Empirical Evidence and Earnings Taxation: L Lessons from f the h Mirrlees Mi l R i Review Lecture 2: Taxation i off Earnings i Munich Lectures in Economics 2010 CESifo November 2010 Richard Blundell Bl ndell University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies © Institute for Fiscal Studies Empirical Evidence and Earnings Taxation • This lecture will analyse the context, the impact and the design of earnings tax reforms • It will ill ffocus on ttwo questions: ti – How should we measure the impact p of taxation on work decisions and earnings? – How should we assess the optimality of tax reforms? Empirical Evidence and Earnings Taxation • A discussion on the role of evidence loosely organised under five headings: 1. Key margins of adjustment to tax reform 2. Measurement of effective tax rates 3. The importance of information and complexity 4 Evidence 4. E id on the th size i off responses 5. Implications p for tax design g Empirical Evidence and Earnings Taxation • S b h di ((and Sub-heading d subtext) bt t) ffor th the llecture: t pp y Responses p at the Extensive Margin: g Labor Supply What Do We Know and Why Does It Matter? • Key chapter (in Mirrlees Review): Brewer, Saez and Shephard Shephard, http://www.ifs.org.uk/mirrleesReview • + commentaries by Moffitt, Laroque and Hoynes The extensive – intensive distinction is important for a number n mber of reasons: • Understanding responses to tax and welfare reform – Jim Heckman, David Wise, Ed Prescott, etc.. all highlight the importance of extensive labour supply margin, – a balance needs to be struck between the two margins…. • The size of extensive and intensive responses are also key parameters in the recent literature on earnings tax design – • used heavily in the Mirrlees Review. But the relative importance of the extensive margin is specific to particular groups – I’ll examine a specific case of low earning families (from Blundell and Shephard Shephard, 2010) in more detail in what follows Draw on new empirical evidence: – some examples • labour supply responses for individuals and families – at the intensive and extensive margins – by age and demographic structure • taxable income elasticities – top of the income distribution using tax return information • income uncertainty – persistence and magnitude of earnings shocks over the life-cycle • ability to (micro-)simulate marginal and average rates – simulate reforms • So where are the key margins of response? • Evidence suggests they are not all the extensive margin.. – intensive i t i andd extensive t i margins i both b th matter tt – they matter for tax policy evaluation and earnings tax design – and they matter in different ways by age and demographic groups • Getting it right for men Employment for men by age – FR, UK and US 2007 100% 90% FR UK US 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) Total Hours for men by age – FR, UK and US 2007 2000 FR UK 1750 US 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) Key Margins of Adjustment • and for women ….. Female Total Hours by age – US, FR and UK 2007 1600 FR 1400 UK US 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 Female Hours by age – US, FR and UK 1977 1600 FR 1400 UK US 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 Decomposition of change in annual hours worked (1977-2007) 1400 United-States 2007 1308 h 2007: 1308 hours 1300 1977: 1212 hours 1200 1977: 1148 h hours 1977: 1124 hours 1100 2007: 1094 hours 1000 2007: 953 hours 900 France 800 © Institute for Fiscal Studies United-Kingdom Change in structure Women 55-74 Men 55-74 Women 30-54 M 30 Men 30-54 54 W Women 16-29 16 29 Men 16-29 Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) Thinking about Responses at the Intensive