AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF hICHARD STANLEY AHO in Title: Fisheries for the degree of Master of Science presented on June 15, 1976 A POPULATION STUDY OF THE CUTTHROAT TROUT IN AN UNSHADED AND SHADED SECTION OF STR Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy Jame D. H A study of the coastal cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki clarki) was conducted in an unshaded and shaded section of a small stream in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that no differences existed between the trout popu- lations in the two stream sections. Periodic sampling and tagging were used to determine population levels, growth rates, and produc tion. Movement, diet, and prey-size selection were also investigated. The unshaded section provided better habitat for trout than the shaded section. Trout of the 1973 through 1971 year classes were approximately twice as numerous in the unshaded as the shaded area. Estimated biornass of all trout was 12. 2 gIn-i2 in the unshaded and 6. 2 g/m2 in the shaded section during October 1 973. Mean length by year class was greater for trout from the unshaded than from the shaded habitat. From April 1973 to April 1974, estimated production was 7. 5 g/rn2 in the unshaded and 2. 6 g/mn2 in the shaded section. Recapture of tagged trout indicated little movement. Ninety percent of trout observed 1 yr or longer after tagging were recaptured within 100 m of the tagging location. The higher level of trout production in the unshaded section was probably a result of a combination of factors including differences in diet, abundance of prey, and water temperature. The consumption of grazing insects and insects with several generations per year was greater for trout captured in the unshaded than the shaded area. A more productive food resource is indicated in the unshaded habitat by the greater abundance of multivoltine insects in the diet of trout from this area. In the unshaded section, emergence traps captured approximately twice the combined biomass of several insect groups that were important in the trout dieL Because of higher water tern- peratures, trout fry emerged earlier in the unshaded than the shaded section. Earlier emergence probably provided an initial growth advantage that was maintained throughout life of the trout. No consistent relationship was found between trout length and mean prey length. For sampled stomach contents of trout from the unshaded and shaded habitats, mean length of prey ranged from 1 to 7 mm. In laboratory streams, three sizes of trout normally selected the largest prey when allowed to choose from prey of three sizes. Large prey utilized in the laboratory streams were approximately three times longer than mean lengths of prey sampled from stomachs of trout from the natural stream. This observation suggests that few large prey were available to wild trout. A Population Study of the Cutthroat Trout in an Unshaded and Shaded Section of Stream by Richard Stanley Aho A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed June 15, 1976 Commencement June 1977 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy ociatp"Professor of Fisheries in charge of major Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented June 15, 1976 Typed by Opal Grossnicklaus for Richard Stan'ey Aho ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank many people who have assisted and provided encouragement throughout this project. Foremost is Dr. James D. Hall, my major professor, who had the original idea for this study. Dr. Hall also participated in collection of data, provided invaluable ideas during the analysis stage, and edited earlier drafts of this thesis. Dr. Norman H. Anderson of the Entomology Department provided space and equipment for the laboratory experiments. Dr. Anderson, Mr. Kerry Kerst, and Mr. Ed Grafius shared their knowledge of identification of aquatic insects. Encouragement was provided by Dr. James R. Sedell and the entire I. B. P. crew through their interest and participation in this study. Mr. Mike Passmore assisted during collection of field dat4, and his ideas and efforts are appreciated. Special thanks are deserved by Miss Gail Herlick whose cheerful manner of assistance often boosted my morale. The work reported in this thesis was supported by National Science Foundation grant no. GB-20963 to the Coniferous Forest Biome, Ecosystem Analysis Studies, International Biological Program. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION The Study Area MATERIALS AND METHODS Characteristics of the Study Sections Population Estimation and Tagging Mortality, Growth, and Production 1 3 6 6 6 Stomach Content Sampling 9 12 Prey Selection 14 RESULTS Characteristics of the Study Sections Population Size Mortality, Growth, and Production Movement Diet Prey Selection 17 17 19 24 28 32 37 DISCUSSION 40 LITERATURE CITED 50 APPENDICES LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Maps of the study area and location within the state of Oregon. 2. Population size and survivorship by year class from April 1973 to October 1974. 3. 5. 6. 8. 25 Terrestrial component by weight of the trout diet during 1973. 34 Functional group components by weight of the trout diet during 1973. 35 Combined contribution by weight of immature stages of Chironomidae and Baetis in the trout diet during 1973. 7. 20 Growth curves by year class from April 1973 to October 1974. 4. 4 36 Mean prey length and trout length for three dates during 1973. 38 Selection of three sizes of prey by trout during laboratory experiments. 39 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. Page Physical characteristics of the unshaded and shaded study sections during Septembe1973. 17 Methods used for best estimates of population size from April 1973 to October 1974. 23 Estimated biomass (g/m2) in the unshaded and shaded study sections during October 1973 and October 1974. 23 Annual instantaneous mortality (i) and annual mortality (a) rates by year class from October 1973 to October 1974. 24 Daily instantaneous growth rates of tagged and untagged trout during 1973. 27 Daily instantaneous growth rates of trout in the unshaded and shaded study sections during 1973. 27 Estimated production by year class in the unshaded and shaded study sections from April 1973 to April 1974. 29 8. Movement of trout from March to November 1973. 30 9. Movement of trout tagged for one or two winters before recapture during July and August 1974. 31 5. 6. 7. / LIST OF APPENDICES Page Appendix A B C D E F G H Tagging sites and numbers of trout tagged during 1972 and 1973. 55 Method employed to correct mark-and-recapture estimates. 56 Length frequency distributions for tiout captured in the unshaded and shaded study sections during 1973. 62 Evaluation of flushing method of stomach content sampling. 64 Volume of initial stomach contents remaining after increasing intervals of time. 65 Weekly mean water temperatures for the unshaded and shaded study sections during 1973. 66 Estimates and data for the removal method of estimation from April through October 1973 and for October 1974. 67 Comparison of weight prediction equations by method of Ostle (1963). 68 / I 1973. J K L 'I Weight prediction equations from data collected during 68 Length frequency distributions of trout in the unshaded and shaded study sections during the fall of 1972, 1973, and 1974. 69 Analysis of variance of daily instantaneous growth rates for tagged and untagged trout of the 1971 and 1971+ year classes. 71 Analysis of variance of daily ins tanLaneous growth rates for all trout except the 1973 year class from the unshaded and shaded study sections. 71 Page Appendix M Estimated production and calcul.ations for the unshaded and shaded study sections from April 1973 to April 1974. N 72 Percentage composition of the diet by year class during 1973. 74 A POPULATION STUDY OF THE CUTTHROAT TROUT IN AN UNSHADED AND SHADED SECTION OF STREAM INTRODUCTION The coastal cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki clarki) inhabits many streams draining small watersheds of western United States and Canada. Removal of the forest canopy from some of these watersheds has been shown to affect the physical characteristics of the stream habitat. Numerous studies have documented changes in water temper- ature, sedimentation, dissolved oxygen, and stream flow (Gibbons and Salo, 1973). Few studies have dealt with the effect of increased light intensity on the trout population. Light energy is fixed by algae and terrestrial vegetation bordering the stream. Algae and terres- trial detritus in the stream are consumed by aquatic insects, which in turn are food for trout. Removal of large shade trees from a section of an experimental stream resulted in three times as much light at the water surface and three-fifths as much detritus of terrestrial origin as compared to a shaded section (Warren et j. , 1964). Increased light for laboratory streams has been shown by Brockson et al. (1 968) to increase production of cutthroat trout. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that no differences existed in the trout populations in an unshaded and shaded section of Mack Creek, a small stream located in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Population size, growth rate, and production were estimated in each area, Data were also collected on movement and diet of the trout. This study was conducted within the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest and is one segment of interrelated stream research by the Coniferous Forest Biome of the International Biological Program. Concurrent studies on primary production, decomposition of terrestrial detritus, feeding of aquatic insects, and abundance of aquatic insects were also part of the research designed to determine the sources and fates of organic material for this stream (Sedell .! 1. , 1974). Some previous work with the cutthroat trout has been completed in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Wustenberg (1954) con ducted a preliminary survey of the influence of clearcut logging on several small streams. He documented alterations to the physical habitat as well as declines in aquatic insect and trout populations. Four years later, Wyatt (1 959) again found reduced trout populations in several of these streams. The major work by Wyatt was on life cycle of the trout, movement, and the role of tributaries as brood streams. Several other population studies have been conducted on cut- throat trout in Oregon. Lowry (1 966) estimated annual production in three forested streams located near the coast. For these streams work was also completed on diet (Lowry, 1 966) and movement 3 (Lowry, 1965). Nickelson (1974) calculated annual production for citthroat trout in a small experimental stream in the foothills of the Willamette Valley. The Study Area Mack Creek, located approximately 80 km east of Eugene, Oregon, begins at the 1400 m level on the west slope of the Cascades and drains an area of 8. 3 km2. The stream runs north for 4. 4 km into Lookout Creek, a tributary of the McKenzie River (Figure 1). The plant community is dominated by old-growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western Hemlock (Tsug, heterophylla). Annual precipitation of approximately 230 cm consists of rain and snow falling primarily during the months of October through April. Snow normally accumulates in the watershed during winter and remains at higher elevations until May or June. A study site was selected to include a section of shaded watershed and a downstream unshaded area. The unshaded section was the result of clearcut logging. Cutting had taken place in 1965, when 3. 5 ha of timber were removed by high-lead cable logging. Little vegetation remained along the stream and approximately 350 m of channel were exposed. After yarding, the stream was cleared of large debris and the area was burned. At the beginning of the study, 8 yr after logging, some vegetation had returned to the slopes and Lookout Creek 0.Skmi Stream ,Watershed boundary -.