OF T 0 1 iiCT 0135 .;VATI0N JO1PAf:.ISji TC1.NI.0 .:;S COLWBIAN 01- BLACK-TILr L 2 WILLIA V'EST '-2 i. 0 HINES A TJi. IS subiitted to 01 ...iGOi' STATE 1IVSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of' '.. A r'r'. June 1961 JN APPROV'D: Redacted for privacy Associjate Prol(essor of Fish and Uame Ivianagemen In Charge of Major Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Fish and Game Management Redacted for privacy hairmaroJradu ommi t tee Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate Sohoo Date thesis is presented______ Typed by Sylvia Anderson ACKNOWLI.GiTS Perhaps the r.ost important outcome of a student's research is not in the results he obtains but rather in the knowledge he gains while conducting his investigation. This knowledge is often imparted or stimulated by those with whom the student has conferred. The author is greatly indebted to the following individuals and organizations for their generous assistance: Arthur S. Elnarsen, Leader, L. Francis Schneider and William C. Lightfoot, Assistant Leaders, Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, for the privilege of conducting this investigation and for guidance, field assistance, and manuscript reviewing. Dajor Professor Lee W. Kuhn, Department of Fish and Game Management for his ;uidance and thesis assistance. Professors Foland . Iiniick, Department Head, and Charles E. Warren, Department of Fish and Game Management and Charlas E. Poulton arid Donald W. Hedrick, Departnent of Range Management, Oregon State University, for their advice on ways to improve this thesis. Lyle D. Calvin, Agricultural Experiment Station Statistician, for his advice on analytical procedures. Francis F. Ives, Oregon State Game Commission District Agent, for his field assistance and stimulating attitude. All graduate research assistants from the Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit for their cooperation throughout the study. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Auer and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dockins of the Oregon State Board of Forestry for making living conditions more pleasant while working in the field. The Willamette Valley, Oregon Pulp and Paper, Pope and Talbot, and the I. P. iller lumber companies and the Oregon State Board of Forestry, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Oregon State University School of Forestry for granting permission to use their lands for this study. Foresters associated with these organizations were exceedingly cooperative in furnishing information. OF ONTT TAIL I9OiUCTIUN . . . . , . wT}oLs AND f.oCTtmS. Study Areas . 1 ..... ....... 3 . . . . . a Sampleloutea . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Observational Procedures root Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . * . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . SpotlL::htMethod..........a.. SpotlightTests. F- --SULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . a... . 10 . a . .... ...... is. SpotlightMethod .............. SpotlightTests. Effects of leer Activity Changes upon Counts . . . . . . . . . , Effects of Population Shifts and Increases upon Counts , . . . . . . Effects of Vegetation Changes upon Counts . a . * . , . a a . a . a a a a , a , 12 12 14 , . 18 . . $0 38 ' Foot ethod . a . a . a a ' a a Effects of Deer Activity Changes upon Effects of Pooulation Shifts and Increases upon Counts . . . . . Effects o Ve&;etation Changes upon Counts . a . . a a , 3 4 8 6 9 . . a a . . . . . 39 41 * 44 46 ,Ia.sas Comparison of Spotlight and Foot SamplingResults SiY AWL Ci:CLUSiOS BIBLAUO;.A?HY a Ay. , , . , a a a . . . . . . . a a a . a a . . . . a , a a . . . . 47 50 5*7 LIST OF TABLS 1 2 Distribution an.d Description of Foot and Spotlight Routes . . . . . a . . 7 a Maximum Pistance in Miles that yeshine Could be Observed by Various Spotlights . Simu1td Deer 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . 13 of the Maximum Distances in Yards that Doer Antlers Could be Recognized with Various Spotlights . . . 15 A Summary of March through April, 1957, Spotliht Counts from Three Routes in the Adair and McDonald Areas a . a a a a 16 . . A Results of Weekly Spotlight Counts from Seventeen Routes between May and September,l957 ............ 17 Monthly Percentages of Classified Deer Observed Bedded . . ' . a a a 23 Comparison of Early and Late Deer Counts Obtained from the Same Routes each Night by Two Observers a a a a a a a 29 F.esulte of Weekly Foot Counts between ay and September, 1957 a a a a a a a 40 LIST OF FIGU1 .S Figure I 2 Locations of seven study areas within Benton nd Polk Counties, Oregon . . . 4 5 6 7 . . . . .,,..... 24 Sums of movin average day and night mean route counts for ten segments ofthelunarmonth.,......... 26 A spotli;hted two-year-old doe which was ear-taj:ed with "Scotchlite8 reflect1v eheettn to study nocturnal moverents of black-tailed deer . . . . . 31 Mean monthly deer counts for three recently logged areas with southern . a . . . . a a s . exposures a a 33 A comparison of monthly 4 p.m. mean temperatures with the sums of the monthly mean spotlight route counts . . 34 a a Monthly day and night percentage of fawns in the total deer classified byage 8 5 Monthly comoosition percentage of mature male deer observed during the dayandniht. . 3 . a a a a . . . a a a A comparison of coefficients of variation for eleven routes which wore repeatedly sampled by the spotlight and footniothods.....,..... ... 48 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A B Weekly schedule of spotlight and foot route sampling from May 6 to September2l,1957.......... 57 Descriptions of seven lamps tested . . . on a spotlight range . . 58 . . 59 A summary of spotlighted deer sex and age classifications obtained between May and September, 157 . . . 61 Summary of ni.ht deer activity observed while spotlighting between . . . May and September, 1957 . . . 62 $eptember,1957 ........... 63 A moving average analysis of lunar effects upon night spotlight counts. 64 A summary of deer sex and age classifications obtained from foot routes between May and September, 1957 65 . C . . . . . . . . . . . . F G H . Eorizontal beam spread measurements for seven lamps taken at twenty-five yards. D . . * . Atmospheric conditions present while spotlighting routes between May and Atmospheric conditions present while conducting weekly morning and evening foot route counts between May and September,l95?............ 66 COi.:A I)N UT TO TI i C II S 10 u AI 'CT OBS:.t VATION CULL BIA', BLACK-TATL'D I:;i: IN wsTrN OF.GON INTJ ULU CT ION This investigation, under the auspices of the Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit,1 concerns the study of two direct observation techniques for enumerating Columbian black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus (Richardson), in Benton and Polk counties of Western Oregon. The objectives of this work were: (1) to compare the results of a daytime foot sampling technique with a nighttime spotlight sampling technique and (2) to study fluctuations in sampling results in relation to deer habits and other possible influencing factors. Field investigations began March 1 and terminated September 21, 1957. Direct observation methods for obtaining big game population trends are based on the assumption that annual fluctuations in animal densities can be detected by yearly changes in the number of individuals observed by adequate sampling techniques. The most suitable technique for obtaining these observations would be one 1. Oregon State Game Commission. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Management Institute, Agricultural Research Foundation, and Oregon State University cooperating. which, if used on the same population, gave the least variation in animal numbers with repeated sempling. A thorough understanding of deer habits is an essential basis for developing inventory techniques. The two methods were tested under all prevailing weather conditions to study deer habits and their influences upon sarnoling results. MbTLOLS AND ?vOOL.I. S Study Areas Preliminary sampling in the fall and winter of 1956 was conducted on the Adair Tract and in the McDonald Forest of enton County, Oregon. Most of the old growth timber was logged from these areas more than 30 years ago, and advanced stages of second-growth timber are now found on most forest sites. Recent timber sales have been limited and selective cutting units have been small. Other areas, representing earlier stages of forest succession were visited in April, 195?, to select additional areas for testing the spotlight and foot sampling techniques. Consideration was given to the following factors in judging the desirability of each area: (1) they should be heterogeneous in respect to one another, but with each being typical of a Western Oregon deer habitat; (2) vehicle access should be possible by May; (3) the areas should be no more than one and one-half hours traveling distance apart; and (4) the areas should be subject to a minimum amount of human activity. Five additional areas were selected oil the basis of this survey. The locations of all areas used throughout the spring and summer studies are shown in Figure I. Sample Toutes All routes within an area had to be near one another' to allow maximum time for sampling. Each foot route followed the same course that was spotlighted. The maximum length of routes tested by both methods could not exceed the distance that could be effectively observed on foot during the four and one-half hours following daylght. Each week a total of 28 samples was obtained with the two methods under investigation. The weekly sampling of eleven foot routes covered an observation distance of approximately 35 miles, with the individual transects varying from 1.0 to 5.5 miles in length. Six mornings and four evenings each week were spent sampling on foot. Only one route was walked during a morning or evening period with the exception of the Skid Creek A and B routes, whioh were 1.0 and 2.3 miles, respectively (Appendix A). These transects were observed on foot each Friday evening, with Unit A being walked first. The eleven foot routes were also sampled by the spotlight method. Starting in June, six additional spotlight transects were also sampled. This gave weekly saiples for 17 spotlight routes that covered a DORN P1<. I RILEY P1<. N MONMOUTHO MONMOUTH P1<. PEDEE t 's__ LEGEND PAVED ROADS GRAVEL ROADS o . ISI 23 TOWNS PEAKS - CORVALLIS COUNTY LINES STUDY AREAS PHILOMATH TON BE VIA. 4MARYS SCALE 1LLLA lu 8 MILES Lij (I 'I I 1 ALSEA GREEN P1<. - - ' D%SO BELLF0: TAIN MONROE FIGURE I. LOCATION OF SEVEN STUDY AREAS WITHIN BENTON AND POLK COUNTIES, OREGON. distance of 65 miles. The distribution and description of each route is given in Table I. The Green Peak A and B routes were alternately spotlighted first each Sunday night (Appendix A). This was done to compare the results of early and delayed night sampling for the same routes. Sootlihting along the 15 remaining routes was kept consistent with respect to time of night and day of week sampled. Observational Procedures Sampling began in the Green Peak area on May 6, 1957. Foutes in this southernmost area were spotlighted first each week. Sampling progressed northward into other areas as the week progressed. The sampling proce- dure involved moving into an area in the evening, spotlir2htin its established transects that night, walking its foot transects the next day, and moving on to the next area where the procedure was repeated. This weekly circuit was continued for twenty weeks and terminated September 21, 195?, one week before the opening of Oregons general deer season. Foot Method Leer feed most actively during the early morning and Table i: Distribution and Description of Foot and Spotlight Routes Hours to Sample Route Lengths Areas Routes Impaired Visibility bpotIi,bt Foot Spotlight boot Ày. Yards Visible Left Side Green Peak Green Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit B *4.8 *4.8 2.4 2.4 1.3 1.3 2.5 2.0 14.5 9.3 Yew Creek Yew Creek Unit A Yew Creek Unit 8 5.3 5.3 2.0 1.0 4.0 *2.8 132.7 41.7 McDonald Forest Soap Creek Burn Oak Creek Drainage 4.3 5.4 4.3 2.5 1.7 4.0 65.7 Bald Mountain Bald Mt. Unit A Bald Mt. Unit B Bald Mt. Unit C 3.4 3.3 2.0 3.4 3.3 1.3 1.3 2.5 2.5 Skid Creek Unit A Skid Creek Unit 8 Rickreail Loop Rd. *1.6 1.0 2.3 5.5 wind Creek wind Creek Drain Cedar Creek Burn 2.6 *4.6 2.6 Adair Tract Berry Cr. Trap Unit Forest Peak Soap Creek Pastures 2.2 6.8 2.6 2.2 64.3 34.7 Rickreall Drainage Totals * Routes approximately return travel. 2.3 5.5 - .5 .5 .7 1.0 2.5 1.9 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 82.9 86.3 59.3 46.5 29.0 - 14.1 124.5 .5 24.4 33.6 12.7 14.6 Grass Ferns Flevational Changes x x x x 950-2690 975-1425 1700-2200 - x x x 635-1675 200-1035 x x x x 1000-1750 1000-2300 2610-3245 x x 350-780 400-1650 400-1950 x x x x x x x 1000-2000 1150-1950 350-550 350-1700 250-275 29.1 length indicated, with counts being made on opposite side oi road while on A late evening. The intensity and duration of mid-morning and mid-afternoon feeding is variable. Long transects were established that required observations from about 5 a.rn. until approximately 9:30 a.m. to detect the influences which irrsularit1es in mid-morning activity have upon sampling results. Sampling teriTinated earlier in the morning on shorter routes. Morning transect lengths varied from 2.4 to 5.5 miles. Evening sampling was accomplished during the last two end one-half hours before dusk. Foutes varying from 1.0 to 3.4 miles in length wore walked during this period. Three of the eleven transects were always walked in the evening, while another four were alternately sampled morning and evening. The remaining four transects were consistently walked one morning each week throughout the period of investigation. The rate of foot travel along transects varied according to cover density, topography, and the number of doer observed. The average walking speed was 1.2 miles per hour. Transects were always started from the same point and walked in the same direction. A pair of 6 x 30 binoculars was used