Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Office, Institute, etc. AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships AAVMC (Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges) AAVMC (Association of Harold Wetterberg American Veterinary Foundation Medical Colleges) Type Scholarship, Award AAVMC Scholarships and Awards Scholarship The Harold Wetterberg Foundation Scholarship Fellowship Financial Application Deadline $68,000 to $88,000 for 2008-2009, dep. on experience. Health December insurance reimbursement, allowances for relocation and travel Fellowship Sponsored by Hill's Pet Nutrition of Topeka, Kansas and AAVMC (Association of coordinated by the Award American Veterinary AAVMC (Association Medical Colleges) of American Veterinary Medical Colleges) Albert Schweitzer Fellowship Program Name The Hill's Pet Nutrition Innovations in Public Health Award The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship program Duration Comments 1st award: $2,000 / 2nd award: $1,500 / March 3rd award: $1,000 $2,000 Stipend February 1 other URL Congressional Diplomacy Energy, Environment, Agriculture & Natural Resources http://fellowships.a Health, Education & Human aas.org Services National Defense & Global Security Roger Revelle Fellowship in Global Stewardship see 2 opportunities below March URL http://www.aavm c.org/students_a dmissions/schol arships.htm For current or former residents of New Jersey only! http://www.aavmc. org/students_admi ssions/documents /2008HWFApplica tionFormfinal.pdf The Hill's Public Health Award is sponsored by Hill's Pet Nutrition and coordinated by the AAVMC. The annual award encourages encourages new ideas in health promotion and disease prevention among veterinary students. http://www.aavmc. org/students_admi ssions/scholarship s.htm 200 Hour Community Service, Community Service Fellowship Retreat in Opportunities For Grad Students in April, Multidisciplin Health and Human Service Fields ary Monthly Fellowship Meetings www.schweitzerfel lowship.org http://www.a amc.org/stud ents/medstu dents/secret arysaward/st art.htm other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Veterinary Public APHA (American Public Health Special Health Association) Interest Group Annual Meeting and Exposition / Forum for students to present their work as a poster or short Presentation ASPH (Association of Schools of Public Health) Internship & Fellowship ASM (American Society for Microbiology) and CCID (Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases) (=former NCID) Auburn University, College of Veterinary Medicine, ScottRitchey Research Center AVMA (American Veterinary medical association) Fellowship Scott Ritchey Research Center Program Name Application Deadline Financial Call for abstracts: February Duration Comments http://apha.confex. com/apha/136am/ oasys.epl 5 days in October 16 opportunities (for details see URL) annual stipend (up to $38,225), health benefits (up to $3,000) ASM / CCID relocation Program in Infectious Disease benefits (up to January and Public Health $500), professional Microbiology development (up to $2,000) for max 2 yrs. Fellowship Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP) Fellowship Congressional Science and Executive Branch Fellowship Program Stipend of $65,000 plus reimbursement of additional expenses January 2 max 2 yrs 1 year (AugustAugust) URL http://www.asph.or g/document.cfm?p age=752 The program is intended for individuals who either earned their doctorate degree or completed a primary residency within 3 years of their proposed start date. http://www.asm.or g/Education/index. asp?bid=15497 Research projects include inherited diseases of dogs and cats, gene therapy, neurological and muscular diseases, and control of reproduction. Applicants must be interested in research on health problems of dogs and cats. http://www.vetmed .auburn.edu/index .pl/summer_resea rch_fellowships Candidates must be an AVMA member and a U.S. citizen http://www.avma.o rg/advocacy/get_i nvolved/fellowship s.asp other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency CDC CDC Office, Institute, etc. Co-sponsored by AAVMC (Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges), DHS (Department of Homeland Security), AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association), NASPHV (National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians), and ACVPM (American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine) CDC Foundation Type Program Name Financial Application Deadline Duration Comments A Day at CDC for Veterinary Students One day (a Monday), end of January Fellowship "The CDC Experience": a Fellowship in Applied Epidemiology stipend for living expenses. Up to December $24,000 ($2,000/mo) Vet students not eligible! Medical students only. If veterinary students 10-12 are interested in that opportunity months, please contact Dr. Joann starts August Lindenmayer, joann.lindenmayer@tufts.edu O.C. Hubert Student Fellowship in International Health stipend of $3,000 to cover May related expenses 4-12 wks CDC Foundation Fellowship CDC Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)CDC Cooperative Agreement CDC Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunities CDC OMH (Office of Minority Health): Hispanic Health Program: HSHPS (Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools) Internship other URL Every even year (2008, 2010, 2012, etc). This day is designed to introduce students to the CDC http://www.cdc.go mission of public health and v/news/2008/03/v epidemiology and to encourage etday.html students to consider public health as a career source . January: please contact Dr. Registration is free, student has Joann M. to pay for travel Lindenmayer, and hotel. joann.lindenmay er@tufts.edu CDC URL Open to current or upcoming 3rd, and current 4th year students. http://www.cdcfou ndation.org/fellow ships/cdcexperien ce/index.aspx http://www.cdcfou ndation.org/fellow ships/ochubert/ http://www.c http://www.aamc.o dcrg/members/cdc/st cafunding.or art.htm g March http://www.student internshipprogram .com/programs1.h tml HSHPS / CDC Internship Program 3 other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name