#! & *! )& "%!$ Surface and solid data can be imported from HP PE/ME30 and exchanged with systems supporting the IGES, STEP, and ACIS formats. Imported data coexists with and can be manipulated like native data. + &$ "! $$ , ! $ !! '%% /,)$%3)'.%2 3500/243 4(% #/%8)34%.#% /& 352&!#% $!4! 7)4( 3/,)$ $!4! !.$ 02/6)$%3 4(% !"),)49 4/ )-0/24 !.$ -/$)&9 352&!#% !.$ 3/,)$ $%3)'. $!4! &2/- ! 6!2)%49 /& 3934%-3 !#+7!2$ #/-0!4)"),)49 7)4( 02%3%26%3 4(% ).6%34-%.4 /& %8)34).' #534/-%23 3).' )-02/6%$ .)4)!, 2!0()#3 8#(!.'% 4!.$!2$ )-0/24 #!0!"),)49 "/4( 352&!#% !.$ 7)2%&2!-% $!4! #!. "% )-0/24%$ 52&!#% $!4! !.$ 3/,)$ $!4! #!. !,3/ "% )-0/24%$ !.$ %80/24%$ 53).' 4(% 4!.$!2$ &/2 4(% 8#(!.'% /& 2/$5#4 /$%, !4! &/2-!4 .#% )-0/24%$ 4()3 $!4! #!. #/%8)34 7)4( /,)$%3)'.%2 3/,)$ $!4! 4 #!. "% ,/!$%$ 3!6%$ 0/3)4)/.%$ !44!#(%$ 4/ -!.!'%$ !3 0!24 !.$ !33%-",9 3425#452%3 $%: ,%4%$ !.$ 53%$ 4/ #2%!4% 3/,)$3 442)"54%3 35#( !3 #/,/2 #!. 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(% 3#(%-! $%&).%3 4(% $!4! 3425#452%3 53%$ 4/ 2%02%3%.4 4(% /"*%#43 4 #/.3)343 /& ! #/,,%#4)/. /& 2%#/2$ $%&).)4)/.3 (% &/,,/7).' )3 !. %8!-0,% /& ! 2%#/2$ $%&).)4)/. SH 2 FS 3 1 BK 3 1 Property definition 1 Property definition 2 Number of property definitions Name of record definition &" "%!$ )3 ! #/-054%2:!)$%$ $%3)'. 3934%"!3%$ /. 4(% /-5,53 +%2.%, / 02%3%26% 4(% ).6%34-%.4 /& %8)34).' #534/-%23 )4 7!3 2%15)2%$ 4(!4 4(% 42!.3)4)/. &2/ 4/ /,)$%3)'.%2 "% !3 3-//4( !3 0/3: 3)",% (%2%&/2% !. &),% )-0/24 02/#%33/2 )3 ! ).4%'2!, #/-0/.%.4 /& /,)$%3)'%2 . /"*%#43 !2% "5),4 &2/- !.!,94)# 352&!#%3 ,)+% #9,).$%23 #/.%3 30(%2%3 0,!.%3 !.$ 4/253%3 (% ).4%2: 3%#4)/.3 /& 4(%3% 352&!#%3 #!. "% 2%02%3%.4%$ !3 %80,)#)4 !.!,94)# #526%3 35#( !3 342!)'(4 ,).%3 #)2#,%3 !.$ %,,)03%3 /2 )-0,)#)4,9 "9 $%3#2)").' 4(% 352&!#%3 ).6/,6%$ !.$ 02/6)$).' !. !002/8)-!4)/. /& 4(% ).4%23%#4).' !2# !2!"/,)# !.$ (90%2"/,)# ).4%23%#4)/.3 !2% 2%02%3%.4%$ )-0,)#)4,9 &( $!,&"! 3500/243 4(% /-5,53 4%845!, 42!.3-)4 &/2-!4 (% 42!.3-)4 &),% )3 ./4 ).4%.$%$ 4/ "% 2%!$ "9 (5-!.3 "54 4(% '%.%2!, 3425#452% #!. "% %8!-).%$ (% &),% #/.4!).3 /.,9 02).4!",% #(!2!#4%23 !.$ 2%!, 6!,5%3 !2% 2%02%3%.4%$ !3 * A kernel is the heart of a modeling system. Currently, three kernels are used in various CAD systems. These are Romulus from Shape Data, Parasolid, an extension of Romulus, and the ACIS Kernel from Spatial Technology. One record definition (% &/,,/7).' )3 !. %8!-0,% /& ! 02/0%249 $%&).)4)/. FS 3 –1 One property definition Length field: If 1: variable length Type field ID name . 4(% 3%#/.$ 3%#4)/. /& 4(% 42!.3-)4 &),% 4(% .5-"%2 /& 2%#/2$ 490%3 4(% .5-"%23 /& 2%#/2$ ).34!.#%3 !.$ 02/0%249 ).34!.#%3 4(% .!-% /& 4(% 3#(%-! !.$ )43 6%23)/. !.$ 50$!4% .5-"%2 !2% 3500,)%$ (% 2%#/2$ ).34!.#%3 !.$ 02/0%249 ).34!.#%3 #/.4!). 4(% #/.#2%4% $!4! $%3#2)").' 4(% -/$%, (% 3%-!.4)#3 !.$ 4(% 3%15%.#% /& $!4! %.4)4)%3 (!6% 4/ #/.&/2- 4/ 4(% &/2-!4 30%#)&)%$ "9 4(% #/22%30/.$).' 2%#/2$ $%&).)4)/. !.$ 02/0%249 $%&).)4)/. %.4)4)%3 (% ).&/2-!4)/. ). 4(% #9,).$%2 %8!-0,% &),% 3!93 4(!4 ).34!.#%3 /& 2%#/2$ $%&).)4)/.3 !2% 3500,)%$ 4/ $%3#2)"% 4(% 3#(%-! &/2 4(% ).34!.#% /& 4(% #9,).$%2 /2 4(% !#45!, /"*%#4 2%#/2$ ).34!.#%3 "5),4 /54 /& 02/0%249 ).34!.#%3 !2% 53%$ #4/"%2 %7,%44:!#+!2$ /52.!, 1 11 23 115 ROMDSCHMA 7 4 16 ! -!"+ ,-"(' -! ,!& ,-"(' ('-"', -! "'"-"(' ( -! - ,-+.-.+, ., -( +)+,'- -! &(% !", ,3 -"(' (',",-, ( -! ,.,- ( +(+ "'"-"(', +(& -! 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Backpointer from assembly or body to token 1 EQ : REAL = 0 ... Geometry definition 2 EQ : REAL = 0 ... Geometry definition 3 EQ : REAL = 0 ... Geometry definition 4 EQ : REAL = 0 ... Geometry definition 5 EQ : REAL = 0 ... Geometry definition 6 EQ : REAL = 1 ... Geometry definition 7 EQ : REAL = 10 ... Geometry definition SU is EMPTY ... Surface supported by this suface TY : INTEGER = 2 (CYLINDER) ... Geometry type $! 