- Clearcut boundary - - Road F / I- / I / - L1 -4 100 m Study sectiOn -ijif Tagging site L Thermograph 0 Falls Mack (_ _\ / / \ \ / - _\_ / Figure 1. Maps of the study area and location within the state of OTegon, 5 there was no apparent abnormal siltation of the stream. No appreciable shading of the stream surface had developed in the area that had been cut. Some additional lagging has occurred within the Mack Creek watershed, although it did not affect the study area (Figure 1). The cutthroat trout is the only fish present in Mack Creek. Other vertebrates include the Pacific giant salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus) and the tailed frog (Ascaphus truei). On many occasions an avian predator, the dipper (Cinclus mexicanus), was observed feeding in the stream. MATERIALS AND METHODS Characteristics of the Study Sections Two 200..m lengths of one unshaded and one shaded, served as study sections. Each contained two large pools; the remainder was riffles, cascades, and small pools. The upper boundary of the unshaded section was approximately 240 m downstream from the lower boundary of the shaded section (Figure 1). Physical characteristics of the study sections were measured during September 1973, a period of low stream flow. Stream width, width of the water surface (excluding emergent boulders and large debris), and depth at 20-cm intervals were recorded along 30 transects for each section. Pools, subjectively classified as having smooth water surface, reduced velocity, and increased depth, were identified and their surface area calculated. Stream temperature was recorded from May through October 1973 with thermographs located near the low-:r ends of the study sections (Figure 1). Monthly estimates of streamfiow were obtained from June through October 1973 by the Embody equation (Lagler, 1956). Population Estimation and Tagging Population estimates were made in both the unshaded and shaded sections at approximately 2-mo intervals from March through October 1973. A final estimate was obtained during October 1974. Both removal and mark-and-recapture methods were used since neither was satisfactory for all sample dates. Fish were captured with a Type V fish shocker manufactured by Smith-Root Inc., Vancouver, Washington. Trout were tagged at seven locations (Figure 1) to determine movement and growth. Numbered pennant tags (Pyle, 1965) measuring 2. 4 by 4. 8 mm were affixed to nearly all trout greater than 75 mm fork length captured early in the study (Appendix A). Of the 849 trout tagged, 468 were in the unshaded and 352 in the shaded habitats. In addition, 29 trout were tagged below a falls near the confluence with Lookout Creek. The two-catch design was employed for the removal estimates and 95% confidence intervals calculated according to equations presented by Seber and Le Cren (1967). A second method for calculating confidence intervals, designed for small samples (Seber and Whale, 1970), was attempted, but abandoned since negative values for the variance of the estimates and for the upper limit of the intervals occa- sonally resulted, For the mark-and-recapture estimates, tagged trout that were observed during one sampling period and recaptured during the next were considered to be recaptures for the Bailey modification of the Peterson population estimation equation (Ricker, 1958, p. 84): E] M(C+l) R+l where N estimate ofpopulation size at time of marking, M number of marked fish, C number of fish examined for marks, and R number of recaptured marks. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were calculated from Ricker (1958, p. 84), All assumptions necessary for mark-and-recapture estimates as discussed by Ricker (1958, p. 86) were not met. Corrections were made to account for failure to meet these assumptions (Appendix B). Length frequency analysis allowed reasonable separation into age groups (Appendix C) and permitted estimates of population size for each year class. When the grouping interval was varied from 1 to 5 mm and when a time series of distributions was viewed as a unit, divisions between year classes could be identified. For the shaded section, division between the 1971 and 1972 year classes was obscured during October 1973. When the combined distributions were analyzed with probability paper (Harding, 1949), a bimodal curve resulted with the division located in the expected region. A similar division was assumed between the 1972 and 1973 year classes for the shaded section during October 1 974. Since small trout are difficult to capture with electrofishing gear (Fleener, 1951), an estimate of the number of fry emerging in each study section was made by direct enumeration. Fry in Mack Creek initially inhabit shallow backwater areas and are relatively easy to observe. During the last week of July 1973, approximately 2 wk following the onset of fry emergence, two observers carefully crawled along either bank and counted visible fry. All fry were not seen during this count. Some were observed darting from hiding locations under rocks and debris; occasionally fry were seen in the fast water, indicating that some fry had already moved from the back- water areas. These observations suggested that about half the fish in these shallow areas were visible at any one time, and the fry counts were doubled for a crude estimate of year class size. Although less accurate than estimates obtained with the fish shocker, this method seemed justifiable since no other data were available. Mortality, Growth, and Production Mortality was expressed as an instantaneous rate with the equation given by Ricker (1958, p. 24): to N IN = elt where Nt number at end of interval, 10 N0 i number at beginning of interval, annual instantaneous mortality rate, and t = time interval (1 for annual rate). The instantaneous rate is the ratio of the number of deaths during an interval to the average population size. In addition, annual mortality rate, a, was calculated as the fraction of the trout present at the beginning of the year that died during the year. Field measurements of trout length were more easily obtained than measurements of weight, so length data were customarily coilected and converted to weight with the length-wéight relationship (Ricker, 1958, p. 191): iog10W = log10 a + b (Iog10L) where W = weight in grams, L = length in millimeters, and a and b = constants to be estimated. This relationship is influenced by many factors, including habitat and season of year (Tesch, 1968). Length and weight measurements were made during July and October1973 in the unshaded and shaded study sections and during April 1 973 near Tagging Site 1, an unshaded site. 11 Growth was calculated as an instantaneous rate with the model presented by Ricker (1958, P. 31): w Lw t 0 where W = weight at end of interval, W = weight at beginning of interval, g= daily instantaneous growth rate, and t = days during interval. Since Osborn (1 968) found that rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) tagged with small pennant tags had a substantially lower rate of growth than untagged trout, growth rate was calculated for both tagged and untagged trout from Mack Creek. Production was estimated by the numerical model (Chapman, 1968, p. 183): P=gB where P = production, g instantaneous growth rate, and B = mean of initial and final biomass. Data required were obtained from lines or curves smoothed to estimates of the parameters. 12 Stomach Content Sampling A biweekly program of stomach content sampling was initiated in May and continued through October 1973. Single samples were obtained in March and April. On each date, 15 trout were sampled in both the unshaded and shaded habitats. Locations of capture were approximately 50 m downstream from the lower ends of the study sections. Although initial samples were collected during mid-morning, sampling was changed to afternoon since a greater volume of material was collected at this time. Trout were captured with the fish shocker, anesthesized, and stomach contents flushed by water pumped into the gut through a syringe inserted down the esophagus. Stomach contents were preserved in 95% ethanol and returned to the laboratory for analysis. Each sample was pooled by year class of trout and the wet-weight percentage composition of the diet calculated. Larvae and pupae of aquatic insects were sorted to genus or family level. Adult aquatic insects, terrestrial insects, and other prey were identified to order or other appropriate taxa. To show broad relationships, prey groups were classified as aquatic or terrestrial. In addition, the aquatic groups, excluding the adult aquatic insects, were combined according to their main feeding activity (personal communication, N. H. Anderson, Dept. of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon). The feeding or functional 13 groups (Cummins, 1974) were: 1) grazers, which feed on pen- phyton, 2) shredders, which consume large particulate detritus, 3) collectors, which ingest fine organic particles, and 4) predators, which prey on living insects. For three sampling dates, mean length of prey was calculated for a size range of trout. Because of small size, young-of-the-year trout were not inciuded in the routine stomach sampling program. Following emergence, seven or eight fry were captured biweekly and preserved for analysis. Fry were collected from a location 75 to 1 25 m downstream from the lower end of the unshaded study section. Experiments determined that flushing of stomach contents was effective and caused no apparent internal damage to trout. Twenty trout were captured near Tagging Site 1, and subjected to stomach flushing. The trout were preserved and later examined for remaining stomach contents. With one exception, 90 to 100% of intact prey items were flushed (Appendix D). For the largest trout, only 52% of prey greater than 4 mm total length were flushed. During the stomach sampling program, large trout were both flushed and sampled with alligator-eared forceps (Wales, 1962) to remove large prey. In a second experiment, 20 trout were captured in Lookout Creek and divided into two groups. Stomach contents of one group were flushed by the syringe method; the second served as a control. All trout were transported to a laboratory aquarium, fed, and observed for 30 days. 14 During this period, one trout died from the experimental group and two mortalities occurred from the control group. Prey Selection Laboratory experiments on prey-size selection were suggested after analysis of prey and predator size relationships for trout from the natural stream. Three recirculating streams, each measuring 0. 3 by 4. 3 m and similar to the experimental streams described by Warren and Davis (1971), were used for these experiments. Water was exchanged at approximately 1.5 1/mm and circulated by paddle wheel at 0. 1 rn/sec. Trout of a similar size, previously captured from Mack Creek, were stocked in each stream. Small trout measured 75 to 80mm, medium 120 to 125 mm, and large 170 to 195mm fork length. All trout were held a minimum of 10 days and fed meal- worm larvae (Tenebrio sp. ) before initiation of experiments. The streams, provided by the Entomology Department of Oregon State University, were located at Oak Creek Laboratory near Corvallis, Oregon. Each stream was enclosed in black plastic sheeting and equipped with a one -way window that aLlowed observation of undisturbed trout. The window was positioned at an appropriate angle to avoid the possi- bility of a trout reacting to its own reflected image. Streams were divided into experimental and holding sections which permitted 15 experiments to be run with individual trout. Prey were flushed from behind the plastic blind down a tube into the experimental section. Unconsumed prey were caught in a fine mesh straining bag. Trout were simultaneously presented with three sizes of drifting mealworm larvae, and the order of selection observed. Each experiment consisted of a variable number of trials depending upon the volume of prey consumed. Approximate diameter and length of small-sized prey were 0. 9 and 3. 0 mm, medium 1. 6 and 7. 0 mm, and large 3. 1 and 1 5. 0 mm. Rate of feeding by rainbow trout and reactive distance to novel prey were shown to increase with experience (Ware, 1971). In the recirculating streams at Oak Creek Laboratory, cutthroat trout were provided experience with two sizes of experimental prey. For one experiment trout had experience with prey intermediate in size to medium and large-sized experimental prey. For the other experiment, trout were pr'ovided additional experience with small-sized prey. Experience consisted of routine feeding and was considered sufficient when five consecutive prey were captured. The data were divided into categories of unfed to half satiated, and half to fully satiated to account for possible effects of levels of hunger on prey selection. Whenever possible, an experiment was replicated with two trout of each size group. Feeding sessions were terminated when the trout failed to capture at least two consecutive 16 prey. A preliminary experiment determined that gut evacuation by cutthroat trout required approximately 48 hr at a mean daily water temperature of 14.0 to 15. 4°C (Appendix E). These trout were fed known volumes of mealworm larvae and remaining contents flushed from the stomach at increasing intervals of time. Trout used in the prey-size selection experiments, conducted at similar or higher water temperatures, were deprived food for 48 to 72 hr. 17 RESULTS Characteristics of the Study Sections The unshaded and shaded study sections are generally similar in measured physical characteristics (Table 1). A slightly greater mean depth in the unshaded section and a greater mean stream width in the shaded section indicates more emergent rocks and large debris in the shaded area. Although the number of poois is somewhat greater in the unshaded habitat, the pool area and the ratio of pool area to the area of riffles and cascades is greater in the shaded habitat. Table 1. Physical characteristics of the unshaded and shaded study sections during September 1973. Study section Characteristics Length m) Unshaded 204 Shaded 203 Mean width of water surface (ni) 2. 82 2. 83 Mean width including emergent rocks and debris (m) 4. 87 5. 37 575 575 Number of pools 33 30 Area of pools(m2) 89 148 Surface area of water (m2) Pool to rifflea ratio Mean depth (cm) Gradient(%) b 0. 183:1 0. 347:1 10.3 10 10 of cascades included with riffles. bData provided by H. A. Froelich, School of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Small differences in water temperatures were found between study sections. Weekly mean temperatures in the unshaded habitat ranged from 0. 1 to 1. 0°C higher than those recorded in the shaded habitat (Appendix F). Highest weekly mean temperature was 14. 4°C in the unshaded area during the first week of August. Diet fluctua- tions were greater in the unshaded section, averaging 2. 1°C from May through October. A mean fluctuation of 0. 6°C,was recorded in the upstream shaded section. The greatest fluctuation, 5. 5°C, was recorded 9 August in the unshaded habitat; the highest tempera- ture, 17. 0°C, was recorded in the same area for 1 hr during the afternoon of 29 July. In the shaded habitat, diel fluctuation was 0. 5°C on 9 August, and highest temperature on 29 July was 14. 0°C. Stream flow from June through October ranged from 0. 05 to 0. 45 m3/sec, and was variable reflecting recent precipitation. Low- est flows were measured during August, September, and October. Based on flow records for Lookout Creek and the area of the Mack Creek and Lookout Creek watersheds, maximum flow in Mack Creek . was estimated to be 8 to 11 m3/sec during the winter of 1973-74. In the 8 yr since removal of the forest canopy, the disturbed area was revegetated with species generally different than those in the shaded habitat. Species on the sidehills of the unshaded section are primarily vine maple (Acer circinatum), fire-weed (Epilobium augustifolium), and wild blackberry (Rubus ursinus); the streams ide 19 vegetation is willow (Salix sp.), sweet colt's-foot (Postasites frigidus), and fire-weed. In the shaded habitat, the canopy is predominantly Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar (Thuja plicata); the understory is vine maple, huckleberry (Vaccinium sp. ), and devil's club (Oplopanax horridum). Streamside vegetation is dom- mated by vine maple, devil's club, and sweet colt's-foot. Population Size The unshaded section supported a higher number of trout than the shaded section (Figure 2). For the 1973 through 1971 year classes, approximately twice the number of trout were estimated in the unshaded area. From April to October 1973, the 1970+ year classes were somewhat more abundant in the shaded area. From October 1 973 to October 1974, the 1971+ year classes were estimated to be more numerous in the unshaded section (Figure 2). Population estimates calculated by the removal method in- creased from April through October 1973 for all trout except those in the 1970+ year classes (Figure 2 and Appendix G). This increase cannot be satisfactorily explained by immigration since no suitable tributaries exist. Also, tag recapture data indicate little movement occurred in Mack Creek. A hypothesis proposed to explain the ascending survivorship curves suggests that all trout captured during later estimates were actually within the study sections during earlier 20 400 300 50 20 10 1 0 0 I April 1973 Figure 2. June Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. 1974 April June Aug. Oct. Population size and survivorship by year class from April 1973 to October 1974. Open symbols represent estimates for the unshaded and closed symbols for the shaded study sections. Bars indicate 95% confidence intewals. Solid lines were drawn through best estimates of population size. See Table 2 for methods used for best estimates. Dashed lines connect estimates by the removal method. 21 0 0 Co 50 I 20 April June 1973 Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. April 1974 Figure 2. (Continued) June Aug. Oct. 22 estimates, but were unavailable for capture. A portion of the population, because of a behavioral response when frightened, was probably nosed into crevices among the abundant large boulders. Survivorship curves drawn to the mark-and-recapture estimates are descending (Figure 2). These curves were assumed to be more realistic estimates of population size than those provided by the removal method. Recaptures were not obtained following the October 1 973 and October 1 974 sampling, and removal estimates were used for these dates During April in the unshaded and April and June in the shaded section, trout of the 1972 year class were less than the minimum length for tagging. Therefore, mark-and-recapture estimates were not possible for April 1973 in the unshaded and April, June, and August 1973 in the shaded section. Survivorship curves were extrapolated back in time from the June estimate for the unshaded and the October estimate for the shaded section assuming the same rate of mortality as existed after June for the unshaded and October for the shaded section. Estimates for the 1971+ year classes in October 1973 were calculated by summing the 1971 and 1970+ estimates at that time. Methods providing best estimates of population size are shown in Table 2. Biomass of trout in the unshaded section was greater than biomass in the shaded section. During October 1973, the estimate in the 23 unshaded habitat was 1 2. 2 g/m2, nearly twice that of the shaded habitat (Table 3). Biomass decreased in both habitats by October In the unshaded area, the estimate was 10. 1 g/m2, approxi- 1974. mately 2. 5 times the estimate from the shaded area (Table 3). Bio- mass estimates and area measurements were calculated during periods of low stream flow. Table 2. Methods used for best estimates of population size from April 1973 to October 1974. Year class Study section Unshaded Shaded 1973 1972 1971 1970+ 1971+ 1973 1972 1971 1970+ 1971+ 1974 1973 April August June Visuala M and R M and R M and R Extrapolation M and R M and R M and R M and R M and R Visuala Extrapolation M and R M and R Extrapolation M and R M and R Extrapolation M and R M and R October October Removal Removal Removal Removalb Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removalb Removal aEstimates made in last week in July. bCalculated by summing the 1971 and 1970+ estimates Table 3. Estimated biomass g/m2) in the unshaded and shaded study sectionsduring October 1973 and October 1974. Year class Study Total Year 1974 1970+ 1971+ section 1973 1971 1972 12.2 1973 4.6 Unshaded 0.7 4.5 2.4 14 6.2 0.3 3.6 Shaded 0.9 1974 Unshaded Shaded 0.2 0.2 2.8 0.5 2.7 0.9 4.4 2.2 10.1 3.8 Separate weight-prediction equations were used for trout from the unshaded and shaded areas (Appendix H and I). Within each area, seasonal variation also required the use of separate equations. No 24 weights were available for 1974, so the 1973 weight-prediction equations were used for 1 974 calculations. Mortality, Growth, and Production Mortality rates were similar between study sections for all but the 1973 year class. Mortality was highest for the oldest trout. Generally, annual mortality was greater than 50% (Table 4). Table 4. Annual instantaneous mortality (i) and annual mortality (a) rates by year class from October 1973 to October 1974. Study section Year class I a Unshaded 1973 1972 1971+ 0.31 0.84 1.15 0.27 0.57 0.68 Shaded 1973 1972 1971+ 0.83 0.78 0.56 0.55 0.68 1.13 Mean length by year class was greater for trout residing in the unshaded than in the shaded section (Figure 3). The difference was apparent for the 1973 year class by early August, less than 1 mo after emergence, and generally increased witb. trout age for the first three years of life. For three consecutive years, 1972 through 1974, mean lengths of the year classes during the fall were greater for trout captured in the unshaded than in the shaded habitat (Appendix J). Growth was greatest from April through October (Figure 3). 160 VVTV _.___-i --- -- 0- ----.------- 120 iibC -, - - 0 -I - - 80 Yearclasses 1973 1972 L 1971 0 1970+ 1971+ April 1973 Figure 3. June Aug. Oct. Dec. April I June Aug. 0 I I Oct. Dec. 1974 Growth curves by year class from April 1973 to October 1974. Open symbols represent estimated mean lengths for trout in the unshaded and closed symbols the shaded study sections. Estimates for the 1971+ year classes in October 1973 were obtained by combining the 1971 and 1970+ data at that time. Li' 2b Trout tagged in October and November 1972 and recaptured in March and April 1973 showed some growth during winter, In the unshaded section, mean length of fry captured during October was variable from year to year (Appendix J). During 1973 and 1974, mean length of fry in this section was 56 and 51 mm, respectively. For both years, mean length of fry in the shaded section was approximately 48 mm. During 1973, fry in the unshaded habitat emerged somewhat earlier than fry in the shaded habitat. Qn 10 July, several fry were observed in most backwater areas in the unshaded section, but only three fry could be found in the shaded section. No consistent differences were apparent between daily instantaneous growth rates of tagged and untagged trout (Table 5). The data conform to the design of a 2 x 2 x 3 factorial experiment. Analysis of variance showed growth rates of tagged and untagged trout, and trout from the unshaded and shaded study sections were not significantly different (Appendix K). Data for tagged and untagged trout were pooled (Table 6), and analysis of variance of a second factorial design again showed no differences in growth rates of trout from the unshaded and shaded study sections (Appendix L). This analysis included data for all trout captured during the population estimates except the 1973 year class. Annual production was estimated to be 7. 5 g/m2 in the unshaded 27 Table 5. Daily instantaneous growth rates of tagged and untagged trout during 1973. The 1972 and 1973 year classes are not included since these trout were too small to tag. section Year class Interval for calculation Unshaded 1971 April to June June to Aug. Aug. to Oct. April toJune June toAug. Aug. to Oct. Study 1970+ Shaded 1971 1970+ Tagged 0. 0036 0. 0024 0.0032 -0. 0008 0.0015 0.0015 -0. 0008 -0.0003 0.0003 0.0009 April to June June to Aug. 0.0038 Aug. to Oct. April to June -0.0014 June to Aug. 0. 0008 -0. 0012 Aug. to Oct. Growth rate Untagged 0. 0033 0.0007 0.0031 0.0001 0. 0049 0. 0012 -0. 0026 -0. 0003 0.0007 -0. 0003 Table 6. Daily instantaneous growth rates of trout in the unshaded and shaded study sections during 1973. Data for tagged and untagged trout have been combined. Growth rate Shaded Year class Interval for calculation Unshaded 1973 Aug. to Oct. 0.0134 0.0140 1972 April to June June to Aug. 0.0048 0.0089 0.0010 0.0075 0.0093 0.0006 0.0033 0.0047 0.0023 -0.0015 Aug. to Oct. 1971 1970+ April to June June to Aug. Aug. to Oct. -0. 0007 ApriltoJune 0.0011 June to Aug. 0. 0010 0. 0005 Aug. to Oct. 0. 0025 0.0013 -0. 0007 -0.0008 and 2. 