrued money in the future. SECTION 5. The use of remaining funds and interest shall be determined by the Student Senate. SECTION 6. The present SGA restricted fee reserve accounts shall be used to fund the groups listed in Section 1. The remainder of the money will come from the SGS Foundation account. SECTION 7. Any future special allocations will first deplete any non-interest hearing SGA restricted fee reserve accounts before going to the SGA Foundation account and shall not exceed the interest minus fees gained from the principle of the SGA Foundation account. PASSED 33/11 ON 2/13/86 B-41 BILL 85/86/28 BY: ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE ESTABLISHMENT Mark Jones WHEREAS there has been concern expressed that the success of our athletic program hinges on student financial support, and WHEREAS student input is needed concerning the viability of the fee, and WHEREAS student government needs to study the possibilities of an athletic fee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate establish a task force to study the feasibility of an athletic fee. SECTION 2. The 1986-87 Student Senate appoint 5 student senators, 4 at-large students and an Athletic Department representatives as non-voting, ex-officio member to the Athletic Fee Task Force. SECTION 3. The chair of the task force shall be elected from the membership of the task force. TABLED INDEFINITELY 2/6/86 B-42 BILL 85/86/29 BY: KSU SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: NON- INCIDENTAL FEE PROCEDURE Cath Sayler WHEREAS fees levied on students for purposes other than education (incidental) is a form of taxation, and WHEREAS taxation without reasonable representation is considered undemocratic, and WHEREAS this Senate acknowledges the Kansas Board of Regents’ ultimate authority in the decision of levying fees, and WHEREAS this Senate feels better representation of the student body’s opinion as a whole needs to be presented to the Kansas Board of Regents as well as the people of Kansas BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following addition be made to Article XI of the KSU SGA Constitution, and upon approval, be ratified by 6 of the 9 college councils. 1105. The special amount of any increase or decrease, except for decreases involving bond retirement or stopping a fee upon completion of a project, other than educational (incidental), proposed to be paid by students shall be presented to the students for a vote, in the form of a referendum. FAILED 21/20/3 ON 2/13/86 B-43 BILL 85/86/30 BY: MEN’S GLEE CLUB SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the KSU Men’s Glee Club has been personally invited to attend the International Musical Council Bi-Annual Seminar hosted by Harvard University on March 516. and WHEREAS this seminar will be a competition of some of the top men’s glee clubs in the world, including Cornell, Amherst, Michigan, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, Ohio State, Harvard, Kwansei Cakuin of Japan, and Kansas State University, and WHEREAS the Men’s Glee Club will be performing at various alumni events in Washington, D.C., New York City and Boston throughout the trip, and WHEREAS the Men’s Glee Club has already conducted fund-raising projects to help fund the trip and will raise over $35,000 alone BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $2,400 to the KSU Men’s Glee Club to help cover the cost of food for 48 people for 10 days at $5/person. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/13/86 B-44 BILL 85/86/31 BY: ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE ENTREPRENEURS SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the ACE will hold a national conference in Los Angeles, California on February 19-23, where students of all backgrounds will meet to exchange ideas and information as well as hear and meet with some of the worlds top entrepreneurs, and WHEREAS representatives from K-State and the College of Business Administration will have the chance to inform fellow students by videotaping key speakers and seminars, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Finance Committee has held hearings and reviewed carefully the merits of this request and found no source of alternate funding BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $234 to the KSU Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs: $194 for airfare for 1 person $40 for meals for 4 days for 2 people at $5/day. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/13/86 B-45 1985-1986 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 85/86/1 1985-86 Finance Committee .................................................................................1 Res 85/86/2 President Reagan’s Cuts in Education ...................................................................2 Res 85/86/3 Coliseum Marketing & Pro Forma Study Request ................................................3 Res 85/86/4 1985-86 Standing Committee Chairpersons ..........................................................5 Res 85/86/5 Standing Committees Members and Social Services Standing Committee Chairman ...............................................................................................................6 Res 85/86/6 Senate Aides ..........................................................................................................8 Res 85/86/7 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee .......................................................................9 Res 85/86/8 Student Body President’s Cabinet .......................................................................10 Res 85/86/9 Judicial Boards ....................................................................................................11 Res 85/86/10 Consumer Relations Board Director ...................................................................12 Res 85/86/11 Commendation to Chester E. Peters ....................................................................13 Res 85/86/12 Commendation to Patty Hipsher .........................................................................14 Res 85/86/13 Wichita State University Student Activity Fee Problem .....................................15 Res 85/86/14 Commendation to Alf Landon .............................................................................16 Res 85/86/15 University Activities Board Chair .......................................................................17 Res 85/86/16 Statement of Support for the 1985 United Way Campaign .................................18 Res 85/86/17 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................19 Res 85/86/18 FONE Crisis Center Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator..............................20 Res 85/86/19 KSU Presidential Search Committee Representation..........................................21 Res 85/86/20 ASK Legislative Assemble Delegates .................................................................22 Res 85/86/21 Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee Members ..................................23 Res 85/86/22 Expression of Appreciation to Chronicle Broadcasting, Inc ...............................24 Res 85/86/23 Prioritization of Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) Platform .......................25 Res 85/86/24 Social Services Standing Committee...................................................................26 Res 85/86/25 1986 SGA Elections Committee Chair & Vice Chair .........................................27 Res 85/86/26 1986-1987 Coordinator of Finance .....................................................................28 Res 85/86/27 Student Appointments to the Program Planning Committee for the Coliseum .............................................................................................................29 Res 85/86/28 Special Fee Specification ....................................................................................30 Res 85/86/29 U-Learn Assistant Coordinator............................................................................31 Res 85/86/30 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................32 Res 85/86/31 1986 SGA Elections Committee .........................................................................33 Res 85/86/32 Commendation of the Line of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr ..................................34 Res 85/86/33 Commendation to Virgil Wiebe, Rhodes Scholar ...............................................35 Res 85/86/34 Coliseum Program Planning Committee Student Replacement ..........................36 Res 85/86/35 Sports Club Council At-Large Members .............................................................37 Res 85/86/36 Commendation to Jack Hartman, KSU Head Basketball Coach .........................38 Res 85/86/37 Commendation to Steve Brown & Mark Jones ...................................................39 Res 85/86/38 1986-87 SGA Election Results ............................................................................40 1985-1986 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 85/86/1 1985-86 Finance Committee .................................................................................1 Res 85/86/4 1985-86 Standing Committee Chairpersons ..........................................................5 Res 85/86/5 Standing Committees Members and Social Services Standing Committee Chairman ...............................................................................................................6 Res 85/86/6 Senate Aides ..........................................................................................................8 Res 85/86/7 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee .......................................................................9 Res 85/86/8 Student Body President’s Cabinet .......................................................................10 Res 85/86/9 Judicial Boards ....................................................................................................11 Res 85/86/10 Consumer Relations Board Director ...................................................................12 Res 85/86/15 University Activities Board Chair .......................................................................17 Res 85/86/17 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................19 Res 85/86/18 FONE Crisis Center Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator..............................20 Res 85/86/20 ASK Legislative Assemble Delegates .................................................................22 Res 85/86/21 Student Bond Refinancing Ad Hoc Committee Members ..................................23 Res 85/86/24 Social Services Standing Committee...................................................................26 Res 85/86/25 1986 SGA Elections Committee Chair & Vice Chair .........................................27 Res 85/86/26 1986-1987 Coordinator of Finance .....................................................................28 Res 85/86/27 Student Appointments to the Program Planning Committee for the Coliseum .............................................................................................................29 Res 85/86/29 U-Learn Assistant Coordinator............................................................................31 Res 85/86/30 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................32 Res 85/86/31 1986 SGA Elections Committee .........................................................................33 Res 85/86/34 Coliseum Program Planning Committee Student Replacement ..........................36 Res 85/86/35 Sports Club Council At-Large Members .............................................................37 Approval of Regulations and Guidelines Commendations Res 85/86/11 Commendation to Chester E. Peters ....................................................................13 Res 85/86/12 Commendation to Patty Hipsher .........................................................................14 Res 85/86/14 Commendation to Alf Landon .............................................................................16 Res 85/86/32 Commendation of the Line of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr ..................................34 Res 85/86/33 Commendation to Virgil Wiebe, Rhodes Scholar ...............................................35 Res 85/86/36 Commendation to Jack Hartman, KSU Head Basketball Coach .........................38 Res 85/86/37 Commendation to Steve Brown & Mark Jones ...................................................39 Resolutions Regarding State Government Resolution Regarding Local Government Resolution Regarding University Actions Miscellaneous Res 85/86/3 Res 85/86/13 Res 85/86/16 Res 85/86/19 Res 85/86/22 Res 85/86/23 Res 85/86/28 Res 85/86/38 Coliseum Marketing & Pro Forma Study Request ................................................3 Wichita State University Student Activity Fee Problem .....................................15 Statement of Support for the 1985 United Way Campaign .................................18 KSU Presidential Search Committee Representation..........................................21 Expression of Appreciation to Chronicle Broadcasting, Inc ...............................24 Prioritization of Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) Platform .......................25 Special Fee Specification ....................................................................................30 1986-87 SGA Election Results ............................................................................40 RESOLUTION 85/86/1 BY: 1985-86 FINANCE COMMITTEE Mark Galyardt, Mark Jones, Steve Brown WHEREAS the four at-large positions and the Student Senate positions on Finance Committee were well advertised, and WHEREAS a large number of applications were received, and WHEREAS interviews were held and the most qualified individuals were selected, and WHEREAS SGA guidelines were followed during the selection process BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as at-large members of the 1985-86 Finance Committee: Jerry Connet, Terry Hallauer, Christi Martinez and Ed Bowman. SECTION 2. The following Student Senators be approved as 1985-86 Finance Committee members: Kevin Eickmann, Steve Ligon, Krista Lindgren and Bruce Ney. PASSED 3/7/85 R-1 RESOLUTION 85/86/2 BY: PRESIDENT REAGAN’S CUTS IN EDUCATION Mark Jones & Steve Brown WHEREAS it is the philosophy of this body that no deserving student should be denied access to higher education by financial barriers if they are at all avoidable, and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year ‘86 President’s budget contains massive cuts in student financial assistance, including an absolute end to aid to students from families with over $32,500 in annual income, severe reductions in the Guaranteed Student Loan, National Direct Student Loan, and Pell Grant programs, and the elimination of the Student Educational Opportunity Grant and State Student Incentive Grant programs, and WHEREAS should these cuts become law, many Kansas State University students stand to lose all or part of their federal financial assistance, and WHEREAS these reductions follow four years of large-scale aid cuts, and WHEREAS the impact of these cuts on the ability of a student to afford higher education, particularly at a medium-cost public university such as Kansas State University, would be devastating BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate implores our representatives in Congress to reject these massive reductions in aid targeted at a particularly vulnerable group, and instead opt for maintenance of these vital programs. SECTION 2. The Chairman of the Student Senate be directed to send a copy of this resolution to each member of the Kansas congressional delegation, President Ronald Reagan, Secretary of Education and Secretary of the Treasury. PASSED 3/7/85 R-2 RESOLUTION 85/86/3 BY: COLISEUM MARKETING & PRO FORMA STUDY REQUEST Tulin Artan, Susan Baird, Daniel Grubb, Ben Lange, Narita Peak, Justin Sanders, Catherine Sayler, Christopher Steineger, Virgil Wiebe WHEREAS the students of Kansas State University are pledged to contribute over $7 million toward the construction of the Fred Bramlage Coliseum (Senate Bill 81/82/21), and WHEREAS a market study and a pro forma study are standard procedures in the planning of any large construction project (see Collegian 2/14/85 inc. ref. for description of studies), and WHEREAS a market study and a pro forma study can insure that the monies donated will be used in the most cost effective manner, and WHEREAS a market study and a pro forma study were recommended by the original architects (Ralph Anderson of Cram-Anderson of Houston, TX and Bill Livingston of Gossen and Livingston, Assoc. of Wichita, KS), and WHEREAS these proposals were rejected by the Negotiating Committee for the coliseum only as cost-saving measures, and WHEREAS several questions remain unanswered: 1) The annual utility costs are unknown, as is whether revenue generated by the coliseum will be able to cover such expenses; 2) A paved parking lot will be necessary, due to the winter conditions of the basketball season. The funds for paying have not been included in the proposed coliseum budget, and it is uncertain where this funding will come from; 3) Of the Big Eight universities, Kansas State has one of the lowest populations within a 70-mile radius. Many question whether this population can fill the proposed coliseum for athletic events as well as concerts, lectures and other activities. Moreover, since the hotel/motel accommodations in the Manhattan area amount to 629 rooms, it is uncertain whether NCAA tournaments or any large activity can be catered to by the community support services, and WHEREAS a market study and pro forma study would answer these questions, and WHEREAS these studies would require approximately 30 days, thus not seriously jeopardizing the time table for the coliseum project BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate urge that a formal market study and pro forma study be completed as soon as possible and no later than the third week of April. SECTION 2. The administration is requested to notify Student Senate of whether they will comply with this request by Wednesday, March 13, 1985. SECTION 3. Student Senate shall review personnel selected for the studies. R-3 SECTION 4. The Student Body President shall consider calling a special meeting of Student Senate on Monday, March 18th, or Wednesday, March 20th, to review personnel for the studies. SECTION 5. Results of the studies, if made, will be made available to Student Senate as soon as possible. FAILED 3/7/85 15/35/0 R-4 RESOLUTION 85/86/4 BY: 1985-86 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Mark Jones & Krista Lindgren WHEREAS the openings for Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were a number of qualified applicants, and WHEREAS interviews were held for these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as chairpersons of the respective 1985-86 Student Senate standing committees: Academic Affairs Communications Personnel Selections Senate Operations State & Community Affairs Student Affairs Steve Cashman Rachel Vining Mike Riley Sally Traeger Sandi Schmidt Brett Bromich PASSED 3/21/85 R-5 RESOLUTION 85/86/5 BY: STANDING COMMITTEES MEMBERS AND SOCIAL SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Mark Jones & Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the availability of at-large positions on the Student Senate standing committees were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students applied for at-large positions on the standing committees BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the respective Student Senate standing committees: Academic Affairs Chris Pravecek Lisa Hale Will Kirk Kelly Welch Nancy Palmer Bob Tretter Jim Crutchfield Lori Rock Becky Klinger Christine O’Donnell Robert Stuart Communications Dwayne Smith Michelle Elkins Tona Turner Lisa Rosenow Kerry Jones Lisa Crabtree Lawrence Tsen Susan Baird Steve Lawrence Kent Williams Michelle Stuke Personnel Selections Daron Brown Sherry Mooney Monte Griffin Dan Fischer Tulin Artan Brian Johnson Senate Operations David Sell James Hill Scott Bush Eric Ireland Amy Carroll Bob Avery George Heid Debbie Fields Stacey Campbell Gretchen Hagen Social Services Marcia Muller Martin Monto Michelle Mowry State & Community Affairs Tami Barham Mike Kadel Russel Rausch Joe Slaven Doug Spangler Lori Shellenberger R-6 Chris Steineger David Dakin Lisa Fisher Steve Johnson Angie Rowland Student Affairs Jeana Hensley Nathan Zook Timothy Deal Russ Pugh Virgil Wiebe Becky Yeary Jeff Vander Laan Mark Mathewson Dennis Shields Roger McClellan Kelli Ann Carr SECTION 2. Andy Martin be approved as the Social Services Standing Committee Chairman. PASSED 3/28/85 R-7 RESOLUTION 85/86/6 BY: SENATE AIDES Sally Traeger, Debbie Fields, Krista Lindgren, Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS Senate Aide positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students applied for the positions, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Senate Vice Chair, Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair and the Senate Aide Coordinator BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as the 1985-86 Senate Aides: J. Shawn Bracken Amy Carter Nancy McDonald Todd Nelson Ed Nickel Jay Oltjen Brooks Rarden Randy Regier Rob Regier Leslye Schneider Angie Smith Gretchen Wagner Jerome Wasinger Anne Wiley SECTION 2. Chris Clark be appointed as a Senate Aide, effective April 4, 1985, until she leaves to study abroad on September 25, 1985. PASSED 4/4/85 R-8 RESOLUTION 85/86/7 BY: BASKETBALL TICKET SALES COMMITTEE Mark Jones WHEREAS at-large positions for the 1985-86 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were several qualified applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the 1985-86 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee: Ken Heinz, chairman Eric Allen Kurt Bush Kurt Johnson James Schmidt Angie Schumaker PASSED 4/4/85 R-9 Kelli Park Cary Renfro James Sterns RESOLUTION 85/86/8 BY: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET Steve Brown WHEREAS the positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet were left open by the expiration of the previous Student Body President’s term, and WHEREAS the Cabinet must be approved by Student Senate, and WHEREAS the Cabinet positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS the following people proved to be best qualified and suited for these respective positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as members of the 1985-86 Student Body President’s Cabinet: Administrative Assistant Associated Students of Kansas Board Member Attorney General Assistant Attorney General College Council Coordinator International Affairs Director Assistant International Affairs Director Public Relations Director Union Governing Board President PASSED 5/2/85 R-10 Shelly Wakeman Doug Chamblin Brett Lambert Carrie Rosencrans Mike Lassman Hisham Hawari Manthri Srinath Mike Robbins Athena Wong RESOLUTION 85/86/9 BY: JUDICIAL BOARDS Steve Brown WHEREAS the positions open on judicial boards were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following individuals were best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as student the respective judicial boards: Judicial Council Cynthia Kiefer Tribunal Terry Still, Chancellor John Hill Brian Wheeler Paul Rust Chris Loehr Student Review Board Brian Schierling J. Shawn Bracken Dave Lamer Heather Grosko Bob Gregory Traffic Appeals Board Susan Sommers George Heid Scott Higgason Dan Stock Andrew Talge PASSED 5/2/85 R-11 Scott Smith RESOLUTION 85/86/10 BY: CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR Mike Riley & Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS an opening will occur in the position of the Director of the Consumer Relations Board on June 1, 1985, and WHEREAS the opening was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the individual named below was best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Tammy Tracy as the Director of the Consumer Relations Board beginning June 1, 1985. PASSED 5/2/85 R-12 RESOLUTION 85/86/11 BY: COMMENDATION TO CHESTER E. PETERS Mark Jones & Steve Brown WHEREAS Chester E. Peters has devoted 38 years of service to Kansas State University, and WHEREAS spending his entire professional career at Kansas State University is but one example of Dr. Peters’ loyalty and conscientious dedication to service. Through his administrative leadership, he has demonstrated compassion for others and a genuine sensitivity to the total mission of the university, and WHEREAS as an administrator, Dr. Peters will be remembered most for his interest in the welfare of the student. He has been a friend and an outspoken advocate for student concerns. His door is always open regardless of time of day or pressing matters. During his years of service, Dr. Peters has gained the admiration and respect of thousands of K-State students who were moved by his warmth, gentle humor and caring attitude, and WHEREAS as an educator, Dr. Peters’ lectures and presentations have added much to campus life. Through his wood sculptures he has shared his observations and thoughts concerning educational concepts, including leadership, communication and growth. Dr. Peters’ easy going manner and practical approach to learning makes him a popular, persuasive and informative speaker. He quickly maximizes opportunities for learning, whether visiting in his office with a single student or lecturing parents of prospective students, and WHEREAS he will long be remembered by K-State students and alumni for his outstanding service to the university, and WHEREAS Dr. Peters will be retiring July 1, 1985 and will be greatly missed BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Vice President for Student Affairs Chester E. Peters for his outstanding service to the students of Kansas State University. PASSED 5/2/85 R-13 RESOLUTION 85/86/12 BY: COMMENDATION TO PATTY HIPSHER Mark Jones & Steve Brown WHEREAS the Truman Scholarship is one of the most prestigious undergraduate scholarships in the nation, and WHEREAS only one student is picked from each state with at-large students picked nationwide after the initial 50, and WHEREAS K-State has had seven Truman Scholars in the last five years, second only to Harvard and Yale, and WHEREAS Patty Hipsher won one of this year’s Truman Scholarships BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Patty Hipsher for receiving a Truman Scholarship. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 5/2/85 R-14 RESOLUTION 85/86/13 BY: WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE PROBLEM Mark Jones & Steve Brown WHEREAS the Wichita State University administration has shown a lack of concern for student input, and WHEREAS their decision to withdraw student activity fee monies without student senate’s approval undermines the original basis of the money to be student controlled, and WHEREAS since this issue concerns students’ control over their own money, it becomes a system-wide concern BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Senate at Kansas State University condemns the actions taken by Wichita State University President Armstrong against the students of Wichita State University. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Senate strongly urges the Kansas Board of Regents to keep the primary control over the student activity fee monies within the respective student governments and not with the administrations by overruling Wichita State University’s decision to take away part of their student activity fee to be used by the athletic department. SECTION 3. The Senate Chairman, on behalf of the Student Senate, shall send this resolution to the Kansas Board of Regents, Wichita State University President Armstrong, the Wichita State University Student Governing Association, all other state student governing associations, the Wichita Eagle Beacon and the Wichita State University Sunflower. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 5/2/85 R-15 RESOLUTION 85/86/14 BY: COMMENDATION TO ALF LANDON Mike Riley WHEREAS under the leadership of Alf Landon, 1933-37 Governor of Kansas, the state was led through national economic hard times by progressive leadership from the Governor’s Office, and WHEREAS many of Governor Landon’s policies continue to aid Kansas in remaining stable and debt free, for example, the “Cash Basis Law” and the formation of the state highway patrol, and WHEREAS Kansas State University has benefited by the Landon Lecture Series which was instituted by Alt Landon’s original endowment and initial lecture BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1985-86 Kansas State University Student Senate express its gratitude to Alfred M. Landon and extend to the Governor a happy 98th birthday. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 9/5/85 R-16 RESOLUTION 85/86/15 BY: UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIR Steve Brown BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Daniel Wagner be approved as the 1985-86 University Activities Board Chair. PASSED 9/5/85 R-17 RESOLUTION 85/86/16 BY: STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR THE 1985 UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN Sandi Schmidt & the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS the United Way funds agencies providing 43 programs which touch all of our lives, and WHEREAS one in every three Riley County residents, including students, uses the services provided by the United Way, and WHEREAS only 11% of all money donated to the United Way will be used to cover administrative costs, and WHEREAS the United Way Campaign will run from September 23 to October 11, and WHEREAS the State & Community Affairs Committee, with the support of Student Senate, is dedicated to improving relations with the Manhattan community BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1985-86 Student Senate and the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee encourage the K-State community to become involved in supporting the United Way Campaign by a donation of time or money. PASSED 9/19/85 R-18 RESOLUTION 85/86/17 BY: SGA WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Mike Riley & Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS the SGA work-study secretarial position became vacant this fall, and WHEREAS the position was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS the individual below meets the qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Lori Ann Ramsey as the SGA work-study secretary. PASSED 9/19/85 R-19 RESOLUTION 85/86/l8 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER COORDINATOR AND ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Mike Riley & Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: 1. 2. 3. 4. a working knowledge of the FONE; knowledge of community social activities; ability to schedule on-call personnel and volunteer shifts; and ability to coordinate substance abuse-related programs activities, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS these people best meet the above qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Paul Nelson be approved as the Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. SECTION 2. Carrie Brewer be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 9/26/85 R-20 RESOLUTION 85/86/19 BY: KSU PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH COMMITTEE REPRESENTATION Mark Jones & Steve Brown WHEREAS the students of Kansas State University are appalled and dismayed by the actions of the Kansas Board of Regents in making appointments to the KSU Presidential Search Committee, and WHEREAS there was a general understanding that there would be equal representation on the search committee by students, faculty and alumni, and WHEREAS the Kansas Board of Regents has disrupted this balance in representation by appointing three additional alumni to the search committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate implore the Kansas Board of Regents to correct this imbalance in order to ensure a selection process which is fair and representative of the entire university community. SECTION 2. This imbalance should be corrected by either removing from the committee 3 alumni, including those not proposed by the KSU Alumni Association, or by adding 3 faculty and 3 students to the committee. PASSED 41/0/1 ON 10/3/85 R-21 RESOLUTION 85/86/20 BY: A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Kevin Elmore WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas’ Legislative Assembly is to be held September 28, 1985 in Wichita, and WHEREAS KSU is allowed 17 delegates, and WHEREAS the below mentioned individuals expressed desire and vigor to attend BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be confirmed as Associated Students of Kansas September Legislative Assembly delegates: Brett Lambert Kevin Elmore Doug Chamblin Jay Oltjen Pat Wooley Anthony Slaughter Derrick Holt Kevin Eickmann Sandi Schmidt Chris Steineger Gary Williams Matt Dasrow Curtis Bazemore Ann Traylor PASSED 9/26/85 R-22 RESOLUTION 85/86/21 BY: STUDENT BOND REFINANCING AD HOC COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mark Jones, Krista Lindgren, Mike Riley & Mark Galyardt WHEREAS Student Senate set up the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee in Senate Bill 85/86/11 on September 19, to review and make recommendations to Student Senate on the use of the $700,000, and WHEREAS the committee positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the persons listed below were the most suitable for the committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following Student Senators as members of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee: Chris Steineger Daniel Grubb Bruce Ney Jeff Vander Laan. Tona Turner SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following students as at-large members of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee: Dan Schierling Nancy McDonald PASSED 10/3/85 R-23 Mark Fischer. RESOLUTION 85/86/22 BY: EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION TO CHRONICLE BROADCASTING, INC. Chris Steineger WHEREAS Chronicle Broadcasting, Inc. has made a gift to our campus radio station, KSDBFM, in the form of a radio tower and the land it stands on, and WHEREAS this tower has the potential of increasing KSDB’s listening audience threefold, and WHEREAS this increased broadcasting audience can potentially provide KSDB with needed advertising dollars and moreover K-State will be provided with increased visibility BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate, as representatives of the KSU student body, sincerely thank Chronicle Broadcasting, Inc. for their generous and timely gift of the radio tower and land to KSDB-FM radio. PASSED 10/31/85 R-24 RESOLUTION 85/86/23 BY: PRIORITIZATION OF ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (A.S.K.) PLATFORM State & Community Affairs Standing Committee & Kevin Elmore WHEREAS the A.S.K. state staff has requested each member campus to prioritize the tentative A.S.K. platform, and WHEREAS after discussion and consideration of the platform by the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the A.S.K. platform prioritized as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. state work-study program state scholarship program part-time student aid merit based aid teacher scholarship program student salaries student employment in alcohol related settings SECTION 2. Student Senate set institutional priorities to be presented to the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly as follows: 1. Fred Bramlage Coliseum operating expenses 2. Handicapped accessibility on the KSU campus. PASSED 11/14/85 R-25 RESOLUTION 85/86/24 BY: SOCIAL SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE Mark Jones WHEREAS the position of Social Services Standing Committee chair was left vacant upon the resignation of Andy Martin, and WHEREAS applications were accepted for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Paul Nelson be approved as the Social Services Standing Committee Chair. PASSED 12/5/85 R-26 RESOLUTION 85/86/25 BY: l986 SGA ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR & VICE CHAIR Mark Jones, Steve Brown & Sally Traeger WHEREAS the positions of SGA Elections Committee Chair and Vice Chair were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS qualified individuals applied for the positions, and WHEREAS the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair, and the Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair interviewed all the applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Maribeth Gottschalk be approved as the 1986 SGA Elections Committee Chair. SECTION 2. Scott Bush be approved as the 1936 SGA Elections Committee Vice Chair. PASSED 12/5/85 R-27 RESOLUTION 85/86/26 BY: 1986-87 COORDINATOR OF FINANCES Mark Jones WHEREAS the position of Coordinator of Finances was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS qualified individuals applied for the position, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chair, Student Senate Vice Chair, the present Coordinator of Finances and the Personnel Selections Standing Committee Chair interviewed all the applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Steve Ligon be approved as the 1986-87 Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 12/5/85 R-28 RESOLUTION 85/86/27 BY: STUDENT APPOINTMENTS TO THE PROGRAM PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR THE COLISEUM Mike Riley & Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS three (3) additional student positions were created for the Fred Bramlage Coliseum Program Planning Committee in Senate Bill 85/86/22, and WHEREAS the three (3) additional positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students applied for the three (3) positions, and WHEREAS interviews were held by the Personnel Selections Standing Committee, and WHEREAS the three (3) individuals named below had a high level of knowledge and research on the coliseum issue, and WHEREAS the individuals named below are committed to building a quality multi-purpose coliseum we will all be proud of BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following three (3) individuals as additional student members of the Fred Bramlage Coliseum Program Planning Committee: Brett Bromich - G.V. Salts - Mark Galyardt. PASSED 12/5/85 R-29 RESOLUTION 85/86/28 BY: SPECIAL FEE SPECIFICATION Marita Peak & Cath Sayler WHEREAS prior to the fall semester of 1985 the individual special fees being assessed to students were specified separately on the fee cards, and WHEREAS student fee cards for the fall semester of 1985 had a section labeled “Special Fees” which specified only the total of all of these fees, and WHEREAS the registration/fee payment process presents a timely opportunity for the university to provide information about the amount of each fee to the students, and WHEREAS one of the major goals of the Student Governing Association is to inform: the student body, and WHEREAS Student Senate has been elected to represent the best interests of the student body BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate urge and request the university to issue every student a printed statement of each individual fee which he/she pays for a given semester at the time the student goes through the registration/fee payment process at the beginning of each semester, effective at the beginning of the spring semester of 1986. SECTION 2. Student Senate urge and request the university to continue the practice specified in Section 1. indefinitely for every semester including those semesters after which the university switches over from the fee card system to the on-line system. SECTION 3. The Student Senate Chair carry this resolution to the University President within four (4) days of its passage. PASSED 12/5/85 R-30 RESOLUTION 85/86/29 BY: U-LEARN ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Mike Riley, Personnel Selections Standing Committee. WHEREAS the U-LearN Assistant Coordinator position was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS applications were taken and extensive interviews were conducted BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Maggie Davies be approved as the U-LearN Assistant Coordinator. PASSED 1/23/86 R-31 RESOLUTION 85/86/30 BY: S.G.A. WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Mike Riley, Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred in the S.G.A. work-study secretary position, and WHEREAS a qualified individual was readily available to fill the vacant slot BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Paul Nelson be approved as the S.G.A. work-study secretary. PASSED 1/23/86 R-32 RESOLUTION 85/86/31 BY: 1986 S.G.A. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Senate Operations Standing Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as members of the 1986 S.G.A. Elections Committee: Maribeth Gottschalk, chair Scott Bush, vice-chair Glen Fisher P. J. Johnson Jada Allerheiligen Debbie Cawley Nancy Hill Dawn Seymour PASSED 1/23/86 R-33 RESOLUTION 85/86/32 BY: COMMENDATION OF THE LIFE OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Virgil Wiebe WHEREAS Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood for and fought for and insisted upon racial justice, social justice, economic justice and individual justice, and WHEREAS Dr. King spoke out against and acted against the evils of racism, militarism, violence and unemployment, and WHEREAS Dr. King challenged and continues to challenge the Black community, the United States and the world to realize the dream of brotherhood and sisterhood, the dream of peace, the dream of justice and equality, and freedom for all, and WHEREAS the United States has recognized Dr. King as a national hero and has declared an annual holiday to commemorate his life and work BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recognize the contributions Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made to the whole of our society. SECTION 2. Student Senate urge the Kansas Board of Regents, through the Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents, to recognize the national holiday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the years to come by a cessation of university activities for all or a portion of that day. PASSED 1/23/86 R-34 RESOLUTION 85/86/33 BY: COMMENDATION TO VIRGIL WIEBE, RHODES SCHOLAR Mark Jones WHEREAS the Rhodes Scholarship is among the most prestigious scholarships available to outstanding students, and WHEREAS there are only 32 Rhodes Scholarships awarded nationwide each year, and WHEREAS Virgil Wiebe, a student at Kansas State University and a student senator, won one of this year’s Rhodes Scholarships BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Virgil Wiebe for receiving a Rhodes Scholarship. PASSED 1/23/86 R-35 RESOLUTION 85/86/34 BY: COLISEUM PROGRAM PLANNING COMMITTEE STUDENT REPLACEMENT Mike Riley, Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS a vacancy occurred on the Coliseum Program Planning Committee with the resignation of Mark Galyardt, and WHEREAS interviews were just recently conducted BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Tim Congrove as a student member of the Coliseum Program Planning Committee. PASSED 1/30/86 R-36 RESOLUTION 85/86/35 BY: SPORTS CLUB COUNCIL AT-LARGE MEMBERS Mike Riley, Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS the two at-large student positions on the Sports Club Council were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS applications were submitted BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Bryan Riley and David N. Todd be approved as the at-large student members on the Sports Club Council. PASSED 2/13/86 R-37 RESOLUTION 85/86/36 BY: COMMENDATION TO JACK HARTMAN, KSU HEAD BASKETBALL COACH Bruce Ney & Mark Jones WHEREAS Kansas State University has a long and winning tradition in basketball, and WHEREAS Kansas State University has been fortunate to have had Jack Hartman as its head basketball coach for the past 16 years, and WHEREAS during his tenure as head basketball coach, Coach Hartman has guided the Wildcats teams to NCAA post season play in 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1981 and 1982, as well as Big 8 Championships in 1972, 1973 and 1977. He also lead the Wildcats to two Big 8 Post Season Tournament wins in 1977 and 1978, with appearances in the Conference Commissioners Association Tournament in 1974 and the National Invitational Tournament in 1976, and WHEREAS Coach Hartman is the winningest basketball coach in the history of Kansas State University with a record of 295 wins and 165 losses and an overall coaching record of 589 wins and 275 losses BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate, on behalf of the student body, commend Kansas State University Head Basketball Coach Jack Hartman for continuing a winning basketball tradition and pride at Kansas State University. And that he be congratulated on his accomplishments, dedication and commitment to his players, the students and the alumni who will miss him. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Senate request University President Duane Acker to declare Saturday, March 1, 1986 “Jack Hartman Day” at Kansas State University in recognition of Coach Hartman’s last home basketball game. SECTION 3. This commendation will be presented to Coach Hartman at the KSU vs. Nebraska basketball game on March 1, 1986. PASSED 2/20/86 R-38 RESOLUTION 85/86/37 BY: COMMENDATION TO STEVE BROWN & MARK JONES 1985-86 Student Senate WHEREAS under the leadership of Steve Brown, 1985-86 Student Body President, and Mark Jones, 1985-86 Student Senate Chairman, the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University received dedicated and inspired leadership, and WHEREAS both of these positions have required an excessive amount of time, energy and dedication to serve the students of Kansas State University, and WHEREAS Steve Brown generated a great deal of interest in student government and the issues it dealt with this year and has represented the student body on numerous committees, including the Coliseum Program Planning Committee, the Presidential Search Committee and the Vice President for Educational & Student Services Search Committee, and WHEREAS Mark Jones has demonstrated his concern and dedication to student representation at all levels of the university by being an active voice for students and has been an effective and responsible Student Senate Chairman BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1985-86 Kansas State University Student Senate express its gratitude to Steve Brown and Mark Jones and commend them for jobs very well done. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 2/20/86 R-39 RESOLUTION 85/85/38 BY: 1985-87 SGA ELECTION RESULTS 1986 SGA Elections Committee WHEREAS the SGA General Election on February 11 & 12, 1985 and the Student Body President Run-Off Election on February 19, 1985 were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS 2,778 ballots were cast in the General Election and 2,028 in the Run-Off Election between Steven Johnson and Steve Cashman BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1985-86 Student Senate accept and approve the results of the 1986-87 SGA Elections as shown below: Student Body President Steven Johnson Board of Student Publications Vicki Fernkopf Patti Hannan James Seymour Dwayne Smith Agriculture Student Senators Michelle Benoit Wally Brockhoff Steve Ligon Tom Ridder Howard H. Woodbury Architecture & Design Student Senators David Kaster Dave Tritsch Arts & Sciences Student Senators Susan D. Baird John Bullock Kirk Caraway Steve Cole Kevin Eickmann Jennifer Leeds Martin Monto Ken Paulie Matt Queen Leslye Schneider Brian Sherwood Gretchen Wagner Business Administration Student Senators Brett Bromich Bruce Cook Doug Gaumer R-40 Michelle Johnson Teresa Leighty Ed Nickel Stacy Smith Judy Wolf Education Student Senators Sally H. Howard Becky Svaty Robert Whearty Engineering Student Senators John Bayouth John DeMars Doug Folk Carrie Helmke Craig J. Kettler Susan Russell Eirene Tatham Kim Warner Graduate Student Senators Jess Cunnick Laura J. McLellan Miranda Mortlock Catherine Sayler Human Ecology Student Senators Candy Leonard Angie Rowland Anne Wiley Veterinary Medicine Student Senator none elected PASSED 2/20/86 R-41 1985-1986 Student Senate Minutes Date Page February 28, 1985 ............................................................................................................................1 March 7, 1985 ..................................................................................................................................3 March 21, 1985 ................................................................................................................................6 March 28, 1985 ................................................................................................................................8 April 4, 1985 ..................................................................................................................................10 April 11, 1985 ................................................................................................................................12 April 16, 1985 ................................................................................................................................15 April 18, 1985 ................................................................................................................................18 April 25, 1985 ................................................................................................................................20 April 30, 1985 ................................................................................................................................23 May 2, 1985 ...................................................................................................................................26 September 5, 1985 .........................................................................................................................30 September 12, 1985 .......................................................................................................................32 September 19, 1985 .......................................................................................................................34 September 26, 1985 .......................................................................................................................36 October 3, 1985 ..............................................................................................................................38 October 17, 1985 ............................................................................................................................40 October 24, 1985 ............................................................................................................................43 October 31, 1985 ............................................................................................................................45 November 7, 1985 ..........................................................................................................................49 November 14, 1985 ........................................................................................................................51 November 21, 1985 ........................................................................................................................53 December 5, 1985 ..........................................................................................................................55 January 23, 1986 ............................................................................................................................57 January 30, 1986 ............................................................................................................................60 February 6, 1986 ............................................................................................................................63 February 13, 1986 ..........................................................................................................................65 February 20, 1986 ..........................................................................................................................70 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 28, 1985 9:00 PM – MIDNIGHT The first meeting of the 1985-86 Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Tracy Turner. There were 49 Senators present. C. Steineger was excused. SWEARING IN Jill Hummels, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in the 1985-86 Senators, with the exception of Chris Steineger. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Need your top 3 priorities for standing committees. Applications are due Friday, March 8th, at 5:00 for at-large members on the standing committees. Steve Brown will be making at-large appointments to university committees in the near future. Need class schedules. Read the SGA Constitution and By-Laws in the next week. Will have name plates next reek. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/l, Coliseum Marketing & pro Forma Study Request. Daniel Grubb went over the bill. Cath Sayler read an option that may be brought up next week. Questions were asked. Lori Rock moved to refer the bill to committee Kerry Jones 2nd the motion. Questions were asked. The cost of the studies will be $10,000-$18,000. Debate was entered into. Kerry Jones called the question. Passed to refer to committee. NEW BUSINESS Nominations for Student Senate Chair: Bruce Ney, Mark Jones, Kerry Jones, Sandi Schmidt, Lawrence Tsen, Monte Griffin Monte Griffin withdrew his name. Nominations ceased. Each candidate made a 5-minute presentation and answered questions. The other candidates were absent from the room. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Passed. Vote was taken by secret ballot. SENATE CHAIRMAN - MARK JONES, by a majority vote. Nominations for Student Senate Vice Chair: Krista Lindgren was nominated last week. Steve Johnson was nominated by Bob Avery Nominations ceased. M-1 Same procedures were followed as for Chair. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Passed. SENATE VICE CHAIRWOMAN -:KRISTA LINDGREN, by a majority vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Mark Jones - Come in & talk to me anytime. The ad hoc committee on the coliseum bill will be appointed by next Monday. Standing Committee Chair applications are due Friday, March 8th at 5:00. Need your class schedules. Virgil Wiebe moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-2 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 7, 1985 7:00 PM - 1:50 AM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 48 senators present. Stuart & Tsen were excused. SWEARING IN Jill Hummels, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in: Chris Steineger as a student senator Mark Jones as student senate chairman Steve Brown as student body president Steve was definitely dress for Spring Break. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the last meeting of the 1984-85 Student Senate and the minutes from the first meeting of the 1985-86 Student Senate, both on February 28, 1985 were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Nine speakers spoke to the coliseum project. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Need senators to fill out the sheets regarding university committee appointments. List your top three priorities. Anyone interested in being Parliamentarian should turn in an application by 5:00 p.m. on the Monday after Spring Break. Bill Sullivan held the position during the 1984-85 term. Faculty Senate Representative Nominations will be taken and voted on at the next meeting. Kevin Westervelt held the position during the 1984-85 term. The Union Governing Board applications are due March 25th in the Union Director’s Office. The Legislative Banquet scheduling for March 19th has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - The 1985-86 committee had their first meeting today. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Doug Chamblin - The Senate passed a bill out of committee that has the working provisions we are looking for, but it did not have the grandfather clause. (Sorry, but I missed most of Doug’s report because I was talking to Mark Jones and Kerry Jones.) APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/1 - 1985-86 Finance Committee Mark Galyardt introduced the students and answered questions. M-3 There was no debate. Sandi Schmidt called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 85/86/2 - President Reagan’s Cuts in Education Mark Jones explained the resolution while Krista Lindgren took over the chair. At K-State, approximately 3,000 students would stand to lose financial aid. There were questions & debate. Sandi Schmidt moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Kerry Jones called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/2 - Special Allocation to S.G.A. for Washington, D.C. Trip Mark Jones explained the bill. Student Body Presidents or their representatives from the Regents’ institutions will be going to D.C. Ken nor Steve are able to attend. Mark Galyardt stated that Finance Committee recommends funding but in line with SGA Spending Regulations: Lodging, $5.50/day = $22 and Food, $5/day $25, making the total read $205. Mark Jones friendly amended the bill by adding a Section 3 to read: A full report shall be presented to the Student Senate upon return. Questions were asked. If the bill is amended and SGA Spending Regulations are followed Mark probably will not be financially able to attend. Debate was entered into. Sandi Schmidt moved the bill special orders. Passed. Bruce Ney moved to amend the Lodging figure to $22 and the Food figure to $25, making the total read $205. Justin Sanders moved to divide the motion between Lodging and Food. Passed. Lodging @ $22.00 There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Bruce Ney called the question on his amendment. Passed. Food @ $25.00 There were no questions. Debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb called the question on Bruce’s amendment. Passed. Daniel Grubb moved to change the amount from $205 to $326 and to drop the information clause. Questions were asked. Kerry Jones objected to consideration of Daniel’s amendment. Failed. Debate was entered into on Daniel’s amendment. Daniel Grubb called the question on his amendment. Failed: 23/25. Debate continued on the original bill as amended to $205. Dave Dakin moved to amend by changing Plane Fare @ $158 to Transportation @ $348.60($.15/mile), making the total read $395.60, and adding to Section 3, “which shall include a financial statement”. Jeff Vander Laan objected to consideration of Dave’s amendment. Passed. Lori Rock moved to change the total amount from $205 to $326. Krista Lindgren moved Lori’s motion out of order. M-4 Section 1. was friendly amended by striking “to allow Mark Jones, Student Senate Chairman, to travel” and insert “to send a representative appointed by Mark Jones and Steve Brown”. George Heid called the question on the bill as amended. Senate Bill 85/86/3, Special Allocation to Consumer Relations Board Steve Cashman explained the bill. Kim Hefley, Director of the Consumer Relations Board, was present. Questions were asked. Mark Galyardt stated that Finance Committee recommends this funding. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/1, Coliseum Marketing & Pro Forma Study Request Krista Lindgren stated that the ad hoc committee gave the bill an unfavorable recommendation by a vote of 5-2. Committee members included: Krista as chair, Mark Galyardt, Daniel Grubb, Virgil Wiebe, Steve Ligon, David Dakin, Brett Bromich and Debbie Fields. Justin Sanders asked that a written report be submitted by the ad hoc committee. Questions continued. Daniel Grubb and Virgil Wiebe were the two that voted in favor of the bill. The committee found the cost of the studies ranged from $10-$20,000. Debate was entered into. Virgil Wiebe moved a substitute motion to change the bill to a resolution and change the Sections. The WHEREAS clauses would remain the same. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Jim Crutchfield called the question on Virgil’s motion. Passed. Questions were asked on the resolution. The ad hoc committee voted 4-3 against the resolution. Those voting against were: Mark Galyardt, Debbie Fields, Steve Ligon and Brett Bromich. Each year’s delay would cost approximately $2 million. Debate was entered into on the resolution. Bruce Ney moved to limit debate to 2 3-minute speeches per senator. Failed. Jim Crutchfield called the question on the resolution. Daniel Grubb requested a roll call vote. Those voting YES were: Artan, Baird, Crabtree, Dakin, Grubb, Hagen, Lange, Monto, Muller, Peak, Sanders, Sayler, Steineger, Wiebe, Williams. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Krista Lindgren told the members of the ad hoc committee they did a great job and thanked them. Sandi Schmidt stated that even though the legislation banquet has been cancelled, students should write their legislators with student concerns. Cath Sayler thanked Krista for chairing the ad hoc committee and commended Daniel Grubb for his efforts as a new senator. General discussed. Brett Bromich moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-5 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 21, 1985 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Bromich, Lange & Mathewson were excused late. Eickmann, Steineger & Turner were late. Grubb, Holen & Schmidt were excused. Griffin & Tretter were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 7, 1985 meeting were approved as corrected: Lawrence Tsen was excused, not absent. Virgil Wiebe stated that on page 6, 8th paragraph down, David Dakin should read Debbie Fields. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Applications for Student Senate positions on university committees are due Friday, March 29th, at 5:00. Parliamentarian is Lori Rock. He went over the Attendance Policy & Parliamentary Procedures. A section E. needs to be added: For unexcused absences you will not be allowed to have a proxy. No one applied for Social Services Standing Committee Chairperson, no one applied for at-large positions on the same committee, and only 2 senators put it down as a preference and they listed it as 2nd & 3rd. If we have no applications in the near future, Krista Lindgren and Mike Riley will take over the committee’s duties. Parachute Club has a special allocation request which needs to be dealt with immediately. The bill will have to come up next week and be moved special orders for them to get the money by April 1. This would be a loan to be paid back within one year. Finance Committee will meet Monday at 9:30 p.m. to consider this, if anyone would like to attend. Their contact person is Devin Ross. No one applied for the at-large positions on the Senate Operations Standing Committee. Applications are due to 5:00 tomorrow. Jane Withee from Farrell Library called and asked that the following Friends of the Library meeting be announced: Tuesday, March 26th 7:30 p.m. Cottonwood Room, K-State Union. Lisa Fisher made the new name tags. Check your mailboxes before coming to the student senate meetings. Applications for at-large members on university committees are due next Wednesday at 5:00. He gave his report on the Washington, DC trip regarding President Reagan’s proposed budget cuts. They got the feeling the resident’s cuts were not going to go through, but that some cuts would be made. It was felt that the burden should some what be shifted to the State. Those that went to Washington, DC will meet Sunday evening to come up with their suggestions and will then meet with Bob Dole Monday morning to share those suggestions with him. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS M-6 Student Publications - Dave Adams, director K-State Union - Jack Sills, Assoc. Director Rec Services - Raydon Robel, Director Fine Arts Council - No representative present University for Man - Julie Coates, Director of Campus & Community Programs Legal Services - Dianne Urban, Students’ Attorney U-LearN - Laurie Fairburn, Assoc. Coordinator Women’s Resource Center - Susan Boswell Asst. Director, Student Governing Association - Mark Jones, Student Senate Chairman Consumer Relations Board - Kim Hefley, Director COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Have starting hearings. Write down questions you would like to have Finance Committee ask the groups that are giving 5-minute presentations. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/4, 1985-86 Standing Committee Chairpersons There were no questions and no debate. Kerry Jones called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/3, Special Allocation to Consumer Relations Board There were no questions and no debate. Krista Lindgren called the question. NOMINATIONS & ELECTION OF FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Nominations: George Heid by Kelly Welch Gretchen Hagen by Susan Baird Chris Steineger by Virgil Wiebe Kerry Jones by Lori Rock Susan Baird moved that nominations cease. Passed. Each gave a brief presentation, and vote was taken by secret ballot. KERRY JONES IS THE 1985-86 FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Lawrence Tsen announced that today is Lori Rock’s birthday. Virgil Wiebe announced that next week is International Week. Cath Sayler asked that anyone interested in writing a column in the Collegian should get in contact with Tim Carpenter or Karen Bellus at the Collegian. Steve Cashman stated that Business Council had their elections yesterday and today. George Heid announced that next week is also Ag. Week. Mark Jones encouraged senators to visit the groups we are about to fund to become more familiar with their goals, objectives and operations. Marita Peak announced that a petition is being circulated on the coliseum issue. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-7 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 28, 1985 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 45 Senators present. Bromich & Fischer were excused. Holen, Sanders & Yeary were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 21, 1985 meeting were approved as distributed. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert, K-State Campus Director ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU - Brett Lambert, K-State Campus Director KSDB-FM RADIO - Lee Buller, advisor DEBATE - Dwaine Hemphill, coach INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL - Ali Nikaeen, president PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION - Pedro Cintron, president FONE - Paul Nelson, assistant coordinator BLACK STUDENT UNION - Stephen Pleasant, president & Derrick Holt, vice-president STUDENTS FOR HANDICAPPED CONCERNS - Mike Nolting, vice-president COALITION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS - Gina Hayes, president GAY & LESBIAN RESOURCE CENTER - Jackie Lax FINE ARTS COUNCIL - Lawrence Tsen OPEN PERIOD Albert Allala, MEChA Treasurer, spoke on the organization known as MEChA. They never got their budget request in by the deadline, but will be requesting funds for the next academic year. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - There will be a hearing on the parking changes on Wednesday at 3:30 in the K-State Union Big 8 Room. Changes are available in the office. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Will meet Monday at 6:00. Debbie Fields will be the Senate Aide Coordinator. Senate Aide interviews will be held Tuesday. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Doug Chamblin - Brett Lambert is resigning as Campus Director. If interested in the position, talk to Brett or Steve Brown. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/5, standing Committee Members & Social Services Standing Committee Chairman Mark Jones went over the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. M-8 Sandi Schmidt called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/4, 1985 Summer School Allocations Mark Galyardt explained the bill and answered questions. U-LearN and UFM are for the month of June only. Senate Bill 85/86/5, Special Allocation to Parachute Club Mark Galyardt explained the bill. Questions were asked of Mark and Devin Ross of Parachute Club. A loan from a bank would have been at 15-17% interest. Hope to sell the 9 canopies they presently have for $100 each to Ft. Riley. Three containers with reserves will also be sold at $200/container. Russ Pugh asked Finance Committee to accept a friendly amendment by adding a Section 3, which the committee accepted. Krista Lindgren moved the bill special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Mike Riley called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Bruce Ney announced that the. Little American Royal will be held Saturday in Weber. Krista Lindgren stated that KSDB-FM has requested 2 liaisons. Krista also announced that CAPSA will meet at Kites after Senate. The following is the tentative allocation schedule: April 11, Thursday, April 16, Tuesday, April 18, Thursday, April 25, Thursday, April 30, Tuesday, May 2, Thursday. Monte Griffin moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-9 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 4, 1985 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 44 senators present. Holen & Williams were absent. Sayler was late. Crutchfield, Eickmann & S. Johnson were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 28, 1985 meeting were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Has made his appointments of senators to committees. Jenny was a semifinalist for Classified Employee of the Year. Mark Galyardt was dubbed a Knight of Saint Patrick for the College of Engineering at Open House. (Badger # 8539) Senate Aides have yellow name plates and roll will be called at the first of each meeting. Allocations will begin at 6:00 p.m. and run until Midnight on these nights: April 11, Thurs.; April 16, Tuesday; April 18, Thursday; April 25, Thursday; April 30, Tuesday; May 2, Thursday There will be a KU vs. KSU basketball game on April 19 beginning at 5:30 with the women’s game and the men’s game will begin at 7:00 in the Rec Complex. There will be some sort of wager. COMMITTEE REPORTS STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Will meet April 9 at 9:00 p.m. in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Met Monday. Should have a bill on the revamping of standing committees next semester. Will meet Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the office. COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - Met Tuesday at 4:00 and will meet next Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. Buttons are done and are being sold for 40¢. She went over things they will be working on in the future. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Finished up hearings Tuesday. Developed a set of funding criteria and copies will be available in the office. Will start balancing the budget Monday at 10:00 a.m. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU - Doug Chamblin - Need April Legislative Assembly delegates. The L.A. will be held at Ft. Hayes on April 2021. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/6 - Senate Aides Sally Traeger explained the resolution & answered questions. There was no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question. M-10 Senate Resolution 85/86/7 - Basketball Ticket Sales Committee Mark Jones explained the resolution & answered questions. There was no debate. Mike Riley called the question (at the right time). FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/6, Repeal of Student Senate Bill 82/83/29, Election Procedure Revision Ann Woodward, a member of the 1985 SGA Elections Committee, explained the bill & answered questions. She read the enacted sections in 82/83/29. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/4, 1985 Summer School Allocations Mark Galyardt and representatives present answered questions. Summer Artist Series: Don Cukjati, Arts in the Park, Warren Walker, Music Department, KSU K-State Union: Walt Smith, Director Rec Services: Raydon Robel, Director University for Man: Julie Coates U-LearN: Laurie McCauley Student Publications: Dave Adams, Director Lew Shelton of the KSU Speech Dept. could not be present to represent Summer Repertory Theater. Debate was entered into. Bruce Ney called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Daniel Grubb stated that 17 years ago today Martin Luther King was shot. Sally Traeger announced that CAPSA (Comm. for the Advancement of Post Senate Activities) will meet after Senate, Monte Griffin announced that his fraternity and 2 sororities will have a dance-a-thon for Muscular Dystrophy on April 20. Cath Sayler spoke to the coliseum petition. Kerry Jones moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-11 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 11, 1985 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the first meeting of 1985-86 Tentative Allocations to order with 43 senators present. Artan was absent. Dakin was late. Wiebe was excused. Grubb, Heid & Stuart were excused late. Kathy Holen has resigned her position as a faculty rep. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The April 4, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Vice President for Facilities Gene Cross stated that the proposed evening parking permits will not be initiated. Still need 1 senator to serve on the Student Services Support Fee Board. Received a letter from Bob Evans, Director of Financial Assistance, regarding financial aid cuts. Our congressmen and senators need to receive letters from students stating their concerns. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Will meet Sunday at 6:00 in Stateroom #3. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Met and went over the standing committees system. There will be no meeting in the near future. Debbie Fields read the committees senate aides are serving on. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - Will meet Tuesday at 5:00 in the office. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Will meet April 23 at 8:00 in the office. COMMUNICATIONS - Lawrence Tsen - Get your buttons from Jenny in the office for 40¢. A list of student senators will be posted in each dean’s office. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/6, Repeal of Student Senate Bill 82/83/29, Election Procedure Revision There were no questions and no debate. Sandi Schmidt called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations Kerry Jones moved to divide the bill by group. Daniel Grubb called the question on Kerry’s motion. Passed. COLLEGE COUNCILS - $42,400.56 Mark Galyardt explained that each council gets $1.50 LI/full-time student and $.42 LI/part-time student. Ag. - $4,646.04 Arch. & Design - $2,129.40 Arts & Sciences - $11,231.88 Business Admin. - $6,694.08 M-12 Education - $2,740.80 Engineering - $6,915.12 Graduate - $4,185.60 Home Ec. - $2,606.54 Vet. Med. - $1,251.00 Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question on $42,400.56. Passed K-STATE UNION - $381,964.80 Mark Galyardt explained the line item. In the last few years they received $12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/part-time student for 10 months and a flat dollar figure from the summer school activity fee. Since we did away with the Summer School Allocations Board this year, Student Senate should allocate for the full 12-month period. Therefore, the new line item figure for the 12-month period is $12.80/full-time student and $6.40/part-time student. The 80¢ and 40¢ increase averages what they have received for the summer months. Walt Smith, Director, was present to answer questions and provide information. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to decrease the line item back to $12 and $6. Mark Jones moved Cath’s amendment out of order due to the 3-year line item review policy set up years ago. The Union is not up for review this year. Cath Sayler appealed the decision of the chair, which was debated. Kerry Jones called the question on Cath’s appeal. Failed: 20-24. Debate continued on Finance Committee’s recommendation. They earn interest on their reserve accounts, and they have not had an increase in the line item amount since 1977. Kerry Jones called the question on $381,964.80 ($12.80 LI/full-time student and $6.40 LI/part-time student). Passed: 42/3/2 Cath Sayler requested a roll call vote. Those voting NO were Grubb, Lange & Sayler. Those ABSTAINING from voting were Peak & Steineger. Those ABSENT were Artan & Dakin. FINE ARTS COUNCIL - $66,128.90 Mark Galyardt explained the line item. Like the Union, the increase from a $2 LI to a $2.30 LI covers the summer months also. Summer Arts Series and Summer Repertory Theatre will be covered under the Fine Arts Council. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question on $66,128.90 ($2.30 LI). Passed. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION - $31,888.50 Mark Galyardt explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. There were questions and debate. Cath Sayler moved to increase Advertising from $1,067.50 to $1,373.63 with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked. M-13 Steve Brown, student body president, pointed out that SGA is going to try to live with the entire recommendation by Finance Committee and does not desire an increase in Advertising. Debate was entered into. Steve Ligon called the question on Cathy’s amendment. Failed. Jeff Vander Laan called the question on $31,888.50. Passed KSDB-FM RADIO - $11,742.61 Kevin Eickmann explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. Lee Buller, advisor, represented KSDB-FM. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to increase Advertising from $0 to $660 with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked. All the $660 would go for Collegian advertising. Debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb moved to amend Cath’s amendment by decreasing the $660 to $330. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Daniel called the question on his amendment. Passed: 24/21. Debate continued on Cath’s amendment as amended to $330. The question was called on increasing Advertising to $330. Passed. Brian Johnson moved to increase the Engineers Salary from $3960 to $4158 with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Krista Lindgren called the question on Brian’s amendment. Failed. Steve Ligon called the question on $12,072.61. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Mark Galyardt stated that a new group has formed on campus called “KSU for the Coliseum”. It will meet Sunday at 4:30 in McCain 203 for the filming of a video. T-shirts and buttons will also be sold around campus in the near future. Krista Lindgren stated that CAPSA will meet at Kites after Senate. George Heid stated that Ag. Council voted 38-0 tonight to keep their elections in Waters Hall. Kerry Jones moved to recess until Tuesday at 6:00. Passed. M-14 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 16, 1985 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM The second meeting of 1985-86 Tentative Allocations was called to order by Chairman Mark Jones with 39 senators present. Bromich, Crabtree, Grubb, Lange & Tsen were excused late. Eickmann, S. Johnson & Stuart were excused. Tretter was absent. Turner was late. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - If you do not know how you want to vote or do not wish to vote either yes or no, you can abstain. At the time your name is called during a roll call vote if you don’t know how you wish to vote at that time, you may pass and Jenny will come back to you at the end of the roll call. Try not to miss an allocation meeting, if at all possible. These meetings are very important. Lori Rock - If you have a parliamentary motion you wish to have her look up, please notify her in advance so that she will have time to look it up. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations STUDENT PUBLICATIONS - $95,491.20 Mark Galyardt explained the increase from $3 to $3.20 LI/full-time student and from $1 to $1.15 LI/part-time student. Again, this is to cover their summer school allocation as explained under the K-State Union last Thursday. Dave Adams, director, was present. Questions were asked. Student ad rates will increase for the first time in four years from $2.75 to $3.05. About 10% of the total Student Pub. budget comes from the line item. There was no debate. Kerry Jones called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. UNIVERSITY FOR MAN - $12,742.40 Christi Martinez explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. 18% of their total funding comes from the student activity fee. Julie Coates represented the group. The average class fee is $4, but students are not changed the $2 registration fee. 1500 students participated in UFM programs. UFM programs have approximately 10,000 enrollments per year. Debate was entered into. Lawrence Tsen moved to increase Telephone from $400 to $800, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Lawrence’s amendment. Failed. Cath Sayler moved to increase Telephone from $400 to $558, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Lawrence Tsen called the question. Failed. M-15 Lawrence Tsen called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - $16,100 (50¢ head count) Steve Ligon explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives were: Mark Tallman & Chris Graves from the state office. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Bruce Ney called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU - $665.30 Steve Ligon explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. Brett Lambert & Doug Chamblin represented the group. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Kerry Jones moved to increase Private Car Travel from $398.70 to $528, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Kelly Welch called the question. Passed: 25-23 Mark Mathewson called the question on a tentative allocation of $794.60. Passed. CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD - $3,945.70 Bruce Ney explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. Kim Hefley, director, represented the group. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. David Dakin moved to decrease Subsistence: Food from $25 to $0. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Failed Marcia Muller moved to increase the Director’s Salary from $325/month to $350/month (from $3,250 to $3,500 for 10 months), with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Kim explained the reason for requesting the increase. Because the salary is so low, it is difficult to hire a truly competent director. Individuals in similar positions in the Family Economics Dept. make $500-$600/month for a 16 hr. week. The CRB Director puts in over 20 hrs./week. Also, the salaries under all the Social Services are far below what they should be. In 1972 the CRB Director was making $2,700. For 1984-85 she received $3,000, which is only a $300 increase over a 12-year period. At the $325/month which Finance Committee is recommending, the director would have to get a second job to make ends meet, which means taking time away from CRB. At least the $50 increase looks a little better and it is a step to increasing the salary to a competitive level. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Failed. Marcia Muller moved to increase Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions from $41 to $56, to cover a third subscription for Shelter Force, a tenants rights bulletin from the #l landlord-tenant agency in the state which is located in Topeka. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Ben Lange called the question. Passed: 27-17 Steve Ligon called the question on a tentative allocation of $3,960.70. Passed. M-16 INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mark Jones stated that he still needs a senator to serve on the Student Service Support Fee Allocation Board. He also needs one more senator to serve on the Fine Arts Council. Mark also reminded senators about the KSU SGA vs. the KU SGA basketball game Friday evening at the Rec Complex. The women’s game will be at 5:30, with the men being at 7:00. PRACTICE WILL BE WEDNESDAY AT 8: 00. Tona Turner asked that the senators look for the sign-up sheet for Senate Credit next to the boxes in the near future. Caroline Peine announced that the Math Dept. named Ben Lange as outstanding graduate student and Daniel Grubb as outstanding student leader. Mark Galyardt announced that Finance Committee will meet tomorrow at 3:45. Mark further announced that “KSU for the Coliseum” will have a party Friday afternoon at 12th & Bluemont. The meeting was recessed until 6:00 Thursday evening. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-17 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 18, 1985 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM The third meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chairman Mark Jones with 41 senators present. Avery, Baird, Fisher, Hale, Jones, Lange & Tretter were excused late. Mathewson was late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of April 11 & April 16, 1985 meetings were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - The women’s game scheduled for Friday night has been cancelled. However the men will play at 7:00. The Board of Regents are meeting on campus today & tomorrow. Sally Routson - The Multiple Sclerosis Society is looking for a campus coordinator at KSU. If interested see Sally. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet Tuesday at 7:30. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Will meet Tuesday at 8:00. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - Will meet Monday at 5:00. COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - Will meet Tuesday at 4:00. Senate Credit info, will be by the boxes in the SGS Office tomorrow. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Will meet right after Senate tonight. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steve Brown - The new A.S.K. Campus Director replacing Brett Lambert is Kevin Elmore. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations REC SERVICES - $79,078.65 - REVIEW YEAR Raydon Robel, Director, made a 15-minute presentation. The line item has not been increased since 1974. 24% of their income is from the student activity fee. In 1974, the income was 78%. There is $36,000+ in their reserve account. They are looking at purchasing a new irrigation system for around $6,000, which would last for around 10 years. $10,000 of the reserve account is the deductible on the insurance. The reserve account does not gain interest. Although enrollment is decreasing, the participants are increasing. Over 330,000 went through the Rec Complex last year. Over 55,000 went through the pool. Approximately 80% of the student body used the Rec Services programs. Mark Galyardt explained the increase from $2.50 to $2.65/full-time student and $.75 to $.90/part-time student. Again, this covers the summer funding. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. M-18 Daniel Grubb moved to decrease the line item from $2.65 to $2.60 and $.90 to $.85, with the decrease going into Reserves for Contingencies. (Per Sally Routson, this would be approximately $1,492.08.) Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Mike Riley called the question. Failed 18-31. Bruce Ney requested a roll call vote. Those voting YES were: Artan, Baird, Cashman, Dakin, Fischer, Grubb, Hager, S. Johnson, Lange, Monte, Muller, Peak, Peine, Riley, Sanders, Sayler, Steineger and Wiebe. Discussion continued on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Passed. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER - $448.40 Terry Hallauer explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. Caroline Peine & Susan Boswell represented the group. Questions were asked. They requested 7 2x3 ads and Finance Committee recommended 4. Debate was entered into. Virgil Wiebe moved to increase Advertising from $73.20 to $128.10, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Passed: 28/17. Steve Cashman called the question on a tentative allocation of $503.30. Passed. U-LEARN - $11,698.78 Bruce Ney explained Finance Committee’s recommendation and made a friendly amendment to increase Work-Study Salaries to $3,304.08, which raised the total to $11,998.78. The error was due to a misunderstanding. Representing the group were: Susan Scott Angle, Laurie Fairburn, Laurie McCauley and Susie Welsch. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. FONE - $10,493.85 Krista Lindgren explained Finance Committee’s recommendation. Katie Andre-Tucker & Paul Nelson represented the group. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb moved to increase Printing from $100 to $175, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Bob Tretter called the question. Failed. Lawrence Tsen called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. The figure under Reserves for Contingencies should read $60.55. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Student Senate is invited to the Eagle’s Nest Monday evening from 7-9. Krista Lundgren moved to recess until 6:00 next Thursday. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-19 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 25, 1985 6:00 PM - 1:50 AM The fourth meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chairman Mark Jones with 41 senators present. Artan was late. Shields was absent. Avery, Eickmann, S. Johnson, Rowland, Schmidt & Stuart were excused late. Mark Jones introduced Mr. Earle Frost, the first student body president at K-State back in 1919-20. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 18, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed OPEN PERIOD Lee Buller, KSDB-FM Advisor, spoke on a problem with the FCC (federal communication commission). KSDB’s existence is threatened. Need to raise the tower to at least 100 feet above normal terrain, and need to go above 90 megahertz. KSDB will be moved from 88.1. Numerous individuals spoke on behalf of Debate funding. Steve Mulligan spoke on Student Senate’s discrimination against certain groups. Nathan Zook spoke to allocations in general. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - The purple & white scrimmage football game is Saturday. Athletic Director Larry Travis has decided to donate the proceeds to the library. This is the first year there has been a charge. The May 2 Student Senate meeting will begin at 7:00 not 6:00. April 30 schedule: Puerto Rican Student Org., Debate, Students for Handicapped Concerns, Gay & Lesbian Resource Center, Coalition for Human Rights, Honorariums May 2 will be only for appeals and any other business. This will be the last meeting of the semester. The KSU SGA beat the KU SGA 63-61 in basketball last Friday night. Patty Hipsher received a Truman Scholarship. We have had 5 recipients out of the last 7 years. He received the coliseum marketing studies petition Tuesday morning from Sally Routson. Elections Committee & Senate Operations Standing Committee are verifying the signatures. Senate will not vote whether to have a referendum or not. There will be no organized visitations regarding the referendum. Cath Sayler stated that the referendum is only a gage of student opinion which is directed to the Board of Regents. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - They are putting together a fact sheet on the referendum that will be non-biased. Will meet Sunday at 7:00 at Rachel’s home. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Met Sunday, and will meet again Monday at 6:00. They felt the appeal by Cath Sayler regarding the introduction of an M-20 amendment to the K-State Union’s line item should be a constitutional question and a j-board should decide it. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Looking into various academic issues around the university. If you have any concerns let Steve know. Will meet Sunday at 6:00 at Last Chance. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Chris Steineger - Brett Lambert was elected the new Legislative Assembly Chairman, and Kevin Eickmann as the Legislative Assembly Vice Chairman. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations LEGAL SERVICES - $24,659.68 Ed Bowman .gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Dianne K. Urban, the students’ attorney, represented the service. Questions were asked. The Salary was increased 13%. Debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb moved to decrease Salary from $1760/mo. to $1650/mo. ($19,800/yr.), with the difference going into Reserves for Contingencies. Lori Rock objected to consideration. Failed. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. The question was called. Failed. Lawrence Tsen moved to decrease Salary from $1760/mo. to $1690/mo. ($20,280/yr.) with the difference going into Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bruce Ney called the question and Mark Jones had the break the tie vote. Passed: 25-24 Jeff Vander Laan called the question on a $21,399 final allocation. Passed. INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL - $3,271.86 Jerry Connet gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Group representatives were Donna Davis, advisor, Au Nikaeen, president, Korosh Parizadeh, treasurer There were questions, and debate was entered into. Marita Peak moved to increase Advertising from $347.70 to $640.50, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. The recommendations is for 19 2x3 ads and the amendment would increase it to 35 2x3 ads. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb called the question. Passed Marita Peak moved to increase Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions from $100 to $150, with the increase coming from Reserves for Contingencies. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Brett Bromich called the question. Passed. Tona Turner called the question on a tentative allocation of $3,614.66. Passed BLACK STUDENT UNION - $673.42 M-21 Steve Ligon gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives were Stephan Pleasant, president, and Derrick Holt, vice pres. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mike Riley moved to increase State Car Travel from $121 to $444.40. The recommendation is for 1 car to Columbia, MO, and the amendment is for 1 car each to conferences in Oklahoma, Columbia and Colorado. Kelly Welch called the question. Failed Mike Riley moved to increase Office Supplies from $25 to $50. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mike Riley called the question. Passed Tona Turner called the question on a tentative allocation of $698.42. Passed RESERVES FOR CONTINGENCIES now reads $522.75. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mark Jones - May 9th is a Dead Day. NOTHING is to happen on campus, no classes or anything. Brett Bromich - There will be a Pep Rally Tuesday at 4:00 beginning in the Union parking lot and going to Ahearn for Larry Travis because he is supporting the students so much. Virgil Wiebe - “Hounddogs for Hobrock”, sponsored by SEA will perform Wednesday from Noon-l:00 in front of the Union. This will be a benefit concert for the library. Brett Bromich - Student Affairs will meet Sunday at 5:00 at Last Chance. General discussion. The meeting was recessed until Tuesday at 6:00. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-22 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 30, 1985 6:00 PM - 2:50 AM The fifth meeting of 85-86 tentative allocations was called to order by Chairman Mark Jones with 45 senators present. Bromich, Jones & Tsen were excused late. Fischer was late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 25 meeting were corrected. Under the A.S.K. Director’s Report on page 2, Kevin Elmore should read Kevin Eickmann. OPEN PERIOD Speakers were limited to 3 minutes each, as was done last Thursday evening. Numerous individuals spoke on funding for Coalition for Human Rights and the Gay & Lesbian Resource Center. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - There will be no studying in the SGS Office after midnight any night of the week. Only SGA business should be held after midnight. If you have problems with this, talk with Walt Smith, Director of the Union. Monte Griffin moved to suspend the rules to consider Senate Bill 85/86/8. Passed. Senate Bill 85/86/8, Coliseum Studies Referendum Sally Traeger explained the bill and answered questions. Judges will be Pat Bosco, Sally Routson & Dave Adams. Debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan moved the bill special orders. Passed. Krista Lindgren called the question. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations STUDENTS FOR HANDICAPPED CONCERNS - $375.80 Kevin Eickmann gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives were: Gretchen Holden, advisor, Ann Root, secretary, Mike Nolting, vice-president, Jim Burns, president Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to increase Postage from $44 to $66. This increase is to send out one additional mailing on a function. The 2 mailings Finance Committee recommended are for 1 newsletter per semester. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Failed. Virgil Wiebe moved to increase Telephone from $10 to $30. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. The question was called. Passed. Monte Griffin called the question on a tentative allocation of $395.80. Passed. M-23 PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION - $180.00 Krista Lindgren gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives were: Pedro Cintron, president, Edwin Betancourt, vice-president Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Sandi Schmidt called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. DEBATE - $4,289.81 Christie Martinez gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Dwaine Hemphill, coach, represented the group. Questions were asked. Christie stated that Dean Stamey told her the College of Arts & Sciences would pick up what Student Senate did not fund. On the other hand, Dwaine said Dean Stamey told him that the College of Arts & Sciences would not fund Debate any money, except for the $2000 for car travel. Cath Sayler moved to postpone consideration until May 2, until Dean Stamey can be contacted by a group of senators regarding funding by the College of Arts & Sciences. Debate was entered into, and the question was called. Failed. Lisa Crabtree moved to decrease from $4,289.81 to $2,566.98, following Finance Committee guidelines for funding conferences. Questions were asked. Ben Lange objected to consideration. Failed. Questions continued, and debate was entered into. Ben Lange called the question. Failed. Chris Steineger moved to increase $4,289.81 to $6,599.70 to give them a maintenance budget until alternative funding sources can be investigated. Kerry Jones objected to consideration. Failed. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bruce Ney called the question. Passed: 26-21. Chris Steineger called the question on a tentative allocation of $6,599.70. Passed: 34-142, with one absence. Bob Stuart requested a roll call vote. NO - Crabtree, Dakin, Eickmann, Fisher, Hale, Heid, S. Johnson, Jones, Ligon, Lindgren, Ney, Shellenberger, Stuart, Tretter ABSTAIN - Vander Laan, Welch ABSENT - Fischer GAY & LESBIAN RESOURCE CENTER - $0 Jerry Connet gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives were: Jackie Lax, treasurer, Geoff Smith, past co-president Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Lori Rock moved to increase $0 to $120.72, with $23.32 in Postage, $73.20 in Advertising, & $24.20 in Printing. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Lisa Hale called the question. Failed: 17-29-2, with one absence. Lori Rock requested a ballot vote. Cath Sayler moved to increase from $0 to $961, with $406 in Postage and $555 in Printing. Consideration was objected to. Passed. M-24 Jeff Vander Laan called the question on a tentative allocation of $0. Passed: 31-14-3, with one absence. Lori Rock requested a roll call vote. NO - Avery, Baird, Dakin, Grubb, Ireland, Lange, Peine, Rock, Rowland, Sanders, Sayler, Shields, Steineger, Wiebe ABSTAIN - Monto, Muller, Williams ABSENT - Fischer COALITION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS - $138.20 Ed Bowman gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. The recommendation of $138.20 was a compromise between Finance Committee and the Coalition for Human Rights from an earlier recommendation of $0. Jeannie Hayes, president, represented the group. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to increase Postage from $33 to $66. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Brett Bromich called the question. Failed. Jeff Vander Laan called the question on a tentative allocation of $138.20. Passed. We are $2245.34 in the red in Reserves for Contingencies. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Steve Brown - Need ideas on what should go on the scoreboard in the new coliseum that would show students’ support for the coliseum. He read a letter from Wichita State student body president regarding the issue over their student activity fee and their athletic department. Kent Williams thanked Rachel Vining for the time she put into forming the referendum fact sheet. The Annual International Potluck Dinner will be May 4 at 7:00 in the International Student Center. The meeting was recessed until 7:00 Thursday evening. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-25 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MAY 2, 1985 7:00 PM - 12:30 AM The final meeting of the tentative allocation process and the final meeting of the semester was called to order by Chairman Mark Jones. There were 44 senators present. Avery was absent. Lange was late. Baird, Griffin & Heid were excused late. OPEN PERIOD There was a 3-minute limit/speaker. Nathan Zook spoke on representation of student senators. John Keim spoke on the allocation process in general. Jackie Lax, Gay & Lesbian Resource Center treasurer, asked each senator and Finance Committee members to come to GLRC functions to better understand their members. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones said he forgot to announce that appeals were due at 5:00 yesterday. If there are other appeals, get them to him NOW. Steve Brown & Doug Chamblin announced there will be a 7000 level political science class dealing with the state legislature and how it affects students. The class will be held each Tuesday from 1:05-3:30 and will be for 3 credit hours. Lori Rock announced that the Kansas Open Meeting Law does not apply to university student governments. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman introduced Laura Butler, last year’s chairperson, who spoke on the Academic Advising Task Force that was formed by Student Senate. The investigation did not include the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Graduate School. Their 5 recommendations are as follows: 1. Students should have a regular faculty member assigned to them from the student’s major department for advising responsibilities. 2. Recommended in-service training for all first-time advisors and periodic sessions for all faculty members with academic advising responsibilities. 3. Students must be able to evaluate their assigned advisors. 4. Academic advising must be evaluated along with instruction, research & service in consideration of merit pay increases, tenure and promotion. 5. An annual award should be given to the outstanding academic advisor from each college. The entire report will be given to the Kansas Board of Regents. Mark Jones, Steve Brown & Steve Cashman have copies. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations HONORARIUMS - $3,550 Black Student Union - $1000 M-26 Coalition for Human Rights - $300 Gay & Lesbian Resource Center - $0 International Coordinating Council - $1800 University for Man - $450 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Virgil Wiebe moved to increase I.C.C. from $1800 to $1930. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Honorariums are first approved by ICC, and they must then be approved by the Student Senate Finance Committee. Mark Galyardt stated that the Muslim Student Association cannot be funded by ICC because they are a religious organization and state monies cannot be used to fund religious organizations. Virgil Wiebe called the question on his motion. Failed. Sandi Schmidt moved to increase CHR from $300 to $600. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Steve Ligon called the question on Sandi’s motion. Passed. Bruce Ney called the question on $3,850 as a tentative allocation. Passed. APPEALS David Dakin moved to amend LEGAL SERVICES by increasing the Salary from $20,280 to $21,120, which was Finance Committee recommendation. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Steve Ligon called the question on David’s motion. Passed: 27-21. Monte Griffin requested a roll call vote. NO – Bromich, Cashman, Fields, Fischer, Grubb, Hale, Heid, Johnson, Johnson, Lange, Mathewson, Muller, Pugh, Riley, Rowland, Shellenberger, Stuart, Tsen, Vander Laan, Welch ABSENT – Avery Bruce Ney moved to amend KSDB-FM by decreasing Advertising from $330 to $0. Daniel Grubb objected to consideration twice. Failed both times. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb called the question on Bruce’s motion. Failed: 21-23. Brett Bromich moved to amend DEBATE by decreasing from $6,599.70 to $4,311.42. Martin Monto objected to consideration. Failed. Questions were asked. Krista Lindgren took over the chair. Steve Brown stated that he called Dean Stamey and he said if there was money left in their 84-85 reserve account at the beginning of the year he could be talked into funding Debate. Jeff Vander Laan moved to postpone definitely. Krista ruled Jeff’s motion out of order. Cath Sayler moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order. Failed. Debate was entered into. Bob Stuart called the question on Brett’s motion. Failed: 17-30-1. Lori Rock requested a roll call vote. YES – Bromich, Crabtree, Dakin, Eickmann, Fields, Fisher, Hale, S. Johnson, Ligon, Lindgren, Mathewson, Ney, Sanders, Stuart, Tretter, Yeary M-27 ABSTAIN - Vander Laan ABSENT - Avery Kerry Jones moved to take $3,385.34 from the Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Program account and place this in Reserves for Contingencies in order to balance the budget. Passed. Kerry Jones called the question on Senate Bill 85/86/7, 1985-86 Tentative Allocations. Passed. NOTE: The bill is located at the back of these minutes. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/8, Student Body President’s Cabinet Questions were asked of Steve, but there was no debate. Krista Lindgren called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/9, Judicial Boards Questions were asked of Steve, but there was no debate. Kevin Eickmann called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/10, Consumer Relations Board Director Mike Riley explained the bill. There were no questions and no debate. Brian Johnson called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/9, 1985-86 Student Health Insurance Plan Matt Queen, Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Chairman, explained the bill. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Bruce Ney moved the bill special orders. Passed. Kelly Welch called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/11, Commendation to Chester E. Peters Steve Brown explained the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Bob Tretter moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Senate Resolution 85/86/12, Commendation to Patty Hipsher Steve Brown explained the resolution. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Brett Bromich moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Bob Tretter called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/13, Wichita State University Student Activity Fee Problem Steve Brown explained the resolution. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Jim Crutchfield moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Bruce Ney friendly amended Section 1 to change “deplores” to “condemns and Section 3 by adding “Wichita Eagle Beacon, and the Wichita State University Sunflower”. M-28 Daniel Grubb called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Mark Jones stated that the thinks the tentative allocation process went very well. He also wished everyone good luck on finals and told everyone to have a good summer. Rachel Vining handed out the coliseum fact sheets. Mark Galyardt spoke to the tentative allocation process. He gave the definition of a “university”. Lori Rock spoke to the Collegian coverage of tentative allocations. Mike Riley gave out awards for “responsible spending” to Lori Rock, Gretchen Hagen and Cath Sayler. `Martin Monte thanked Finance Committee for doing an excellent job. Kelly Welch wished George Heid a happy 21st birthday. Bruce Ney stated that Rachel Vining will be 21 Saturday. George Heid stated that today is Justin Sanders’ 24th birthday. Chris Steineger encouraged all senators to join the “Friends of the Library”. Mark Jones thanked Rachel Vining for the work she put in on the coliseum fact sheet. Kerry Jones moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-29 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM The first meeting of the Fall Semester was called to order by Chairman Mark Jones. There were 41 senators present. Artan and Grubb were absent. Baird and Tretter were excused. Bromich and Crabtree were excused late. Griffin was late. We have 2 vacancies: faculty rep. and Vet. Med. Mark welcomed everyone back. APPROVAL OF MAY 2, 1985 MINUTES Tona Turner - Under the Debate Appeal vote on page 2, Bob Stuart voted YES and Tona voted NO, so therefore remove her name from the listing of yes votes. OPEN PERIOD Mark introduced Dr. William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services, who came here August 1 from Chicago State University. He replaced Dr. Chester H. Peters who retired. Mark also introduced Mr. Larry Travis, our new Athletic Director, who came here February 6 from Georgia Tech. He replaced Dick Towers. He stated that no containers will be allowed into the games. He also went over some new ideas and plans to be implemented through the Athletic Department. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Applications for the Student Body Refinancing Committee are due September 16th. Ideas for the use of the $700,000 are due September 20th. Gene Cross resigned as the Vice President for University Facilities to take a position at Columbia University in New York City. Mark went over the issuing of the Coliseum bond and the subsequent delay. Mark stated that all bonds have been refinanced. This came about from new IRS laws. From some overheads, Mark went over the original plans of the Coliseum debt, the outstanding student debt (Union Annex I & II, Stadium, Rec Center) and the refunding steps so as to arrive at the $700,000. Under the refinancing all bonds will be retired in the Fall of 1996 and will have the students $9.6 million. Sally Routson - There has been a modification in the Leadership Workshop scheduled for September 21st due to the KSU vs. TCU football game being televised at 11:40. The workshop will be altered and will be over at 11:00 rather than 11:55. Therefore, come to the workshop and wear your purple so you can go directly to the game. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - will meet Monday at 5:30 at University Pizza hut. COMMUNICATIONS - will meet Tuesday at 6:00 in the office. An SGA Picnic is tentatively scheduled for September 22nd at Tuttle. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - will meet Tuesday at 6:30 in the office. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-30 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steve Brown stated that we are very lucky to have Mr. Travis and Dr. Sutton at K-State. He challenged everyone to join the Friends of the Library as he has done. Every Wednesday at 7:00 on KSDB he participates in a “Fireside Chat” with Lee White. The Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents is looking into teacher evaluations. A.S.K. - Campus Director Kevin Elmore (who replaced Brett Lambert) informed the body that the State A.S.K. Office has moved from Washburn into the Capitol Tower. Chris Graves is the State Executive Director replacing Mark Tallman and John Allen is the Legislative Director. Teacher evaluations are a big concern of A.S.K. this year. Looking into restructuring the A.S.K. structure. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/15 - UAB Chair Mark Jones read the resolution and answered one question. Dan was not present. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 85/86/14 - Commendation to Alf Landon Mike Riley went over the resolution and answered questions. Kerry Jones moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Jeff Vander Laan called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/10 - Constitutional Revision: Business Administration College Council Sally Traeger went over the bill, and questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mark Jones asked individuals to get class scheduled in immediately. He also announced that SGS needs a work-study secretary desperately. Chris Steineger stated that the Lafene Student health Advisory Committee met today. We could possibly be paying $90 by 1992 rather than $55 as we do now for the services at Lafene. Virgil Wiebe announced that this is the 40th anniversary of the United Nations. Will have activities in October on campus. Sandi Schmidt announced that she is the Student Fund-Raising Coordinator for the United Way. Sally Traeger announced that she will be the Campus Coordinator for a M.S. fundraiser in February. The campus that raises the most money will have a free concert (very possibly Bruce Springsteen) Dr. Nolting welcomed everyone back. Cath Sayler stated that she is not in Vet. School this semester due to her health and grades. Mark Jones announced the resignation of Andy Martin, the Personnel Selections Standing Committee Chairman, due to health reasons. He also announced that the Activities Carnival is Sunday from 5:00 to 8:00 in the Union. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-31 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:40 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Avery & B. Johnson were late. Bromich was excused late. Crabtree, Eickmann & Jones were absent. Lindgren was excused. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 MINUTES `Approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD John Moore, KSU Controller, explained further the refinancing of the student debt and the funding of the coliseum. Questions were asked. Steve Scott, a graduate student in Architectural Engineering, spoke regarding the remodeling of Ahearn Fieldhouse rather than building a new coliseum. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Submit your ideas on the coliseum to him or Steve. The Athletic Department is asking for a $2 donation for a chance to win a 1986 Ford Thunderbird. This money will go toward non-revenue producing sports. The drawing will take place at half-time of the KSU vs. Iowa State football game on November 16th. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - will meet Monday at 8:00 in the office. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - will meet Tuesday at 6:30 in the office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - will meet Thursday before senate outside the Big 8 Room. SENATE OPERATIONS - will meet Tuesday at 6:00 in the office. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - will meet Tuesday at 6:00 in the office. The SGA Picnic will be at shelter house 2 on September 22nd. A new SGA brochure has been printed. PERSONNEL SELECTIONS COMMITTEE - will be selecting a work-study position for the Women’s Resource Center. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS Kevin Elmore - Doug Chamblin has been named chair of the State Board of Directors due to the resignation of Jeff Polack. Chair of the State Legislature Assembly is Brett Lambert. Vice Chair of the State Legislative Assembly is Kevin Eickmann. The next Legislative Assembly will be held at Wichita State on September 27 & 28. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/11 - Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Committee. Mark Jones went over the bill and answered questions. M-32 Mark amended Section 2 of the bill by adding “and the Personnel Selection Committee Chair at the end. Senate Resolution 85/86/16 - Statement of Support for the 1985 United Way Campaign Sandi Schmidt explained the resolution and answered questions. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/10 - Constitutional Revision: Business Administration College Council Fred Neuman, Business Council Vice President, explained the bill and answered questions. There was no debate. Mike Riley called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Virgil Wiebe announced that SEA is sponsoring a forum on the $700,000 Wednesday, Sept. 18th, at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 213 of the K-State Union. Daniel Grubb read the resolution he wanted submitted condemning Gene Cross. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-33 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 19, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Cashman was excused. Jones was excused late. Fischer, Rock, Stuart & Williams were absent. Heid, S. Johnson was excused late, and Rowland was late. Dwayne Smith, a member of the Communications Committee, asked everyone to come to the SGA Picnic on Sunday at shelter house 2 at Tuttle Creek at 3:00. OPEN PERIOD Sally Traeger, Chairperson of the KSU Chapter of Students Against Multiple Sclerosis, made a presentation to Student Senate. She introduced Carlos Corredor, the Vice Chairperson of SAMS. Applications for the Board of Directors are available in the SGS Office and are due September 30th at 5:00. Steve Milligan explained another option for the $700,000 is to return it to the coliseum. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones announced that delegates are still needed for the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly to be held September 27 & 28 at Wichita State University. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Met Tuesday and are working on 3 pieces of legislation. Will meet October 6th at 12:30 at Sally’s house. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Kelly Welch - Will meet next Thursday at 6:00 outside the Big 8 Room. SENATE AIDS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 10:30 to start on the newsletter. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - The United Way Kick-Off is Monday. The committee will meet Tuesday at 6:30 at Charlies. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/17, SGA Work-Study Secretary Mike Riley went over the resolution. Lori Ann was not present. There were no questions and no debate. Kelly Welch called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 85/86/16, Statement of Support for the 1985 United Way Campaign Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Daniel Grubb moved to amend Section 1 by adding at the end “, except for those programs promoting religious viewpoints”. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Steven Johnson called the question on Daniel’s amendment. Failed. Justin Sanders called the question on the resolution. M-34 Senate Bill 85/86/11 - Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee Mark Jones friendly amended the bill by adding the following to Section 3. A. It shall be the responsibility of this ad hoc committee to review all ideas and present its priorities to Student Senate for consideration. Debate was entered into. Virgil Wiebe moved to amend Section 1, Part B by deleting “chair” and inserting “an ex-officio member”, and by adding a Part D to Section 1 to read: “At their first meeting, the committee shall select a chair from among their membership.” Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Virgil’s amendments, Passed. Marita Peak moved to amend Section 3 by deleting “use” and inserting “the disposition”. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Mark Mathewson called the question on Marita’s amendment. Failed. Virgil Wiebe called the question on the bill, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Virgil Wiebe stated that he was disappointed that only two senators, other than SEA members, showed up at the $700,000 forum last evening. Lisa Fisher announced that Justin Hall’s 25th Anniversary is September 28th. Susan Baird announced that the Journalism Department is celebrating their 75th Anniversary this year. It is the 2nd oldest in the country. Bruce Ney announced the Milton Eisenhower Memorial Lecture on Thursday at 1:30 in the K-State Union Forum Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-35 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 26, 1985 7:00 PM - 9:25 PM Chairman -Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Baird, Riley & Steineger were excused late. Crutchfield, Fischer, Pugh & Schmidt were excused. Artan & Tsen were absent. Jones & Stuart were late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of September 19, 1985 were approved was distributed. OPEN PERIOD Jim Ish conducted a survey among the senators and other leaders. Joe Knopp, State Representative of the 67th District, spoke to the body. Jill Hummels, one of the graduate students on the KSU Presidential Search Committee, spoke on the resolution before the senate this evening regarding the search committee. Nathan Zook spoke on the KSU Presidential Search committee resolution, also. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones tried to clear up some misunderstanding regarding changes in the coliseum project. Received a call from Oklahoma State’s SGA. They have invited some people from our student government to come to the November 9th football game (free tickets to game & room). The intent is to get together and share ideas. As a point of interest, Mark totaled the requests for the $700,000 and they came to $3 million + 2 projects with no costs listed. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - stated that those who missed the SGA picnic missed a good time. Next meeting will be Tuesday at 6:00 in the office. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet at 8:00 on Monday in the office. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steve Brown - He needs a student to serve on a smoking policy study group. The Academic Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate needs a student to serve on an academic dishonesty committee. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU - Kevin Elmore - This weekend is the Legislative Assembly at Wichita State. K-State still needs 3 more delegates to attend. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/18, FONE Crisis Center Coordinator & Assistant Coordinator Mark Jones read the resolution, and Mike Riley answered questions. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. M-36 Senate Resolution 85/86/20 - A.S.K. Legislative Assembly Delegates Mark Jones read the resolution, and Kevin Elmore answered questions. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/12 - Closing of 1984-85 Accounts Mark Galyardt read the bill and answered questions. ICC will spend their money on honorariums. U-LearN will use their money for printing phone stickers. Grad. Council will use their money for Business Administration Grad. Club and their per diem account. Arts & Sciences College Council will spent their money for printing of posters for a new lecture series and to the Advertising Club for transportation. SGA will spend their money on a file cabinet and IBM print wheels. Shuttle Service will put their money into their self-supporting fund to keep the service going. Senate Bill 85/86/13 - SGA By-Laws Revision: Replacement of Student Senators Bob Avery explained the bill and answered questions. Senate Resolution 85/86/19, KSU Presidential Search Committee Representation Steve Brown read the resolution. Mark Jones & Steve explained the bill and answered questions. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Mark Jones stated that a lot of people are leaving early. When you leave early it is an “unexcused late”. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-37 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 3, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:40 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Artan & Pugh were late. Baird, Grubb, Hale & Ligon were excused. Bromich & Stuart were excused late. Avery, Hagen, Lindgren & Mathewson were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The September 26, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD G. V. Salts, a 5th year senior in Architecture, spoke on the coliseum issue. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - The Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet will be October 10th at 5:15 p.m. in the K-State Union Flint Hills Room. The cost is $5.95, and checks are to be made payable to the K-State Union. Payment is due by October 7th (Monday). He introduced Bob Larson, the new Vet. Med. Senator replacing Cath Sayler. The Student Bond Refinancing Committee will meet at 3:30 on Monday in the SGS Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman announced the committee will not meet next week. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt announced there will be a table in the Union on October 8th from 10 AM. - 3P.M. for the United Way. COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining announced the committee will not meet next week. She encouraged all senators to attend their respective college council meetings. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt announced the committee will meet at 8:00 next Monday evening in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Doug Chamblin stated that the annual report and tentative platform is completed. Both were handed out. The platform will be finalized in November. He went over the tentative platform. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/21, Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee Members Mark read the resolution and answered questions. There was no debate. Mike Riley called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/12 - Closing of 1984-85 Accounts There were no questions and no debate. M-38 Lori Rock called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/13 - SGA By-Laws Revision: Replacement of Student Senators There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Sandi Schmidt called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/19, KSU Presidential Search Committee Representation. Mark Jones explained what Faculty Senate did at their meeting this week. Mark also made a friendly amendment by changing “implore” to “request that” and by adding “add 3 students and 3 faculty members” in Section 1. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Virgil Wiebe moved to add 2 WHEREAS clauses to read: WHEREAS representation entails more than numerical equality, and WHEREAS the alumni currently serving on the committee do not adequately represent alumni geographically and by college interests, and by adding a Section 2 to read: This imbalance should be corrected by either removing from the committee 3 alumni, including those not proposed by the KSU Alumni Association, or by adding 3 faculty and 3 students to the committee. And by changing Section 1 back to the original wording, with no friendly amendments. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Brett Bromich friendly amended the amendment by removing the 2 WHEREAS clauses. Virgil Wiebe called the question on his amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill, as amended. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READING Senate Bill 85/86/14 - Presentation of New Coliseum Proposal. David Dakin read the bill and answered questions. Bob Stuart moved the bill special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Bob Stuart called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Kent Williams announced that Lawrence Tsen has been admitted to the K.U. Medical School. Mike Riley announced that Dan Fischer is the father of a baby girl born Sunday evening. Mark Jones announced The Chester E. Peters Lectures in Student Development will present Harold L. Hodgkinson, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, D.C., on October 16th (Wednesday) at 10:30 in the KState Union Forum Hall. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-39 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 17, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM Vice Chairperson Krista Lindgren called the meeting to order with 29 senators present. Artan, Eickmann, Fisher, Griffin, Tsen, Turner & Yeary were late. Baird, S. Johnson, Jones & Wiebe were excused. Cashman, Muller, Riley & Shellenberger were excused. Crabtree, Lange, Mathewson & Shields were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 3, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD David Dakin introduced Robert Jackson, past KSU Director of Planning and presently a faculty member from the College of Architecture & Design, who spoke to planning a facility like the coliseum, a project like the downtown mall, a large office building downtown, etc., with his main emphasis on the coliseum. Krista introduced Brian Knowles, national board representative and regional campus manager for Students Against Multiple Sclerosis. Before joining SAMS in June, he graduated from Fordham University in New York in May of 1985. Brian will be the guest speaker at the SAMS Leadership Conference to be held tomorrow from 4:00-6:00 in the Big 8 Room. Lee White announced that Chronicle Broadcasting, parent company of KAKE in Wichita, donated a 450' tower and the land it stands on south of Manhattan to KSDB. Keith Mehner from the College of Architecture & Design spoke to the actions of Student Senate and about planning of the coliseum. Mark Fasse (532-6350), an instructor in Computer Science, spoke to the coliseum planning and proceedings at Board of Regents meetings in which the KSU Coliseum was discussed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Krista - Senate R.P. pictures will be taken October 24th at 8:30 p.m. in Calvin. 8xlO color reprints are available for $6.25. Senate Exec will have their picture taken at 8:45 p.m. Daniel Grubb has resigned as a Graduate Senator. Need a replacement for Daniel Grubb on the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee. Mark Jones is in St. Louis at Pat Bosco’s leadership conference. Tona Turner - A box will be set up in the SGS Office for coliseum information. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - Will meet Sunday at 7:00 in the SGS Office. COMMUNICATIONS - Lawrence Tsen - The committee is working on a slide show. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore - The October Board meeting will be in Topeka this weekend. Salaried personnel will be reviewed and the M-40 November Legislative Assembly will be scheduled. Doug, Sandi, Anthony and Kevin will attend. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/16, Students Against Multiple Sclerosis Special Allocation Mark Galyardt went over the bill. Questions were asked of Mark and Sally Traeger, the KSU SAMS Chairperson. Senate Bill 85/86/17, Public Relations Student Society of America Special Allocation Mark Galyardt went over the bill. Questions were asked of Mark and Dr. Oukrup, the faculty advisor of PRSSA. Senate Bill 85/86/18, Engineering Council Special Allocation Mark Galyardt went over the bill and answered questions. Senate Bill 85/86/15, 1985-86 Final Allocations Mark Galyardt stated that Finance Committee received 2 appeals to the Tentative Allocations Bill. They were from the FONE and SGA. The FONE requested $100 more, with $75 in Printing and $25 in Office Supplies. This would increase their allocation from $10,493.85 to $10,593.85. The Student Governing Association is requesting a $120 decrease. There would be a $220 decrease in Jenny’s salary and a $100 increase in Dues, Memberships and Subscriptions to cover $100 in dues to the Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents. This would decrease their allocation from $31,888.50 to $31,768.50. With these amendments, which are recommended by Finance Committee, the Final Allocation Bill totals $795,947.23. We have $789,833.00 to allocate. This is a difference of $6,114.23, which Finance Committee is recommending be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. As a reminder, in the Closing of Accounts bill we returned $12,013.47 to Reserves for Contingencies. Sally Routson noted that Parachute Club has started to pay back their loan with a $559+ check, which goes into Reserves for Contingencies. Senate Bill 85/86/19, Amendment to Senate Bill 85/86/11, Establishment of the Student Bond Refinancing Committee Chris Steineger went over the bill and answered questions. Mark Jones is chairman of the committee and Jeff Vander Laan is the vice-chairman. Bruce Ney moved the bill special orders. Passed. There were further questions, but no debate. Bob Stuart called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Krista Lindgren announced that applications to replace Daniel Grubb on the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee are due at 5:00 tomorrow in the SGS Office. David Dakin stated that he has a large file on the coliseum issue and that he is on the Library Committee. If you have any concerns let him know. M-41 Steve Cashman announced that Academic Affairs Committee will meet next Thursday at 6:00 outside the Big 8 Room. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-42 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 24, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Bromich was excused. Fields, Lange & Steineger were late. Avery. & Pugh were absent. Hagen, S. Johnson, Mathewson & Schmidt were excused late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the October 17, 1985 meeting were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Mark Jones stated that open period’s for non-senators to speak and express viewpoints. Senators & non-senators may ask questions only to clear up points, but there is to be no debate. Senate can set a time limit during open period. Keith Mehner spoke to the coliseum issue and what the organization, Castle Crusade, is all about. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Senate Executive will meet Tuesday at 7:30. “SGA TODAY”, the newly published SGA newsletter, is now out. Need one student to serve on a search committee for a UFM director. The deadline has been extended to Monday at 5:00 for Elections Committee members. Need a senator to replace Daniel Grubb on the Committee on Religion. Mark went over the attendance .policy. An unexcused absence does not get a proxy Mark received and read response letters to Senate Bill 85/86/14 from Bill Livingston, Dr. George Miller and Vince Cool. At Administrative Council yesterday Mark expressed concern that they were not informing the entire student body on the coliseum project like they should be. President Acker, Dr. Miller, Mr. Cool, and Larry Garvin, the new University Planner, will be at Senate next week to try to clear up some points and give additional information. Mark, as chairman of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee, gave a progress report. Informal guidelines were finalized Monday and research on the proposals submitted has begun. Dan Fischer replaced Daniel Grubb on the committee. Cath Sayler has been appointed as the new Graduate Senator replacing Daniel Grubb. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Will meet at 6:00 on November 7th outside the Big 8 Room before Senate. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Will meet November 5th at 6:30 in the SGS Office. COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - Will meet Tuesday at 6:00 in the SGS Office. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in the SGS Office. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 85/86/22 - Expression of Appreciation to Chronicle Broadcasting, Inc. Mark Jones read the resolution, and Chris Steineger explained the resolution. Questions were asked. M-43 OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/17, Public Relations Student Society of America Special Allocation Mark Galyardt friendly amended the total from $520 to $462.66, by reducing travel from $436 for air fare to $378.66 for state car travel. There were no questions and no debate. Kelly Welch called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/18, Engineering Council Special Allocation Questions were asked of Mark Galyardt, but there was no debate. Kelly Jones called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/15, 1985-86, Final Allocations There were no questions and no debate. Bruce Ney called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/16, Students Against Multiple Sclerosis Special Allocation Mark Galyardt friendly amended the total from $294.80 to$324.80, by increasing the Rent of 2 VCR’s-$20 to Rent of 2 VCR’s and 2 TV’s- $50. Questions were asked of Sally Traeger and Mark Galyardt. November is education month for SAMS. There are 121 chapters across the U.S., with one in Topeka and one in Wichita. Debate was entered into. Marita Peak moved to decrease Advertising from $82.50 to $0. Kerry Jones objected the consideration of Marita’s amendment. Passed. Mike Riley moved the question. David Dakin asked that it be noted in these minutes that he voted against the bill. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Debbie Fields announced that Student Senate will have a table for Parents Day. Virgil Wiebe announced that today is the 40th anniversary of the United Nations. A Model Security Council Simulation will be held Saturday in Kedzie Hall. Sally Routson announced that a student is needed to take pictures of a house in Manhattan for a mortgage company out of Kansas City. Steve Brown challenged all Student Senators to run in the SAMS 10K Run, because if he can, anyone can. The Board of Regents approved funding for a new roof on the library. He belongs to Friends of the Library, and challenged everyone else to join. Need student input to the Presidential Search Committee. Approach anyone on the committee with input. Krista Lindgren announced the 3 winners of the drawing for the OSU football tickets: Chris Steineger, Becky Yeary and Eric Ireland. There will be sign-up sheet in the office for anyone else interested in going on their own. Chris Steineger would like input on the renovation of Ahearn vs. a new coliseum. Copies of the Ahearn renovation study is available in the Planning Office in Dykstra. Debbie Fields announced that Mark Galyardt’s parents were voted 1985 Honorary Parents for Chimes. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-44 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 31, 1985 7:00 PM - 11:10 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 42 Senators present. Turner & Wiebe were excused. Artan, Avery & Mathewson were excused late. Crabtree & Lindgren were absent. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 24, 1985 MINUTES Justin Sanders corrected a typographical error on page 4. OPEN PERIOD Mark Jones introduced the following individuals: Duane Acker, KSU President, George Miller, Vice President for Administration & Finance, Larry Garvin, University Planner & University Architect, Vince Cool, Associate Director of Planning, Fred Bramlage, Alumnus & Largest Contributor to the Coliseum, Jim Shepard, Facilities Architect, William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services, Earl Nolting, Dean of Students, Tom Carlin, KSU Foundation, Charles Reagan, Faculty Senate President, Robert Tout, Director of Lafene Student Health Center, Walt Smith, Director of the K-State Union, Robert Snell, Civil Engineering Professor. Also present later in the meeting were Cy Wainscott of University Relations and Larry Weigel of the Alumni Association. The body voted on certain rules to cover the open period President Acker spoke to the library, academic advising, retention & student success, missions & goals, and the coliseum. Dr. Miller is chairman of the Coliseum Program Committee. He introduced the other members present. Members of the committee are: Larry Travis, Athletic Director; Art Loub, KSU Foundation Executive Director; Steve Brown, Student Body President; Charles Reagan, Faculty Senate President; Walt Smith, K-State Union Director; Fred Bramlage, Alumnus; Gill Johnson, Alumnus; Helen Cooper, KSU Space Analyst; Jim Shepard, KSU Facilities Architect; Vince Cool, KSU Facilities Architect; Bob Snell, Faculty Athletic Representative & Civil Engineering Professor. Dr. Miller went over the Coliseum Program Background Papers. He emphasized the concept of a multi-purpose, high-quality coliseum to accommodate intercollegiate basketball and other, non-athletic, programs and performances. All general use (as opposed to intercollegiate athletic) design objectives have been retained. Basketball coaching offices and sports press facilities have been retained. Facilities for all other athletic administrative offices and VIP lounge will be designed as add alternates to the base bid. Multiple use of facilities (room that can serve both as basketball officials’ and theatrical or program stars’ dressing rooms) remains incorporated. The number of backed spectator seats has not been changed, while the number of bench-type spectator seats has been reduced. M-45 Retractable seating. areas have been reduced, thus reducing the square footage available on the main floor. The changes incorporated in the revised program document reduce the programmed net square footage from 175,620 to 145,881. Programmed net square footage excludes public restrooms, circulation, structural, mechanical equipment and custodial spaces. The design process currently in progress will verify whether or not a quality design encompassing the proposed features can be achieved within the budget. With the project architect’s successful resolution of these matters, the university community will have ample opportunity to evaluate the responsiveness of the design. No decision to bid or complete the project will be considered prior to that development. Comparison of Space Requirements (net square feet) 8/85, as bid 9/85 program Total spectator/performance areas 153,632 124,413 Athletic Administration offices 3,509* 3,366 Support area 18,479 18,102 Total Programmed Space 175,620 145,881 Total Seating 16,000 13,500** * There were 5,388 sq. ft. of office and 1,907 sq. ft. of lounge space “shelled-in”, in, the base bid. This space is to be considered as an add alternate in the upcoming bidding. ** Includes 500 seats on the arena floor. Calendar of Events Mid-1970’s - Strong interest was expressed by KSU students, alumni & friends in the construction of a multi-purpose coliseum. 1970 - Student referendum urged a coliseum project. 1979 - A funding feasibility study was conducted. A university-appointed committee studied the need and feasibility of such a facility 1982 - Fund-raising began. A student referendum again urged a coliseum project. A second feasibility study was conducted. 1983 A comprehensive “program” document was completed. 1984 - The budget portion of the program was revised in March. 1985 - Fund-raising was completed. Construction bids were opened on August 20. All bids were rejected because the lowest bid was substantially higher than the funds raised and approved. A revised program document was, approved by the Board of Regents on September 16 to permit construction of the building, with fewer seats and less square footage, but with the same quality and use features as earlier planned within the approved funding. The project architect is now working with the revised program document. Schematic drawings are expected by the end of November. The entire process of translating the program document into working plans and specifications ready the re-bidding process is expected to take four-six months. Included early in that process is the architect’s response to the program document stating what refinements, if any, he feels must be made in the program document to permit construction of the building within the budget. Coliseum Project Checkpoints M-46 * Approval of program and funding plan by Board of Regents (9/16/85). * (HERE AT THE PRESENT TIME) Project architect’s response to the program document (preliminary design). * Review and comment by university community. * Program Committee’s recommendation to the President. * Project architect’s construction documents. * Program Committee’s recommendation to the President. * President’s recommendation to the Board of Regents. * Concurrence by the Board of Regents and the Kansas Department of Administration. * Advertisement for and opening of project bids. * President’s recommendation on low bid. * Approval/Disapproval by Board of Regents and Department of Administration. Multi-Purpose Design Features Unchanged From Original Program. 