CDC OMH (Office of Minority Health): Hispanic Health Program: HSHPS (Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools) CDC OMH (Office of Minority Health): Hispanic Health Program: HSHPS (Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools) CDC OMH (Office of Minority Health): Hispanic Health Program: HSHPS (Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools) Fellowship CDC OMH (Office of Minority Health): Hispanic Health Program: HSHPS (Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools) HSHPS / U.S. Traineeship Mexico Border resp. Internship Program Financial Application Deadline Duration Comments URL Fellowship HSHPS / CDC Fellowship Program http://www.student internshipprogram .com/programs2.h tml Internship HSHPS / NIOSH Internship Program http://www.student internshipprogram .com/programs3.h tml see details in the application packet: http://www.studentinternshipprogram.com/application.pdf http://www.student internshipprogram .com/programs4.h tml HSHPS / NIOSH Fellowship Program http://www.student internshipprogram .com/programs5.h tml 4 other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name CDC OMH (Office of Minority Health): Hispanic Health Program: HSHPS (Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools) Traineeship HSHPS/JDC Latino Diabetes Initiative Program CDC OMWH (Office of Minority and Women's Health) Minority Health Professions Foundation Fellowship Ferguson Fellowship Program CDC PHPS (Public Health PHPS Program Prevention Service) Training & Field (post-graduate Office of Work Force Assignment program) and Career Development CDC EIS (Epidemic Intelligence Service), Training OWCD (Office of Work and Career Development) Financial Application Deadline Duration Comments URL other URL other URL http://www.student internshipprogram .com/programs6.h tml For more information or to request an application, contact the Minority Health Professions Foundation at 404-756-8931, or go to their website http://www.minorityhealth.org. Students must pay the roundtrip transportation to Atlanta and their living expenses Epidemiology during the Elective Program elective. for Senior Medical However, travel and Veterinary and living Students expenses related to field investigations away from Atlanta are paid by CDC. http://www.cdc.go v/ncidod/omwh/fer guson.htm January (letter of 1 yr training MPH graduates with 2-3 years of and 2 yr field public health-related work intent), April experience assignm. (application) http://www.cdc.go v/epo/dapht/dapht /PHPS/agency.ht m For students entering September–Dec ember: application must be postmarked by March 30 of the applicant’s 6-8 weeks junior year. For students entering January–June: application must be postmarked by May 30 of the applicant’s junior year. http://www.cdc.go v/eis/applyeis/elec tive.htm 5 http://www.c dc.gov/eis/ Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency CDC CDC Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name Financial $50,000 $86,000 / year, EIS Program (postdepending upon graduate program) qualifications and experience. EIS (Epidemic Intelligence Service), OWCD (Office of Work and Career Development) EIS (Epidemic Conference Intelligence Service) Scholarship CDC Training CDC National Center for Environmental Training Health, Division of Environmental Health Services EIS Conference Scholarships $800 each Application Deadline September: please contact Dr. Joann M. 2 years Lindenmayer, joann.lindenmay er@tufts.edu 4 days in April March Comments CDC will pay all allowable and approved costs October associated with participation in the institute. 6 1 year URL two-year, post-graduate program of http://www.cdc.go service and on-the-job training for v/eis/applyeis/appl health professionals interested in the yeis.htm practice of epidemiology other URL other URL http://www.c dc.gov/eis/ http://view.exactta rget.com/?j=fe4c1 57974630c747d1c &m=fef716767262 07&ls=fdf0117973 Up to 8 scholarships will be awarded 67047b73167570 http://www.ei http://www.c to partially subsidize participation in &l=fec21c737163 salumni.org/ dc.gov/eis/ the conference. 057b&s=fded1572 716d0279771279 72&jb=ffcf14&ju=f e26167276670d7 47d1071 Applied and Laboratory Research Epidemiology Health Communication Leadership Policy Research and Development Prevention Effectiveness Public Health Informatics Public Health Prevention Practice Public Health Training Public Health Management Training Public Health Law Public Health Training Opportunities CDC Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute (EPHLI) Projects Duration http://www.cdc.go v/phtrain/ http://www.cdc.go v/nceh/ehs/ephli/ Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency CDC Office, Institute, etc. Type CDC's Office of Workforce and Career Development Course and Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University Held in conjunction with the National CSTE (Council of State Association of State Annual and Territorial and Territorial Public Conference Epidemiologists) Health Veterinarians meeting Program Name Epidemiology in Action Course Financial Application Deadline Early-Bird: April, 5 days in Pre-Conference: June May DHHS (Department of Health & Human Services) Training First year GS-9, Emerging Leaders second year GSin the fall Program (ELP) 11, postgrad GS12 DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) Fellowship DHS Graduate Fellowship Programs Course Courses Conducted in Emergency Management Institute (EMI) DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), EMI (Emergency Management Institute) Course Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) Fellowship: $2,300/month for 12 months Comments January Opportunity to learn about current issues and policy development in veterinary medicine/public health Begins annually on the last Monday in July. Duration: 2 years Up to 3 years 7 http://www.cste.or g/dnn/AnnualConf erence/CSTEAnn ualConferenceHo mepage/tabid/122 /Default.aspx http://www.hhs.go v/careers/elp.html #9 4th yr DVM students who will begin a http://www.orau.g postgraduate course of study leading ov/dhsed/index.ht to a PhD degree ml Courses in: Integrated