Launch of the UCL Judicial Institute UCL JUDICIAL INSTITUTE



Launch of the

UCL Judicial Institute

UCL Judicial Institute


Professor Dame Hazel Genn, Dean of UCL Faculty of Laws

Professor Cheryl Thomas, Professor of Judicial Studies, UCL Laws

Advisory Board

Lord Justice Carnwath, Senior President of Tribunals

Sir John Dyson, Justice of the United Kingdom Supreme Court

Antoine Garapon, Secretary-General, Institut des Haute Etudes sur la Justice

Lord Justice Goldring, Senior Presiding Judge of England and Wales

Lady Hale, Justice of the United Kingdom Supreme Court

Lord Justice Jackson, Court of Appeal

Alexandra Marks, Partner Linklaters, Recorder

Professor Judith Resnik, Arthur Liman Professor of Law, Yale University

The UCL Judicial Institute

Launch of the UCL Judicial Institute

with an expert panel debate on

The Future of Judging


The Rt Hon the Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Master of the Rolls

Professor Richard Susskind OBE, IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice

Professor Dame Hazel Genn, Dean UCL Laws Faculty & Co-Director UCL Judicial Institute

Professor Cheryl Thomas, Professor of Judicial Studies & Co-Director UCL Judicial Institute

Chaired by

Joshua Rozenberg, Presenter of BBC’s Law in Action


Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010



The Rt Hon the Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Master of the Rolls

The Rt. Hon. Lord Neuberger of

Abbotsbury (in the county of Dorset) was appointed as Master of the Rolls with effect from 1st October 2009.

The Master of the Rolls is the Head of

Civil Justice and the second most senior judicial post in England and Wales, after the Lord Chief Justice. Lord Neuberger was born on 10 January 1948, and educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford

University. After working at NM Rothschild & Sons 1970-

73, he was called to the Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) in 1974. He was made a Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn in 1993. He was appointed

Queen’s Counsel in 1987, and his first judicial appointment was as a Recorder, between 1990 and 1996. In 1996 he was appointed as a High Court Judge in the Chancery Division. He was the Supervisory Chancery Judge for the Midland, Wales and Chester and Western Circuits for 2000-04. In January

2004 he was appointed as a Lord Justice of Appeal. In January

2007 he was appointed as a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary (a

‘Law Lord’) and given a life peerage. Lord Neuberger led an investigation for the Bar Council into widening access to the barrister profession. He also served on the panel on fair access to the professions led by Alan Milburn. Since 1999 he has been Chairman of the Advisory Committee on the Spoliation of Art (in the Holocaust), and since 2003 he has been Chairman of the Schizophrenia Trust. He has been a governor of the

University of the Arts London since 2000. Lord Neuberger is married with two sons and one daughter.

Professor Richard Susskind OBE

Professor Richard Susskind OBE is an author, speaker, and independent adviser to law firms, general counsel, judges, and governments. His main area of expertise is the future of legal services.

His numerous books include The Future of Law (Oxford, 1996), Transforming the

Law (Oxford, 2000), and the worldwide legal bestseller, The End of Lawyers ?

(Oxford, 2008). He is a regular contributor to The Times , has been invited to lecture in over 40 countries, and has addressed legal audiences (in person and electronically), numbering more than 200,000. Richard is Honorary and Emeritus Law

Professor at Gresham College, London; Visiting Professor in Internet Studies at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford

University; and IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice. He was

The UCL Judicial Institute

IT consultant to Lord Woolf in his Access to Justice Inquiry, to Sir Jefferey Bowman in his Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

Review, to Sir Robin Auld in his Criminal Courts Review, and to Sir Andrew Leggatt in his “Review of Tribunals”. From 2003 until 2008, Richard was Chair of the UK’s Advisory Panel on

Public Sector Information (a non-departmental public body set up by the Cabinet Office in 2003, and now part of the Ministry of Justice). A Scots lawyer by background, Richard holds a doctorate in law from Balliol College, Oxford, and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and of the Royal Society of

Edinburgh. He was awarded an OBE in 2000 for services to IT in the Law and to the Administration of Justice.

Professor Dame Hazel Genn DBE, QC (Hon)

Dame Hazel Genn is Dean of Laws and Professor of Socio-Legal Studies in the Faculty of Laws at University

College London, where she is also an Honorary Fellow. Since April 2006 she has been a Commissioner of the

Judicial Appointments Commission and was a member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life 2003-7.