1. Rigging for stage backdrop above portable stage location. Portable stage platform will be furnished by KSU. Backdrop curtains will be bid by add alternate with high priority. 2. Theatrical lighting provisions for future lighting above portable stage platform location via light bars with adequate power. 3. Follow spot lights. 4. Stage Manager’s Office. 5. Press Hospitality Room/Performer’s Greenroom. 6. Official/Performer’s dressing rooms. 7. Superior sound system/acoustics. 8. Extra wide service tunnel to arena floor. 9. Removable/portable wooden game floor for basketball over reinforced concrete floor to accommodate other special events and heavy loads. 10. Removable/portable press facilities to clear arena floor for special events. 11. Air conditioning. 12. Light and sound control booth. 13. Alternate to expand arena floor from 12,000 to 15,000 sq. ft. via alcove with telescoping bleachers. 14. Central Ticket Office (intended use for all KSU ticketed functions) 15. Arena Manager’s Office. 16. Structure enclosing sub-concourse area shall be stressed to accommodate future construction completing Athletic Office area and Alum/VIP Lounge. 17. Roof structure designed to support 40,000 lbs. extra misc. weight above arena floor, south end, and 10,000 lbs. at center location. Center scoreboard designed to be removed and rolled away via built- in wheels to afford another 20,000 lbs. at center arena floor location. 18. Multi-purpose dressing/locker rooms. Copies of the Program for the Coliseum may be reviewed in Farrell Library, the College of Architecture & Design Library, Facilities Planning Office, the student government office, and the Board of Regents Office in Topeka. Dr. Miller also went over the budget for the proposed coliseum Expenses Survey/Soil $ 15,000 Contingency 731,500 M-47 Landscape Architect Printing Construction Cost 144,500 740,000 14,000 14,500,000 $16,145,000 Fund Sources Student Fee Monies Gifts $ 7,000,000 9,145,000 $16,145,000 Dr. Miller also spoke to the $700,000 Student Senate has to allocate from the refinancing of present student bonds. Mr. Garvin spoke to the studies and the planning process. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/20, Proper Planning of the Proposed Coliseum Martin Monto and Lawrence Tsen went over the bill. Questions were asked of those administrators present, Lawrence and Martin. Utilities could run as high as $400,000 a year. Marketing of non-athletic events is very important. 45% of the Foundation pledges have been collected and are in hand. Justin Sanders moved to delay questions on the bill until next week, with it being the first item on the agenda. There were questions and debate. David Dakin called the question on Justin’s motion. Passed. OLD BUSINESS Senate Resolution 85/86/22, Expression of Appreciation to Chronicle Broadcasting, Inc. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Becky Yeary called the question. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Will meet Thursday at 6:00 in front of the Big 8 Room. PERSONNEL SELECTIONS - Mike Riley - Need someone to serve on the UFM Director’s Search Committee. Contact Sally Routson. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Will meet Tuesday at 6:30. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Wednesday at 3:30. Senate Aides will meet Monday at 10:30 a.m. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will not meet Monday. COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - Will meet Nov. 12 at 6:00 at Kites. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore - Legislative Orientation Day will be held November 12 in Topeka. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! INFORMAL DISCUSSION General! The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-48 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 7, 1985 7:00 PM - 12:30 AM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 43 senators present. Bromich was excused late. Rowland and Welch were late. Eickmann, Hale and Lange were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 31, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD A number of students spoke to the planning of the coliseum. A representative of the KSU Army ROTC announced that wreaths will be placed at memorials on the campus next Monday honoring those KSU students who lost their lives in wars, and, memorial services will be held. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/20, Proper Planning of the Proposed Coliseum Brett Bromich moved to postpone the bill. Failed: 18/31 Cath Sayler requested a roll call vote. Yes: Bromich, Cashman, Crabtree, Eickmann, Heid, B. Johnson, Ligon, Lindgren, Mathewson, Ney, Pugh, Riley, Rowland, Schmidt, Shields, Tretter, Welch, Yeary, No: Artan, Avery, Baird, Crutchfield, Dakin, Fields, Fischer, Fisher, Griffin, Hagen, Hale, Ireland, S. Johnson, Jones, Larson, Lange, Monto, Muller, Peak, Peine, Rock, Sanders, Sayler, Shellenberger, Steineger, Stuart, Tsen, Turner, Vander Laan, Wiebe, Williams. Those administrators present were: Dr. George Miller, Vince Cool, Larry Travis, Larry Garvin, Fred Bramlage, Jim Shepard, Dr. William Sutton, Dr. Pat Bosco, Tom Carlin, Les Longberg, Helen Cooper. Dr. Miller spoke to the bill. Mr. Garvin went over the Cost Escalation Projections Table and the Planning Studies Time/Cost Estimates done November 7, 1985. Questions continued on the bill. Justin Sanders moved at 10:30 that we move into debate at 11:00. Passed. Questions continued. Debate was entered into. Kerry Jones moved to limit debate to 2-3 minute speeches per senator. Passed. Jeff Vander Laan moved to table the bill until next week. Failed. Debate continued Jeff again moved to table the bill until next week. Passed. Kerry Jones moved to recess until next week. Failed. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 85/86/23, Prioritization of A.S.K. Platform Kevin Elmore and Sandi Schmidt went over the bill and answered questions. Senate Bill 85/86/21, Approval of Revised A.S.K. Constitution M-49 Kevin Elmore went over the bill and answered questions. Lori Rock moved that we commend the Air Force and Army ROTCs’ joint commeration of Veterans Day, with the Student Senate Chair sending a letter to the effect. Passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS General. Mark Jones announced that the Academic Assistance Center is looking for undergraduates to serve as group leaders in the Learning Skills Seminar and to lead a study group in social science or mathematics during the Fall Semester of 1986 at a salary of $750 for the semester. Students selected must successfully complete a training class (3 hrs. of academic credit) which will be offered by Dr. Cliff Schuette during Spring 1986 on Tuesday and Thursday 1:05-2:20. Specific duties of the position include leading a section of the Learning Skills Seminar which introduces first semester freshmen to the academic skills and techniques necessary to achieve academic success at K-State, leading a study session which meets twice a week in a General Psychology, Introduction to Sociology, or Mathematics class, attending the class which corresponds to the study session, and attending and participating in weekly staff meetings. They are looking for applicants who feel confident in their ability to be a “student role-model”, are committed to the concept of academic success for all students, desire to perform in the role of a helping person, are sensitive to the needs of others, and have a solid grade point average. If you are interested, contact the Academic Assistance Center in 204 Holton Hall or call 532-6492 for an initial interview. Approximately 30 students will be selected and trained for the positions. Sandi Schmidt announced that the State & Community Affairs Committee will meet Tuesday at 7:00. Kevin Elmore announced that the A.S.K. Legislative Orientation Day is November 12th. Brett Bromich stated that the Student Affairs Committee will meet Monday at 4:30. Steve Cashman announced that the Academic Affairs Committee will meet at 6:00 next Thursday outside of the Big 8 Room. Debbie Fields announced that the Senate Operations Committee will meet at 3:30 next Thursday. Kerry Jones stated that the Communications Committee will meet at 6:00 next Tuesday and Kites. Steve Ligon announced that Finance Committee will meet at 8:00 Monday. Susan Baird announced that November 21st is the Great American Smoke-Out. Mike Riley stated that Sally Routson will represent SGA on the UFM Directors Search Committee. Rachel Vining announced that George Heid was named Ag. Student of the Month. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-50 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 14, 1985 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 44 senators present. Bromich was excused late. Artan, Riley, Rock & Yeary were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 7, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Special guests were: Duane Acker, Tom Carlin, Pat Bosco, George Miller, Vince Cool, Larry Garvin, Les Longberg and Cy Wainscott. President Acker spoke to the four points he has concerns about regarding the coliseum that the facility be high quality, it be a multi-purpose facility, that we know where the dollars are coming from for construction, utilities and maintenance costs, and that we have high confidence that the project will be bid within budget. He also spoke to other areas of planning the coliseum. Questions were asked of President Acker and other guests. G.V. Salts spoke to the coliseum issue. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones announced that Student Senate and Senate Exec. will have their R.P. pictures taken Tuesday evening at 7:45 in Calvin 102. Mark stated that Bob Larson will be acting as parliamentarian in place of Lori Rock. He read a progress report dated November 12, 1985 from the Facilities Planning Office on the Fred Bramlage Coliseum. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Will meet December 5th at 6:00 outside the Big 8 Room. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Sunday at 9:00 at the Chi Omega House. COMMUNICATIONS - Lawrence Tsen - Will meet Tuesday at 6:00. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet Monday at 8:00. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore - The next Legislative Assembly will be held November 23 in Emporia. Please attend if you can. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/20, Proper Planning of the Proposed Coliseum Brett Bromich announced that the Student Affairs Standing Committee does not recommend this bill (by a vote of 5-2). Debate continued on the bill as friendly amended in the following manner: Brett Bromich - Add at the end of Step 2 (to determine the need for and size of the coliseum) M-51 Brett. Bromich - Add at the end of Step 3 (pro forum study). Martin Monto & Lawrence Tsen - Add a new Section 5 and downnote present Section 5 to 6: A committee consisting of two (2) Student Senators, two (2) administrators, two (2) alumni., and one (1) representative from the Athletic Department will oversee the selection of contracting firms and distribution of results to those listed in Section 6 as well as Student Senate and other interested parties. David Dakin - Add after “steps” in the last line (acceptable to this Student Senate) Martin Monto moved to remove the limit of 2 3-minute speeches. Failed. Virgil Wiebe moved to add “approved or” before “conducted” in Section 4. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kerry Jones called the question on Virgil’s amendment. Failed. Brett Bromich called the question on the bill, as friendly amended. A roll call vote was requested. YES - Artan, Baird, Crutchfield, Dakin, Fischer, Hagen, Jones, Lange, Monto, Peak, Rock, Sayler, Shellenberger, Steineger, Stuart, Tsen, Turner, Wiebe, Williams NO: Avery, Bromich, Cashman, Crabtree, Eickmann, Fields, Fisher, Griffin, Hale, Heid, Ireland, B. Johnson, S. Johnson, Larson, Ligon, Lindgren, Mathewson, Muller, Ney, Peine, Pugh, Riley, Rowland, Sanders, Schmidt, Shields, Tretter, Vander Laan, Welch, Yeary. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/21, Approval of Revised Associated Students of Kansas Constitution There were no questions and no debate. Monte Griffin called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/23, Prioritization of Associated Students of Kansas Platform Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Virgil Wiebe moved to amend by adding a Section 2 to read: Section 2. Student Senate set institutional priorities to be presented at the Associated Students of Kansas Legislative Assembly as follows: 1. Fred Bramlage Coliseum operating expenses. 2. Handicapped accessibility on the KSU campus. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Kerry Jones called the question. Passed. Steve Cashman called the question on the bill, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Cath Sayler asked that the Personnel Selections Committee members be thinking about how the senators would be selected if Senate Bill 85/86/22 is passed. Jerry Connet stated that this weekend is Parents Day. The glee club will perform Friday night. Steve Cashman announced that Mark Galyardt’s parents were named 1985 Honorary Parents by Chimes. Brett Bromich stated that because Senate Bill 85/86/20 failed the Student Affairs Committee will not meet Monday at 4:30. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-52 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 21, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:20 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Baird was excused late. B. Johnson, Tsen & Yeary were excused. Lindgren, Rowland & Wiebe were absent. Welch was late. There were no OPEN PERIOD speakers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 14, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - The K-State Union will have extended hours beginning Monday, December 9th, and ending Thursday, December 19th. The general building will be open until midnight, and the State Room until 11:30. He read a letter from Dr. Miller on the administration being at Student Senate when the coliseum issue was discussed. The artist for the Nichols Hall mural wishes another extension. The Nichols Hall Art Committee will meet Monday to decide on this matter. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Will meet at 6:00 in front of the Big 8 Room on Thursday, December 5. COMMUNICATIONS - Will meet December 3 at 6:00 in the office and December 10 at 6:00 at Aggie Station. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/22 - Enhanced Student Input on the Fred Bramlage Coliseum Program Planning Committee. Questions were asked. Steve Cashman moved the bill special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to add a part “c” to Section 2 to read: The foremost criteria the Personnel Selections Committee will consider when choosing the three (3) student members is their high level of knowledge and research on the coliseum issue. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kerry Jones moved to amend Cathy’s amendment by replacing “their high level of knowledge and research on the coliseum issue” with “a reasonable amount of knowledge of the coliseum programming and planning steps in general”. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Justin Sanders called the question on Kerry’s amendment to the amendment. Failed. Jim Crutchfield called the question on Cath’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill. Cath moved to add a Part “d” to Section 2 to read: At least one of these three (3) students shall have a working knowledge of architecture, mechanical and engineering systems. M-53 Bob Stuart objected to consideration. Failed. David Dakin explained the amendment on behalf of Cath. Questions were asked and debate was entered into. Brett Bromich called the question on Cathy’s amendment. Failed. Steve Cashman called the question on the bill as amended. Senate Bill 85/86/23, Phi Alpha Theta (history honor society) Special Allocation Steve Ligon explain the bill, and questions were asked. Senate Bill 85/86/24, American Institute of Architecture Students Special Allocation Steve Ligon explained the bill, and questions were asked. Monte Griffin moved the bill special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Brett Bromich called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Steve Cashman announced that Mike Riley has been elected president of his house. This weekend is the M.S. Fun Run. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-54 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM DECEMBER 5, 1985 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 32 senators present. Bromich was excused late. Eickmann & Ney were late. Avery, Dakin, Fischer, S. Johnson, Jones, Peak & Welch were excused. Artan, Crabtree, Griffin, Hagen, Lange, Shields & Yeary were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 24, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - This is the last meeting of the semester. The first meeting next semester will be January 23rd. This senate will have 5 meetings next semester. Because Krista Lindgren, Student Senate Vice Chair, is leaving we will hold election of a vicechair at the first meeting next semester. He read a letter from Dr. George Miller regarding parking at the Rec complex Special parking permits will be issued at the beginning of next Fall semester. Regular parking permits will work for those who have them. He read a letter from President Acker regarding Senate Bill 85/86/22. They are moving forward with it. The Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee will meet January 19 & 20, 1986 with those groups who have been granted hearings. On January 23rd, 5-minute hearings will be held before Student Senate. Appeals are due January 29th, in written amendment form, to the funding bill from those groups who were not granted a hearing. Those appealing will also get a 5-minute hearing before Student Senate. First reading of the funding bill will be February 6th, and it will come up under new business on February 13th. Legislation up next semester will be: by-laws and constitutional revisions and an athletic fee proposal. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger - She went over the by-laws revision sheets. Need feedback. Any other revisions anyone has should be submitted to the committee at the beginning of the semester. LET GET ALL REVISIONS DONE AT ONE TIME. She also went over, changes in the Retreat format. Need feedback on it too. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Steve Cashman - Will meet January 23rd at 6:00 outside the Big 8 Room just before Student Senate. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENT OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore - Had a good turnout at the L.A. Passed the platform also like Student Senate passed it on November 14th. A.S.K. is sponsoring a letter writing campaign. Tuition is going up $25 next year. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Sate Resolution 85/86/24, Social Services Standing Committee Chair Mark Jones introduced Paul Nelson. M-55 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 85/86/25, 1986 SGA Elections Committee Chair and Vice Chair Mark Jones explained the resolution. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Mike Riley called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/26, 1986-87 Coordinator of Finances Mark Jones explained the resolution. Had 3 excellent applicants and it was tough to make a decision. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 85/86/27, Student Appointments to the Program Planning Committee for the Coliseum Mike Riley explained the resolution. Questions were asked, but there was not debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 85/86/28, Special Fee Specification. Cath Sayler explained the resolution. Questions were asked. Steve Cashman stated that Academic Affairs Standing Committee is in favor of the resolution. The bill as moved special orders. Passed. V Debate was entered into. Sandi Schmidt called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/86/23, Phi Alpha Theta (history honor society) Special Allocation There were no questions and no debate. Krista Lindgren, through Sandi Schmidt, called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-56 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 23, 1986 7:00 PM - 9:40 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 42 senators present. Eickmann, Ireland & Lange were absent.. Heid & Ligon were late. Rowland & Welch were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The December 5, 1985 minutes were approved a distributed. OPEN PERIOD Jennifer Kendall spoke for funding of the KSU Child Care Cooperative from the $700,000. She urged senators to come by the Center, located in building “L” of Jardine Terrace, to see the type of care the children receive. The Center’s hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the present time. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - Need 2 students-at-large to serve on the Sports Club Council. Deadline is tomorrow at 5:00. He introduced the 3 new senators: Fred Neumann from Business Administration, Mike Morris from Arts & Sciences, Donna Wohletz from Education. Need a senator to serve on the University Activities Board to replace Sandi Schmidt. They meet every other Wednesday at 3:30. If interested see him or Sally Routson. He read from a letter received from Dr. George Miller. The $700,000 was placed in an interest-bearing Foundation account on December 26, 1985. The “Special Fee” sheet was handed out at registration, per Student Senate Bill 85/86/28. The Coliseum Program Planning Committee met today. The Committee decided on Scheme A which is $500,000 over budget. It will be presented to Student Senate as soon as possible. The proposed Athletic Fee has been placed on hold. Need to look into it further and get student input. The Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee will present their bill next week. Amendments are due by senators, in writing, by 5:00 on January 29th. Will have 5-minute presentations by the 2 groups that were recommended funding and those with appeals on the 30th. Further discussion, debate and a vote will be on February 6th. COMMITTEE REPORTS SOCIAL SERVICES - Paul Nelson - Wants to talk to the committee’s members sometime this week. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Will meet Sunday at 8:00 in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger -Will meet at 7:30 Tuesday in Union 204. The Retreat is scheduled for February 23rd (Sunday) from 1:00-5:00 in the Union Big 8 Room. The cost will be $8.25. COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - Will meet at 6:30 at the DU house on February 4th “SGA Day at K-State” is tentatively set For February 20th. M-57 STUDENTS FOR EDUCATIONAL AWARENESS - Marita Peak - Will meet at 7:00 Monday in Union 203. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore – The platform document has been distributed to all legislators. He is contacting all deans and college councils regarding an open forum on the Governor’s recommended budget. VICE CHAIR ELECTIONS Nominations were taken: Martin Monto by Susan Baird Kerry Jones by Bob Stuart Mike Riley by Lori Shellenberger Becky Yeary moved the nominations cease. Passed. Each nominee gave a short, presentation and were asked questions. Vote was taken by secret ballot. MIKE RILEY is the new STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/29, U-Lear-N Assistant Coordinator Mike Riley went over the resolution. Maggie was present, along with Coordinator Laurie McCauley. Questions were asked, but there was no debate Came to an immediate vote Senate Resolution 85/86/30, SGA Work-Study Secretary Mike Riley went over the resolution. Paul was present. There were no questions or debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 85/86/31, 1986 S.G.A. Elections Committee Sally Traeger went over the resolution. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 85/35/32, Commemoration of the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Virgil Wiebe read some of the writings of Dr. King, and went over the resolution. Questions were asked. Jim Crutchfield moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 85/86/33, Commendation to Virgil Wiebe, Rhodes Scholar Mark Jones went over the resolution. Questions were asked. Lori Rock moved the resolution special orders, Passed, Kerry Jones moved that the bill pass by unanimous consent. Passed. M-58 Senate Bill 85/86/25, SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions Sally Traeger went over the bill and answered questions. The bill was friendly amended several times, and further revisions will be made before next week. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Virgil Wiebe, announced that a Presidential Debate will tentatively be held on February 4th at Putnam Hall. The United Nations Council is going to Nebraska to represent India in a couple of weeks. If anyone is interested in attending, contact Virgil. Bob Larson urged Student Senate to go to the KSU Child Care Cooperative and see what they are doing. Sally Traeger announced that the SAMS kick-off will be held February 4th at 8:00 p.m. at Brothers Tavern. Cath Sayler stated that she will bring up legislation on the “Student Fee Refinancing Bond” special fee category in the campus bulletin. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-59 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 30, 1986 7:00 PM – 12:20 AM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Artan and Monto were excused. Larson and Yeary were late. Eickmann, Fischer and Morris were excused late. Crabtree and Lange were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The January 23, 1986 Minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Bill Livingston, project architect for the coliseum, spoke on Scheme A for the proposed coliseum. He went over the major modifications, with #1 being decreasing the seating capacity from the original 16,000 to 13,500 (13,000 in the permanent bowl and 500 on the floor). The ratio of people to toilets is 128 to 1. The concourse measures 24 feet wide on the sides, 28 feet wide on the corners and 18 feet wide on the ends, which the concession areas on the ends expanding to 20 feet. Questions were asked of Mr. Livingston; Mr. Vince Cool from University Facilities; Dr. George Miller, Chairman of the Coliseum Program Planning Committee and Vice Pres. of Administration & Finance; Mr. Art Loub from .KSU Foundation; and Mr. Larry Travis, Athletic Director. Dr. Miller went over the tentative schedule of events: Early February - Approval by the University July, 14 - Architectural document completed July 21 – Bids out August 26 – Bids received September 19 - To Board of Regents for approval September 26 - Project to begin October 1, 198 - Occupy facility The approximately 3,500 chair-back seats are to be purchased at a cost of $5,000 each. Will probably end up with an estimated $740,000 in donations, including defaults. The cost of landscaping would be $144,000. Three students spoke to the KSU Child Care Cooperative funding from the $700,000. Mike Riley, Student Senate Vice Chairman, took over the chair. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/27, Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee for Use of the $700,000. Mark Jones, as chairman of the Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee, went over the bill. The interest rate on the $700,000 is right around 10%. The groups began making their 5-minute presentations. Questions were asked of each group after their presentation. $346,158 was recommended by the committee for the Holton Hall renovation. M-60 Dr. Earl Nolting, Dean of Students, made the presentation. There will be an open house in Holton Hall on February 3rd & 4th from 4:00-5:00. $18,000 was recommended by the committee for the KSU Police Department to convert their current direct line emergency telephones to a radio call box system. Captain Charles Beckom made the presentation. Virgil moved to have the 5-minute presentation from Debate this evening, and have first readings on Ag. Judging Teams, KSU Child Care Cooperative, Anderson Hall elevator construction and KSDB-FM next week. He further moved that we convene at 6:00 next Thursday. Passed. $100,000 is being requested for Debate as a one-time endowment with the understanding that Debate will not submit a request for Student Senate funding for 1986-87 and future years (or if a request for 1986-87 has ready been submitted will withdraw such request), excluding any special allocations. The money would come from the Foundation account. Coach Ed Schiappa made the presentation. Senate Bill 85/86/26, Consumer Relations Board Special Allocation for Landlord-Tenant Handbook Steve Ligon went over the bill. Tammy Tracy was present to answer questions. They cost $1.50 each to purchase. Virgil Wiebe moved the bill special orders. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 85/86/34, Coliseum Program Planning Committee Student Replacement Mark Jones read the resolution. Questions were asked of Mike Riley, but there was no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 85/68/25, SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions Sally Traeger went over the bill as friendly amended. Questions were asked. The motion was divided by Section 1 and Sections 2 & 3. Questions continued on Section 1, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Section 1. Passed. Questions were asked on Sections 2 & 3, and debate was entered into. Mike Riley called the question on Sections 2 & 3. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Sally Traeger announced that Senate Operations Standing Committee will meet Monday at 6:00. Chris Steineger announced that SAMS Kick-Off Party will be February 4th at 8:00 at Brother’s Tavern. David Dakin stated that we all need to think about why the 7 people died this last Tuesday in the Challenger. Rachel Vining announced that the Communications Standing Committee will meet Tuesday at 6:30 at the Delta Upsilon house. M-61 Virgil Wiebe announced the Presidential Debate at Putnam Hall at 8:00 on Tuesday evening. It will be aired live on KSDB-FM. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-62 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 6, 1986 6:00 PM – 11:40 PM Chairman Mark Jones called meeting to order with 31 senators present. Artan, Crutchfield, B. Johnson, Lange & Yeary were absent. Cashman, Eickmann, S. Johnson, Tretter, Turner & Welch were excused late. Fields, Heid, Larson, Monto & Rowland were late. Ney & Stuart were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the January 30, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD One student spoke For funding of the KSU Child care Cooperative from the $700,000. Mike Riley took over the chair. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/86/27, Student Bond Refinancing Ag hoc Committee Recommendations for Use of the $700,000. Each group made 5-minute presentations, and questions were asked after each presentation. $70,000 is being requested for Ag. Judging Teams. The money would come from the Foundation account. Steve Ligon made the presentation and answered questions. $150,000 is being requested to make Anderson Hall accessible to the handicapped by putting in an elevator. The money would come from the Foundation account. Gretchen Holden, Bruce cook & Jim Burns made the presentation and answered question, as did numerous other students. The elevator is proposed to be added to the exterior on the southwest side of Anderson Hall. The State will not make it accessible because it does not have classrooms. It is estimated to take between $35,000 & $50,000 just to make the first floor accessible. Another possibility was a ramp, but it has been deemed unfeasible because it would have to be 79 feet long. A third possibility was a chair lift, which was also deemed unfeasible because it would be subject to vandalism and weathering. The doors of Anderson Hall would have to be wided and changed. The estimated cost would be $50,000. $86,182 is being requested for the KSU Child Care Cooperative to make their facility in building “L” of Jardine Terrace a fully finished, permanent facility and would allow them to repay two loans (from Housing & Continuing Education at 0% interest rate). Errol Williams, a member of the Board of Directors, made the presentation. Questions were answered by Errol; Jana Messer, chair of the CCC Fund-Raising Committee and a member of the Board of Directors; Nancy Bolsen, CCC Director and member of the Board of Directors; Mary Harris, chair of the Board of Directors; Linda Hafer, CCC Treasurer & chair of the Budget Committee; and LaVerne Lindsey, Asst. Provost for Continuing Educ. & exofficio member of the Board of Directors. M-63 They need $110,873. This amount, less the $86,182 requested, would leave $14,691 to be raised through fund-raisers. Have a total capacity of 90 children (pre-schoolers & toddlers) at the present time. When fully completed, the capacity will be 240 children. On January 21st they got their tax exempt status. 70% of their income goes to salaries, and almost virtually all the remaining 30% goes for food. An infant care program. is badly needed, as is after school care. Have 15 work-study employees. 80% of the CCC members are students. $23,600 is being requested for KSDB-FM to purchase equipment for use with the recently-donated tower gift and for a refurbished 1,000 watt transmitter. The money would come from the Foundation account. Lee Buller, KSDB-FM adviser, made the presentation and answered questions. The $23,000 is broken down as follows: $7,105 for a studio-to-transmitter link system, 600 for 2 STL antennas, $4,155 for a remote control system, $1,650 for a receiver/monitor, and $10,000 for the refurbished 1,000 watt transmitter. The 200-Foot tower gift from KAKE-TV in Wichita has 30 more years of use and is valued at $24,300. The land the tower is on is valued at $15,000. The special line connecting the transmitter at the base of the tower and the antenna at the top of the tower are valued at $4,000. The gift included the small concrete block equipment building and the fence around it. KSDB-FM will be back to Student Senate for its normal allocation request. Senate Bill 85/86/28, Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment Mark Jones went over the bill and answered questions. Virgil Wiebe moved to table the bill indefinitely. Passed: 20-14. Senate Bill 85/86/29, KSU SGA Constitutional Revision: Non-Incidental Fee Increase/Decrease David Dakin went over the bill and answered questions. Brett Bromich stated that the Student Affairs Committee’s recommendation was “no” on the bill. The committee was mostly concerned with the timing of the vote (at the registration & fee payment process) ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones announced that Senate Executive will meet Monday at 6:00 at Kites. Today is Sally Routson’s birthday. Martin Monto got engaged this past weekend. Rachel Vining announced that Communications Committee will meet at 5:00 on February 17th in the SGS Office. Steve Ligon announced that Finance Committee will meet Sunday at 8:30 in the SGS Office. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-64 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 13, 1986 7:00 PM – 1:40 AM Chairman Mark Jones called the meeting to order with 29 senators present. Avery, Eickmann, Fisher, Jones, Morris, Rowland, Shields & Williams were excused late. Crabtree, Ireland, B. Johnson, Peak & Welch were excused. Held, S. Johnson, Tretter, Turner & Yeary were late. Larson &. Lange were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 6, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark welcomed all the newly-elected .senators that were present. Applications are due February 21st for the 4 senate positions on Finance Committee. Senate Chair nominations will be taken next weak, following the last meeting of the 1985-86 senate. Applications for at-large positions on Finance Committee are due tomorrow at 5:00. Need a student to serve on the Council on Traffic, Parking & Police Operations. See Sally Routson if interested. OPEN PERIOD Graduate Council President Ron Hughes read a resolution from the Graduate Council in support of funding the KSU Child Care Cooperative from the $700,000. A former judging team member explained what the judging teams are and what they do. He also encouraged funding from the $700,000,. Two students spoke regarding funding from the $700,000 to make Anderson Hall accessible. NEW BUSINESS Mike Riley took over the chair. Senate Bill 85/86/27, Student Bond Refinancing Ad hoc Committee Recommendations for Use of the $700,000 Further questions were asked regarding the KSU Child Care Cooperative and Holton Hall renovation. David Dakin moved to delete all present sections and insert the, following: Section 1. The $700,000 be held in the SGA Foundation account. Section 2. The interest on said account, less 1% which will remain in the same account, will be allocated each year by Student Senate. Section 3. Where upon the principle of the account reaches $1 million, the 1% stated in Section 2. shall be changed to ½ of 1%. There were questions and debate on David’s amendment, Lori Rock moved to limit questions & debate to 2 3-minute speeches/senator. Failed. We have approximately $37,000 in all the restricted fees reserve accounts at the present time. M-65 One percent of the principle goes to the Foundation for handling. David friendly amended his amendment by reinserting the present sections 5 & 6, changing 6 to read: The use of the interest shall be determined by the Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee, with the approval of the Student Senate in the fall semester. Virgil Wiebe called the question on David’s amendment. Failed. Virgil Wiebe moved the following amendment: Delete Section 4. Delete Section 1-B. Change “Spring 1987” to “Spring 1989” in Section 2. Change Section 1-A to read: $183,663 be allocated toward the renovation of Holton Hall in two phases. This money... Add a Section 1-B to read: $86,182 be allocated to the KSU Child Care Cooperative. Add a Section 1-C to read: $150,000 be allocated to construct an elevator in Anderson Hall to make it accessible to handicapped individuals. Add a Section 1-D to read: $80,000 be allocated to Debate to create an endowment with the understanding that Debate will not submit requests for Student Senate funding in future years, excluding any special allocations. If a request for 1986-87 has already been submitted, such request shall be withdrawn. Add a Section l-E to read: $60,000 be allocated to create an endowment for Ag. Judging Teams, with the understanding that Ag. Judging Teams will not submit requests for Student Senate funding in future years, excluding any special allocations. The distribution of the funds shall be through the Ag. Competition Team Council. Add a Section 1-F to read: $23,600 be allocated to KSDB-FM to purchase equipment to utilize the newly acquired broadcast tower. Change to present Section 1-C to 1-G, and change the dollar amount to $116,555. There were questions and debate on Virgil’s amendment. Cath Sayler moved to divide the question on Section 1. Failed. Jim Crutchfield moved to amend Virgil’s amendment by deleting Section 1-A, changing 1-G to read $304,218 and deleting Sections 2 & 3. Jeff Vander Laan moved to suspend the rules by going back to the original format. Failed. There were no questions on Jim’s amendment to the amendment, but debate was entered into. Bruce Ney called the question on Jim’s amendment to Virgil’s amendment. Susan Baird requested a roll call vote, which ended up 21-21-2, with 4 absent. Mike Riley broke the tie vote with “NO” vote. Therefore, Jim’s amendment to Virgil’s amendment failed by a vote of 21-22-2, with 3 absent. YES: Avery, Bromich, Cashman, Crutchfield, Eickmann, Fields, Fisher, Griffin, Hagen, Hale, Heid, B. Johnson, Ligon, Mathewson, Monto, Pugh, Rowland, Shellenberger, Stuart, Tsen,. Welch NO: Artan, Baird, Fischer, Ireland, S. Johnson, Jones, Morris, Ney, Neuman, Peak, Riley, Rock, Sanders, Sayler, Shields, Steineger, Treeter, Turner, Vander Laan, Wiebe, Wohletz, Yeary, ABSTAIN: Dakin, Peine, Williams ABSENT: Crabtree, Larson, Lange. After further debate on Virgil’s amendment, Chris Steineger called the question. M-66 Bruce Ney requested a roll call vote. Virgil’s amendment passed by a vote of 359-1, with 4 absent. YES: Avery, Baird, Bromich, Cashman, Dakin, Eickmann, Fields, Griffin, Hagen, Hale, Heid, Ireland, B. Johnson, S. Johnson, Jones, Ligon, Mathewson, Monto, Neuman, Peak, Peine, Pugh, Rock, Sanders, Sayler, Shellenberger, Shields, Steineger, Stuart, Tsen, Welch, Wiebe, Williams, Wohletz, Yeary NO: Crutchfield, Fischer, Fisher, Morris, Ney, Rowland, Tretter, Turner, Vander Laan ABSTAIN: Artan NON-VOTING: Riley ABSENT: Crabtree, Larson, Lange. Bob Stuart moved to amend the Ag. Judging Team allocation to $30,000 and Debate to $30,000, leaving $196,555 in Section l-G. There were questions and debate on Bob’s amendment. Steve Ligon called the question on Bob’s amendment. Failed. Debate continued on the bill, as amended. Lori Rock moved the following amendment: Change $116,555 in Section 1-G to “amount”. Add a Section 6 Co read: The present S.G.A. restricted fee reserve accounts shall be used to fund the groups listed in Section 1. The remainder of the money will come from the SGA Foundation account. Add a Section 7 to read: Any future special allocations will first deplete any noninterest bearing SGA restricted fee reserve accounts before going to the SGA Foundation account and shall not exceed the interest minus fees gained from the principle of the SGA Foundation account. There were questions and debate on Lori’s amendment. Lisa Hale called the question on Lori’s amendment. Passed: 21-9-10. 10 Minute Break at 10:50 p.m. Debate continued on the bill, as amended. Chris Steineger called the question on Senate Bill 85/86/27, as amended. Virgil Wiebe requested a roll call vote. YES: Artan, Avery, Cashman, Eickmann, Fields, Fischer, Fisher, Hagen, Hale, Ireland, S. Johnson, Jones, Ligon, Mathewson, Monto, Morris, Ney, Neuman, Peak, Peine, Pugh, Rock, Rowland, Sanders, Sayler, Shellenberger, Shields, Steineger, Tretter, Tsen, Turner, Wiebe, Wohletz NO: Barid, Bromich, Crutchfield, Dakin, Griffin, Heid, B. Johnson, Stuart, Vander Laan, Welch, Williams ABSENT: Crabtree, Larson, Lange, Yeary NON-VOTING: Riley. Mark Jones took the chair back over. Senate Bill 85/86/29, KSU SGA Constitutional Revision: Non-Incidental Fee Procedure Further questions were asked of David Dakin. Debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to amend Section 1 to read: 1105. The specific amount of any increase or decrease, except for decreases involving bond retirement or stopping a fee upon completion of a project, other than educational (incidental), proposed to be paid by students shall be presented to the students for a vote, in the form of a referendum. M-67 Cath moved to further amend Section 1 by deleting parts A & B. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question on Cath’s amendment. Passed. The bill as amended was further debated. David Dakin asked that his name be removed as the sponsor, upon which Cath Sayler’s name was inserted. Brett Bromich called the question on the bill, as amended. The bill needed a 2/3 vote to pass because it is a constitutional revision. A roll call vote was requested. YES: Artan, Braid, Bromich, Cashman, Eickmann, Griffin, Hagen, Ireland, Ligon, Monto, Neuman, Peak, Rock, Sayler, Shellenberger, Steineger, Stuart, Tsen, Turner, Wiebe, Wohletz NO: Avery, Crutchfield, Dakin, Fields, Fischer, Fisher, Hale, B. Johnson, S. Johnson, Mathewson, Morris, Ney, Pugh, Riley, Rowland, Sanders, Shields, Tretter, Vander Laan, Yeary ABSTAIN: Jones, Peine, Williams ABSENT: Crabtree, Heid, Larson, Lange, Welch. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/35, Sports Club Council At-Large Members Mark Jones read the resolution. There were no questions or debate. Jim Crutchfield called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 85/85/30, Men’s Glee Club Special Allocation Steve Ligon went over the bill and answered questions. Men’s Glee Club President Bert Frost explained, the trip, which will cost $535/person. The Alumni Association is giving $1,000 to go towards bus travel. The bill was moved special orders. There was no debate. Kerry Jones called the question. Senate Bill 85/86/31, Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs Special Allocation ACE President Greg Smith and Steve Ligon explained the bill. Questions were asked. The bill was moved special orders There was no debate. Tona Turner called the question. INFORMATION DISCUSSION Mark Jones read the following announcement from Kevin Elmore ASK Campus Director: The Legislative Assembly will be held in Lawrence on Sunday beginning at 1:00. He will be in Topeka tomorrow. If you want to go, leave a message and he will return your call. Lobby next week. Call him and he will set up transportation and, appointments. General. Sally Traeger announced that Student Senate will meet at Kites at 5:00 next Thursday. M-68 The 1985-86 senate will adjourn to Bushwackers. Sally Traeger also announced that the Senate Operations Committee will meet Saturday at 1:00 at Sally’s house. Rachel Vining announced that the Communications Committee will meet Monday at 5:00. Justin Sanders thanked the members of the $700,000 for their hard work. “SGA DAY” is next Thursday, February 20th, in the SGS Office from 10:00-4:00. The meeting adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-69 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 20, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:05 PM Chairman Mark Jones called the last meeting of the 1985-86 Student Senate to order with 40 senators present. Artan, Crabtree, Lange, Stuart, Tretter & Tsen were absent. Vander Laan & Welch were excused. Yeary was late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 13, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Lee White of KSDB-FM stated that is has been a pleasure to cover this senate. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones congratulated Steven Johnson, our new student body president. Drake University is looking for a Drake Relays Queen. Still looking for a student to serve on the Council on Traffic, Parking & Police Operations. The Coliseum Program Planning Committee put together a question & answer packet which is available in the office. An additional $640,000 was donated by Fred Bramlage for the coliseum. President Acker will make his recommendation to the Board of Regents tomorrow at 10:30 regarding the coliseum. Dr. George Miller told Mark that the fee assessment on the coliseum bond may be going down: This comes about through the bond refinancing. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Rachel Vining - Thanked everyone who participated in “SGA Day” today in the office. This semester’s “SGA TODAY” newsletter is out. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steve Brown - Went to the Board of Regents meeting today. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore - Met with some legislators on handicapped accessibility. Gretchen Holden has received numerous calls asking what the deal is. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 85/86/38, 1986-87 SGA Elections Results Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Gretchen Hagen called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 85/86/36 - Commendation to Jack Hartman, KSU Head Basketball Coach Mark Jones read the resolution. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. M-70 Jim Crutchfield called the question. Senate Resolution 85/86/37 - Commendation to Steve Brown and Mark Jones Susan Baird read the resolution. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Steineger called the question. Rachel Vining, Communications Standing Committee Chair, went through the SGA slide show, as it is to date. Awards were handed out by Rachel Vining and Mark Jones. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mark Jones- Been a really busy year and a good one. We have dealt with a lot of controversial issues. He congratulated everyone on a job well done! Lots of general discussion. Steve Cashman congratulated Steven Johnson. Cath Sayler - Technology & the Arms Race will be held next Thursday at 3:15 in the Union Little Theatre and at 7:30 in Union Forum Hall. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-71