Business Unit The Business Unit is not a chartfield, but rather a 5-character alphanumeric code that represents transactions specific to an organization. The Business Unit acts as an identifier allowing all the transactions to occupy the same Ledger. Business Unit is a required field on all transactions. Values: UCSF has the following business units: Business Unit Description Current Status SFCMP Campus Active SFMED Medical Center Active SFFDN Foundation Active SFFPO Faculty Practice Organization Active SFLPH Langley Porter Hospital and Clinics Active SFBCP BayChildren's Physicians Active SFACN Bay Area Accountable Care Network Active SFBAY BayHealth, LLC Active SFHEA UCSF Health Active SFCF1 Campus Facilities Improvement Association1 Active SFCHF Children's Hospital Foundation Inactive - data maintained outside of PeopleSoft SFCHO Children's Hospital Oakland Inactive - data maintained outside of PeopleSoft SFELM Eliminations Business Unit Dormant Revised 8/7/2015 General Accounting Page 1 of 3 Business Unit The following business units are included as part of UCSF Health in the “Doing Business with UCSF Health”Guide. UCSF Health and “Doing Business with UCSF Health” Medical Center (SFMED) Faculty Practice Organization (SFFPO) Langley Porter Hospital and Clinics (SFLPH) Transactions between UCSF Health and the Campus (SFCMP) use special paired accounts which are outlined in the “Doing Business with UCSF Health” Reference Guide. The following business units are used by the Central UCSF Health’s office only: Used by Central UCSF Health only SFHEA SFBAY SFACN The UCSF Health (SFHEA) business unit is used to capture transactions that benefit multiple UCSF Health entities. Allocations will then occur out of the UCSF Health business unit and into the entities it supports using various calculations (% of expenses, % of revenues, level of effort, etc.). BayHealth (SFBAY) is a for-profit corporation that is a joint venture with John Muir with 50% UCSF ownership that will be used to build an infrastructure for integration, referrals and future joint initiatives. The Bay Area Accountable Care Network (SFACN) is a for-profit joint venture with John Muir with 50% UCSF ownership that is a full-risk insurance plan that will have enrollees that pay premiums. The SFFDN business unit is used by the UCSF Foundation only: Used by UCSF Foundation only SFFDN The Campus Facilities Improvement Association (SFCF1) business unit is used by the Central Controller’s office only. Used by Central Controller’s office only SFCF1 SFCF1 is a legally separate, non-profit public benefit corporation established in 2008 for charitable and educational purposes, including facilitating the development, financing, construction and management of buildings and facilities. The Regents have the authority to approve the budget for CFIA. CFIA provides services almost entirely for the benefit of the Regents on behalf of UCSF. Page 2 of 3 General Accounting Revised 8/7/2015 Business Unit Used by Central UCSF Medical Center only SFBCP BayChildren’s Physicians (SFBCP) is a legally separate non-profit pediatric medical foundation. It was established in 2006 and has been jointly operated by UCSF Medical Center and Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland since October 2013. BayChildren’s Physicians is a pediatric multi-specialty physician foundation and associated clinically integrated physician network. Used by Central UCSF Medical Center only SFFPO The UCSF Faculty Practice facilitates the delivery of health care services in a quality, cost-effective, coordinated and patient-friendly manner. The business unit provides a unified structure for clinical departments to participate in contracts with third party payers for clinical services and facilitates contracting jointly. UCSF Faculty Practice facilitates UCSF's ability to maintain its academic and clinical programs in support of the faculty and medical school. Page 3 of 3 General Accounting Revised 8/7/2015