1986-1987 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 86/87/1 Special Allocation to the Student Governing Association for Washington, DC Trip............................................................................................1 Bill 86/87/2 Student Planning Association Special Allocation .................................................2 Bill 86/87/3 Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment.................................................................3 Bill 86/87/4 Arts & Sciences Council Constitutional Revisions ...............................................4 Bill 86/87/5 Student Governing Association Special Allocation for a Computer.....................6 Bill 86/87/6 1986-87 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................7 Bill 86/87/7 Establishment of a McCain Auditorium Student Ticket Subsidy Feasibility Task Force...........................................................................................9 Bill 86/87/8 1986-87 Student Health Insurance Plan ..............................................................10 Bill 86/87/9 Special Allocation to KSDB-FM Radio ..............................................................11 Bill 86/87/10 Student Senate Standing Rules............................................................................12 Bill 86/87/11 Student Endowment Account Spending Guidelines............................................13 Bill 86/87/12 Education College Council Constitutional Revisions .........................................14 Bill 86/87/13 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Replacement of Student Senators...............................................................................................................15 Bill 86/87/14 SGA Constitutional Revision: Representation to Student Senate .......................16 Bill 86/87/15 Closing of 1985-86 Accounts..............................................................................17 Bill 86/87/16 Engineering Student Council Constitutional Revisions ......................................18 Bill 86/87/17 FONE Crisis Center Special Allocation ..............................................................19 Bill 86/87/18 Legal Services Special Allocation.......................................................................20 Bill 86/87/19 Student Governing Association Special Allocation ............................................21 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Coalition for Human Rights ....................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board......................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council.........................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: K-State Union..........................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio.....................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Mexican American Council of Students .................22 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Rec Services ............................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Sports Club Council ................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association...............................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Touchstone ..............................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...................................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Withholding.............................................................23 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center......................................23 Bill 86/87/21 Establishment of Student Senate Office Hours ...................................................24 Bill 86/87/22 Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum.................................25 Bill 86/87/23 Bill 86/87/24 Bill 86/87/25 Bill 86/87/26 Bill 86/87/27 Bill 86/87/28 Bill 86/87/29 Bill 86/87/30 Bill 86/87/31 Bill 86/87/32 Bill 86/87/33 Bill 86/87/34 Bill 86/87/35 Bill 86/87/36 Bill 86/87/37 Bill 86/87/38 Bill 86/87/39 Bill 86/87/40 Bill 86/87/41 Bill 86/87/42 Bill 86/87/43 Bill 86/87/44 Bill 86/87/45 Bill 86/87/46 Revision of KSU Literature & Notice Regulations .............................................27 American Institute of Architecture Students Special Allocation ........................28 Student Governing Association Special Allocation for Royal Purple Pictures................................................................................................................29 Revision of the University Activities Board By-Laws........................................30 Debate Team Special Allocation .........................................................................31 KSU SGA By-Laws Revision: SGA Elections Date...........................................32 Repeal of SGA Elections Expenditure Limits.....................................................33 Establishment of Representation Enhancement Ad Hoc Committee ..................35 SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Eligibility for Re-Election .........................................................................................................36 SGA By-Laws Revision: Student Senate Interns ................................................37 SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Fees........................................................39 Non-Revenue Sports Scholarship Fee Referendum ............................................40 Special Allocation to SGA: Student Senate Hot Line .........................................42 Special Allocation to SGA: Mailing to Potential Students Interested in SGA.....................................................................................................................43 Special Allocation to SGA: Secretarial Salary Increase......................................44 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Election Date.................................45 SGA Constitutional Revision Student Senate Chairperson’s Eligibility for Re-Election....................................................................................................47 SGA Constitutional Revision: Petition for Referendum Time Limit ..................48 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Establishment of SGA Treasurer Position ...............................................................................................49 Human Ecology College Council Constitutional Revisions ...............................51 Student Activity Fee Restructuring .....................................................................52 K-State Union & Student Publications Fee Increases .........................................53 Student Activity Fee Increase to Accommodate the K-State Union & Student Publications............................................................................................54 1987 SGA Elections Results ...............................................................................55 1986-1987 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments page Bill 86/87/4 Arts & Sciences Council Constitutional Revisions ...............................................4 Bill 86/87/12 Education College Council Constitutional Revisions .........................................14 Bill 86/87/13 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Replacement of Student Senators...............................................................................................................15 Bill 86/87/14 SGA Constitutional Revision: Representation to Student Senate .......................16 Bill 86/87/16 Engineering Student Council Constitutional Revisions ......................................18 Bill 86/87/31 SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Eligibility for Re-Election .........................................................................................................36 Bill 86/87/33 SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Fees........................................................39 Bill 86/87/38 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Election Date.................................45 Bill 86/87/39 SGA Constitutional Revision Student Senate Chairperson’s Eligibility for Re-Election....................................................................................................47 Bill 86/87/40 SGA Constitutional Revision: Petition for Referendum Time Limit ..................48 Bill 86/87/41 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Establishment of SGA Treasurer Position ...............................................................................................49 Bill 86/87/42 Human Ecology College Council Constitutional Revisions ...............................51 By-Laws Amendments Bill 86/87/26 Revision of the University Activities Board By-Laws........................................30 Bill 86/87/32 SGA By-Laws Revision: Student Senate Interns ................................................37 Elections Bill 86/87/28 Bill 86/87/29 Bill 86/87/46 KSU SGA By-Laws Revision: SGA Elections Date...........................................32 Repeal of SGA Elections Expenditure Limits.....................................................33 1987 SGA Elections Results ...............................................................................55 Statutes Amendments Allocations Bill 86/87/6 Bill 86/87/15 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................7 Closing of 1985-86 Accounts..............................................................................17 1986-87 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Coalition for Human Rights ....................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board......................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council.........................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: K-State Union..........................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio.....................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................22 1986-87 Final Allocations: Mexican American Council of Students .................22 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 Bill 86/87/20 1986-87 Final Allocations: Rec Services ............................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Sports Club Council ................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association...............................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Touchstone ..............................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...................................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Withholding.............................................................23 1986-87 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center......................................23 Special Allocations Bill 86/87/1 Special Allocation to the Student Governing Association for Washington, DC Trip............................................................................................1 Bill 86/87/2 Student Planning Association Special Allocation .................................................2 Bill 86/87/5 Student Governing Association Special Allocation for a Computer.....................6 Bill 86/87/9 Special Allocation to KSDB-FM Radio ..............................................................11 Bill 86/87/17 FONE Crisis Center Special Allocation ..............................................................19 Bill 86/87/18 Legal Services Special Allocation.......................................................................20 Bill 86/87/19 Student Governing Association Special Allocation ............................................21 Bill 86/87/24 American Institute of Architecture Students Special Allocation ........................28 Bill 86/87/25 Student Governing Association Special Allocation for Royal Purple Pictures................................................................................................................29 Bill 86/87/27 Debate Team Special Allocation .........................................................................31 Bill 86/87/35 Special Allocation to SGA: Student Senate Hot Line .........................................42 Bill 86/87/36 Special Allocation to SGA: Mailing to Potential Students Interested in SGA.....................................................................................................................43 Bill 86/87/37 Special Allocation to SGA: Secretarial Salary Increase......................................44 Privilege Fees Bill 86/87/3 Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment.................................................................3 Bill 86/87/43 Student Activity Fee Restructuring .....................................................................52 Bill 86/87/44 K-State Union & Student Publications Fee Increases .........................................53 Bill 86/87/45 Student Activity Fee Increase to Accommodate the K-State Union & Student Publications............................................................................................54 Funding Regulations and Guidelines Bill 86/87/11 Student Endowment Account Spending Guidelines............................................13 Bill 86/87/23 Revision of KSU Literature & Notice Regulations .............................................27 Miscellaneous Bill 86/87/7 Establishment of a McCain Auditorium Student Ticket Subsidy Feasibility Task Force...........................................................................................9 Bill 86/87/8 1986-87 Student Health Insurance Plan ..............................................................10 Bill 86/87/10 Student Senate Standing Rules............................................................................12 Bill 86/87/21 Bill 86/87/22 Bill 86/87/30 Bill 86/87/34 Establishment of Student Senate Office Hours ...................................................24 Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum.................................25 Establishment of Representation Enhancement Ad Hoc Committee ..................35 Non-Revenue Sports Scholarship Fee Referendum ............................................40 BILL 86/87/1 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION FOR WASHINGTON, D.C. TRIP Steven Johnson WHEREAS: the Fiscal Year ‘87 President’s budget contains massive cuts in Federal Student Financial Assistance, and WHEREAS: students must voice concern and lobby to keep such drastic cuts from occurring, and WHEREAS: the KSU student body needs to be represented as the student leaders of Kansas meet with our national representatives to voice students’ concerns BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $382 to the Student Governing Association to send Steven Johnson, student body president, to Washington, D.C., on March 8-12, 1986 to represent the Kansas State University student body in voicing students’ concerns over the budget cuts. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. Plane fare Lodging ($21/night x 4 nights) Food & Travel ($20/day x 5 days) PASSED 3/6/86 B-1 $198.00 84.00 100.00 BILL 86/87/2 BY: STUDENT PLANNING ASSOCIATION SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS: the Student Planning Association will hold a national conference in Los Angeles, California on April 5-9, 1986 where students will meet to exchange ideas and information on such topics as regional and community planning, and WHEREAS: representatives from KSU will have the chance to inform fellow students by attending this conference BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $195.92 to the KSU Student Planning Association, as per SGA guidelines. SECTION 2. This money shall he taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. Plane fare for 2 people $178 ea Lodging @ $5.50/night x 5 nights x 2 people Food 0 $5/day x 5 days x 2 people Funding through Graduate & Arts & Sciences Councils PASSED 3/20/86 B-2 $356.00 55.00 50.00 -265.08 BILL 86/87/3 BY: ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE ESTABLISHMENT Brett Bromich & Mark Jones WHEREAS: there has been concern expressed that the success of our athletic programs hinges on student financial support, and WHEREAS: student input is needed concerning the viability of an athletic fee, and WHEREAS: student government needs to study the possibilities of an athletic fee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate establish a task force to study the feasibility of an athletic fee. SECTION 2. Five student senators, 4 at-large students and an Athletic Department representative as a non-voting, ex-officio member be appointed to the Athletic Fee Task Force. These appointments shall be made by the Student Senate Chair, Student Body President and Coordinator of Personnel Selections. SECTION 3. The chair of the task force shall be elected from the membership of the task force. PASSED 3/27/86 B-3 BILL 86/87/4 BY: ARTS & SCIENCES COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Susan Baird BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the Arts & Sciences Council Constitution: Article 2-Delete “person recognized for fee purposes as a student;” and insert “fee-paid student;” Article 3, Section 3 - Change to read: “The membership of the Arts & Sciences Council shall be limited to 17 students. A few alternates be certified by the outgoing Council to serve as non-voting members until such time as a vacancy is open on the Council.” Article 3, Section 4 - change parts A & B to read: “Arts & Sciences Council officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected by the Council on an annual basis within two meetings of the election, or any time that an officer’s position becomes vacant.” Article 4, Section 1-Change section to read in singular rather than plural. Delete “full-time students for fee purposes;” and insert “fee-paid student carrying at least seven hours;” Article 4, Section 2 - Delete “one week before,” and insert “five days prior to;” Article 4, Section 3-Add to part A, “and in conjunction with the Student Body President Run-Off Election;” Article 4, Section 3, part B - Delete “the same as;” and insert “near;” Move Article 5 to create Article 6. Article 5 should now read: Article 5. Attendance Guidelines. SECTION 1. SECTION 2. Because membership in the Council is an elected position of responsibility and its full meetings are of set nature, attendance at those general meetings should be of high priority. A. Three unexcused absences will result in expulsion from the Council. B. Two excused absences equal one unexcused absence. C. Any combination of the above totaling three unexcused absences will result in removal. Excused absences are counted as: A. Serious illness, accident or family crisis; B-4 B. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. Regularly scheduled class or test. Attendance for the first 30 minutes of a meeting shall count as long as one can present or discharge one’s duties. In the case of illness or absence, one should contact either the President or Secretary before the meeting, if possible. Article 6, Section 1-Insert “Association” between the words “Sciences” and “Constitution.” PASSED 4/3/86 B-5 BILL 86/87/5 BY: STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR A COMPUTER Finance Committee WHEREAS: computers have become commonplace in today’s society and can eliminate much duplication and paperwork, and WHEREAS: a computer in the SGS Office could enhance record keeping for all organizations allocated student activity fee monies, registration of organizations and fundraising activities, Finance Committee’s paperwork with the budget, and storage of Student Senate legislation, and WHEREAS: a computer in the SGS Office could also provide word processing capabilities for letters, mailing lists, newsletters, etc. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $3,258 to the Student Governing Association for the purchase of a computer, printer, monitor and software, to be taken from the Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay account. Zenith Model 58-42 512 K Memory, single 320K diskette drive, one 20 MB hard disk Zenith Monitor ZVM-l33 12 inch Z 205-4 256K memory expansion Okidata 84 dot-matrix printer Maintenance on printer per year Software Lotus 1-2-3 $210.00 Data Base II 375.00 Word Perfect 140.00 PASSED 4/29/86 B-6 $1,565.00 93.00 40.00 700.00 135.00 725.00 BILL 86/87/6 BY: 1986-87 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1985-86 Associated Students of Kansas $ 15,618.50 ($.50 head count) REQUESTED 1986-87 $.50 head count ($ 15,000, est.) TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1986-87 $.50 head count ($15,000, est) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU 794.60 1,657.60 1,607.60 Black Student Union (BSU) 698.42 1,552.00 745.70 Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) 138.20 168.20 153.20 College Councils *Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Human Ecology Veterinary Medicine 42,400.56 40,937.52 40,937.52* ($1.50 LI/full-time & $.42 LI/part-time student) 4,244.76 2,069.04 10,394.88 6,611.40 2,601.84 6,847.92 4,411.80 2,537.88 1,218.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,960.70 4,366.90 3,800.15 Fine Arts Council 63,539.80 ($2.30 LI) $2.30 LI ($61,000, est) FONE Crisis Center 10,593.85 10,719.10 10,644.10 Honorariums *Black Student Union 800 Coalition for Human Rights 750 International Coordinating Council 1,800 Mexican American Council of Students 600 University for Man 400 3,850.00 5,900.00 4,350.00* International Coordinating Council (ICC) 3,614.66 3,619.56 3,620.20 K-State Union $2.30 LI ($61,000, est) 376,723.20 ($12.80 LI/full-time & $6.40 LI/part-time student) $12.80 LI/full-time & $6.40 LI/part-time student ($360,358.40, est) KSDB-FM Radio 12,072.61 13,264.15 12,028.15 Legal Services 22,239.00 24,233.00 23,193.00 ALLOCATED 1985-86 REQUESTED 1986-87 B-7 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1986-87 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mexican American Council of Students 0.00 318.76 186.95 Rec Services 76,458.80 ($2.65 LI/full-time & $.90 LI/part-time student) $2.65 LI/full-time & $.90 LI/part-time student ($74,605.45, est) Reserves for Contingencies 0.00 0.00 -3,994.42 Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sports Club Council (SCC) 0.00 4,650.00 2,313.60 31,768.50 33,031.70 32,601.70 Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 92,555.85 ($3.20 LI/full-time & $1.15 LI/part-time student) $3.20 LI/full-time & $1.15 LI/part-time student ($90,089.60, est) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 395.80 403.00 403.00 0.00 1,640.00 0.00 University for Man (UFM) 12,742.40 12,742.40 12,742.40 U-LearN 11,998.78 11,998.48 11,673.40 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 503.30 503.30 503.30 $ 795,947.23 779,259.12 769,057.42 Touchstone Withholding (estimate) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 5/1/86 B-8 BILL 86/87/7 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF A MCCAIN AUDITORIUM STUDENT TICKET SUBSIDY FEASIBILITY TASK FORCE Lawrence Tsen WHEREAS: Kansas State University offers a wide variety of educational opportunity for students, and WHEREAS: McCain Auditorium is an integral part in this total educational program, and WHEREAS: there has been concern expressed that the escalating student ticket prices will be preclusive to students wanting to attend McCain events, and WHEREAS: a student ticket subsidy will help to reverse this trend, and WHEREAS: this action will allow a more affordable ticket price for K-State students, and WHEREAS: more students will be able to attend the McCain performance events and thus attain a broader education, and WHEREAS: student government needs to study the possibilities of a student ticket subsidy for McCain Auditorium BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate establish a McCain Auditorium Student Ticket Subsidy Feasibility Task Force. Membership shall consist of five (5) student senators, three (3) atlarge students, one (1) student representative from the McCain Development Board, and the Director of McCain who will act as a non-voting, ex-officio member. These appointments shall be made by the Student Senate Chair, Student Body President and Coordinator of Personnel Selections. SECTION 2. The chair of the task force shall be elected from the membership of the task force. PASSED 5/1/86 B-9 BILL 86/87/8 BY: 1986-87 STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS: the current student health insurance policy underwritten by Keystone Life expires August 27, 1986, and WHEREAS: the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee submitted specifications for bid, and WHEREAS: the advisory committee has evaluated and investigated the bids submitted, and WHEREAS: the advisory committee found the proposal submitted by Blue Cross! Blue Shield of Kansas to be the lowest cost of all proposals submitted while maintaining quality, comprehensive coverage, and WHEREAS: the advisory committee has, by consensus, determined the proposal submitted by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas best fits the needs of the entire student body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas policy for the 1986-87 academic year, beginning at 12:01 am. on August 22, 1986 and ending at midnight on August 27, 1987. SECTION 2. The annual rates will be as follows: Student Only Student/Spouse Student/Child(ren) Student/Spouse/Child (ren) $ 340.92 798.72 774.72 1,115.52 PASSED 5/1/86 B-10 BILL 86/87/9 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO KSDB-FM RADIO Finance Committee WHEREAS: Student Senate allocated KSDB-FM $23600 out of the $700,000 to complete their transition from 88.1 Mhz to 91.9 Mhz, and WHEREAS: KAKE donated a tower along with the transmission line manufactured by Celwave Corporation, and WHEREAS: the connectors were included in the line and the Celwave Corporation discontinued their transmission line, and WHEREAS: the Harris Corporation has given KSDB-FM a complete bid of the whole package on a brand new transmitter several thousand dollars less than others BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,577.50 to KSDB-FM Radio. This is the difference between the Harris Corporation’s bid and the $23,600 already allocated from the project. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the unallotted interest from the $700,000. PASSED 5/1/86 B-11 BILL 86/87/10 BY: STUDENT SENATE STANDING RULES Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: past practices in Student Senate have deviated from Robert’s Rules of Order, and WHEREAS: these practices have historically proven to be an effective means to conduct Student Senate meetings BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the following standing rules, to be ratified at the beginning of each Student Senate term: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Student Senate shall have separation of questions and debate during its meetings. The question period is designated to provide time for senators to ask questions on motions or amendments. The debate period is designated for senators to voice their opinions on motions or amendments. Point of information, in question form, may be raised at any time during the debate period. Open period is for any non-senator who would like the privilege of speaking before Student Senate. Any senator or non-senator may ask questions directed to open period speakers. Friendly amendments may be made to legislation only during the question period, not during debate. The Student Senate Chair will vote only in the case of a tie. First readings of legislation shall be followed by a question period. During second readings of legislation, senators have both a question and debate period. During non-review years, Student Senate cannot amend a line item. The objection to consideration motion must be voiced before the debate period. The person raising the motion may give a brief explanation for the reason for the objection. The ex-officio members of Student Senate shall be: Finance Committee members, standing committee chairpersons, student body president, A.S.K. campus director(s), coordinator of student activities, and Student Senate secretary. If no objections to call the question are raised, Student Senate shall have an immediate vote of the motion on the floor. SECTION 2. Any changes or additions to these standing rules must be approved by a 2/3 vote of Student Senate. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 9/11/86 B-12 BILL 86/87/11 BY: STUDENT ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT SPENDING GUIDELINES Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee WHEREAS: students received $700,000 through the refinancing of student bonds, and WHEREAS: in Student Senate Bill 85/86/27, Student Senate allocated $583,445 for student projects, and WHEREAS: the remaining $116,555 was placed in an endowment account with the KSU Foundation, and WHEREAS: the interest from the endowment account is available for student use, and WHEREAS: it is desirable that this money be spent in the best interest of the students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the following guidelines for spending the student endowment account: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. The request must be for a student-oriented purpose. The request must be for a non-recurring expense. The request must provide a long-term benefit to the University. The request must not duplicate a project that is already provided by the University. The request must not be the responsibility of the state or the request must have been rejected by the state. The group or individual making the request must demonstrate that alternative sources of funding for the total amount are unavailable. The group or individual must demonstrate a feasible plan. Money cannot be requested prior to its availability (i.e. interest earned by 1988 cannot be allocated in 1986). SECTION 2. The money must be allocated in accordance with Student Senate Bill 85/86/27. PASSED 9/18/86 B-13 BILL 86/87/12 BY: EDUCATION COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: Education College Council has totally revised their constitution, and WHEREAS: the Council has voted and accepted the revised constitution BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The previous constitution of the Education College Council be disposed of, and the following revised constitution be ratified by Student Senate: (revised constitution may be found in the notebook of minutes) PASSED 9/18/86 B-14 BILL 86/87/13 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS: REPLACEMENT OF STUDENT SENATORS Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: the current reading of the KSU SGA Constitution and By-Laws does not clarify the eligibility for individual college or school representation, and WHEREAS: within the By-Laws, representation by a student of a college or school only remotely implies that a student must be enrolled in the college or school he/she represents, and WHEREAS: a student should represent the interests of his/her constituents within his/her college or school BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article II, Part 202 (Eligibility of Candidacy), Sub-Part B (Student Senators), of the KSU SGA Constitution be revised by adding the underlined sentence: Any member of the KSU SGA who is recognized as a full-time student for fee purposes or who is a graduate student enrolled in six (6) or more graduate hours is eligible to become a Student Senator, except where that person will graduate during the spring or summer of the term of office to which elected or appointed. The student may represent only the college or school in which he/she is enrolled. SECTION 2. Article IV (Legislative), Section 2 (Replacement of Student Senators), of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be revised by adding a Part A. to read as follows and by down noting the present sections: A. The replacement must meet all eligibility requirements as defined in Article II, Part 202, Sub-Part B, of the KSU SGA Constitution. PASSED 9/25/86 B-15 BILL 86/87/14 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: REPRESENTATION TO STUDENT SENATE Jess Cunnick, Susan Baird, Kirk Caraway, Steve Milligan WHEREAS: part-time students are not currently represented in Student Senate, whose membership is now determined solely by full-time students at one student senator per 300 full-time students, and WHEREAS: part-time students are required to pay between one-half to the full amount of “Special Fees”, and WHEREAS: Student Senate has an important role in determining how these “Special Fees” are assessed and allocated, and WHEREAS: Student Senate is the official representative of Kansas State University students and formulates policies and recommendations that affect and speak for part-time students as well as full-time students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V (Legislative), Part 504, Sub-Part A, of the KSU SGA Constitution be revised by adding the underlined part: Representation to the Student Senate shall be one (1) member for each three hundred (300) full-time and one (1) member for each six hundred (600) part-time Special Fee paying students or major fraction thereof in each college or the Graduate School. SECTION 2. This legislation shall go into effect for the 1987 Spring Semester Student Senate elections. PASSED 9/25/86 B-16 BILL 86/87/15 BY: CLOSING OF 1985-86 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS: the allocation of the student activity fee is for a period of one fiscal year, and WHEREAS: the 1985-86 Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1986, and WHEREAS: the groups listed below had monies left in their accounts at the end of the 1985-86 Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS: each group was notified of their account status, and WHEREAS: appeals to keep the monies were accepted and hearings held BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Controller’s Office to shift the following account balances from their respective accounts to the Reserves for Contingencies account: Art Department Fine Arts Associated Students of Kansas at KSU Black Student Union Coalition for Human Rights Consumer Relations Board Education College Council FONE Crisis Center Graduate Student Association Honorariums Human Ecology College Council Minority Cultural Programs Puerto Rican Student Organization Students Against Multiple Sclerosis Students for Handicapped Concerns U-LearN Veterinary Medicine College Council 9.91 199.47 32.06 11.58 178.57 .04 478.70 647.33 520.00 340.89 1,301.16 176.25 2.08 12.11 133.60 7.61 4,051.36 SECTION 2. The following groups be allowed to carry over the monies listed below to the 1986-87 Fiscal Year: Architecture & Design College Council Coalition for Human Rights Honorarium - Coalition for Human Rights Graduate Student Association Human Ecology College Council International Coordinating Council PASSED 10/2/86 B-17 148.47 86.32 200.00 451.10 95.00 199.76 1,180.65 BILL 86/87/16 BY: ENGINEERING STUDENT COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Doug Folk BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate ratify the following revisions to the Engineering Student Council Constitution: (revised constitution may be found in the notebook of minutes) PASSED 10/30/86 B-18 BILL 86/87/17 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS: an answering machine is a vital part of the services provided by the FONE Crisis Center, and WHEREAS: the FONE’s present answering machine is inoperable, and WHEREAS: the cost of repairing the present machine would be nearly as much as the cost of a new answering machine BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $79 to the FONE Crisis Center to purchase a new answering machine. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay account. PASSED 10/23/86 B-19 BILL 86/87/18 BY: LEGAL SERVICES SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS: Legal Services was allocated $800 for Professional & Scientific Equipment & Supplies and $50 for Private Car Travel for the 85-86 Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS: Legal Services had to purchase a set of West’s Legal Forms because the set of Modern Legal Forms was discontinued, and WHEREAS: Legal Services overspent the 1985-86 budget by $263.16 in Professional & Scientific Equipment & Supplies and $6.40 in Private Car Travel, and WHEREAS: some of this expense was covered by budget shifting BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $235.48 to Legal Services to cover overspending of the 1985-86 budget. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/23/86 B-20 BILL 86/87/19 BY: STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS: the Student Governing Association overspent the 1985-86 budget by $1,648.15, and WHEREAS: some of these expenses were unavoidable, such as advertising and data processing BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,648.15 to the Student Governing Association to help cover overspending of the 1985-86 budget. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/23/86 B-21 BILL 86/87/20 1986-87 FINAL ALLOCATIONS BY: Finance Committee REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS $.50 Head count ($15,000.00, estimate) $.50 head count FINAL ALLOCATIONS 15,428.00 ($.50 head count) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU 1,657.60 1,607.60 1,607.60 Black Student Union (BSU) 1,552.00 745.70 745.70 168.20 153.20 153.20 40,937.52 40,937.52 40,937.52 4,366.90 3,800.15 3,800.15 2.30 LI 2.30 LI ($61,000.00, estimate) 62,189.70 ($2.30 LI) Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) College Councils *Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Human Ecology Veterinary Medicine 4,244.76 2,069.04 10,394.88 6,611.40 2,601.84 6,847.92 4,411.80 2,537.88 1,218.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) Fine Arts Council FONE Crisis Center 10,719.10 10,644.10 10,644.10 Honorariums *Black Student Union 800 Coalition for Human Rights 750 International Coordinating Council 1,800 Mexican American Council of Students 600 University for Man 400 5,900.00 4,350.00* 4,350.00* International Coordinating Council (ICC) 3,619.56 3,620.20 3,620.20 K-State Union $12.80 LI/full-time student $ $6.40 LI/part-time student ($360,358.40, estimate) 370,528.00 ($12.80 & $6.40 LI) KSDB-FM Radio 13,264.15 12,028.15 12,028.15 Legal Services 24,233.00 23,193.00 23,193.00 REQUESTED Mexican American Council of Students 318.76 B-22 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 186.95 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 186.95 Rec Services $2.65 LI/full-time student & $.90 LI/part-time student 75,088.65 ($74,605.45, estimate) ($2.65 & $.90 LI) Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs Sports Club Council (SCC) Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 0.00 0.00 (-4,938.97) 4,650.00 2,313.60 2,313.90 33,031.70 32,601.70 32,608.50 $3.20 LI/full-time student & $1.15 LI/part-time student 90,914.35 (90,089.60, estimate) ($3.20 & $1.15 LI) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 403.00 403.00 403.00 1,640.00 0.00 0.00 University for Man (UFM) 12,742.40 12,742.40 12,742.40 U-LearN 11,998.48 11,673.40 12,123.40 6,500.00 estimate 503.30 503.30 729.90 $ 779,259.12 769,057.42 777,897.10 Touchstone Withholding (estimate) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 10/23/86 B-23 BILL 86/87/21 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF STUDENT SENATE OFFICE HOURS Sally Traeger, Candy Leonard, Communications Standing Committee WHEREAS: student senators are elected by their constituents and are therefore committed to voicing their constituents’ opinion, and WHEREAS: the best way a senator may accurately represent his/her college is to maintain strong communication lines with constituents, and WHEREAS: it is difficult for a senator to get out to every person whom he/she represents, and WHEREAS: the Student Government Services Office is recognized as the center for Student Senate activity BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Each student senator and Senate Executive Committee member who is a nonsenator accept the responsibility of holding one office-hour per week during the length of his/her term, with the exception of student senators from the College of Veterinary Medicine who will be expected, but not required, to fulfill this obligation. SECTION 2. The Student Senate Chair shall organize aforementioned office hours by accepting preferred hours or time blocks. Exceptions shall be at the discretion of the Student Senate Chair. SECTION 3. Publicity of the availability of senators at these times shall be promoted and sufficiently advertised by the Communications Standing Committee. SECTION 4. The attendance policy shall be as follows: A. B. C. Missing a cumulative of four (4) unexcused Student Senate meetings and/or senate office hours shall result in impeachment proceedings to be pursued by the Student Senate Chair. Leaving early or arriving late without an excuse to either a Student Senate meeting or scheduled office-hour shall constitute 1/3 of an unexcused absence. Proxy votes for Student Senate meetings or replacements for office hours may be granted in accordance with the current Student Senate Chair’s attendance policy. SECTION 5. Student Senate Interns shall be responsible for compiling and reporting all information and ideas gathered by senators from constituents. Weekly reports shall be given in Student Senate meetings. SECTION 6. This legislation shall take effect upon Student Senate ratification. PASSED 11/6/86 B-24 BILL 86/87/22 BY: STUDENT SENATE REPRESENTATION ENHANCEMENT REFERENDUM Lee White, Candy Leonard, Martin Monto, Eirene Tatham, Sally Howard WHEREAS: Kansas State University is at a crossroads concerning its mission and goals, and WHEREAS: Student Senate is charged with representing KSU students on a number of university—wide issues affecting a diverse range of needs and interests, and WHEREAS: this representation may be enhanced through revisions to the current method of electing student senators, and WHEREAS: representation by living district (Greek, off-campus and university housing) has a record of workability on other comparable campuses, and can be feasibly implemented at KSU, and WHEREAS: Student Senate, by a simple majority, may place a constitutional revision on a student body referendum ballot BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Members of the KSU Student Governing Association be permitted to vote “yes” or “no” on the following question, titled “Proposition 1”, during the SGA General Election on February 10 & 11, 1987: Should the Student Governing Association Constitution be amended to permit SGA members to elect half of the student senators as representatives of colleges and schools and half as representatives of living groups (Greek, off—campus and university housing)? SECTION 2. The ballot contain the following explanation: A YES vote on this question would favor a system in which Student Senate would be divided into representation as one-half (½) by living district and one-half (½) by college. Each senator would represent 600 full-time or 1200 part-time students or major fraction thereof of his/her constituency. Each student would cast one ballot for his/her college and one ballot for his/her living district. No student would be allowed to run for Student Senate in both his/her living district and his/her college. Living districts would be designated as Greek, off-campus and university housing. A NO vote on this question would favor the current system in which Student Senate representation is determined by college. Each senator represents 300 fulltime or 600 part-time students or major fraction thereof. SECTION 3. The ballot contain the following Constitutional revisions: B-25 Upon passage of this referendum, the following changes shall be made in the KSU SGA Constitution: Article II, Part 202 (Eligibility of Candidacy) , Sub-Part B (Student Senators) , shall be revised by adding the underlined words: Any member of the KSU SGA who is recognized as a full-time student for fee purposes or who is a graduate student enrolled in six (6) or more graduate hours is eligible to become a student senator, except where that person will graduate during the spring or summer of the term of office to which elected or appointed. The student may represent only the college or school in which he/she is enrolled or the living district in which he/she is residing. Article V (Legislative), Part 504, Sub-Part A, shall be revised as follows: Representation to the Student Senate shall be: 1. One (1) member for each six hundred (600) full-time and one (1) member for each twelve hundred (1200) part-time special fee paying students or major fraction thereof in each college and the Graduate School. 2. One (1) member for each six hundred (600) full-time and one (1) member for each twelve hundred (1200) part-time special fee paying students or major fraction thereof in each living district (Greek, off-campus and university housing). SECTION 4. If the number of students required to approve this referendum question vote in favor, revisions shall be made by the Student Senate, and this method of electing student senators will be implemented in the 1988 SGA General Election or the next election date following the referendum’s passage. SECTION 5. The Student Senate Operations Standing Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of implementing necessary revisions to the KSU SGA By-Laws. SECTION 6. The Student Senate Communications Standing Committee, with input from senators and interested parties, shall be responsible for making a fact sheet for the purpose of informing the electorate about the issue. The sheet shall be made widely available to students before and during the referendum. PASSED 22/19/1 on 11/20/86 VETOED 11/25/86 B-26 BILL 86/87/23 BY: REVISION OF KSU LITERATURE & NOTICE REGULATIONS Sally Routson & Carrie Helmke BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate ratify the following revised KSU Literature & Notice Regulations: (revised regulations may be found in the notebook of minutes) PASSED 11/6/86 B-27 BILL 86/87/24 BY: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS SPECIAL ALLOCATION Dave Kaster WHEREAS: the National American Institute of Architecture Students Forum is being held in Phoenix, Arizona during the week of Thanksgiving, and WHEREAS: the Kansas State Chapter of AIAS will participate in a design competition which takes place at the Forum as well as exhibit the work of KSU students, and WHEREAS: the Kansas State Chapter of AIAS is hoping to receive a “chapter of the year” award, and WHEREAS: it is essential that the Kansas State Chapter of AIAS be represented at the same mentioned Forum BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $421 to the Kansas State Chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students to help defray costs involved in attending the National AIAS Forum in Phoenix, Arizona during the week of Thanksgiving: $10.50/day x 2 people x 5 days for food & lodging $158 air fare x 2 people $105 316 SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/13/86 B-28 BILL 86/87/25 BY: STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR ROYAL PURPLE PICTURES Sally Traeger WHEREAS: due to a change in leadership at KSU Photographic Services, the Royal Purple no longer receives complimentary photographs, and WHEREAS: SGA was the recipient of complimentary photographs in the past, and WHEREAS: SGA is now being charged for the photographs but was not allocated money for this purpose BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association be allocated $25 to cover the 1986 Student Senate picture in the Royal Purple. SECTION 2. The Student Governing Association be allocated $60 to cover the 1987 Student Senate, Senate Executive Committee and Student Body President’s Cabinet pictures in the Royal Purple. SECTION 3. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/20/86 B-29 BILL 86/87/26 BY: REVISION TO THE UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD BY-LAWS Sally Routson & Carrie Helmke BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the University Activities Board By-Laws: Article I 101, 1, e Change “Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Minority & Culture Affairs” to “Assistant Vice President for Educational & Student Services/Minority Affairs & Special Programs” 103. Change “The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs” to “The Office of the Vice President for Educational & Student Services” Article V 501, 6, a Change the underlined portion to read “Failure to do so will result in the loss of University privileges until the organization is re-registered.” Each organization must submit a completed registration form at the beginning of each academic year prior to October 15th. Failure to do so may result in the loss of privileges for that academic year. If an organization fails to register for two or more consecutive years, any subsequent registration request will be considered as a new group (see 501. 3). PASSED 11/20/86 B-30 BILL 86/87/27 BY: DEBATE TEAM SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS: Student Senate Bill 85/86/27 established an $80,000 endowment for the KSU Debate Team in order to provide a stable and sufficient annual budget, and WHEREAS: the fund was established in the midst of the fiscal year and the KSU Debate Team only received $3,951.40 for the 1986-87 competition season, and WHEREAS: the controller of the KSU Foundation has indicated that a full year’s interest would have generated $7,390.17 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Debate Team be allocated $3,438.77 on a one-time basis in order to provide a stable and sufficient budget for the 1986-87 school year. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the unallotted interest from the $700,000 made available in 1985-86. PASSED 12/4/86 B-31 BILL 86/87/28 BY: KSU SGA BY-LAWS REVISION: SGA ELECTIONS DATE Candy Leonard & Steve Johnson WHEREAS: SGA Elections are currently held the Tuesday and Wednesday of the fourth full week of classes in the spring semester, and WHEREAS: under this system the newly elected officers take office at the third Student Senate meeting following elections, leaving a short and insufficient transition time before the allocation process begins, and WHEREAS: newly elected officers (Student Body President & Student Senate Chair) could benefit from having time during semester break to familiarize themselves with their offices (organization files, set-up schedules, etc.) and responsibilities, and WHEREAS: this time would allow the Student Body President to appoint a Cabinet, A.S.K. Director(s) and other offices to be ready to operate as soon as their term begins, and WHEREAS: more time would allow senators to become familiar with the dynamics and procedures of Student Senate and thus be more effective in projecting their ideas in the allocation process BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article I, Section 2-A-i, of the KSU SGA By-Laws be amended by striking “of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the spring semester for a one-year term’ and inserting the underlined portion below: 1. The election date for the office of Student Body President, Student Senate and Board of Student Publications shall be the Tuesday and Wednesday two (2) full weeks before Thanksgiving break. SECTION 2. Newly elected officers take their charge of office upon the first Student Senate meeting of the spring semester. SECTION 3. Upon ratification, this legislation will take effect June 1, 1987. PASSED 12/4/86 B-32 BILL 86/87/29 BY: REPEAL OF SGA ELECTIONS EXPENDITURE LIMITS Mike Riley & Scott Bush WHEREAS: SGA’s elections rules currently restrict candidate expenditures, and WHEREAS: restrictions of this nature violate our First Amendment Constitutional rights, and WHEREAS: the current and two previous SGA Elections Committee Chairs who have dealt with campaign expenditure limits find the monitoring of candidate expenditures to be increasingly difficult, if not impossible BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate repeal “Campaign Expenditure Regulations” (Senate Bills 81/82/24, 82/83/17, 84/85/8 and 84/85/20) and amend Sections 5 and 6 of the “Campaign Regulations” to read: SECTION 5. Campaign Expenditures. A. Campaign expenditures shall constitute the following: 1. Any expense of money or use of materials that is directed by the candidate’s campaign for purposes of a candidate’s promotion in an election. Any materials used but not purchased will be evaluated at fair market value. 2. The Kansas State Collegian will only accept advertisements on behalf of the candidate that are first approved by either the candidate or the campaign treasurer. Upon acceptance, the advertisement will be a campaign expenditure. B. Campaign Expenditure Reports. 1. One (1) campaign expenditure report shall be submitted by all declared candidates to the Elections Committee. This report shall be due on the Monday before the election at 5:00 p.m. A campaign expenditure report shall consist of details on all expenditures made by the candidate to include receipts as proof of purchase and fair market value price for those materials used in the campaign but not purchased directly by the candidate’s campaign. A report must be submitted even if no expenses are incurred. 2. These reports shall be kept on file in the SGS Office and made available to the public for one (1) full academic year. C. Run-Offs. 1. A run-off campaign expenditure report shall be due by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the run-off election and shall consist of a complete report of all expenditures for the campaign. B-33 SECTION 6. Violations. A. Penalties for violations of campaign regulations will be at the discretion of the Elections Committee, and may result in the disqualification of the candidate responsible. B. Instance of first hearing violations will rest with the Elections Committee. C. Decisions of the Elections Committee may be appealed to Student Tribunal. FAILED 12/4/86 B-34 BILL 86/87/30 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF REPRESENTATION ENHANCEMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE Steven Johnson, Pat Muir, Mike Kadel, Andy Martin WHEREAS: there is a concern that the KSU Student Senate does not currently represent students fairly, and WHEREAS: it is desirable to present the best possible proposal to students in the form of a referendum if representation can be enhanced, and WHEREAS: there has been concern that Student Senate has inherent biases in determining such a proposal BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate form a Representation Enhancement Ad hoc Committee. The Committee’s mandate shall include: 1) examine the current representation system, 2) determine whether this system can be enhanced, 3) determine and analyze all alternative proposals that could lead to enhancement, and 4) prioritize these proposals. A. The Committee shall make a preliminary report to Student Senate on mandate #1 and #2 as soon as possible. B. if the preliminary report finds enhancement to be feasible, the Committee shall continue their mandate with a report of its findings no later than March 12, 1987. C. The Committee shall keep and make available a written record of all research and proposals. SECTION 2. The Committee shall be composed of three (3) Student Senators and eight (8) students at-large of which four (4) shall be off-campus, two (2) residence hall and two (2) Greek affiliated. At least one (1) of these members shall be from the Graduate School. SECTION 3. The selection committee shall consist of the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair and Personnel Selections Coordinator. The selection committee shall appoint the ad hoc committee chair and members subject to the approval of Student Senate, and shall be expected to incorporate a broad spectrum of college representation to the best of its ability. FAILED 1/22/87 B-35 BILL 86/87/31 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S ELIGIBILITY FOR RE-ELECTION Steven Johnson, Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: our Student Body President is currently limited to only one term of office, and WHEREAS: this office deals with an overwhelming number of groups and complicated issues, and WHEREAS: it takes a large part of a term to become familiar with these groups and issues, and WHEREAS: after serving in the office for a year, an individual is already familiar with the interactions and current situations, and WHEREAS: this experience makes them more effective in articulating student needs and concerns, and WHEREAS: this individual would still have to be elected by the students through out standard election procedures BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article 1V, Section 402, Part B of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: No Student Body President shall be eligible for re-election to the position after serving two (2) terms in office. The part presently reads: No Student Body President, as having been duly elected and having served one (1) full term, shall be eligible for re-election to the position. PASSED 2/5/87 B-36 BILL 86/87/32 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISION: STUDENT SENATE INTERNS Sally Traeger, Rhonda Freeman, Karen Allen, Jodi Swengel, Karl Kunz, Carrie Behner, Tim Ridder WHEREAS: the Student Senate intern program was designed to allow students to have an active role in Student Senate without being elected officials, and WHEREAS: Senate Interns could benefit from this aspect while also contributing to the legislative process, and WHEREAS: the program in its present format is only marginally successful in achieving these aforementioned objectives BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 6, Part E-2 be amended as follows: Change part (a) to read: The Senate Intern program shall consist of twelve (12) members, each serving a one-year term. The Senate interns shall be chosen immediately following the general election through an interview process by a three (3) member panel consisting of the Student Senate Chairperson, the Senate Operations Standing Committee Chairperson, and the Senate Intern Committee Chairperson of the previous term. (“Student Senate Vice Chairperson” is changed to “Student Senate Chairperson” and “Senate intern Coordinator” is changed to “Senate Intern Committee Chairperson”) Delete present parts (b) and (C) and insert the following: b. After selection, the 12-member group shall be known as the Senate intern Committee and shall elect from its membership a chairperson. The chairperson shall have the following responsibilities: i. Call and execute all meetings of the Senate intern Committee. ii. Give weekly committee reports to Student Senate regarding information gathered from Senate office hours. iii. Continue his/her duties as chairperson of the previous term until the new Senate intern Committee chairperson is chosen. c. Two (2) Senate interns will be assigned by the Senate intern Committee chairperson of the previous term to work with each of the Student Senate standing committees. B-37 d. The Senate intern Committee members shall have speaking privileges during any Student Senate meeting. All members shall be bound to the same attendance policy as standing committee chairpersons. PASSED 2/5/87 B-38 BILL 86/87/33 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: STUDENT FEES Kirk Caraway, Doug Folk WHEREAS: the KSU SGA Constitution presently requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of Student Senate to increase the student activity fee, and WHEREAS: the student activity fee is not the only fee that can be created or changed by Student Senate, and WHEREAS: students should be protected from reactionary fee legislation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 510, Part C of the KSG SGA Constitution be amended to read: The Student Senate shall have the power to enact, by majority vote, laws of the student body necessary to the well-being of the student community. Laws providing for creation or change of all student fees under Student Senate jurisdiction will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of the Student Senate. If the Student Body President does not veto the measure within three (3) full school days it becomes a law. The underlined portion presently reads: an increase in the student activity fee PASSED 2/5/87 B-39 BILL 86/87/34 BY: NON-REVENUE SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP FEE REFERENDUM Doug Folk, Jennifer Leeds, Steve Ligon, Roger Haymaker, Sandy Marihugh, Becky Svaty WHEREAS: the KSU Athletic Department expressed a desire to establish a student fee to support intercollegiate sports, and WHEREAS: the KSU Student Senate established a task force to research the feasibility of such a fee, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Department’s administrators and coaches indicated that the ability to offer the total amount of NCAA allowed non-revenue sports scholarships would be of greatest benefit to their programs, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Department currently funds 68.63 equivalent scholarships of the allowed 89, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Department’s administrators have agreed to maintain the full amount of NCAA allowed non-revenue sports scholarships while they are receiving a student fee; the amount of which to be derived from approximately 40% of the present cost of the total amount of allowed scholarships for non-revenue sports, calculated at the out-of-state tuition rate of $5,440 per year, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Department’s administrators have also agreed to these funds being placed in a restricted account, where they would be channeled directly to the Student Financial Assistance office, to be used solely for non-revenue sports scholarships, and WHEREAS: this is believed to be the most feasible way to benefit KSU athletics through a student fee, if such a desire exists within the student body, and WHEREAS: it must be determined if the student body desires to support KSU athletics with a student fee, and WHEREAS: a referendum is the most logical and fair method of determining this desire BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Members of the KSU Student Governing Association be permitted to vote “yes” or “no” on the following questions during the SGA General Election on February 10 & 11, 1987: Shall a fee of $6.50/semester/full-time student and $3/semester/part-time student, collected in the spring and fall semesters, be implemented beginning in the 1987 Fall Semester for the use of scholarships for non-revenue intercollegiate sports for a period of three years, subject to renewal according to student fee regulations. B-40 SECTION 2. No student monies shall be collected until Athletic Department officials have signed an agreement stating that the funds will be used only for non-revenue sports scholarships, and that the full amount of allowed scholarships be maintained as long as the student fee is being collected. SECTION 3. The Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee review statements from the KSU Controller, Student Financial Assistance and Athletic Department annually to insure that the terms of the agreement are being fulfilled. SECTION 4. If the Student Senate should choose to discontinue this fee, there shall be a oneyear grace period. The review date shall be the first Student Senate meeting in April. PASSED 36/4/1 B-41 BILL 86/87/35 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO SGA: STUDENT SENATE HOT LINE Sally Traeger, Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: on November 6, 1986 Student Senate passed legislation establishing office hours as a requirement for student senators, excluding the representative(s) from the College of Veterinary Medicine, and WHEREAS: it is the responsibility of senators to address the concerns of walk-in students and hot line callers during their office hours, and WHEREAS: the Office of institutional Advancement has made a commitment to cover the cost of the additional phone line for this service, and WHEREAS: it is necessary to have effective campus-wide promotion of the phone line to insure its success, and WHEREAS: there is an additional expense incurred by said promotion campaign BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $172.05 to the Student Governing Association to cover costs involved in the operation of the “Student Senate Hot Line”. “Student Senate Office” sign Printing of flyers (325 x $.07) Advertising 4 2x4 ads @$24.40=97.60 (2/wk., 1st 2 wks.) 9 1x1 ads @$3.O5=$27.45 (1/wk. all semester) $ 22.00 25.00 125.05 $172.05 SECTION 2. These funds shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. All SGA advertisements will include the “Student Senate Hot Line” telephone number. PASSED 1/29/87 B-42 BILL 86/87/36 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO SGA: MAILING TO POTENTIAL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN SGA Sally Traeger, Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: our university has had declining enrollment in recent years, and WHEREAS: our administration has devoted numerous resources to recruitment of potential KState students, and WHEREAS: the Office of Institutional Advancement and Enrollment Management has indicated that there are 2,396 students who would like to hear more about student government at KSU, as expressed through ACT response, and WHEREAS: the recruitment of students to our campus will benefit not only the university as a whole but also student government through increased allocation monies and increased interest in SGA BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $207 to the Student Governing Association to provide for a mailing to potential students interested in the KSU SGA. Stationery (2500 sheets) Envelopes (2500) $115.00 92.00 SECTION 2. These funds shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. No later than four weeks following the all-university open house the Student Senate Chair shall report to the Student Senate on the effectiveness of this mailing. PASSED 2/5/87 B-43 BILL 86/87/37 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO SGA: SECRETARIAL SALARY INCREASE Steven Johnson, Debbie Fields, Michelle Johnson WHEREAS: the State of Kansas has converted all Secretary I positions into a new clerical series, effective December 18, 1986, and WHEREAS: this conversion means an increase in the salary of the SGA Secretary I position, and WHEREAS: the salary will increase from $1,354 to $1,388 per month ($34 increase per month x 6 months = $204) BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $204 to the Student Governing Association to cover the increase in the salary of the Secretary I for the remainder of the 1986-87 Fiscal Year. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/12/87 B-44 BILL 86/87/38 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS: ELECTION DATE Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: Senate Bill 86/87/28 mandated a change in the date of the SGA elections, and WHEREAS: Senate Bill 86/87/28 did not provide sufficient time for the Student Senate Chair to select the Senate Executive Committee before the end of the semester, and WHEREAS: the existing KSU SGA Constitution and By-Laws must be revised to accommodate these changes BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article 1, Section 2, Part A-1 of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended to read: The election date for the office of Student Body President, Student Senate and Board of Student Publications shall be the Tuesday and Wednesday of the third (3rd) full week prior to Thanksgiving Break for a one-year term. The underlined presently reads: two (2) full weeks before Thanksgiving Break SECTION 2. Article 1, Section 1, Part A-3 of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended to read: The position of Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall be by application to the KSU SGA as announced by the Chairperson of Student Senate. The Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall be appointed no later than May l,... The underlined presently reads: October 15 SECTION 3. Article VIII, Section 802 of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: The oath shall be administered by the incumbent Chancellor of Student Tribunal to the Student Senators, then to the Student Body President and the Chairperson of Student Senate the third (3rd) meeting of Student Senate following the elections. The section presently reads: The oath shall be administered by the incumbent Chancellor of Student Tribunal to the Student Body President and the Chairperson of Student Senate the third (3rd) meeting of the new Student Senate and to the Student Senators the third (3rd) meeting following the election. SECTION 4. Article IV, Section 403, Part A of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: B-45 Student Body President shall be elected at the same time as the Student Senate and shall take office at the third (3rd) meeting of Student Senate following the elections. The underlined presently reads: of the new Student Senate following election. SECTION 5. Article V, Section 506, Part A of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall be elected by the new Student Senate in the third (3rd) meeting of the Student Senate following the elections for a term of one (1) year. He/she shall be sworn in and assume the duties of Chairperson the third (3rd) meeting of Student Senate following elections. The part presently reads: Chairperson of the Student Senate, who shall be elected by the Student Senate members in the second (2nd) meeting of the newly formed Student Senate for a term of one (1) year. He/she shall be sworn in and assume the duties of Chairperson the third (3rd) meeting of the new Student Senate. SECTION 6. Article V, Section 506, Part D of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall be elected by Student Senate during the third (3rd) meeting of Student Senate following elections for a term of one (1) year. The underlined presently reads: members in the spring SECTION 7. If Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this legislation is not ratified by 6 of the 9 college councils, Sections 1 and 2 shall be invalid. PASSED 2/18/87 B-46 BILL 86/87/39 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION STUDENT SENATE CHAIRPERSON’S ELIGIBILITY FOR RE-ELECTION Sally Traeger WHEREAS: the KSU Student Senate Chairperson is currently limited to only one term of office, and WHEREAS: this office deals with an overwhelming number of groups and complicated issues, and WHEREAS: it takes a large part of a term to become familiar with these groups and issues, and WHEREAS: after serving in the office for a year, an individual is already familiar with the interactions and current situations, and WHEREAS: this experience allows an incumbent to be more effective in articulating student needs and concerns, and WHEREAS: this individual would still have to be elected by the Student Senate through the standard election procedures BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 506, Part B of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: No Student Senate Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election to that position after serving two (2) terms in office. The part presently reads: No Student Senate Chairperson, after having been duly elected, shall be eligible for re-election to that position. WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR B-47 BILL 86/87/40 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: PETITION FOR REFERENDUM TIME LIMIT Howard Woodbury, Steve Cole WHEREAS: a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the KSU SGA members can bring an issue to student referendum, and WHEREAS: the KSU SGA Constitution specifies no maximum length of time a petition can be circulated, and WHEREAS: if student concern is genuine, the petition requirement should be accomplished in a definite time period BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article Xl, Section 1102, Part B of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended by adding the following: 1. Intention for a petition drive must be stated in writing and submitted to the Student Senate Chairperson before circulation of the petition. The date the petition is signed must accompany every signature. Signatures collected before notification to the Student Senate Chairperson will be considered invalid. 2. The petition may be circulated for a period of time not to exceed 60 school days during one academic school year, excluding summer school, after which the petition will be invalid. 