to search distant terrain and shadow areas. All terrain along each side of the route was scanned in a systematic manner starting at the ridge tops and working downhill. Transect boundaries were established along natural terrain features in situations where routes followed high ridges and the view was riot restricted by adjacent ridge This restriction was necessary because in areas of tops. unlimited viewing, adequate searches could not be made of all deer habitat. Spotlight Method All spotlighting was conducted from a jeep that was usually driven in second gear, low range, four-wheel drive. The average sootlighting speed was between three and four miles per hour. A model 740 Unity, 95,000 candle power sotlight with a number 4535 General Electric lamp was used throughout the study. This lamp produces a horizontal and vertical beam spread of five and one-half degrees and four degrees, resoectively. The lamp filament is covered by a hemi- spherical mirror which directs all light back to the reflector before it is projected. This feature provides a well defined beam with little evidence of side light. A systematic search for deer was made in all habitat on the left side of the vehicle. Thus, the maximum sDotlight transect width was equal to the effective distance of the light beam. The spotlight was continually operated with a horizontal, short stroke, whiing motion as a search was made up and down the slopes from the left vehicle headliht to the taillight. The same searching procedures wore used as the spotlight beam was returned to the front of the vehicle. 1his continuous searching provided a minimum of double coverage of habitat at the slow speeds traveled. The vehicle Was stopped when a deer or animal eyeshine was Seen. Leer sex, age, and activity were classified by using $ x 30 binoculars. Spotlight Tests A spotlight range was established to determine the suitability of several lights (Appendix B) for counting deer and to test assumptions concerning the observer's ability to see and classify deer during different times of the lunar month. Circular, convex "lAW Cataphote" highway reflectors, five-eighths inch in diameter, were mounted in pairs to simulate deer eyes when sootlighted. These simulated eyes were placed three feet above the ground and separated by one-tenth mile intervals along a one-mile strip. Additional reflectors were backed by deer antlers to give the effect of nature male deer. These were placed at 50 yard intervals along a Z0O yard line extending from the spotlight. The horizontal beam spread intensity of each light was measured at 25 yards from the light. Foot candle measurements were taken with a Weston, Model 756 street light meter at one foot intervals along a plane at right angles to the light beam. RESULTS Spotlight Tests Table 2 shows the maximum distances which simu1ate deer eyeshine could be observed by seven different spotlights during full and no moon conditions. Lamps 1484 and 4516 were inferior because they could not produce observable reflection at distances equal to the other lamps tested. Measurements of beam spread intensities (Appendix C) showed that these two lamps did not project a narrow beam of concentrated light. A concave mirror in front of the lamp element in lamps 4435, 4535, and 4522 projected all light back to the reflector before it was projected in a narrow beam. These lamps produced highest candle power readings at 25 yards (Appendix C). Lamp 4522 was designed as an aircraft landing light and is not suitable for deer spotlighting because of its high wattage requirements, short life expectancy, and intense heat production. Table 2 indicates that the two extremes of no moon and full moon bad no effect upon the distance which simulated deer eyeshine could be seen with the naked eye or optical equipment. Wall (48) states, "I fee]. quite sure that your counting more deer under Lull-moon than under no-moon 13 Table 2 Maximum Distances in Miles that Simulated Deer Eyeshine Could be Observed by Various Spotlights No Moon Full Moø No. *Distance in Ft. to 500 c.p. 1+1+35 lk.9 Light Naked lye l3inoc. 30x Scope .5 *9 .9 i.9 .5 .9 12.5 .5 .9. 11.9 5 10.9 .5 6.6 6.0 Naked Eye 7 x 50 Binoc. 30x Scope .5 .9 .9 .9 .6 .9 .9 .9 .5 .9 .9 .9 .5 .7 .8 .7 .9 .5 .7 .9 .1+ .7 .8 .5 .8 .8 .1+ .7 .7 .1+ .7 .8 7 x 50 v.12-16 1+535 v.6 1+522 v.13 v.12..l6 1+515 v.6-8 11+81+ v.6-8 1+516 v.6 Distance in feet from light to 500 candle power. conditions indicates truly greater acttvity of the deer themselves. Theoretically, if moonli:.ht were to have any significant effect upon the visibility of eyeshine it should interfere, since it would decrease the intensity-difference between the glowing eye and its surrounding. Since your data go in the opposite direction, I am sure that no human.visual factor is involved." A comparison of the maximum distance which mature deer antlers could be recognized during full and nomoonlight conditions is given in Table 3. Moonlight did not influence the observer's ability to see antlers. Lamps 4405, 1484, and 4516 appeared to be the least suited for classifyini doer features because of their wide beam spreads (Appendix C). From these data, the assumption was made that the presence or absence of moonlight had no effect on the observer's ability to classify deer sex, age, or activity. Spotlight Method A total of 4254 deer were seen while completing 1342 miles of spotlight sampling between March and September, 1957. Tables 4 and 5 show the results f these night counts while Appendix D gives the sex and age composition of doer classified between May and Table 3 A Comparison of Maximum Distances in Yards that Deer Antlers Could be Recognized with Various Spotli.hts* Full Moon. Light No. 7 x 50 1inoc. 30x Scope Naked Eye No Moon 7 x 50 inoc. 30x Scope 141+35 100 200 200 100 200 200 14535 100 00 200 100 150 200 14522 100 250 200 100 200 200 1+515 100 200 200 100 200 200 50 200 200 100 200 200 50 200 200 50 150 200 50 150 150 50 150 150 14516 * Naked ye Simulated deer eyes were backed by deer antlers and placed at 50 yard intervals. 16 Table k ri1, 1957 Sot1i;ht A Summary of March through Counts from Three outos in the Adair and McDonald Areas Oak Creek Drainag Date Soap Creek Burn Forest Peak Date Counts. Counts Date Counts 3/1 13 3/26 '+3 3/2 23 3/9 8 k/k '+5 3/12 20 /li 8 k/6 3/19 12 3/1k 17 k/il 27 '+/2 11 3/21 25 k/18 53 k/il 25 3/22 8 14/19 5k '+/i5 1k 3/28 10 14/23 17* '+/i7 7 17 '+/25 60 14/22 19 k/8 16 k/29 k/27 19 4/13 1k k/17 20 k/2 1k '4/28 10 Total Deer 180 Observations taken during fog 386 weather, 150 Tah3e 5 eek1 y Spotlight ounta frcm Seventeen Routes betreen May and September, 1957 fle;iüt; of pot1ight_Routes weeks 1 2 5 6 7 3910 Green1eakUnitA GreenPeakUnitB 6io8ki533 911 7191015 Ye.iCreekUnitA 252710111220101211 Yew Creek Unit B Soaj Creek Buru 2k 20 44 44 32 20 2k 24 18 8 0akGreekDrairage B1d Mt Unit A 8 17*125 * - Fogged in sample 84129 8 11 10 14 1 7 13 15 11 5 9 63 54 26 30 28 37 29 18 1 21 14 19 16 15 12 10 10 7 18 25 22 14 8 6 9 6 13 8 3 4 5 11 11 3 9 6 11 13 a' co '.O r4 r4 a' Total deer 7 * ____3'J 1 31538935k? 4 15 23 31 6 9 5 12 23 2 5 2 * 2 21? 