and E t i Margin Extensive M i • • 1+1/α ⎧ h Write within period utility as − β if h > 0 ⎪c − U = ⎨ 1 + 1/ α ⎪c if h = 0 ⎩ α is the intensive labour supply elasticity and she works when the value of working at wage w exceeds the fixed cost β. • Convenient to describe the distribution of heterogeneity through g the conditional distribution of β g given α,, F(β| (β| α)) and the marginal distribution of α. • The labour supply and employment rate for individuals of type α, is 1+α h( w, α ) = w α ⎛w ⎞ andd p ( w, α ) = F ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 1+ α ⎠ Thinking about Responses at the Intensive and E t i Margin Extensive M i • • The intensive and the employment rate elasticity are (1+α ) ⎞ ⎛ w(1+α ) ⎞ (1+α ) ⎛ w f⎜ ε I (α ) = α and ε E (α ) = w ⎟/F⎜ ⎟ + + 1 1 α α ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ The aggregate hours elasticity is a weighted sum across the intensive and extensive margins ⎛ w1+α ⎞ d ln H 1 α | α ⎟ + wα w1+α = ∫ [α w F ⎜ d ln w H α ⎝ 1+ α ⎠ • ⎛ w1+α ⎞ f⎜ | α ⎟]dG (α ) ⎝ 1+ α ⎠ 1 = ∫ p( w, α )h( w, α )[ε I (α ) + ε E (α )]dG (α ) Hα Of course, quasi-linear utility is highly restrictive and we expect income effects to matter matter, at least for some types of households – we use more general models with fixed costs Measuring Responses at the Intensive and Extensive Margin • Suppose the population share at time t of type j is qjt, then total hours J H t = ∑ q jt H jt andd H jt = p jt h jt j =1 • Changes in total hours per person written as the sum of changes across all types of workers and the change in structure of the population H t − H t −1 = Δ t + St where Δ t = ∑ j =1 Δ jt with Δ jt = q jt −1[ H jt − H jt −1 ] J • • We can also mirror the weighted elasticity decomposition ⎡ Δh j Δp j ⎤ ΔH 1 J ∑ q j ⎢ p j hj + p j hj ⎥ H H j =1 ⎢⎣ hj p j ⎦⎥ And derive bounds on extensive and intensive responses for finite changes Bounds on Intensive and Extensive Responses (1977-2007) FR Year Men 16-29 Women 16-29 Men 30-54 Women 30-54 Men 55-74 Women 55-74 I-P, I-L [-37,-28] [-23, -19] [-59, -56] [-49, -35] [-11, -8] [-10, -9] E-L,, E-P [[-54,, -45]] [[-19,, -16]] [[-27,, -23]] [[71,, 85]] [[-28,, -25]] [[6,, 7]] Δ -82 -38 -82 36 -36 -3 [-42, -36] [-26, -23] [-48, -45] [-3, -2] [-22, -19] [-8, -6] E-L, E-P [-35, -29] [14, 17] [-25, -22] [41, 41] [-23, -20] [15, 17] Δ -71 -9 -70 39 -42 10 [-6, -6] [1, 1] [-5, -5] [14, 19] [3, 3] [3, 5] E-L, E-P [-13, -13] [21, 21] [-14, -14] [72, 77] [3, 3] [33, 35] Δ -19 22 -19 90 6 38 UK I-P, I-L US I-P, I-L © Institute for Fiscal Studies Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) Bounds on Intensive and Extensive Responses (1977-2007) FR Year Men 16-29 Women 16-29 Men 30-54 Women 30-54 Men 55-74 Women 55-74 I-P, I-L [-37,-28] [-23, -19] [-59, -56] [-49, -35] [-11, -8] [-10, -9] E-L,, E-P [[-54,, -45]] [[-19,, -16]] [[-27,, -23]] [[71,, 85]] [[-28,, -25]] [[6,, 7]] Δ -82 -38 -82 36 -36 -3 [-42, -36] [-26, -23] [-48, -45] [-3, -2] [-22, -19] [-8, -6] E-L, E-P [-35, -29] [14, 17] [-25, -22] [41, 41] [-23, -20] [15, 17] Δ -71 -9 -70 39 -42 10 [-6, -6] [1, 1] [-5, -5] [14, 19] [3, 3] [3, 5] E-L, E-P [-13, -13] [21, 21] [-14, -14] [72, 77] [3, 3] [33, 35] Δ -19 22 -19 90 6 38 UK I-P, I-L US I-P, I-L © Institute for Fiscal Studies Blundell, Bozio and Laroque (2010) Why is this distinction important for tax design? • Some key lessons from recent tax design theory (Saez (2002, Laroque (2005), ..) large extensive elasticity at low earnings can ‘turn turn • A ‘large’ around’ the impact of declining social weights – implying a higher optimal transfer to low earning workers than to those out of work – a role for earned income tax credits • But how do individuals perceive the tax rates on earnings