6 g/m2 in the shaded section (Appendix M). Percentage contri- bution to total annual production by the 1973 and 1972 year classes was similar in both habitats (Table 7). Production was greatest for the 1971 year class. The 1970+ year classes contributed an estimated 19% of the total production in the unshaded and 8% in the shaded section. Production of the youngest trout, the 1 973 year class, was approximately 1 5% of the total in both areas. This percentage is lower than expected because the interval, used for computation resulted in an approximate 8-mo contribution for this year class. Production was seasonal, high in the spring and early summer and low in the late summer, fall, and winter. Approximately 65% of the production occurred in both habitats during the 4-mo period from April through July (Table 7). Loss of weight by trout that survived the interval, termed negative production, occurred for some older year classes primarily between August and October. Movement Most tagged trout were recaptured near the site of previous observation. Of 871 trout recaptured between March and November 1973, 96% in the unshaded and 92% in the shaded habitat were recovered within 25 m of the location where Last observed. Only 1% had moved more than 100 m (Table 8). Since data were collected during population estimates and stomach content sampling and both activities 29 Table 7. Estimated production by year class in the unshaded ax shaded study sections from April 1973 to April 1974. Daily rates are included below entry for the interval. Production g) ( section Year class Unshaded 1973 Study 1972 1971 1970+ Total(%) Shaded April- June- Aug. - June Aug. Oct. 4a 1.8 623 82 341 5.0 11.3 1.4 1.8 783 433 -115 11.5 79 -2.0 340 189 89 5.0 3.4 1.5 1463(34) 21.5 1245(29) 22,6 400(9) 6.9 44a 2.6 1971 1970+ Total(%)d 346b 194b 1216(28) 1447 (33) 812(19) 4324 78 222 (15) 0.4 16 107 4.2 0.3 0.6 297 130 -74 4.3 2.2 -1.3 288 -108 -109 4.2 -1.9 -2.0 0.3 - 23 -0.4 2.8 4.5 1386 (32) 6.6 241 263(18) 679 (16) 1.1 2.3 740 (49) Total i.9 155 10.7 a 335 5.9 340 1973 1972 Oct. April 519 (35) 621 (42) 1.5 54c 507 (33) 125( 8) 1487 Computed from last week of July bTotal production of 540 g for the 197 1+ year class was proportioned on the basis of production by the 1971 and 1970+ year classes from April to October 1973. CTotal production of 322 g for the 1971+ year class was proportioned on the basis of production by the 1971 and 1970+ year classes from April to October 1973. d Approximate percentage since negative production was estimated for the August to October intervaL 30 were repeated in approximately the same locations, a bias was introduced in favor of observations of trout remaining near the site of previous capture. Table 8. Movement of trout from March to November 1973. Data were organized on basis of bimonthly interval of previous observation. Days between observations were chosen so each would contain data from only one succeeding population estimate. interval of March-April >100 25 26-100 >100 58 5 0 56 8 18 0 1 15 2 1 )60 4 0 0 0 2 0 5(6) 1(1) 80(93) 71(84) 12(14) 1 2(2) 80 127 5 0 183 15 81-160 20 2 0 34 1 >160 0 0 0 147(95) 7(5) 0(0) 217(92) 122 2 0 166 8 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(0) 172(96) 8(4) 0(0) 1(<1) 460(92) 36(7) 5(1) Subtotal(%) July-Aug. 25 26-100 desiaçd distancesjj._..... Shaded Unshaded 81-160 Subtotal(%) May-June Numbers of trout moving Days previous between observation observations 80 81-160 >160 Subtotal(%) 128(98) 2(2) Total(%) 355(96) 14(4) 0 0 16(7) 3 0 0 3(1) To obtain unbiased estimates of trout movement and information on movement over extended periods of time, approximately 975 m of stream were sampled during July and August 1974. The section ex- tended from 300 m below the lower end of the unshaded section up- stream to the upper falls (Figure 1). Movement was caIculated from 31 the date of tagging. The 60 recaptured trout were divided into two groups, those tagged for one and two winters. For each group, approximately 70% were recaptured within 25 m of the tagging site. Of all trout recaptured, only 1 0% had moved more than 1 00 m (Table 9). Table 9. Movement of trout tagged for one or two winters before recapture during July and August 1974. Winters before Numbers recapture 1 Habitat Unshaded Shaded Subtotal 2 ( %) <5 12(60) 19(83) 31(72) of trout moving designated distances (m) > 100 26-100 9(21) 1( 5) 2( 9) 3( 7) 7(35) 2( 9) 0 2 (50) 2(15) 2(12) 1 ( 8) Subtotal 10(77) 12(70) Total 43(72) 11(18) 6(10) Unshaded Shaded 2 (50) 3(18) Two major barriers, the falls near the confluence with Lookout Creek and a culvert at a road crossing located between the study sec- tions (Figure 1), apparently prevented upstream movement. No trout tagged below these barriers were recaptured above them. One trout of 353 tagged within the shaded habitat, moved downstream through the culvert and was recaptured approximately 670 m downstream. 32 Diet The trout diet was diverse and typically represented by several groups of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera (Appendix N). Non-insect aquatic groups and terrestrial insects were normally present in the stomach samples. Epeorus and Baetis formed a large percentage of the diet in both the unshaded and shaded habitats during the spring and early summer. Leuctridae were cornmon in the guts from the shaded area during March and April and in both habitats during May and late September. Throughout the sarup- ling period, Chironomidae consistently contributed large numbers of individuals, but because of their small size the contribution by weight was normally less than 5%. Trout rarely took vertebrates. Of the 420 stomach contents examined, only one contained remains of another cutthroat trout and five contained remains of larvae of the tailed frog. Diet of fry, the 1973 year class, was similar to that of larger trout (Appendix N). Ephemeroptera, prtncipally represented by Baetis, was an important component throughout the sampling period. Leuctridae were abundant during late September as they were for larger trout. Chironomidae composed a greater percentage of the diet than was found for the older year classes. Several of the largest prey, adult Tipulidae and vertebrates, were not found in stomach contents of fry. 33 A similar percentage of the trout diet from the unshaded and shaded habitats was terrestrial (Figure 4, Part A). Although terrestrial groups were relatively unimportant in the diet during spring, contribution of terrestrials increased during summer and peaked in August at nearly 70% of the diet in both habitats. Older trout captured a greater percentage of terrestrial prey than younger trout (Figure 4, Part B and C). Of the functional groups, grazers were more abundant in the diet from the unshaded habitat from April through June than from the shaded habitat (Figure 5). No pattern could be detected in the abun-. dance of the shredder, collector, and predator groups between study areas. From March through October, larvae and pupae of Chironomidae and larvae of Baetis comprised 1 5% of stomach contents of trout captured in the unshaded and 9% in the shaded area. Only during April was the contribution in the unshaded less than in the shaded habitat (Figure 6). These insects with a short life cycle and more than one generation per year (Waters, 1961; personal communication, N. H. Anderson, Dept. of Entomology, Oregon State University) could provide a more productive food resource for trout than insects requiring one or more years to mature. No consistent relationship was found between mean prey length and trout length for three sampling dates from March through 34 O0 60 20 100 5) 60 ; C C 0 .0 E C 20 0 U 100 60 20 April June Aug. Oct. Figure 4. Terrestrial component by weight of the trout diet during 1973. Year classes are combined (Part A) and presented separately for the unsh3ded (Part B) and shaded (Part C) study areas. Open symbols represent the unshaded and closed Vertebrates in the diet are excluded from symbols the shaded habitats. the totals. Data are combined by monthly intervaL 10 40 20 . 60 0 4-. 0o 40 20 April June Aug. Oct. April June Aug. Oct. Figure 5. Functional group components by weight of the trout diet during 1973. Vertebrates in the diet are exckided in this analysis. Data are combined by monthly interval. (J u-I 40 4J 20 0 U April Figure 6. June Aug. Oct. Combined contribution by weight of immature stages of Chironomidae and Baetis in the trout diet during 1973. Vertebrates in the diet are excluded from the totals. Data are combined by monthly interval. 37 October 1973 (Figure 7). The only exception was the July sample collected in the unshaded habitat. SmaIltrout did not consume the largest prey, but all trout consumed small prey. Large prey cornposed only a small percentage of the nuraber of prey consumed by medium and large-sized trout. Prey consumed in the unshaded and shaded habitats were similar in size. Prey Selection In laboratory experiments, as in stomach content samples of trout from the natural stream, no consistent relationship existed between trout size and size of the selected prey (Figure 8). When trout were simultaneously presented with three sizes of drifting mealworm larvae, the largest prey were normally selected. Small trout with empty guts were somewhat less selective and more likely to capture medium-sized prey. As feeding trials progressed and trout approached satiation, the consistency of selection of large prey increased, Additional experience with small-sized prey made no apparent difference in the pattern of prey selection (Figure 8). In the majority of trials, trout continued to select the largest prey. 16 22 March Unshaded 12 0 Shaded 8- 1 - iTi I! urn 4 ;iji '9 ] +-4 J_ -a- 20 July 12 883 + .016 (x 754 -r bt C + 5) Ii- T 280ct. -r IT 8 oT 11r T IJ' '1 1i lIT eel LII,oll::I I I 30 60 90 I 120 I 150 180 Trout length (mm) Figure 7. Mean prey length and trout length for three dates during 1973. Bars represent range of prey length. Significant regression ( p <.05) occurred only for the 20 July sample from the unshaded habitat. Experiment A Unfed to 50% satiated Experiment B Unfed to 50% satiated n=9 n 8 100 Prey size 60 Small D Medium 20 Large 50 to 100% satiated 0 0 100 n5 n12 n28 50 to 100% satiated n2 n12 Small Medium (I, 60 20 Small Medium Trout size Large Large Trout size Figure 8. Selection of three sizes of prey by trout during laboratory experiments. Trout in Experiment A had experience with prey intermediate in size to the medium and large-sized experimental prey. In Experiment B, trout were provided additional experience with small-sized prey. Lined bars show results for separate fish whenever two trout of each size were tested. Number of trials is indicated above each set of bars. (J-, 40 DISCUSSION Significant differences in population levels, mean size by year class, and production were found for cutthroat trout residing in the unshaded and shaded study sections. Increased light intensity in the unshaded section resulted in a greater percentage of grazing insects in the trout diet and probably contributed to the greater trout production in this area. Lyford and Gregory (1975) reported greater algal biomass in the unshaded section of Mack Creek compared to the shaded section. Some insight was obtained into other mechanisms that may have contributed to diffexences in the trout populations between the unshaded and shaded habitats. Increased percentage of grazing insects in the diet of trout from the unshaded habitat may indicate a somewhat different energy base for this area as compared to the shaded section. Although the data were variable, contribution of the shredder group in the trout diet was not noticeably lower in the unshaded habitat. This may mean that input of terrestrial detritus remained high after removal of the forest canopy. In the unshaded section, the mix of autochthonous and allochthonous material may have combined to form an energy base greater than that in the shaded habitat. Light intensity and algal production were increased in sections of an experimental stream studied by Warren et al. (1 964) after 41 removal of shade trees. No consistent differences in production of cutthroat trout were apparent between unshaded and shaded sections. In this stream a large biornass of the snail Oxytrema silicala was present. The snail was a principal consumer of algae and terrestrial detritus. Snails were not important in the diet of trout, so changes in the energy sources for the study sections were not reflected in trout production. Few snails were present in Mack Creek, and the trout population was more able to respond to changes in the energy base. Abundance of all aquatic insects combined was probably greater in the unshaded than the shaded habitat. From June through October 1972 and from mid-February through mid-August 1973, emergence traps in the unshaded area captured approximately four times the biomass of adult aquatic insects as traps in the shaded area (1974 Annual Report, Edward J. Grafius and Norman H. Anderson, unpublished, Dept. of Entomology, Oregon State University). Coche (1967) discussed the possibility of attracting or repelling insects by emergence traps. Based on microhabitat and life history characteristics, Ephemeroptera, Chironomidae, Rhyacophilidae, Leactridae, and Taeniopterygidae were probably sampled in proportion to their aban- dance in the stream (personal communication, Norman H. Anderson, Dept. of Entomology, Oregon State University). Approximately twice the biomass of these insects emerged in the unshaded as compared 42 with the shaded habitat. In both labitats, these groups were impor- tant in the trout diet, composing from 22 to 81% of stomachcontents sampled from March through June, the interval of highest contribution of aquatic insects. In nine of 1 2 samples this contribution was greater than 50%. The consistently greater percentage in the trout diet of multivoltine insects, Chironomidae and Baetis, probably indicates a greater abundance of these more productive insects in the unshaded habitat. A more productive food resource could contribute to the higher level of trout production in this area. Early emergence of fry in the unsladed section during July, a month of high trout growth, may have provided a size advantage that was maintained throughout the life of the trout. Elevated water tern- peratures in the unshaded as compared to the shaded section are believed responsible for the earlier emergence. Merriman (1935) found the onset of hatching of cuttlaroat trout eggs to be linearly dependent on temperature, increasing from 6.35 to 11. 30°C. 1 employed Merriman' s relationship and temperature records from Mack Creek, and calculated time from feztilization to first hatching for both study sections. This developmental period would have required approximately four days longer in the shaded habitat. Elevated water temperature may also have contributed to earlier spawning in the unshaded section as well as accelerated development 43 of the alevins (Hayes and Pelluet, 1945). The possibility of early emergence and an early start in life was discussed by Narver (1972) as an explanation for differences in size of three year classes of a combined cutthroat and juvenile steelhead trout population from a logged and forested section of a stream on Vancouver Island. Further evidence that water temperature controlled emergence is found in the mean lengths of fry during October 1973 and October 1974. In 1973, fry from the unshaded section averaged 8 mm longer than from the shaded section. The following year the difference was only 3 mm. In 1 974 a more abundant snow melt maintained a high stream flow during spawning and while the eggs and alevins were developing. This probably minimized temperature differences be- tween study sections and tended to synchronize emergence. A potential competitor with the cutthroat trout, the Pacific giant salamander, is present in abundance in the unshaded and shaded study sections. In a small stream in Washington, diet of salamanders was similar to the diet of cutthroat trout in Mack Creek, being primanly composed of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Diptera (Antonelli et al. , 1972). The possibility of unequal competition between trout and salamanders in the unshaded and shaded habitats of Mack Creek provided stimulus for an investigation of the salamander population. The estimated biomass, higher than the biomass of trout, was 15. 7 g/m2 in the unshaded and 18. 8 g/m2 in the shaded 44 section (R. S. Aho and M. Marangio, unpublished data, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University). The difference was considered not significant because of wide confidence intervals for the population estimates. In addition, no differences were evi- dent in the age structure as revealed by length frequency histograms. Further work is necessary to more precisely determine population levels of salamanders and to understand the nature of the interaction between these two vertebrates. The estimates of trout production, 7. 5 g/m2/yr in the unshaded and 2. 6 g/m2/yr in the shaded section, are generally similar to estimates for cutthroat trout from other streams in Oregon. Lowry (1966) estimated production to range from 3. 5 to 4. 9 g/m2/yr for three coastal streams. A small experimental stream in the Willamette Valley had an estimated production of O. 5 g/m2/yr (Nickelson, 1974). Estimates of trout production from streams outside Oregon are generally greater than those of Mack Creek. Production of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Lawrence Creek, Wisconsin was estimated over an 11 yr period and averaged 11.7 g/m2/yr (Hunt, 1974). In New Zealand, Allen (1951) estimated production of brown trout (Salmo trutta) to range from 27 to 84 g/m2/yr in several sections of the Horokiwi Stream. The mean for this stream was ap- proximately four times higher than estimates of annual production 45 reported elsewhere for salmonids(Le Cren, 1969). Possible errors in estimates of population size of young brown trout were discussed by Chapman (1967) The higher level of trout production in the unshaded section can be attributed to an increased mean biomass in that area. Growth rates between sections were not significantly different. Mean biomass is influenced by numbers of trout and their mean weight. McFadden (1969) suggests that with ter-rI.torial species an abundance of food causes a decrease in territory size and an increase in fish density. Increased availability of food probably accounts for the greater number of trout in the unshaded section; earlier emergence, as previously discussed, accounts for the larger trout size. Biomass may have an effect upon production, and the relation-. ship between production and biomass has often been expressed as a ratio. In Mack Creek, the ratio of annual production to mean annual biomass was 0. 59 for the unshaded and 0. 38 for the shaded section. This ratio, calculated for the cutthroat trout studied by Lowry (1966), ranged from 0. 87 to 1. 04. Variability in the ratio of annual produc- tion to mean annual biomass for cutthroat trout from small Oregon streams is probably a result of factors such as fluctuations in the availability of prey or difference in age structure of the populations. Although no consistent relationship was found between mean prey length and trout length, some partitioning of the food resource 46 is suggested by absence of the largest prey from stomach contents of the smallest trout. Reduced size of prey consumed by fry has been described for salmonids from other streams. Brown trout fry from a Swedish river were found o consume smaller and earlier life history stage of aquatic insects of the same genera as were consumed by larger trout (Nilsson, 1957). The importance of small insects for survival of coho salmon fry was stressed by Mundie (1969). Larger insects were food for larger coho srnolts. For cutthroat trout from the Cowichan River in British Columbia, a shift in diet from insects to larger prey, principally fish, was noted for trout greater than 200 mm (Idyll, 1 942). Few cutthroat trout in Mack Creek exceed 200 mm, and in apparent agreement with the data from the Cowichan River, insects were the major prey with fish and other large vertebrates rarely consumed. Most prey consumed by trout in Mack Creek were smaller than prey selected during laboratory experiments. For the field studies, mean prey length ranged from 1 to 7 mm. In the laboratory streams, trout normally selected the largest prey offered, measuring approximately 1 5 mm. This suggests that few large prey are available in Mack Creek. Descending survivorship curves drawn to the mark-and-recap- ture population estimates tend to support the hypothesis that during the removal estimates some trout were unavailable for capture. 47 These fish were probably lodged in cracks within the substrate. Reaction of a fish within an electrical field is to become paralyzed or to swim in a forward direction toward the anode (Edwards and Higgins, 1973). Neither reaction would readily dislodge a trout from a constrictive crevice. During snorkel diving observations, frightened trout were seen to dart wildly and soon disappear into the substrate. As the seasons advanced and stream flow decreased, the number of hidinglocations was reduced. Differences between num- bers of trout estimated by the two methods decreased from April through August. In August, a month of low stream flow, removal estimates were slightly lower than mark-and-recapture estimates. This may indicate that in rocky-substrate streams, even under ideal conditions of stream flow, the two methods will consistently provide somewhat different results. No data are available on the growth and abundance of cutthroat trout in Mack Creek before removal of the forest canopy by clearcut logging. As a result, no definitive conclusion can be reached on the relationship between timber harvest and the trout population. Nevertheless,, the pronounced differences between study sections warrant some discussion of other studies eLatiag logging and trout populations. Previous work in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest showed that immediately after logging cutthroat trout were eliminated from affected sections of three small streams (Wustenberg, 1954). Four years later, one of the streams had repopulated but only the lower 30 to 40 m of the other two were inhabited by trout (Wyatt, 1959). Near the Oregon coast, a population of cutthroat trout was reduced in Needle Branch during the 8 yr following clearcutting of the water- shed. Mean population size was approximately a third of pre-logging levels (Moring and Lantz, 1975). In four other coastal streams, the number of cutthroat trout the year before logging was compared to the number the year following logging. Decline in the trout popula- tions for the second year ranged from 4 to 49% (Moring and Lantz, 1974). On Vancouver Island, the number of a combined group of cutthroat and juvenile steelhead trout from a logged section was approximately half the number from an upstream forested section of stream (Narver, 1972). Some possibly important differences exist between these studies, which relate declining trout populations and logging activities, and the present study on Mack Creek. First, with the exception of Needle Branch, the trout populations were sampled within a period of less than 5 yr after logging. The unshaded section on Mack Creek was 8 yr old at the beginning of this study. Second, although the size of the disturbed areas was not included in descriptions of all the previous studies, it is probable these sites were larger than the logged area on Mack Creek. Other differences, including protection of the stream during logging, aspect of the site, and soil type may also be important. Whatever factors involved, stream habitat in the unshaded section on Mack Creek appears to be more suitable for cutthroat trout than the shaded area. 50 LITERATURE CITED Allen, K. R. The Horokiwi stream: a study of atrout population. New Zealand Marine Dept. Fish. Bull. 10. 238 pp. 1951. Antonelli, A. L., R. A. Nussbaum, and S. D. Smith. 1972. Comparative food habits of four species of stream-dwelling vertebrates (Dicamptodon ensatus, D. copei, Cottus tenuis, Salmo gairdneri). Northwest Sci. 46(4): 277-289. Brockson, R. W., G. E. Davis, and C. E. Warren. 1968. 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Btackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and Edinburgh. Wales, 3. H. 1 962. Forceps for removal of trout stomach content. Progr. Fish-Cult. 24(4):l71. Ware, D. M. 1971. Predation by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri): the effect of experience. 3. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 28(12): 1847-1852. Warren, C. E., and 0. E. Davis. 1971. Laboratory stream research: objectives, possibilities, and constraints. Ann. Rev, of Ecol. Syst. 2:111-144. Warren, C. E. , 3. H. Wales, G. E. Davis, and P. Doudoroff. 1964. Trout production in an experimental stream enriched with sucrose. 3. Wildl. Mgmt. 28(4):617-660. Waters, T. F. 1961. Standing crop and drift of stream bottom organisms. Ecology 42(3): 53 2-537. Wustenberg, D. W, 1 954. A preliminary survey of the influences of controlled logging on a trout stream in the H. 3. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon. M. S. Thesis. Oregon State College, Corvallis. 51 pp. 54 Wyatt, B. 1959. Observations on the movements and reproduction of the Cascade form of cutthroat trout. M. S. Thesis. Oregon State College, Corvallis. 60 pp. APPENDICES 55 Appendix A. Tagging sitesa and numbers of trout tagged during 1972 and 1973. Tagging dates are pooled into bimonthly intervals. Interval Oct. -Nov. 1972 Mar. -Apr. 1973 May-June 1973 July-Aug. 1973 a See Figure 1 for locations of tagging sites. Site 1 Number 47 2 26 3 8 4 25 5 45 7 29 2 105 3 18 5 127 6 13 2 100 3 29 5 207 6 40 2 9 3 10 5 4 6 7 Appendix B. Method employed to correct mark-and-recapture estimates. During the 2-mo interval between sampling periods, several of the required assumplions for mark-and-recapture estimates were not met. Scar tissue on a few recaptured trout indicated some tags were lost. Tagged trout, particularly those near ends of study sections, may have emigrated and been replaced by untagged trout. Occurrence of these events would have caused a decrease in the number of tagged trout, M, beyond that expected by natural mortality. This would have resulted in an incorrect ratio of the number of tagged to the total number of trout in the sample at t2, the second sampling period. This ratio (or its reciprocal) could not be corrected since the Bailey modi- fication of the Petersen equation requires addition of one to both the number of trout captured, C, and the number recaptured, R, forming a slightly modified ratio. A corrected M (M*) was calculated and substituted into the modified Petersen equation. M* is the number of trout tagged at t1 (M) minus the number of trout lost from the section because of failure to meet all necessary assumptions for mark-and-recapture estimates. Thus, M* is an estimate of the number of originally tagged trout still in the study section at time t2, not subtracting those lost to natural mortality. To estimate M*, a least squares regression line was fitted to the logarithm of the ratio of the number of tagged to the total number of trout captured during successive sampling periods. The logarithmic transformation provided a linear fit to the data. It was unknown which factors might affect the rate of decrease of this ratio, so separate lines were fitted for each combination of year class, study section, and tagging date (Figure A). If there were no loss of tags or tagged fish, the lines would have a slope of zero. The regression lines provided data necessary to calculate M*. The ratios of the number of tagged to total number of trout at t and t2 were estimated from the regression equations. The number of tagged trout, M, at t1 was available from tagging data. By simple proportion M* was calculated. An example of this method is included in Figure B. Whenever M was a mixture of trout tagged both in April and June, M* was calculated separately for each tagging date and summed for the Bailey equation (Table A). Ratios of the number of tagged to total number of trout at time of tagging were estimated by extrapolating the regression lines back to that time (Figure A). This method is conceptually similar to that employed by Parker (1955) to correct Petersen mark-and-recapture estimates for effects of recruitment. For this study the number of tagged fish was corrected, whereas Parker corrected the ratio of tagged to total fish in the population. 