9 1k 20 22 1k 33 23 29 11010 10 693 7 5 1717 16 1k 23 27 13 6 23 3.8 812 14 7 23 9 6 8 7 7 9 27 3 12 6 5 11 7 23 10 8 4 6 30 11 14 6 10 ii 9 28 7 12 14 5 10 5 r4 L(\ 0' r- co t r4 9 17 1 4 4 913 13 16 18 16 911 173 289 259 453 150 138 8 41104235414458976012 10816014331632 2325754 6552242302k82213480 10 12 16 BaldMt.UnitB BaldMt.UnitC SkidCreekUnitA Skid Creek Unit B Rickreall Mt. Loop wind Creek Drainage Cedar Creek Burn Berry Creek Trapping Forest leak Soa Cr. Pastures * 7 iJ r-4 r-4 4 r4 .D u' a' ,4 r4 0' 0' o 'o r4 r4 7 33 10 17 1 14 10 7 21 7 14 4 5 6 6 5 15 7 7 19 6 8 4 1k 34 13 13 4 13 5 t'\ 4 17 3 5 9 8 16 5 - 0' C\ 0 ('J r4 r4 r-4 r4 r4 ir 13 35 5 9 4 10 5 0 0 t'. "\1 r-4 co r4 * * 27 8 8 3 4 6 $ Lf\ r4 1k1 594 211 227 92 112 121 September. Appendix E describes the activity of deer that could be classified. The assumption was made that the sex and age compositIon and the activity of all deer not classified was similar to the classified results obtained during all months. A further assumption was made that changes in deer activity from the bedded to standing position would Influence count results. Thore fore, changes in the percentage of bedded deer were used as one criterion for studying nocturnal deer activity. Effects of Deer ActIvity Changes upon Counts This study was not designed to evaluate the difficult problem of factor Interaction. Single factor reasoning was used to interpret changes In deer activity. This approach to understanding biological phenomena is often dangerous and misleading. Changes in daily weather, seasonal weather, and lunar phase were recognized as factors which could influence deer activity and thereby affect sampling results. Veather conditions were variable during the spring and summer months of l97. Foggy and low-ceiling cloudy weather were common until the middle of July. Frequently these conditions did not extend into all study areas. Appendix F smmarizes by routes, these conditions as they existed during spotlight sampling. The percentage of bedded deer was computed from counts made under clear versus cloudy skies to determine If this atmospheric difference had a possible effect upon night activity. All route counts for cloudy and mostly cloudy weather were combined and conpared with a systematically selected number of samole counts represeritthg clear and scattered cloud conditions. The criteria used for determining cloud cover are given in Appendix F. This comparison revealed that bedded deer constituted 21 and 18 per cent of the classified deer for cloudy and clear weather, respectively. Thus, no importance could be attached to the influence of cloud conditions upon night activity. Between March and September, twenty-one samples were taken in the rain. The intensity of precipitation varied from heavy rain downpours to moderate "fog drip." The Oregon State University weather station reported that 9.4 inches of precipitation fell during March and April with 26 days contributIng .10 of an Inch or more (13, p. 39; and 14, p. 57). During seven nights In this period, rain was encountered while making night observations. Late spring and early sunmer precipi- tation was less, with most of it falling In the fori of light to moderate rain or heavy "fo drip." Early spring counts revealed that 80 per cent of the deer were active during rainy nights. This figure approximates the peroentaze which was active for all weather conditions during the summer months (Appendix E). Thus it seemed that rain did not retard early spring night activity. Perhaps this was due to the deer being conditioned by the regularity of rain throughout the winter months. Late spring and summer precipitation was so infrequent that its effects upon night activity could not be evaluated. Vtthen a route or a portion of it was tfogged_in,fl deer counts were not comparable to those obtained when visibility was not restricted. Under foggy conditions, the spotlight beam penetration was sometimes greatly restricted. "Fogged-in" counts were made only for the purpose of studying doer activity. These counts were not included in the comparison of the two census methods results. Foggy weather conditions, with an absence of wind, did not seem to retard deer activity. Only 16 per cent of the deer were bedded under such conditions. However, some 35 per cent were bedded during foggy and windy weather. This aug. eta that wind may influence deer activity. The three categories of "no wind," "breezy," and "windy" weather were used to study the effects which wind 21 velocity was highly variable at different points along each route. seemed to have upon deer activity. A subjective estimate was !nade of wind the average air turbu- lence for each route sampled by classifying it into one of the three categories. The sums of mean route counts for the "no wind," "breezy," and "windy" categories were 132, 108, arid 9?, respectively. These results were obtained from the samplings of ten routes that were spotlighted between The Student's "t" test indicated that a significant difference, at the five per cent level, existed between the results of the "no wind" and May and September. "windy" counts. Deer apparently preferred the leeward slopes during windy weather. This was particularly noticeable during the first part of the study when winds tended to accentuate lower temperatures. A leeward preference was less noticeable during the late summer months when night temperatures were warmer. No correlation existed between the percentage of bedded deer and the air temperature recorded at the beginning of each sample. This comparison was complicated by frequent, large temperature differences encountered during the sampling of routes on which there were large changes in elevation, Table I. The weather was cool, and cloudy with considerable precipitation in W;arch. A higher frequency of clear warm days occurred as spring progressed into suner. The average daily maximum temperature increased to about BC degrees Pahrenheit by September. Even though the maximum temperature increased greetly, the average monthly minimum temperature did not increase more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit. These increased daytime and relatively stable nighttime temperatures suggested that a seasonal day to night change in feeding activity might affect the results of night counts. Small differences existed between the monthly percentages of bedded deer, Table 6. Normal variation or better springtime ground visibility nay have been realonsible for the slightly higher percentages observed during the spring months. No changes in seasonal night activity could be detected through a comoarison of monthly fluctuations in bedded mature and yearling deer number. Here, the assumption was made that the seasonal activity habits of all sex and age classes, exclusive of fawns, were the same. Mature male deer were observed to change their daily activities as the suriirner progressed. Increases in night observations of bucks occurred in the late summer while at the same time fewer bucks were seen