Name BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE E-ID ________________________ College of Arts and Sciences WID Phone Number_________________________ Entrance Date Expected Graduation Date _________________ Curriculum and Graduation Requirements Guide Effective Date: BASIC REQUIREMENTS Sem GR See Catalogue for Courses that Fulfill Requirements for the B.A. and B.S. (58-63 hours) Expository Writing I (3) Expository Writing II (3) Public Speaking (2-3) Foreign Language: 4 courses (15-19) 1. 2. 3. 4. Mathematics: 2 courses (6) 1. Math 100 or higher 2. Stat 320 or higher Humanities: 4 courses (11-12) 1. Fine Arts Students must earn a "C" or better to satisfy major requirements. Sem 2. Philosophy 3. Western Heritage Engl 400: Adv. Expos. Writing for Prospective Teachers Engl 435: Linguistics for Teachers of English Retakes Sem GR Free Electives (18-23 hrs) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sem GR Engl 545: Lit. for Adolescents One Shakespeare Course One English course numbered 315-599. (12) Engl 580 or other World Literature Course. Total credit hours needed to graduate: 120 (4th course: either prereq. in same dept. or 500-level and above; see also Gen. Ed.) Natural Sciences: 3 courses (11) 1. Life Science with Lab 2. Physical Science with Lab 3. Life or Physical Science *See your advisor in Secondary Education and the information on back of this sheet. K-State 8 Requirements (23-24 hrs from at least 4 disciplines) Overlaid from basic requirements, major requirements, and free electives. 1. Aesthetic Experience and Interpretive Understanding 2. Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning 3. Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility 4. Global Issues and Perspectives 5. Historical Perspectives 6. Human Diversity within the U.S. 7. Natural and Physical Sciences One Composition Elective. You must take at least 45 credit hours at 300+ to graduate. You must earn a grade point average of at least 2.0 on all KSU resident graded hours applied toward your degree. One Lit. Course numbered Engl 600 & above. Engl 698 Capstone Seminar (following completion of 21 hrs beyond Engl 310) INTERNAL GRAD CHECK: The semester before you expect to graduate, submit graduation plan to Lead Advisor. Overlays One course from diversity curriculum 1. Two courses before 1800 other than Shakespeare Sem GR GRADUATION: File online during the first 4 weeks of the semester in which you expect to graduate. If you do not graduate as scheduled, you must submit a new Application for Graduation Clearance for a subsequent semester. Surveys count toward this requirement 1. 2. Two courses after 1800 8. Social Sciences 3. Advisor: TRANSFER CREDITS PRESENTED Only 60 hours required for a KSU Degree can be applied from a two-year college. College or University Sem GR GR (Covered by English requirements) Social Science: 4 courses in 3 disciplines 1. History* 2. Non-western cultures* 3. 4. C Engl 310: Introduction to Literary Studies Any 3 of the following Engl 361 British Survey I Engl 362 British Survey II Engl 381 American Survey I Engl 382 American Survey II Any non-performance class in Art, Music, Theatre, or Dance 4. Literary or Rhetorical Arts MAJOR: ENGLISH--LITERATURE with Teacher Licensure 39 credit hours must be completed. August '14 Date: 4. If you have questions concerning any of the requirements, see your advisor or Dean. Updated 3/3/2015