She has worked with the Judicial

Studies Board for over 15 years. She is a leading authority on civil justice and dispute resolution and has published widely in the field. In 2008 she delivered the Hamlyn Lectures on the subject of civil justice (published by Cambridge University

Press in November 2009 entitled Judging Civil Justice ). Her research has focused on public use of the legal system, dispute resolution and judicial decision-making. Her original studies have had a major influence on policy-makers around the world and she is regularly invited to lecture and provide advice abroad. In recognition of her work on civil justice, she was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2000 and appointed DBE in 2006. In 2006 she was also appointed

Queen’s Counsel Honoris Causa and in 2008 was elected an

Honorary Master of the Bench of Gray’s Inn.

Professor Cheryl Thomas

Cheryl Thomas is Professor of Judicial

Studies and Director of the UCL

Jury Project in the Faculty of Laws at University College London. Her appointment in 2010 as Professor of

Judicial Studies is the first chair in judicial studies in the United Kingdom. She has served as a specialist consultant on judicial affairs to the Lord Chancellor’s

Advisory Panel on Judicial Diversity, Her Majesty’s Crown

Prosecution Service Inspectorate, the European Commission,

Judicial Studies Board, Council of Europe, Lord Chancellor,



Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010

French government, and former Commission for Judicial

Appointments. Her research has focused on juries, judicial decision-making, the role of diversity in the justice system, and the appointment and training of judges. She is the country’s leading expert on juries and she has pioneered the study of jury decision-making in the criminal courts this country. Her studies, Are Juries Fair?

(2010) and Diversity and Fairness in the Jury System (2007), tackle sensitive and controversial issues about jury decision-making and have laid to rest many longstanding myths about juries. As well as an academic, she is also a documentary filmmaker and has produced programmes for the BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Discovery and PBS.

Chair: Joshua Rozenberg

Joshua Rozenberg is Britain’s bestknown commentator on the law. He was the BBC’s legal correspondent for

15 years before moving in 2000 to

The Daily Telegraph , where he edited the paper’s legal coverage until the end of 2008. He writes also for the

London Evening Standard and the Law

Society’s Gazette . Joshua is known for his independence, his authority and his ability to explain complicated legal issues with simplicity, clarity and wit. Because he trained as a lawyer before becoming a journalist, he is well respected by lawyers and the judiciary and is often the first port of call for broadcasters faced with a breaking legal story.

Joshua launched the popular BBC series Law in Action as its first presenter. He has a particular interest in constitutional reform, dating back to his time as producer of The Week in

Westminster on Radio 4. Freedom of expression is another of his interests, his most recent book being Privacy and the

Press (OUP, 2004, updated 2005). Earlier books include Trial of

Strength, which examined the tensions between ministers and judges under the last Conservative Government, The Search for Justice , an anatomy of the law in the mid-1990s and The

Case for the Crown , which charted the launch of the Crown

Prosecution Service. After taking a law degree at Oxford he trained as a solicitor, qualifying in 1976. He holds an honorary doctorate in law from the University of Hertfordshire and is an

Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn.

The UCL Judicial Institute

UCL Judicial Institute

In recognition of the critical significance of the judiciary, the UCL Faculty of Laws has established the country’s first and only centre of excellence in research, teaching, policy engagement and scholarship on the judiciary.

The Institute’s Programme includes:


The Judicial Institute research programme is designed to provide robust empirical evidence about the judicial process.

Major current Judicial Institute research projects include:

• Tribunal Decision-Making : Consistency and Diversity

• UCL Jury Project: Ensuring Fairness and Effectiveness

• Future Justice: Changing Role of Judges and Courts in the 21st Century

Menu for Justice: Developing a European-wide

Curriculum in Judicial Studies

• Civil Justice Reform: Evaluating the Effectiveness of New



The Judicial Institute is committed to assisting the development of judicial policies through empirical research and by providing a high-level forum for policy discussions between judges, academics and policy-makers.

• Seminar Series: Science and Social Science in the

Courtroom :

Seminars designed to provide understanding of cutting edge work in social and physical sciences having a direct impact on judicial decision-making.

