Your authority name Developing global citizens within Curriculum for Excellence Survey 3-18 Curriculum for Excellence refers to young people 'developing a knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it'. Global Citizenship brings together Education for Citizenship, International Education and Sustainable Development Education and recognises the common outcomes and principles of these three areas. Making connections between them better equips learners with skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required to understand and address complex global issues which often transcend individual disciplines. This survey is designed to develop our authority’s awareness and understanding of current practice in developing Global Citizenship across our learning establishments. We will use the information to tailor continuing professional development opportunities and support for schools in the future. Thank you for your responses. Name of establishment Name of person in your establishment who is responsible for global citizenship (Education for Citizenship; International Education; Sustainable Development Education). Contact details and email address. Details of global citizenship practice embedded in the curriculum in your establishment, including working in partnerships. Wider achievement: Please indicate any initiatives/awards your school may be involved with in relation to developing global citizens e.g. Eco schools; Rights respecting schools; International school award etc. Name of country / countries and individual schools with which you have a link: LINK COUNTRIES LINK SCHOOLS TYPE OF LINK e.g. e-Twinning, Connecting Classrooms, Comenius, Confucius Classrooms, Global School Partnerships etc Planned links for the future Any other information or comments. Please complete electronically and return For more information on developing global citizenship please visit or e-mail