Telecommunication Development Sector

Development Sector
Europe Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-10
Andorra la Vella, 1-3 December 2009
Document RPM-EUR09/02-E
4 November 2009
Original: English
Telecommunication Development Bureau
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan (Resolution 17 – Regional
This document reports on the status of implementation of Resolution 17 (Rev. Doha, 2006 Regional
Initiatives) in Africa, Americas, Arab States, Asia-Pacific and the CIS Regions. It also takes into account
Resolution 157 (Antalya, 2006) which instructs the ITU "to review the experience of ITU-D in discharging
its responsibility for implementing projects" and "to ensure that the requisite expertise in the areas of
project management and execution, as well as resource mobilization and financing is identified".
As instructed by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and World Telecommunication
Development Conference (Doha, 2006), BDT has taken several steps to strengthen its project execution
role with a view to prevent fragmentation of ITU-D activities by integrating them into larger-scale projects
addressing issues that have potential of significantly improving the development process. These steps
Restructuring within BDT including the creation the Projects Division (PRJ) to strengthen human
Streamlining Working Methods to enhance project coordination;
Identifying lessons learned and best practices in project management and cost recovery policies
of other International Organizations;
Developing results based management tools such as the "ITU Project Management Guidelines1",
Key Performance Indicators and templates to be used in project cycle management.
BDT has also pooled in-house expertise in project creation, fund raising, management, implementation
and evaluation whereby assisting and supporting the Sector in its project execution mandate, and has
been committed to pave the way towards the creation and application of results-oriented and efficient
project implementation mechanisms.
For more information on the steps undertaken to strengthen the project execution function within BDT
please refer to the Council Document C09/372.
During the World Telecommunication Development Conference (Doha, 2006), the ITU Member States
prioritized 25 Regional Initiatives (5 initiatives per region) and instructed BDT "to take all necessary
measures for the promotion and implementation of these regionally approved initiatives at the national,
regional, interregional and global levels, ensuring satisfaction for the developing countries" with the
adoption of Resolution 17 (Rev. Doha, 2006).
Contact point:
Name/Organization/Entity: E. Behdad, Head, PRI Department, BDT
Phone number:
+41 22 730 5448
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Resolution 17 (Rev. Doha, 2006), called upon BDT to implement regionally approved initiatives at the
national, regional, interregional and global levels, making the utmost use of available BDT resources, by
means of equitable budget allotments for each region.
To this end, the BDT allocated CHF 1.5 million from its own resources as seed funds to support the
implementation of RIs. These funds have been equitably shared between the five regions (Africa (AFR),
The Americas (AMS), Arab States (ARB), Asia-Pacific (ASP) and the CIS countries) at CHF 295,000 per
region. The BDT Regional Initiatives funds had catalytic effect in the development of RI projects as well as
they were also used to support project implementation in the region and to seek more funding support
from donors, administrations and other sources for larger scale implementation.
Within available resources, the BDT has developed and initiated several projects under the umbrella of the
Regional Initiatives in addition to its project portfolio. Project documents have been developed and posted
on the BDT website as well as customized for specific donors and partners to mobilize external
Implementation of Resolution 17
In order to implement the RIs within the various regions, the BDT carried out two major types of
activities. These include:
activities that are carried out through the regular programs for which the details and their linkage
to the RIs are provided under each programme in the Report on Implementation of the DAP
(Programmes, Study Group Questions, Activities and Special Initiatives in the Europe Region);
projects that are specifically developed and funded under the umbrella of the RIs.
As specified in the Annex of the Resolution 17 (Rev. Doha, 2006), the following RIs were adopted:
for AFR Region:
Regional Initiative 1:
Human and institutional capacity building
Regional Initiative 2:
Strengthening and harmonizing policy and regulatory frameworks for
integration of African ICT markets
Regional Initiative 3:
Development of a broadband infrastructure and achievement of
regional interconnectivity
Regional Initiative 4:
ICT applications
Regional Initiative 5:
Introduction of new digital broadcasting technologies
for AMS region:
Regional Initiative 1:
Connectivity in rural areas, marginal urban areas and isolated areas in
the Americas region
Regional Initiative 2:
Interconnection of information networks for disaster prevention
Regional Initiative 3:
Support to administrations in the design and implementation of
policies and programmes for large-scale development of broadband
access, with a view to meeting national universal service objectives
Regional Initiative 4:
Establishment of a Caribbean Task Force on spectrum management
Regional Initiative 5:
Caribbean Centre of Excellence project
for ARB region:
Regional Initiative 1:
ICT indicators and capacity building for measuring them
Regional Initiative 2:
Development of an Arab regulatory framework/guidelines for ICT
Regional Initiative 3:
Arab centre for digital documentation (Memory of the Arab world)
Regional Initiative 4:
Connection of Arab internet networks (National access points)
Regional Initiative 5:
Translation and arabization of ICT terminology
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for ASP region:
Regional Initiative 1:
Telecommunication/ICT policy and regulatory cooperation in the Asia
Pacific region
Regional Initiative 2:
Rural Communications – Infrastructure development
Regional Initiative 3:
Next Generation Networks (NGN) planning
Regional Initiative 4:
The unique telecommunication/ICT needs of Pacific Islands and Small
Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Asia-Pacific region
Regional Initiative 5:
Strengthening the collaboration between ITU-T and ITU-D
for CIS countries:
Regional Initiative 1:
Strengthening the effective use of spectrum by providing interactive
multimedia digital broadcasting networks in countries with
mountainous terrain, and optimization of radio-monitoring networks
Regional Initiative 2:
Creation of international centres for the implementation and testing of
new technologies
Regional Initiative 3:
Implementation of e-applications based on broadband technologies
Regional Initiative 4:
Introduction of integrated, ubiquitous telemedicine technologies and
systems for bridging the digital divide (in rural regions; for combating
epidemics of infectious illnesses; in emergency situations; creation of a
single medical information space)
Regional Initiative 5:
Future development and establishment of "centres of excellence" and
creation of a learning space.