• Policy Briefings:

Bringing together leading experts and members of the judiciary from the UK and abroad for high-level discussions about key issues of concern to the judiciary under the Chatham House Rule.


Virtual Justice and the Future Courtroom Programme

Drawing on existing infrastructure in the UCL Laws Faculty, including the Moot Courtroom and new high tech facilities, the Judicial Institute is establishing a programme exploring the impact of the use of technology and virtual courtroom procedures on the justice system.



Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010


The Judicial Institute is pioneering educational programmes at all levels to increase understanding of the judiciary.

• Degree Teaching:

Innovative LLM teaching about and with judges, and

Europe’s first Executive Masters Degree in Judicial Studies

• Professional Development Courses :

Educating practitioners about the judiciary and judicial functions.

• Reaching the Next Generation:

Law Without Walls: world-wide university initiative between UCL, US and China using innovative approaches to legal learning and problem solving

Pathways to Law: inspiring young university applicants from under-represented groups to pursue a legal career

• Europe:

Menu for Justice : The Judicial Institute is the UK representative on this European Commission programme to map current teaching about the judiciary in Europe with the aim of developing a European-wide curriculum in

Judicial Studies

Publishing & Scholarship

• New Book Series in Judicial Studies

• Judicial Papers Archive

• Judicial Sabbaticals

Judicial Clerkships

• Opportunity for judges at all levels to draw on the skills of outstanding UCL Laws graduates through


The UCL Judicial Institute

Inaugural Members of the UCL Judicial Institute


Professor Dame Hazel Genn (Dean UCL Faculty of Laws and Professor of Socio-Legal Studies)

Professor Cheryl Thomas (Professor of Judicial Studies and Director of the UCL Jury Project, UCL Faculty of Laws)

UCL Members

Dr. Nigel Balmer (UCL Laws, Centre for Empirical Legal Studies)

Dr. Geoff Bird (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience)

Dr. Basak Cali (UCL Department of Political Science, School of Public Policy)

Dr. Roxanna Ferllini (UCL Institute of Archaeology)

Dr. David Lagnado (UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences)

Dr. Ruth Morgan (UCL Security and Crime Science, Director of the Centre for Forensic Sciences)

Professor Pascoe Pleasence (UCL Laws, Director of the Centre for Empirical Legal Studies)

Visiting Fellows

Professor Dennis Curtis (Yale University School of Law)

Dr. Harold Epinuese (World Bank, Counsel for Justice Reform and Deputy Director, Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice)

Professor Carlo Guarnieri (Department of Political Science, University of Bologna)

Professor Daniela Piana (Department of Political Science, University of Bologna)



Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010

UCL Judicial Institute 2010-11 Schedule of Events

26-27 November Pitbladeo Lectures: Winnepeg, Canada

Keynote Speaker: Professor Dame Hazel Genn

Mediation, Arbitration and Civil Justice

19 January Judicial Institute Seminar and Book Launch

Representing Justice: Invention, Controversy and Rights in City-States and

Democratic Courtrooms (Yale University Press)

Professor Judith Resnik & Professor Dennis Curtis, Yale University

5-6 March

10 March

Understanding Judging: Roles, Skills and Challenges

Intensive Weekend Course for Practitioners

Accredited with SRA and BSB (12 CPD points)

Increasing Diversity Bursaries available (see course description)

23 March

25-26 March

UCL Lunch Hour Lecture

Sex, Drugs, the Internet and Juries

Professor Cheryl Thomas, Director of the UCL Jury Project and Co-Director of the UCL Judicial Institute

Judicial Institute Seminar and Book Launch

Judicial Accountabilities in New Europe: From Rule of Law to Quality of Justice (Palgrave Macmillan Press)

Professor Daniela Piana, University of Bologna

European Commission Menu for Justice Annual Meeting

Legal & Judicial Training in European Law: Challenges & Innovations from Across Europe

The UCL Judicial Institute


14 April

18-20 April



Future Justice Programme Seminar

Do We Need a Judicial College in Britain? Experiences and Observations from Home and Abroad

Higher Courts Judges Conference: High Court of New Zealand

Professor Dame Hazel Genn

Civil Justice Reforms in England and Wales

Justice in the Round Conference : Hamilton, New Zealand

Keynote Speaker: Professor Dame Hazel Genn

Judicial Determination and Dispute Resolution

The Value of Judicial Papers

Inaugurating the Judicial Papers Archive at UCL

Sir Henry Brooke (tbc)

