March 3, 2011 Campus Community ______________________________________

March 3, 2011
Campus Community
Jeffrey A. Sine, Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees
Winter 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting
The American University Board of Trustees held its winter 2011 board meeting on Thursday,
February 24, and Friday, February 25, on the AU campus. After a yearlong assessment, and
based on results reported earlier, the board voted to offer President Neil Kerwin a five-year
contract renewal. The board assessment focused in particular on Dr. Kerwin’s effective
leadership and integrity, and the momentum of AU during his tenure.
By vote of the board, I will become chair and Patrick Butler will be vice chair of the AU
board, effective for the next meeting in May. The board also passed a resolution to honor
Gary Abramson with appointment as chair emeritus and thanked him for his commitment,
dedication, and service as chair from 2005 to 2011.
In other board business, President Kerwin reported that the close of spring semester will
conclude the first two years of the strategic plan. He highlighted a number of achievements
from the previous two years and commented on some of the objectives for the next two
years—specifically, to consolidate the gains achieved and focus on a smaller number of
priorities going forward. A full account of the progress is scheduled for the September
meeting of the board.
The university budget for FY 2012 and 2013 was reviewed and approved. It included a
tuition increase of 3.8 percent for FY12 and a similar increase for FY13, respectively, with
financial aid increasing commensurate with the tuition increases. In this budget, some $60
million will be invested in strategic objectives over the next two years.
Marc Duber, chair of the Real Estate Subcommittee, reviewed the progress on projects in
the proposed 2011 Campus Plan, including the Nebraska Hall addition, Mary Graydon
Center addition, East Campus residence halls and academic-administrative buildings, and a
new law school facility at the Tenley Campus. The board passed a resolution authorizing the
Vice President of Finance and Treasurer Don Myers to seek funding for the plan priorities.
The board passed a resolution to award the title of dean emeritus to Louis Goodman in
appreciation for his service as the School of International Service dean. The board also
passed a resolution to honor retiring registrar Linda Bolden-Pitcher in appreciation for more
than 30 years of service.
Academic Affairs Committee chair Bishop John Schol reported that the first half of the
university’s faculty manual was approved, and work on the second half is nearing
completion. The document will require board review and approval. Further, in conjunction
with the provost, the deans, and the faculty, the committee will be reviewing the criteria for
promotion and tenure to ensure that faculty scholarship and external support for research
are consistent with the goals set for academic excellence in the strategic plan. Bishop Schol
also reported on the strong retention rates for the 2010 first-year class.
Alumni Affairs and Development Committee chair Patrick Butler reported on the increased
number of alumni donors from the previous year and on preliminary planning for future
fund-raising initiatives.
Campus Life Committee chair Pamela Deese reported on the forecast for fall 2011 student
housing and that we again will seek remedy via tripling and off-campus leases. The
committee also discussed policies and protocols related to sexual assault and discriminatory
Athletics Committee chair Jack Cassell reported on the success of AU’s winter sports,
including the potential for postseason tournament play by both men’s and women’s
basketball, and wrestling is ranked eighth nationally. The average grade point average for all
AU athletes is 3.325.
On behalf of the Communications Committee, Neal Sharma reported on the developments
of AU’s integrated branding effort, “KNOW/WONK.”
Professor James Girard was nominated to a two-year term as the university’s faculty trustee,
and Chazmon Gates of the Washington College of Law was nominated to a one-year term as
the student trustee. Both will begin their terms after the May board meeting.
The next meeting of the board is Thursday, May 12, and Friday, May 13.