0+ +(% !/%#*!. %),+.0 %*0!."! %/ (%*'! %.!0(5 0+ 0$! +(% !/%#*!. + ! * +(% !/%#*!./ 1/!. %*0!."! %0 /%),(5 / 100+* 0+ 0$! !40!.*( "%(%*# )!*1 " "%(! *)! %/ /,!%"%! 0$! ,.+!//+. %/ 0%20! *0!.*((5 /!2!.( (//!/ .! ! 0+ +(% !/%#*!. 0+ .!,.!/!*0 0$! /$!) * %*/0*! !*0%0%!/ +" 0$! "%(! +. !2!.5 /1,7 ,+.0! .!+. !"%*%0%+* !*0%05 (// !.%2! ".+) #!*!.% .!+. %*/0*! +&!0 %/ !"%*! $! )+/0 %),+.0*0 )!)!. "1*0%+* +" !$ +" 0$!/! (//!/ %/ 0$! +*2!.0 "1*0%+* $%/ "1*0%+* ,!."+.)/ 0$! ),,%*# +" 0$! 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(lookup table search) YES: Use the available conversion result NO: Create the new derived class of record instance Call the convert function Attach the conversion result to the lookup table Delete the instance to free the memory used Use the newly generated conversion result to continue the conversion. $! +*2!./%+* "+. %*0!./!0%+* 1.2!/ %/ *+0 +*! +* 0$! "(5 10 5 ,+/0,.+!//+. "0!. 0$! .!/0 +" + 5 %/ +*2!.0! +),(!0!(5 $! +*2!.0 .+10%*! "+. * %*0!./!0%+* 0.' /%),(5 +((!0/ 0$! 03+ %*0!./!0%*# /1."!/ * (( 2%((! %0%+*( %*"+.)0%+* "+1* %* 0$! "%(! 0+ .!,.!/!*0 0$! %*7 0!./!0%+* $! +),(!0%+* +" 0$! %*0!./!0%+* 1.2!/ %/ +*! 5 0$! +*2!.0 "1*0%+* "+. + %!/ "0!. "%./0 %*0!.)! %0! 0+,+(+#5 +" 0$! *!3 7+(% !/%#*!. + 5 %/ (1(0! * (( *(50% /1."!/ * *(50% 1.2!/ .! 00$! 0+ 0$! .!0! + 5 0$! (1(0%+* +" 0$! %*0!./!0%+*/ !#%*/ $! 0+,+(+#5 +" 0$! %*0!./!0%+* !03!!* 03+ /1."!/ %* +(% !/%#*!. %/ *+0 (35/ 0$! /)! / %* !1/! %""!.!*0 +*/0.%*0/ +* 0+,+(+#5 * #!+)!0.5 !4%/0 %* 0$! 03+ )+ !(!./ +. %*/0*! %0 )5 ! *!!//.5 0+ .!,.!/!*0 0$! /%*#(! /!#)!*0 "+1* %* / /!-1!*! +" %""!.!*0 1.2!/ * /1$ /!/ 0$! +.%#%*( 0+,+(+#5 $/ 0+ ! )+ %"%! * /+)! ! #!/ )5 ! /,(%0 + "%* 0$! ,,.+,.%0! %*0!./!0%+* %* 0+!. !3(!007'. +1.*( PE/SolidDesigner is mainly a selection process. In many cases two surfaces intersect at not only one but several distinct sections. Consider the intersection of a cylinder with a torus in the case of perpendicular axes. Four possible intersection curves may be part of the model (see Fig. 1). In the HP PE/ME30 file additional help points are supplied to allow the correct selection. The direction of the intersection curve (the tangent to the curve) is not guaranteed to be the same in HP PE/ SolidDesigner as in HP PE/ME30. Therefore the correct fit to the model is calculated and the resulting direction is reflected in the topology of the imported model. To test the quality of the HP PE/ME30 import processor a large HP PE/ME30 test library has been compiled. It now contains more than 2300 examples of parts and assemblies. All of the test cases used during HP PE/ME30 development and support are included along with new user models conĆ sisting of recently acquired data from internal and external HP PE/ME30 users. An additional test matrix subtree was developed by creating base parts with critical features. In particular, all possible surfaceĆtoĆsurface intersections and various special cases have been generated. Load Time [ Size × k1 + Entities × k2 + Intersections × k3, where k1 t k2 tt k3. The size of the schema section does not vary very much between different files and is norĆ mally relatively small compared to the size of the data secĆ tion. The number of entities and the file size are strongly related. The calculation and selection of the nonanalytic inĆ tersection curves fitting the model is a relatively expensive component of the processor because a completely new repĆ resentation of the data structure has to be generated. An important task in computerĆaided design is the transfer of the completed model to downstream applications and other CAD