ASTRONOMY | FALL 2016 ASTRONOMY For course details, please see the Astronomy web page at http://www.cabrillo. edu/~rnolthenius/ ASTRO 3 Solar System Astronomy Presents a survey of the sun, planets, asteroids, comets, and the growing list of new solar systems around other stars for non-science majors. Recommended Preparation: MATH 154. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU;UC Section DaysTimes Units Instructor Room 93116 MW9:30AM-10:50AM 3.00 R.Nolthenius 806 93117 T 2:45PM-5:50PM3.00R.Nolthenius454 ASTRO 7 Planetary Climate Science Applies scientific principles to explain planetary atmospheres, climate in general and Earth’s climate in particular, including current climate change causes and effects. Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for MATH 154. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU;UC Section DaysTimes Units Instructor Room 93118 W 6:00PM-9:05PM 3.00 R.Nolthenius806 ASTRO 8A Observational Astronomy Involves observatory lab projects on stars, planets, the moon, galaxies, and in-class labs and demos on cloudy nights. Hybrid Requisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ASTRO 3 or ASTRO 4 or ASTRO 7. Recommended Preparation: MATH 154. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU;UC Section DaysTimes Units Instructor Room 93119 T 7:15PM-10:20PM1.00 R.Nolthenius 705 ASTRO 9A Astrophotography Covers photographic theory and practice at Cabrillo Observatory using telescopes and computers to image and optimize deep sky photo projects. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU ASTRO 9C Astrophotography Builds on skills from ASTRO 9A and 9B using more creative and advanced techniques: experimental testing, high magnification photography, and videocam planetary imaging. Prerequisite: ASTRO 9B. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU Section 94981 & Days M M Times 7:15PM-8:05PM 8:15PM-10:20PM Units 1.50 Instructor R.Nolthenius R.Nolthenius Room 705 705 ASTRO 25 Field Astronomy in the California Mountains Studies physical and evolutionary processes of galaxies and stars, and relates the evolution of stars to the formation and evolution of planets at dark-sky mountain campsites. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU Section 94982 & & & & Date 10/1 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/29 Days S F S Su S Times Units Instructor 9:00AM-3:30PM 1.00 R.Nolthenius 5:00PM-11:59PM R.Nolthenius 10:00AM-11:05PM R.Nolthenius 9:00AM-11:15AM R.Nolthenius 5:30PM-6:20PM R.Nolthenius Room 706 OFFCAM OFFCAM OFFCAM 706 Meets 4 weeks 10/1-10/29. First meeting Saturday 10/1. Field trip 10/7-10/9. Final exam Saturday 10/29 on campus, see instructor for options. Car camping and hiking required. Students are requested to pay a $10 camping fee by the first meeting. Please consult the instructor if special arrangements for payment are needed, or the incidental fees for the course are a barrier to your participation. See Instructor’s webpage for Astro 25 for full details and instructions on making payment. Students failing to make these arrangements may be dropped from the course. Transportation and camping gear are the student’s responsibility. Section DaysTimes Units Instructor Room 94979 M 7:15PM-8:05PM 1.50 R.Nolthenius705 & M 8:15PM-10:20PM R.Nolthenius 705 ASTRO 9B Astrophotography Builds on ASTRO 9A, and includes more advanced digital and video imaging projects, and additional image processing software. Prerequisite: ASTRO 9A. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU Section DaysTimes Units Instructor Room 94980 M 7:15PM-8:05PM 1.50 R.Nolthenius705 & M 8:15PM-10:20PM R.Nolthenius 705 Indicates open entry classes - open through the 12th week of instruction. Indicates writing factor classes. Indicates Honors classes. Indicates multicultural classes. Indicates some sections are taught in a distance education format. Information about all textbooks can be found on classes. Indicates health and wellness