Inaugural Lecture

Professor Cheryl Thomas

Professor of Judicial Studies, UCL Faculty of Laws



Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010

Understanding Judging: Roles, Skills and Challenges

New Professional Development Course for Practitioners

5-6 March 2011 (first course)

Innovative New CPD Course for Legal Practitioners

Considering Applying for a Judicial Post

This course offers the opportunity for lawyers in practice to gain a greater understanding of the range of judicial roles, the generic judicial skills and qualities needed to be a judge, the key differences between being in legal practice and being a judge, and the potential ethical challenges practitioners face when moving from practice into a judicial post.

The course will cover:

• Organisation of the Judiciary

• Role of the Judge: What type of judicial role is right for me? Am I ready to be a judge?

• Workload of Judges

• Applying for Judicial Appointment: Myth and Reality

• Judicial Skills and Competences

• Judicial Ethics: Crossing the Divide

• Future of Judging

Topics will be taught using a variety of different learning approaches

• Advance readings

• Podcasts by judges

• Hands-on decision-making sessions: covering all aspects of decision-making, ethical issues

• All hands-on sessions facilitated by experienced judicial trainers

• Short introductory presentations by experienced judges

Increasing Diversity Bursaries

25% of all places on this course will be funded by bursaries.

For further information, please contact the UCL Judicial


The UCL Judicial Institute

UCL Executive Masters Degree in Judicial Studies

Beginning September 2012

A Unique Executive Masters

This is the first programme in Judicial Studies to be offered in

Europe, and reflects the growing recognition of the key role of the judiciary in both domestic and European policy. This degree is not a series of training courses for judges (this is done by national bodies), nor is it a degree in jurisprudence or legal theory. It is a programme of study about the key role of the judiciary in society, which is an established academic discipline based on a significant and growing body of empirical research. Judicial Studies explores the role of the judiciary as an institution as well as the role of the individual judge within the legal, social and political spheres of society. It involves the study of the judicial decision-making process, the administration of courts, the impact of transnational judicial systems and differing approaches to judicial independence and accountability. It is taught by leading judicial scholars in conjunction with prominent judges, lawyers and judicial policy makers who are able to bring a wealth of practical knowledge to the degree course.

The Programme:

This Executive Masters programme is uniquely designed for those who require a flexible programme they can integrate into their working life, and is aimed at: judges, judicial and legal policy-makers, as well as lawyers and academics from any jurisdictions. The programme brings the participants together once a month over the course of 9 months for several days of intensive work. This is a UCL Laws degree, but with the added benefit of being taught in association with the French Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice (IHEJ) and the University of Bologna. This means the teaching faculty is drawn not just from the leading academic experts working at the cutting edge of judicial studies, but also from senior judges and judicial policy experts across Europe. Monthly meetings alternate between London and Paris, with a weeklong session in Italy. The topics are tailored to issues where there is specific expertise in each of the 3 locations and draw on local/regional specialists. The course is taught in English.

For further information, please contact the UCL Judicial




Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010


The Rt Hon Lady Justice Arden

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Carnwath

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Etherton

The Rt Hon Lady Justice Hallett

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Jackson

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Jacob

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Kay

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Sedley

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Sullivan

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Thomas

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Toulson

The Hon Mr Justice Arnold

The Hon Mr Justice Browne QC

The Hon Mr Justice Cranston

The Hon Mrs Justice Dobbs

The Hon Mr Justice Maddison

The Hon Mr Justice Owen

Teshale Aberra

Temi Abiodun

Sue Adams

Mike Ainsworth

Dami Ajayi

Brioni Allcorn

Orkhan Amashov

Vladimir Ambruz

Jane Andrews

James Anoom

Anthony Ansell

Daniel Appleby

William Arnold

Zofia Aszendorf

Helen Baker

Prof. John Baldwin

Nigel Balmer

Unkha Banda

Jenny Barker

Penelope Barrett

Philip Bartle

Janet Bazley QC

Prof. John Bell

Jeremy Bennett

Jodi Berg

Geoff Bird

Duncan Birtwell

John Blackburne



Ministry of Justice


Brunel University

Judicial Studies Board



Judicial Appointments Commission

Cabinet Office



Corporate Services UK Supreme Court


Birmingham University

UCL Faculty of Laws

University of Essex

Peters & Peters Solicitors LLP

Criminal Cases Review Commission

Littleton Chambers

1 Garden Court, Temple

Cambridge University

Regional Tribunal Judge

ICR Office


Murrays Partnership solicitors

Tribunals Service

HHJ Jeff Blackett Judge Advocate General

Michael Blackwell

David Bleiman

LSE, Methodology Institute

Indpt Adjudicator & Mediator

Margaret Bowron QC

Dr. Julia Brophy

Richard Bruce

Alexy Buck

1 Crown Office Row

Univesity of Oxford

Legal Services Board

Louise Campbell Brown 1 Essex Court

Kenneth Choo UCL

Ella Cockbain

Godfrey Cole

Alexander Cooke

Jeremy Cooper


Tribunals Service


Sally Cowlam

Sarah Crane

Deborah Crewe

Colin Croly

Nicholas Cropp

HHJ Keith Cutler

Nadav Dagan

Thomas Dance

Megan Darby

Prof. Penny Darbyshire

Marc Davies

Prof. Ian Dennis

Nick Dent

Christine Dixon

Todor Dotchev

Ministry of Justice

UCL Alumnus

7 Bedford Row Chambers

Winchester Crown Court



Judicial Appointments Commission

Kingston University

UCL Faculty of Laws

Hodge Allen & Jones LLP



The UCL Judicial Institute

Catriona Duncan

Steven Durno

David Edneey

Charles Elston

Benjamin Elton

Rebecca Endean

Afolabi Euba

Peter Farr

John Fassenfelt


Law Society



Judicial Appointments Commission

Ministry of Justice

Chambers of Afolabi Euba

Roxana Ferllini

Peter Fidler

Dame Elizabeth Filkin

Prof. John Flood

Bryan Fok

Gerald Forlin QC

Judicial Office for England & Wales

Magistrates’ Association


Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge UK LLP

University of Westminster


UCL Alumnus

Richard Foster

Leueen Fox

Natasha Foy

Matthew Frankland

Prof. Michael Freeman

Criminal Cases Review Commission

Tribunals Service

Bar Council

Byrne and Partners LLP

UCL Faculty of Laws

Ian Freer




Antoine Garapon

Yvette Genn

Dorothy Genn

Fiona E Georgiadi

John Gibbons

Elizabeth Gibbs



Judicial Studies Board

Bar Council


Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010


Phil Golding

Ros Goodfellow

Cecilia Goodwin

Pauline Gray

Katherine Hardcastle

David Hargreaves

Rachel Harrison

Judicial Office for England & Wales


Murrays Partnership solicitors

Tribunal Service


Royal Courts of Justice


HHJ Richard Hawkins

Gillian Heathcote

Gary Hickinbottom

Cheuk Yiu Twiggy Ho

Mary Holmes

Gary Hopper

Kathleen Hunker

Yusuke Iwasaki

Martin Jones

Chifundo Kachale

Mary Kachale

Sadakat Kadri

Louise Kamill

Takehiko Kawabuchi

Paul Kennedy

Prof. Sir Ian Kennedy

Murrays Partnership solicitors

Queen Mary, University of London




Advice Services Alliance



Doughty Street Chambers


Japanese Embassy

FInancial Reporting Council

Independent Parliamentary