3. Only those signatures of persons enrolled at Kansas State University when the signatures are counted will be valid. PASSED 2/18/87 B-48 BILL 86/87/41 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS: ESTABLISHMENT OF SGA TREASURER POSITION Sally Traeger WHEREAS: the Student Governing Association compiles a complex and comprehensive budget annually, and WHEREAS: SGA is subject to the same review and scrutiny of their budget by the Student Senate Finance Committee as are all other student groups requesting funds, and WHEREAS: the Student Senate Chairperson, Student Body President, SGA Secretary and/or Coordinator of Student Activities currently compiles, presents and defends the SGA budget during the allocation process, and WHEREAS: it is appropriate that the treasurer of a student organization has the duties of compiling, presenting and defending the organization’s budget, and WHEREAS: the KSU SGA Constitution and By-Laws allow for the creation of officers of the SGA as deemed necessary BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 506 of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended as follows: Combine parts A & B. Part C shall become Part B. Part D shall become Part C. Add a new Part D to read: SGA Treasurer, who shall be appointed by a three (3)-member panel consisting of the Student Body President, Student Senate Chairperson and Coordinator of Student Activities, no later than the last Student Senate meeting in October. The appointment must be ratified by Student Senate. SECTION 2. Article V of the KSU SGA Constitution be amended as follows: Section 510 shall become 511, and Section 511 shall become 512. Add a new Section 510 to read: Duties and Powers of the SGA Treasurer. A. Work with the Coordinator of Student Activities in compiling and preparing the annual SGA budget. B. Represent the SGA budget during the allocation process. C. Present to Student Senate any legislation regarding special allocations to SGA. Before a request for a special allocation is made or presented to Student Senate Finance Committee, it must go through the SGA Treasurer. D. Inform the Student Senate of current budget matters of the SGA. B-49 E. Present to Student Senate two (2) SGA budget reports, the first at the first meeting in January and the second at the first meeting in October. SECTION 3. Article IV, Section 6, Part A of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended by adding the underlined: The Student Senate shall have an Executive Committee consisting of the Student Body President, Chairperson of Student Senate who shall act as the committee’s chair, Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, Student Senate representative to Faculty Senate, SGA Treasurer,... SECTION 4. Article IV, Section 7 of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended by adding the underlined: Any standing committee chairperson or the SGA Treasurer who is not a voting member of the Student Senate shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of Student Senate. They will be... SECTION 5. If Sections 1 and 2 of this legislation are not ratified by 6 of the 9 college councils, Sections 3 and 4 shall be invalid. PASSED 2/18/87 B-50 BILL 86/87/42 BY: HUMAN ECOLOGY COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Candy Leonard BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate ratify the following revisions to the Human Ecology College Council Constitution: (revisions may be found in the notebook of minutes) PASSED 2/18/87 B-51 BILL 86/87/43 BY: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE RESTRUCTURING Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee WHEREAS: the K-State Union, Student Publications and Recreational Services are ongoing organizations, and WHEREAS: these three organizations’ budgets are large and complex and warrant special consideration, and WHEREAS: separating them from the student activity fee will facilitate a more thorough review BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate create three separate student fees as follows: A. K-State Union fee of $12/full-time student and $6/part-time student for the fall and spring semesters, and $1/credit hour up to 6 credit hours for summer school. B. Student Publications fee of $3/full-time student and $l/ part-time student for the fall and spring semesters, and $.25/credit hour up to 6 credit hours for summer school. C. Recreational Services fee of $2.50/full-time student and $.75/part-time student for the fall and spring semesters, and $.25/credit hour up to 6 credit hours for summer school. SECTION 2. The fall and spring student activity fee be reduced from $25.25 to $7.75/full-time student, a $17.50 decrease; and from $12.20 to $4.45/part-time student, a $7.75 decrease, in order to reflect the restructuring. SECTION 3. The summer student activity fee he reduced from $2.25 to $.75/ credit hour up to 6 credit hours, a $1.50 decrease, in order to reflect the restructuring. SECTION 4. Each fee shall be reviewed once every three (3) years on a rotating basis, continuing the current cycle. SECTION 5. This restructuring shall take effect in the 1987 Fall Semester. PASSED 2/26/87 B-52 BILL 86/87/44 BY: K-STATE UNION & STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEE INCREASE Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee WHEREAS: the K-State Union and Student Publications have not receive an increase in fees for 10 years and 17 years respectively, and WHEREAS: these organizations are faced with decreasing funds as a result of decreasing enrollment, and WHEREAS: the K-State Union and Student Publications are being assessed an institutional support fee, and WHEREAS: the two organizations operated at a deficit in the 1985-86 Fiscal Year and are projected to do so again in the 1986-87 Fiscal Year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The K-State Union fee be increased as follows: A. Full-time student fee increase from $12 to $17, a $5 increase. B. Part-time student fee increase from $6 to $8.50, a $2.50 increase. C. Summer fee increase from $1 to $1.35 per credit hour up to 6 credit hours, a $.35 increase. SECTION 2. The Student Publications fee be increased as follows: A. Full-time student fee increase from $3 to $4.80, a $1.80 increase. B. Part-time student fee increase from $1 to $2.40, a $1.40 increase. C. Summer fee increase from $.25 to $.40 per credit hour up to 6 credit hours, a $.l5 increase. SECTION 3. This legislation will take effect in the 1987 Fall Semester. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 2/26/87 B-53 BILL 86/87/45 BY: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE INCREASE TO ACCOMMODATE THE K-STATE UNION & STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee WHEREAS: the K-State Union and Student Publications have not received an increase in fees for 10 years and 17 years respectively, and WHEREAS: these organizations are faced with decreasing funds as a result of decreasing enrollment, and WHEREAS: the K-State Union and Student Publications are being assessed an institutional support fee, and WHEREAS: the two organizations operated at a deficit in the 1985-86 Fiscal Year and are projected to do so again in the 1986-87 Fiscal Year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The student activity fee be increase from $25.25 to $32.05/ full-time student, a $6.80 increase, and increased from $12.20 to $16.10/part-time student, a $3.90 increase, and the summer school activity fee he increased from $2.25 to $2.75/credit hour up to 6 credit hours, a $.50 increase, to be distributed as follows: A. The K-State Union full-time line item be increased from $12.80 to $18, a $5.20 increase, and the part-time line item be increased from $6.40 to $9, a $2.60 increase. B. The Student Publications full-time line item be increased from $3.20 to $5, a $1.80 increase, and the part-time line item be increased from $1.15 to $2.50, a $1.35 increase. WITHDRAWN BECAUSE BILL 86/87/43 PASSED B-54 BILL 86/87/46 BY: 1 1987 SGA ELECTIONS RESULTS 987 Elections Committee WHEREAS: the SGA General Election on February 10 & 11, 1987 and the Student Body President Run-Off Election on February 18, 1987 were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS: 3,823 ballots were cast in the General Election and 2,080 in the Run-Off Election between Kent Bradley and Michelle Benoit BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1986-87 Student Senate accept and approve the results of the 1987 SGA Elections as shown below: Student Body President Kent Bradley Board of Student Publications Jada Allerheiligen Laura Johnson Mike Riley Judi Walter Agriculture Student Senators Mike A. Kadel Melanie Mainquist Pat Muir Scott Shuey Mary Sobba Architecture & Design Student Senators Tony Duncan Mike Noll Butch Rittmann Arts & Sciences Student Senators Kirk Caraway Tom Denzel Julie Frick Scott L. King Jennifer Leeds Pam Meyer Dan Owens Matt Queen Tim Ridder Fran Royster Debi Steen Jeff Wing Business Administration Student Senators Cindy Bronson Mark Burns Scott Cashman B-55 Jill Fyfe Liesa Gittemeier Joe Kennedy Janet Netherland Steve Reid Education Student Senators . Becky Griebat Janie Lauer Sheahon Zenger Engineering Student Senators Doug Folk Charles Kneaves Joel Marquardt Troy Miller Doug Steele Eirene Tatham Amy Vath Greg Weisenborn Graduate Student Senators Mark Bogina Stu Duncan Mike E. Lasch Norma Salsman Justin M. Sanders Larry Wagner Human Ecology Student Senators Pam Eitel Mary Jo Lampe Jana Lessman Veterinary Medicine Student Senator Mark Stenstrom PASSED 2/26/87 B-56 1986-1987 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 86/87/1 Senate Interns ........................................................................................................1 Res 86/87/2 Standing Committee Chairs...................................................................................2 Res 86/87/3 U-Learn Associate Coordinator.............................................................................3 Res 86/87/4 Finance Committee At-Large Members ................................................................4 Res 86/87/5 Student Body President’s Cabinet .........................................................................5 Res 86/87/6 Committee Appointments......................................................................................6 Res 86/87/7 Student Senate Parliamentarian.............................................................................7 Res 86/87/8 Judicial Appointments ...........................................................................................8 Res 86/87/9 Standing Committee At-Large Members & Special Appointments......................9 Res 86/87/10 Associated Students of Kansas Campus Director & Assistant Campus Director ...............................................................................................................10 Res 86/87/11 Commendation t Dr. Duane Acker......................................................................11 Res 86/87/12 Welcome to Dr. Jon Wefald ................................................................................12 Res 86/87/13 1986-87 Student Senate Goals.............................................................................13 Res 86/87/14 Opposition to Presidents Reagan’s Proposed Budget Cuts .................................14 Res 86/87/15 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum .........................................................................................................15 Res 86/87/16 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Senator Bob Dole.........................15 Res 86/87/17 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Jim Slattery ...........15 Res 86/87/18 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Pat Roberts ............15 Res 86/87/19 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Dan Glickman.............................................................................................................15 Res 86/87/20 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Bob Whittaker.............................................................................................................15 Res 86/87/21 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Jan Meyers ............15 Res 86/87/22 Commendation to the University of Kansas........................................................16 Res 86/87/23 Welcome to George Shultz..................................................................................17 Res 86/87/24 Commendation to Lori Shellenberger & Kent Bradley, Truman Scholars .........18 Res 86/87/25 Union Governing Board Student Members.........................................................19 Res 86/87/26 Opposition to Transcript Fee Increase.................................................................20 Res 86/87/27 Athletic Fee Task Force Appointments...............................................................21 Res 86/87/28 FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator.........................................................22 Res 86/87/29 Intercollegiate Athletic Council Student Appointment .......................................23 Res 86/87/30 Consumer Relations Board Director ...................................................................24 Res 86/87/31 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................25 Res 86/87/32 FONE Crisis Center Coordinator ........................................................................26 Res 86/87/33 U-Learn Associate Coordinator...........................................................................27 Res 86/87/34 Traffic Appeals Board Members .........................................................................28 Res 86/87/35 Support of State Lottery ......................................................................................29 Res 86/87/36 Support of Liquor by the Drink ...........................................................................30 Res 86/87/37 Support of Pari-Mutuel Betting ...........................................................................31 Res 86/87/38 Opposition to Mandatory Drug Testing of any Student or Faculty Member ...............................................................................................................32 Res 86/87/39 Recommendation to the Aggieville Merchants Association and the City of Manhattan .......................................................................................................33 Res 86/87/40 1987 SGA Election Committee Chair and Members ..........................................34 Res 86/87/41 1987-1988 Coordinator of Finances....................................................................35 Res 86/87/42 Commendation to Kelly Welch, Rhodes Scholar................................................36 Res 86/87/43 Res 86/87/44 Res 86/87/45 Res 86/87/46 Objection to Service Charges on Receipts of Student-Funded Agencies............37 Prioritization of Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) Platform.......................39 Commendation to Dr. Gale Simons.....................................................................40 Commendation to Steven Johnson and Sally Traeger.........................................41 1986-1987 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 86/87/1 Senate Interns ........................................................................................................1 Res 86/87/2 Standing Committee Chairs...................................................................................2 Res 86/87/3 U-Learn Associate Coordinator.............................................................................3 Res 86/87/4 Finance Committee At-Large Members ................................................................4 Res 86/87/5 Student Body President’s Cabinet .........................................................................5 Res 86/87/6 Committee Appointments......................................................................................6 Res 86/87/7 Student Senate Parliamentarian.............................................................................7 Res 86/87/8 Judicial Appointments ...........................................................................................8 Res 86/87/9 Standing Committee At-Large Members & Special Appointments......................9 Res 86/87/10 Associated Students of Kansas Campus Director & Assistant Campus Director ...............................................................................................................10 Res 86/87/25 Union Governing Board Student Members.........................................................19 Res 86/87/27 Athletic Fee Task Force Appointments...............................................................21 Res 86/87/28 FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator.........................................................22 Res 86/87/29 Intercollegiate Athletic Council Student Appointment .......................................23 Res 86/87/30 Consumer Relations Board Director ...................................................................24 Res 86/87/31 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................25 Res 86/87/32 FONE Crisis Center Coordinator ........................................................................26 Res 86/87/33 U-Learn Associate Coordinator...........................................................................27 Res 86/87/34 Traffic Appeals Board Members .........................................................................28 Res 86/87/40 1987 SGA Election Committee Chair and Members ..........................................34 Res 86/87/41 1987-1988 Coordinator of Finances....................................................................35 Approval of Regulations and Guidelines Commendations Res 86/87/11 Commendation t Dr. Duane Acker......................................................................11 Res 86/87/22 Commendation to the University of Kansas........................................................16 Res 86/87/24 Commendation to Lori Shellenberger & Kent Bradley, Truman Scholars .........18 Res 86/87/42 Commendation to Kelly Welch, Rhodes Scholar................................................36 Res 86/87/45 Commendation to Dr. Gale Simons.....................................................................40 Res 86/87/46 Commendation to Steven Johnson and Sally Traeger.........................................41 Resolutions Regarding State Government Res 86/87/15 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum .........................................................................................................15 Res 86/87/16 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Senator Bob Dole.........................15 Res 86/87/17 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Jim Slattery ...........15 Res 86/87/18 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Pat Roberts ............15 Res 86/87/19 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Dan Glickman.............................................................................................................15 Res 86/87/20 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Bob Whittaker.............................................................................................................15 Res 86/87/21 Statement to (name) On Financial Aid Cuts: Congressman Jan Meyers ............15 Res 86/87/35 Support of State Lottery ......................................................................................29 Res 86/87/37 Support of Pari-Mutuel Betting ...........................................................................31 Res 86/87/38 Opposition to Mandatory Drug Testing of any Student or Faculty Member ...............................................................................................................32 Resolution Regarding Local Government Res 86/87/36 Support of Liquor by the Drink ...........................................................................30 Res 86/87/39 Recommendation to the Aggieville Merchants Association and the City of Manhattan .......................................................................................................33 Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 86/87/26 Opposition to Transcript Fee Increase.................................................................20 Miscellaneous Res 86/87/12 Res 86/87/13 Res 86/87/14 Res 86/87/23 Res 86/87/43 Res 86/87/44 Welcome to Dr. Jon Wefald ................................................................................12 1986-87 Student Senate Goals.............................................................................13 Opposition to Presidents Reagan’s Proposed Budget Cuts .................................14 Welcome to George Shultz..................................................................................17 Objection to Service Charges on Receipts of Student-Funded Agencies............37 Prioritization of Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) Platform.......................39 RESOLUTION 86/87/1 BY: SENATE INTERNS Sally Traeger, Debbie Fields, Mike Riley, Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS senate intern positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students applied for the positions, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair, Senate Intern Coordinator and Student Senate Vice Chair BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as the 86-87 Senate Interns: Karen Allen Carrie Behner Eva Chatterjee Rhonda Freeman Mike Hayes John Lowe Charlene Nichols Chris Nikkel Amy Petry Tim Ridder Jodi Swengel Cheryl Tillberg PASSED 2/27/86 R-1 RESOLUTION 86/87/2 BY: STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Sally Traeger & Martin Monto WHEREAS a number of qualified people applied for the positions of Student Senate standing committee chairs, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Senate chair and vice-chair BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as Student Senate standing committee chairs: Academic Affairs Communications Senate Operations State & Community Affairs Student Affairs & Social Services Jim Crutchfield Candy Leonard Debbie Fields Mike Riley Brett Bromich PASSED 3/6/86 R-2 RESOLUTION 86/87/3 BY: U-LEARN ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR Susan Baird WHEREAS U-LearN is funded by student government, and WHEREAS the position of Associate Coordinator of U-LearN became vacant, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS the person listed below was the most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Debbie Paap be approved as the U-LearN Associate Coordinator. PASSED 3/6/86 R-3 RESOLUTION 86/87/4 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE AT-LARGE MEMBERS Steve Ligon WHEREAS the four at-large positions on the Student Senate Finance Standing Committee were well advertised, and WHEREAS several applications were received, and WHEREAS interviews were held and the most qualified individuals were selected, and WHEREAS SGA guidelines were following during the selection process BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as at-large members on the 1986-87 Student Senate Finance Standing Committee: Tim Congrove Doug Leming Mark Lacy Phil Nordhus PASSED 3/6/86 R-4 RESOLUTION 86/87/5 BY: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET Steven Johnson WHEREAS positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet were left vacant by the expiration of the previous Student Body President’s term, and WHEREAS the Cabinet must be approved by Student Senate, and WHEREAS the Cabinet positions were sufficiently advertised in the Kansas State Collegian, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS the following people proved to be best qualified and suited for these respective positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as members of the 1986-87 Student Body President’s Cabinet: Chief of Staff Executive Advisor Executive Assistant Attorney General Administrative Assistant Public Relations Director College Council Coordinator Pro-Active Director of Special Projects Re-Active Director of Special Projects Director of Minority Affairs Director of International Affairs Associated Students of Kansas Board Member. . Union Governing Board President PASSED 3/20/86 R-5 Mike Kadel Mark Jones Colin Hickey David Ott Susan Sommers Gary Stark Andy Martin John Seitzer Pat Muir Gary Sepulveda Seiichi Yoshino Doug Chamblin Athena Wong RESOLUTION 86/87/6 BY: COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Sally Traeger WHEREAS it is the Student Senate Chair’s responsibility to appoint students to at-large positions on the committees listed below BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following committee appointments made by the Student Senate Chair: Basketball Ticket Sales Committee Sarah Olsen Rima Hassan Barry Hofer Tad Schroeder Liesa Gittemeier Kent Letourneau David Pulford William Franken Sports Club Council Lisa Gast John Morris Rec Services Council Paul Armbrust PASSED 3/20/86 R-6 RESOLUTION 86/87/7 BY: STUDENT SENATE PARLIAMENTARIAN Sally Traeger WHEREAS Student Senate has adopted Roberts’ Rules of Order as a guide for an effective and efficient means of conducting its meetings, and WHEREAS it is necessary to have a knowledgeable and unbiased resource for parliamentary reference, and WHEREAS the availability of the position of parliamentarian was sufficiently advertised, given budgetary restraints, and WHEREAS interviews were held by the Student Senate Chair BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Shelly Wakeman be approved as Parliamentarian of the 1986-87 Student Senate. PASSED 3/27/86 R-7 RESOLUTION 86/87/8 BY: JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS Steven Johnson WHEREAS the positions open on judicial boards were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following individuals were best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as student members of the respective judicial boards: Judicial Council Doug Terhune Troy Lubbers Tribunal Brian Wheeler, Chancellor David Stewart Eric Allen David Sell Keith Petracek Student Review Board Larry Marvel Ben McLane Shana Maples Lura Jo Atherly Janelle Larson Traffic Appeals Board Andrew Talge Will Franken Jeffrey Loucks Heather Grosko Wes Alexander PASSED 3/27/86 R-8 RESOLUTION 86/87/9 STANDING COMMITTEE AT-LARGE MEMBERS & SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS BY: Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the availability of at-large positions on the Student Senate standing committees was sufficiently publicized, and WHEREAS there were a number of qualified applicants, and WHEREAS the power to appoint at-large members, vice-chairman and project coordinators was properly delegated to the standing committee chairs, and WHEREAS said chairs held interviews to fill these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. SECTION 2. The following individuals be approved as at-large members of the respective standing committees: Academic Affairs Susan Brent Kevin Religa Tim Ulrich Pete Newallis Steve Holmstrom David Ediger Kristen Schlender Kirsten Mattan Communications Daron Brown Scott Bush Nancy Stone Pat Hund Wesley Alexander Bill Gonterman Michelle Elkins Jeff Rapp Senate Operations Terri Irwin Jane Drees Kyle Logan Joel Marquardt Jerry Connet Jim Garrison Mary Jo Lampe State & Community Affairs Bob Tretter Mark Murrison Shelly Wakeman David Sherwood Gerald Loftin Cheryl Trentman Student Affairs & Social Services Brian Ritenour Steven Schmidt John Morris Greg Martin Liesa Gittemeier Michelle Bostick Ashlyn Conoyer David Erdman The following standing committee members be approved in their respective positions: Social Services Coordinator Communications Committee Vice Chair Personnel Selections Coordinator Student Senate Intern Coordinator PASSED 3/27/86 R-9 Eric Ireland Susan Baird Kevin Eickmann Jerry Connet RESOLUTION 86/87/10 BY: ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS CAMPUS DIRECTOR & ASSISTANT CAMPUS DIRECTOR Steven Johnson WHEREAS the positions of the Associated Students of Kansas Campus Director and Assistant Campus Director were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following individuals best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students he approved in the following positions with the Associated Students of Kansas: Campus Director Assistant Campus Director Patty Hipsher Matt Livingston PASSED 3/27/86 R-10 RESOLUTION 86/87/11 BY: COMMENDATION TO DR. DUANE ACKER Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS Dr. Duane Acker has served Kansas State University as President for the past 11 years, and WHEREAS his contributions to the university community have been many, and WHEREAS his resignation becomes effective July 1, 1986 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Dr. Duane Acker for his many contributions to Kansas State University. PASSED 4/3/86 R-11 RESOLUTION 86/87/12 BY: WELCOME TO DR. JON WEFALD Steven Johnson & Sally Traeger WHEREAS Dr. Jon Wefald has been selected as the next President of Kansas State University effective July 1, 1986, and WHEREAS it is essential that effective communication take place between students and administrators to better the university environment, and WHEREAS Student Senate represents the entire student body and acts on its behalf BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate congratulate and welcome Dr. Jon Wefald as President of Kansas State University. PASSED 3/27/86 R-12 RESOLUTION 86/87/13 1986-87 STUDENT SENATE GOALS BY: Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS it is the responsibility of student government to be accountable to the students, and WHEREAS Student Senate must be organized to be an effective voice for students’ concerns, and WHEREAS organized planning requires setting attainable and concrete goals to give direction BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the following goals for the 1986-87 Student Senate term: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Develop a S.G.A. public relations program, Improve relations with community government, Improve the university environment, Promote and protect the students’ academic interests, and Improve the operations of student government through motivational programs. PASSED 4/3/86 R-13 RESOLUTION 86/87/14 BY: OPPOSITION TO PRESIDENT REAGAN’S PROPOSED BUDGET CUTS Patty Hipsher & Matt Livingston WHEREAS President Reagan has submitted a budget for student assistance that would eliminate one million students per year for three years from all federal student aid, and WHEREAS the Congress has rejected the President’s budget, but has yet to pass one of its own, and WHEREAS tremendous pressures exist to cut education spending, and WHEREAS it is the opinion of this Student Senate that federal student aid remains the greatest insurer of access to American higher education for all of our citizens, and WHEREAS numerous studies have shown that our national investment in higher education through student assistance is repaid several times over through greater productivity, higher tax payments, and higher rates of social stability among the college educated, and WHEREAS non-loan student aid programs have declined by 19 percent over the last four years when measured against inflation, and WHEREAS total federal spending on student aid is less than one percent of the federal budget BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate oppose any attempts to cut federal spending for student aid during the budget process. SECTION 2. We join our colleagues around the state and country in sending this message to Congress. PASSED 4/10/86 R-14 RESOLUTION 86/87/15 thru 21 STATEMENT TO (name) ON FINANCIAL AID CUTS Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum Senator Bob Dole Congressman Jim Slattery Congressman Pat Roberts Congressman Dan Glickrnan Congressman Bob Whittaker Congressman Jan Meyers BY: Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS President Reagan’s submitted budget has called for substantial cuts in student aid, and WHEREAS student assistance programs have been targeted for cuts through Gramm-RudmanHollings, and WHEREAS student aid programs have stood as a landmark of federal commitment to higher education, and WHEREAS student assistance has proven to be an efficient investment resulting in greater productivity, higher tax payments, and higher rates of social stability among the college educated, and WHEREAS under President Reagan’s proposed budget over one million students per year would be eliminated from any type of federal aid for the next three years, and WHEREAS 5,402 students at Kansas State University receive federal student aid and the cuts proposed by Gramm-Rudman-Hollings will reduce student financial assistance at K-State by $851,620 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate oppose any attempt by (name of legislator) to cut federal spending for student aid during the budget process. SECTION 2. We strongly urge that (name of legislator) work to maintain the current level of federal spending for student aid. PASSED 4/10/86 R-15 RESOLUTION 86/87/22 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the 1985-86 University of Kansas’ basketball team finished their season in the final four of the NCAA Division I National Championship Tournament, and WHEREAS prior to said tournament, the University of Kansas was ranked 2nd in the nation, and WHEREAS no other Big Eight Conference university has attained such a high ranking since 1964, and WHEREAS the University of Kansas basketball team did a tremendous job bringing national recognition to the State of Kansas and the Big Eight Conference BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. On behalf of the Kansas State University student body, the KSU Student Senate commend the University of Kansas on their outstanding basketball program and congratulate them on their success during the 1985-86 season. PASSED 4/10/86 R-16 RESOLUTION 86/87/23 BY: WELCOME TO GEORGE SHULTZ Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the Landon Lecture Series pays tribute to Kansas’ elder statesman, Governor Alfred Landon, and WHEREAS the Landon Lecture Series allows Kansas State University to play host to the world’s statesmen, and WHEREAS the lecture series and its lectures have given Kansas State University a sense of prestige and pride, and WHEREAS Student Senate recognizes that said lectures provide an unparalleled opportunity for students to gain an understanding of world concerns BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate, on behalf of the entire student body, extend a welcome to George Shultz, United States Secretary of State, to our university community. PASSED 4/10/86 R-17 RESOLUTION 86/87/24 BY: COMMENDATION TO LORI SHELLENBERGER & KENT BRADLEY, TRUMAN SCHOLARS Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the Truman Scholarship is one of the most prestigious undergraduate scholarships in the nation, and WHEREAS only one student is picked for each state, with 50 at-large students picked nationwide after the initial 50, and WHEREAS K-State has had nine Truman Scholars in the last six years, second only to Harvard and Yale, and WHEREAS Lori Shellenberger and Kent Bradley each won one of this year’s Truman Scholarships BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Lori Shellenberger and Kent Bradley for receiving Truman Scholarships. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 4/22/86 R-18 RESOLUTION 86/87/25 BY: UNION GOVERNING BOARD STUDENT MEMBERS Ed Nickel & Michelle Benoit WHEREAS five (5) student seats on the Union Governing Board are open due to the expiration of terms, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee held interviews for the positions and found the following individuals to be most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as student members of the Union Governing Board: 2-year voting members Anne Brandsberg Scott Phillips David Compton 1-year voting member Mark Buyle 1-year non-voting member Kipp Schoen PASSED 4/24/86 R-19 RESOLUTION 86/87/26 BY: OPPOSITION TO TRANSCRIPT FEE INCREASE Steven Johnson WHEREAS the administration has proposed a change in fees for transcripts and line schedules, and WHEREAS this proposal has gone before the Kansas Board of Regents for first reading, and WHEREAS the change would likely increase the total cost of these items to students, and WHEREAS at least one-third of the 40,000 transcripts issued each year are provided to currently enrolled students in their search for employment, in support of application for graduate study and in conjunction with application to other institutions, and WHEREAS student monies from these fees should not be used to cover university operating expenses and capital improvements BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate strongly oppose the proposed change of $1 to $2 for transcript fees and the elimination of a charge for the line schedule. PASSED 5/1/86 R-20 RESOLUTION 86/87/27 BY: ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE APPOINTMENTS Sally Traeger, Steven Johnson, Kevin Eickmann WHEREAS student concerns were voiced regarding the possibility of assessing students a non-incidental fee to subsidize the funding of the Athletic Department, and WHEREAS in anticipation of the issue, a task force was formed to research the feasibility of assessing an athletic fee to students, and WHEREAS legislation establishing the Athletic Fee Task Force that Student Senate passed provided guidelines for membership: and WHEREAS positions on the task force were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS interviews were held by the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair and Coordinator of Personnel Selections, and WHEREAS the following people best represented the demographic characteristics of our student population BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following student senators be appointed to the Athletic Fee Task Force: Steve Ligon Doug Folk Becky Svaty Kirk Caraway Jennifer Leeds SECTION 2. The following students he appointed as at-large members of the Athletic Fee Task Force: William Majerus Roger Haymaker Sandy Marihugh Kelly Lamborn PASSED 5/1/86 R-21 RESOLUTION 86/87/28 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the position of Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center became vacant, and WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: a working knowledge of the FONE and a knowledge of community activities, and WHEREAS interviews were held and the following person best met the above qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Charlene Nichols be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 5/1/86 R-22 RESOLUTION 86/87/29 BY: INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL STUDENT APPOINTMENT Steven Johnson WHEREAS one of the two student positions on the Intercollegiate Athletic Council has become vacant, and WHEREAS the position was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following individual best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. E. John Stonner be approved as a student member of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council. PASSED 5/1/86 R-23 RESOLUTION 86/87/30 BY: CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS an opening has occurred in the position of the Director of the Consumer Relations Board, and WHEREAS the opening was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the individual named below was best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Kelli Carr as the Director of the Consumer Relations Board. PASSED 9/4/86 R-24 RESOLUTION 86/87/31 BY: S.G.A. WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the S.G.A. work-study secretarial position became vacant this fall, and WHEREAS the individual below meets the qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Debbie Fields as the S.G.A. work-study secretary. PASSED 9/4/86 R-25 RESOLUTION 86/87/32 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER COORDINATOR Kevin Eickmann WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: 1. 