implicit in the tax credit and benefit system - salience? – are individuals more likely to ‘take-up’ if generosity increases? – marginal rates become endogenous… • Importance of margins other than labo labourr ssupply/hours ppl /ho rs – use of taxable income elasticities to guide choice of top tax rates • Importance of dynamics and frictions An Empirical Analysis in Two Steps • The first step (impact) is a positive analysis of household decisions. There are two dominant empirical approaches to the measurement of the impact of tax reform reform… – both prove useful: • 1. A ‘quasi-experimental’ evaluation of the impact of historic reforms /and randomised experiments • 2. A ‘structural’ estimation based on a general discrete choice model with (unobserved) heterogeneity • The second step (optimality) is the normative analysis or p p policy y analysis y optimal – Examines how to best design benefits, in-work tax credits and earnings tax rates with (un)observed heterogeneity and unobserved earnings ‘capacity’ Focus first on tax rates on lower incomes Main defects in current welfare/benefit systems • Participation tax rates at the bottom remain very high in UK and elsewhere • Marginal tax rates are well over 80% for some low income working families because of phasing-out phasing out of means-tested benefits and tax credits – Working Families Tax Credit + Housing Benefit in UK – and interactions with the income tax system – for example, we can examine a typical budget constraint for a single mother in the UK… Particular Features of the UK Working Tax Credit • hours of work condition – minimum hours rule - 16 hours per week – an additional hours-contingent payment at 30 hours • family eligibility – children ((in full time education or younger) y g ) – adult credit plus amounts for each child • income i eligibility li ibilit – family net income below a certain threshold – credit is tapered away at 55% (previously 70% under FC) The UK Working Families Tax Credit £6,000 £5,000 WFTC £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0 £0 £5,000 £10,000 £15,000 Gross income (£/year) © Institute for Fiscal Studies £20,000 £25,000 The US EITC and the UK WFTC compared £6,000 £5,000 WFTC £4 000 £4,000 EITC £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0 £0 £5,000 £10,000 £15,000 £20,000 £25,000 Gross income (£/year) • P Puzzle: l WFTC about b t ttwice i as generous as th the US EITC bbutt with about half the impact. Why? © Institute for Fiscal Studies The interaction of WFTC with other benefits in the UK Low wage lone parent £300 £250 £200 WFTC Net earnings Other income £ £150 £100 £50 hours of work 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 8 12 4 0 £0 The interaction of WFTC with other benefits in the UK Low wage lone parent £300 £250 £200 WFTC Income Support Net earnings Other income £150 £100 £50 hours of work 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 8 12 4 0 £0 The interaction of WFTC with other benefits in the UK Low wage lone parent £300 £250 Local tax rebate Rent rebate WFTC Income Support Net earnings Other income £200 £150 £100 £50 hours of work 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 8 12 4 0 £0 Strong g implications for EMTRs, PTRs and labour supply The interaction between taxes, tax credits and benefits £350 Income support £300 Council tax benefit Net we eekly inco ome £250 Housing benefit £200 Working tax credit £150 Child tax credit £100 Child benefit £50 £0 £0 £20 £40 £60 £80 £100 £120 £140 £160 £180 £200 £220 Gross weekly earnings Net earnings less council tax Notes: Lone p parent,, with one child aged g between one and four,, earning g the minimum wage g ((£5.80 per hour), with no other private income and no childcare costs, paying £80 per week in rent to live in a council tax Band B property in a local authority setting council tax rates at the national average But this is just an example…. • What does the tax and benefit system imply across the distribution of earnings and different family types? – What do effective marginal tax rates look like? – the proportion of a small increase in earnings taken in tax and withdrawn benefits – What do participation tax rates look like? – the incentive to be in paid work at all – defined by the proportion of total earnings taken in tax and withdrawn benefits. 40% 50 0% 60% % 70% 80% Average EMTRs for different family types 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Emplo er cost (£/week) Employer (£/ eek) Single, no children Partner not working working, no children Partner working, no children Lone parent Partner not working working, children Partner working, children 30% % 40% 50% 60% 70% 7 Average PTRs for different family types 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 E Employer l costt (£/ (£/week) k) Single, no children P t Partner nott working, ki no children hild Partner working, no children Lone parent P t Partner nott working, ki children hild Partner working, children Can the reforms explain weekly hours worked? Single Women (aged 18-45) - 2002 Blundell and Shephard (2009) Hours’ distribution for lone parents, before WFTC Blundell and Shephard (2010) Hours’ distribution for lone parents, after WFTC Blundell and Shephard (2010) Hours trend for low ed lone parents in UK 1600 1550 1500 1450 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Employment trends for lone parents in UK 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 College 0.55 No College No College 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 WFTC Reform: Quasi-experimental Evaluation Matched Difference-in-Differences Average Impact on % Employment Rate of Single Mothers Single Mothers Marginal Effect F il Family 45 4.5 Resources Survey Labour Force 4.7 Survey Standard Error 1 55 1.55 Sample Size 0.55 233,208 25 163 25,163 Data: FRS, 45,000 adults per year, Spring 1996 – Spring 2002. B Base employment l t llevel:l 45% iin S Spring i 1998. 1998 Matching Covariates: age, education, region, ethnicity,.. Alternative approaches to measuring the impact: • Structural model – Simulate effect of actual or hypothetical reforms Simulate effect of actual or hypothetical reforms – Useful for (optimal) design too, but, robust? • Quasi‐experiment/Difference‐in‐differences – Compares outcomes of eligibles p g and non‐eligibles g and estimates ‘average’ impact of past reform – Only indirectly Only indirectly related to what is needed for optimal design related to what is needed for optimal design – Can use this quasi‐experimental evidence to (partially) validate the structural model validate the structural model • Randomised experiment? SSP? Canadian Self Sufficiency Program • Randomised‐Control experimental design • Do financial incentives encourage work among low g g skilled lone parents? • The aim was to encourage employment among single g p y g g parents on welfare – 50% earnings supplement – g pp as a tax credit – at least 30 hours per week job – On earnings up to an annual limit On earnings p to an ann al limit of $36000 of $36000 • provided to the individual, not the employer, as in EITCs EITC 39 Canadian Self Sufficiency Program Budget Constraint for a Single Parent on Minimum Wage Incom me per M Month ($$1995) 2500 2000 SSP 1500 1000 IA 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Weekly Hours of Work Income Assistance Self Sufficiency Program 40 60 .2 .15 .1 Employment rate .25 .3 SSP: Employment Rate by months after RA 0 10 20 30 40 Months after random