Emergency Management Professional Development Master Trainer Program Mitigation Branch, Readiness Disaster Operations and Recovery For Summer courses (AprilSept.): applic. deadline is NovDec. For Winter courses (OctMarch): applic. deadline is MayJune. URL http://www.cdc.go v/mmwr/preview/ mmwrhtml/mm570 8a7.htm?s_cid=m m5708a7_e 1or 2 weeks, February, April, May Tuition is charged Public Health Epidemiology: Adapting to a Changing World Duration http://www.training .fema.gov/EMIWe b/EMICourses/EM ICourse.asp http://training.fem a.gov/EMICourses / other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) MEMA (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency) / FEMA (Federal Emergency Course Management Agency) / EOPSS (Executive Office of Public Safety and Security) Basic Public Information Officers (PIO) Course DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), EMI (Emergency Management Institute) Course Advanced Public Information Officers Course (APIO) DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), EMI (Emergency Management Institute) DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), EMI (Emergency Management Institute) FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration) Financial Application Deadline Duration This course is conducted by the States. Contact your State Emergency Management Agency to find out when and where the course will be offered. Comments Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Donald Boyce Director 400 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01702 -5399 Ph: (508) 820-2000 Fax: (508) 820-2030 URL www.state.ma.us/ mema 4 days Basic PIO Course at the State level is a prerequisite http://www.training .fema.gov/EMIWe b/EMICourses/E3 88.asp Course Advanced Public Information Officers Course: Health Departments & Hospitals 4 days No prerequisite http://training.fem a.gov/emiweb/gra ms/2005/655.asp Course Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference 4 days in June http://www.training .fema.gov/emiweb /edu/ 10 weeks beginning in May-June http://www.fda.gov /AboutFDA/Worki ngatFDA/Fellowsh ipInternshipGradu ateFacultyProgra ms/VeterinaryMed icineStudentIntern ships/default.htm Internship Veterinary Medicine Student Internships students do get paid 1st week of February 8 other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration) Office, Institute, etc. Coordinated by the Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine's Clerkship Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine (CPCVM) Goldman Philantropic Partnerships Harvard Medical School Type NEPRC (New England Primate Research Center), Divisions of Comparative Pathology and Primate Medicine Program Name Financial "student volunteer", no stipend. CVM FDA Veterinary can help you Clerkship Program locate appropriate housing Application Deadline No deadline, applications are accepted continuously. Scholarship Charles E. Culpeper Scholarship in Medical Science Summer Training Program Summer $13.00 per hour, Veterinary Training based on a 35- February hour week Program Duration 3-6 weeks anytime during the year Comments URL other URL The clerkship program, coordinated by the Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine’s Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine, is designed to give 4th year veterinary students interested in public health medicine an opportunity to experience veterinary regulatory medicine in a real world setting. Students will explore various aspects of CVM’s day-to-day workload and policy issues under the careful guidance of CVM mentors, who will ensure that the students derive the most out of their educational experience. Depending on their interests, students may participate in various activities ranging from attending drug development meetings between CVM and corporate drug sponsors to participating in upper-level management discussions on public health policy issues such as antimicrobial resistance and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. http://www.fda.gov /downloads/Anima lVeterinary/Resou rcesforYou/Animal HealthLiteracy/UC M128044.pdf http://www.fd a.gov/Animal Veterinary/d efault.htm Not accepting applications at this time . Not selecting Scholars for 2009. 9 3 months Funding is provided by the Comparative Medicine Program of the National Center for Research Resources, a component of NIH. http://www.goldm anpartnerships.or g/Culpeper/Culpe per%20Medical% 20Scholars%20In fo.htm http://www.hms.ha rvard.edu/nerprc/s ummer_prog.html other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name Hill's Pet Nutrition Sponsored by Hill's Pet Nutrition of Topeka, Kansas and coordinated by the Award AAVMC (Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges) The Hill's Public Health Award MDPH (Mass. Dept. of Public Health) Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, Division of Epidemiology and Immunization Local Public Health Summer Internship Program MDPH (Mass. Dept. of Public Health) Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, Division of Epidemiology and Immunization -Epidemiology Program Internship Student internship Scholars Programs Application Deadline Duration Comments 1st award: $2,000 / 2nd award: $1,500 / March 3rd award: $1,000 URL other URL http://www.aavmc. org/students_admi ssions/scholarship s.htm min. 140 Placement in local health hours, ~15 departments hrs/week, June-August March Variety of activities related to surveillance, prevention and control of foodborne illness Work with the Foodborne Illness (FBI) Team National and Canadian Research Opportunities for Veterinary Students Merck-Merial (Merck Company Foundation, Merck Research Laboratories, Merial) and participating universities Financial Dana Cole, MPH, Phone: (617) 9836800, Fax: (617) 983-4305, dana.cole@state. ma.us Dana Cole, MPH, Phone: (617) 9836800, Fax: (617) 983-4305, dana.cole@state. ma.us Several opportunities (for details see URL) http://cvm.msu.e du/research/sum mer-researchprogram-1/merckmerial-veterinaryscholars See 21 opportunities below http://cvm.msu.ed u/research/summ er-researchprogram-1/merckmerial-veterinaryscholars/merckmerial-veterinaryscholars-researchprograms Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Programs, Summer Research 10 http://www.m erckmerialsc holars.com/p rograms.html other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name Financial Scholar Program Merck-Merial Veterinary Stipend of Scholars $4,250 Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Colorado State University Scholar Program Merck-Merial Veterinary Stipend of Scholars $4,250 Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Cornell University Scholar Program Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Auburn University Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Scholar Iowa State University Program Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Kansas State University Scholar Program Merck-Merial $2,000 per Veterinary month for 3 Scholars months Programs, Summer Research Scholar Program Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Programs, Summer Research Merck-Merial and Louisiana State University February February Honorarium of $4,500 + free inDecember residence housing Merck-Merial Veterinary Stipend: Scholars amount? Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Application Deadline Stipend of $5,000 and $400 for supplies and operating expenses Duration Comments URL 10 weeks May-July http://www.vetmed .auburn.edu/index .pl/summer_resea rch_fellowship2 11 weeks May-August http://www.cvmbs. colostate.edu/Mer ckMerialSummerRe searchProgram/ June August http://web.vet.corn ell.edu/public/rese arch/leadership/ February May - Aug http://www.vetmed .iastate.edu/resea rch/summerschola rs/default.asp February May - Aug http://www.vet.ksu .edu/research/vet. scholar/index.htm February May - Aug http://www.vetmed .lsu.edu/Summer_ Scholars_Progra m.htm 11 other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Merck Company Foundation Office, Institute, etc. Merck-Merial and Michigan State University Type Program Name Financial Scholar Program Merck-Merial Veterinary stipend of Scholars $5,193 Programs, Summer Research Scholar Program Minimum stipend of $5,193 for the entire program. Merck-Merial All non-MSU Veterinary February students are Scholars provided a Programs, Summer Research minimum of $1,200 for living expenses ($400 per month). Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Mississippi State University Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial, the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Foundation Fund for Discovery, the Center Scholar Program for Comparative Molecular Medicine, and the Office of Associate Dean for Research @ NCSU. Merck-Merial $4,250.00, plus Veterinary 8.58% social Scholars security benefit Programs, Summer Research Merck-Merial and Oregon State University Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Application Deadline Scholar Program February February $5,100 plus $1,000 for use in completing the February project (for reagents, assays, etc.) 12 Duration Comments URL 12 weeks, May-August http://cvm.msu.ed u/research/summ er-researchprogram-1/merckmerial-veterinaryscholars-summerresearch-program 12 weeks starting in May http://www.cvm.m sstate.edu/researc h/sre/index.html 10 weeks, May - July http://www.cvm.nc su.edu/research/s ummer_internship /summer%20inter %20program.html JuneSeptember http://oregonstate. edu/vetmed/camel id/mm_intro.htm other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Scholar Program Program Name Financial Application Deadline Duration Comments URL Merck-Merial Veterinary Stipend of Scholars $5,100 Programs, Summer Research February 12 weeks http://www.vet.pur due.edu/Summer ScholarsProgram/ ANNCMEMO2007.pdf January 12 weeks (May - Aug.) http://www.cvm.ta mu.edu/resgrad/s sr/ February Summer, 3 months http://www.vetmed .ucdavis.edu/rese arch/Funding/mer ck.cfm http://www.vetmed .ufl.edu/education/ dvm/summerrese arch.html Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Purdue University Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Texas A & M Scholar University, Texas Program Veterinary Medical Foundation, and NIH Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and University of California, Davis Merck-Merial Veterinary At least $6,000 Scholars Programs, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck, Merial, University of Florida, Scholar U.F. Marine Mammal Program Program, and USDA formula funds Merck-Merial Veterinary Stipend of Scholars $4,250 Programs, Summer Research February 10 weeks, May - Aug. Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Scholar University of Georgia Program Merck-Merial Veterinary $400 weekly Scholars Programs, Summer Research January May - July http://www.veterin aryscholar.org/ Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial, The National Institute of Health National Center for Research Scholar Resources and The Program University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Merck-Merial Veterinary Stipend of Scholars $5,100 Programs, Summer Research February May - August http://www.cvm.ui uc.edu/czr/summe rtraining.html Scholar Program ?? 13 other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name Financial Application Deadline Stipend: for out of state student February 10-week program: $5000 Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and Scholar University of Missouri Program Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Program, Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and University of Minnesota Merck-Merial Stipend of Veterinary Scholars Program, $4,250 Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial, University of Pennsylvania, Office of the Dean, the four Scholar Departmental Chairs, Program the Marie Lowe Cancer Center, and NIH Stipend of Merck-Merial $5,500 and up Veterinary to an additional January Scholars Program, $500 for Summer Research relocation costs Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial and University of Saskatchewan Merck-Merial $425/week, total Veterinary January Scholars Program, $6800 (USD) Summer Research Merck Company Foundation Merck-Merial Merck-Merial and University of Wisconsin Scholar Program Scholar Program Scholar Program Merck-Merial Veterinary Scholars Program, Summer Research Internship Merck Merial Veterinary Summer Internship $4,500 ? February February February 14 Duration Comments URL other URL The program schedule is flexible with a 10 week minimum requirement http://www.cvm.mi ssouri.edu/vrs/ 10 to 12 weeks, ending in August http://www.cvm.u mn.edu/researchp rog/summerschola rs/home.html June-August http://www.vet.upe nn.edu/Research/ ResearchTraining Opportunities/NIH MerckMerialVeteri naryScholarsProg ram/tabid/339/Def ault.aspx 16 weeks http://www.usask. ca/wcvm/research /undergrad/about. php ? old link: http://www.v etmed.wisc.e indirect link: du/data/Fello http://www.vetmed wship-info.wisc.edu/home SVMwebpage-1106.htm 10-12 weeks http://www.merck merialscholars.co m/DVM_Intern_JD 1.pdf other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. MMS (Massachusetts Medical Society) and Alliance Charitable Foundation Grant Morehouse College Public Health Science Institute (PHSI), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Morehouse College Public Health Sciences Institute (PHSI) The National Academies Multiple Agencies Type Program Name International Health Studies Grant Program Financial $750 Internship, Fellowship Duration Comments No updated information found for 2008. September Various opportunities approximately $3,000 Internship Project IMHOTEP Graduate Fellowship Program The Christine Mirzayan Science Stipend of & Technology $5,300 Policy Graduate Fellowship Program Coordinated by the Virginia Maryland Regional College of Clerkships and Veterinary Medicine's Externships Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine (CPCVM) Application Deadline CPCVM Clerkships / Externships URL other URL http://www.massm ed.org/Content/Na vigationMenu4/Gr antCenter/Internat ional_Healt.htm http://www.moreh ouse.edu/centers/ phsi/internships.ht ml January Undergraduates students and recent graduates interested in pursuing May-August careers in public health with a particular focus on occupational health and safety. http://www.moreh ouse.edu:16080/c enters/phsi/imhote p/IMHOTEPFlyer2008.pdf November 1 for the January program, March 1 for the June program, and June 1 for the September program 10 weeks http://www7.nation alacademies.org/p olicyfellows/ • APHIS Externships • Biomedical/Veterinary Research (NIH, USDA ARS) • Corporate Food Animal Production • Epidemiology (CDC, USDA APHIS, Virginia Dpt of Hlth) • Federal Regulatory (FDA, USDA FSIS, USDA APHIS VS, USDA APHIS VS NCAHEM) • Humane Societies/Rescue Leagues http://www.v http://www.vetmed • Industry etmed.vt.edu .vt.edu/org/md/cpc • International (Pan American Health Organization) /org/md/cpcv vm/clerkships.asp • Laboratory Animal Medicine (Johns Hopkins, NIH, Univ of Texas, Univ of Maryland, m/ USDA ARS) • Professional Associations (AVMA) • Special/Self-Initiated • State Veterinarian and Diagnostic Laboratories • US Navy Marine Mammal Program • Zoological Medicine 15 other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Nestle Purina NEW AID Foundation (Novel Enterprises for the World's Abandoned Infectious Diseases) NIH Office, Institute, etc. Type Fellowship Program Name Nestle Purina Veterinary Student ? Summer Research Fellowships Application Deadline Fogarty International Clinical Research Scholars Program Duration Comments username: purinavets password: nutrition March Funding for original research comes in two forms: Masters January Grants of up to $4,000 and Travel Grants of up to $750. (Summer) Fellowship Sponsored by the NIH's Fogarty International Center (FIC) in partnership with the NIH Office of the Director, NIH National Cancer Institute, NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH National Institute of Mental Health, NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Fellowship NIH National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH Office of AIDS Research. Financial early December 16 URL other URL http://www.purinav ets.com/students/ StudentResearch Fellowships.aspx Epidemiologic infectious disease research in developing countries. 10-12 weeks Non-HIV project topics are encouraged. Past recipients have (summer), proposals for conducted research related to http://newaid.org/ tuberculosis, malaria, dengue fever, longer projects are trypanosomiasis, filariasis, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, welcome leptospirosis and enteric pathogens, among others. 1 year Open to 3rd year MD and DVM students and requires to take a year off between 3rd and 4th year. The program is administered by Vanderbilt University, the http://www.fo www.aamc.org/ov Association of American Medical gartyscholar erseasfellowship Colleges (AAMC), and the s.org/ Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Contact: fic-fellowship@aamc.org with questions. other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name Financial Application Deadline NIH Research Training Opportunities at the NIH - Student Programs NIH Summer Internship Program (SIP) in Biomedical Research Monthly stipend based on education level March and experience. Housing not provided. Annual stipend of $30,200. Housing provided, relocation expenses reimbursed Internship NIH Training NIH Elective Program This program no Clinical / Research longer offers a Electives Program housing or travel subsidy. NIH HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) Comments See 6 opportunities below Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) NIH Duration Housing not provided. Stipends are adjusted yearly. http://www.traini ng.nih.gov/stipe nds.asp#app2 Begin midMay / end of Most summer positions are in June. Min. 8 research laboratories weeks, 40 hours/wk. URL http://www.traini ng.nih.gov/stude nt/ http://www.training .nih.gov/student/si p/ January 1 year Medical or dental students only. If veterinary students are interested in http://www.cc.nih. that opportunity please contact Dr. gov/training/crtp/cr Joann Lindenmayer, tp.html joann.lindenmayer@tufts.edu No deadline, applications are accepted continuously. 