UCSF - UPlan Composite Benefit Rate Model As of January 2014 Composite Benefit Rate Groups Rate Group 1a Rate Group 1b Rate Group 1c Rate Group 1d Rate Group 2 Rate Group 3 Rate Group 4 2013-14 Salary Components Base Salary (<=$50,000) Base Salary ($50,001 - 150,000) Base Salary ($150,001 - 250,000) Base Salary (>= $250,001) Negotiated Salary Faculty Bonuses & Incentives Additional/Other Salary Staff 48.8% 46.6% 37.9% 34.0% 0.0% 9.7% 10.9% Faculty 31.0% 37.3% 31.3% 25.4% 19.5% 3.9% 4.9% Non-faculty Academic 23.0% 17.4% 5.8% 0.0% 8.7% 4.9% 11.0% 2014-15 Staff 51.0% 48.7% 39.6% 35.5% 0.0% 9.6% 11.5% Faculty 32.4% 38.9% 32.7% 26.5% 19.6% 3.9% 5.1% Non-faculty Academic 24.0% 18.2% 6.1% 0.0% 8.7% 4.9% 11.6% 2015-16 Staff 51.4% 49.1% 39.9% 35.9% 0.0% 9.6% 11.6% Faculty 32.7% 39.3% 33.0% 26.8% 20.0% 3.8% 5.2% Non-faculty Academic 24.2% 18.4% 6.1% 0.0% 8.9% 4.8% 11.7% Notes: 1. Excludes Medical Center data and based on 2012-13 actuals with salary and benefit costs increase projections. Some outliers that skew the rates are excluded. 2. Excludes vacation accrual/leave usage. See DOS code mapping to salary components for full list of excluded DOS codes. 3. Benefit increase assumptions for Base Rate1a-1d are based on blended rate including Active Health, UCRS, OPEB, and Worker's Comp. Benefit assumptions = Average(Active Health + UCRP + OPEB + Worker's Comp). Note that Medical Center rate excluded from Worker's Comp assumptions. 4. Benefit increase assumptions for Negotiated are based on blended rate including Active Health, OPEB, and Worker's Comp. Negotiated are not subject to UCRP so UCRP is excluded. Benefit assumptions = Average (Active Health + OPEB + Worker's Comp). 5. Benefit increase assumptions for Faculty Bonuses & Incentives are subject to Worker's Comp cost and not Active Health, UCRP, or OPEB so these are excluded. 6. Benefit increase assumptions for Additional/Other are based on blended rate including UCRP, OPEB, and Worker's Comp. Additional/Other are primarily not subject to Active Health so Active Health is excluded. Benefit assumptions = Average (UCRP + OPEB + Worker's Comp). Budget and Resource Management UPlan CBR Model As of January 2014