assignment control experimental 50 60 Key y features of the structural model U (ch , h, P; X , ε ) typically yp y approximated pp by y shape p constrained sieves Preferences • Structural model allows for - unobserved work-related fixed costs - childcare costs - observed and unobserved heterogeneity - pprogramme g pparticipation p ‘take-up’ p costs • See Blundell and Shephard (2010) Importance of take-up and information/hassle costs 0 Pro obability of take-up .2 .4 .6 ..8 1 Variation in take-up pp probability y with entitlement to WFTC 0 50 100 Lone parents © Institute for Fiscal Studies 150 200 WFTC entitlement (£/week, 2002 prices) Couples Net Income schedule : Tax P: take-up yhP = wh + I − t ( wh, I ) − Ch + Ψ 0 ( w, h, I ) + PΨ1 ( w, h, I ) Transfers or yhP = y hP + PΨ1 ( w, h, I ) the tax-credit payment function Ψ1 ( w, h, I ) depends on: h hours (th (through h th the h hours condition diti off entitlement) titl t) other income I demographic characteristics X 44 Structural Model Elasticities – low education lone parents (a) Youngest Child Aged 5-10 Weekly Earnings 0 Density Extensive Intensive 0.280 (.020) 0.321 (.009) 0.152 (.005) 0.058 (.003) 0.820 (.042) 0.085 (.009) 0.219 (.025) 0.194 (.020) 0.132 (.010) 0 4327 0.4327 50 0.1575 150 0.1655 250 0.1298 350 0.028 Employment elasticity Structural Model Elasticities – low education lone parents (c) Youngest Child Aged 0-4 Weeklyy Earnings Densityy Extensive Intensive 0 0.5942 50 0.1694 0.168 (.017) 0.025 (.003) 150 0 0984 0.0984 0 128 ((.012) 0.128 012) 0 077 ((.012) 0.077 012) 250 0.0767 0.043 (.004) 0.066 (.010) 350 0 0613 0.0613 0 016 ((.002) 0.016 002) 0 035 ((.005) 0.035 005) Participation elasticity 0.536 (.047) • Differences in intensive and extensive margins by age and demographics have strong implications for the design of the tax schedule... h d l • But do we believe the structural model estimates? Structural Simulation of the WFTC Reform: WFTC Tax Credit Reform All Change in employment rate: Average change in hours: 6.95 0 74 0.74 1.79 02 0.2 y-child 0 to 2 3.09 0 59 0.59 0.71 0 14 0.14 y-child 3 to 4 7.56 0 91 0.91 2.09 0 23 0.23 y-child 5 to 10 7.54 0 85 0.85 2.35 0 34 0.34 Notes: Simulated on FRS data; Standard errors in italics. – relatively ‘large’ impact Blundell and Shephard (2010) y-child 11 to 18 4.96 0 68 0.68 1.65 02 0.2 Impact of WFTC reform on lone parent, 2 children W eekly n net inco ome £300 1997 2002 £250 £200 £150 £100 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Hours/week • Notes: Two children under 5. Assumes hourly wage of £4.10, no housing costs or council tax liability and no childcare costs. Impact of WFTC and IS reforms on lone parent, 2 children W Weekly net inco ome £300 1997 2002 8 16 20 £250 £200 £150 £100 0 4 12 24 28 32 36 40 44 Hours/week • Notes: Two children under 5. Assumes hourly wage of £4.10, no housing costs or council tax liability and no childcare costs. 48 Structural Simulation of the WFTC Reform: Impact of all Reforms (WFTC and IS) All Change in employment rate: Average change in hours: 4.89 0.84 1.02 0 23 0.23 y-child 0 to 2 0.65 0.6 0.01 0 21 0.21 y-child 3 to 4 5.53 0.99 1.15 0 28 0.28 y-child y-child 5 to 10 11 to 18 6.83 4.03 0.94 0.71 1.41 1.24 0 28 0.28 0 22 0.22 • shows the importance of getting the effective tax rates right especially when comparing with quasi-experiments. • compare with experiment or quasi-experiment. Evaluation of the ‘ex-ante’ structural model • The diff-in-diff impact parameter can be identified from the structural evaluation model • Simulated diff-in-diff parameter • The structural model then defines the average impact of the policy on the treated as: α SEM ( X ) = Pr[h > 0 | X , D = 1] − Pr[h > 0 X , D = 0] • Compare C simulated