4 or 8 wks, begin on the 1st Monday of each month Medical or dental students only. If veterinary students are interested in that opportunity please contact Dr. Joann Lindenmayer, joann.lindenmayer@tufts.edu http://www.cc.nih. gov/training/stude nts/clinical_electiv es.html 1 year Medical students only. If veterinary students are interested in that opportunity please contact Dr. Joann Lindenmayer, joann.lindenmayer@tufts.edu http://www.training .nih.gov/student/P reIRTA/previewinteri m.asp No deadline, applications are accepted continuously. Apply 3-6 months prior to the date on which you want to start. Training Year-Off Training Program for Graduate or Medical Students Scholar Program Howard Hughes Medical Institute Annual (HHMI) / NIH compensation of January Research $27,000 Scholars Program 17 Students in good standing at U.S. medical, dental, and veterinary 9-12 months schools are eligible to apply to the program. http://www.hhmi.or g/cloister/ other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency NIH Office, Institute, etc. Type Office of Intramural Training Training and Education Program Name The Graduate Partnerships Program (GPP) NIH NIH T32 Training Grants for Veterinary Training Grants Students in Animal-Oriented HypothesisBased Research NIH Training Grant Basic Research Immersion Training Experience (BRITE) - an NIH T-32 Training Program for Veterinary Students in Hypothesis-Based Biomedical Research Training Grant NIH T-32 Training Grant in Hypothesis-Based Biomedical Research for Veterinary Students Training Grant NCRR 12-Month Research Training Program: Hypothesis Driven Research NIH NIH Kansas State University Michigan State University TCSVM Financial Application Deadline Stipend will be based upon the amount of December for fall education and admission training completed Duration ? Comments For individuals wishing to pursue a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences See 5 opportunities below start in August April The start time and application deadline for this program is flexible for applicants outside of Michigan State University March 1 year 18 URL other URL other URL http://gpp.nih.gov/ http://cvm.m http://www. su.edu/rese ncrr.nih.gov arch/summe http://old.cvm.ms /comparativ r-researchu.edu/ORG/rgs/N e_medicine/ programIHT322007.htm resource_di 1/nih-t-32rectory/train traininging.asp grant http://www.vet.ksu .edu/depts/ap/brit e/index.htm http://cvm.msu.ed u/research/summ er-researchprogram-1/nih-t32-training-grant http://www.tufts.ed u/vet/researchtrai ning/year.html Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency NIH NIH Office, Institute, etc. University of California Davis University of Wisconsin-Madison Financial Application Deadline Training Grant YEAR Program (Yearlong Exposure to Advanced Research) February Training Grant NIH T32 Training Grant for Veterinary Stipend of Students in Animal$20,000 Oriented Hypothesis-Based Research April Research Trainings NIH NIH Program Name Kansas State University Louisiana State University Research Training Research Training NIH T35 Summer Research Training for Veterinary Students NIH T35 Summer Research Training for Veterinary Students NIH T35 Summer Research Training for Veterinary Students Duration 1 year Comments URL other URL http://www.vetmed .ucdavis.edu/rese arch/Funding/YEA R/year.cfm http://www.vetmed .wisc.edu/researc h/training.php NIH T32 Research Training Grants Training Grants for PostGraduate Veterinarians NIH NIH Type February summer stipend $5,000, $400 for supplies and February operating expenses, $500 supplement to aid in relocation 19 15 participating institutions http://www.n crr.nih.gov/c omparative_ medicine/res ource_direct ory/training.a sp See 12 opportunities below http://www. ncrr.nih.gov http://old.cvm.ms /comparativ u.edu/ORG/rgs/T e_medicine/ 35programs.htm resource_di rectory/train ing.asp May - August n/a 12 weeks http://www.vetmed .lsu.edu/Summer_ Scholars_Progra m.htm other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency NIH NIH NIH NIH NIH NIH Office, Institute, etc. Michigan State University Mississippi State University Oklahoma State University Type Research Training Research Training Research Training Texas A & M University Research Training TCSVM Research Training University of California Davis Research Training Program Name Financial NIH T35 Summer Research Training stipend of for Veterinary $5,193 Students Application Deadline NIH T35 Summer Research Training for Veterinary amount? Students URL other URL 12 weeks, starting May 12 weeks http://www.c http://www.cvm.m vm.msstate. sstate.edu/researc edu/research h/sre/index.html /index.html February May-August http://www.cvhs.o kstate.edu/index.p hp?option=com_c ontent&task=secti on&id=45&Itemid= 467 January 12 weeks http://www.cvm.ta mu.edu/resgrad/s sr/ January NIH T35 Summer Current stipend Research Training is $5,193 spread for Veterinary January over the Students summer months NIH T35 Summer Research Training stipend of for Veterinary $5,500 Students Comments http://cvm.msu.ed u/research/summ er-researchprogram-1/nih-t35-training-grant Minimum stipend of $5,193 for the NIH T35 Summer entire program. Research Training All non-MSU February students are for Veterinary provided a Students minimum of $1,200 for living expenses ($400 per month). NIH T35 Summer Research Training for Veterinary Students Duration February 20 June, July & August 12 weeks, JuneSeptember Students are required to submit a proposal beforehand and a final report at the end of the summer. They are required to present at Research Day. http://www.tufts.ed u/vet/researchtrai ning/summer.html http://www.vetmed .ucdavis.edu/rese arch/Funding/star/ star.cfm other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency NIH NIH NIH Office, Institute, etc. University of Illinois University of Pennsylvania Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Type Research Training Program Name Financial NIH T35 Summer Research Training stipend of for Veterinary $5,100 Students Application Deadline February Duration Comments URL http://www.cvm.ui uc.edu/czr/summe rtraining.html May - August Research Training Stipend of NIH T35 Summer $5,500. Research Training Additional $500 January for Veterinary for non-Penn Students students for relocation. http://www.vet.upe nn.edu/research/p rograms/nihmerck / Research Training Stipend paid in 6 installments. Additional NIH T35 Summer $1,500 to Research Training students from for Veterinary other vet scholl Students to cover additional housing expenses. http://www.vetmed .vt.edu/research/s vsrp/index.asp NIH Washington State University Research Training NIH The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Fellowships Cancer Research (NCI CCR) February NIH T35 Summer Research Training Stipend of for Veterinary $5,994 Students NIH Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research ? 