applications. These applications vary from finite element analysis and numerically controlled (NC) manufacturing to visualization and simulation. HP PE/SolidDesigner currently uses IGES 5.1 (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) for fileĆbased data exchange. Because of the broad variety of receiving systems an IGES interface must be flexible so that the contents of the output file match the capabilities of the receiving system. It must be possible to transfer whole assemblies keeping the informaĆ tion on the parts tree, or only specific parts of a model, or even single curves or surfaces. This is achieved by a mixture of configuration and selection mechanisms. The regression test procedure is to import HP PE/ME30 models from the test library part by part and perform the HP PE/SolidDesigner body checker operation on each. The An analysis of the IGES translators of many different systems loading time and the body checker result are collected in a reports file. A reports file can be analyzed by a shell script to showed that it is possible to classify them in four main cateĆ gories: supply a statistical summary of the current quality of the • Wireframe Systems. These systems are only capable of imĆ HP PE/ME30 interface. Because of the large amount of test porting curve geometry. This is typical for older CAD sysĆ data a complete test takes a long time. Therefore, an interĆ tems or 2D systems with limited 3D capabilities. mediate test is available. The complete test performs the basic load and check test on all currently available test modĆ • Surface Systems Using Untrimmed Surfaces. These systems are capable of importing untrimmed surfaces and indepenĆ els of the library directory. The intermediate test examines dent curve geometry. This is typical for lowĆend NC systems the reports file of the latest complete test and repeats all that need a lot of interaction to create tool paths and define reported problems. It also repeats a random selection of the areas. successful tests. At this time over 99% of the complete test • Surface Systems Using Parametrically Trimmed Surfaces. conversions are classified as successful. These systems are able to handle trimmed surfaces. TrimĆ The performance of the import process for HP PE/ME30 files ming is performed in the parametric domain of the surfaces. is mainly dependent on three variables: the size of the Periodic surfaces are often not handled or are incorrectly schema, the number of entities, and the number of intersecĆ handled. Each surface is handled independently. This is typĆ tions that have to be calculated: ical for surface modelers and sophisticated NC systems. • Topological Surface Systems and Solid Modelers. These sysĆ tems are able to handle trimmed surfaces using 3D curves as trimming curves. They are able to handle periodic surfaces, nonplanar topology, and surface singularities. Connection between adjacent trimmed surfaces is maintained and the normal to the trimmed surface is important for inside/outĆ side decisions. This is typical for advanced surface and solid modelers. Intersection of a torus and a cylinder. October 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal HP PE/SolidDesigner's IGES interface is designed to work in four output modes: wireframe, untrimmed, trimmed parametĆ ric, and trimmed. Each output mode represents one of the categories of receiving IGES translators. This has the advanĆ tage of giving as much information about the solid model as possible to highĆend systems (trimmed, trimmed parametric), without burdening lowĆend interfaces with too much inforĆ mation. For some modes (trimmed parametric) more configĆ uration parameters allow fine tuning to specific systems to -"8*-*:& 4)& 42".3'&2 2"4& "$) -/%& )"3 " 30&$*'*$ &.4*49 -"00*.( 4)"4 %&3$2*#&3 7)*$) &.4*4*&3 "2& 53&% 4/ %&; 3$2*#& 4)& -/%&, 3&& "#,&3 ".% 3&23 $". 30&$*'9 "%%*4*/.", 02/%5$4 2&,"4&% %"4" ".% "2#*42"29 $/--&.43 '/2 4)& 34"24 ".% (,/#", 3&$4*/.3 /' 4)& '*,& %*2&$4,9 6*" 4)& /54054 %*",/( #/8 0&$*'*$ $/.'*(52"4*/.3 $". #& 3"6&% ".% ,/"%&% 3/ 4)"4 4)& $/.'*(52"4*/. )"3 4/ #& %&4&2-*.&% /.,9 /.$& '/2 &"$) 2&$&*6*.( 3934&- *( 3)/73 4)& %*",/( -&.5 / ",,/7 -"8*-", ',&8*#*,*49 *. 7)"4 *3 42".3,"4&% 4)& 53&2 *3 ",,/7&% 4/ 3&,&$4 "33&-#,*&3 0"243 '"$&3 ".% &%(&3 ".% "2#*42"29 $/-#*."4*/.3 ,, 3&,&$4&% *4&-3 "2& )*(),*()4&% ".% 4)& 53&2 $". 53& %9."-*$ 6*&7*.( %52*.( 4)& 3&,&$4*/. 02/$&33 ' 4)& 53&2 3&,&$43 "33&-#,*&3 4)& 0"24 42&& *3 2&02&; 3&.4&% 7*4) &.4*4*&3 ".% 35#'*(52& %&'*.*4*/. ".% *.34".$& )"2&% 0"243 "2& 2&02&3&.4&% #9 3)"2&% (&/-&429 *. 4)& '*,& Table I Curve Mapping HP PE/SolidDesigner IGES 3D Entity 42"*()4 *.& *2$,& *2$5,"2 "2$ 7*4) 42".3'/2-"4*/. ;30,*.& "4*/.", ;30,*.& $526& .4&23&$4*/. $526& "4*/.", ;30,*.& "2"-&4&2 $526& "4*/.", ;30,*.& /2 ,*.& )& 42*--&% -/%& *3 4)& $,/3&34 %&3$2*04*/. /' 4)& *.4&2.", ;&0 #/5.%"29 2&02&3&.4"4*/. %"4" 3425$452& /' /,*%&3*(.&2 4 53&3 4)& #/5.%&% 352'"$& &.4*4*&3 ".% "3 4)& 4/0 &,&-&.4 /' 4)& -/%&, %&3$2*04*/. "$) 3&,&$4&% '"$& /' 4)& 0"24 -"03 4/ /.& #/5.%&% 352'"$& &.; 4*49 $/.4"*.*.( 3&6&2", #/5.%"2*&3 &.4*49 2*-; -*.( /' 4)& 352'"$&3 *3 0&2'/2-&% #9 -/%&, 30"$& $526&3 / '5,'*,, 4)& 2&15*2&-&.43 /' 4)& 30&$*'*$"4*/. /' &.4*4*&3 ".% 3/-& -*./2 4/0/,/(*$", ".% (&/-&4; 2*$", $)".(&3 /' 4)& /,*%&3*(.&2 *.4&2.", -/%&, )"6& 4/ #& -"%& !&24&8 ,//03 "2& 2&-/6&% 02/0&%(&3 /. 4/253&3 "2& 2&-/6&% ".% *.4&23&$4*/. $526&3 "2& 2&0,"$&% #9 ;30,*.& "002/8*-"4*/.3 &$"53& 4)& #/5.%&% 352'"$& &.4*49 %/&3 ./4 )"6& ".9 *.'/2-"4*/. "#/54 4/0/,/(*$", '"$& ./2-",3 4)& 352'"$&3 "2& /2*&.4&% 3/ 4)"4 ",, (&/-&42*$", ./2-",3 0/*.4 4/ 4)& /54; 3*%& /' 4)& 0"24 *( )53 &./5() *.'/2-"4*/. *3 054 *.4/ 4)& '*,& 4)"4 " 2&$&*6*.( 3934&- $". 2&#5*,% " 3/,*% -/%&, '2/- " $/-0,&4& 352'"$& -/%&, )& 5.42*--&% -/%& $/.4"*.3 #"3*$",,9 4)& 3"-& *.'/2-"; 4*/. "3 4)& 42*--&% -/%& /2 &"$) '"$& 4)& 5.42*--&% 352'"$& 0,53 ",, 42*--*.( $526&3 "2& 42".3,"4&% 54 *.34&"% /' &80,*$*4,9 42*---*.( 4)& 352'"$&3 7*4) 4)& "002/02*"4& &.4*4*&3 352'"$& ".% 42*--*.( $526&3 "2& /.,9 ,/(*$",,9 (2/50&% 4/(&4)&2 )*3 535",,9 2&15*2&3 -".5", 42*--*.( *. 4)& 2&$&*6*.( 3934&- ".% *3 /.,9 35*4&% '/2 3/-& 30&$*", "00,*$"4*/.3 ,&'4 /,*% -/%&, 2*()4 52'"$& -/%&, 7*4) ./2-",3 /,*%&3*(.&2 /54054 %*",/( -&.5 $4/#&2 &7,&44;"$+"2% /52.", Table II Surface Mapping IGES 3D Entity (trimmed and untrimmed) HP PE/SolidDesigner IGES 3D Entity (trimmed parametric) 0&2* 0&2* 80*) 685+&(* <0.2)*5 !85+&(* 3+ 5*93087.32 80*) 685+&(* !4-*5* "3586 32* !482 ?640.2* !85+&(* 3+ 5*93087.32 !85+&(* 3+ 5*93087.32 ?640.2* 685+&(* ?640.2* 685+&(* ?640.2* 685+&(* 80*) 685+&(* 80*) 685+&(* &5&00*0 6:*47 ?640.2* "-* 75.11*) 4&5&1*75.( 13)* 86*6 7-* ! 75.11*) 4&5&? 1*75.( 685+&(* *27.7< &2) 7-* (859* 32 4&5&1*75.( 685? +&(* *27.7< &6 5*45*6*27&7.326 3+ & 75.11*) 685+&(* "-*6* *27.7.*6 -&9* '**2 *67&'0.6-*) .2 7-* ! 67&2)&5) +35 & 032,*5 7.1* 7-&2 *27.7.*6 &2) 35 7-* 75.11*) 13)* 35 7-.6 5*&632 7-*< &5* 135* (311320< 86*) "-* 1&.2 ).++*5*2(* +531 7-* 75.11*) 13)* .6 7-&7 7-* 75.11.2, .6 4*5+351*) .2 7-* 4&5&1*75.( )31&.2 3+ 7-* 685+&(*6 &(685+&(* 1867 -&9* & 4&5&1*75.( )*6(5.47.32 7-&7 1&46 & 43.27 +531 7-* 4&5&1*7*5 )31&.2 & 5*(7&2,80&5 4357.32 3+ 64&(* 73 13)*0 64&(* !89 #89 $89 %89 +35 *&(- 89 .2 2 +800 4*5.3).( 685+&(*6 0./* (<0.2)*56 !30.)*6.,2*5 868&00< (5*&7*6 (<0.2)5.(&0 734303,< "-*5* :.00 237 2*(*66&5? .0< '* *;&(70< 32* 387*5 0334 857-*5135* *),*6 (&2 582 39*5 7-* 685+&(* 6*&1 7-* 67&57 3+ 7-* 4*5.3) :.7-387 5*675.(7.32 "-.6 0*&)6 73 7-* 6.78&7.32 7-&7 32* *),* 1&< -&9* 135* 7-&2 32* 4&5&1*75.( (859* 4?(859* &663(.&7*) :.7- .7 063 7-* 4?(859* 03346 1&< 237 '* (036*) *9*2 .+ 7-* 5*64*(7.9* 0334 .6 (036*) ., .008675&7*6 7-.6 6.78&7.32 !30.)*6.,2*5 &93.)6 7-.6 453'0*1 '< 640.77.2, 4*5.? 3).( 685+&(*6 &032, 7-* 6*&1 &2) .76 &27.6*&1 "-* 6*&1 &2) &27.6*&1 &5* 7-* .634&5&1*75.( (859*6 &032, 7-* 4&5&1*7*56 81.2 &2) 81.284*5.3) "-86 32* +&(* 1&< 5*6807 .2 =&00 89 :.7- 81.2 v 8 v 81&; 91.2 v 9 v 91&;> "-* +3003:.2, (32).7.326 &440< 73 • "-*5* .6 & (327.28386 2351&0 9*(735 .2 • "-*5* .6 & 32*?73?32* 1&44.2, +531 73 64&(* • "-*5* &5* 23 6.2,80&5 43.276 .2 z 857-*5135* 75.11.2, (859*6 .2 64&(* 1867 +351 (036*) 03346 &2) 7-*5* 1867 '* *;&(70< 32* 387*5 '382)&5< 0334 &2) 347.32&00< 6*9*5&0 .22*5 '382)&5< 03346 -30*6 ., .008675&7*6 4&5&1*7*5 64&(* 75.11.2, y 3D Model Space x v "-*6* 5*675.(7.326 1&/* .7 (0*&5 7-&7 7-*5* :.00 '* 7:3 453'? 0*1 &5*&6 :-*2 (329*57.2, !30.)*6.,2*5 4&576 73 & 4&5&1*75.( 75.11*) 685+&(* 13)*0 4*5.3).( 685+&(*6 &2) 685+&(* 6.2,80&5.7.*6 u Parameter Space "5.11.2, .2 4&5&1*7*5 64&(* 4?64&(* Table III Model Mapping Entity Trimmed Trimmed Parametric Untrimmed Wireframe &576 &2) 66*1'0.*6 &(*6 27.7< 27.7< 27.7< 3346 27.7< 27.7< 27.7< ),*&6* 859* 859* 27.7< 859* 27.7< 859* 27.7< 859* 27.7< &6* !85+&(* !85+&(* 27.7< !85+&(* 27.7< !85+&(* 27.7< 32* (73'*5 *:0*77?&(/&5) 3852&0 v v umin +uperiod umin u u umin umin +uperiod/2 umin +uperiod 6*',"#/ 1-.-*-%6 ', ," .70.!# #/'-"'! 02/$!#0 ', ," .70.!# $1#/ 0.*'11',% 14- -/ $-2/ ./+#1/'!**6 1/'++#" 02/$!#0 27 ," 37 ./+#1/'! 02/$!#0 1-/20#0 ', 1&# +-"#* '% '**207 1/1#0 1&'0 0'121'-, 1/',%2*/ 02/$!#0 /# &,"*#" ', .-1#,1'* /#!#'3',% 0607 1#+0 4# -$$#/ $-2/ 460 1- #5.-/1 1&'0 )'," -$ %#-+#1/6 &#0# /# 1&# $-2/ .-00' *# !-+ ',1'-,0 -$ !*-0#" -/ -.#, ./+#1#/ *--.0 ," 3-'"',% -/ 20',% 0',%2*/'1'#0 ,-1&#/ ./- *#+ 4'1& ./+#1/'! 1/'++#" 02/$!#0 /# 02/7 $!# 0',%2*/'1'#0 ',%2*/ .-',10 /# .-',10 4&#/# 1&# 02/7 $!# "#/'31'3#0 ," ,-/+* /# ,-1 4#**7"#$',#" -/ 02!& .-',10 1&#/# '0 ,-1 *460 -,#71-7-,# +..',% $/-+ ./+#1#/ 0.!# 1- +-"#* 0.!# &'0 +#,0 1&#/# '0 , ',$','1# 0#1 -$ 23 .-',10 ', ./+#1#/ 0.!# 1&1 /#02*1 ', 1&# 0+# +-"#* 0.!# .-',1 2!& 0',%2*/'1'#0 /# #0'*6 !/#1#" 6 /-11',% ./-$'*#0 /-2," , 5'0 4&#/# 1&# ./-$'*# 1-2!&#0 1&# 5'0 5+.*#0 /# !-,#0 0.&#/#0 "#%#,#/1#" 1-/20#0 1/',%2*/ 0.*',# .1!&#0 ," 0- -, 0## '% -+# 0601#+0 "- ,-1 ,##" !*-0#" .70.!# *--.0 4&'*# -1&#/0 01/'!1*6 #5.#!1 1&#+ $ 1&# !*-0#" -.1'-, '0 !&-0#, 1&# #,"',%0 -$ 1&# .7!2/3#0 /# 0'+.*6 !-,,#!1#" 4'1& 01/'%&1 *',# #-+#1/'!* *%-/'1&+0 202**6 #!-+# 2,01 *# ,#/ 0',%27 */'1'#0 -+# 0601#+0 /# ,-1 ./#./#" 1- &,"*# 1&'0 0'127 1'-, ," 4'** $'* - 3-'" 1&'0 '1 '0 .-00' *# 1- 0&-/1#, 1&# ./+#1#/ !2/3#0 4&#, #,1#/',% -/ *#3',% 0',%2*/ 3#/1#5 ," !-,,#!1 1&#+ 1 ,2+#/'!**6 0$# "'01,!# &'0 "'07 1,!# '0 +#02/#" ', 0.!# ," '0 *0- !-,$'%2/ *# 1 202**6 3/'#0 #14##, ," &'0 4'** /#02*1 ', 02/$!# 4&#/# 1&# /#%'-, /-2," 1&# 0',%2*/'16 '0 !21 -21 '% '**201/1#0 1&# $-2/ .-00' *# 0',%2*/'16 /#./#0#,11'-,0 -*'"#0'%,#/ '0 "#0'%,#" 1- &,"*# 0',%2*/'1'#0 0 3*'" !-+.-,#,1 -$ +-"#* &#6 /# +/)#" 4'1& 3#/1#5 '$ 1&#6 /# ./1 -$ /#%2*/ *--. -/ 4'1& 0.#!'* 3#/1#5 *--. 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(438479.:2 &3) 9-* .251*2*39&9.43 .8 +4(:8*) .3.9.&11> 43 9-* ,*42*97.(&1 574):(9 )*8(7.59.438 841.) 24)*18 8:7+&(* 24)*18 &3) 574):(9 897:(9:7* 4<*;*7 &11 49-*7 0.3)8 4+ 574):(9 )&9& (&9*,47.*8 7*1*;&39 +47 2*(-&3.(&1 )*8.,3 .3 9-* &:94249.;* .3):897> *, +472 +*&9:7*8 2&9*7.&18 941*7@ &3(*8 &7* <.9-.3 9-* 8(45* 4+ &3) &7* ,4.3, 9-74:,9-* 89&3)&7).?&9.43 574(*88 !-* .3.9.&1 7*1*&8* 4+ ! 5&798 +4(:8*8 43 9-* 2489 :7,*391> 3**)*) 0*73*1 )*+.3.9.438 4+ 9-* 89&3)&7) <-.((4;*7 9-* ,*42*97.(&1 8-&5* )*8(7.59.43 .3(1:).3, &11 9454@ 14,.(&1 .3+472&9.43 9-* 574):(9 897:(9:7* &3) 9-* (43+.,:7&@ 9.43 2&3&,*2*39 )&9& &8.( 574):(9 )4(:2*39&9.43 .3 9-* +472 4+ 14<@1*;*1 *3,.3**7.3, )7&<.3,8 .8 &184 (4;*7*) !-* 5&798 .3(1:)*) .3 9-* .3.9.&1 7*1*&8* &7* 5&798 &3) !-* +.789 9<4 &551.(&9.43 57494(418 94 '*(42* 89&3)&7)8 &7* =51.(.9 7&+9.3, &3) 43+.,:7&9.43@4397411*) *8.,3 "5(42.3, 7*1*&8*8 4+ ! <.11 (4;*7 9-* 3*=9 57.47.9.*8 .3 9-* &7*& 4+ )7&+9.3, 8:(- &8 884(.&9.;* 7&+9.3, 2&9*7.&18 941*7&3(*8 +472 +*&9:7*8 &3) 5&7&2*97.(8 &3) 49-*7 &551.(&9.43 57494(418 8:(- &8 *(-&3.(&1 *@ 8.,3 "8.3, @*5 41.) 4)*18 &3) 47* &9& +47 :94249.;* *(-&3.(&1 *8.,3 -&8 '**3 <470.3, 43 9-* 89&3)&7).?&9.43 4+ 574):(9 24)*1 )&9& 8.3(* &3) -&8 +4(:8*) 43 9-* *2*7,.3, .3@ 9*73&9.43&1 89&3)&7) ! +47 574):(9 )&9& !-* 574):(9 )&9& +4(:8 -&8 '**3 43 0*73*1 )*8.,3 )&9& (4251*9*3*88 4+ 945414,> &3) ,*42*97> @*5 841.) 24)*18 &3) 574):(9 897:(9:7* &3) &88*2'1.*8 &8 <*11 &8 43 &884(.&9.;* )7&+9.3, )4(:2*39&9.43 .8 &3 &(9.;* 2*2'*7 .3 47,&3.?&9.438 9-&9 -&;* &3 .25&(9 43 9-* ! 89&3)&7) &3) (4397.':9*8 94 ! 9-74:,- 3&9.43&1 89&3)&7)8 47,&3.?&9.438 .3 9-* " *, ! &3) :745* *, .3 *72&3> + 5&79.(:1&7 .39*7*89 &7* 9-* 47,&3.?&9.438 3( % &3) 74 ! PDES Inc. -&8 (43(*397&9*) 43 9-7** 2&/47 &7*&8 4+ 3(8 ! &(9.;.9.*8 2*(-&3.(&1 )*8.,3 4+ 574):(9 )&9& &884(.&9.;* )7&+9.3, +47 )&9& &3) *1*(9743.( )&9& )*+.3.9.43 &3) *=(-&3,* !-* 2*(-&3.(&1 )*8.,3 .3.9.&9.;* 4+ 9-* " &*7485&(* &3) &.7(7&+9 .3):897.*8 9-* &:94249.;* .3):897> &3) 9-* (425:9*7 .3):897> 7*8:19*) .3 ! &551.(&9.43 57494(41 & 3( 2*2'*7 .3 9-* " &3) &3 ! % 2*2'*7 .3 :745* (4397.':9*) 94 9-* ,*42*97.( )*8.,3 )*+.3.9.43 4+ .3 & /4.39 *++479 4+ 3( &3) % !-* ,*42*97.*8 (4;*7 841.) 24)*18 8:7@ +&(* 24)*18 &3) <.7*+7&2* 24)*18 &3) &7* 8-&7*) '> 49-*7 &551.(&9.43 57494(418 9-*7*'> 574249.3, .39*745*7&'.1.9> '*9<**3 ).++*7*39 &551.(&9.43 &7*&8 -&8 &184 '**3 &(9.;*1> 8:55479.3, 9-* " .3.9.&9.;* 94 )*+.3* & ,44)@6:&1.9> 89&3)&7) +47 &884(.&9.;* )7&+9.3, )4(:@ 2*39&9.43 .3 ! 884(.&9.;* )7&+9.3, (4;*7*) '> .8 (438.)*7*) &3 .39*,7&1 5479.43 4+ 9-* 574):(9 )&9& +47 (43@ 97&(9:&1 &7(-.;&1 &3) 2&3:+&(9:7.3, 7*&8438 47 *=&251* ,4;*732*39 (4397&(98 &3) 7*6:.7* 9-&9 574):(9 )&9& '* 9-474:,-1> )4(:2*39*) !-.8 .3(1:)*8 *3,.3**7.3, )7&<.3, )&9& 4+ & 574):(9 .3 &)).9.43 94 9-* 574):(9 )&9& &3) 9-* (43+.,:7&9.43 )&9& 1*(9743.( )*8.,3 &3) 57.39*) (.7(:.9 '4&7) )*8.,3 )&9& &7* &184 (4;*7*) .3 ! PRODEX. 3 5&79.(.5&398 .3 9-* ! % 574/*(9 )*243897&9*) 5:'1.(1> 9-* +.789 @*5 841.) 24)*1 97&38+*7 ;.& ! +47 2*(-&3.(&1 5&798 .3 :745* !4 )*;*145 9-.8 3*< 9*(-3414,> 9-* % 574/*(9 <&8 +4:3)*) .3 <.9- 9-* ,4&1 4+ )*;*145.3, ! )&9& *=(-&3,* +47 )*8.,3 +.3.9* *1*2*39 &3&1>8.8 &3) 74'49 8.2:1&9.43 8>89*28 !<*1;* :745*&3 (425&3.*8 /4.3*) 9-* 574/*(9 4 +&7 9-* 574/*(98 &(-.*;*2*398 .3(1:)* 9-* )*+.3.9.43 4+ & ! .251*2*39&9.43 &7(-.9*(9:7* 9-* )*;*1452*39 4+ & ! 94410.9 &3) 9-* )*;*1452*39 4+ ! 57*574(*88478 &3) 5489574(*88478 74):(9 )&9& *=(-&3,* '*9<**3 9-* ).++*7*39 ;*3)478 .8 43@ ,4.3, &3) 8-4<8 ;*7> 5742.8.3, 7*8:198 +47 @94@ )&9& *=(-&3,* @94@+.3.9*@*1*2*39@8>89*2 *=(-&3,* &3) @94@74'49@8.2:1&9.43@8>89*2 *=(-&3,* !-* ! 89&3@ )&7) -&8 '**3 +:79-*7 +489*7*) '> & /4.39 *++479 <.9- 9-* 74 ! 574/*(9 94 )*;*145 .3 (445*7&9.43 <.9- 9-* " :745*&3 &3) &5&3*8* &:94249.;* .3):897.*8 ProSTEP. 74 ! .8 &3 &:94249.;* .3):897> .3.9.&9.;* +47 & -.,-<&>@1.0* ! 574):(9 24)*1 )&9& *=(-&3,* 3 9-* *72&3 (425&3.*8 48(- $ *7(*)*8@*3? 5*1 #4108<&,*3 &3) .*2*38 1&:3(-*) &3 .3.9.&9.;* 94 '7.3, 9-* 2&/47 ;*3)478 94,*9-*7 <.9- 9-* ,4&1 4+ .2@ 51*2*39.3, 9-* +.789 -&7243.?*) 8*9 4+ ! 574):(9 )&9& *=(-&3,* 574(*88478 574):(9 )&9& 97&381&9478 +47 .3):8@ 97.&1 :8* .3 9-* &:94249.;* .3):897> !-* &5574&(- 9&0*3 <&8 94 (425.1* 9-* :8*7 7*6:.7*2*398 94 ':.1) 43 9-* 7*8:198 &3) *=5*7.*3(*8 4+ 9-* ! % 574/*(9 &3) 94 1&:3(- &9 9-* 1*;*1 & ! &551.(&9.43 57494(41 <-.((4;*78 9-* (47* )&9& +47 &:94249.;* 2*(-&3.(&1 )*8.,3 (94'*7 *<1*99@&(0&7) 4:73&1 The following CAD/CIM systems are involved in the project and have STEP data exchange processors either available or under development: Alias, AutoCAD, CADDS/CVĆCore, CATIA, EUCLID3, HP PE/SolidDesigner, EMSĆPower Pack, IĆDEAS Master Series, SIGRAPH STEPIntegrator, SYRKO, Tebis, ROBCAD, and others. • • • • The initial focus in ProSTEP for STEP products is on design data exchange for 3D geometry: BĆRep solid models, surface models, and wireframe models. For migration from legacy systems, wireframe data needs to be supported, at least for data import. Communication with applications like numerical control (NC) programming systems today typically requires surface model data, although in the future more solid model data will be used. Initially, the HP emphasis is on bidirecĆ tional product model exchange (input and output) of 3D BĆRep and surface models. In STEP implementation projects, standardization has been extended beyond the product data to the STEP implementaĆ tion tools. The CADEX, PDES Inc, PRODEX, and ProSTEP projects have all taken this approach. A standardized STEP tool architecture provides the following benefits. These include shareability of tools between differĆ ent implementors, shortened development time for STEP processor implementations (software development producĆ tivity gain), increased likelihood of compatibility between STEP implementations (differences in STEP definition interĆ pretations are minimized), parallel development of tools (concurrent engineering), extendability of tools to track new standardization trends, increased flexibility (new STEP models require fewer code changes), and centralized maintenance of tools. Fig. 13 shows the PRODEX STEP tools architecture. The functional blocks of a STEP toolkit or STEP development set are: • STEP Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI), • STEP Express compiler Applications Design Finite-Element STEP STEP STEP STEP file scanner/parser file formatter data checker conversion tool. The main interface to the STEP application is the STEP StanĆ dard Data Access Interface, which provides a computer proĆ gramming language for dynamic access to the STEP data. ApplicationĆspecific mapping and conversions are impleĆ mented on top of this interface. The Express compiler conveys the product data descriptions contained in an Express schema (the metadata of the data model) to the toolkit. It contains an Express file reader and compiles the file contents to the internal representation of the data model. The SDAI is the recipient of the product data metamodel and uses the metamodel as a reference for the product instance data, which is imported through the STEP file scanner/parser. The STEP file scanner/parser reads (scans and parses) the STEP instance data contained in a STEP data file and uses the currently valid metamodel for checking the syntax of the imported instance data. The STEP file formatter formats the data to a partĆ21ĆconforĆ mant STEP file which is read from the SDAI by using the current valid metadata (e.g., a specific application protocol such as AP203). The STEP data checker is a validation tool that checks the instance data currently in the SDAI based on the correspondĆ ing metadata model, which is also contained in the SDAI. The checking covers consistency checks like references between entities (e.g., existence dependency), and rule checking, which is covered in the metamodel. The checking is optionally applicable to the data in the SDAI. It is very helpful during the development of processors, for checking new metadata models, or for checking the first data imported from a new system. Robotic Simulation Visualization STEP Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) STEP Tools Metadata Express Compiler Product Data Model Checker Scanner/ Parser Formatter STEP File STEP File Model Conversion External Data Express Model STEP File Exchange with Other Systems October 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal PRODEX STEP tools architecture. 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"415$2 '$ &$.,$31(" + /.(-32 1$ 1$%$1$-"$# !8 5$13("$2 - ##(3(.- 3. 3'$ &$.,$31(" 2/$"(%(" 3(.-2 /1.#4"3 (-%.1, : 3(.- -# ".-%(&41 3(.- 1$ ".5$1$# (- 3'$ (,/+$,$-3 3(.- - Advanced B-Rep EDS/ Unigraphics '$ .+(#$2(&-$1 /.23/1."$22.1 24//.132 3'$ (,/.13 .% :$/ 2.+(# ,.#$+2 -# 241% "$ ,.#$+2 +.-& 6(3' 3'$ -$"$22 18 /1.#4"3 2314"341$ # 3 '$ /.23/1."$22.1 (2 Faceted B-Rep HP PE/ SolidDesigner SIGRAPH ROBCAD SYRKO CATIA KISMET I/EMS Face-Based Surface CV-Core EUCLID 3 $7"' -&$ "8"+$2 !$36$$- #(%%$1$-3 2823$,2 (-"+4#(-& 1.!.3 2(,4+ 3(.- 282: 3$,2 (- 3'$ 1. /1.)$"3 "3.!$1 $6+$33: "* 1# .41- + .0&'-4 %#/ $' .+)3#5'& 50 40-+& .0&'-4 8+5*065 130$-'.4 / .#/: %#4'4 +.1035'& 463(#%'4 1307+&' $06/&#3: %0/&+< 5+0/4 (03 5*' 40-+& .0&'- / .045 %#4'4 5*' &#5# %#/ $' 64'& #4 3'('3'/%' )'0.'53: 50 %*'%, +/5'3('3'/%' 03 1307+&' &+< .'/4+0/4 (03 5*' 40-+& .0&'-4 03 '9#.1-' #/ +.1035'& 463(#%' 4'5 .+)*5 3'13'4'/5 5*' 463306/&+/) $06/&#3: )'0.< '53: 8+5*+/ 8*+%* 5*' (+/#- .'%*#/+%#- 1#35 *#4 50 (+5 8+5*065 +/5'3('3'/%' 0-( %-6$ 40-+& <'1 .0&'- +.1035'& +/50 0-+&< '4+)/'3 (30. <'$+4 %#1#$-' 0( %07'3+/) #5 -'#45 5*' (6/%5+0/#-+5: 0( 5*' 13'130< %'4403 40 5*#5 +5 +4 1044+$-' 50 4503' #/& 3'53+'7' 0-+&< '4+)/'3 &#5# +/ # (+-' 3'13'4'/5#5+0/ 5*+4 +4 %#--'& 5*' short cycle test *' 1045130%'4403 +.10354 (+-'4 (30. 05*'3 4:4< 5'.4 $#4'& 0/ 41'%+(+%#--: 4611035'& #11-+%#5+0/ 13050%0-4 045130%'44+/) +4 0/' 0( 5*' .045 &+((+%6-5 5#4,4 +/ &#5# '9< %*#/)' '41'%+#--: 8*'/ 5*' &#5# +.1035'& %0.'4 (30. # 4:45'. 5*#5 +4 7'3: &+(('3'/5 (30. 5*' 3'%'+7+/) 4:45'. 0< 5'/5+#- 130$-'.4 #3+4' +/ 1045130%'44+/) +( 5*' 4'/&+/) #/& 3'%'+7+/) 4:45'.4 *#7' &+(('3'/5 #%%63#%+'4 64' &+(('3'/5 .0&'-+/) 5'%*/+26'4 50 )'/'3#5' 5*' &#5# *#7' &+(('3'/5 03 .+44+/) 463(#%' %0//'%5+7+5: 64' &+(('3'/5 #-)03+5*.4 03 %3+< 5'3+# 50 &'5'3.+/' 463(#%' +/5'34'%5+0/4 03 %0//'%5+7+5: 03 64' &+(('3'/5 .0&'- 3'13'4'/5#5+0/4 (03 4+.+-#3 .0&'- %*#3#%< 5'3+45+%4 "*'/ 463(#%' .0&'-4 #3' +.1035'& +5 %#//05 $' )6#3#/5''& 5*#5 5*': %#/ $' .+)3#5'& 50 40-+& .0&'-4 '7'/ 8+5* 64'3 +/5'3#%5+0/ 08'7'3 +/ 41'%+#- %#4'4 +.1035'& 463(#%' -#.1 40-+& <'1 .0&'- +.1035'& (30. !/+)3#1*+%4 %50$'3 '8-'55<#%,#3& 063/#- .1035+/) 463(#%' .0&'-4 +/50 0-+&'4+)/'3 +4 %0/< 4+&'3'& +.1035#/5 #/& %3+5+%#- 4+/%' .#/: 05*'3 4:4< 5'.4 '41'%+#--: -')#%: 4:45'.4 0(5'/ 4611035 0/-: 463(#%'4 03 8+3'(3#.' .0&'-4 /05 40-+& .0&'-4 *'3'(03' 5*' 1045< 130%'44+/) 0( 463(#%' .0&'-4 /''&4 50 %07'3 # $30#&'3 4%01' 5*#/ 5*' 13'130%'44+/) 0.'5+.'4 &+(('3'/5 463(#%' 3'13'4'/5#5+0/4 #3' 64'& +/ &+(('3'/5 #11-+%#5+0/ 13050%0-4 46%* #4 #/& '/%' &+(('3'/5 '95'3/#- 3'13'< 4'/5#5+0/4 .#: /''& 50 $' .#11'& 50 0/' +/5'3/#- 3'13'4'/< 5#5+0/ +/ 0-+&'4+)/'3 / 5*' +/+5+#- +.1-'.'/5#5+0/ 0( 5*' 0-+&'4+)/'3 1045130%'4403 5010-0): $06/&'& 463(#%' .0&'-4 #3' 461< 1035'& *'4' 1307+&' 5*' .045 401*+45+%#5'& &'4%3+15+0/ 0( 5*' %0//'%5+7+5: 0( 5*' +/&+7+&6#- 463(#%'4 64'& +/ # 40-+& .0&'- '0.'53+%#--: $06/&'& 463(#%' .0&'-4 #3' 461< 1035'& #4 # 4'%0/& 13+03+5: "*'/ +.1035+/) &#5# (30. 05*'3 4:45'.4 5*' #%%63#%: 0( 5*' &#5# 1-#:4 # ,': 30-' #/& &'5'3.+/'4 8*'5*'3 # %0< *'3'/5 #/& %0/4+45'/5 .0&'- %#/ $' 3')'/'3#5'& 50 3'13'4'/5 5*' 4#.' ,+/& 0( .0&'- +/ 5*' 3'%'+7+/) 4:45'. 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