K-State School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Keyboard Division Jury Form Tone Technical Proficiency 10 Proficient A (10) should be reserved for a truly artistic moment indicting a strong professional foundation. A (9) exhibits development toward a full-time professional 8 A (7) indicates that the student is in the advanced stages of MUSIC 455, but has not yet met all criteria for graduation. A (6) indicates that student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation. A (5) indicates that the student is exceeding expectations of MUSIC 255 and has met the minimum performance standards of MUSIC 455. Basic A (4) indicates that the student is in the advanced stages of MUSIC 255, but has not yet met all criteria for advancing to MUSIC 455. A (3) indicates that the student is making satisfactory progress toward MUSIC 455. A (2) indicates that the student is meeting the minimum performance standards of MUSIC 255. Unsatisfactory ☐2 ☐3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name: ☐1 Repertoire 9 An (8) meets all criteria for graduation from the student’s program. Developing Semester in MUSIC 255/455 Musicality ☐4 ☐ >4 Name of Juror: Name of Teacher: Repertoire: Gateway Results: Current Enrollment: ☐ MUSIC 255 ☐ MUSIC 455 ☐ BM ☐ BA Gateway Jury (If Applicable) ☐ MUSIC 255 ☐ ☐ MUSIC 251 ☐ MUSIC 254 ☐ BME ☐ Minor MUSIC 455 ☐ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comments: