FDDI. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks run at a standard 100-Mbit/s transfer rate using multimode optical-fiber cabling. The purchase cost is high, partly because it necessitates new cabling for existing networks. FDDI is also available as a high-speed backbone network connecting LANs. A twisted-pair version, TP-PMD (twisted-pair physical medium dependent) FDDI, is under development, using Category 5 UTP and STP copper cables. This version is sometimes called Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI). ATM. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a new network technology particularly suitable for wide area networks and campus backbones. It is intended to allow seamless integration of campus LAN backbones into the wide area network. Ethernet and Token Ring Switching. Switching is also being introduced into Ethernet and token ring networks. To increase overall throughput, LANs are segmented. Hubs switch packets dynamically between connected segments allowing simultaneous transmissions among pairs of network segments. This increases bandwidth by two or more times that of individual segments. 100Base-T. 100Base-T is a scaling of CSMA/CD to 100 Mbits/s. There is no migration path or accommodation for existing token ring users. The technique cannot emulate 10Base-T topologies since the maximum topology is two repeaters. Table II System Comparisons ATM uses cell switching (53 bytes per cell) similar to high-speed telephone switching over existing UTP or optical-fiber cabling. It runs at 25 to 622 Mbits/s. FDDI ATM 100Base-T Demand Priority Yes Yes No Yes Node management is expensive Segmentation or reassembly of frames is expensive Low Low Ethernet 802.3 networks can be upgraded without software changes? No No Yes Yes Token ring 802.5 networks can be upgraded without software changes? No No No Yes Supports multimedia with guaranteed delay and bandwidth? Table I Cabling and Topological Comparisons FDDI ATM 100Base-T Demand Priority 100-Mbit/s Category 3 cable supported? No 50 Mbits/s with complex coding Yes Yes Bundled cables supported? No No No Yes Multiple cascades supported without bridging or routing? Yes Yes No Yes Cost High High Medium Low End-node adapter card complexity ! 4&-&$5"#-& "/% "%"15&34 "/% "3& "%"15&3 $"3%4 8*5) 0/& < $0//&$503 '03 <#*54 "4&< "/% "/05)&3 '03 <#*54 !</: )& "%"15&34 "650."5*$"--: 4&/4& 8)*$) /&5803, 5)&: "3& $0//&$5&% 50 "/% 4&-&$5 5)& $033&$5 .0%& 0' 01&3"5*0/ !</: "3& "%"15&34 '03 &3*&4 803,45"5*0/4 )&: 4611035 $0//&$5*0/ 50 &*5)&3 <#*54 "4&< 03 <#*54 !</: )& "%"15&34 "650."5*$"--: 4&/4& 8)*$) /&5803, 5)&: "3& $0//&$5&% 50 "/% 4&-&$5 5)& $033&$5 .0%& 0' 01&3"5*0/ !</: %&7&-01.&/5 4:45&. *4 " %&7&-01.&/5 4:45&. '03 %&4*(/&34 "/% 01&3"5034 0' !< /: /&5803, 130%6$54 5 '*/%4 5)& 3005 $"64& 0' "/: %&4*(/ "/% */5&301&3"#*-*5: 130#-&.4 / .045 $"4&4 /05 "-- 0' 5)& /&5803, 8*-- )"7& 50 #& 61< (3"%&% "5 5)& 4".& 5*.& 0/4*%&3 '03 &9".1-& "/ &9*45*/( "4&< /&5803, 8*5) " .*9 0' )*()<53"''*$ "/% -08<53"''*$ 64&34 5)"5 "-- /&&% 50 "$$&44 '*-& 4&37&34 "/% 13*/5&34 )& '*345 1)"4& *4 50 *%&/5*': 5)& )*()<53"''*$ 64&34 50 %&5&3.*/& )08 ."/: /0%&4 /&&% 50 #& 61(3"%&% )*4 8*-- %&5&3.*/& 5)& /6.#&3 0' !</: )6# 10354 "/% /&5803, "%"15&34 5)"5 8*-- #& 3&26*3&% */$-6%*/( /&5803, '*-& 4&37&34 "/% 13*/5&34 )& $633&/5 !</: 130%6$5 4&5 1307*%&4 " 4.005) 45&1<#:<45&1 8": '03 $6450.&34 8)0 8*4) 50 61(3"%& 5)&*3 &9*45*/( "4&< 5)&3/&5 /&5803,4 )& 0/-: 3&26*3&% &-&< .&/54 "3& /&8 )6#4 '03 5)& /&5803, "/% /&8 "%"15&3 $"3%4 '03 &"$) /0%& 9*45*/( /&5803, ."/"(&.&/5 */5&3'"$&4 01&3"5*/( 4:45&.4 #3*%(&4 "/% 3065&34 $"/ 3&."*/ !</: )6#4 "3& */45"--&% "%+"$&/5 50 5)& &9*45*/( "4&< )6#4 5)"5 4&37*$& )*()<53"''*$ 64&34 )& /&5803, $"#-&4 50 &"$) 61(3"%&% /0%& "3& %*4$0//&$5&% '30. 5)& "4&< ;)6#;"/% $0//&$5&% 50 " !</: )6# 40.& 3&"33"/(&.&/5 0' 5)& "4&< /0%&<50<)6# $0//&$5*0/4 6(645 &8-&55<"$,"3% 063/"- )& 4&$0/% 1)"4& *4 50 "$26*3& 5)& /&$&44"3: !</:< )6#4 "/% /&5803, "%"15&3 $"3%4 0/& )6# '03 &"$) /0%&4 *' %7"/$&5"$, !</: )6#4 "3& 64&% "/% 50 */45"-- 5)&. */ 5)& /&5803, "4 %&1*$5&% */ *( )& -*/, $"#-& *4 %*4$0//&$5&% '30. &"$) /0%& 5)"5 )"4 #&&/ *%&/5*'*&% '03 61(3"%*/( " 3&1-"$&.&/5 "%"15&3 $"3% *4 */45"--&% "/% 5)& -*/, $"#-& *4 3&$0//&$5&%