2. 3. 4. a working knowledge of the FONE; knowledge of community social activities; ability to schedule on-call personnel & volunteer shifts, and ability to coordinate substance abuse-related programs and activities, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS this person best meets the above qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Katie Andre-Tucker be approved as the Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 9/18/86 R-26 RESOLUTION 86/87/33 BY: U-LEARN ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the U-LearN Associate Coordinator position was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS applications were taken and interviews were conducted BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Joni Hays be approved as the U-LearN Associate Coordinator. PASSED 9/18/86 R-27 RESOLUTION 86/87/34 BY: TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Steven Johnson WHEREAS two openings arose on the Student Traffic Appeals Board over the summer, and WHEREAS the following individuals are well qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Manthri Srinath and Roy Loepp be approved as members of the Traffic Appeals Board. PASSED 9/25/86 R-28 RESOLUTION 86/87/35 BY: SUPPORT OF STATE LOTTERY State & Community Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS a poll taken by the Kansas State Collegian, and cited in its October 13th edition, showed that 83.4% of KSU students polled support a proposed state lottery, and WHEREAS a state lottery would increase badly needed state revenue, and WHEREAS Student Senate should act as a gauge of student opinion BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1986-87 Student Senate endorse measures to allow for a State of Kansas lottery. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY R-29 RESOLUTION 86/87/36 BY: SUPPORT OF LIQUOR BY THE DRINK State & Community Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS a poll taken by the Kansas State Collegian, and cited in its October 13th edition, showed that 78.9% of the KSU students polled favor a measure to allow liquor by the drink, and WHEREAS the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee feels that liquor by the drink would be beneficial in increasing state revenues through increased commerce, and WHEREAS Student Senate should act as a gauge of student sentiment BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1986-87 Student Senate endorse measures to allow liquor by the drink in Kansas. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY R-30 RESOLUTION 86/87/37 BY: SUPPORT OF PARI-MUTUEL BETTING State & Community Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS a poll taken by the Kansas State Collegian, and cited in its October 13th edition, showed that 76.5% of KSU students polled support pari-mutuel betting, and WHEREAS the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee feels that pari-mutuel betting would allow for increased tourism, hence increased state revenues, and WHEREAS Student Senate should act as a gauge of student concern BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1986-87 Student Senate endorse measures to allow for pari-mutuel betting in the State of Kansas. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY R-31 RESOLUTION 86/87/38 BY: OPPOSITION TO MANDATORY DRUG TESTING OF ANY STUDENT OR FACULTY MEMBER Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee & Patty Hipsher WHEREAS there exists great concern about drug abuse in our society, and WHEREAS the Constitution protects our rights and liberties of privacy and not to testify against ourselves, and WHEREAS the Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents has made a statement opposing state mandatory drug testing of students and supporting the development of educational programs identifying the hazards of drug use BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate oppose state mandatory drug testing of any student or faculty member. PASSED 11/13/86 R-32 RESOLUTION 86/87/39 BY: RECOMMENDATION TO THE AGGIEVILLE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF MANHATTAN Sally Traeger, Steven Johnson, Brett Bromich, Mike Riley, Mike Kadel, Patty Hipsher, Pat Muir, Candy Leonard, Jim Crutchfield, Martin Monto, Teresa Leighty, Eirene Tatham WHEREAS we have found incidents following the KSU vs. K-State football game to be extremely disturbing, and WHEREAS similar incidents have occurred several times throughout the history of the KU/KState rivalry, and WHEREAS these incidences have lent themselves to much negative state and nation-wide publicity, and WHEREAS this publicity has reflected poorly upon the reputation of the university and the student body as a whole, and WHEREAS we cannot tolerate the reoccurrence of such an event, and WHEREAS we share a common and strong desire to insure that these episodes are not repeated, and WHEREAS past efforts to avoid having such incidents reoccur have not been successful BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate strongly encourage the Aggieville Merchants Association and the City of Manhattan to consider closing Aggieville at some point on the day of the 1987 KU/ K-State football game as a part of the total solution to alleviate the potential for further damage to our university and community reputations as well as to the Aggieville businesses themselves. SECTION 2. The KSU Student Senate will assist and support the efforts of the Aggieville Merchants Association, the Manhattan City Commission, the Riley County Police Department and other agencies who are working to prevent further damage to persons and properties, as well as to the reputations of Kansas State University and the City of Manhattan. PASSED 38/4/0 ON 11/20/86 R-33 RESOLUTION 86/87/40 BY: 1987 SGA ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR AND MEMBERS Debbie Fields, Steven Johnson, Sally Traeger WHEREAS the positions of the 1987 SGA Elections Committee Chair and members were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS qualified individuals applied for the positions, and WHEREAS the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair and Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair interviewed applicants for the position of chair, and WHEREAS the 1987 SGA Elections Committee Chair and one other individual interviewed those applicants interested in being members of the committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Scott Bush be approved as the 1987 SGA Elections Committee Chair. SECTION 2. The following students be approved as members of the 1987 SGA Elections Committee: P. J. Johnson Kathy Jones Rick Perkins Eva Chatterjee Nancy Stone Tom Ridder Nancy Hill PASSED 12/4/86 R-34 RESOLUTION 86/87/41 BY: 1987-88 COORDINATOR OF FINANCES Sally Traeger, Steven Johnson, Steve Ligon WHEREAS the position of Coordinator of Finances was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS qualified individuals applied for the position, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chair, Student Body President and present Coordinator of Finances interviewed all applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Doug Leming be approved as the 1987-88 Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 1/22/87 R-35 RESOLUTION 86/87/42 BY: COMMENDATION TO KELLY WELCH, RHODES SCHOLAR Sally Traeger, Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the Rhodes Scholarship is among the most prestigious scholarships available to outstanding students, and WHEREAS there are only 32 Rhodes Scholarships awarded nationwide each year, and WHEREAS Kelly Welch, a student at Kansas State University and a former Student Senator, won one of this year’s Rhodes Scholarships BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Kelly Welch for receiving a Rhodes Scholarship. PASSED R-36 RESOLUTION 86/87/43 BY: OBJECTION TO SERVICE CHARGES ON RECEIPTS OF STUDENT-FUNDED AGENCIES Steve Milligan, Sally Howard-Clayton WHEREAS Kansas State University’s budget was cut by 3.8% from the state, and WHEREAS the university was forced to take this amount out of the second half of the fiscal year causing funding shortfalls and numerous complications to virtually all areas, and WHEREAS the university administration has announced a 3% service charge, retroactive to cover the entire 1986-87 Fiscal Year, on all applicable receipts of three studentfunded agencies (K-State Union, Lafene Student Health Center and Student Publications) for the stated purpose of reimbursing the university for services provided to these agencies, and WHEREAS the service charge does not accurately reflect the actual value of the services provided by the university to these agencies nor account for the services provided by these agencies to the university, and WHEREAS prior stated and implied financial agreements related to the above services have been followed by the university and these agencies, and WHEREAS the timing of the announcement of the service charge did not allow for interaction between the university administration, the Student Governing Association and the three student-funded agencies to: 1) study the impact of the service charge, 2) study the relationship between the university and the agencies, nor 3) make appropriate budgetary plans, and WHEREAS no other university in Kansas has a similar service charge on receipts, and WHEREAS Governor Hayden has announced his intentions to restore the 3.8% recession for the next fiscal year, and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association is the sole and allencompassing representative of the student body and its interests BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate encourage the directors of the three student- funded agencies: a) to correct the proposed charges with the university, based on the prior agreements between the university arid the agencies, and b) to withhold payment of the proposed charges until agreements are reached between the university administration and the agencies that satisfy the agency directors. SECTION 2. The Student Governing Association request that the proposed service charge be enacted only for this fiscal year as a temporary measure to assist in our current financial difficulties. R-37 SECTION 3. Student Senate encourage the university administration to improve communication between the Student Governing Association, the student-funded agencies and the administrators on real and potential financial issues. PASSED 1/29/87 R-38 RESOLUTION 86/87/44 BY: PRIORITIZATION OF ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (A.S.K.) PLATFORM State & Community Affairs Standing Committee, A.S.K. WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas’ policy council has recommended student support of the following issues, and WHEREAS the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee has discussed and considered the platform BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the Associated Students of Kansas platform prioritized as follows: 1. Release of Fees 2. Enrollment Adjustment 3. State Work-Study PASSED 2/12/87 R-39 RESOLUTION 86/87/45 COMMENDATION TO DR. GALE SIMONS BY: John Bayouth WHEREAS Kansas State University consistently strives to be a leader in technological advancement, and WHEREAS Dr. Gale Simons designed a radiation dosimeter that will detect the emission of low energy particles more accurately than any other dosimeter, and WHEREAS Dr. Simons has also detailed a method of manufacturing this dosimeter, and WHEREAS Dr. Simons is an instructor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Dr. Gale Simons be congratulated for his work and success in the design of a “thin thermo-luminescent dosimeter”. PASSED 2/26/87 R-40 RESOLUTION 86/87/46 BY: COMMENDATION TO STEVEN JOHNSON AND SALLY TRAEGER Eirene Tatham, Mike Kadel WHEREAS under the leadership of Steven Johnson, 1986-87 Student Body President, and Sally Traeger, 1986-87 Student Senate Chairperson, the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University received dedicated and inspired leadership, and WHEREAS both of the positions have required an excessive amount of time, energy and dedication to serve the students of KSU, and WHEREAS Steven Johnson has demonstrated his concern and dedication to the student body on numerous committees and occasions and has been an effective and responsible Student Body President, and WHEREAS Sally Traeger has generated a great deal of interest in student government and representation at all levels of the university by being an active voice for students and has been an effective and responsible Student Senate Chairperson BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate express its gratitude to Steven Johnson and Sally Traeger and commend them for jobs very well done. PASSED 2/26/87 R-41 1986-1987 Student Senate Minutes Date Page February 20, 1986 ............................................................................................................................1 February 27, 1986 ............................................................................................................................2 March 6, 1986 ..................................................................................................................................4 March 20, 1986 ................................................................................................................................7 March 27, 1986 ................................................................................................................................9 April 3, 1986 ..................................................................................................................................13 April 10, 1986 ................................................................................................................................16 April 15, 1986 ................................................................................................................................20 April 17, 1986 ................................................................................................................................22 April 22, 1986 ................................................................................................................................25 April 24, 1986 ................................................................................................................................27 April 29, 1986 ................................................................................................................................31 May 1, 1986 ...................................................................................................................................35 September 4, 1986 .........................................................................................................................38 September 11, 1986 .......................................................................................................................41 September 18, 1986 .......................................................................................................................43 September 25, 1986 .......................................................................................................................46 October 2, 1986 ..............................................................................................................................48 October 9, 1986 ..............................................................................................................................50 October 16, 1986 ............................................................................................................................52 October 23, 1986 ............................................................................................................................55 October 30, 1986 ............................................................................................................................58 November 6, 1986 ..........................................................................................................................61 November 13, 1986 ........................................................................................................................64 November 20, 1986 ........................................................................................................................66 December 4, 1986 ..........................................................................................................................69 January 22, 1987 ............................................................................................................................72 January 29, 1987 ............................................................................................................................75 February 5, 1987 ............................................................................................................................78 February 12, 1987 ..........................................................................................................................80 February 18, 1987 ..........................................................................................................................83 February 26, 1987 ..........................................................................................................................86 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 20, 1986 Chairman Mark Jones called the first meeting of the 1986-87 Student Senate to order with 41 senators present. Bayouth, Kaster & Leeds were absent. Johnson & Whearty were excused. The total membership of the 1986-87 senate is 48, members. However, we have 2 vacancies - 1 faculty rep. and 1 Veterinary Medicine Student Senator. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Jones - The Sunday Orientation is mandatory. Applications for standing committee chairs are due March 3. Top three priorities for standing committees are due February 20th (Wed.). Applications for standing committee at-large members are due March 3. Applications for senators wishing to be on Finance Committee are due February 26th. Interviews will be held March 2. Will have further nominations for Student Senate Chair next week. Each nominee will have time to speak to the body & receive questions. A vote will then be taken by secret ballot. Nominations and elections of vice-chair and Faculty Senate representative will be next week also, with the same speaking & question period as the chair receives. In the future fee cards will have a ‘special fee’ breakdown on the back side. Need 2 senators to serve on the Utilization on Campus Parking Facilities Committee. Administration Council met. The Council is made up of President Acker, as chair; deans; directors; and members of the President’s staff. There is talk of getting Washburn into the Regents’ system. KSU is against this, as is other Regents’ institutions. Dr. Sutton spoke to Administrative Council on recruitment and retention. His goal for the upcoming year is just to maintain. The total dollars available for recruitment is $607,000, with $300,000 going to recruitment for athletics. The possibility of a satellite up-link for KSU looks very good. Mark has information on this in his office. Dr. George Miller spoke at Administrative Council on the effects of the GrammRudmnan Act on education and the effect on K-State. NOMINATIONS FOR SENATE CHAIR Brett Bromich nominated Sally Traeger Further nominations will be taken next week. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mark Jones congratulated the new senators and told them to have a good year. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-1 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 27, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM The second meeting of the 1986-87 Student Senate was called to order by 1985-86 Chairman Mark Jones. There were 39 senators present. Bullock was excused late. Eickann, Gaumier & Queen were late. Ligon, Wortlock. & Woodbury were excused. Mark Jones announced that Norris Coleman has been declared ineligible to play basketball at K-State for the remaining of this year. The minutes of the February 20, 1985 meetings were approved as distributed. ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE CHAIR Mark asked if there were any further nominations. Susan Baird nominated Gretchen Hagen. Sally Traeger was nominated last week by Brett Bromich. Brett Bromich moved that nominations cease. Passed. Each nominee spoke to the body and answered questions. The body entered into general discussion. Cath Sayler moved that we call Gretchen back in for further questions. Discussion continued. Vote was taken by secret ballot. Sally Traeger is the new 1986-87 Student Senate Chair. SWEARING IN Brett Lambert, SGA Attorney General, swore in the following individuals in order: Sally Traeger as the 1986-87 Student Senate Chair Steven Johnson as the 1986-87 Student Body President The 1986-87 Student Senators ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR Sally Traeger asked for nominations: Martin Monto was nominated by Susan Baird Wally Brockhoff was nominated by Candy Leonard Susan Baird moved that nominations cease. Passed. The same procedure was followed as with the Student Senate Chair election. Martin Monto is the 1986-87 Student Senate Vice Chair. ELECTION OF FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Sally Traeger asked for nominations: Martin Monto nominated Susan Baird. Michelle Benoit moved that nominations cease. Passed. Matt Queen moved that we accept Susan by unanimous acclamation. Passed. Susan Baird is the 1986-87 Faculty Senate Representative from Student Senate ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger thanked the Senate for voting her in to the Chair position. M-2 Dr. Earl Nolting stated that the K-State student that was badly burned and is in the K.U. Med Center and cannot receive flowers, but cards would help greatly. Her address is: Nia Dalrymple % Burn Unit University of Kansas Medical Center 39th and Rainbow Kansas City, KS 66103 COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - handed out Senate Orientation surveys. She made note of the new Senate Interns that are present tonight. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/1 - Senate Interns Debbie Fields read over the resolution. All interns were present. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Had 22 applicants. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Sally Traeger asked the senators to check their mailboxes located in the SGS Office at least twice a week and for sure on Thursday afternoons. She also asked that they get their class schedules into Jenny by 5:00 tomorrow. Brett Bromich moved that we adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-3 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 6, 1986 7:00 PM - 10:20 PM Chairwoman Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 38 senators present. Cook was excused late. Eickmann, Nickel, Queen & Rowland were excused. Ridder & Whearty were absent. Schneider was late. The minutes of the February 27th meeting were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Mark Jones, 1985-86 Student Senate Chairman, spoke to Senate Bill 86/87/1 and its importance. A majority of the Lafene Health Center staff were present & made presentations: Dr. Robert Tout, Director, Dr. Larry Moeller, Dr. Thomas Ryan, Dr. Robert Ecklund, Dr. Sam Lacy, Dr. Guy Smith, Dr. Tom Coleman, Dr. Paula Davis, Dr. Dan Martin ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - Have information in the office on the 1986 Kodak Liberty Ride Festival. If any organization is interested in a fund-raiser, have them stop by the office. Will be selecting a parliamentarian soon. Anyone interested should contact her. She spoke on attendance at senate meetings. Be here on time. If you are late it is counted as an unexcused late, and nine unexcused lates mean impeachment proceedings. This also counts if you leave early. Union Governing Board needs 2 senators to set in on interviews for new members. Deadline has been extended until March 21st for standing committee at-large members. She went over the senatorial appointments to the standing committees. Dr. Earl Nolting handed out a survey regarding the quality of student life at K-State. Martin Monto spoke on the liaison program. He handed out tips on being a liaison and SGA spending regulations. Sally Traeger made a get well card for Nia Dalrymple, and senators were asked to sign it. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Need 2 more senators on the committee. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - She read over the intern appointments to standing committees. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Been working on Senate Bill 587 that is before the state senate on hazing. He and Kevin Elmore went to Topeka to talk to the sponsor of the bill. The Cabinet is about appointed. Working on judicial appointments. K.U. SGA has challenged us to a basketball game. Details later. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 83/87/2 - Standing Committee Chairs Sally Traeger read over the resolution and answered questions. M-4 No debate. Joan Bayouth called the question. Passed. Senate Resolution 86/87/3 - U-LearN Associate Coordinator Susan Baird went over the bill. There were no questions or debate. Steve Ligon called the question. Passed. Senate Resolution 86/87/4 - Finance Committee At-Large Members Steve Ligon went over the resolution and answered questions. Had 8 applicants. All 4 people were present. There was no debate. Brett Bromich called the question. Passed. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/2 - Student Planning Association Special Allocation Steve Ligon explained the bill. Questions were asked of Steve and 2 members from the group. Breakdown of the $195.92: Plane Fare - $178 x 2 people $356.00 Lodging - $5.50 x 5 nights x 2 people .......................................................................$55.00 Food - $5 x 5 days x 2 people ....................................................................................$50.00 .......................................................................................................................$461.00 SGA funding through Graduate and Arts & Sciences Councils ................................265.08 .......................................................................................................................$195.92 Senate Bill 86/87/1 - Special Allocation to SGA for Washington, D.C. Trip Steven Johnson explained the bill and answered questions. Brett Bromich moved the bill special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to decrease lodging to $22 ($5.50/night) and Food & Travel to $25 ($5/day). This would make the total read $245. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Martin Monto called the question on Cath’s amendment. Failed. Debate continued on the original motion. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Martin Monto read the list of liaisons. General. Debbie Fields announced that Senate Operations will meet March 24th at 8:00. She also stated that the committee needs a Senate Intern Coordinator and a Personnel Selections Coordinator. M-5 Eirene Tatham informed the Engineering Senators that they are required to attend Engineering College council meetings. The next one will be March 24th at 3:30 in Union 213. Sally Howard moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-6 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 20, 1986 7:00 PM - 9:10 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 34 senators present. Bullocks, Helmke & Howard were excused. Cole, Cook, Folk, Smith & Wiley were excused late. Eickmann, Leighty, Rowland & Russel were late. The March 6, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Earl Nolting, Dean of Students, spoke on the renovation of Holton Hall. 5 - MINUTE PRESENTATIONS FINE ARTS COUNCIL - Robert Kruh, Assistant Provost - Were given 15 minutes because they are up for review this year. Programs the Council funds are as follows: Art Exhibitions, Architecture & Design Shows & Speakers, Dance Program & Opera Programs, Ebony Theatre, McCain Auditorium Programs, Minority Cultural Programs, Choral & Opera Programs & Summer Artist Series. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS & ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU - Kevin Elmore, Campus Director - Chris Graves, the State Executive Director could not be present tonight. A.S.K. is made up of the 7 Regents’ institutions& Washburn. LEGAL SERVICES - Dianne K. Urban, Attorney-at-Law & the Students Attorney. U-LearN - Laurie McCauley, past Coordinator; Tracey Fraser, Coordinators Maggie Davie, Associate Coordinator; & Debbie Paap, Associate Coordinator. FONE CRISIS CENTER - Paul Nelson, Coordinator. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION - Sally Traeger, Student Senate Chair. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - She is still looking for a Parliamentarian. Applications are due Monday at 5:00. The KSU Child Care Cooperative is having a huge garage sale on April 26th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pottorff Hall in Cico Park. The University of Missouri at Columbia is having a national student issues conference, “The State of Higher Education on April 25-27, 1986. She went over the attendance policy & parliamentary procedures sheet that was put in the boxes today. She gave a SAMS update. The last get together will be at Brothers tonight, and the video that went to nationals will be shown. K State’s winner of the Rock-A-Like was Metissa Edwards. She will compete at the University of Missouri at Columbia on April 5th. Will have a new campus director by May 1st. Over break she went to a Board of Regents meeting regarding the tuition increases. Two options have been submitted to the Board for 1987. We are starting “A Word of the Day” concept. Today’s word is ‘SMUTCH”. Use it in your, vocabulary beginning today. COMMITTEE REPORTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Traeger - Will begin giving reports each week. They meet every Tuesday evening at 8:30. Will meet this week in the Stateroom. Met this M-7 past Tuesday and formulated some goals for Student Senate. Each Executive member gave the goals they have set for their committees. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Mondays at 8:00. This week we will meet in Union 204. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Will meet Tuesdays at 4:00 in the SGS Office. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - Will meet next week, with the time and date to be announced later. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Will have a table in the Union next Thursday for general information. Committees should post all meetings on the bulletin board in the office. Also use ICSDB for announcements. FACULTY SENATE - Susan Baird attended the meeting Tuesday. Faculty Senate meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 3:30 - 5:00 in the Union Big 8 Room. Susan serves on the Academic Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate, and Sally Traeger serves on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - The next meeting will be Sunday at 6:00 in the SGS Office. Hope to have a different set of guidelines for the allocation process which will make things go more smoothly, hopefully. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/5 - Student Body President’s Cabinet Sally Traeger read over the resolution and introduced the individuals present. Steven Johnson is in Kansas City at a Board of Regents meeting. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. John Bayouth called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Cath Sayler stated that she will be making amendments next week to the Athletic Fee bill to make the senators be one senator from each college and that faculty representatives be placed on the task force also. Matt Queen spoke on the Men’s Glee Club’s trip to Washington, D.C. Miranda Mortlock announced that next week is International Week. Caroline Peine stated that the Women’s Resource Center got a letter last week addressed to Mr. Resource Center. Talk to Doug Gaumer or Wally Brockhoff if you would like to play on the basketball team against the KU SGA. It was suggested that we ask Norris Coleman to play on the team. Sally Traeger announced that the FONE Crisis Center will have an open house for senators on Wednesday, March 26th, from 4:00 - :00 p.m. The FONE is located in back of the UFM House at 1221 Thursday. Wally Brockhoff moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-8 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 27, 1986 7:00 PM - 11:30 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Helmke, Peine, Svaty & Warner were excused. Rowland was late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES John Bayouth corrected some typographical errors. Sally Traeger said that Russell was excused late, not late. OPEN PERIOD Monte Griffin read a letter from Dr. Richard P. Coleman from the Marketing Department regarding a student project done last fall in the form of a survey on the proposed athletic fee. 5 - MINUTE PRESENTATIONS K-State Union - Walt Smith, Director (15 minutes because this is their review year) Students for Handicapped Concerns - Mike Nolting International Coordinating Council - Au Nikaeen, President Consumer Relations Board - Tammy Tracy, Director Sports Club Council - Jeff Vander Laan Sailing Parachute Rugby Women’s Soccer Men’s Soccer Fencing Coalition for Human Rights - Cindy Leighton Touchstone Magazine - Gary Johnson, Fiction Editor Mexican American Council of Students (formerly MEChA) Dolores Bernal, President KSDB-FM Radio - Lee Buller, advisor Women’s Resource Center - Katherine Parker Rec Services Council - Raydon Robel, Director University for Man - Julie Coates. Will have an open house on April 16th at 6:30 p.m. Black Student Union - Derrick Holt, President & Jerry Herrick, Vice-President Student Publications - Dave Adams ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The 1st Annual Ooze Ball Tournament will be held April 19-20, 1986. It is being sponsored by the KSU Student Foundation. Anyone may sponsor Student Senate legislation, but only a senator can introduce the legislation. She went over senatorial university committee appointments. Still need a senator for the Housing Council and the Student Services Support Fee Advisory Board. Michelle Johnson volunteered for Housing Council and Cath Sayler for the SSSFAB. Need 2 senators to serve on the Union Governing Board interview committee. Volunteers were Ed Nickel & Michelle Benoit. Word of the day is “POUF”. A public hearing M-9 will be held April 1st at 3:30 in the K-State Union Big 8 Room concerning the adoption, by the Board of Regents, of regulations governing traffic and parking on the roads, streets, driveways and parking facilities at KSU. These changes are posted on the large bulletin board at the front of the SGS Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Sally Traeger - Had a lengthy meeting. The next meeting will be Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in Union 202. A reception for Dr. Acker will be held May 5th from 3:30-5:00 in the K-State, Union Cottonwood Room. Although it is being sponsored by Student Senates it is open to the entire student body. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - Met Wednesday night. Will be starting on the crosswalk issue next Thursday. Will meet again next Wednesday at 8:30 in Union 203. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Met Tuesday. Starting to investigate Gramm/Rudman. Checking on the cross-walk issue. Will meet next Wednesday at 4:00 in the office. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Done with hearings. “Budget Day” will be Monday, while everyone else is home. Budgets should be available Friday, 4/4. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Jim Crutchfield - Met tonight. Are looking into getting rid of exams the week before Dead Week or extending finals. Attended the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee meeting. Had input on the incomplete policy. Will meet Sunday, 4/6, at 9:00. Location is still open. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Had a table in the Union. Had 150 people stop by and fill out the Student Body. President’s survey. Several people stopped just to ask questions. Will hold the “Student Body President for a Day” drawing on 4/10, Thursday. We are finalizing the table for open house next weekend. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Met Monday. Went over goals of the committee and brainstormed Student Senate Orientation. Will meet 4/7 at 8:00 in Union 205. FACULTY SENATE - Susan Baird - Academic Affairs Committee amended the incomplete policy. Faculty Senate now has to ratify it. INTERN COORDINATOR - Jerry Connet - Will meet Tuesday at 8:0O in the office. Senate Resolution 86/87/6 - Committee Appointments Sally Traeger read over the resolution and answered questions. There was no debate. Leslye Schneider called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/3 - Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment Brett Bromich read over the bill. Questions were asked of Brett & Mark Jones. The athletic fee is a special fee proposed to be paid by each student each semester that would go to the Athletic Department to help support intercollegiate athletics. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/2 - Student Planning Association Special Allocation There were no further questions & no debate. Susan Baird called the question. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-10 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - He went over the Washington, DC trip and the position paper. The new University President, Dr. Jon Wefald, will be here April 6-8. On April 7th from 11:30-1:00 he will be in the Union Courtyard to meet students and will eat lunch in the Stateroom. He is trying to get back out and visit living groups: The KU SGA vs. the KSU SGA basketball game will be April 27th at 2:30 in Allen Fieldhouse in Lawrence. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Kevin Elmore - Doing a lot of work testifying on. Handicapped accessibility on the K-State campus-before the Kansas legislature. He urged students to contact their legislators on this issue. The next Legislative Assembly will be April 19th at Washburn University. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/7 - Student Senate Parliamentarian Sally Traeger read over the resolution and introduced Shelly. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/8 - Judicial Appointments Steven Johnson explained the resolution and read over it. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/9 - Standing Committee At-Large Members & Special Appointments Sally Traeger read over the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/10 - A.S.K. Campus Director and Assistant Campus Director Steven Johnson read over the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/11 - Commendation to Dr. Duane Acker Sally Traeger read over the resolution. There were no questions. Senate Resolution 86/87/12 - Welcome to Dr. Jon Wefald Sally Traeger read over the resolution. There were no questions. Cath Sayler moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/13 - 1986-87 Student Senate Goals Sally Traeger read over the resolution. Questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/4 - Arts & Sciences Council Constitutional Revisions Susan Baird read over the resolution and explained the revisions. Questions were asked. M-11 Senate Bill 86/87/5 - S.G.A. Special Allocation for a Computer Steve Ligon read over the resolution and answered questions. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/3 - Athletic Fee Task Force Establishment There were no further questions, and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to amend Section 2 by changing ‘Five student senators to ‘Nine student senators, one from each college”. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Ed Nickel called the question on Cath’s amendment. Failed. Cath Sayler moved co delete “and an Athletic Department representative as a nonvoting, ex-officio member” in Section 2. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Angie Rowland called the question on Cath’s amendment. Failed. Doug Gaumer moved to limit debate to 2 speeches per side and to limit each speech to 3 minutes each. Passed. Kevin Eickmann called the question on the original bill. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Miranda Mortlock stated that she was very disappointed with the Collegian’s coverage of International Week. Candy Leonard announced that Communications Committee will meet April 1st in Union 204. Bruce Cook thanked Kevin Elmore for doing such a good job on the handicapped accessibility issue at K-State. Howard Woodbury moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-12 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 3, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Bullock, Eickmann, Leonard & Peine were excused. Howard was absent. Schneider was excused late. The March 27, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Sally Routson went over the 1986-87 Fiscal Outlook sheet. Estimated Revenue $765,063.00 Estimated Fixed Expenditures 641,990.97 Estimated Monies to be allocated to Non Line-Item Groups $123,072.03. She also went over the reserve accounts and the status of each. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger Beginning next Thursday all meetings will begin at 6:00. Those meetings are on Thursdays and Tuesdays (4/10, 4/15, 4/17, 4/22, 4/24, 4/29 & 5/1). Need 5 senators to serve on the Athletic Fee Task Force. All applications, senators & atlarge members, are due Friday, 4/11. Had a conference call with the Board of Regents and members of the tuition increase committee this week. Talk to Sally about the details. The SGA Constitution was finally ratified by 7 of the 9 college councils. The new constitution & by-laws have been placed in your boxes. Received photographic copies of the preliminary plans for the coliseum from Dr. Miller today. Need another senator to serve on the University Library Committee. (Brett Bromich) The Tentative Allocation schedule is as follows: 4/10 - University for Man, Mexican Am. Council of Students, Fine Arts Council, FONE Crisis Center 4/15 - Consumer Relations Board, Women’s Resource Center, Coalition for Human Rights, Touchstone Magazine 4/17 - K-State Union, U-LearN, KSDB-FM Radio, Black Student Union 4/22 - Students for Handicapped Concerns, Legal Services, International Coordinating Council 4/24 - A.S.K., A.S.K at K.S.U., Sports Club Council 4/29 - S.G.A., Rec Services, Student Publications 5/1 - OPEN COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Met last night. Talked about the guidelines for the endowment fund, and went over the section on wheel locks in the Traffic & Parking Regulations. From now on you will be informed when a wheel lock will be placed on your vehicle. Next meeting will be Monday at 8:30 in Union 203. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in Union 205. M-13 STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Will meet Wednesday at 4:00 in the Office. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Will meet Wednesday at 9:00 in the Office. ACADEMIC - Jim Crucchfield - Want to get a policy se up on exams being given during Dead Week. Need feedback to take to the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee next week. FACULTY SENATE - Susan Baird - The next meeting will be Tuesday at 3:30 in the Big 8 Room. The Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee will meet 4/15 at 3:30. COMMUNICATIONS - Susan Baird - Will nave a table in the Union next Thursday. Will also have a table at Open House this weekend. Will have visitation sign-up next Thursday. Will meet Monday at 9:00 in Union 205. INTERN COORDINATOR - Jerry Connet - He went over the letter that was placed in the senators boxes. The guidelines for interns is as follows: 1. During Student Senate meetings, interns may be requested to assist the senators to prevent the senators from leaving meetings unnecessarily, i.e. cokes & other refreshments. However, depending on the topic of discussion, interns are not required to do this, but it is recommended. 2. Interns can be requested to do research on anything dealing with senate business if the senator feels additional help is needed. To request an intern call Jerry or leave a message in his box, and one will be assigned to you. It should be noted that the interns are for assistance, and their service should not be abused! If you have any questions, please call Jerry at 539-9412, or leave a message in his box located above the senators’ boxes, and he will respond as soon as possible. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Remember, Dr. Wefald will be in the Union Courtyard Monday from 11:30-1:00 to visit with students. Finished up committee appointments this week. Continuing to visit living groups. Just a point of information Wichita State did their allocations in one night. A.S.K. - Patty Hipsher - After 3 years of work, progress is being made on the teacher scholarship issue. It made it to the House Ways & Means Committee. The next Legislative Assembly will be April 19th at Washburn University. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/14 -Opposition to President Reagan’s Proposed Budget Cuts Martin Monto read over the bill. Questions were asked of Patty Hipsher. Senate Resolution 86/87/21 - Statement To (name of senator or congressman) On Financial Aid Cuts Mike Riley read over the bill and explained it. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 86/87/11 - Commendation to Dr. Duane Acker There were no further questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/13 - 1986-87 Student Senate Goals M-14 There were no further questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/4 - Arts & Sciences Council Constitutional Revisions There were no further questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/5 - S.G.A. Special Allocation for a Computer Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to postpone the bill until April 29. There was debate on Cath’s motion. Brett Bromich called the question on Cath’s motion. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Eirene Tatham announced that Engineering Council will meet Monday at 6:30 in Union 213. Sally Traeger announced chat the WORDS OF THE DAY are “infinitesimal” and ‘upping’. Individuals volunteered for the SGA Ooze Ball Tournament team: Charlene Nichols Cath Sayler Michel1e Benoit Gretchen Wagner Lee White Sally Traeger Rhonda Freeman John DeMars Kirk Caraway Steven Johnson Jim Crutchfield announced that Academic Affairs will meet Sunday at 9:00 in Union 202. John Bayouth moved to adjourn. Passed Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-15 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 10, 1986 6:30 PM – 11:10 PM Chair sally Traeger called the first meeting of tentative allocation to order with 39 senators present. Bullock, Smith & Wiley were excused late. Eickmann & Folk were excused. Kettler & Mortlock were absent. The April 3rd minutes were approved as corrected. John Bayouth noted that Sports Club Council should be listed under the tentative allocations schedule under April 24 on page 1. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Al Davis, chair of the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee, explained and clarified a policy change that was approved by Faculty Senate on Tuesday on incompletes. It will go into effect the fall of 1986. Jeff Vander Laan, president of Sports Club Council, spoke to the Finance Committee’s recommendation of “0” and went over the clubs’ activities outside of competition. The Council will meet on April 14th and 21st at 7:30 in the SOS Office. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The Retention Committee met today and is looking into how to address the problem. If you have any suggestions, let her know. The “Phrase of the Day’ is Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Met Monday and went over standing rules. Bob Whearty is in charge of the survey that will be conducted among old senators. Will meet Monday at 7:30 in Union 205. STATE AND COMMUNITY - Mike Riley - Met yesterday and went over possible projects for next fall. Also discussed the possible cross--walk. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Met Monday and yesterday and conducted a vehicle & pedestrian flow survey at the corner of Denison & College Heights. Meets all the requirements for a cross-walk. Went to the Council on Traffic, Parking & Police Operations and discussed the wheellock issue. Looking into self-catering houses for international & graduate students. Will meet Monday at 3:30 in Union 204. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Working on invitations for President Acker’s reception. Todd Moore was the winner of the “Student Body President for a Day” drawing. She explained visitations. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Met Monday and made their final preparations for tentative allocations. Also looked at a special request for band uniforms in the amount of $65,000. LIAISONS - Martin Monto - Contact your group if you are a liaison to see if they need any help during the tentative allocation process. You also might want to sit with them during their hearing. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-16 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - S.A.C. met and came up with their priorities to go to the legislature. Went around with Dr. Wefald on Tuesday, and was very impressed. Special Projects Cabinet Directors are keeping very busy. He is continuing visitations. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Doing visitations. The Teacher Scholarship Bill received a favorable recommendation from the House Wafuneral will be. My grandfather passed away last night at about 11:00 pm. I will keep you posted ys and Means Committee. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 85/86/14 - Opposition to President Reagan’s Proposed Budget Cuts There were no further questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolutions 86/87/15 thru 21, State To (name) on Financial Aid Cuts There were no further questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/22 - Commendation to the University of Kansas Martin Monto read over the resolution. There were questions. Eirene Tatham moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/23 - Welcome to George Schultz Martin Monto read over the resolution. Questions were asked. Wally Brockhoff moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Matt Queen called the question. Senate Bill 86/87/6 - 1986-87 Tentative Allocations Steve Ligon moved the bill special orders. Passed. Each person with speaking privileges will have 2 opportunities to speak, 3 minutes each per group. Cath Sayler moved to divide the question by group. Passed. Tonight’s schedule: University for elan (UFM) Fine Arts Council (FAC) Mexican American Council of Students (MACS) FONE Crisis Center UNIVERSITY FOR MAN Doug Leming gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $12,742.40. Received 85/86 & Requesting 86/87 $12,742.40 UFM representative was Julie Coates. There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. M-17 FINE ARTS COUNCIL Cath Sayler gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of a $2.30 line item ($61,000, estimate) Received for 85/86 $2.30 LI ($63,539.80) Requesting for 86/87 - $2.30 Li ($61,000, estimate) Fine Arts Council representatives present were: Dean Ronert Kruh, Assistant Provost Gary Sepulveda, chair & Minority Affairs Director of SBP’s Cabinet Rick Diehi, McCain Auditorium Luke Kalch, Dance Jack Flouer, Music Harold Nichols, Speech Questions were asked, out there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. MEXICAN AMERICAN COUNCIL OF STUDENTS Cath Sayler gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $186.95 NACS was formerly named MEChA. Received 85/86 - $0 Requesting for 86/87 - $3i8.76 Dolores Bernal represented MACS. There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. FONE CRISIS CENTER Mark Lacy gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $10,579.10. Received 85/86 - $10,593.85 Requesting 86/87 - $10,719.10 Paul Nelson represented the FONE. There were questions and debate. Susan Baird moved to increase Printing from $125 to $225. There were questions and debate. Martin Monto moved to amend the amendment from $225 to $175. There were questions and debate. Matt Queen called the question on Martin’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on Susan’s amendment, as amended. The question was called on increasing Printing from $125 to $175. Passed. Susan Baird moved to increase Educational Materials from $45 to $60. There were questions, but no debate. Matt Queen called the question. Passed. Doug Gaumer called the question on a tentative allocation of $10,644.10. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION M-18 Cath Sayler announced the International Potluck Dinner on Saturday at 6:00 at the International Student Center. Those attending should bring a side dish; main dishes and refreshments will he provided. Brett Bromich thanked all those that sat out on the corner of Denison & College Heights. and counted cars & pedestrians yesterday. Doug Gaumer announced the SGA basketball team will practice Sunday at 4:00 at the Rec Center. Kirk Caraway gave his ‘bar’ report. Brett Bromich moved to recess until next Tuesday at 6:00. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-19 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 15, 1986 6:00 PM - 7:10 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the second meeting of tentative allocations to order with 36 senators present. Schneider was excused late. Baird, Bullock, Cunnick, DeMars & Queen were excused. Benoit, Howard, Kettler & Smith were absent. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The SGA Ooze Bali team will play at 11:00 on the 19th. If we win we play again at 1:00, hut if we lose we play at 3:00. Lori Shellenberger & Kent Bradley were recently named Truman Scholars. OLD BUSINESS Senate bill 86/87/6 - 1986-87 Tentative Allocations CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD Anne Wiley gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $3,738.50. Received 85/86 - $3,960.70 Requesting 86/87 - $4,366.90 Tammy Tracy represented CRB. Questions were asked. Candy Leonard moved to increase Printing from $15 to $76.65. There were questions and debate. Came to an immediate vote. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on a tentative allocation of $3,800.15. Passed. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER Mark Lacy gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $503.30. Received 85/86 - $503.30 Requesting 86/87 - $503.30 There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. Caroline Peine abstained from voting. TOUCHSTONE Steve Ligon stated that Finance Committee is recommending no funding. He explained that they will be getting some grant money from Dean Kruh in the Graduate School. Received 85/86 - $0 Requesting 86/87 - $1,640 There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. M-20 WITHHOLDING Sally Routson explained what withholding is. The amount Finance Committee is recommending, $6,500, has been the same for the last 3+ years. There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. COLLEGE COUNCILS Steve Ligon and Sally Routson explained this line item - $1.50 LI/full-time student and $.42 LI/part-time student. Received 84/85 - $43,829.40 Received 85/86 - $42,400.56 Requesting & Finance Committee’s recommendation 86/87 - $40,937.52 There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. COALITION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Phil Nordhus gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $153.20. Received 85/86 - $138.20 Requesting 86/87 - $168.20 Jeannie Hayes represented CHR. There were questions and debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Ed Nickel stated he needs someone to take his place on the SGA Ooze Ball team. He has to be out of town that weekend. His replacement must he a male. The meeting was recessed until Thursday at 6:00. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-21 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 17, 1986 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the third meeting of tentative allocations to order. There were 37 senators present. Bullock, Cook, Cunnick & Leighty were excused. Cole & Folk were excused lace. Eickmann & Wagner were late. McLellan was absent. The minutes of April 10 and April 12 were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Steve Mulligan spoke to increasing Finance Committee’s recommendation for Black Student Union. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger read a letter she received from Police Chief Beckom regarding student input into the traffic regulations. There will be meeting April 25 at 2:00 at the Police Dept. in E. Stadium. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Met. Monday and went over more standing rules. Will meet Monday at 8:00 in Union 205. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich – Met Monday, and will meet again this coming Monday at 8:30 in the Union. COMMUNICATIONS – Candy Leonard – Will meet at Campbell Distributors at 8:00 p.m. Monday. Visitation information sheets will be in your boxes Monday morning. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Mike Kadel, Chief of Staff, for Steven Johnson who is at a Board of Regents meeting in Wichita - Mike went over what the various Cabinet members have been doing. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Matt Livingston - Legislation is on the Governor’s desk that would increase 4-year scholarships to 5 years. The Legislative Assembly will be at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday in Topeka. * Martin Monto took over the chair. Sally Traeger left ill. * OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/6 - 1986-87 Tentative Allocations K-STATE UNION Steve Ligon explains the $12.80 line item per full-time student and the $6.40 line item per part-time student. Received 84/85 - $366,810 Received 5/86 - $376,723.20 Requesting 86/87 & Finance Committee’s Recommendation - $360,458.40, estimate Representatives of the K-State Union were Wait Smith & Jack Sills. There were questions and debate. M-22 Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. U-LEARN Lesley Schneider gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $11,673.40. Received 85/86 - $11,998.78 Requesting 86/87 - $11,673.40 Representatives were: Tracy Fraser, Debbie Paap & Laurie McCauley There were questions and debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. KSDB-FM RADIO Howard Woodbury gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $12,028.15. Received 85/86 - $12,072.61 Requested 86/87 - $12,264.15 Representative was Lee Buller. There were questions and debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. * Shelly Wakeman, Parliamentarian, took over the chair because Martin is BSU’s liaison* BLACK STUDENT UNION Tim Congrove gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $592.10. Received 85/86 - $698.42 Requested 86/87 - $1,552 Jerry Heard represented BSU. There were questions and debate. Martin Monto moved to increase State Car Travel from $111 to $228. There were questions and debate. Martin Monto moved to limit debate to 2 speeches per senator per group amendment, with a 3-minute time limit per speech. Passed. Angie Rowland called the question on Martin’s amendment. Passed. Martin Monto moved to increase Food from $50 to $100 and Lodging from $55 to $110. There were questions and debate. Michelle Benoit called the question on Martin’s amendment. Failed. Martin Monto moved to increase Advertising from $128.10 to $164.70. There were questions and debate. John Bayouth called the question on Martin’s amendment. Passed. Kirk Caraway moved to increase Food from $50 to $99.90 and Lodging from $55 to $100. Steve Ligon objected to consideration of Kirk’s amendment. Passed. Angie Rowland called the question on a tentative allocation of $745.70. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. M-23 Carrie Helmke announced that the Ooze Ball Tournament has been moved to the corner of Claflin & Browning. Eirene Tatham announced that the Engineering College Council will meet Monday at 6:30 in Union 213. Doug Gaumer announced that the SGA basketball team will practice at. 4:30 Sunday. Sally Routson announced that the Parachute Club has paid off their loan from SGA in total. The money was loaned to them to purchase parachutes, which they got at a super price. The meeting was recessed until 6:00 next Tuesday. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-24 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 22, 1986 6:00 PM - 8:40 PM The fourth meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chair Sally Traeger. There were 38 senators present. Eickmann, Kettler, Queen, Schneider & Smith were excused late. Gaumer & Howard was late. Leonard was excused. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The Office of Minority Affairs & Special Programs, Mexican American Council of Students, and Puerto Rican Student Organization is presenting Dr. Louise Ano Nuevo Kerr on Wednesday, April 23rd, at 10:30 a.m. in the K-State Union Little Theatre. She will speak on Hispanics in Higher Education. She will also speak on Ethnographic Research Methodology from 11:45-1:00 in Bluemont 106. Dr. Kerr is the Dean of humanities at Loyola University in Chicago. The Committee on Enrollment will meet tomorrow at 9:00 in Union 21.3. Because Sally has to “go to school”, she asked for a volunteer to represent students at this meeting. (Wally Brockhoff volunteered.) OPEN PERIOD Jeff Vander Laan, chairman of the Sports Club Council, spoke regarding the Council and the $0 recommendation by Finance Committee. He also gave history of the Council. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/24 - Commendation to Lori Shellenberger & Kent Bradley, Truman Scholars Sally Traeger read over the bill. Cath Sayler moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on the resolution. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/6 - l986-87 Tentative Allocations STUDENTS FOR HANDICAPPED CONCERNS Anne Wiley gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $403. Received 85/86 - $395.80 Requested 86/87 - $403 Representatives of SHC were Gretchen Holden, Robert Lagerstadt & Mike Nolting There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. LEGAL SERVICES Doug Leming gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $22353. Received 85/86 - $22,239 M-25 Requested 86/87 - $24,233 Dianne Urban represented the organization. There were questions and debate. Judy Wolf moved to increase Salary from $21,120 to $23,000. There were questions and debate. Wally Brockhoff moved to amend Judy’s amendment by increasing Salary from $21,120 to $21,964 (a 4% increase). There were questions and debate. Ed Nickel called the question on Wally’s motion. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on Judy’s amendment, as amended. Passed. Angie Rowland called the question on a tentative allocation of $23,197.80. Passed. INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Phil Nordhus gave Finance Committee recommendation of $3,470.20. Received 85/86 - $3,614.66 Requested 86/87 - $3,619.56 ICC representatives were Au Nikaeen, Donna Davis & Korosh Parizadeh. There were questions and debate. Miranda Mortlock moved to increase Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions from $0 to $150. There were questions and debate. Martin Monto called the question. Passed. Ed Nickel called the question on a tentative allocation of $3,620.20. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Steve Ligon stated that Finance Committee will have a bill to he moved special orders on flay 1st regarding a special allocation for KSDB-FM for replacement of a cable that was purchased with the money they received from the $700,000. Susan Baird announced that SGA will have a table in the Union Thursday. Need volunteers to work it. The meeting was recessed until 6:00 on Thursday. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-26 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 24, 1986 6:00 PM - 12:20 AM The fifth meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chair Sally Traeger. There were 42 senators present. Eickmann, Schneider & Wagner were late. Paulie was excused late. The minutes of the April 17 and April 22 meetings were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The student health insurance plan bill will come before senate next Tuesday for first readings. If you have questions or concerns, talk with Tammy Tracy, the director of the Consumer Relations Board and chair of the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee. There will he an informational meeting on the university aids policy Monday at 1:00 in Conference Room #1 in the SOS Office. The Athletic Fee Task Force interviews will he held Monday beginning at 3:30. Need a volunteer to attend the Rec Services Council meeting Monday from 4:00-5:00 in the Director’s Conference Room in the Union. (Matt queen volunteered.) Sally presents a plaque to Jenny Johnston in honor of National Secretary Week. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - If you are having trouble meeting your visitation times let her know. May 1st is ‘Invite a Friend to Senate Day”. The reception honoring President Acker will be Nay 5 from 3:30-5:00 in the Cottonwood Room of the K-State Union. Dress is semi-formal. Will meet Friday at 4:00 in the SGS Office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - The senate standing rules’ will he up May 1st, and will need to he moved special orders. Will meet Monday at 8:00 at Last Chance. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - The special allocation to KSDB-FM will he up Nay 1st, and will need to he moved special orders. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - The following change will be added to the bottom of 1-he traffic appeal forms: “Please attach a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If one is not attached, your appeal will not be heard.” Endowment fund guidelines will he up next Thursday and will need to he moved special orders. Have not been able to talk with Jerry Petty about the crosswalk. Either he is a very busy man, or he is avoiding me. Still working on the self-catering housing for graduate and international students. Next Meeting will be Monday at 8:30 in Union 204. VICE CHAIR AND LIAISONS - Martin Monto - Brett Bromich will be our liaison to the Marching Band because of the special allocation they are requesting for new uniforms. M-27 FACULTY SENATE - Susan Baird - The Faculty Senate Executive Committee will meet Monday ac 3:30 in Union 203. The Faculty Senate Academic Affairs will meet Tuesday at 3:30 in Union 205. Will be looking at a mid-term grade proposal. INTERNS - Jerry Conner - Will meet May 5th. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Wichita State graduate programs & bringing Washburn into the Regents’ system were the main topics at the Regents’ meeting last Thursday. He was surprised at the $2 transcript fee increase. Looking at a summer orientation program for our campus. Steven introduced the winner of the “Student Body President for a Day’ drawing - Todd Moore. He was presented a t-shirt and gave a few brief remarks. Steven introduced Lori Mays, the student body president at Pittsburg State. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - The Legislative Assembly was held at Washburn last Saturday. A compromise has been reached on the Regents’ budget. Trying to get more students involved at the campus level. Looking into forming a research committee as one way to increase involvement. Al Madrid will be the Public Relations Director for the campus. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/25 - Union Governing Board Student Members Ed Nickel & Michelle Benoit read over the bill. There were questions, but no debate. Had 15 total applicants. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/7 - Establishment of a McCain Auditorium Student Ticket Subsidy Feasibility Task Force Susan Baird read over the resolution. Questions were asked of Rick Diehl, Director of McCain, & Lawrence Tsen, sponsor of the legislation. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/6 – 1986-87 Tentative Allocations ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS Tim Congrove gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of 50 head count (an estimated $15,000) Received 84-85 $16,013 (50 FTE) Received 85-86 - $15,618.50 (50 head count) Requested 86-87 - same as Finance Committee’s recommendation Patty Hipsher, Kevin Elmore & Chris Graves, ASK State Executive Director represented the group. Questions were asked, hut there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU M-28 Tim Congrove gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $1,087.60 Patty Hipsher & Kevin Elmore represented ASK at KSU. There were questions & debate. Susan Baird moved to increase Salary from $600 co $1,120. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Ed Nickel called the question on Susan’s amendment. Passed. Eirene Tatham moved to increase Printing from $25 to $75. There were questions, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Eirene’s amendment. Failed. Martin Monte called the question on a tentative allocation of $1,607.60. Passed. SPORTS CLUB COUNCIL Lesley Schneider gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of so. 84-85 - Funded by Rec Services Council $3,113, as per Student Senate request 85-86 - $0, nothing requested Requesting 86-87 - $4,650 Jeff Vander Laan, Sports Club Council Chair, represented the group, along with members of the various clubs. There were questions. Raydon Rebel, Director of Rec Services, was called in to answer one question. Cath Sayler moved to postpone consideration of Sports Club Council until 11:00. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Matt Queen called the question on Cath’s motion. Failed. Questions continued, & debate was entered into. Michelle Johnson moved to increase from $0 to $4,650. Questions were asked. Wally Brockhoff moved to suspend the rules to eliminate questions on Sports Club Council. Passed. Debate was entered into. Dave Kaster moved to amend Michelle’s amendment by increasing from $0 to $1,162.50, which is 25% of the $4,650. Debate was entered into. Matt Queen called to question on Dave’s amendment. Failed. Martin Monto moved to amend Michelle’s amendment by increasing from $0 to $3,000 with no categories. Debate was entered into. Angie Rowland called the question on Martin’s amendment. Failed. Debate continued on Michelle’s original amendment. Becky Svaty called the question on Michelle’s amendment. Failed: 21/23/2. Martin Monto requested a roll call vote. YES - Baird, Bayouth, Bromich, Bullock, Cook, Helmke, Howard, Johnson, Kaster, Kettler, Leighty, Monto, Paulie, Queen, Rowland, Russell, Smith, Tatham, Tritsch, Wagner, Wolf NO - Benoit, Brockhoff, Caraway, Cole, Cunnick, DeMars, Fold, Gaumer, Leeds, Leonard, Ligon, McLellan, Mortlock, Nickel, Peine, Ridder, Sayler, Schneider, Svaty, Wagner, Whearty, Wiley, Woodbury ABSTAIN – Eickmann, Sherwood Matt Queen moved to increase from $0 to $6,854.54. Lesley Schneider objected to consideration. Passed. M-29 Miranda Mortlock moved o increase from $0 to $439.20 ($73.20/ club for Advertising) Debate was entered into. Steve Ligon called the question on Miranda’s amendment. Passed: 28/17/1. Kevin Eickmann requested a roll call vote. YES - Baird, Bayouth, Benoit, Brockhoff, Bromich, Bullock, Cook, Eickmann, Gaumer, Helmke, Howard, Johnson, Kaster, Kettler, Leeds, McLellan, Monto, Mortlock, Nickel, Paulie, Queen, Ridder, Russell, Smith, Tatham, Tritsch, Wagner, Wolf NO - Caraway, Cole, Cunnick, DeMars, Fold, Leonard, Ligon, Peine, Rowland, Sayler, Schneider, Sherwood, Svaty, Warner, Whearty, Wiley, Woodbury ABSTAIN - Leighty Lesley Schneider called the question on a tentative allocation of $439.20. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Doug Gaurner stated that the KSU SGA basketball team will leave from the back of the K-State Union at 2:30 to travel to K.U. on Sunday. Matt Queen announced that the Men’s Glee Club will perform Friday evening at 9:30 at All Faiths Chapel. The meeting was recessed until Tuesday at 6:00. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-30 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 29, 1986 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM The sixth meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chair Sally Traeger. 39 senators were present. Queen, Schneider & Smith were excused late. Sayler & Sherwood were excused. Caraway was late. Eickmann was absent. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The Kansas Folklife Festival will be held in Abeam Fieldhouse on May 3rd from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and May 4th from Noon to 6 p.m. Admission fees are: $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for students/seniors, $1 for children 6-12, children under 6 are admitted free, $10 for family rate, $2 group rate (10 or more with reservations. They need volunteers to work at the festival. Interviews were held for the Athletic Fee Task Force. The bill will be up Thursday on the appointments. Reconsiderations of tentative allocations will be Thursday. Reconsiderations must be to Sally, in writing, by 5:00 on Wednesday. They must he made & seconded by two individuals who previously voted the opposite way. The KSU SGA basketball team was victorious over the KU SGA last Sunday. The victory is the second in a row. Let’s keep in mind the nuclear accident that occurred in Russia recently. It could happen here. Debbie Fields - Senate Operations will meet Sunday at 2:00 at the Chi Omega house. Interns will meet. Monday at 8:00 at Last Chance. Susan Baird - The Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee is looking at a proposal regarding international students taking a 15-hour English course. Brett Bromich - The Student Affairs & Social Services Committee will present the endowment fund guidelines next semester. Jerry Petty, the Deputy Director of Public Works for the City of Manhattan, finally contacted Brett. They are looking into the crosswalk issue. Candy Leonard - Remember May 1st is “Bring a Friend to Senate Day”. Communications Committee will have a table in the Union on Thursday. President Acker’s farewell reception will be in the Cottonwood Room of the K-State Union on May 5th from 3:30 to 5:00. ALL STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Sally Howard - Houndogs may perform May 6th in front the K-State Union to raise library funds. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/26 - Opposition to Transcript: Fee Increase Martin Monto read over the resolution, and Steven Johnson answered questions. Senate Bill 86/87/8, 1986-87 Student Health Insurance Plan Laura McLellan read over the bill, and Tammy Tracy answered questions. Tammy is chair of the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/6 - 1986-87 Tentative Allocations M-31 HONORARIUM - BLACK STUDENT UNION Tim Congrove explained Finance Committee’s recommendation of $800. Received 84/85 - $2,500 Received 85/86 - 1,000 Requesting 86/87 - $1,500 Derrick Holt represented BSU. There were questions and debate. Doug Gaumer called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. HONORARIUM - COALITION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Phil Nordhus gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $750. Received 84/85 - $300 Received 85/86 - $600 Requesting 86/87 - $800 Kirk Caraway represented CHR. There were questions and debate. Doug Gaumer called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. HONORARIUM - INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Phil Nordhus gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $1,800. Received 84/85 - $1,400 Received 85/86 - $1,800 V Requesting 86/87 - $2,200 All Nikaeen & Donna Davis represented ICC. There were questions and debate. Miranda Mortlock moved to increase from $1,800 to $2,200. There were questions and debate. Doug Folk called the question on Miranda’s amendment. Failed. Howard Woodbury called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. HONORARIUM - MEXlCAN AMERICAN COUNCIL OF STUDENTS Steve Ligon gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $600. Received 84/85 - $600 Received 85/86 - $0 Requesting 86/87 - $1,000 Judy Wolf represented MACS. There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. HONORARIUM - UNIVERSITY FOR MAN Steve Ligon gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $400. Received 84/85 - $0 Received 85/86 - $450 Requesting 86/87 - same as recommendation M-32 Julie Coates represented the group. There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on a tentative allocation of $4,350 for HONORARIUM. Passed. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION Steve Ligon gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $31,956.70. Received 84/85 - $31,176.50 Received 85/86 - $31,768.50 Requesting 86/87 - $33,031.70 Steven Johnson, Sally Routson & Jenny Johnston represented SGA. There were questions and debate. Sally Howard moved to decrease Postage from $600 to $450. There were questions & debate. Bruce Cook called the question on Sally’s amendment. Failed. Eirene Tatham moved to increase Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions from $251 to $210. There were questions & debate. Debate centered around the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce membership fee of $60. John DeMars called the question on Eirene’s amendment. Failed. Michelle Benoit moved to increase Printing from $1,500 to $1,800. There were questions & debate. Came co an immediate vote on Michelle’s amendment. Passed. Susan Baird moved to increase Advertising from $1,067.50 to $1,237.50. There were questions & debate. Came to an immediate vote on Susan’s amendment. Passed. Wally Brockhoff moved to increase Car Travel from $0 to $175. There were questions & debate. Eirene Tatham moved to amend Wally’s amendment to increase from $0 to $100. There were questions, but no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Eirene’s motion. Failed. Debate continued on Wally’s amendment. Came to an immediate vote on Wally’s amendment. Passed. Craig Kettle called the question on a tentative allocation of $32,601.70. Passed. REC SERVICES Steve Ligon gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $2.65 line item/full- time & $.90 line item/part-time student (estimated $74,605.45) Received 34/58 - $74,614.25 ($2.50 & $.75 line items) Received 85/86 - $76,458.80 ($2.65 & $.90 line items) Requesting 86/87 - same as recommendation Raydon Robel represented Rec Services. The only question asked was of Steve Ligon. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. M-33 STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Steve Ligon gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $3.20 line item/fulltime $1.15 line item/part-time student (estimated $90,089.60) Received 84/85 - $89,898 ($3 & $1 line items) Received 85/86 - $92,555.85 ($3.20 & $1.15 line items) Requesting 86/87 - same as recommendation V Dave Adams represented Student Publications. There were questions & debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committees recommendation. Passed. Senate Bill 86/87/5, SGA Special Allocation for a Computer This bill was postponed on April 3, 1986 until this evening. Questions continued, and debate was entered into. Howard Woodbury called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Recessed until Thursday at 6:00. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-34 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MAY 1, 1986 6:00 PM - 12:30 AM The seventh & final meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chair Sally Traeger. There were 38 senators present. Bullock, Cunnick, Leighty, Mortlock, Smith, Svaty & Wiley were excused late. Kaster was late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 24th and April 29th meetings were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Wendy Schiappa of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce spoke regarding our membership to the Chamber, which senate voted not to fund Tuesday evening. Our membership fee has increased to $75. Dr. William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services, and Don Foster, Registrar, spoke on the transcript fee increase issue. Steve Milligan spoke on the Athletic Fee Task Force issue Jeff Vander Laan spoke regarding reconsideration of the Sports Club Council budget. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - She welcomed everyone who was not a senator, since this is “Bring a Friend to Senate” Day. She commended Candy Leonard for doing a wonderful job as Communications Committee Chair. She & Steven Johnson decided that SGA needs a jingle. Got any ideas? Let Sally or Steven know of them. Word of the summer is ZYMURGY. It. means “the chemistry of fermentation, as applied in brewing, etc” It is the last word in Webster’s New World Dictionary. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Sunday at 2:00 at the Chi Omega house. Interns will meet at 8:30 Monday at Last Chance. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Thanked everyone who did a visitation. Really do need ideas for a jingle! President Acker’s reception will he held in the Union Cottonwood Room. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - The National Student Round Table membership will be discussed next semester. Will be looking into changing the time of the SGA elections, both pros and cons. Will be visiting other campuses regarding Summer Orientation. Kickoff 86 will be August 23rd. The coliseum consultant, Tom Parkinson, will meet with students on ay 7th at 4:00 in Dykstra Hall Conference Room. The Freshman Record, a year hook for freshmen, is being looked into. It would be a self-supporting project. OSU and Nebraska have this project. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - The state scholarship program for 5-years was signed by the Governor. Teacher scholarship issue died M-35 again. Sub-minimum wage hearings will begin May 22. The KSU ASK will submit opposition to the legislation. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/29 - Intercollegiate Athletic Council Student Appointment Martin Monto read over the resolution. Steven Johnson answered questions, hut there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/27 - Athletic Fee Task Force Appointments Kevin Eickmann read over the resolution. Sally Traeger introduced the at-large members. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/28 - FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator Kevin Eickmann read over the resolution. On questions was asked of Charlene Nichols. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/8 - 1986-S7 Student Health Insurance Plan Tammy Tracy, Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Chair, was present. There were no questions & no debate. Came to an immediate vote, Senate Bill 86/87/7, Establishment of a McCain Auditorium Student Ticket Subsidy Feasibility Task Force Rick Diehi, Director of McCain Auditorium, and Lawrence Tsen were present to answer questions. Questions continued, and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to add a Section 3 to read: In addition to the general duties of researching the feasibility of a McCain student ticket subsidy, the task force consult with the Athletic Fee Task Force to decide whether the two possible student fee proposals should he presented to Student Senate at the same time and/or as a combined fee. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Matt Queen called the question. Failed. Debate continued. Came to an immediate vote. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/6 - 1986-87 Tentative Allocations Matt Queen moved to reconsider Sports Club Council’s budget. Michelle Johnson seconded the motion. There were questions, and debate was entered into. Jeff Vander Laan, Sports Club Council Chair, represented the group. Angie Rowland called the question on Matt’s motion. Passed. M-36 There were no questions on the Sports Club Council budget, but debate was entered into. Matt Queen moved to increase: Men’s Soccer from $73.20 to $789 - $489, supplies, $300, entry fees Rugby from $73.20 to $680 - $350, professional services; $330, national dues Women’s Soccer from $73.20 to $625 - $300, professional services; $325, entry fees These amendments would make the total budget increase from $439.20 to $2,313.60. Parachute, Sailing & Fencing would still receive $73.20 for advertising. There were questions, and debate was entered into. Martin Monto called the question on Matt’s amendment. Passed: 28/14/1 Cath Sayler requested a roll call vote. YES - Baird, Bayouth, Benoit, Bromich, Cole, Cook, DeMars, Eickmann, Folk, Gaumer, Helmke, Johnson, Kettler, Leighty, Monto, Nickel, Queen, Rowland, Russell, Sherwood, Smith, Svaty, Tatham, Titsch, Wagner, Warner, Whearty, Wolf NO - Brockhoff, Caraway, Cunnick, Howard, Leeds, Leonard, Ligon, McLellan, Peine, Ridder, Sayler, Schneider, Wiley, Woodbury ABSTAIN - Mortlock ABSENT - Bullock, Kaster, Paulie There were no further questions on the Sports Club Council budget, but debate continued on the budget, as amended. Bruce Cook called the question on a tentative allocation of $2,313.60 for Sports Club Council. Passed. Steve Ligon called the question on Senate Bill 86/87/6, as amended. Passed. THE BILL IS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THESE MINUTES. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Sally Howard stated that she took the Unions budget to an instructor who will look at it to see if a class would look into it. Sally Howard also announced that Houndogs will not perform Tuesday. Sally Traeger thanked Finance Committee for their hard work. Sally Traeger also thanked the senate for doing a good job during allocations. This is the most thorough and conscientious senate she has worked with. Kim Warner moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-37 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the first meeting of the semester to order with 39 senators present. Bromich, Ligon, Whearty & Wolf were late. We have the following vacancies: 2 faculty. 1 Vet. Med. 2 Graduates APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the May 1, 1986 meeting were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - Congratulations went to Martin Monto who got married August 10th. Miranda Mortlock resigned as a Graduate Senator due to research. Cath Sayler’s seat as a Graduate Senator has been vacated because she got back into Vet. School. We are working on a transfer for a Student Senate t-shirt or sweatshirt. If you have any ideas, let Sally or Candy Leonard know. October 30th is President Wefald’s inauguration in McCain Auditorium. You have to sign-up for the Senate Class credit/no credit. If you have questions, contact Ed Schiappa at 532-6875. Sally went over the SGA TODAY newsletter. We will have a welcome for President Wefald on September 11th at 6:30 in the Cottonwood Room of the K-State Union. He will also speak during Open Period at Student Senate that night. The Leadership Workshop, “Take he Steps to Leadership” will be held September 27th in the K-State Union. Need a student to serve on the task force that is addressing the parking space problem. They meet every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Jess Cunnick would like to see a change in the representation from each college. We are also looking into changing the time of the SGA election. Sally asked for ideas about possible future legislation or ideas we should look into: Michelle Benoit - A Freshman Council Sally Howard - Change Student Senate representation by adding at-large senators from living groups Mike Riley - Line item funding for KSDB-FM, and Union gripes: new plastic cups, UPC Programmer cover, and purple carpet in the State Room Martin Monto - Concerns: parking hours without a permit, unsafe storage of chemicals on campus, and having to show a fee card at Lafene. Robert Krause is the new Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Had 4 candidates for the position to select from. He will be here September 8th. Pat Bosco was named Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Nine Admissions Counselors were hired to recruit throughout the state. Dr. Earl Molting has resigned as our Dean of Students and moved to the University of Minnesota as the Director of Extension Counseling. M-38 Sally has asked Larry Garvin to speak to us regarding renovations and parking around the campus. The Athletic Fee Task Force was met twice since school started. Sally introduced Dr. William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services. Since Dr. Molting will not be replaced as new Dean of Students, Dr. Sutton will assume his responsibilities to SGA. Caroline Peine will no longer be on Student Senate. Working on filling her position and the faculty position that has been vacant throughout our term. Words of the Week: Geek and Gelatin. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - The Activities Carnival is Sunday from 5:00 8:00 p.m. SGA has a table. Will nave “Student Body President for a Day” sign-up for freshmen. FACULTY AND SENATE - Susan Baird - The Incomplete Policy is bogged down because the administration has not got it going. The faculty is very upset about this. Will meet next Tuesday at 3:30 in the Union Big 8 Room. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Working on coordinating efforts between the State Legislature and tie administration. Also working on a Legislative banquet after the election in November. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - Not sure where the cross-walk is, but it’s not where it is supposed to e. Will have legislation up next week on regulations governing the student endowment fund. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet September 8th at 8:00 p.m. in Union 202. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Had a retreat for campus directors in June. Will have hearings in senate about the KSU budget priorities. Will be giving voter information tables in the Union. The Interim Committee on Higher Education will meet in Topeka on September 22 and 23. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - He went over the S.A.C. priorities book. Received replies on the Gramm /Rudman resolution we sent to legislators. Search committees took a great deal of time over the summer. He went over the transcript situation. The (KSU 1988 Fiscal Year budget was approved by the Regents. Dean Hobrock expressed thanks for student support of the library. Funds really have improved, and he credits student activists for this. Through a letter, President Acker thanked us for the reception for him. The coliseum is progressing well. Did some work on tie new student orientation program. Input is welcomed. ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE - Doug Folk - Will meet each Tuesday at 5:30. Will start getting into the Athletic Department’s budget. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Kevin Eickmann read over Senate Resolution 86/87/30 - Consumer Relations Board Director. Sally Traeger introduced Kelli, and one question was asked. Because there was no debate, we came to an immediate vote. Kevin Eickmann read over Senate Resolution 86/87/31 - SGA Work-Study Secretary. Sally Traeger introduced Debbie, and an extensive question period followed. M-39 An immediate vote was taken, following debate. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/10 - Student Senate Standing Rules Ed Nickel read over the bill, and questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Sally Traeger will get with Ed Schiappa on the Senate Credit class. The contract post office is moving from Anderson Hall to Dykstra Hall because more space is needed in Anderson Hall for expansion. SAMS is starting up again. Applications are in the SGS Office. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-40 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 11, 1986 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Bromich, Gaumer, Johnson & Smith were excused late. Eickmann was absent. We have three vacant seats: 2 faculty 1 Veterinary Medicine APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 MINUTES Doug Folk corrected the Athletic Fee Task Force report on page 3. It meets at 5:30 not 5:00. OPEN PERIOD Sally Traeger introduced Dr. Jon Wefald, our new University President, who has been here since July 1st. He gave some background information on himself, and also spoke on KSU and making it a better university through recruitment and other means. He answered a number of questions from senators and non-senators. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger introduced the two new Graduate Senators: Bill ,Majerus & Joni Hays. Need senators to serve on the Student Senate/Faculty Senate Relations Ad hoc Committee, along with a number of Faculty Senators. Those volunteering were: Susan Baird, Eirene Tatham, Judy Wolf, Matt Queen & Candy Leonard. Student Senate and Senate Exec. will participate in the processional in cap & gown during Dr. Wefald’s inauguration on October 30 at 2:00 in McCain. Next Monday from 6:30-10:00 p.m. there will e an inauguration invitation stuffing party in room 8 of Anderson Hall. The Ooze Ball Tournament will be held September 20th at the KSU Foundation TechniPark. Word for the week is QUAGMIRE. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - The next meeting is Monday at 8:00 at Kites. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - The next meeting is Monday at 4:00 in the SCS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OF FACULTY AND SENATE - Susan Baird - Will meet Tuesday and discuss all-university graduation requirements COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Out of 130 entrants, Jill Warren was selected “Student Body President for A Day”. The t-shirt transfer was decided on. Details will be posted in the office next week. The next meeting will be Monday at 6:00 in the SGS Office. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Will meet Sunday at 8:00 in the SGS Office. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - The next meeting will be Monday at 9:00 p.m. in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-41 A.S.K. - Patty Fisher - Voter registration is going well. The next Legislative Assembly will be October 3 & 4 in Kansas City. It will not cost tie delegates anything. KSU will have 16 delegates. Matt Livingston has left K-State, so Patty will be the only A.S.K. Campus Director. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Have been meeting with the deans from various colleges. Had a meeting of the College Council Presidents today. He and Sally Traeger went to Goodnow Hall Sunday evening. ********** Sally Traeger gave the FINAL ALLOCATIONS SCHEDULE: September 25 - Closing of Accounts bill September 26 - Written appeals due from the groups to Finance Committee on their tentative allocations October 15 - Written appeals due from senators to Finance Committee on any tentative allocation October 16 & 23 - Final Allocations FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/l1 - Student Endowment Account Spending Guidelines John DeMars read over the bill, and Brett Bromich answered questions. Senate Bill 83/87/12 - Education College Council Constitutional Revision Bob Whearty read over the bill, and questions were asked. Randy Warner, representing the council, was present to answer questions. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/10 - Student Senate Standing Rules There were no questions asked, so debate was entered into. Michelle Benoit moved to amend Section 1, part 2 by amending the 2nd sentence to read: Any senator or non-senator may ask questions directed to open period speakers. There were no questions asked, so debate was entered into. Sally Howard called the question on Michelle’s amendment. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Debbie Fields - The Senate Operations Standing Committee has a goal: to get rid of the plastic cups in the Union. Sally Routson spoke with Ed Schiappa regarding the Senate Credit Class. No grade will be given. Matt Queen stated that Sports Club Council is in the process of revising their constitution. Steven Johnson announced that the Union Governing Board will meet the evening of October 6th. Jill Warren spoke to the body on her day as “student body president”. Sally Traeger announced that she and Steven Johnson would be more than happy to speak to living groups. Just contact either of them or both. Susan Baird moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-42 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Bromich, Gaurner, Ligon, Schneider, Wagner & Whearty were excused late. Eickmann & Sherwood were late. We still have 3 vacancies: 2 faculty & 1 Veterinary Medicine APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1986 MINUTES Dave Tritsch stated that he was present, not late. OPEN PERIOD Sally Traeger introduced Bob Krause, our new Vice President for Institutional Advancement. He spoke to his background. (He, like President Wefald, came to us from Minnesota.) He also spoke to what we, as a university, can do to recruit more students and then what we must do to retain those students. He answered questions from the body. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - If you know you are close in absences or lates, get with her and talk about it. If you have 2 absences, she will get a hold of you. There will be a meeting regarding the Union plastic cups on Monday with Walt Smith, Molly Sisson, Doug Gaumer, Mark Buyle, Sally Routson, Debbie Fields, Sally Traeger & Steven Johnson. Word of the Week – MATRICULATE. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE EXECUTIVE - Sally Traeger - Meets every Tuesday evening at 10:00 at various locations. Have had a lot of requests to form task forces on various issues. This tells her that we have got to look at our activity fee. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Had a hold-up on the shirt transfer. Need $18 for the transfer before Ballards will make it up. A cup was passed around. The next meeting will be Monday at 6:00 in Stateroom #2. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Brett Bromich - Working on “Student Services Week” during the week of October 13th. The next meeting will be Monday at 9:00 p.m. in Union 213. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Met at Kites Monday evening and went over Jess’ bill. The next meeting will be Monday at 7:30. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Met Monday with A.S.K.’s State Directors. They provided a lot of handouts. ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE - Doug Folk - Met Tuesday and went over the Athletic Department’s proposed budget. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Going through the closing of accounts process. The next meeting will be Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-43 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) - Patty Hipsher - Have registered about 150 people to vote so far. Will have an informal luncheon with Senator Wertz and Representatives Knopp, Rolfs & Braden on Tuesday, October 7th, at 12:30. Fee Cost Ratio could go up. There is talk of creating a “super board” to look into duplication of services at the Regent institutions. Need 5 more students to go to the L.A. on October 3 & 4. Delegates will have a meeting on September 29th (Monday) at 4:00 in the SGS Office. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Mike Kadel for Steven Johnson - Had a Cabinet meeting last night. Discussed looking at the various ambassador programs. Also looked at how advising could he improved in the future. Will be working on a “priorities document.” APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/32 - FONE Crisis Center Coordinator Ed Nickel read over the bill. Katie was not present. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/33 - U-LearN Associate Coordinator Ed Nickel read over the bill. Joni was present. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/13 - SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Replacement of Student Senators Martin Monto read over the bill, and questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/14 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Representation to Student Senate. Jess Cunnick read over the bill, and questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/11 - Student Endowment Account Spending Guidelines Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Ed Nickel called the question on the bill, as friendly amended. Senate Bill 86/87/12 - Education College Council Constitutional Revision Sally Howard friendly amended the last sentence of Article VIII, Section 2, to read: The Editor shall work under the advisement of the Education Council and shall have all material checked before publication by an Education Council Faculty Advisor each month to insure guideline adherence. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. M-44 Brett Bromich - Next Wednesday at Charlie’s Bar the cheerleaders will be auctioned off plus various other items. All proceeds go to the cheerleaders. Laura McLellan - There will be a visitor day on Saturday, September 27th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area. Mike Riley - The band that performed in Animal House will he performing next Friday from 3:00 to 6:00 on the back porch of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House. The cost will be $10. Sally Traeger - The Faculty Senate/Student Senate Relations Ad hoc Committee will meet Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in the Union Stateroom. Bruce Cook - Business Council has some at-large committee positions open. Applications are available in the Dean’s Office. Matt Queen moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-45 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM Vice Chair Martin Monto called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Bromich & Nickel were excused late. Bullock, Folk, Johnson & Leonard were excused. Queen & Warner were late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The September 18, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services, stated that the official enrollment for K-State is 17,630, up 60 over last fall. This is the first time we have registered an increase of any kind in four years. Jeff Anschutz, Graduate Council President, spoke in favor of Senate Bill 86/87/14, SGA Constitution Revision: Representation to Student Senate. Lee White spoke to Senate Resolution 36/87/34, Traffic Appeals Board Members. Questions were addressed to Lee, Dr. Sutton & Steven Johnson about the board and the reasons for the replacements. ANNOUNCEMENTS Debbie Fields announced that the Styrofoam cups are back in the Union. Martin Monto welcomed Steven Johnson’s voice back. Mike Riley brought attention to Dr. Miller’s letter that was in the Collegian today addressed to students regarding the coliseum. Judy Wolf announced that we lost both ooze ball games. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 p.m. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Finished up the closing of accounts process. The bill is before you tonight. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley Will meet at 4:00 next Tuesday in the office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Jim Crutchfield - Will meet Sunday at 8:00 in the Union. COMMUNICATIONS - Becky Svaty for Candy Leonard - She mode led her new Student Senate sweatshirt. ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE - Steve Ligon for Doug Folk - Will meet Tuesday and hope to have Larry Travis at that meeting. . DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Will be living in the residence halls next week to find out what that side of college life is like. Will meet with David Dallum, a state higher education budget analysis, on Friday, October 3rd, regarding students’ needs. The coliseum ground breaking is scheduled for October 18th. Because of what happened at the last KSU vs. KU football game here 2 years ago, a lot of people will be watching us. Met with College Council M-46 Presidents again today. Hopefully they will be a valuable resource. No drug testing policy was set at the Board of Regents last week. However, the President is to report to the Board twice a year on the drug and alcohol situation on the campus. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Attended a Campus Director’s meeting in Topeka last Friday. Discussed having an “Introduction to Lobbying Day” where you would go to Topeka to observe actual lobbying by Mark Tallman and Chris Graves so that you know how to do it. Met with Mike Johnson, Assistant to the President, and had a fruitful discussion on how the university budget is formed. She now understands the “Fee Cost Ratio”, which she explained. Still need 3 people for the L.A. Have registered 220 to vote so far. Spoke to the College Council Presidents today of A SK. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/34 - Traffic Appeals Board Members Kim Warner read over the Johnson questions. Roy was present. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/15 - Closing of 1985-86 Accounts Steve Ligon read over the bill, and questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/13 - SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Replacement of Student Senators Further questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/14 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Representation to Student Senate The bill was friendly amended by Jess Cunnick by adding a Section 2. Further questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jennifer Leeds moved to amend the underlined portion by changing it to read ‘and one (1) member for each six hundred (600) part-time Special Fee paying”. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Matt Queen called the question on Jennifer’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill, as amended. Doug Gaumer called the question on the bill, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Brett Bromich announced that the Student Affairs & Social Services Committee will meet Monday at 9:00 p.m. in Union 213. Dr. Sutton announced that October 21-24 is Blood Donor Week. Volunteers are needed and you should report to the head nurse at Lafene or Barb Pretzer in the Union Director’s Office to sign up. Jess Cunnick moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-47 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 2, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 32 senators present. Benoit & Paulie were excused. Howard was absent. Leonard, Nickel & Woodbury were late. Brockhoff, Bromich, Bullock, Queen, Schneider & Smith were excused. Vacancies: 1 - Arts & Sciences 1 - Vet, fled. 2 - Faculty APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the September 25, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Sally Traeger introduced Larry Garvin, University Architect, who spoke on the Anderson Hall Accessibility Project (construction of an elevator from the basement. to second floor which will be completed next April at a cost of $167,000. He also spoke to the Holton Hall renovation Project. The bidding process is to begin in April, with construction to begin at the end of the semester. He further spoke to the campus parking situation. He is the chair of a parking ad hoc committee that has defined the problem, but not come up with a solution. A number of public hearings will take place in the near future. The committee will make their recommendations to Vice President Miller. The committee meets almost every morning at 8:30 in Dykstra Sally Traeger & Lesley Schneider are the student representatives on that committee. Hope to begin construction on the coliseum immediately after the October 18th ground breaking. The Bio-Chemistry building is to be completed by the fall semester of 1988. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger read a letter from Lee Buller, updating us on the KSDB-FM tower project. She announced that the transcript fee issue will be pursued further. The McCain Auditorium Student ticket Subsidy Feasibility Task Force was selected and will be up for approval next week. Need 5 senators to serve on this task force also. Need volunteers to help with “Blood Donor Week”, October 21-24. The Nichols Hall mural will be dedicated in a ceremony at 2:00 on Friday, October 10th, in the Nichols Hail Atrium. Need students to attend. The acronym of the day is CAPSA. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Will have a table in the Union next Thursday. Next meeting will he Monday at 6:00 in Union 203. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Still working on “Social Services Awareness Week,” October 13-17. Next meeting will be Monday at 9:00 at Kites. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Will meet Sunday at 7:30 in the office to begin the final allocation process. M-48 STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - (Sorry, Mike!) DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Tomorrow is his last day in the residence hails. Will be meeting with the state higher education budget analysis tomorrow. Will attend the Strategic Planning Committee on Monday. Will go to Topeka Tuesday for the Honors Academy meeting. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - The Legislative Assembly is this weekend. Only have one senator attending. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/15 - Closing of l983-86 Accounts Steve Ligon explained Section 2. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Irene Tatham, on behalf of Debbie Fields, presented Steve Johnson with a pair of Garfield boxer shorts for being in the Greek Playboy Contest. Sally Traeger congratulated Dave Kaster for also being in the Greek Playboy Contest. Susan Baird announced that Alcohol & Other Drug Education Services has a new party planner out. John DeMars stated he feels the word for the day should be CONCERN, since we all always seem CONCERNED. Sally Traeger announced that the students at Wichita State passed a fee to pay for their faculty/staff parking spaces. She further announced that the Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet has been axed. M-49 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 9, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 34 senators present. Cole & Tritsch were absent. Cunnick, Johnson & Nickel were late. Gaumer & Smith were excused late. Leighty, McLellan, Rowland & Woodbury were excused. Vacancies: 1 faculty 1 Veterinary Medicine 1 Arts & Sciences APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 2, 1986 MINUTES Sally Traeger made the following corrections: Woodbury was excused, not late. Under Open Period, the campus parking committee meets Thursday mornings, not Tuesday mornings. In the first line under Informal Discussion, Eirene Tatham’s name is not spelled correctly. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - She introduced Jim Akin, Associate Director of Career Planning & Placement. He is one of our new faculty appointees. Still need one at-large student and three senators to serve on the McCain Task Force. There will he a contract post office meeting on Wednesday, October 15th, at 8:00 a.m. in Dykstra Hall Conference Room. The Nichols Hall mural will be dedicated tomorrow, October 10th, at 2:00 p.m. in the atrium of Nichols Hall. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Working on planning “SGA Week,” not “SGA Day,” to be held November 17-20. Will meet Monday at 6:00 p.m. in Union 205. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Next week is Social Services Week. Will have a table in the Union 9:00 to 2:00 each day. Will meet Monday at 9:00 p.m. in Union 213. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Need an Elections Committee Chair and committee members. Applications are available in the SCS Office. Will meet Monday at 8:00 p.m. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Met Tuesday evening. Those groups appealing their tentative allocation are: Legal Services, Women’s Resource Center, S.G.A. & U-LearN. However, the committee decided to bring Legal Services & SGA up in a special allocation bill, along with FONE Crisis Center, next week. Will meet Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – Mike Riley – Need input on the legislation that is up tonight for 1st readings that could be passed on to the administration. FACULTY SENATE – Susan Baird – Will meet Tuesday at 3:30 in the Big 8 Room. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Met with the State Higher Education Budget Analysist last Friday and conveyed students’ concerns, one of them being student salaries. Started working on Lafene Student Health Center’s unencumbered balance and looking at various ways of earning interest on this money. M-50 The Strategic Planning Committee met this week. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Jennifer Leeds for Patty Hipsher - She read over the things that were passed at the Legislative Assembly last weekend. ******************** Sally Traeger - “Word of the Day” is pari-mutuel (or parimutual) ******************** FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/16 - Engineering Student Council Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions Questions were asked of Doug Folk & Carrie Helmke. Senate Resolution 86/87/35 - Support of State Lottery Judy Wolf read over the resolution, and questions were asked. Senate Resolution 86/87/36 - Support of Liquor by the Drink Judy Wolf read over the resolution, and questions were asked. Senate Resolution 86/87/37 - Support of Pari-Mutuel Betting Judy Wolf read over the resolution, hut no questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Becky Svaty encouraged senators to get their sweatshirts. Sally Traeger announced that CAPSA (Committee for the Advancement, of Post-Senate Activities) will meet at Last Chance after senate tonight. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-51 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 16, 1986 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Brockhoff, Bullock & Kaster were late. Bromich & Gaumer were excused late. Kettler & Majerus were excused. Paulie was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 9th minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - She is serving on two committees and needs input: Provost Search Committee - This individual is 2nd in command on the campus. The first day on the job for the new person will he July 1, 1987. Art. Museum Committee - Ruth Ann Wefald chairs the committee. Looking at getting an art museum on the campus. If done next year, it will probably he a $7 million project. Send in your RSVP for the inauguration processional ASAP. Call Bea at 5326520. Be at the lower end of McCain at 1:30 on October 30th. We are the first group in the processional, and will be on stage. The coliseum ground breaking will be Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the football stadium. Royal Purple pictures: Student Senate Exec. - October 30th, 7:00 p.m. Student Senate/Interns/Exec. - October 30th, 7:15 p.m. Senate will begin at. 6: next week, October 23rd, due to Homecoming activities. Senate will begin at 7:30 on October 30th due to R.P. pictures. Met with Ed Schiappa regarding Senate Credit. Discussed having office hours for senators, and a grade being given if senators spend one hour per week in the SGS Office during the semester. Something is worked on for interns also. Still need one student to serve on the McCain Task Force. The McCain people are having doubts about what they want to pursue this semester. We may he asked rescind the legislation this established the task force. If you are interested in the transcript fee issue, be at a meeting on October 28th, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. Faculty Senate did not meet this week. They moved it to this coming Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in Union 212. She gave the senators the charge of helping things go smoothly at the KSU/KU foot hail game this coming Saturday. They are putting up plastic goal posts to try to avoid severe injuries, and no one is going to stop anyone from taking them down. Sign up for the blood mobile to be here next week. Homecoming is next week. Buttons & bumper stickers are for sale. “Word for the Week” - TERSE COMMITTEE REPORTS M-52 FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Have 4 hills up tonight. Will have a special allocation bill up in the future for the Debate team. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Working on “SGA Week”. Will meet Monday in Union 205 at 6:00 p.m. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Michelle Benoit for Brett Bromich Had a table in the Union all week for “Social Services Week”. The theme was “How’s Your Social Life?” FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/17 - Special Allocation to FONE Crisis Center Steve Ligon explained the bill, and questions were asked of Paul Nelson, past FONE Coordinator. Senate Bill 86/87/18 - Special Allocation to Legal Services Steve Ligon explained the bill, but no questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/19 - Special Allocation to Student Governing Association Steve Ligon explained the bill, and questions were asked. Finance Committee is recommending the advertising & data processing deficit, with the remainder to he distributed among the other deficit categories. Senate Bill 86/87/20 - 1986-87 Final Allocations Steve Ligon explained the 2 appeals from U-Learn & Women’s Resource Center. U-LearN – Increase Printing from $270 to $370 Increase Outreach Program from $0 to $350 ($10/session x 35 sessions) New total $12,123.40 They requested a $750 increase Women’s Resource Center – Increase Advertising from $123 to $174.70 Increase Films from $0 to $150.00 Increase Printing from $0 to $40 New total $729.90 requested a $623.18 increase Questions were asked of the representatives. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 86/87/35 - Support of State Lottery It was friendly amended to change the percentage from 75.9% to 83.4%, and change September 15 to October 13. Further questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Howard Woodbury moved to postpone indefinitely. There were questions & debate on Howard’s motion. Matt Queen called the question on Howard’s motion. Passed Senate Resolution 86/87/36 - Support of Liquor by the Drink It was friendly amended to change the percentage from 68% to 78.9%, and change September 15 to October 13. M-53 Wally Brockhoff moved to postpone indefinitely. There were no questions or debate. Came to an immediate vote on Wally’s motion. Passed. Senate Resolution 37 - Support of Pari-Mutuel Betting It was friendly amended to change the percentage from 70% to 76.5%, and September 15 to October 13. John Bullock moved to postpone indefinitely. There were no questions or debate. Came to an immediate vote on John’s motion. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Eirene Tatham announced that Engineering Council will meet at 6:30 on Monday in the Union Big 8 Room. Sally Howard thought of bringing up the issue of beer in the Union. However, after speaking with other schools and finding out it does not make money, she changed her mind. Debbie Fields announced that Senate Operations’ next meeting will be October 27th at 8:00 p.m. in Union 202. Gretchen Wagner announced that S.A.M.S. will be having competition against KU at road blocks this weekend. Brett. Bromich announced that Student. Affairs & Social Services Committee’s next meeting will be October 27th at 9:00 p.m. in Union 213. Sally Howard announced that the KSU Sailing Club will be competing against the KU Sailing Club this Saturday at 12:30. Dr. William Sutton stated that initially Aggieville will not be blocked off. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-54 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 23, 1986 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Vice Chairman Martin Monto called the meeting to order with 30 senators present. Helmke & Schneider were absent. Bromich was excused late. Ligon, Nickel & Whearty were excused. Bayouth, Benoit, Gaumer, Kettler, Leeds, Paulie, Queen, Rowland & Wiley were late. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 1986 Sally Howard corrected page 1 by changing the senate time from 6:30 to 6:00. OPEN PERIOD Martin Monto introduced Bill Graves, Assistant Secretary of State, who is a Republican candidate for Secretary of State. He spoke and answered questions. Martin Monto announced that the senators who will be in the processional at President Wefald’s inauguration on October 30th can pick up their caps and gowns were they ordered them in the Union. If you run into any problems, talk to Randy. Sally Routson spoke n the car that was flipped and burned in Aggieville following the KSU vs. KU football game. The student body might want to raise funds to help replace the car. The owner only had liability insurance. Senate R.P. pictures will be taken in Fairchild Hall next Thursday at 7:00. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in Union 202. STUDENT FACULTY RELATIONS - Susan Baird - Will meet Friday, October 31st, at 7:30 a.m. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Will meet Monday at 6:00 in Stateroom 2. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Went to an A.S.K. Campus Directors meeting in Topeka last weekend. She spoke on issues passed at the L.A. She wants input on the proposed tuition increase. What bargaining chips should A.S.K. use? STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - The Board of Regents passed policies to increase student salaries 8% and 100% fee waivers for GTA’s. Still working on getting the Lafene monies interest. Also, looking at having it named as a “local entity.” Not a lot of plans have been made to stop the Aggieville destruction following the KSU vs. KU football game. KU will play here again next year. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/17 - Special Allocation to FONE Crisis Center Friendly amended to change Section 2 from “Reserves for Contingencies” to “Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay.” Further questions were asked of Charlene Nichols & Sally Routson. Debate was entered into. M-55 Came to an immediate vote. Passed. Senate Bill 86/87/18 - Special Allocation to Legal Services Questions were asked of Dianne Urban, Students Attorney. There was no debate Came to an immediate vote. Passed. Senate Bill 86/87/19, Special Allocation to the Student Governing Association Further questions were asked of Sally Routson. Debate was entered into. Candy Leonard moved to increase $820 to $1,648.15 to cover the entire 85-86 deficit. Questions were asked of Sally Routson, Jenny Johnston & Steven Johnson. Debate was entered into. Matt Queen called the question on Candy’s motion. Passed: 20/19/6. Jess Curinick requested a roll call vote. YES - Brockhoff, Cook, DeMars, Gaumer, Johnson, Kaster, Leed, Leighty, Leonard, Paulie, Queen, Rowland, Russell, Sherwood, Smith, Svaty, Tritsch, Wagner, Warner, Wolf NO - Baird, Benoit, Bromich, Bullock, Caraway, Cole, Cunnick, Folk, Hays, Howard, Kettler, Ligon, Majerus, McLellan, Ridder, Tatham, Whearty, Wiley, Woodbury ABSENT - Akin, Bayouth, Helmke, Monto, Nickel, Schneider Bryce Cook called the question on the bill, as amended. Passed: 25/7/4. Senate Bill 86/87/20 - 1986-87 Final Allocations Questions were asked on the Women’s Resource Center appeal. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on the appeals by U-Learn and Women’s Resource Center. Passed. Sally Routson went over the friendly amendment to increase the Student Governing Association budget under Secretary I Salary by increasing it to $16,418 (total = $32,608.50. Sally also went over the amount we are in the red: $2,957.77. Questions were asked on the bill, as amended; and debate was entered into. Howard Woodbury, representing Finance Committee, friendly amended the bill to take the $2,957.77 from Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs. Came to an immediate vote on the bill, as amended. (THE BILL IS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THESE MINUTES.) INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Michelle Benoit stated that anyone interested in the idea of a Freshmen Student Council should contact her. Charlene Nichols announced that the Bloodmobile is going great. M-56 Susan Baird stated that next Tuesday the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee will discuss educational changes. Eirene Tatham moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-57 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 30, 1986 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 36 senators present. Akin was absent. Tritsch was late. Brockhoff, Wagner & Warner were excused. Bromich, Folk, Gaumer, Russell & Schneider were excused late. Vacancies: 1 - Veterinary Medicine & 1 faculty. OCTOBER 23, 1986 MINUTES At the bottom of page 3, Bruce Cook called the question on Senate Bill 86/87/19, not Mike Riley. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - Introduced Judy Goldberg, the Arts & Sciences Senator replacing Kevin Eickmann. She thanked those who participated in the processional at President Wefald’s inauguration today. She spoke to the KU vs. KSU football weekend. She is really getting sick of the abuse we are getting as students and that we are taking it lying down. A letter will be passed around next week for all to sign to be sent as a “letter to the editor” to newspapers in Kansas. Senate Exec discussed helping the lady whose car was destroyed in Aggieville after the KSU vs. KU football game. Would like Student Senate & S.G.A. to take a lead in helping this lady out. The KSU vs. KU football game weekend brought in $2.5 million to the City of Manhattan. Two senators are working on pet projects: Michelle Benoit - Retention/a Freshmen Council Jennifer Leeds - Enhancing Freshman Orientation Transcript Fee Issue meetings will be held each Tuesday at 6:30 in the SGS Office. If you are registered to vote, vote next Tuesday. She congratulated Charlene Nichols on the successful Circle K blood drive Senators are urged to sign-up for U.F.M. classes. COMMITTEE REPORTS FACULTY SENATE/STUDENT SENATE RELATIONS - Susan Baird - Will meet tomorrow morning at 7:30 in Stateroom #3. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in Union 202. Check in the SGS Office for possible cancellation. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OF FACULTY SENATE - Susan Baird - Discussed a new degree in “Hotel & Restaurant Management. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Will meet Sunday at 8:00 in the SGS Office. There was an error in the final allocations bill. The amount taken from Long Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs should be $4,938.97, not $2,964.57. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Been working on “SGA Week”, to he held November 17-20. The theme will be “ASK ME”, with the goal being to get more M-58 people involved in SGA and Student Senate. November 20th will be “SGA Day” in the Union. The next meeting will be Monday at 6:00 in Union 204. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Will meet Monday at 9:00 in Union 213. Looking at mandatory drug testing of college athletes and whether an increase is needed in the student activity fee. Someone was hit at the “cross-walk” intersection yesterday. If you are concerned about the cross-walk issue, contact Jerry Petty at City Hall. Susan Baird stated that Mr. Petty has a press conference every Monday morning at 9:00 in the City Manager’s Office at City Hall. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Jim Crutchfield - Will meet Sunday at 8:00 in Union 204. ATHLETIC FEE TASK FORCE - Bill Majerus - A suggestion box has been placed in the Union next to the Union’s suggestion box by the ticket window. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Recommendations made by the Funding of Regents Institutions this week dealt with fee release and the enrollment quarter. They made no recommendation on increasing tuition. Working with John Moore on cuts in students’ salaries. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/21 - Establishment of Student Senate Office Hours Candy Leonard explained the bill, and Sally Traeger answered questions. Sally stated that Ed Schiappa said senators will receive 2 hours of senate credit based on the office hours alone. RECESSED FOR 10 MINUTES AT 8:55. Senate Bill 86/87/22 - Student Representation Enhancement Referendum Candy Leonard read the bill, and questions were asked of Lee White, Martin Monto, Sally Traeger and Candy. Senate Bill 86/87/23 - Revision of the KSU Literature & Notice Regulations Carrie Helmke explained the bill, and questions were asked of Sally Routson. These revisions have been approved by the University Activities Board and Alpha Phi Omega. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/16 - Engineering College Council Constitutional Revisions Engineering Senators were present to answer questions, but there were none. Martin Monto spoke during the debate period, and then called the question on the bill, as friendly amended. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Doug Folk stated that the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee had an emergency meeting tonight and limited those individuals camping out for basketball tickets. There is now a limit of 5 people per tent and a limit of 40 tickets per person. M-59 Sally Traeger announced tat Blue Key will hold a Homecoming Evaluation meeting next Tuesday from 3:305:0O in the Union Keyroom. All input is welcome. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-60 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 6, 1986 7:00 PM - 10:45 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 34 senators present. Akin & Tritsch were absent- Goldberg, Kettler, Majerus Woodbury were excused. Gaumer, Leeds, Ridder & Smith were excused late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 30 1986 minutes were approved as distributed OPEN PERIOD Steve Milligan & Cath Sayler spoke regarding the “Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum legislation that is to be considered tonight. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - She read an article that was in the Wichita Eagle Beacon written by Bob Getz, regarding the events in Aggieville following K-State’s victory over KU. She also read a letter he wrote that is to be sent to editors of newspapers statewide. She further read Cy Weinscott’s thoughts on her letter. Beginning Monday and hopefully through Friday, we are going to raise funds at a table in the Union for Catherine Robare, whose car was destroyed in Aggieville. A letter has been sent to all living groups asking, for any donations they might wish to contribute. Transcript budgets were available for those interested. She explained her criticisms that were printed in the Collegian regarding the Athletic Fee Task Force. The Faculty Senate/Student Senate Relations Committee came up with 6 areas that should be discussed further: advising, parking, KSU vs. KU rivalry, athletics c education, role & scope, and reinstating the parietal rule. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - She went over the results of the survey that was done over the summer of past senators. Will meet Monday at 8:30 at Kites. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Will he planning a legislative banquet soon. FINANCE - Steve Ligon - Will meet Monday at 9:00 in the office. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Parents Programming Committee will have a table in the Union. Help is needed. Sign up for visitations on November 17, 18 & 19. November 20 is “SGA DAY”. Will meet November 10th at 6:00 in Union 204. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Looking into the student activity fee to see if an increase is needed. Will meet Monday at 9:00 in Union 213. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-61 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - She will be talking about A.S.K. next Thursday at Noon in the Union Courtyard. Be there! STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Still working on the Lafene money situation. Will be getting together with a group of students to discuss the events of October 18th. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/24 - Special Allocation to Am. Institute of Architecture Students David Kaster explained the bill, and questions were asked. Senate Resolution 86/87/38, Opposition to Mandatory Drug Testing of Any Student Brett Bromich explained the bill and made some friendly amendments. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/23 - Revision of KSU Literature & Notice Regulations There were no further questions, and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/21 - Establishment of Student Senate Office Hours Martin Monto took over the chair. Questions were asked of Sally Traeger, and debate was entered into. Jess Cunnick moved to add the following to the end of Section 1: “, excluding student senators from the Graduate School and the College of Veterinary Medicine if they desire.” Questions were asked. RECESSED FROM 8:55 to 9:05. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Jess’ amendment. Failed. Brett Bromich moved to add the following to the end of Section 1: “, with the exception of student senators from the College of Veterinary Medicine who will he expected, but not required, to fulfill this obligation.” Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jennifer Leeds called the question on Brett’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill, as amended. Matt Queen called the question on the bill, as amended. Senate Bill 86/87/22, Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum Further questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Wally Brockhoff moved to postpone until November 20th (2 weeks) Matt Queen called the question on Wally’s motion. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Debbie Fields announced a NEW DEADLINE FOR LEGISLATION - Monday at 4:00, rather than 5:00. Cath Sayler spoke about the goat at the vet, complex. We need to find its owner or get it adopted out. M-62 Kim Warner asked that if anyone has suggestions on ways to advertise the “Student Senate Hot Line” to let Communications Committee know. Kirk Caraway moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-63 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 13, 1986 7:00 PM - 9:10 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 35 senators present. Elkin & Cunnick were absent. DeMars & McLellan were late. Bromich & Gaumer were excused late. Benoit, Leonard, Ligon, Queen & Wiley were excused. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 6, 1986 MINUTES Eirene Tatham corrected page 3 by stating the recess time was from 8:55 - 9:05. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The fund-raiser for Robare has been successful, and she thanked those who have helped with the table. Not going into detail, Robare was not the person this should have happened to. She has had a history of mental problems, and this pushed her over the edge; she is in a mental facility. A Transcript Fee meeting will be Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. Distribution of line schedules will also be discussed. The Interns will have a meeting Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. Still need office hours from a number of senators. The office hours will go into effect the Monday after Thanksgiving. Senate Credit: Reference #23610, Spch 210, “Forensics Participation”. Our last meeting for the semester will be December 4. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS- Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in Union 202. COMMUNICATIONS - Kim Warner - Next week is “SGA Week”. Jennifer Reeds read over the visitation schedule. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Working on a survey of transfer students for the state office. Spoke in the Union for the UPC Issues & Ideas Committee today regarding A.S.K. Will attend a Policy & Projects Committee of ASK meeting Sunday in Topeka. Saturday she will be attending a Campus Directors meeting. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - The Lafene money situation is on hold. Cabinet met and worked on a few of their priorities. The Aggieville situation is still being investigated. Sunday he will he attending an ASK Board meeting in Topeka. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/26 - Revisions to the U.A.B. By-Laws Carrie Helmke explained the bill, and Sally Routson answered questions. Senate Bill 86/87/25 - Special Allocation to SGA for Royal Purple Pictures Martin Monto read over the bill. * Martin took over the chair. * M-64 Questions were asked. * Sally Traeger took the chair back over. * Senate Resolution 86/87/39 - Recommendations to the Aggieville Merchants Association and the City of Manhattan Steven Johnson went over the resolution and explained that this legislation is the result of a 4:00 meeting held today with various students. Questions were asked of Steven and Sally Traeger. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/24 - Special Allocation to American Institute of Architecture Students Dave Kaster answered further questions, and debate was entered into. Susan Baird moved to delete the $130 registration fee, making the total read $421. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Susan’s amendment. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on the bill, as amended. Passed. Passed. Senate Resolution 86/87/38 - Opposition to Mandatory Drug Testing of Any Student or Faculty Member Questions were asked of Brett Bromich & Patty Hipsher. Sally Howard moved to add at the end of Section 1 “or faculty member”. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. John Bullock called the question on Sally’s amendment. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on the resolution, as amended. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. John DeMars congratulated Sally Traeger on the letter that was in the Collegian today on the Aggieville incident. Sally Traeger announced that S1\MS is doing their Rock-A-Like again this year. Stacy Smith moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary 1 M-65 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 20, 1986 7:00 PM – MIDNIGHT Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 35 senators present. Whearty was late. Majerus & Wagner were absent. Bromich, Cole, Leonard & Paulie were excused late. Benoit, McLellan, Nickel & Schneider were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 13, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Troy Milsap, Lori Rock & Jeff Wing spoke in favor of the representation enhancement referendum bill. Doug Oetinger spoke against the bill. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - The educational budget cuts Governor-Elect Hayden has directed will affect K-State greatly. Interns met this week, and are looking at ways of improving the program. The annual “International Potluck Dinner” will be held Saturday, Nov. 22, at 6:45 at the ECM building. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - She thanked the people who helped her out this week during “SGA Week”. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OF FACULTY SENATE - Susan Baird - They are discussing legislation dealing directly with the College of Agriculture. The next meeting will be December 2 at 3:30 in. in the Union. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet December 1st at 8:00 in Union 202. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Will meet the week after Thanksgiving break. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - The next meeting will be December 8th at 9:00 in Union 213. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Explained ASK’s Lobbying Priorities for this next year: release of fees, enrollment adjustment & state workstudy. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Regents meetings are going on. State Student Body Presidents met before the meeting today. However, he did not attend. They endorsed John Conard & Chris Graves as Regents’ members. David Sobba was elected new SAC chair. Governor-Elect Mike Hayden has requested a 3.8% budget cut in education. He read over “The Mission of Kansas State University”. Only a part of Arts & Sciences was referred to, and Education was not mentioned at all. M-66 FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/27 - Special Allocation to Debate Steve Ligon went over the bill, and questions were asked of Steve, Ed Schiappa (Debate Coach), and Sally Routson. NOTE: in the first WHEREAS clause, 86-87-27 should read 85-86-27. Senate Bill 86/87/28, KSU SGA By-Laws Revision: SGA Elections Date Change Steven Johnson explained the bill, and questions were asked of Steven and Candy Leonard. * RECESSED FROM 8:50 to 9:00 * Senate Bill 86/87/29 - Repeal of SGA Elections Expenditure Limits Bruce Cook explained the bill, and Mike Riley answered questions. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/26 - Revisions to the University Activities Board By-Laws There were no further questions, and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Passed. Senate Bill 86/87/25 - Special Allocation to SGA for Royal Purple Pictures * Martin Monto took over the chair * There were no questions, and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Passed. * Sally Traeger took the chair back over * Senate Resolution 86/87/39 - Recommendation to the Aggieville Merchants Association and the City of Manhattan Sally Traeger explained some friendly amendments. *ShellyWakeman took over the chair* Questions were asked of Sally Traeger, Steven Johnson & Sonny Ballard (an Aggieville merchant). Sonny Ballard stated that the City wants a final recommendation by March; but the Aggieville Merchants Association hope to have it to them by Christmas. Matt Queen friendly amended the resolution to add “and community” after “University”. Steve Cole moved to add a Section 2 to read: The KSU Student Senate will assist and support the efforts of the Aggieville Merchants Association, the Manhattan City Commission, the Riley County Police Department and other agencies who are working to prevent further damage to persons and properties, as well as to the reputations of Kansas State University and the City of Manhattan. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Steve’s amendment. Passed, Debate continued on the resolution, as amended. The resolution was friendly amended to add “at some point” after “Aggieville” in the second line of Section 1. Stacy Smith called the question on the resolution, as amended and friendly amended. Passed 38/4/0. * THE RESOLUTION IS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THESE MINUTES * M-67 * Sally Traeger took the chair back over * OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/22 - Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum Martin Monto explained the changes that were made by the sponsors. There were further questions, and debate. Kirk Caraway called the question on the bill. Passed: 22/19/1 with 4 absent. A roll call vote was requested. YES - Baird, Benoit, Bromich, Bullock, Caraway, Cook, Cunnick, DeMars, Goldberg, Folk, Howard, Leeds, Leonard, McLellan, Monto, Russell, Schneider, Svaty, Tatham, Warner, Wiley, Wolf NO - Bayouth, Brockhoff, Cold, Hays, Helmke, Johnson, Kaster, Kettler, Leighty, Ligon, Nickel, Paulie, Ridder, Rowland, Sherwood, Smith, Tritsch, Whearty, Woodbury ABSTAIN - Queen ABSENT - Akin, Gaumer, Majerus, Wagner * THE BILL IS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THESE MINUTES * INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Candy Leonard announced that the ‘SGA Christmas Party’ will be December 4 at 5 30 at Campbell’s Distributors Kirk caraway announced that the Coalition for Human Rights is having a party at 1800 Leavenworth at 8:30 Saturday night. Eirene Tatham announced that the Alternative Music Brigade will have 4 bands in the Catskeller on Saturday at 7 00. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary 1 M-68 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM DECEMBER 4, 1986 7:00 PM - 12:30 AM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 36 senators present. Majerus was excused. Bromich, Folk, Gaumer, Johnson, Smith & Warner were excused late. Schneider, Tritsch & Wiley were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 30, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Dr. William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services asked for help in getting food items donated to the Flint Hills Bread Basket. Dan Owens spoke against the bill that would repeal expenditure limits during SGA elections. He also apologized for the “Personal” he had in the Collegian on Tuesday which pertained to Steven Johnson’s veto of the representation enhancement legislation passed by Student Senate at the November 20th meeting. Lee White thanked Dan Owens for his candor regarding the “Personal”. The “Personal” in today’s paper regarding the same matter was placed by Shannon Jorns from Smurthwaite. He does not know her. He also stated that petitions to get the representation enhancement question on the ballot in February are out and three have been returned so far. Manthri Srinath spoke against the legislation that would repeal expenditure limits during SGA elections. Cath Sayler spoke against repealing expenditure limits. She also spoke against the formation of a Representation Enhancement Ad hoc Committee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - Due to the recent state education budget cuts, tackling the transcript fee issue seems futile. However, there needs to be a better way to distribute line schedules in the future. We raised between $400 & $500 for Catherine Robare. She read an article from the University Daily Kansan, KU’s student newspaper, in which the Editorial Board upheld our recommendation to close Aggieville during the KSU vs. KU football game next year. Legislation regarding the following issues will be considered before we finish our term: a Freshmen Council, revision of the Intern Program and establishment of the position of SGA Treasurer. Will start office hours full force next semester. There will be no hours next week. Joni I-Jays from U-LearN & Charlene Nichols from the FONE Crisis Center explained h’v to deal with phone calls during office hours on the “SGA Hotline”. Sally Traeger announced that she has been given the “Longest Announcement Period’ Award. COMMITTEE REPORTS M-69 SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - The next meeting will be January 19th at 8:00. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - She apologized for the postponement of the Christmas Party tonight. Just didn’t get it organized. Need people to help at our table at Registration next semester. Will meet Monday at 6:00 at Charlie’s. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - There may be a fee cost ratio increase from 25% to 30% in the future. The Aggieville Merchants Association met Tuesday, and he presented them with our proposal to close Aggieville during the KSU vs. KU football game next year. He explained why he vetoed the Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum legislation. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/40 - 1987 SGA Elections Committee Chair & Members Martin Monto read the resolution, and questions were asked. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Candy Leonard moved to override Steven Johnson’s veto of Senate Bill 86/87/22, Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum. Judy Wolf moved to reconsider Senate Bill 86/87/22, Student Senate Representation Enhancement Referendum. Sally Traeger ruled Judy’s motion out of order because Robert’s Rules of Order does not provide for this. (Reconsideration must he done in the same meeting the legislation is voted on.) Judy Wolf challenged the decision of the chair. Passed by a majority vote. Questions were asked on Judy’s motion to reconsider. Susan Baird objected to consideration of Judy’s motion. Failed. Debate was entered into on Judy’s motion. Susan Baird called the question on Judy’s motion to reconsider Senate Bill 86/87/22. Failed: 10/28/5, with 3 absent. She requested a roll call vote. YES - Bayouth, Gaumer, Johnson, Kaster, Leighty, Nickel, Rowland, Smith, Wagner Wolf ABSTAIN - Bullok, Cook, Kettler, Majerus, Sherwood ABSENT - Schneider, Tritsch, Wiley The remaining 28 Student Senators voted NO. Questions were asked of Candy Leonard regarding her motion to override Steven Johnson’s veto of Senate Bill 86/87/22. Debate was entered into. John Bullock called the question on Candy’s motion to override the veto. Failed: 18/21/2, with 5 absent. Susan Baird requested a roll call vote. YES – Akin, Baird, Benoit, Bromich, Caraway, Cunnick, DeMars, Goldberg, Folk, Howard, Leeds, Leonard, McLellan, Monto, Russell, Svaty, Tatham, Wagner ABSTAIN – Helmke, Majerus M-70 ABSENT – Kettler, Schneider, Tritsch, Wagner, Wiley Senate Bill 86/87/30, Establishment of Representation Enhancement Ad hoc Committee Steven Johnson explained the bill. John DeMars objected to consideration of the bill. Failed: 23/15/2. Questions were asked of Steven Johnson, Pat Muir, Andy Martin & Mike Kadel. Eirene Tatham moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. Questions & debate were entered into on Eirene’s motion. Ed Nickel called the question on Eirene’s motion. Failed. Questions continued on the bill. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/27 - Special Allocation to the Debate Team Steve Ligon read over the bill, and questions were asked. Ed Schiappa, Debate Coach, was present. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/28 - KSU SGA By-Laws Revision: SGA Elections Date Change Candy Leonard read over the bill. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Sally Howard moved to amend Section 2 by changing “on January 1” to “upon the first Student Senate meeting of the Spring Semester”. Passed. Came to an immediate vote on the bill, as amended. Senate Bill 86/87/29 - Repeal of SGA Elections Expenditure Limits Bruce Cook read the bill. Steve Cole objected to consideration. . Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Martin Monto moved to suspend the rules. Passed. NEW BUSINESS Michelle Benoit moved to reconsider Senate Bill 86/87/29, Repeal of SGA Elections Expenditure Limits. Passed. Questions were asked of Mike Riley regarding Senate Bill 29. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-71 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 22, 1987 7:00 PM - 11:20 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Brockhoff was excused late. Schneider was excused. Cook, Ligon, Ridder, Whearty & Wiley were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The December 4, 1986 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Steven Johnson introduced David Ramsey, a past student body president at Pittsburg State University, who spoke on the various ways different SGAs operate across the nation. Questions were asked. He is in favor of the student body president being able to serve 2 terms, if he/she desires. He feels Student Senate representation should be reviewed at least every 5 years. The Washington, D.C. trips the state student body presidents take each year are very helpful. He recited the following statement that is posted on the bulletin board at PSU: ‘It’s better to have debated an issue without settling it, than to settle an issue debating it.’ ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger stated that the Flint Hills Breadbasket food drive was a success at the university level. $380 was raised and has been turned over to the First Christian Church for Catherine Robare. She is out of the hospital. The last meeting of this senate is February 26th. The Senate interns will meet at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday in the office. Craig Kettler, senator from the College of Engineering, graduated in December. Therefore, we have another vacancy. Mark Stenstrom is the new Veterinary Medicine senator. The office hours are underway, and the phone is ringing off the hook. Need to advertise the SENATE HOT LINE (532-7777). When you go into the office to conduct your office hours, check-in with Jenny. Sally Howard-Clayton was congratulated on her marriage. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Had a table at registration and passed out information sheets. Will meet Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the Union. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Will meet Monday at 9:00 p.m. in the office. He and Doug Leming have been meeting with Walt Smith, Union Director, and Dave Adams, Student Publications Director, about the 3% tax and how it might affect the activity fee. M-72 STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Will meet Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the office Will be working on lobbying priorities, along with A.S.K. ELECTIONS - Sally Routson - Need poll workers. Please sign-up and encourage others to do the same. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - She went over A.S.K.’s 1987 Policy Statement. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - The tuition increase didn’t go through. S.A.C. participated in “Lobby Day” last week before the S.A.C. meeting. Four new Regents were named at the Friday meeting. Attended the City Council meeting during finals week where the Aggieville Merchants made their statement. Nothing was mentioned about closing Aggieville during the 1987 KSU/KU football game. Sally Howard-Clayton read a letter of protest to President Wefald regarding the 3% “tax. She asked for senators to sign it if they agreed. ELECTION OF FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Susan Baird has been named Campus Editor of the Collegian and can therefore not finish her term as Faculty Senate Representative. John DeMars nominated Kirk Caraway as Susan’s replacement. Jennifer Leeds moved that we approve Kirk by acclamation. Passed. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 86/87/41 - Coordinator of Finances Sally Traeger read over the bill. Neither Steve Ligon nor Doug Leming was present. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/42 - Commendation to Kelly Welch, Rhodes Scholar Martin Monto read over the bill. Senate Bill 86/87/31, SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Eligibility for Reelection Steven Johnson read over the bill, and questions were asked. Senate Resolution 86/87/43 - Objection to Service Charges on Gross Receipts of StudentFunded Agencies Sally Howard-Clayton introduced the resolution, and Steve Milligan read it over, making several changes. “ sales transactions” in the title and the 1st & 6th WHEREAS clauses is changed to “gross receipts” “student-owned” in the title, the 1st, 4th & 5th WHEREAS clauses, and in sections 1 & 3 is changed to “student-funded”. Add Sally Howard-Clayton as a sponsor. Section 2 is changed to read: The Student Governing Association shall explore ways to work with the university administration to establish arrangements whereby the proposed service charge, if enacted, would be only a temporary measure. M-73 Dr. George Miller, Vice President for Administration & Finance, Dr. William Sutton, Vice President for Educational & Student Services, and Dianne Urban, Students’ Attorney, were present to answer questions. Questions were asked of the above individuals, plus Steve Milligan. Four other areas being charged a fee are: athletics, housing, parking and Ks. Artificial Breeding Service Unit. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/30 - Establishment of Representation Enhancement Ad hoc Committee Steven Johnson read over the bill and questions were asked. The bill was friendly amended by Jess Cunnick to add at the end of Section 2: At least one of these members shall be from the Graduate School. The debate was entered into. Kirk Caraway moved to delete “three Student Senators” in Section 2. Questions & debate were entered into. Sally Howard-Clayton moved to amend Kirk’s amendment by striking Jess’ friendly amendment and adding “and one from the Graduate School”. There were questions and debate. Came to an immediate vote on Sally’s amendment to Kirk’s amendment, Passed. Kirk’s amendment, as amended, was further debated. Matt Queen called the question on Kirk’s amendment, as amended. Failed. Brett Bromich called the question on the bill, as friendly amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Sally Howard-Clayton announced that S.E.A. will meet Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the office. Sally Brockhoff stated that we should encourage off-campus and residence hail people to run for Student Senate and/or to get involved in S.G.A. in other ways. Debbie Fields announced that Senate Operations will meet Monday at 8:00 p.m. in the office. She also announced that the Student Senate Orientation will be held February 14 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the K-State Union Big 8 Room. It is mandatory for newly-elected senators. There was general discussion. John Bayouth moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-74 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 29, 1987 7:00 PM - 1:45 AM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 36 senators present. Bayouth, Benoit, Bromich, Johnson, Wagner & Wolf were excused late. Hays & Kaster were late. Gaumer was excused. Bullock, Stenstrom & Wiley were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The January 22 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Ron Hughes, a Graduate Council member, spoke against the non-revenue sports scholarship fee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger - She read a letter of thanks from Catherine Robare. She introduced two new senators: Scott Scrogin from Engineering and Marge Neely, a faculty representative. We have a full membership (48). Need poll workers for the SGA General Election on February 10 & 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - She congratulated the Elections Committee for the hard work they have done. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Have been talking with the Union and Student. Publications regarding the “3% service charge”. Will meet Monday at 9:00 in Union 203. STATE AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mike Riley - Will have a bill up next week on the A.S.K. policy platform issues. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Sunday at 2:00 in the Union Big 8 Room A.S.K. is sponsoring an information session for all prospective student senators and other interested students. It is not mandatory, but they are encouraged to attend. Higher Education Week begins February 23. February 24 will be “lobby day”. All other schools are making this mandatory for their Student Senators. Governor Hayden stated that the windfall from the tax reform may go back to higher education. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steve Johnson - Will have a meeting on February 6 in the SGS Office with people from K.U. regarding the KSU/KU football game. The Big 8 Student Body Presidents’ Conference will be February 13 & 14 at Oklahoma State. Cable Channel 6 is interested in getting a 3-member panel together to discuss student issues. M-75 The State Legislative Sub-committee will be on campus February 9 from 9:50 – 10:15 in the Anderson Hall Conference Room. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/35 - Special Allocation to SGA: Student Senate Hot Line Martin Monto read over the bill. Questions were asked. Candy Leonard moved the bill special orders. Passed. Questions continued. Wally Brockhoff friendly amended the bill by adding a Section 3 to read: All SGA advertisements will include the “Student Senate Hot Line” telephone number. Matt Queen moved to decrease the 18 1x1 ads = $54.90 to 9 1x1 ads = $27.45, making the Advertising total read $125.05 and making the total amount read $172.05 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Stacy Smith called the question on Matt’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill as amended. Came to an immediate vote on the bill as amended and friendly amended. Senate Bill 86/87/36 - Special Allocation to SGA: Mailing to Potential Students Interested in SGA. Monto read over the bill. Sally Traeger friendly amended Section 1 by changing the amount to $200 and deleting the ribbons in the breakdown. Questions were asked. Institutional Advancement is paying for postage, computer time & nailing labels. These people have received and will continue to receive mailing from KSU and individual colleges. Senate Bill 86/87/32 - SGA By-Laws Revision: Student Senate Interns Sally Traeger read over the bill, and questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/33 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Fees Kirk Caraway read over the bill, and questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/34 - Non-Revenue Sports Scholarship Fee Referendum Doug Folk read over the bill. Mike Jones & Larry Travis from the Athletic Department were present to answer questions. Questions were asked. Michelle Benoit moved the bill special orders. Passed. There were further questions, and debate was entered into. Kirk Caraway voted to add at the end of the referendum “for a period of three years, subject to renewal according to student fee regulations.” & and add a Section 4 to read: If the Student Senate should choose to discontinue this fee, there shall be a one-year grace period. The review date shall be the first Student Senate meeting in April.” Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. M-76 Sally Howard-Clayton called the question on Kirk’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill. Matt Queen called the question on the bill as amended. Susan Baird requested a roll call vote. Those voting against the bill were: Cunnick, Hays, Majerus & McLellan. Caraway ABSTAINED from voting. Bayouth, Bullock, Gauxner, Kaster, Neely, Stenstrom & Wiley were absent. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 86/87/43 - Objection to Service Charge on Receipts of Student-Funded Agencies Sally Traeger read several changes made by the sponsors of the legislation. Sally also introduced Dr. Robert Tout of Lafene, Walt Smith of the K-State Union and Dave Adams of Student Publications. Drs. William Sutton and George Miller was also present to answer questions. Questions were asked. Howard Woodbury called the question on the resolution as friendly amended. THE RESOLUTION IS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THESE MINUTES. Senate Resolution 86/87/42 - Commendation to Kelly Welch, Rhodes Scholar There were no further questions, and no debate. Bob Whearty called the question. Senate Bill 86/87/31 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Eligibility for Reelection There were further questions asked, and debate was entered into. Becky Svaty moved to postpone the bill until next week. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Candy Leonard announced that the Communications Committee and the Athletic Fee Task Force will meet at 3:30 tomorrow in the SGS Office to go over the fact sheet for the non-revenue sports scholarship fee referendum. Eirene Tatham stated that there will be a Presidential Debate Sunday evening at Putnam Hall. Ed Nickel commended Doug Folk and the Athletic Fee Task Force for a job well done, so far. Howard Woodbury said the “word for the day” should be ‘applicable’. Becky Svaty roved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary 1 M-77 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 5, 1987 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 35 senators present. Benoit & Smith were late. Bromich, Cole, Cunnick & Scrogin were excused late. Hays, Nickel & Wagner were excused. Goldberg, Johnson & Paulie were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The January 29th minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Lee White stated that they are short about 600 signatures on the “veto the veto” petition. Look for the issue to come up again in the future. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger – The last day to enroll in the senate credit class is Monday. Lester Thurow will speak in the Lou Douglas Lecture Series on February 10th at 7:30 in Union Forum Hall on the U.S.-Japan Economic Condition. * * * * GET OUT AND VOTE NEXT TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. * * * * * COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in the SGS Office. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Kirk Caraway - Met Tuesday and discussed curriculum changes in the Colleges of Engineering and Business Administration. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - She requested help in getting the non-revenue sports scholarship fee referendum fact sheet out. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Will meet Monday at 9:00 in Union 203. Will have a bill up regarding an increase in the activity fee in the future. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Charlene Nichols for Patty Hipsher - Patty wrote letters to Slattery, Dole & Kassebaum and asked that you sign them. She also passed around a sign-up for “Lobby Day” on February 24th in Topeka. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Again, the State Legislative Subcommittee will be here Monday from 9:50 - 10:15 in the Anderson Hall Conference Room. He and a group of students met with President Wefald and the three vice- presidents today regarding the “institutional support fee”. Will continue to work on this issue until there is a resolution. Will be attending the Big S Student Body Presidents’ Conference at Oklahoma State the weekend of February 13th. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/37 - Special Allocation to SGA: Secretarial Salary Increase Sally Traeger read over the bill, and questions were asked. M-78 Senate Resolution 86/87/44 - Prioritization of A.S.K. Platform Bruce Cook read over the bill, and questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/31 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Eligibility for Reelection There were no further questions, but debate was entered into Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/32 - SGA By-Laws Revision: Student Senate interns Further questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/33 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Fees Kirk Caraway re-read the bill. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/36 - Special Allocation to SGA: Mailing to Potential Students Interested in SGA Sally Traeger went over one more change: $200 now becomes $207 and the stationery cost should read $115, not $108. Further questions were asked. Sally read over the letter that will be mailed. Sally Howard-Clayton friendly amended the bill to add a Section 3 to read: No later than four weeks following the all-university open house the Student Senate Chair shall report to the Student Senate on the effectiveness of this mailing. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Candy Leonard thanked Jenny, Sally, Doug, Kelli and Becky for helping to formulate the non-revenue sports scholarships fee referendum fact sheet. Sally Traeger stated that 6 senators are running for re-election. Charlene Nichols announced that FONE training is this weekend. Eirene Tatham announced that Denise Grimm will speak Monday at 7:00 in Putnam Hall on her trip to Nicaragua and Guatemala. Lee White thanked all those who sponsored and helped with the “veto the veto” petition and the senate enhancement referendum. Shelly Wakeman stated that Larry Travis is doing a great job going to Greek houses speaking on the non-revenue sports scholarships fee. Becky Svaty moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary 1 M-79 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 12, 1987 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Sherwood was excused. Bromich, Gaumer, Leighty, Ligon, Queen & Ridder were excused late. FEBRUARY 5, 1987 MINUTES Eirene Tatham corrected page 6 by changing the time Denise Grimm was to speak at Putnam Hall from 7:00 to 7:30 OPEN PERIOD Charles Kincaid, a graduate in math, spoke on the athletic fee referendum. Kelley Lamborn, a member of the Athletic Fee Task Force, spoke on the athletic fee, SPOKE ON THE ATHLETIC FEE ALSO. She went over material she thought was going to come from the task force. Mike Clark, baseball coach, spoke on the athletic fee and the problems non-revenue sports are having. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger welcomed all the newly elected senators. Mary Jo Lampe replaced Anne Wiley from the College of Human Ecology. Congratulations and good luck to Kent and Michelle in the upcoming run-off election. Good job, Brett. Need more students to serve on the committee that is looking into long-term parking problems and situations. The committee meets at 1:00 Wednesday afternoons and the meetings only last one hour. Charlene Nichols announced that the Bloodmobile will be here February 24-27. Need both workers and donors. Sally Traeger; announced that the first round of nominations for chair, vice-chair and faculty senate rep. will be next week. Further nominations will he taken on the 26th. STUDENT SENATE WILL BE NEXT WEDNESDAY AT 7:00 in the Big 3 Room rather than Thursday because of the KSU/KU basketball game. Senate Exec. will be at 9:30 p.m. Thursday in the SGS Office. John Bullock informed the senate that the “word of the week” is SALLY, a brief outburst or outburst - a witty or imaginary saying of quip. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Will meet Monday at 6:00 in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Student Senate orientation will be Saturday morning in the K-State Student Union Big 8 Room STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Will meet next Monday at 9:00 in Union 203. Will have legislation up next week that will deal with the student activity fee. FACULTY SENATE - Kirk Caraway - Met Tuesday. Considering action on the surveillance photographs taken by the KSU police department. M-80 FINANCE - Doug Leming - Need 4 newly-elected senators to serve on the committee. Applications are available in the SGS Office and are due next Friday by 5:00 pm. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Lobby Day is February 24th. She explained A.S.K. to the newly-elected senators. There will be openings for A.S.K. Campus Director and A.S.K. Board member because she and Kevin Elmore will be graduating. A representative for Douglas County has been talking to legislators about selling bonds to help school libraries. This would increase the fee-cost ratio. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - Went to the Regents’ Honors Academy meeting in Topeka this week. Leaving Friday evening to go to OSU for the Big 8 Student Body President’s Meeting Working on hiring a Coliseum Director. The Legislative Sub-committee meeting last Monday went well. The Board of Regents will meet a week from tomorrow. It. will be has last ‘hurrah” Spoke with President Wefald further on the institutional support fee. Further meetings are planned. * * * * Recessed from 8:50 to 9:00 * * FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 86/87/38 - SGA Constitution & By-Laws Revisions: Election Date Bob Whearty read over the bill. Debbie Fields friendly amended the bill to add a Section 4 to read: If Section 3 of this legislation is not drafted by 6 of the 9 college councils, Sections 1 and 2 shall be invalid. Questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/39 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Senate Chair’s Eligibility for Reelection Sally Traeger read over the bill. (Martin Monto took over the chair) Questions were asked. (Sally took the chair back over) Senate Bill 86/87/40 - SGA Constitutional Revision: Petition for Referendum Time Limit. Howard Woodbury read over the hill. Questions were asked. Sally Howard friendly amended #2 by adding “excluding summer school” after “60 school days. Senate Bill 86/87/41 - SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revision: Establishment of SGA Treasurer Position (Martin Monto took over the chair) Sally Traeger read over the hill. Questions were asked. Sally Howard friendly amended Section 2 by adding a part E to read: M-81 Present to Student Senate two SGA budget reports, the first, at the first meeting in December and the second at the first meeting in t4ay. (Sally took the chair back over) Senate Bill 86/87/42 - Human Ecology College Council Constitutional Revisions Candy Leonard read over the bill. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/37 - Special Allocation to SGA: Secretarial Salary Increase Michelle Johnson read over the bill. Further questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Resolution 86/87/44 - Prioritization of A.S.K. Platform Patty Hipsher read over the resolution. Questions were asked, hut there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Matt Queen announced that on February 23rd he will be meeting with Pat Bosco and others on recruitment of new students and the ambassador programs. Will also be meeting with Charles Reagan on the Landon Lecture Series. Eirene Tatham announced that February 28th will be the Residence Hall Dance-a-thon. Candy Leonard announced that the Communications Committee is throwing a party after senate on the 26th in the basement of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Dave Kaster moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-82 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 18, 1987 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Chair Sally Traeger called the meeting to order with 24 senators present. Bromich, Cook, Lampe, Leeds, Leighty, Queen, Ridder, Rowland & Tritsch were excused late. Akin, Bullock, Caraway, DeMars, Goldberg, Majerus, Neely, Paulie & Schneider were excused. Gaurner, Ligon, Russell, Stenstrom, Sherwood & Wagner were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 12, 1987 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger & Dan Owens went over the results of the Friday meeting regarding the athletic issue. Sally Traeger went over the office hour grading policy. Nominations will not be taken this week for Senate Chair. They will he taken next week at the first meeting of the 1987-88 Student Senate. She is withdrawing Senate Bill 86/87/29, SGA Constitutional Revision: Student Senate Chair’s Eligibility for Re-election. Will give an update next week on the Holton Hall renovation project and the Holton Hall Fee Allocation Board. Renovation will begin this summer. Tom Ridder of the SGA Elections Committee announced that. KENT BRADLEY IS THE l987-88 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT. He won by 38 votes, with 2,072 students voting. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Doug Leming - Still need Student Senators to serve on Finance Committee. The deadline for filing is Friday at 5:00. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard - Will meet Monday at 6:00 in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Sally Traeger for Debbie Fields - Will meet Monday at 8:00 in the office. STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Will meet Monday at 9:00 in Union 203. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Steven Johnson - The Big 8 Student Body Presidents’ Conference was cancelled this past weekend. He totaled his car last Friday on his way home to Assaria. SAC met with Governor Hayden on Tuesday. SAC has set the Washington, DC trip for March. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Eirene Tatham for Patty Hipsher - Those going to Lobby Day will meet Sunday at 6:00 in the office. It is very important. IF YOU ARE GOING, BE THERE. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/38 - SGA Constitutional and By-Laws Revisions: Election Date M-83 Bob Whearty friendly amended the bill to add Sections 4, 5, 6 & 7. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 86/87/40 - SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Petition for Referendum Time Limit Howard Woodbury friendly amended the bill by adding the underlined to part 2 and adding new parts 3 and 4. 2. The petition may be circulated for a period of time not to exceed 60 school days during one academic school year, excluding summer school, after which the petition will be invalid. 3. Only those signatures of persons enrolled at K-State when the signatures are counted will be valid. 4. A period of seven (7) school days shall be allowed between the submission of the petition and the referendum vote to give the Senate Operations Standing Committee the opportunity to verify signatures. Susan Baird moved to table the bill until later in the meeting. Passed. Senate Bill 86/87/41 - SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Establishment of SGA Treasurer Position (Martin Monto took over the chair.) Sally Traeger read over the bill. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Sally Howard friendly amended part E to have the reports due in January and October. Came to an immediate vote. (Sally Traeger took the chair back over) Brett Bromich moved to remove Senate Bill 86/87/40, SGA Constitutional Revision: Petition for Referendum Time Limit, from the table. Passed. Questions continued. Howard Woodbury friendly amended his original friendly amendment by striking part 4 Debate was entered into. Wally Brockhoff moved to change “60” to “45”. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. * * * Recessed from 8:47 to 9:00. * * * Doug Folk called the question on Wally’s amendment. Failed. Came to an immediate vote on the bill as friendly amended. Senate Bill 86/87/42 - Human Ecology College Council Constitutional Revisions There were no further questions, and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/45 - Commendation to Dr. Gale Simons John Bayouth read over and explained the resolution. Questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/43 - Student Activity Fee Restructuring M-84 Brett Bromich read over and explained the bill. Questions were asked. Walt Smith & Jack Sills of the K-State Union and Dave Adams of Student Publications were present to answer questions. Senate Bill 86/87/45 - Student Activity Fee Increase to Accommodate the K-State Union and Student. Publications This legislation is to be introduced only f Senate Bill 86/87/43 is defeated Wally Brockhoff moved to suspend the rules to consider the budgets of the K-State Union and Student Publications during a non-review year. Passed. Brett Bromich read over and explained the bill. Sally Routson also explained the bill. Questions were asked. Senate Bill 86/87/44 - K-State Union and Student Publications Fee Increases Brett Bromich read over and explained the bill. Questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Sally Howard stated that a group met with Police Chief Beckom regarding the KSU Police Departments photographing policy. This is being reviewed. Any suggestions to the new policy are encouraged. The Council on Traffic, Parking & Police Operations will meet Monday at 3:30 in Union 203. Eirene Tatham announced that the Residence Hall Dance-a-thon has been cancelled. Dan Owens announced that the Economics Club will meet Monday at 7:00 in Union 209. There will be a follow-up to Thurows lecture. Jennifer Leeds stated that Patty Hipsher and Art Thomas got engaged last Saturday. Susan Baird announced that the Women’s Resource Center is sponsoring Date Rape Awareness Week next week. Ed Nickel suggested that the outgoing senate meet at Kites before senate next, week for “hamburgers”. Sally Traeger announced that “those concerned with athletics at KSU will meet Tuesday, March 3rd, at 7:00. The location has not been determined. The parking committee met today. If you have a problem with Blue Key, talk to someone associated with the group. Try to understand the organization before you condemn it. Matt Queen moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-85 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 26, 1987 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM The last meeting of the 1986-87 Student Senate was called to order by Chair Sally Traeger with 32 senators present. Baird, Cunnick & McLellan were excused. Trish was excused late. Benoit, Gaumer, Queen, Rowland, Svaty, Wagner & Wolf were late. Johnson, Leighty, Ligon, Stenstrom & Smith were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 19, 1987 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Jim Lindquist from the Student Relations Board, an advisory board to the Manhattan City Commission, went over the objectives and purpose of the board. The next meeting will be March 11th at 4:00 in the City Office Building. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sally Traeger gave an up-date on the Holton Hall adaptation. The program had to be revised this past summer due to changes in needs. Construction should begin midMay and possibly sooner. $780,000 was allocated for the project through a special fee. However, the cost has risen. It is a 2-phase project, with the first phase using most of the $780,000. The Student Senate Chair chairs the Holton Hall Support Fee Allocation Board. Mike Riley gave the “word for the week” - POUT COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Debbie Fields - Will have a nametag-making party Sunday at 1:00 at the Chi Omega house. The next meeting will be Monday at 10:00 p.m. at Charlie’s. STUDENT AFFAIR AND SOCIAL SERVICES - Brett Bromich - Will meet Monday at 9:00 p.m. at Kites. FINANCE - Doug Leming - Need one more newly-elected senator to serve on the 198788 Finance Committee. FACULTY SENATE - Kirk Caraway - A resolution will be brought up on the KSU Police Dept. Photographic Policy. COMMUNICATIONS - Candy Leonard –Will meet Monday at 9:00 p.m. at Kites. SENATE EXECUTIVE - Sally Traeger - Will meet Monday at 5:00 at Kites. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Patty Hipsher - Twenty-two students attended Lobby Day from K-State. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Bill 86/87/46 - 1987 SGA Elections Results Tom Ridder read over the bill. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. M-86 Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 86/87/46 - Commendation to Steven Johnson & Sally Traeger Eirene Tatham read over the resolution. Questions were asked. Martin Monto moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. John DeMars moved to add a WHEREAS clause to read: WHEREAS since Sally Traeger has spent so much time on Senate that she is flunking bowling Questions were asked. John withdrew his amendment. Brett Bromich called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 86/87/43 - Student Activity. Fee Restructuring Brett Bromich read over the bill. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Michelle Benoit called the question. Senate Bill 86/87/45 is withdrawn. Copy available in the SGS Office. Senate Bill 86/87/44 – K-State Union & Student Publications Fee Increase Walt Smith & Jack Sills were present from the K-State Union, and Dave Adams was present from Student Publications. They went over their respective handouts which explained their budgets. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Michelle Benoit called the question. Senate Resolution 86/87/45 - Commendation to Dr. Gale Simons John Bayouth answered further questions. There was no debate. Bruce Cook called the question. AWARDS PRESENTATION Candy Leonard and Sally Traeger presented awards to the retiring 1986-87 Student Senators and other involved with the Senate. INFORMAL DISCUSSION A lot of general. Candy Leonard thanked the members of the Communication Committee for doing such a good job this year. Brett Bromich thanked the members of the Student Affairs & Social Services Committee for the job they did this year. Sally Howard-Clayton announced that she will be a “mom” at the end of July. Steven Johnson sang “Thanks for the Memories” under the spotlight, using his own words. He received a standing ovation. Brett Bromich moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-87