57 70 60 .50 .40 30 0 C's 10 .05 1971 0 1970+ V .01 10 Airi1' June ' Aig. 1973 Figure A. o&. tc. Ajri1 Jlne 'AtEg. 1974 Decline in the ratio of number of tagged to total number of trout from April 1973 to October 1974. Data are presented for each combination of year class, study section, and tagging date. 58 V 2OF . I 4 Unshaded 0 April tagging r 10 08 50 40 30 20 10 0 05 01 April 1973 June Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. 1974 April Figure A (Continued) June Aug. Oct. 59 Assumptions not met resulting in decrease of tagged trout by 50 Assumptions met ........ 1000 Population size at t. 1000 Population size at t1 Tagged trout at t1 (M) ..... 500 Tagged trout at t1 ( M) ....... 500 Number captured at t2(C). . Number captured at t2 (C) 500 Recapturesatt2(R) ...... 250 A N=M L) R+1 . . . . 500 Recaptures at t2 (R ) ....... 225 500 (501) 251 = 9981 M* M Ratio2 Ratio = A N 500 (.45) 50 =450 M*(C+1)_ 450 (501) R+1 226 9981 1See Ricker (1958, p. 84) for discussion of the Bailey formula for unbiased estimates. Figure 8. Illustratiye example of method employed to correct mark-and-recapture estimates. Natural mortality has not been included to simplify the example. Fifty percent of the population was captured at t and t2. Table A. Study section Estimates and data for the mark-and-recapture methods of estimation from April through October 1973. Ratios are estimates of number of tagged to total number of trout as shown in Figure A. Year class Ratio Tagging date M C t R Ratio t2 M* N (95% C. I.) April estimates Unshaded 1972 April June a Total 1971 1970+ Shaded 1972 27 0 27 0.204 62 24 0.270 0 62 0 April June 63 Total 63 April June Total April a 0 139 84 0.178 55.0 55.0 0.265 60.8 60. 8 24 275(185-365) 207 (140-273) June Total 1971 April Jui 1970+ 21 13 0 0 Total 21 April June Total 84 0 84 80 0.131 0.127 20.4 13 30 20.4 0.606 0.417 118 (64-172) 57.8 0 90 57.8 30 155(114-195) June estimates Unshaded 1972 1971 April June Total April June Total 1970+ April June Total Shaded 1 57 58 188 25 106 131 26 43 69 0 b b 28 28 0.236 0.171 14 67 0. 178 0. 162 0.491 0.437 154 81 0.265 0.394 68 13 22 35 0.261 0.318 1 41.3 42.3 276 (18S..366) 22.7 94.3 117.0 221(189-254) 25.6 34.7 60.3 115(90-141) 1972 April June Total a 1971 April June 13 8 0.127 0.123 12.6 58 71 36 0. 373 0. 357 55. 5 Total 1970+ April 33 June 41 96 68.1 44 18 21 39 0. 417 0.243 0.305 0.224 Total 74 101 aTrout too small for tagging at time of capture; binsufficient data. 147(116-178) 24. 1 37.8 61.9 158(120-195) 61 Table A. (Continued) Study section Year class Tagging date M R C Ratio Ratio t1 t2 M* N (95% C. I. 19.8 19.8 210(120-300) 21.6 58.4 80.0 199(160-238) August estimates Unshaded 1972 April June Total 1971 0. 171 24 15 66 90 43 0.162 0.437 17 June 23 Total 40 1972 April June Total a 1971 April June Total 1970+ April June Total 0 17 17 April 1970+ Shaded April June Total 0 28 28 190 146 0.121 0.146 0.387 58 15 15 0.261 0.318 0.257 0.254 16.7 18.4 35. 1 68 30 9 6 0.123 0.120 8.8 34 0. 357 0. 343 32.7 83 20 26 0.305 0.224 91 21 14 3S 43 29 23 52 aTrout too small for tagging at time of capture. 0.226 0.203 78 (58-98) 41.5 129(90-169) 21.5 20.8 42.3 108(81-135) 62 Unshaded [53 1972 20 341 1972 40 0 442 0 20 I Q1 60 636 40 20 40 80 120 160 200 Trait length (mm) Appendix C. Length frequency distributions for trout captured in the unshaded and shaded study sections during 1973. Arrows irilicate approximate divisions between year classes. 63 Shaded April n = 123 20 1970+ -J1Tfl-{haN. - i - I 1971 20- June n=21O ug. 0 i= 293 41 0 I )ct. = 368 40 80 120 Trout length (mm) Appendix C (Continued) 160 200 Appendix ID. Evaluation of flushing method of stomach content sampling. Trout length (mm) Number Number prey in syringe sample 2-5 Prey length (mm) Number prey remaining in gut >5 0-2 2-5 trout in sample 0-2 56- 62 5 16 76 15 0 4 95-102 5 51 234 42 0 5 125-132 5 32 iSO 74 0 160-187 5 5 28 12 0 >5 Percent prey flushed from gut >5 0-2 2-5 100 95 94 0 100 98 100 5 8 100 97 90 0 11 100 100 52 1 65 100 bti C 60 Cd C) 1 C) 0 > 20 12 24 36 48 60 Time (hrs) Appendix E. Volume of initial stomach contents remaining after increasing intervals of time. Experiment was conducted in water temperatures ranging from 14. 0 to 15. 4°C, and the curve fitted by inspection. 1 1 12 U 0 10 CS 5) a 5) a Cd V May June July Aug. Sept. Appendix F. Weekly mean water temperatures for the unshaded and shaded study sections during 1973. Oct. Nov. Bars indicate the weekly range. 0' Appendix G. Estimates and data for the removal method of estimation from April through October 1973 and for October 1974. Year class Shaded Unshaded Year Month 1973 April 1973 First catch Second catch N First 1971 4 44 3 23 16 16-16 95% C. L June 1972 92 catch 28 Second catch A N 131 118-145 95% C. L Aug. First catch Second catch N Oct. 1974 Oct. 151 140-162 8 16 68 19 1 10 20 86 9 23 75-89 66 13 82 76-87 31 64 10 18 13 44 88 89 78-98 74 20 133 56 14 64 31 11 3 21 34 194 155 53 32 243 195 223-263 122 38 176 160-190 180-208 186-204 173 69 17 85-94 77 20 101 103 91-110 94-112 14-20 113 61 80 67 53 73 33 12 29 28 159 75 124 112 20 83 96 145-172 105-142 70-81 54 12 14 83 94 81-107 74 64-74 163-183 69 70-88 95 0-54 35-53 72 64-80 42 9 53 49-58 89-136 38 9 50 44-55 67-99 1971+ 84-106 8-10 39 167 95% C. 1. 29 60 141 First catch First catch Second catch 113 1971 9 22-47 N 95% C.1. 40-120 1970+ 1972 1971+ 22 95% C. 1. Second catch 85 1970 1973 18 88-104 47 10 59 54-64 -1 Appendix H. Comparison of weight prediction equations by method of Ostle (1963). Significance at 0. 01 level indicated by double asterisks. F statistic (d. f. in numerator and d. f. in denominator) Equations coinpareda All five 17.52** (8 and 415) All unshaded 12. 88** (4 and 229) April and July unshaded 0.42 (2 and 137) July and Oct. unshaded 23. 40** (2 and 182) July and Oct. shaded 28. 16** (2 and 186) July both sections 6. 26** (2 and 182) Oct. both sections 5. 95** (2 and 186) a See text for explanation of dates and sampling locations. Appendix I. Weight prediction equations from data collected during 1973. Equation employed for April, June, and August in the unshaded section is from the combined April and July data for this habitat. Study section Unshaded Shaded Date employed Equation April, June, Aug. log10W Oct. log10W = -5. 0869 + 3. 0357 log10L April, June, Aug. log10W = -4. 6797 + 2.8481 log10L Oct. log10W= -4. 8526 +2. 9131 log10L -4. 8608 42.9455 log 10L Sept., Oct., and Nov. 1972 Unshaded 20 1971 1970 N 89 1969+ 1972 Sept., Oct., and Nov. 1972 1971 20 - Shaded n = 143 1969+ 1973 60 0 1.4 40 ' 1.4 ct-t i97 40 20 Trout length (mm) Appendix J. Length frequency distributions of trout captured in the unshaded and shaded study sections during the fall of 1972, 1973, and 1974. Arrows indicate approximate divisions between year classes. 70 I (V7 40 20 0 0 V '-4 1974 Oct. 1974 I 1 40 I 1973s4/ 80 Shaded 1972 n239 120 Trout length (mm) Appendix J (Continued) 160 200 Appendix K. Analysis of variance of daily instantaneous growth rates for tagged and untagged trout of the 1971 and 1970+ year classes. Factors for the 2 x 2 x 3 design are year class, tagging status (tagged and untagged), and time of year. Blocks are the unshaded and shaded study sections. Significance at 0. 01 level is indicated by double asterisks. Source Total d,f. M.S. F 23 Blocks 1 9, 600 Year class Tagging status 1 110,433 .4066 16.1783** Time of year Year class x tagging status Year class x time of year Tagging status x time of year 3-way interaction 2 6, 600 223, 606 2, 091 72, 162 0. 9669 32. 7580** 0. 3063 11. 1576** Error Appendix L. 1 1 2 2 2 11 6,514 0.9543 6, 818 0. 9988 6,826 Analysis of variance of daily instantaneous growth rates for all trout except the 1973 year class from the unshaded and shaded study sections. Factors for the 3 x 3 design are year class and time of year. Blocks are the unshaded and shaded study sections. Significance at 0.01 level is indicated by double asterisks. Source Total d. f. M. S. F 17 Blocks 1 22 Year class 2 388, 756 0. 00210 37. 0773** Time of year Year class x time of year 2 318,103 30.3389** 4 87, 626 8. 3573** Error 8 10,485 72 Appendix M. Estimated production and calculations for the unshaded and shaded study sections from April 1973 to April 1974. The 1971 year class could not be identified in April 1974. Therefore, in October 1973 the 1971 and 1970+ year classes were combined forming the 197 1+ year class. Unshaded Year class Computation interval Mean length (mm) Mean weight (g) 1973 July 35.00 0.49 Growth rate N Stock biomass (g) 446 218.5 243 376.6 208 626. 1 300 864. 0 255 1048.1 A 1.15516 October 54.70 1.55 April 65.00 3.01 April 64.00 2. 88 0.66758 1972 0. 35574 June 72.21 4.11 0.48789 August 85.22 6. 69 225 1505. 3 197 1394.8 130 1198.6 270 3067.2 221 3222.2 190 3171. 1 162 2598. 5 148 4518.4 0.05678 October 90.32 7.08 0. 26320 1971 April 95,00 9.22 April 102.00 11.36 0.24906 June 111.00 14.58 August 116.22 16.99 October 118.22 16.04 0. 13536 -0. 03985 1970+ April 142. 67 30.53 0.08265 June 146.73 33.16 112 149.50 35.04 90 1971+ 36. 14 October 129.75 21,28 73 2638. 2 235 5000.8 130 3157.7 0. 13235 April 132.00 24.29 Total Total on basis of surface area of water (g/m2) 343.8 501.3 334.7 956. 1 340. 1 1276.7 622.9 1450.1 82.3 1296.7 341.3 3144.7 783.2 3196.7 432.7 2884. 8 -115. 0 4116.1 340.2 3433.7 189.1 2895.9 89.5 4079. 3 539. 9 3153.6 0.03091 October 154. 50 297.6 3713.9 0.05508 August Mean biomass Production (g) (g) 4324. 7 7.5 73 Appendix M (Continued) Shaded CompuYear class tation interval Mean length (mm) 1973 july 29.00 Mean weight (g) 0.31 Growth rate A N Stock biomass (g) 286 88.7 124 136.4 81 153. 1 170 251.6 146 359. 2 127 534.7 112 487. 2 76 418.0 152 863. 4 128 1001.0 110 981.2 96 787. 2 160 3636.8 128 3165.4 108 2572. 6 1.28311 October 47.92 1.10 April 55. 00 1. 89 April 50.44 1.48 0.53894 1972 0.50839 June 60. 30 2.46 August 72.84 4.21 October 76. 72 4. 35 April 80.00 5.50 April 80.92 5. 68 0. 53818 0.03178 0.23533 1971 0.31865 June 90.50 7.82 August 94.78 8.92 October 95. 39 8. 20 131.64 22.73 0.13155 -0. 08359 1970+ April 0. 08463 June 135.61 24.73 August 133.83 23 82 October 135.37 22.74 92 2092.1 October 116. 30 14. 61 188 2746. 7 -0. 03761 -0.04653 197 1+ 0. 14231 April 118. 50 16. 84 Total Total on basis of surface area of water (g/m2) 106 Mean biomass (g) Production (g) 112.5 144.3 144.7 78.0 305.4 155.3 446.9 240.5 510.9 16.2 452.6 106.5 932.2 297.0 991.1 130.4 884.2 -73. 9 3401. 1 287. 8 2869.0 -107. 9 2332.3 -108.5 2265, 9 322. 5 1785. 0 1488. 2 2. 6 74 Appendix N. mpe..Iiiou eta. dt..t Sy yeor eln.a during 197L 2t era indicated aa true.' (tr) IC cancr eon ..s 1eCC than or eqool to 0.12. Annollda were prnpurtion.d .quaily btwecn aquatic and terCeS trial since oriltin wua unknnwn. Adult Dlptcr,.. excluding Chironneidat and Tipulidu.. were ciaceifted us trrrctrtal. P,rcntnto ( Parch 223O 1972 1971 7.4 2.6 0.6 0.3 8.9 1.0 14.3 5.4 3.1. 4.1 5.9 10.4 25.9 1.1 21.4 1970+ 1972 tiiatut Aqustle tosette Ephemeropter 2pa.arus 8aeis A1etus 6.3 Zp.ered1a arairototh2e.b4a Other Epheeeroptera 7ocjl ?lecoptera heneropcara 3.1 30.7 iieoeridae 1.2 9eitcperlidae Teeniopterygidas 3.3 Perlidee Pettodtdac 1.8 te 9.1 tr Chlotoperiidse total. Plecoptera P.hyacophilidae C1oaaosooatjdae Bydropsychidac 20.1 45.7 6.8 10.8 9.9 0.2 67.3 76.4 Thlopotaaidae Chironosidas Sieulidae 6.1 29.7 10.6 24.3 3.6 3.1 29.7 0.2 41.9 9.1 0.2 4.6 5.9 6.8 6.1 16.8 11.0 46.3 50.7 14.3 2.0 0.3 0.3 Tipulidse Dixidat 8lepharecerida Other Diptera Total DiDtsrC 30.3 3.3 4.2 Psychoe.yidae tdostoaatida Icachycentridac Calaaoceratida. TrieSoptera pupae Total Triehoptera Oipteta 31.1 9.1 24.4 9.0 1.0 11.) 6.0 2.8 0.2 14.6 ttichoptera U.anapSi1idae 10.1 tr 46.3 52.7 83.1 100.0 2.3 ir 20.5 13.8 13.2 2.3 4.6 0.9 3.3 17.3 1.8 3.3 19.7 14.0 100.0 78.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 it Toc*1 MegaloDteta Coleoptera Dytiscidne iiydrophi1ida Zleidaa total Coleoptara Total I tare Aquatic Adult Aquatit Irrsaca Chironceudue tiputtda. £phtmerrcpt era Plucoptera 13.9 tric1opter* Coleoptera Total Adult Aqtatic Other Atuacia Anphipda ialmooidae 13.9 0errco.3a Copepoda iT Cast ronoda A'-.ncij.Ja Tte1 Other Aquatic Tot*l P.quatic Terrestrial CotIcnSots 97.0 100.0 100.0 1.7 78.2 15.3 9iynencptera 6.4 Coleopt.ra Iioc.optcra Chticpoda flipltpt4a enrrc1 Ida Arachnlda Othcr Tc:reatra1 Total ?cs'rentrlat Total weight o tty (g) ItiUed itch in sanpic oC finS 1onttS se) 1.3 3.0 0.0231 7 54-66 21.8 0.3894 7 86-118 0.3747 5 129-150 0.OjlO 0.0219 3 3 d935 78-43 0.112? 