during daytime This suested that nocturnal sampling, Figure 2. buck activity was greatest during the late summer months. Dasmarn (2, p. 145) in his studies of b1aek tailed deer in California, states that, 'Durthg late July and early August bucks are less evident.'1 Ha continues by saying that the older msles move into heavy cover about the time their antler velvet begins to shed. It was difficult to classify yearling deer by sex and age at night. Sex identifIcation was hindered by the fact that eyeshine tended to obscure small antlers when they were present. On the Adair Tract and Mconald Forest either-sex hunting area, Hines (6, p. 7) found that fully developed yearling antlers varied from one to nine inches in length,. It was thus impossible to classify enough yearlin.s to study their nocturnal habits as a group. A lunar month may be defined as the period from new moon to new moon, According to Jones (7, p. 76) its mean length is approximately 29.5 days while the actual length nay vary considerably from the mean value. The name, lunar phases, is cormected with the variations in the visible outline. Waxing and waning refer to respective increases and decreases in the visible outline which occur before and after a full Table 6 Monthly percentages of Clas.ified Deer Obaerved i3edded Months No. Standing No. Bedded Per Cent * March and April May June July 371 221 268 23 300 223 78 61 52 58 91 k7 21.1 21.6 16.3 19.3 23.5 1?.k 5xc1sjve 0t fawns August September 24 35 30 25 w 4 I- 2O 0 Lu '5 5 I] JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. MONTHS FIGURE 2. MONTHLY COMPOSITION PERCENTAGE OF MATURE MALE DEER OBSERVED DURING THE DAY AND NIGHT (EXCLUSIVE OF FAWN OBSERVATIONS). 25 moon, respectively. There is a conimon belief that deer restrict their diurnal activity during the middle of lunar month when night illumination is the greatest. It is contended that moonlight either stimulates or allows prolonged nocturnal activity to occur, and this results in less diurnal activity. All spotlight results were classified into ten, three-day segments of the lunar month. Analysis of variance was used to determine if differences existed in the results of these ten phases, which showed higher counts during the second and third quarters of the lunar cycle (8, p. 227). A significant difference, at the five per cent level, existed between these results, which were weighted for this test. Analysts of variance also indicated that there was a difference, at the five per cent level, between the number of standing and bedded deer observed in the above ten lunar month segments. A moving average analysis was also used to comare the sampling results obtained under different phases of the moon. Appenix G presents the computations for this analysis, while Figure 3 presents these results graphically. This analysis supports the conclusions of the previous tests. Leer seemed to be most active LUNAR SEGMENTS 1-15 4-lB 7-21 10-24 13-27 16-30 19-3 22-6 25-9 28-12 19 18 U) I z D 17 0 C) LU f- is 0 z LU Li.. 0 14 U) U) 12 IC,- FIGURE 3. SUMS OF MOVING AVERAGE DAY AND NIGHT MEAN ROUTE COUNTS FOR TEN SEGMENTS OF THE LUNAR MONTH. at night during the middle of the lunar month, when illwination was the greatest. This accelerated activity aoeared to cause siynificant increases in spotlight counts, Many investigators recognize nocturnal movements as part of a deer's daily cycle, but they rarely discuss them in relation to moon ohases (12, p. 149, 558; 4, n. 9, and 5, p 213). Linsdale, however, found that moonlight did not regulate nor was it essential to foraging and other movements of blacktailed deer (9, p. 122). In Finland, Slivonen (11, p. 20) found that, "Preliminary control experi ments suggest the probability of a stimulating effect of moonlight upon the nightly activity of animals." Changes in deer activity during the night could effect the results of repeated route counts accomnlished at different hours. Counts in brushy areas would be most influenced by such changes since bedded deer would be more difficult to deteot than standing animals. A time difference existed between the sampling of the first and last route each night. The Fiokreall route was completed the latest, with observations terminating about 2 a.m. Totals of about 1500 deer were observed during the seven earliest and seven latest samples taken each week. Bedded deer comprised 22.4 per cent of the earliest and l.4 per cent of the latest counts. Thus, no appreciable change in deer activity was detected before the predawn hours. In the late summer, a second observer was used to spotlight the same routes a second time each night. These predawn counts were about one-thrd lower, Table 7, with 55 per cent of all classified deer bedded. Bedded deer constituted only 25 per cent of all deer classified during the first nightly counts. This suggested that a retardation of predawn activity did occur and that this decrease in activity tended to reduce the number of deer seen. In support of this theory, Linadale (9, p. 268) reports that there may be no black-tailed deer activity in the open between midnight and daylight. Halloran found that white-tailed deer commonly feed at all times of night during the late summer. Taylor (12, p. 150) cites Fuff (10, p. 26) as saying that white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus vlrginianus (Zimmerman), have been known to feed until near midnight. He continues by saying that some individuals are active a greater part of the night but that there appears to be a period of night inactivity just as in the daytime. Table 7 A Comarison of Early and Late Deer Counta Obtained from the Same Routes Each Night by Different Observers Spotlight Routes Cedar Creek burn md Creek Drainage Rickreall Mt. Loop Bald Mt. Unit C Nald Mt. Unit B Bald Mt. Unit A 18th Ueek Early Late 8 8 27 1 0 8 6 16 13 0 3 0 Oak Creek Draina;;e Soap Creek Burn Yew Creek Unit B Yew Creek Unit A Green Peak Unit 3 Green Peak Unit A Total Deer - Fogged in 19thJoek Late Early Late 1k 11 30 3 12 13 5 12 7 k 6 21 1 7 9 2 23 18 13 5 7 52 38 2OUi..:eek Early 1k1 0 3 6 2k 28 k 2 7 11 16 0 3 5 3 25 6 18 16 12 11 12 7 5 13 6 5 6 113 l4O 88 30 ffects of Population Shifts and Increases upon Counts Population shifts acpeared to be one of the most important factors causing fluctuations in weekly counts. Here, population shifts describe movements of animals into and out of open areas whore changes in their numbers could readily be recognized. In general, the home range of black-tailed deer was observed to be small In size. contained numerous Instances Daytime sight records where the same Individuals or groups were repeatedly seen within restricted areas, oftentimes no larger than five acres In size. In the winter of 1956-5?, several deer, along the Berry Creek route, were live-trapped and ear-tagged with circular aluminum tags covered with 'Seotohlite1' reflective sheeting, }lgure 4. Night observations of these tagged deer suggested that their home range was small during the summer months. The greatest observed movement occurred when two individuals shifted their activities about 400 yards from a rapidly drying forb and grass opening to a small area containing volunteer legumes and remnant fruit trees. A frequency distribution of all sight records for each route, by one-tenth mile Intervals, revealed that the most important population shifts affecting route 71 FIGURE 4. A SPOTLIGHTED TWO-YEAR-OLD DOE WHICH WAS EAR- TAGGED WITH "SCOTCHLITE" REFLECTIVE S}ETING TO STUDY NOCTURNAL MOVEIVENTS OF BLACK-TAILED DEER. counts occurred from relatively open south slope areas. Leer were concentrated in these areas during the spring when warmer temperatures and a greater abundance of forb and grass forage were present. Frequency distribution data indicated that population dispersals occurred from these areas during June and early July. Figure 5 shows the mean monthly sotlight counts for three such areas. Perhaps earlier maturin vegetation and higher temperatures on south slopes influenced population shifts from these areas. The mean monthly 4 p.m. temperatures were plotted and compared with the sums of mean monthly route counts to further study the effects which temperatures had upon total counts. These temperature data were recorded at the Oregon State University Hyslop Agronomy Farm in the \Nillamette Valley. given in Figure 6. A comparison of these data is It can be seen that an inverse relationship exists between late afternoon, or near maximum temperatures, and the sums of mean monthly deer counts. Care should be taken not to interpret Figure 6 as meaning that there were fluctuations in night activity which were caused by temperature differences and resulted in higher or lower counts. The suggested implication is that temperature fluctuations wore in 25 2 0 0 a: 15 LiJ 0 >-J I 2 0 2 I0 w [.J APR. 30 MAY 31 JUNE30 JULY 31 AUG. 31 SEPT.21 MONTHS FIGURE 5. MEAN MONTHLY DEER COUNTS FOR THREE RECENTLY LOGGED AREAS WITH SOUTHERN EXPOSURE SLOPES. COUNTS. ROUTE SPOTLIGHT MEAN MONTHLY THE OF SUMS THE WITH P.M. 4 MONTHLY OF COMPARISON A MEAN TEMPERATURES 6. FIGURE MONTHS 21 SEPT. 31 AUG. 31 JULY 30 JUNE 65 70 Z 75 w 80 cZ 85 165 °' 170 ¶2 '75 Iw 180 85 some way related to population shifts which caused seasonal differences in route counts. Significant increases in deer numbers occurred in the late spring with the 1957 fawning season. It was necessary to study the Influences which this population increase had upon night counts. Total monthly fawn counts and classified fawn actiTity data were used as indices for determining nocturnal fawn behavior and its effects UDon total counts. The first new-born fawn was seen in the Wind Creek drainage on the morning of May 25, 195?. It was believed that the fawning season peak occurred during the first week of June. This was based on the observed decline in frequency of does with distended flanks. The last pregnant doe was seen along the Oak Creek route on July 30, 1957. Her genital region was enlarged, suggesting that her fawning time was near. Spotlighted fawns were usually observed bedded during the first weeks after the peak of the fawning season. During June, only in four instances was a doe not in the near vicinity of each fawn seen. In July, mature does were more frequently observed feeding alone or with groups of deer that contained no fawns. The fawns were usually seen by themselves, either bedded or stand thg. In early August the night doe-rawn relationship was similar to that of July. The does, fawns, and frequently yearlings, ciere united into distinct family groups during late August and 5eptember. The percentage of fawns, from all deer classified each month, was used as an index to study night fawn activity. It will be seen that the percentage of fawns remained stable until September, suggesting that night fawn activity, Figure 7, dId not accelerate until late summer. Here, the assumption is made that significant increases in fawn movements, from the bedded to standing position, would be reflected by the proportion of fawns seen in all deer classified by age. The observed increaso in night activity of fawns and mature bucks did not cause increases in weekly counts. Average weekly counts for three week intervals, during the last twelve weeks sampled, ranged between 163 and 170 deer. Here a ratio estimate technique was used to predict three missing sample values by utilizing all results obtained by both methods. Population shifts, deer dispersals, and vegetation growth tended to reduce sampling results as the summer progressed. These changes prevented late summer counts from being higher than spring counts, even though the fawn additions increased the population. 35 30 U, z Ui 0 25 20 z Ui C-) Ui 5 JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. MONTHS FIGURE 7. MONTHLY DAY AND NIGHT PERCENTAGE OF FAWNS IN THE TOTAL DEER CLASSIFIED BY AGE. Iffects of Vegetation Changes upon Counts Early spring deciduous shrub and tree growth hindered the spotlighting of some slopes that were highly visible during the winter. Leaf growth on species such as vine maple Acer oircinatum Pursh.,1 big leaf meple Acer macrophyllurn Pursh., ocean spray Holodiscus discolor Pursh., thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus Nutt., sairnonberry Bubus spectabilis Pursh., hazel Corylus californica Pose, Oregon alder Alnu oregona Nutt., and Oregon oak Quercus garryana Dougl. began to conceal the presence of deer and their activities. This growth became evident in mid-April at low and medium elevations. It was well developed by the end of May. At higher elevations, spring growth was about two weeks later in gaining its full complement. Further restrictions in visibility came when herbaceous vegetation reached several feet in height. This followed the initial deciduous shrub and tree growth. Bracken fern, Pteridium a4uilinum pubescens Underw., was the most abundant species. it grew to a height of six feet. In places, At medium and low elevations fronds of this fern opened during May, while 1. 6 Abrams's (1955) Illustrated Flora acifie States was used to identify all plant species. on the higher slopes this development was not reached merata L. until June. Tall grasses such as Lactylis and Jlus laucus Bucki. also started to conceal the presence of deer in open areas by late May. Growth of herbaceous roadside vegetation progressively restricted the distance which could be spotlighted as the summer progressed. Table 1 shows those routes which contained considerable amounts of this interfering vegetation. Deer counts took an appreciable drop In May as may be noted by conmaring the early spring counts given In Table 4 with the same route counts given In Table 5. This suggests that in May vegetation growth was one factor contributing to the decline in sampling results. Foot Method A total of 2198 deer was seen during approximately 650 miles of daytime foot sampling. Table 8 gives these observations for May through September. Approximately 35 per cent of all deer wore not classified by sex and age (Appendix H). This was due to insufficient observation time, poor light conditions, or inadequate optical equipment. Table 8 Results of Weekly Foot Counts betweeu May and September, 1957 Foot Routes Green Peak Unit A GreenPoakUnitB Yew Creek Unit A Soap Greek Burn BaldMt.UnitA Ba1dMt.UnitB SkidCreekUnitA SkidCreekUnitB Rickreall Mt. Loop Wind Creek Drainage Berry Creek Trap Unit Weeks May 2 3 * - Unsampled Fogged in sample July 10 11 4 Seternber August 1k 15 16 18 19 20 0321*7221365k 1721k * k 19 17 2 8 3. k 0 5 7 7 2 20 7 6 1 * +6 5 3 5 6 12 5 13 * 29 * 8 0 9 12 13 17 6 1 8 3 k 5 3 7 10 6 9 12 17 27 12 21 3k 13 57 10 56 0 29 16 3k 21 29 39 27 2k kl 8677611537 562k* 592].812 2k 235690 24O 5k3 1k175 9221k 92 kl3lk 701997 6119 713 12032735621000k 61k983 532 61k ilk 32283 6 58 12 23 1k 22 65 30 22 * 20 7 7 1k 17 7 15 17 0 2 * 5 2 o co Total deer June 6 7 C - Lf\ 0 r-4 Co Co 'O t- tU\ tr-t \ 0' (7 t- 50 8 +3 37 13 0 3. 