3 months February 21 8-10 wks or more, May until August. other URL Non-WSU Students: Summer Research Positions for Ethnic Minority Veterinary Students http://www.vetmed .wsu.edu/Student Research/Resear chScholars.aspx http://ccr.nci.nih.g ov/resources/traini ng/summer_stude nts/ http://www.v etmed.wsu.e du/StudentR esearch/NC RR%20flyer_ 2008.pdf other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency NIMBioS (National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis) Office, Institute, etc. NIMBioS is a synthesis institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department Summer of Homeland research Security, and the U.S. Department of opportunity Agriculture, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. PAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support ) Pfizer Tufts University Type TCSVM Program Name Research Experiences for Veterinary Students Externships, Internships Veterinary Externship / Public Health Externship Internships Pfizer Global Research & Development (PGRD) Summer Internship Program Scholarship Financial Application Deadline $3500 Stipend. Housing and March travel allowance are provided. 8 weeks June-July Options may vary ? The Henry L. Foster, D.V.M. $15,000 Scholars Program Duration Positions for summer internships are posted to the website in JanuaryFebruary March. Contact Barbara Berman's office for details 22 Comments URL The hope is that veterinary students interested in public health will apply http://www.nimbio for this opportunity, but this is not s.org/education/re limited just to veterinary students v.html with a public health interest. In San Francisco. Students in their 3rd and 4th years preferred. http://www.pawssf .org/jobs.html Available at the following locations: Groton or New London, CT / 12 to 16 Research Technology Center weeks (May Cambridge, MA / La Jolla, CA / August) Rinat - South San Francisco, CA / New York, NY / St. Louis, MO http://www.pfizerrd grad.com/home.p hp?id=internship To recognize Tufts Veterinary students who have distinguished themselves through their academic achievement, leadership and/or interest in lab animal medicine or biomedical research. The candidates will be current 2nd and 3rd year students ranked in the top 10% of their class, and/OR students with a clear commitment to lab animal medicine or biomedical science as demonstrated by enrollment in one of the TCSVM joint degree programs in those fields or comparable educational or laboratory experience. http://www.tufts.ed u/vet/vet_common /pdf/scholarships/f oster_scholarship _2008.pdf other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. Type Program Name Financial Tufts University, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service A student can apply for up to $1000 in funding. Tufts student Tisch Civic Engagement Fund organizations or groups can apply for up to $2000 in funding. USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Service) Summer Employment Student and Summer Employment Opportunities USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Service) Doctoral Program The Agricultural Research Service Veterinary Doctoral Program USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) Tufts University USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) Application Deadline Duration Application deadlines are October and November. Please contact Dr. Joann M. Lindenmayer, joann.lindenmay er@tufts.edu Comments URL other URL This funding opportunity furthers the Tisch College mission by providing http://activecitizen financial support to students .tufts.edu/?pid=20 independently engaged in active &c=15 citizenship work. Student Educational Employment http://www.ar Program / Student Temporary http://www.ars.usd s.usda.gov./ Employment Program (STEP) / a.gov/careers/doc careers/docs Student Career Experience Program s.htm?docid=1438 .htm?docid= (SCEP) 1345 Once students have received their Program still exists, based upon the need for Ph.D. they must agree to work for DVM/PHD candidates in the various ARS areas. ARS. Fellowships & Internships http://www.fsis.u sda.gov/Careers/ Fellowships_&_I nternships/index. asp See 3 opportunities below 1 year service agreement required salary range: $54,272 to $70,558 Fellowships Food Safety Fellows Program Employment Program Hourly rate according to the VSEP (Veterinary Civil Service General Student October Schedule (GS) Employment pay chart, which Program) is approximately $17.13. 23 minimum 6 weeks No URL. Contact: Mary Weber at 301-504-1397 Studies associated with food safety and public health. http://www.fsis.us da.gov/Careers/F ood_Safety_Fello ws/index.asp http://www.fsis.us da.gov/careers/Ve terinary_Student_ Employment_Prog ram/index.asp other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) & Agreement with Cornell USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) & Agreement with Cornell USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) & Agreement with Cornell USDA APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) USDA APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) Type Volunteer Program Program Name Financial Application Deadline Duration Comments Minimum 1 week during any school Providing training to veterinary and break graduate students with an interest in (summer, food safety and public health. winter, senior year blocks etc.). This is a volunteer program and VSP (Volunteer student will not Student Program) be eligible for any salary or benefits. URL http://www.fsis.us da.gov/Careers/V olunteer_Student_ Program/index.as p Job Public Health Veterinarian