8 502-152 75 Appendix N (continued) Un.hud.d 1aaCure Aquatic tn..cta taoeroptett tpQrua a.t1s A.eeiet e:..tla Paraieptap!Zebia AprIl 21 1972 1971 63.4 14.3. 31.3 6.4 14.7 3.9 1.2 2.3. 33.4 53.3 39.6 0.4 32.1 73.5 29.4 1.7 2.3 0.3 11.1 2.0 26.0 10.5 19.3 40.2 73.5 33.3 3.4 5.5 4.0 0.4 3.6 1.7 5.7 0.3 8.1 5.1 4.1 4.6 1970+ 19/2 27.6 2.4 6.6 1971 0.4 3.3 1970+ 9.3 1.6 13.3 0.9 6.6 3 Other £eercptera Total Cphee.roptera ?leeopter* NeOuridae 1.0 teuctrida tttoper1i4a. 'raeniopterygida. Parlidae Petlodidas Chiaraperlidac Total Plecoptera Trichoptera Rco;hit1dae idea Bydtopaychidae 10.3 Psychoayida. Phi1opotaidae l4nmephilida, Lepidoatonatida.e Erechyctatridee CalaeGc.tztjdaa Trichoptera pupae Total Trichoptara Diptera Chitonoeida Siaulidae Tipulidee Other Oiptera Totil Diptera )*ptera CT 0.4 2.4 Cr CT Cr 3.4 12.4 14.1 1.3.7 2.7 4.3 2.7 6.8 0.2 4.6 tr tr .5 Cr 2.7 14.1 5.8 100.0 99,4 99.6 9.0 0.8 0.3 3.8 0.4 0.3 Cr D1.xidaa 8lepaarocerS4ae 14.6 0.4 2.3 20.7 1.6 1.3 6.1 2.3 Cr 5.0 11.6 94.6 1.3 1.3 98.6 Sialidee Total iegalcpcera Coleopcera DytiscLdee Hydrophilidac !1eidae Total Calaoptlra Total Iaaator Aquatic Molt Aquatic tiaacta Chironoeldac CT Tipulidac pheaeroptera ?lacopcera Tticlto9tert 0.3 1.1 0.4 0.2 1.3 Caleoptera Tta1 Mull Aquatic Other AquatIc Iunphipoda Saiaonidae Xncaphus Ostracoda Copepcda Cetiopoa Anncltda Total Other Aquatic Total Aquatic Terrestrial C? 100.0 99,4 tr 100.0 94.6 99.9 Co11esto1a 8yaetoptara C? Cø1eoptra 5.4 Roaopt era Neaiiptera Chilopeda tflpIopoda Annc11!a Arachnids C? Cr Clhet Terreetrial Total Terreetrial Total wciCht at idootIlied prey (p) )luabcr fia La sanpIe Eange oC ia len8th isis) 0.0410 3 64-81 Ct 3.5 0.6 tr 3.4 ti 0.1860 1.0399 0.0241 1.4951 4 93-100 Cr 0 173-152 0 1 7G-.'lOA 13 110174 308-162 10 73-106 4 52 1 124-158 8 86-120 6 0.2 tr 0.2 2.2 0.3 1.6 0.9 0.3262 0,4346 2.2497 0.6260 0.0092 80 faa) 1 le,ti fich of Ran eanple in (Iah Number 0.0368 Cr identified o (g) prey otht Total Terrestrial Total rrnriot Other ArcPnid.a Annclida Dipiopo.da Ch1ipoLa flcnipteta 1.6 0.4 0.2 li000pcera Ooleoptara Diprera lyaeneptera Colleabola 0,4 Cr 6.5 12.3 2.9 tr tr 99.1 0.2 0.2 98.4 100.0 99.7 0.2 0,2 97.8 100.0 Cr It Aquatic Total Aquatic Other Total Anctelida Caattopoda Copepoda OetTaco4a ASOaphus Salaonidae Aaphtpo4a Li 2.2 1.6 1.3 28.4 10.2 3.3 2.3 5.4 3.9 25.2 0.3 5,1 tr 3.3 0.3 334 5.9 0.3 97.9 97.8 92.0 86.3 tr 2,2 3.3 4.8 3.2 3.3 CT Aquatic Other Aquatic .4ult Total Coleoptera .hoptera 0.9 0.9 floptera 0.2 0,9 2.2 0.5 U..4 1.4 100.0 96.9 Cr !phemeroptera idac Tipul Chttoncmidae 1aseta Aquatic Molt Aquatic Iaaacure Total Coleoptera Total Uydrophilidae tr Cr 1.2 5.3 0.8 1.6 0.3 1.8 1.0 3.3 0.4 19.9 6.7 1.1 0.6 1.2 4.3 2.1 24.6 1.4 Oytiacida. Coleoptera flaealeptata Total Sialidee eta Dtptera Total DIptera Other 0.8 $iepharoceddae flixida. Tipulidae 7.6 Simulidae 3.0 Chirnoel4ae Diptera Triehoptet. Total puaa Trichoptera CL1aaoceratdge 8T4yentridae 0.5 t4pido$toeatidaa LJ.aeepflfl.idae Taeoiopcerygidaa 1.2 2.2 1.8 Pltilapotanidat Pychcwyide Udropeychidaa idaa Clos$oaoaa. 61yacophiiidae Trichoptara Plecoptera Total CMoroperlidae Perlodidac 12.0 13..S 34.6 45,4 1.6 6.6 4.1 23.7 42.7 tr 13.7 1.1 0,2 23.1 6.4 27.7 0.3 1.5 6.5 4.2 2.1 17.3 2.9 26.1 23.6 ?erlidae 4.3. 27.9 94.6 33.3 17.3 41.0 ?eitoperlida. 23,6 Leuctridac Reaoud4a. 2'latoptera 64.9 Epheacrcptera Total Epheacroptera Other Pae'a1cptoph,e.j4 tr 3.3 1.7 10.0 19.3 1.2 7.3 3..) 13.9 7.6 31.5 2.2 3.8 1.7 1.2 3.7 22.2 9.4 10.6 Zphe.re11a Aaelecus 4.9 1.1 Ba.tis CinygauLi Zpeorvs 43.4 Zpharopt.ra tna.cta Aquatic 1970+ 1971 _Lrd !atute l97O. 1971 1972 __________________________ 1472 tnuei) fount II ?.ppMiz 76 111164 0.3 0.2 1.9 0.3 2.5 ir 0.4 it 7.5 5.3 0.1201 0.7426 2.2358 2 6 55-72 74-104 7 10.1 134143 3 0.7946 0.8 94-121 8 1.7836 2.4 66-75 4 0.1477 (nee) 0.4 tr 0.3 icngth fish at Linga anepl. o (tah 1laber (t) prey Identified at knight Total Tcrrestr5aj tutal Terresttdal Other Atachndda Anaclida 0.2 0.5 Dp1opoda 9.8 U Chilopode Hcniptera 0.3 0.7 it 1.3 Dpter tr 0.2 92.5 94.7 tr Boopteta Cteoptera 0.3 U 7.2 4.0 6.2 89.9 99.2 3.8 0.5 97.6 0.3 3.3 99.6 :r tr Byannoptera Colleebnia terrestrial Aquatic Total Aquatic Othet Total Ann.lda Gaatropoda Copepoda Ostraoda 3.3 tr 2.9 .lSCaphus 3.0 8.2 0.3 83.3 2.3 2.3 88.4 0.3 0.3 0.9 1.9 1.1 2.9 0.4 1.1 0.5 2.3 0.3 0.8 1.9 tr 89.9 0.2 0.2 S&leonidae phipoda Aquatic Other Aquatic Adult Total Coleoptera tTichopteta ?lecoptera 6.8 !pheaieroptera Tipullnat Crdaa 1.4 92.4 94.3 0.6 91.4 0.6 tnsata Aouatc Adult Aquatic lature total Coleoptara total !laidae ydruphi1idae Dyticidaa 14.1 7.0 14.5 8.7 26.3 4.3 9.8 0.3 16.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 5.4 1.2 0.3 2.4 7.2 2.2 44.4 31.8 2.1 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.5 0.6 6.0 1.6 4.9 0.5 1.2 7.0 14.1 Coleoptaro Megaloptera Total 2.4 2.4 ega1otera 21.0 U 12.2 12.) 8.0 1.3 1.9 3.1 14.0 10,8 8.4 0.2 4.4 0.3 tr 3.5 13.9 13.0 Diptera Total Diptera Otbat Siepbaroceridae Dixidae Tipulldaa Slauli4ae 3.9 iLl tr Cbironqotida. Diptera Trichoptera total pupae Trehoptera Celaocratidae 1.3 0.2 2.3 5.3 0.9 U Pbi1potaoidae ?zychoyidae 0.5 10.6 3.7 0.6 6.3 4.2 1.7 tr 2.6 0.5 tr 14.3 1.3 0.3 0.3 2.3 4.7 10.4 43.2 8r.chicentridae Lepideetcoatidac LXinepki1idae 0.6 6.8 10.1 13.0 17.5 0.7 3.7 3.) 1.2 3.8 1.9 29.0 2.2 8.3 0.2 2.3 1.1 14.7 4.2 1.6 Bydropsychida. Cloaaosacidae U 1yacophl1idae Trieboptera PlecQpttra Total Chioropertidae P*rlodida. Perlidae Teeniopterygidea ?eltoperltdae 3.4 0.3 6.7 0.3 Leuridc er 55.3 2.4 13.5 58.3 4.7 tr 14.2 9.9 2.0 26.3 10.3 2.3 28.4 4.9 23.9 2.6 2.3 6.3 7.4 0.1 0.6 5.6 76.3 9.3 eaourtdze era Plecopt £pheeroptsra Total Ephiatopeita Other ParLL.ptnphIebAa Sp..erella 4.9 21.5 Ameletus 24.1 5.9 10.0 Zpeorus lphee.eroptara Tnaecee Aquatic Xaacure l97+ 1971 1912 t914 2971 1972 tIn.kd 19 My (otttinued) M Appendix 77 78 Apendiz M (conc inue) lure 2 1972 1771 19704 1572 1911 ttote '.quattt Insecta 15704 3phea*ropcera £peOrUS 10.7 15.2 33.3 Cinqu1e 8a.t.s Aa91eeu5 3pe.te11a 5.1 Other Epheeroptere Total Tpheeroptera- 33.7 5.3 L2 6.3 12.7 9.0 14.3 19.2 31.5 ParaZeptophlo.bie ?1eopteta 20.2 62.9 3.6 37.6 21.8 77.8 50.0 73.7 0.2 2.3 2.3 teuctridac Peltoperl1dae Taeniopteryidaa ?arUdae Ptrlodldae C11aroper1dae 0.5 total Plecopteta 0.3 0.6 0.8 Zacopht1idae 0.7 0.3 7,4 er Trieboptera Giooaoeat Ldae tr 4.2 0.2 1.6 tr 0.4 0.6 Li 16.4 9.9 17.7 0.3 tr 0.7 Lh Bydropsychidae Paychotd Philepotaatda. ttephi1idae 5.0 2,1 0.3 LepidostoatatUae 8rschyceotr4e 7.7 0.3 0.9 CeLaeoceracidoe Ttichopera pupae Total trichopreza Dipteri Cir000aidae Siulidae Tipulidac 3lepharoceridae Other Diptera Total Dipera ea1optera Stalidee total flegaloptera 0.3 0.3 12.8 14.0 2.8 3.5 r 3.2 3.9 1.2 4.2 3.9 0.6 30.0 13.1 35.4 2.2 2.6 0.6 1.2 0.4 1.3 8.4 9.1 0.8 15.0 24.6 1.6 0.3 24.1 tr 0.3 3.0 0.3 1.2 tr 3.7 0.7 2.1 2.9 0.3 0.3 Coleopterz trjriacidae Rydrophilidac 11.*idae Total Coleoptera Total leaature AquatIc Adult Aquatic Insecta CironotUdag tipi1idae 95.6 83.8 0.3 *eegtoptera Plecoptera 64.6 99.2 48.0 39.7 0.3 0.4 0.9 25.0 37.6 13.6 19.6 21.6 23.6 51.6 42.1 0.8 0.4 tr 0.8 0.4 100.0 35.6 trtchopcera Coleopcera total Adult .quatIc Other Aquatit 0.5 kaphtpcda Sal oidae aphua Oatratoda tr Copepodo 0.9 Oaatropoda .4neiida Total Other AquatIc Total Aquatic Tarteetrial It tt tt 96,2 86.8 90.3 It Couleabola !yocooptora 1.0 It 100.0 tr Diptera 0.5 5.1 8oaoptcra Beolptcra It C1opoa 3.1 4.7 It 1.7 3.8 It 0.1 1.0 2.8 3.0 0.4 6.1 0.2 Dip 1070d0 Atathfda Other Terreattfal total Tarrcsrial Total vct of prey (7) Nuaber HOh 1. drcItfjod aae,ld Range of f1th linth Ceo) It 3.8 0.0922 5 78-77 It It 13.2 9.7 0.3192 1 106-122 3.7 0.7 0.6 0.1053 3 139-1I3 14.4 0.0133 0.0250 1.1451 2 3 10 59-63 84100 1101'1 79 Appendix N (continued) tature Aquttic Ineecta Epheia.roptera £p.atu3 Cinygaula 3deC15 0.7 4.7 0.3 7.9 2.1 2.8 31.8 40.0 1.2 12.2 0.4 3.1. 16.5 12.4 1.6 14.2 2.3 54.3 6.1 0.9 37.6 3.9 0.7 7.9 0.3 4.6 21.4 0.7 0.6 2.0 0.9 AZeCos Xpheei.reLZ 8.1 0.6 24.2 20.1 46.1 28.2 Pardloptop41.ehiâ Other EpheTeroptera Total Epheeeroptera ?lscuptera Weour1da.a 75.7 0.4 ?eltoperilda. 4.2 50.9 1.4 0.4 2. TL*neptirygidae Perlida. Petlodidse Chloroperlidae Total Plicoptera 14.3 8.2 2.1 14.3 9.3 2.6 4.4 0.5 7.1 1.1 0.6 1.1 3.0 Trihoptera ThlCtophilidae G1es000nti4ae N7drepsychid Paychonyidae Philopetanidee 25.1 5.3 0.3 2.4 L1anphi1idae Lepidostonatidee 4.0 0.7 Tipo1id. 0.4 11.1 tr 3.7 3.1 17.3 10.6 30.2 2.3 17.2 3.3 0.3 Cr 0.2 6.3 4.3 tr 0.3 28.6 18.8 2.3 0.3 tr 2.3 0.3 12.7 32.1 11.6 4.1 7.1 3chycttridae alaaocetatidae Trichoptera pupae Total Trichoptera Dipteri Chironooldee Sixulidat 0.9 2.1 Cr llepharocatidae Other Diptra Total Diptra 0.6 5.3 0.3 2.7 2.6 1.1 2.7 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.6 3.2 91.7 80.1 63.9 84.7 85.1 46.1 0.7 1.3 1.2 3.1 1.1 7.1 1.3 2.4 11.2 }CeZalopt era Sislidse Total Megaloptera Col*optera Dytiscidee Hydrophilidea Elaida. Total Coleeptera Total lature Aquatic Adult Aquatic inOetta Chircoeiidae Tipulidac Epheneroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Coleoptera Total Adult Aquatic Other Aquatic Amphipoda Salmonidse Ascaphus Ostracoda Copepoda 0.3 5.2 0.3 3.2 Cr Cr Cr 92.2 tr 83.4 63.3 2.7 0.6 15.1 6.3 1.4 1.4 12.1 1.7 33.2 - 0.4 Gatropoda Annejida rocal Other Aquatic total Aquatic Terrestrial Colleabola flysenoptera CC 1.5 4.6 Diptera Coleoptera Honnptrra iptcra 0.4 97.2 0.2 10.7 0.8 1.1 1.0 tr 7.8 1.4.6 17.8 1.2 87.6 0.7 3.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 10.6 2.3 12.4 33.2 90.6 0.9 2.6 5.7 0.2 CM1opod Diplopoda Arue1Id.i Arochnida Othct rcstria1 otal TertestriaC TOCa1 ohc o identf ted prey (g) Nuahot (ieh to sampLe Ranpe o 1nh 1006th (mm) 0.1151. 7 60-83 0.3687 6 104.120 34.7 0.0770 2 133-134 0.1213 6 61-72 0.0820 4 60-100 9.4 0.3010 5 112151 AppeOdtZ N (continued) July 5 1972 Uiidd___________________________ 1971 1970+ 1972 1971. 1910+ 1.0.4 tr 1.5 17.1 15.6 1.3 2.4 taturt Aquatic Insects !pheseroptera Epeorus 2.3 tr 8a.tls 48.0 10.1 CJngau1a .*,.ietoa 6.1. pbeezeiia Pra1eotoph1ebia Other Ephceroocera Teo1. hem optera ?3ecopera 1.5 53.3 0.4 0.9 U.S Nemuurida. L.a. 20.9 1.9 9.3 Ch!croperlidae Total P1ocopces 9.3 Pe1o.t4ae ?rchopcera R2yacophi3ide Gloesosomatida. 0.3 22.8 36.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 8.4 25.4 4.2 0.3 8.3 2.4 13.2 1.0 1.4 8.8 13.6 0.3 10.0 21.2 0.3 1,2 12.8 0.1 1.0 0.3 tr tr Peltopetlidae l'seoiopterygidae ?eylidae 8.! t )Tydopsyehidae Psychosyidse Plopotan.idae Liepbi1ida 0.3 0.3 Lepidostomatidac achycentrida. Cs1accerstida, Tri.choptera pupae 1.0 19.5 t 0.3 0.3 14.2 9.6 0.3. Totil Trichoptera 5.2 5.3 11.1 22.3 21.2 22.3 20.7 44.0 Chironoisida. 7.9 2.2 1.7 9.3 0.3 3,9 0.9 1.9 2.4 0.2 9.8 0.3 7.5 2.2 Diptara Sioujidse Tipulidae Dizidas !lepharoceridae 1,0 Other DLptera LO 8.9 total Oiptera 0.3 2.7 2.7 73.2 73.2 98.3 0.8 1.1 4.2 Sislidae Total flea1optera Coleopter.a Dytiscids 8ydrophi2id tImida. total Coleopteta total Immature Adult Aquatic Ir.sect uat. Tipuildas Ephaaieropters Plecoptera Trichoptera Ooleoptera Total Mult Aquatic Other Aquatic 32.0 49.3 71.5 59.2 52.? 1.3 0.3 3.7 1.2 7.6 2.2 1.6 12.0 3.4 0.2 1.9 0.7 9.7 2.4 7.3 19.6 tr 1.6 0.6 tr 1.6 3.9 4.5 92.2 3.0 3.0 0.9 9.1 kaphipoda SalsonIdae Ascaphus Ostrsco4a Copepoda Castropada Annelija Total Other Aquatic TotaL Aquatic terrestrial 0.1 91.9 98.5 51.9 CollenboL flyeenoptera Olptera Coteopcera Nomotera )*eodptera Chilopoda Dip1oodo 1.7 0.9 3.5 1.4 24.1 0.9 23.1 86.3 1.8 4.7 6.3 0.6 0.8 1.8 Anne114 Arachnids Other Terrestrial TotaL Tertestrtal Total ..eight o( Identified prey (g) Nusbor of fish In sample Lingo of fish Ie.igth () tr 0.1 3.1 1.3 0.0688 0.0790 3.0697 3 3 7 71-80 104-115 48.1 l)514) 13.7 0.0786 3.9 1.3 7.3 0.0734 5 3 6171 52l02 61.1 0.3 2.) 31.7 0.7 0.4 0.3 2.4 19.3 0.1973 7 111171 81 Appendix N (concir,ued) Jull 20 I!...!, ,,i.4 1973 1972 1971 1970+ 1972 1971 1970+ Xsture Aquatic Insects Epheneroptera Epeorus 3.etis Ae2.tus tpMa*:eJJa 61.1 0.6 1.9 4.3 Para.Zeptophlebia Other Epheeeropcara Total EphemCroptera 68.2 Piecoptera 8.0 t 31.0 10.0 1.7 43.7 0.1. 