Annual Progress Report on Assessment of Student Learning for Undergraduate Programs (Rev 09/09) Academic year: 2008-2009 Department/Program: Music Degree program(s): Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts in Music Person(s) preparing report: Dr. Frederick Burrack, Director of Graduate Studies Date submitted: In one paragraph, summarize your 2008-2009 Annual Progress Report Provide the web link to department web site where degree program SLOs, Alignment Matrix, and 20082009 APR Summary are posted 1) List the complete set of Student Learning Outcomes for your Program (all SLOs identified for your program) The student demonstrates a predetermined proficiency level in: Outcome #1 Outcome #2 Outcome #3 Analytical Skills in the Theory of Music. Analytical Skills in Music History. Performance Skills. 2) Identify the Student Learning Outcomes (from the full list above) that were assessed for this Annual Progress Report. All outcomes. 3) What assessments were used for each learning outcome? Please include results of the assessments and the sample of students from whom data were collected. Outcome #1 Analytical Skills in the Theory of Music. COMPOSITION PROJECT (MUSIC PreK-12): assessed in MUSIC 360 Percent of Candidates at Each Score Value Academic Number of Students Unsatisfactory Developing Acceptable Mastery (basic) (proficient) (exemplary) < 70% 70%-79% 80%-89% 90% < Year 8 2004-2005 ---- ---- 37.5% 62.6% 11 2005-2006 18% 8% 18% 56% 22 2006-2007 23% 18% 23% 36% 12 2007-2008 ---- 8% 17% 75% 15 2008-2009 6% ---- 27% 67% DATA SUMMARY AND REFLECTION Scores for candidates on the composition project illustrate that 94% of the candidates have achieved at the level of Proficient or above. The one person who was unsatisfactory withdrew from the course. This indicates that all students who completed the course scored at or above the minimum acceptable proficiency expectations. Outcome #2 Analytical Skills in the History of Music. HISTORY RESEARCH ESSAY: assessed in MUSIC 532 Percent of Candidates at Each Score Value Academic Number of Students Year 9 11 12 14 Unsatisfactory < 70% 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 ---9% 51% 14% Developing (basic) 70%-79% 22% 9% ---21% Acceptable (proficient) 80%-89% 22% 27% 33% 29% Mastery (exemplary) 90% < 56% 55% 16% 36% DATA SUMMARY AND REFLECTION Scores for candidates on the historical research essay shows an improvement from the former year. The data illustrates that 86% of the candidates have achieved at least a minimum passing score of 70% (compared to 49% the year prior) with 65% achieving in the Proficient and Examplary levels (as compared to 49% the year prior). Outcome #3 Performance Skills. JURIED PERFORMANCE (MUSIC PreK-12): assessed in the Fall semester juries Percent of Candidates at Each Score Value Academic Number of Students Year Unsatisfactory < 70% Developing (basic) 70%-79% Acceptable (proficient) 80%-89% Mastery (exemplary) 90% < DATA SUMMARY AND REFLECTION Scores for candidates on the juried performance in the fall semester have not been maintained prior to 2009 but will be included from this point on to provide more data on student achievement. JURIED PERFORMANCE (MUSIC PreK-12): assessed in the Spring semester juries Percent of Candidates at Each Score Value Academic Number of Students Year 60 43 49 *59 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 DATA SUMMARY AND REFLECTION Unsatisfactory < 70% 5% ---------- Developing (basic) 70%-79% 1% 5% ------- Acceptable (proficient) 80%-89% 32% 21% 6% 25% Mastery (exemplary) 90% < 62% 74% 94% 75% Scores for candidates on the juried performance illustrate that all students achieved in the Proficient and Exemplary levels. The scores at the Mastery level did decrease by 19% from the former year but this may be due to an increase of students included in the count (*minors were included in the numbers this year). Division by Studio 2008-2009 Developing Acceptable Mastery Number of Unsatisfactory Studio String Piano Wind Percussion Voice Students 4 11 30 7 17 < 70% ----------- 70%-79% ----------- 80%-89% --18% 33% 14% 12% 90% < 100% 82% 67% 84% 88% 4) What was learned from the assessment results? (What do they tell you about student learning? What did you learn about strengths and weaknesses of your program?) Included above 5) What actions and/or revisions were implemented in response to the assessment results and the effects on student learning observed on this year’s SLOs. Actions/Revisions to be implemented as a result of the assessments 1. Analytical Skills in Music No changes made Theory 2. Analytical Skills in Music No changes made. History 3. Performance Skills No changes made. 6) Describe the process by which faculty reviewed the results of this year’s SLOs. The entire faculty reviewed the data and divisions discussed options for improvement of instruction or assessment methods in February, 2010.