i l t d diff-in-diff diff i diff momentt with ith diff-in-diff diff i diff DD αSEM =∫ X ∫ X T =1,t =1 f ( X , ε , D = 1) ) dF dFX −∫ ε ∫ ε ⎡ − ⎢∫ f ( X , ε , D = 0)dFεT =0,,t =1dFX − ∫ X ⎣ε X T =1,t =0 f ( X , ε , D = 0) ) dF dFX ε ∫ ε ∫ε f ( X , ε , D = 0)dFε T =0,,t =0 ⎤ dFX ⎥ ⎦ Evaluation of the ex-ante model • The simulated diff-in-diff parameter from the structural evaluation model is precise and does not differ significantly from the diff-in-diff estimate • Compare C simulated i l t d diff-in-diff diff i diff momentt with ith diff-in-diff diff i diff – .21 (.73), chi-square p-value .57 • Consider additional moments – education: d ti low l education: d ti 0.33 0 33 (.41) ( 41) – youngest child interaction • Youngest child aged < 5: .59 (. 51) • Youngest Y t child hild agedd 5-10: 5 10 .31 31 (.35) ( 35) How do we think about an optimal design? • Assume we want to redistribute ‘£R’ to low ed. single parents, what is the ‘optimal’ optimal way to do this? • Recover optimal tax/credit schedule in terms of earnings – use Diamond-Saez Di dS approximation i i in i terms off extensive i andd intensive elasticities at different earnings Ti − Ti −1 1 = ci − ci −1 ei hi ⎡ T j − T0 ⎤ h j ⎢1 − g j − η j ⎥. ∑ c j − c0 ⎥⎦ j ≥i ⎢⎣ I • also ‘complete’ Mirrlees optimal tax computation A ‘microeconometric’ optimal tax design framework • Assume earnings (and certain characteristics) are all that is observable to the tax authority – relax below to allow for ‘partial’ observability of hours Social welfare, welfare for individuals of type X W= ∫ ∫ε Γ(U (wh − T (w, h ; X ), h ; X , ε ))dF (ε )dG(w; X ) w, X The tax structure T(.) is chosen to maximise W, subject to: ∫ ∫ε T ( wh , h ; X )dF (ε )dG ( w; X ) ≥ T (= − R ) w, X for a given R. R Control preference for equality by transformation function: Γ (U | θ ) = 1 θ θ (exp U ) − 1} { when h θ is i negative, ti the th function f ti favors f the th equality lit off utilities. θ is the coefficient of absolute inequality aversion. If θ < 0 then analytical solution to integral over (Type I extreme-value) j state specific errors (BS, 2010) 1⎡ ⎤ θ Γ(1 − θ ) ⋅ (∑ exp u ( j )) − 1⎥ ⎢ θ⎣ h ⎦ Objective: robust policies for fairly general social welfare weights, document the weights in each case Implied Optimal Schedule, Youngest Child Aged 5-10 Weekly earnings March 2002 prices Blundell and Shephard (2010) Implied Optimal Schedule, Youngest Child Aged 5-10 • Results Suggests ‘dynamic’ tax incentives according to age of (youngest) (y g ) child • Redistributing towards early years (see Table 10 in Blundell and Shephard, 2010) Implications for Tax Reform • Change transfer/tax rate structure to match lessons from ‘new’ optimal tax analysis and empirical evidence – in the Review we use a similar design framework for family labour supply and early retirement • Key role off labour supply responses at the extensive and intensive margins • Both matter but differ by gender, age, education and family composition – lone parents, married parents, pre-retirement low earners. • Results for lone parents suggest lower marginal rates at the bottom – means-testing g should be less aggressive gg – at least for some key groups => Implications for Tax Reform • ‘Life-cycle’ ‘Lif l ’ view i off ttaxation ti – distinguish by age of (youngest) child for mothers/parents – pre-retirement ages – effectivelyy redistributing g across the life-cycle y – a ‘life-cycle’ rearrangement of tax incentives and welfare payments to match elasticities and early years investments – results in Tax by Design show significant employment and earnings increases • Hours rules? – at full time for older kids, – welfare gains depend on ability to monitor hours • Dynamics and frictions? – some time ti to t adjust dj t but b t little littl iin th the way off experience i effects ff t for low-skilled Dynamic effects on wages for low income welfare recipients? 6 H Hourly rea al wages 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 SSP: Hourly wages by months after RA 0 10 20 30 40 Months after random assignment control © Institute for Fiscal Studies experimental 50 60 10 00 M Monthly earnings e 200 300 400 SSP: Monthly earnings by months after RA 0 10 20 30 40 Months after random assignment control t l © Institute for Fiscal Studies experimental i t l 50 60 Evidence on experience effects from the SSP • Little evidence of employment enhancement or wage progression • Other evidence, Taber etc, show some progression but quite small • Remains a key area of research – ERA Policy in UK. © Institute for Fiscal Studies At the top too… the income tax system lacks coherence Income tax schedule for those aged under 65, 2010–11 70% Marginal in ncome tax ratte 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Gross annual income (£000s) 140 160 180 Top tax rates and taxable income elasticities An ‘optimal’ top tax rate (Brewer, Saez and Shephard, MRI) e – taxable income elasticity t = 1 / (1 + a·e) where a is the Pareto parameter. Estimate e from the evolution of top incomes in tax return data following large top MTR reductions in the 1980s Estimate a (≈ 1.8) 1 8) from the empirical distribution Top incomes and taxable income elasticities A . T o p 1 % In c o m e S h a re a n d M T R , 1 9 6 2 -2 0 0 3 80% 16% 70% 14% T o p 1 % in c o m e s h a re 40% 10% 30% 8% 20% 6% 10% Source: MR1, UK SPI (tax return data) 2002 2 1998 1 1994 1 1990 1 1986 1 1982 1 1978 1 1974 1 1970 1 4% 1966 1 0% Income S Share 12% T o p 1% M T R 50% 1962 1 Marginal Ta ax Rate 60% B . T o p 5 -1 % In c o m e a n d M T R , 1 9 6 2 -2 0 0 3 80% 16% 70% 14% 40% 10% 30% 8% 20% T o p 5 -1 % M T R 10% T o p 5 -1 % in c o m e s h a re 6% 2002 1998 1994 1990 1986 1982 1978 1974 1970 4% 1966 0% Income S Share 12% 50% 1962 Marginal Ta M ax Rate 60% Taxable Income Elasticities at the Top Simple Difference (top 1%) DD using top 5-1% as control 1978 vs 1981 1986 vs 1989 1978 vs 1962 2003 vs 1978 0.32 0 38 0.38 0.63 0 89 0.89 0.08 0 41 0.41 0.86 0 64 0.64 Full time series 0.69 (0.12) 0.46 (0.13) With updated data the estimate remains in the .35 - .55 range with a central estimate of .46, but remain quite fragile Note also the key relationship between the size of elasticity and the tax base (Slemrod and Kopczuk, 2002) Pareto distribution as an approximation to the income distribution Pro obability density ( log scale ) 0.0100 0.0010 Pareto distribution Actual income distribution 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 £100 000 £150,000 £100,000 £150 000 £200,000 £200 000 £250,000 £250 000 £300,000 £300 000 £350,000 £350 000 £400,000 £400 000 £450,000 £450 000 £500,000 £500 000 Pareto parameter quite accurately estimated at 1.8 => revenue maximising tax rate for top 1% of 55%. Reforming Taxation of Earnings • Change transfer/tax rate structure to match lessons from ‘new’ optimal tax analysis • l lower marginal i l rates t att th the b bottom tt – means-testing should be less aggressive – distinguish by age of youngest child • age-based taxation – pre-retirement ages • limits to tax rises at the top, p, but – base reforms - anti-avoidance, domicile rules, revenue shifting • Integrate different benefits and tax credits – improve administration, transparency, take-up, facilitate coherent design • Undo distributional effects of the rest of the package… htt // http://www.ifs.org.uk/mirrleesReview if k/ i l R i Richard Blundell University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies © Institute for Fiscal Studies