http://www.fsis.us da.gov/careers/Ve terinary_Medical_ Officer_Positions/i ndex.asp Job Veterinary Opportunities http://www.fsis.us da.gov/careers/vet erinary_opportunit ies/index.asp VS Recruitment Activities: Career Opportunities, Student Opportunities (Summer Internships), Externships/Internships Careers Program Veterinary Services Careers Program (VSCP) ― ― 24 ― other URL http://www.fs is.usda.gov/c areers/How_ to_Apply_V MO/index.as p http://www.aphis .usda.gov/about_ aphis/programs_ offices/veterinary _services/recruit. shtml http://www.aphis.u sda.gov/about_ap his/programs_offic es/veterinary_serv ices/vscp.shtml http://www.a phis.usda.go v/animal_he alth/prof_dev elopment/vs cp.shtml other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency Office, Institute, etc. USDA APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) USDA APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) USDA USDA-APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) USDA USDA Type Scholarship Saul T. Wilson, Jr., Scholarship Program in Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Externship APHIS Externship Opportunities Internships Summer Internships APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) Program Name Financial Smith-Kilborne Program Duration Comments URL Possibility of conversion, without further competition, to a permanent appointment with the agency. Upon graduation the student must become a full-time agency employee for at least 1 calendar year for each school year that the student was covered by the Wilson scholarship. http://www.aphis.u sda.gov/publicatio ns/animal_health/ content/printable_ version/saultwilso n.pdf February Linda A. Detwiler, DVM College of Veterinary Medicine Mississippi State University 732-580-9391 ldetwiler@belle-terre.com http://www.c http://www.c http://www.cvm.m vm.msstate. vm.msstate. sstate.edu/usdaex edu/usdaext edu/usdaext tern/opportunities. ern/externshi ern/index.ht html ps08_09.pdf ml February Linda A. Detwiler, DVM College of Veterinary Medicine Mississippi State University 732-580-9391 ldetwiler@belle-terre.com http://www.cvm.m sstate.edu/usdaex tern/summer_inter nships.pdf February Up to 4 students will be given the opportunity to attend select VS training courses. Robert Dickens DVM, MA Training Specialist, USDA, APHIS, VS Professional Development Staff 930 Main Campus Dr, Ste 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 Phone: (919) 855-7171 Cell: (919) 524-0763 Robert.c.dickens@aphis.usda.gov http://www.a phis.usda.go v/animal_he http://www.cvm.m alth/prof_dev sstate.edu/usdaex elopment/do tern/training_cour wnloads/cata se.pdf log2009/pds_ca talog.pdf January. Please contact Dr. Joann M. 9 days in May-June Lindenmayer, joann.lindenmay er@tufts.edu The Smith-Kilborne Program is designed to acquaint 2nd year veterinary students with various foreign animal diseases which potentially threaten our domestic animal population. The program is conducted at 2 locations: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Plum Island, NY. http://www.aphis.u sda.gov/animal_h ealth/prof_develop ment/smith_kilbor ne.shtml up to $10,000/year for graduate studies. Paid employment March during summers and school breaks as a veterinary Student Trainee Training Opportunities Course and Training Application Deadline APHIS will pay all programrelated expenses (travel to and from the program, meals, lodging, and tuition). 25 other URL other URL Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency USDA USDA USDA Office, Institute, etc. USDA-APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) USDA-APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) USDA-APHIS-VS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services) Type Program Name Financial All travel expenses will be paid, however February there is no salary. Assistantship Foreign Animal Disease Experience at Plum Island, NY Internship Paid at a Federal GS-3 step 1 level, roughly $10.31 NEW Internship in hourly. Travel, Emergency housing and Management other non-workexpenses are NOT reimbursed. Course Application Deadline Duration 2 weeks in June Flexible on applications 2-4 weeks deadlines and internship dates Agriculture Emergency Response Training (AgERT) 5-6 days in June November 26 Comments URL Looking for 2 veterinary students to assist with a Foreign Animal Disease School at Plum Island, NY. The students will be assigned to work with APHIS veterinarians and technicians before and during the course. Although the students will be assisting and not attending the course as a participant, this is a tremendous opportunity to learn about a number of foreign animal diseases. Linda A. Detwiler, DVM College of Veterinary Medicine Mississippi State University 732-580-9391 ldetwiler@belle-terre.com http://www.cvm.m sstate.edu/usdaex tern/announce_Pl umIsland.pdf other URL For information on other Not yet posted to USDA any website. internships: Eligible: currently enrolled DVM Please use Dr. http://www.u students, students of Public Health, Jeanie Lin as the sda.gov/wps/ and pre-veterinary college students. point of contact: portal/!ut/p/_ jeanie.lin@aphis.u s.7_0_A/7_0 sda.gov _1OB?navid =INTERN_S CHOLAR Agriculture Emergency Response Training - AgERT is an all-hazards, agriculture-oriented emergency response course http://www.a phis.usda.go http://www.aphis.u v/animal_he sda.gov/animal_h alth/prof_dev ealth/prof_develop elopment/do ment/ wnloads/age rt_applicatio n.pdf other URL For information on Emergency Management at APHIS: http://www.a phis.usda.go v/emergency _response/ Opportunities for DVM-MPH Students Awarding Agency USDA Winrock International Office, Institute, etc. Type Office of Human Internship Capital Management Program Name Financial Based upon the amount of education and training Summer Internship completed. Program (SIP) Transportation and housing subsidies may be provided. Application Deadline The deadline is listed on each vacancy announcement Duration ? Comments For veterinary students: click on "Marketing and Regulatory Programs" URL http://www.usda.g ov/da/employ/200 8SIPIntro.htm http://www.winroc k.org/index.asp Miscellanous 27 other URL other URL