9.0 1.3 11.8 95.4 0.3 0.9 0.7 1.1.7 14.5 2.7 4.7 72.6 Nes.ouridae Leuctridac Peltoperlidae Taeniopterygidae Perlidae Parlodidae chloroperlidae Total Plecoptera Trichoptera Lepidcon.stidae 8racbycentridaa Ca1aaocerti4ae Tichoptera pupae Total Trichoptera Dipt era 31.2 Tlpulidae Dixidse Slepharocerida. Other Diptera Total Diptera Xea1ept era 20.7 4.0 0.3 12.9 2.3 1.3 1.9 26.4 30.3 3.0 0,1 2.9 3.8 4.0 tr 4.8 4.3 0.2 0.3 1.6 18.5 1.9 1.0 3.6 5.8 15.5 25.5 tx 13.2 2.8 1.7 22.2 20.4 1.0 2.7 3.3 0.6 0.9 It It 3.1 01 0.2 6.8 9.1 2.3 1.7 0.2 0.3 9.3 tr 0.2 Lienaphilidae Sisulidas 13.2 3.7 0.2 21ryacophiUda. Glosaosonatidse 8ydropayehidae Paychonyidae ?hilopotarnidae Cbirenosidae 6.0 1.1 1.3 8.6 7.1 7.1 40.3 1.9.9 19.3 6.3 tr tr 0.9 31.2 3.3 1.3 3.0 19.3 2.3 9.8 It Sialidac Total 14.galoptera Coleopcera 0yLaci44e 4.2 ltydtephilidae Total Colcoptera Total tture 4quatic Adult Aquatic Insetta Chironoaida Tipulidac Zpheseroptera 99.4 98.3 4.3 49.1 0.6 3.4 Coleoptora Total Adult Aquatic Other Aquatic 61.1 0.5 ?lecoptera Tricbopttra 0.6 3.0 1.0 32.7 12.7 46.3 2.1 0.3 Kialdas 2.1 58.6 86.5 46.3 80.6 5.7 0.6 1.5 14.3 1.8 0.8 3.1 6.9 2.3 3.1 4.0 14.3 92.9 69.5 84.6 0.1 3.2 6.4 0.9 2.5 0.9 20.0 Aaç.htpoda Saltor,idae scaphua Ostracoda It Cooepo..1a 1.4.3 Case ropoda A Ida Total Other Aquatic total Aquit1c 100.0 Terrestrial Colle*bola Ryasnoptera Diptera Colcopteta tr 99.4 0.6 Nonoptera tr 62.5 tr 1.1.3 0.8 20.6 Heaipttra 60.0 6.3 7.3 5.7 12.0 It 8.1 0.3 4.5 2.0 IlUlopoda 06r 1;poda Ar4hnida Other Terrectrial Total ThrrestrAat cipht of Idonctiled y () 'Total Nu&,er fish In sample Ran 0.6 0.0137 9 of fIsh jcntii (.a) 23-35 0J875 1 73-91 2.6 2.3 27.5 0.2381 6 103-130 0.5 32.0 0.2066 2 143 0.6 tr It 7.1 0.0160 10.5 0.0323 4 3 56-72 33-98 15.4 0.2397 6 112-i 80 Appcndix N (continued) Lin.sli,jth.d 1973 1972 1071 1910+ 1972 Sded 1971 1970+ 10.3 2.3 tr 24.6 4.8 7.7 Ir taacur Aquatic maCeta Eph...rept era EpPorus 2.8 C1nyeu1a 8aeeis A1.tus ZpheaozelJa PazaiepCapJ,lcbla Other Ephemeropetra motel Epieeropteta ?1ecopter Neacurida. Leucttidae 3.2 0.3 6.4 2.6 6.3 13.9 31.2 0.4 16.7 34.7 20.4 34.4 39.8 2.3 9.1 tr Peltoperlidae Taenioptery*idae ?trlidaa 3.1 Pariodidae Cbloroperlidae 4.0 4.0 Total ?lecopt.ra Ttichoptera Thyacophilida. Clo,*oscciatidae 0.6 3.3. 1.0 1.1 U.8 Rydropsychi.dae ?eyehooyidae 0.3 ?h1.lupot&mada. LianepbiUdae tr 1.2 3.8 1.1 23.9 20.3 30.9 2.3 4.3 4.9 3.3 32.6 2.0 2.0 11.2 2.0 2.6 1.2 0.8 tr 2.0 3.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 tr Ir Trichoptera pupa. Total Triehoptera Diptera Chironoeidae Tipulidee Diaidae flephareceridac Other Diptera Total Diptera NealopCere 24.2 10.6 0.3 Stautida. 0.6 11.0 Lapidosta..atdaa Brachyceotrldae Csiaooceratidae 0.7 12.3 2.1. 2.2 0.6 2.6 tr 1.3 10.8 tr 0.3 1.3 Stalidaa Total Negaloptera Coleoptera DTtiseidae Hydrophilida. 0.3 0.3 1.7 E3aidae Total Coleoptera Total Denature Aquatic Adult Aquatic Insecta 0.3 0.3 68.3 46.4 17.4 14.9 35.4 41.1. 3.3 2.6 3.1 0.9 2.0 21.2 1.3. 2.0 3.8 2.1 0.9 3.4 0.3 0.4 1.1 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 3.6 27.1 2.4 21.6 0.2 0.3 tr 21.6 93.5 0.2 41.1 0.3 80.2 18.3 62.3 tr Rymenoptere 3.1 2.8 18.1 1.1 It Nomopter. Hemiptera Chilopoda Dipiopoda 0.6 0.6 31.6 0.3 0.6 11.9 7.6 8.2 4.7 1.4 3.8 17.0 7.6 19.8 48.1 81.5 CKttoneatdae tipulida. !pheaeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Coleoptera Total Adult Aquatic Other Aquatic 0.8 2.1. Aaphipoda SaDeonida. Ascaphus Ostracoda Coppoda 0.3 0.4 CeetrOpoda Terrestrial Collesbola Diptera Coleopeers 4.3 14.4 0.3 Aanelida Total Other Aquatie Total Aquatic 8.1 tr 1.4 43.5 tr 46.6 2.6 1.3 9.7 0.3 17.9 68.1 8.1 4.1 0.7 Annul Ida Arachnida 0.3 Other Terreatrial Total Terrestrial Total ueight of idealif led PCCy () Number fish in saaple 6.1 0.0616 8 Sange of Ifnh length (na) 33-49 52.9 0.1587 6 78-100 0.9 0.0369 0.2493 3 4 105-130 140-163 6.3 0.4 1.1 37.5 96.3 82.1 0.0238 5 64-78 0.1878 0.1065 4 6 93-106 131-173 110-13). 6 0.2298 94.106 4 0.3173 74-95 S 0.0264 143-134 4 1.0429 19.7 19.7 tr 9.1 3.3 1.7 33.7 33.7 0.1 Cr 0.4 23.1 85.7 12.1 3.8 31.1 0.5 19.9 05-132 4 0.0734 51.6 80-91 7 0.0566 7,3 46-54 () 1enth fish of 8ang. 3 aunpt. Ia ftab bet (;) 0.0503 10.1 4.4 0.2 pity Cleat- of ht ifled total TorreatrL1 Total Trroatr1e1 Other p) C)i1opoda 76.9 14.3 tr Cr 9.9 1.1 68.9 1.1 11.6 0.2 1.7 80.1 .3 5.9 24.1 4.3 16.9 48.4 0.1 4.3. 0.7 2.3 92.8 0.5 aiptera 0.2 2.0 8.3 0.6 39.9 1,2 Bonoptera Coeootera Diptera Byuenoprera Col).embola Tarreatricj 4qutic Total Aquatic Ohar total Annelida Cr G-.atropoda Copepod* 25,3 11.0 1.1 9.3 0.1 0.3 Oatracoda 1.2 LiJpAu 79.3 S1iiOnidaa Anphipnda 3.3 13.6 Cr tr 0.9 56.1. 11.0 1.6 11.0 1.4 Cr 1.0 C? 14.7 14.4 15.9 18.9 2.2 1.3 Cr 1.2 Cr 0.3 Plecoptera tpbeeeroptera 1.2 76.3 0.3 29.3 Cr 1.0 Aquatic Other Aquatic Adult Total Coleoptera licbopttra 2.3 4.9 7.2 42.0 1.5 2.2 tipalidae Chir000aidae IrseCCa Aquatic Adult 26,3 Aquatic anature total 2.8 Coleopteri total 1.6 14.8 29.7 39.2 tr 2.8 0.3 Bpdrophilid.aa Dytiacidee Colaopteta He;alopt.ra total $iaiidae - 0.9 C: 4.2 6.9 1.0 1.1 23.3 32.9 26.6 3.2 3.1 14.8 19.1 0.3 tr 25.8 Cr tr tr 38.7 9.9 8.3 6.9 3.1 0.7 11.8 1.0 0.2 6.4 Cr CC 4.0 0.6 2.7 Cr 1,5.1 4.3 30.2 4.2 0.4 10.6 26.0 ega1optara D1.xidac Tipulida* Si,1ida. 33.6 6.6 0.4 Cr Cr 3.3 3.5 CC tr Dipteti total Otptera Other hroeerida. 31. 4.4 CC Cr 6.4 tr Cr 0.9 25.8 CC 2.6 4.0 2.6 0.2 C? 2.2 0.2 Cr 34.0 1.2 0.8 2.4 28.6 Chironojdaa Diptra trichoptera Total pupae Triclioptera Calaaoce:atidao Idea chyccntt tepidoatociatidas Uznephilidae PhiloocCaatdae Paychoeayida. Nydropsychidae Glessosoeatjdae 11tyaeophilidae era trichopt Plecoptera Total Chloroperlidae Petlodi.iae ?erlida.e Taen!optarJi4ae Peltoperlidac tuctride Nroourida. P1ecGptea Ephenerptera Coca! tphu.croptera Other P1taleptop...Zebe ZpMe.reZla 1.0 Spdzus Epheneroptera Ineecta Aquatic Iatura 1970+ 1971 1973+ 1972 1971 23_,,_ i.972 Jflhaded August 1913 (continued) N Appendix 83 Appen4tz 2 (eont&nue.) Scpteeher 8 1972 Uns..,thd 1973 1972 1971 19704 '97L tature Aqu8tc táecta 1970+ Epbe.etoptcra Zpeorua A1.tus 8peez.11a Para1.ptophlebia. Other Ephe.ropra Total Epeeetopara Plecopteta 0.5 0.2 9.0 9.2 1.9 8aetls 10.3 30.7 4.3 3.8 0.2 7.5 3.5.9 3.8 2.6 4.3 tr tr 0.4 7.8 tr 4.4 8.6 3.4 7.9 21.9 9.5 1.3 4.9 0.9 0.6 0.3 Neouidae 1.4'lidae Teeniapterygidac P.rlidae 2.9 3.0.0 Total Piecoptet.a 4.3 10.1 RhyaconhiUda* 1.8 ?erlodidae 0.3. 0.9 tr 0.4 ChloroperUdaa Trihoptera GZoesoaoatida* ?eychooyida4 0.7 Leph11id4e 5.1 Leptde.toat2da. 1.9 0.2 U$repsyhi4a. Thilpotealdae 1.3 29.0 1.1 2.7 8rayeotridas Calaiioceratidae Trichoptera pupae total Trchopcera 9iptera Chironøai.da Silidae Tlpulidee DixIda. 81epharoeerdae Other Dlptera total Oiptera 24.8 1.6 0.6 5.1 12.7 29.3 1.1 2.7 33.3 26.7 1.6 30.4 1.9 4.8 tr 2.3 1.0 U 0.9 tr 0.3. 0.3 2.9 U 31.4 1.9 1.4 1.2 lotal tuature AquatIc 90.6 1.4 1.2 58.3 13.3 5,2 0.5 U )feg1optcra 14.7 4.8 2.2 2.2 1.0 3.8 1.0 1.9 1.0 3.9 28.3 50.5 1'3.4 0.) 2.9 U 4.8 2.3 7.6 2.8 58.5 88.3 58.1 13.2 2.8 1.9 3.2. 34.3 0.1 25.9 3.9 SLe11.lae total }ega1optera Coleopteta Dytscidaa BydrophiUdee E1i4ae Total Coleoptera Mull Aquatic. Iceecca Cbirono.idae Tipulidae U 4.9 U U 6.6 Plecoptera tricioptez* 3.9 Coleoptere total Adult Aquatic Other Aquatic 0.9 15.7 2.8 0.7 3.9 U 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.6 62.6 14.2 It 1.6 16.7 58.5 /.ephipoda Salaonidae Aacaphua Ostrece4a Copepoda Zr Castropoda Othet Aquatic Total Aq.,atic t'L.*t Tttreatrlal Col1ebela 96.9 U Hyuenootara Diptara 1.4 Co1eoptara trptera 1.4 ChUopoda Diplopoda 33.0 yr 3.1 1.0 0.3 $7.1 2.3 21.8 2.7 2.9 16.7 21.7 74.9 tr 1.7 1.5 2.0 4.8 6.0 A.zne1ida Ar*chi3a Other T'rreetrial Total Turreetrial Tot1 ieht o8 tdcta- iftod prey () Wueor (ih i eop1e 8an;c o flch length(en) 0.3 3.2. 0.0898 $ 81-53 0.2 yr 37,4 0.1209 3 79-100 85.3 0.0)84 4 104-117 9.2 78.3 0.O1 3 141-146 3,8 11.7 0.0h36 6 71-85 1.0 41.9 0.0105 3 98-106 0.3 0.7 86.6 0.0902. 6 114-165 II AppCndtx H (continued) S,Cbor 23 1973 X*Cuo-a Aquatio Ineecta Epheacropters peo:us Iaeeis tpheae:ella Paralep phi ebia Other Ephe-aeroptera Total Epheaeroptara 3.972 3.971 1970-4 tr 0.7 8,6 0.7 0.5 9.2 19.7 10.2 2.4 10.8 0.3 3.9 29.6 6.0 11.0 1.0 23.6 1.4 0.2 9.1 4.3 0.3 13.3 1.1 ?eltoperlidaa 31.0 13.8 14.8 5.4 0.4 0.2 2.3 6.3 3.910+ 0.2 tr 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.9 1.0 4.8 Cr 0.2 0.3 13.8 2.9 34.5 0.6 23.6 0.9 23.1 23.3 0.9 0.3 38.5 0.9 25.0 0.3 24.3 ?lecopc era Neaourdoe Leuctr1ae 1973. 0.2 1.6 0.2 Cr 4.9 tr 3.972 0.2 Taen1opCery4dae Perlidee Perlod1dee Chloroperlida. Total Ptecopteta Trioheptera EyacopMlidae O1oa*000at1dae Bydropeychidas Psyehoayldaa Pllopotaoidae 1.7 0.4 Lionephilidae 3.0 3.2 0.2 0.3 1.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.1 9.5 5.3 8.2 7.6 15.4 2.8 2.3 3.1 4.0 1.0 7.1 0.7 8.3 0.2 3.3 3.9 3.1.1 14.0 1.5 13.5 16.8 1.epidoetoaatid*. Zrachyceotridea 0.2 Cr 3.6 3.5 23.4 15.8 Tpu1idae 1.4 Dtxidaa 1.2 alaooerat1da* Trfohoptera pupae Total Triohoptera Dlptera Chlronoiatdae 2.3 9.7 0.8 8.0 5.2 4.3. 1.) 1.5 0.6 8.2 1.2 8.0 Simuli4aa 8lepKzrceridaa Other Dtptera Total Diptata 2.9 21.2 Mea1opteEa 0.9 tr 0.8 Cr 4.1 3.6 3.3 Sialidae Cr Cr Total Mea1optera Coleoptera DyCisc4ae Bydrophilida. Elmidie Total Coleoptera Total tature 414UaC1O Adult Aquotlo Thacota Choronoeldac T1pul±dae Epheocroptera 0.2 77.6 3.2 1.3 76.6 Cr 3.3 87.2 1.7 1.0 0.4 Cr 1.4 48.7 33.6 Cr Cr Cr 5,4 0.9 40.2 1.3 0.4 6.3 40.2 1.4 0.4 1.2 0.7 1.7 Plocoptra TrichoDtera Coleoptera Total Adult Aquatt Other Aquatt 1.3 0.2 43.4 13.3 Mphtpoda Salaon6dae tr Asrap1i.'s Oetraouda Cop4pod Catropoda Mtoe1ia Total (thcr Aquatie Total AquatIc Colleabola Nyacooptera Dfptera 0.2 Total TerreatreL Total ,,c1ght of idunt- Ifird prey (9) 9uaber (tab In suaple Cr Cr LI Cr Cr 80.5 82.9 83.6 4.6 4.7 4.4 Cr 3.2 0.8 13.3 58.7 1.5 2.9 3.7 8.5 11.3 C1eoptare Arachojie Other Terrestrial Cr 0.9 0.9 3.4 19.5 0.0590 3 85090 of flab 1enrh (oa) 4O-8 19.3 0.3 Cr UcoLptera Chilopoda D1pJopo Anneli,lu Cr tr tr 87.3 17.4 18.7 48.3 0.7 54.7 1.0 0.7 0.6 tr tr 3.1 4.1 0.2 0.2 tr 3.3 8,4 0.5 6.3 2.5 tr 2,1 1.0 0.2 17.4 9.2 80.7 3.2.7 17.1 0.2721 10 86-104 16.4 0.1784 2 104-133 0.0363 2 131-3.45 0.1744 4 67-93 34.7 6.1 0.2 - 31.2 0.2614 5 93-108 45.3 0.30(22 6 137-3.59 86 Appendis N (contiaucd) 13 173 1972 1911 1970+ 1972 1971 1910+ toture Aquatic tnscct* Ephemeropter. Zpeorus Cinvqaua 0.4 4.1 1.2 tr Aae2etus 2.3. Petal eptophlebla 0.1 EpA oai.rella Other Ephemeroprara Total EpheaetopCar* Plecoptera 3.3. 7.2 Neaoridat 20.3 1.6 4.1 10.8 0.7 21.1 5.4 1.3 0.2 1.3 7.1. 1.2 L.euctrl4ae S.4 6.7 2.3 15.9 2.3 8.2 14.9 tr e3teper1idae 6.7 Taenlopcerygidae ?etUdae Petlodjdae ebloroperl Ida. total 1ecaptera 18.0 1.3 trichoptere tr 2iyacophi1idae 18.0 6.7 2.1. C1ossoaaati4ae Hydropychida 0.3 0.4 Psychoydae ?2i1opotanUdae tiephili4a. 0.6 7..epidostooacida. 14.9 6.4 13.1 4.3 rachycentridae CalaaoceratLdae ttichoptera pupae 0.3 total Trichoptera 1.0 17.0 6.4 62.1. 11.8 41.3 0.9 1.1 D4pter* Chirnoadd., Siaulidae tpu1idae 31epharoceridae Othet Diptea Total Diptera galoptexa 51.114.. total 1ega1optera 62.1 tr 1.51 5.0 t 0.9 6.8 2.7 12.? 42.4 tr 0.9 6.8 2.7 12.2 50.7 56.0 38.3 22.7 9.1 24.3 Cbironoidae Tipulida. 0.5 2.1 tr 6.8 1.2 Ephemeroptera 5.6 74.9 39.8 46.7 46.5 31.0 Coleoptera Dytiac1iae ltydrophilidae 0.4 Elnd4ae total Coleopter. Total Iatur. Aquatic Ad1t .quatic Insect. Plecoptera trichopteca Coleoptera tota.1 Adult Aquatic Other Aquatic 0.4 Cc 3.4 0.2 2.2 6.1. 2.1 1.0 4.4 0.2 C.? tr tr Ct 77.1 3.1 Amphipoda Saisocidea Ascaphue O.tracoda Copepod. ettO9nda Total Other Aquatic Total Aquatic Terreatrial. Collembola Ryeooptera Diptera Coleoptera Beaipecra 0.? tt Oplopoda Tot1 weight o Ident- I(d prey () Puieber iah in sspCe Ct Cr 32.3 50.3 38.8 99.8 35.7 15.3 1.3 tr 0.1 28.3 4.2 Cr tt 8.0 2.3 0.4 2.9 5.3 3.3 43.7 thi1ood Annlida Atchnid Other Terrestrial Total. Terteatrial tt 79.0 3.3 0.4 36.0 1.9 22.4 0.6 tr 26.1 0.4 2.4 0.8 Cr 3.4 1.6 2.3 19.4 44.3 24.? 0.2 2.3 10.9 Ic 21.0 3.0398 47.2 3.0536 2.1 0.2 39.5 51.3 0.1710 0.2 0.1440 0.0908 0.0088 O.O2 S 1 Rang. ot fich 1cn1th () 44-59 3 82-103 2 204-125 6 140-290 73-95 3 93-103 6 110-113 97 Appendix N (cent Irnw,J) X.ture Aquatic Ziaaacta Eph..ropt era Xpeoruz 0.4 0.4 0.8 Cinyuia LieCI. Zplanere21a Pazaeptop?.Zobi Other Cpheeeroptera Total pheuaropterx Plecoptera 0.8 0.3 14.7 Cr 1.0 3.8 tr 16.3 2.3 0.4 tr 1.3 10.7 4.3 1.2 9.5 10.5 0.3 10.7 16.1 0.3 0.3 Cr 0.4 3.6 tr 15.9 13.9 RityacophiUdae Ole oeoacidae E)dropnyctidae 0.3 10.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 6.0 2.4 12.6 65.4 tr Pe1chofyidae Philopetan.idae tr Litephi1idae 0.8 3raehycentrida Calaeocerat Ida, 0.4 tepi4ostomatida. 1.4 1.2 0.4 0.3 L.tuctriae Peltoparlida. 1.3 7.9 1.6 0.3 Nemouridae Tatoio9tery3id$e Perlidee Perlodida. Ch1oroperii4a Total Plecoptera Trirbopeera 2.3 LI Cr 8.7 10.3 trithaptera 7J*C Total Trichoptera 1.2 13.1 13.0 71.4 12.0 4.6 5.6 3.4 1.6 1.0 0.4 1.3 0.6 0.4 13.9 20.0 25.9 0.9 8.4 Total 1uature Aquatic 47.4 4dglt Aquatic loaeta 39.0 26.1 1.1 1.5 6.0 2.9 2.2 Chir000aidae S1uUdae TipulIda. Dix4ae 3lepbatocer±dae Other Diptera Total Oiptera )tegaloptera Stalid&e Total 1ega1optera Coleoptere 3.4 19.3 Cr 2.0 3.6 0.4 tr 0.4 0.2 1.3 2.4 4.8 1.6 6.8 26.2 46.6 1.2 1.2 0.3 0.2 29.4 3.8 3.1.3 20.4 1.7 13.3 45.1 33.8 33.7 91.7 31.0 1.2 0.4 1.0 0.8 32.3 Cr 0.4 Dtiacida. lydrophilida. Zlaidae Total Co1eptera C1irenonidae Tipulida. Epheaeropcera ?Iecopeara 25.3 10.7 Trichoptera 77.1 C 0.8 Cr 6.3 24.0 Coleopc era Total Adult Aquatic Other Aquatic Mphipo4a 25.3 17.7 30.6 0.8 7.5 0.4 S*imoaidae Catracoda Cr Copepoda Ct C? Castrope.da Anoelido Total Ocher Aquatic Total Aquatic Terrestrial )yaenoptera 2.8 2.8 tr 56.7 56.7 6.0 1.8 20.8 0.3 32.8 7.3 6.7 Dipteta Ccleupcera Hoaoptcra tr 75.7 3.0 0.4 78.2 5.7 0.1. 1.5 13.1 4.0 tr 65.1 t 15.6 0.5 9.3 0.3 0.6 CblloCoda Olpioroda Anneltd ArocittjcM Other Terrearia1 totil Terrestrici total uaII.t of Ident4Od prey 11.0 2.3 0.0231 43.3 0.0947 43.3 0.2072 J (oaber fieh in snn1e 7 Pone ci Ctah tnth (mae) 50-42 tr 3.2 7.6 2.3 3 84-94 8 107-3.30 21.3 00266 2 141-163 0.3 3.8 66.3 0.0252 3 73-79 8.3 0.1200 7 92-101 19.6 63.0 0.5125 5 111.3.92