Kamil Khartabil Peters & Peters Solicitors LLP

Jacqueline Kinghan

HHJ Frances Kirkham

Ken Kirkwood

UCL Faculty of Laws

Judicial Appointments Commission

Regional Tribunal Judge

Lady Laddie

Dr. David Lagnado

Karl Laird

Shelley Lane

District Judge Langley

Kyela Leakey

Judith Lennard

Prof. John Lowry

Siqiong Lu

Zhengyou Lu

Mavis Maclean

Simon Madden

Helen Magee

Daisy Malaktos

Ewan Malcolm

Zaid Malik

Alexandra Marks

HHJ Robert Martin

Prof. Stephen Mayson

Victoria Mayson

Caoimhe McKearney

Karen Meager

Paul Mertens

Hester Miles

Gavin Mills

Andrew Mitchell

John Mitchell

Prof. Paul Mitchell


Queen Mary, University of London

Judge of the Upper Tribunal

Central London Civil Justice Centre

Queen Mary, University of London

Judicial Studies Board

UCL Faculty of Laws



Oxford University

Ministry of Justice



High Resolution



College of Law



Pump Court Chambers


33 Chancery Lane

Gee Street Courthouse

UCL Faculty of Laws

Cate Moore

Ruth Morgan

Joy Morning

Prof. Cheryl Morris

Manav Nair

Judicial Office for England & Wales


Sara Nathan

Baroness Julia Neuberger

Judicial Appointments Commission

Colin Nicholls

Tim Nissen

Rayshum Notay

Nichoas O’Brien

David Owen-Jones

Paris Paraskos

Noreen O’Meara

Prof. David Ormerod


UCL - JI Member

Judicial Appointments Commission

3 Raymond Buildings, Gray’s Inn



Parliamentary & Health Ombudsman

QMUL / University of Surrey

Law Commission

4 Breams Buildings

11 Grays Inn Square Chambers

Crispin Passmore

Nasreen Pearce

Prof. James Penner

David Perry QC

HHJ John Phillips

Maggy Piggott

Nigel Pleming QC

Francis Plowden

HHJ Isobel Plumstead

Sarah Polcz

David Pope

Baroness Usha Prashar

Christina Pride

Legal Services Board

Circuit Judge (retired)

UCL Faculty of Laws

6 Kings Bench Walk

Judicial Studies Board

39 Essex Street

Judicial Appointments Commission

Council of Circuit Judges


The UCL Judicial Institute

Jens Proemse UCL

Bernard Quoroll Administrative Justice and


Vathany Raveentheran

Nigel Reeder

Queen Mary, University of London

Judicial Appointments Commission

Prof. Genevra Richardson KIngs College London

Melanie Roseveare Roseveare Projects Limited

Jenny Rowe

Judith Rowe

Rachel Rushby

John Samuels QC

Helen Sarkany

Laura Sartoretto

Neil Saunders

Liza Scicluna

Priya Shah

Jetinder Shergill

Prof. Avrom Sherr

Judith Sidaway

Robert Simpson

Julia Smailes

Ewen Smith

Helen Snell

Marcus Soanes

Chief Exec UK Supreme Court

Murrays Partnership solicitors

Circuit Judge (retired)

Tribunals Services (retired)


3 Raymond Buildings

South West London Law Centres



Independent social researcher


Tribunals Service

Criminal Cases Review Commission

Murrays Partnership solicitors

City Law School, City University

Zena Soormally

John Sorabji

The Official Solicitor’s Office

Judicial Office for England & Wales

Geraldine Erica Spencer Crown Prosecution Service

Harriet Spicer Judicial Appointments Commission


Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010


HHJ Stephen Stewart QC

Tom Stoate

Paul Stockton

Tim Strouts

Prof. David Sugarman

Iain Sutherland

Angharad Sutton

Jeremy Tagg

Frankie Tam

Dominic Taylor

Federico Thea

Garden Court Chambers

Tribunals Judicial Office

Formerly Ministey of Justice

University of Lancaster

Times Law Report


Ministry of Justice


HHJ Simon Tonking

Edmund Townsend

Sophie Turenne

Kathleen Turner



Stafford Crown Court

Farrar’s Building

Judicial Studies Board

Karen Vanwaeyenbergh UCL

Thomas Varga UCL

Stuart Vernon

Sarah Walker

Russell Wallman

Prof. Albert Weale

Lisa Webley

Robert Whitehouse

Sally Williams

Sharon Witherspoon

Jim Wood

Stephen Wooler

Richard Wortley


The Law Society


University of Westminster

Rippon Patel & French LLP

Nuffield Foundation

Regional Tribunal Judge

Formerly CPSi


Ben Yallop

Shazia Yamin

Prof. Michael Zander

Judicial Officie for England & Wales

Hodge Jones & Allen LLP


Prof. Graham Zellick The Valuation Tribunal



The UCL Judicial Institute



Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010

The UCL Judicial Institute



Launch of the UCL JI - 16 November 2010

Contact us

The Judicial Institute

UCL Faculty of Laws

Tel. 020 7679 1404