1k 6 0 \O $ r-4 k9 9 1 $ r4 1t\ U' C' v-4 rl * 9 19 6 8 0' 0' 2 8 12 3 5 * P\ CO CO C- 0 0 tf\ U'\ i-4 -I I 5k5 269 38 1k 0 0 kO 16 22 50 3k k 29 16 3 k Co Lt\ 0' Effects of Leer Activiy Changes upon Counts Cloudy weather conditions were more common during daylight observations (Appendix I) than they were during night sampling (Appendix F). Most of this cloudy weather occurred during the first half of the 20-week sampling period. This weather caused subdued light which lessened the contrast between the deer pelage and the surrounding vegetation. Deer were more difficult to detect under these poor light conditions. Sample counts could not be used to interpret activity changes in relation to the presence or absence of clouds because of this varying visibility of doer. Leer seemed to forage later into the morning on cloudy, cool days. Five times as many deer were seen along the last two miles of the three longest routes, Table 1, during the first l weeks of sampling as were seen during the last seven weeks. Deer had presumably bedded, and were less conspicuous, before sampling was comleted on the warm days of August and September, Deer usually did not start feeding in sunny areas until near sunset on hot days when the 5 p.m. temperature was near the daily maximum. foragin On these evenings, deer were first observed on shady slopes. 42 Foraging activities commenced earlier in the afternoon on all slopes when the days were cloudy and cool. "Windy" weather occurred during 10 per cent of the 197 daytime route samplings, and it occurred equally on clear and cloudy days. "No wind" and "breezy" Wind conditions also occurred equally duiin: clear and cloudy route samplings. Sums of moan route counts for the "no wind," "breezy," and "Windy" categories were 41, 32, and 27 deer, respectively. These Liè:ures were obtained from the sampling results of five routes which were well represented in all tbree categories. The sums of the mean route counts for all 11 routes were 78 and 65 deer for the "no wind" and "breezy" conditions, respectively. The Student's "t" test did not indicate a difference between these data at the Live per cent significance level. Insufficient observations durIng windy weather prevented a comparison of the "no wth&' and "windy" results for all routes. Both Dasmann (3, p. 82) and Linadale (9, p. 316) observed that wind caused black-tailed deer to seek sheltered spots while Aldous (1, p. 328) stated that deer seek the protection of heavy cover during 8trong winds. Heavy rains occurred on only one occasion during all foot sampling. The total deer seen on this evening sample of the Bald Lountain Unit A route was within the range of previous counts. It was not oossible to evaluate the effects which rain bad upon diurnal activity since the duration and intensity of precipitation was highly variable. Poor light conditions and wet optical equip- ment lessened the ability to detect deer under these conditions. Mature male deer were the only sex and age group, excepting fawns, observed to change their daily pattern of activity as the summer progressed. Figure 2 depicts the nionthly percentage of mature bucks seen in the total mature deer classified by sex and ago each month. There was an appreciable drop in the proportion of buck8 seen during the August and September daytime counts. Corresponding increases in night observations of mature bucks occurred during the last two months of investigation. It is commonly believed that morning deer activity is retarded following nights of full or near full moon conditions. The daytime counts were teatd by a moving average analysis to determine if there was a relationship between the reoults of foot samoling counts and lunar chases. This technique was described in the previous section dealing with lunar effects upon night counts. Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between the sums of the mean morning route counts for the ten 44 lunar segments treated. This method of using the same route means in different combinations revealed that slightly lower daytime counts were obtained on mornings following nights with waning moon conditions. It ws possible to test for differences between the results of morning counts by regrouping foot count data into ton three-day periods of the lunar cycle. Analysis of variance indicated that there was no difference between counts for these ten lunar segments, at the five per cent significance level. Effects of ulation Shifts and Increases upon Counts High numbers of mature and yearling deer were observed on the warmer, open., south-racing slopes at the beginning of the study. Deer became less evident in those open areas as summer progressed and temperatures became warmer. Three such openings, along the Soap Creek Burn, Fickreall Loop, and Skid Creek B routes, possessed a predoninance of low grass cover where deer were easily recognized. A May to September reduction in deer observed within these three route segments ranged from 57 to 80 per cent. These shifts from the open grassy areas, though associated with rising sunnuer temperatures, may have been influenced by changes in deer food preferences from the maturing herbaceous vegetation found in the openings to browse species and thoir associated understory plants found in adjacent areas. However, it was interesting to note that during the first two weeks of ugust, when cool, cloudy weather re- occurred after several weeks of high daytime temperatures, there were population shifts back into these three open areas. This suggested that perhaps temperature changes were more influential than food preferences in causing deer redistributions. Deer numbers decreased again in these open areas with the return of warm weather. The early June fawning season caused sizable increases in the potential number of deer that could be sampled. In early July, these fawns became more notice- able as they started to follow the does. Iigure 7 gives the monthly percentages of fawns seen in all deer classified by age. This indicates that early summer diurnal fawn movements were more extensive than were nocturnal movements for the same months. The daytime percentage of observed fawns increased to about 35 per cent of the total deer classified by the end of the summer. Thia firure Is somewhat