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CfE Implementation e-bulletin
May 2015
Welcome to the CfE Implementation e-bulletin.
The start of the exam diet marks the
culmination of not just months, but often many
years of work for Scottish learners. On behalf
of the CfE Implementation group, I would like
to wish everyone the very best of luck and pay
tribute to all the hard work and effort that has
gone into getting to this stage.
That includes the hard work of young people themselves, the hard work of the
teachers who have sought to ensure learners succeed through curricular
change, and the hard work of parents and carers who have provided essential
support at home. All should be proud of their work both for the National
Qualifications and beyond.
Bill Maxwell
Chair of the CfE Implementation Group
*This message was first published on the Educaton Scotland website on Monday
27th April.
3-18 Literacy and English report published
Education Scotland has published the latest in a series of Curriculum Reviews
which are designed to build up a comprehensive picture of how children and
young people are experiencing learning in different areas of the 3-18 curriculum
across the country.
This report focuses on Literacy and English and draws on a wide range of
evidence including focused visits to educational establishments and inspection
findings. It identifies a number of strengths and demonstrates that many
children and young people are benefitting from positive experiences in literacy
and English. It also identifies a need to prioritise raising attainment in literacy
across all sectors to drive up standards, reduce inequity and close the
attainment gap.
Numeracy – Number and number processes
This professional learning resource provides guidance and advice to help inform
learning and teaching practices in line with the main objectives of the Scottish
Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN). It aims to share with practitioners,
children’s and young people’s performance in number and number processes.
The resource aims to help you to use these findings to:
reflect on your own practice in developing and promoting numeracy
consider how to enhance children’s and young people’s numeracy skills,
to support their learning across the curriculum
plan how to develop your practice to incorporate some new concepts
and ideas,
share views on numeracy across learning.
Visit the Education Scotland website today.
Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy
Scotland’s Chief Statistician has now published literacy results of the 2014
Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN). The SSLN is an annual
survey which monitors national performance in literacy and numeracy in
alternate years at P4, P7 and S2. This is the second set of literacy results from
the SSLN. The full report is available here.
To coincide with the publication of the report, Education Scotland has refreshed
the Professional Learning Resources to support teachers in developing the
literacy skills of their pupils. These support materials, which include ready to
use professional workshops that can be used by individuals or groups of
practitioners, are available on the Education Scotland website.
Parentzone Scotland – Supporting Study
With this year’s exams, including for the first time the new Highers, fast
approaching Parentzone Scotland has a supporting study section providing
parents with advice on how to support their child to prepare for exams,
including managing their time, getting organised, studying and keeping well.
You can find out more in Parentzone.
Leadership of Curriculum for Excellence Secondary Events 2015
Materials from a very successful series of events for secondary school leaders,
which took place in January and February, are now available on the Education
Scotland website. Hosted in association with Scottish Government, ADES, SLS
and SQA, these events saw headteachers and depute headteachers from every
secondary school in Scotland attend.
The events provided us with an opportunity to hear the views of school leaders,
and these views will help ensure the support we offer in the next year meets
the needs and priorities of schools. Feedback from delegates was extremely
positive. Why not have a look at some of the materials from the day and use
them as appropriate with colleagues in your school?
Access to Education Fund – phase 2 funding now open
Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s Access to Education Fund is now open
with £1.5m of funding available to schools to apply to help support learners
from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve attainment. Phase 2 of the funding
opened yesterday and schools can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to help with
projects to reduce barriers to learning for children and young people.
Applications are invited from schools or clusters of schools across Scotland, with
only one application to be submitted by an individual school or cluster.
Education Scotland will manage the application process, which closes at
midnight on 21st June 2015. Decisions on the outcome of applications will be
made by the end of September 2015. Find out more on the Education Scotland
Advanced Higher Unit assessment support package 3
SQA has published its third package of Unit assessment support for Units in the
new Advanced Higher Courses, marking a significant milestone in the
development programme for the new National Qualifications. Unit assessment
support packs are available from SQA's secure website. All Advanced Higher
Unit assessment support packs are valid from August 2015. They must be
stored securely and treated as confidential.
Launch event for new stand-alone Statistics Unit
On 4 June 2015, SQA will host a launch event at the University of Strathclyde
for the new stand-alone Statistics Unit at SCQF level 6.
The new Unit focuses on interpreting statistical data, rather than calculating
data, so mathematical content is minimal. It aims to develop learners’
knowledge and understanding of key statistical concepts and equip them with
statistical literacy skills that they can use in their everyday lives – both
personally and in the workplace.
The event will provide guidance on delivery and assessment and will give
delegates the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops and
discussions. It is targeted at principal teachers, faculty heads, and
course/subject leaders, whose centres intend to deliver the new Statistics Unit
when it becomes available in August 2015. More information can be found at
the SQA website.
'In a Nutshell' resources
The National Parent Forum of Scotland has produced 'Revision in a Nutshell'
guides for the New Highers (20 subjects) and updated revision guides for National
5s (20 subjects). These revision guides contain direct links to SQA specimen
question papers, exemplar question papers plus past question papers, where
appropriate. The leaflets provide direct links to SQA materials by subject in one
place, as well some additional revision resources.
In addition to the revision guides, there are also guides to the new CfE Highers
and National 5s. The National 5 resources have been updated for this current
academic year. The guides provide a clear, concise overview by subject and are
available to download from the website. Hard copies can be obtained by
contacting the NPFS office via email or by calling 0131 313 8841.
SLF 2015 Programme set to launch
SLF is the key education event in Scotland welcoming thousands of educational
professionals. SLF 2015 takes place on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24
September in the SECC, Glasgow. The programme for this years SLF is due to
launch before the end of May.
The theme of this year’s event focuses on raising achievement and attainment
for all by maximising educational outcomes through:
Local partnerships and collaboration – to share approaches that lead to
better outcomes
Self-evaluation – to ensure creative and innovative approaches to
sustained improvement
Work-related learning – to improve transitions into sustainable
productive employment
Visit the SLF website to find out more.
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