Road Map to Bond Docs Background: Four “Facilities” documents and one “Information Technology” document have been provided in order to inform and communicate to the Cabrillo College Community the details of the proposed $310M bond measure presented at numerous college committees, multiple open forums, and the March 7, 2016 Board of Trustees meeting. The four Facilities documents and one Information Technology document are titled as follows: 1 20 Year Bond Project Cost Estimates 2 Summary of Sub-List Facilities Projects 3 Summary of Facilities Estimated Needs – High Priority – Bond and Beyond 4 Facilities Needs by Type (Estimate) 5 IT Needs Assessment (Estimate) These documents are part of the estimates used to develop the identified needs of the college facilities and are intended to provide an understanding of the estimated costs associated with the projects list presented. 1 20 Year Bond Project Cost Estimates This is a high level document overview of the bond project list with breakdowns by category for infrastructure buildings and site work information technology, classrooms and buildings and secondary effects. This document helps to inform document #2, 3, 4 and 5. Please note that the cost estimates exceed the $310M bond request. Additional dollars necessary will be prioritized and/or matched by the college through donations, grants, and available state funding. 2 Summary of Sub-List Facilities Projects This unprioritized list identifies renovation and energy management projects such as: Library Tutorial expansion Culinary Veterans/Foster Youth/Mental Health Stem Labs 1 Large Lecture Rooms Drought Resistant Artificial Turf Solar and Water Conservation Projects This summary of project estimates were informed by architectural estimates and/or the Space Allocation cost estimates. 3 Summary of Facilities Estimated Needs – High Priority – Bond and Beyond The Summary of Facilities Estimated Needs - High Priority – Bond and Beyond document provides a comprehensive list of facilities components and cost estimates that are prioritized in stages of work, that correspond to the scope of the project. This document was a public records act request that required background information that included several type of facilities needs and costs that the college has reviewed not only in its bond projects but also in its repair and response to facilities emergencies. Projects may be low range, mid range, high range, depending on estimates given to the college by building and architectural professionals. As an example, pages four through six summarize all HVAC projects. It is assumed the college will replace HVAC units for a total of $77 Million (page 6). In addition to the ranges the college has also created stages for these estimated needs based on building age, urgency, etc. Please note that this is a document with cost estimates only and to the best of our ability reflects what we know today. 4 Facilities Needs by Type (Estimate) The Facilities Needs by Type (Estimate) spreadsheet provides a detailed building by building and room by room cost estimate of various components most often in need of replacement, renovation, or repair. This spreadsheet helps to inform all of the facilities related documents presented. 5 IT Needs Assessment (Estimate) The IT Needs Assessment (Estimate) projections document provides an outline of IT needs beyond the requested $100M identified in the Board approved projects list. This list informs the long range technology needs of the college as well as the potential grant and state support funding. For its bond needs projections ("Project List: Information Technology Improvements Districtwide") IT employed a "two-thirds/one-third" method of projection. In that IT has significant opportunities to achieve or leverage existing allocated funds, grant funds, donations, "categorical funds", special State allocations toward project costs, as well as unforeseen 2 efficiencies (such as technological innovations reducing equipment costs over the next 10-13 years), IT estimates that 1/3 of the Grand Total suggested in this spreadsheet may be achievable from sources or savings outside of bond funding. The 33% reduction in estimated funds needed yields a macro-approximate total of $100 million in estimated bond funds required (i.e. $100million of $150million in Grand Total projections). However, not every category is equally suited to such estimated reductions. For example, it is unlikely that an outside funding source will be achievable as a partial match for the "Collaboration/Phones" project; for that reason its estimate was left at $8 million. The same is true for "Network Closets," "Generated Buildings," and "Identity/Access One Solution." Adjustments of the other 7 project categories were incorporated into the "Project List." For example, "Data/Storage/Blades/Chassis" was estimated at $10million instead of $11million. A more profound adjustment was made to "Computer Equipment Upgrades", which were estimated at $10million instead of $20million (2/3 of $29,981,944); the ability to identify general fund and categorical sources to pay for equipment upgrades through the annual "IT Refresh" process could significantly reduce bond funds required. Also, electing to refresh on a four or five year cycle, instead of the industry standard of three, is another area that could reduce projected bond funding required for this category. "Wireless" upgrades were estimated for the project list at $10million instead of $14million based on a 4.5 year schedule instead of a 3 year refresh cycle. 3