ACADEMIC CREDIT HOUR FEE PROPOSAL APPLICATION This form must be completed and submitted to the Provost by February 1 This the official application to implement a credit hour fee in an academic college at Kansas State University. The Student Governing Association sponsors this application. College Credit Hour Fees are funds to be used for supplemental instruction, high tech software, lab equipment, advising resources, mentoring programs, Graduate Teaching Assistants (that don’t replace faculty in the classroom), undergraduate research, and international experiences. Timeline for the Review Process of a Fee: February 1: Deadline for proposals to be submitted to the Provost February 15: The Provost distribute fee proposals to the University Budget Committee (UBC) and the Tuition Strategies Committee (TSC) End of April: Approval deadline for the fee by the UBC and the TSC May or June: Presentation of the fees to the Kansas Board of Regents for approval Process: In alignment with the above timeline, the process will formally start on February 1 with the submission of the fee proposal to the Provost/Senior Vice President. Upon the Provost’s approval the fee proposal will be distributed to the TSC and distributed to UBC. If the Provost denies the proposal, then the application will not be distributed any further. After receiving the fee proposal, the TSC will invite the dean and/or their other appointed representative to present the fee for the TSC and respond to questions. UBC included in the distribution of the fee proposal for information purposes allowing concerns to be expressed with TSC prior to a decision being made. TSC will discuss the proposal and take a formal vote on the fee. The final recommendations on the fee proposals will be sent to the Provost and UBC by the end of April. The approved fee proposals will be sent to the University President for consideration for inclusion in his or her own recommendation to the Board of Regents. Expectations: TSC expects student and stakeholder input to have been gathered prior to the proposal being put forward. A Dean’s Advisory Committee consisting of both undergraduate and graduate students must be established to provide input on the fee proposal. A report developed by the Dean’s Advisory Committee documenting student support and process is required to be attached to the proposal (a majority/minority report is acceptable). The committee expects substantial illustration on how the administration in your college came to the conclusion to propose a credit hour fee for their students and the proposal has been clearly communicated to students, faculty, and staff of the College. Evaluation Criteria Include: 1. Appropriateness of items listed to be funded by a fee 2. Student support for the fee 3. Proposed expenditures 4. Input gathered from stakeholders in the formation of the fee 5. Three year budget proposal Tuition Strategies Committee: What is now known as the Tuition Strategies Committee was created in 2005 to address the rapidly increasing cost of tuition at Kansas State University. The Committee’s Founding Principles Include: • Transparency of tuition and fees and the review process • Maintaining a tuition and fees structure that is simple and easy to communicate • Remain competitive in both the resident and non-resident student markets COLLEGE INFORMATION: Name of the College: __________________________________________________________ Please list a contact person who will be representing the college and is willing to answer questions and inquiries from the committee. Contact Person: _______________________ Address: ________________________________ Position: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________ CREDIT HOUR FEE INFORMATION Cost/Credit Hour: ____________ Projected Total Generated Per Year: _____________________ Number of Students Impacted: ______________ General Description of what the fee will be used for: FEE EXPLORATION INFORMATION Justify the need for a fee in your college/unit? How were students (graduate and undergraduate) and faculty involved in the exploration of creating this fee? Summary of the Dean’s Advisory Council’s thoughts (including a vote) Full document should be included as an attachment What, if any, concerns have been raised about this fee? How does this increase cost affect the academic experience of the students in your college/unit? ADMINISTRATION OF THE FEE Please explain the process of allocating these fees on an annual basis? How will the fee be split up between departments and college administration? FORECAST BUDGET Please attach a forecasted budget to this application.