Since the adoption of the Resolution 17 (Rev. Doha, 2006), BDT has developed 11 projects for AFR, 4 for
AMS, 16 for ASP, 3 for ARB and 5 for CIS States and has started their implementation with several
partners. Most of the RIs have been executed between 2007-2009 at the national, sub-regional and
regional levels through close liaison with the global development programmes and/or external funds and
partnership to optimize the resources.
Level of implementation of the RIs has been good in Africa region as well as in Asia-Pacific and at
commendable level in the other regions. A total of USD 16 million has been mobilized for AFR,
USD 0.9 million for AMS, USD 0.3 million for ARB, USD 5.2 million for ASP and USD 1.6 million for CIS.
Some of these projects are currently under implementation while some others have been already
completed. There are still a number of other projects either under call for partners or under negotiations
with potential partners for funding.
It is encouraging to note that provision of external funds from Member States, regulators and even
private industries through close Public Private Partnership (PPP) has effectively enabled project
implementation under each RI in the regions.
Assessment of Regional Initiatives
In general, BDT's implementation of the RIS has been successful. For this reason, the RIs are deemed to
be fulfilling their purposes while there is still room for improvement in their implementation. An Interim
Assessment carried out in 2008 came up with the following common finding for all regions:
It was noted that the RIs serve to prevent fragmentation of BDT activities, particularly at the
regional level, by integrating these activities into large-scale and long-term projects aimed at
addressing issues that have potential of significantly improving the development process.
However some RIs are becoming outdated due to changing needs and conditions in the region.
It was observed that change from country specific projects towards regional specific projects
brings additional challenges due to the complexity created by the multi-stakeholder nature of the
RI projects.
It was also observed that the traditional way of executing projects with Telecommunication
Ministries of the Member States is challenged by the fact that at the national level there is need
for involvement of other institutions (such as Ministries of Finance for national plans and priorities
and Regional Development Organizations for national funding of regional projects).
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In addition, a key element for sustainable success is to raise awareness of ICT for policy makers
and macro-economic planners to make ICT a priority in national and regional programs and
facilitate access to/provision of funding for ICT-related projects. An effort to place ICTs high in
importance within national plans to facilitate better funding opportunities is a crucial element.
The success of RI projects is, as always, dependent on the capacity and capabilities of the
Regional Offices and the PRJ Division/HQs.
It was also noted that development of several RI projects has impact on the work load of the
Regional Offices as well as BDT program focal points as they need to be involved in the project
development cycle (in addition to their role in the delivery of the outputs of the actions of the BDT
Operational Plan).
It is anticipated that RIs are an effective tool which serves the purposes defined by Resolution 17
(Rev. Doha, 2006) of the WTDC-06. However, it is also observed that some of the RIs require revisiting
by the Member States and the Sector Members in order to reflect the changing needs, priorities and
circumstances. While there has been success in fund raising, for continuous success of the RIs,
collaboration with the Administrations to prioritize and support the region's needs should be further
Considering the multi-stakeholder nature of the RI projects, BDT will strengthen its level of coordination
with the Member States through its regional offices, in developing well-designed bankable regional
projects based on real and shared needs and priorities as identified by need assessment studies. Since the
RI projects are required to address common problems or challenges within a given region, regional offices
are encouraged to take the lead in facilitating common interests among partners and regional
organizations in the development of bankable projects, in close coordination with Projects and Initiative
Department at HQs.
Furthermore, BDT should consider involving and working together with other institutions (such as
Ministries of Finance in terms of national plans and priorities and Regional Development Organizations in
terms of national funding for regional projects) where necessary, under the guidance of Ministry in charge
of Telecommunication/ICT.
Given the increasing trend in the projects portfolio, it is recommended that more funds be allocated to
BDT to enable deployment of additional human and financial resources to strengthen capacity to develop,
sustain and improve project delivery. As a further measure to support this effort, retention of
Administrative and Operational Support (AOS) charged for project implementation can be considered as
an additional source to be used as seed funds for BDT.
It is worth noting that similar recommendations were also made during the 14th TDAG Meeting held in
January 2009 by a number of delegations:
Countries need to undertake the responsibility for the selection of topics or projects for the RIs as
well as their implementation.
RI projects being implemented through joint efforts could be replicated in countries with similar
Projects supported should be linked to BDT programmes.
Administrations are requested to find ways and means to mainstream ICTs in national plans.
Based on discussions on the RIs, the Chairman of TDAG concluded that the number of initiatives per
region should be discussed during the Regional Telecommunication Development Conferences and come
up with proposals for the next WTDC. Flexibility is needed for the regions to define their own RIs while
considering financial implications - a high number of RIs would reduce the amount of RI funds available
for the implementation of each RI.