biased since mature bucks were less frequently observed In the late summer. This tended to increase the percentage of observed fawns for the months of August and September. The monthly sums of mean route counts for the eight routes which were observed May through September, were 102, 9?, 135, 138, and 81, respectively. The June count drop to 9? could reflect animal shifts from the open areas. The accelerated activities of fawns caused the sums of monthly moan route counts to peak in August before dropping to a low of 81 deer in September. Effects of Vegetation Changes upon Counts A description of spring and summer vegetation growth and its effects upon the ability to see deer were discussed in a previous spotlight section. Daytime observations were further influenced by changes in foliage and deer pelage color. The color of vine maple leaves began to change from green to reddish-orange by midsummer. This lessened the contrast between the door's reddish-brown summer pelage and the abundant vine maple. this time. Most grass and forb growth had matured by This dry herbage also lessened the pelage- vegetation contrast, which was an important clue to locating deer in the early summer. By September, the ability to distinguish motionless deer became more difficult as they began to molt into their grey winter pelage. The mature bucks were the first to shed their reddish-brown pelage while the mature does were the last to undergo this change. Comparison of Spotlight and Foot Sampling Results This section compares the night spotlight and the daylight foot methods of observing deer by analyzing the A co- variations between their repeated samplings. efficient of variation, or relative standard deviation, was omutd from the results of all observations (exclusive of those obtained on foggy days) for each Counts from route sampled by each method of' observation. morning and evening foot routes were combined because their results were not significantly different. Figure 8 compares those coefficients for the eleven routes which were sampled by both methods. The results from nine of the eleven spotlight routes had less variation between repeated samplings when compared to daytime results obtained from the same routes. Previous sections discuss some of the factors possibly causing this variation. A day and night comparison of sums of mean route counts for the eight routes spotlighted on the left sIde of the vehicle were 107 and 116 for spotlight and foot counts, respectively. This illustrates that approxLmately the same number of deer were seen while spotlithting the left side of the transect as were seen along both sides during daytime sampling. The sum of the average deer seen per hour of spotlight and foot sampling on these 1 Z zrn -I G)0 , oz (fl-I -< a,0 U) >0 (flfl -n QC) rO in rr rn-0 (0X() 0-> ,i U) BERRY CREEK WIND CREEK SKID CREEK B SKID CREEK A RICKREALL LOOP BALD MOUNTAIN B BALD MOUNTAIN A SOAP CREEK BURN YEW CREEK A GREEN PEAKB GREEN PEAK A cfl m o C oz Oi cji - S. - 'S o 0 c.n Ui a, I 0 Ui 0 -i COEFFICIENTS OF VARIATION Ui 0 a, UI a, 0 (0 ei;-ht routes was 66 and 34, respectIvely. This indicates that the spotlight routes were sampled in approximately one-half the time of the foot routes. GL StlM.4.'Y AJ I.?NS A corperison of two direct ObS-IV&t1Ori net hods of black-tailed d.er i enumerat.in was oonducted under t '.00perative Viildlif leaerhi esearch e.ten )reon of the )reofl nit. A ni.:ht spotli ht and a day foot observation method were tested betw,en resated1y samiin arch arid September, 195?, by the same routes. Weeiy and seasonal variations in counts were determined for each method, and attapts were made to establish the causes of these variations, Thtals of 4254 and 2198 deer were observed along niit s?Ctli.it kind daytime Loot routes, resoectively. The following results were obtained from these observations Lffects of Peer Activity Chang 1. upon 3ounts iight deer activity was riot influenced by the presence of cloudy weather. u.mer daytime activity was prolonged on cloudy days. Cloudy weather resulted in lower daytime temperatures, and the long! er foot routes had higher counts along their last two miles on these days. 2. P1:hest morninc counts were obtained on clear days when the temperature remained below 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. The presence of rain did not seem to affect night deer activity in the spring. Fain was so infrequent during daytime counts that its effects could not be measured. 4. Viny weather caused significant decreases in night counts. Doer tended to 530k the leeward slopes on these nights. There was no difference in daytime counts taken on 'no wind' and "breezy" days. 5. Significantly higher night counts were obtained during the second and third quarters of the lunar month. This was at a time when night illumination was the greatest. Higher percentages of active deer were also observed during these night counts. Daytime counts were not significantly different when grouped into lunar month phases. 6. Higher proportions of mature male doer were observed during late summer nights. This increase corres- ponded with a reduction in the proportion of mature bucks seen during daylight counts. '7. Foute sampling durinc: the predawn hours produced lower counts than did sampling earlier in the night. Twice as many bedded deer were seen during the 52 predawn hours. This suggested that oounts may be influenced by the time of night sampled. 8. No difference existed between morning and evening foot route counts. Effects of Pooulation Shifts 1. Increases upon Counts Early summer population shifts from open south slopes caused large reductions in route counts. An inverse relationship existed between mean monthly 4 p.m., or near maximum, temperatures and the sums of mean monthly night counts. This indicated that population shifts resulted when increased tempera- tures adversely influenced the deer either directly or indirectly. 2. Daytime counts were first influenced by the fawn increment in July, when fawns started to follow the does. Night fawn observations were less frequent than daytime observations until September, when the fawns became more active. Effects of Vegetation Changes upon Counts 1. Spring and summer vegetation growth tended to conceal the presence of deer during this study. This was undoubtedly responsible for some of the variation 53 between counts. 2. Seasonal changes in color contrasts between vegetation and deer elage influenced daytime counts. Deer were most readily seen on sunny days in the early summer when the deer pelage was reddishbrown and the vegetation was green. Animals were most difficult to see in the late summer when deer color was grey. Comparison of Spotlight and F00t Sampling Fesults 1. Nine of eleven routes had less variation for night sampling than for day sampling. 2. Similar deer numbers were seen along the left side of routes at night as were seen along both sides of the sa,e routes during the day. 3. The spotlight counts were accomplished at twice the rate of daytime foot sampling. From the results of this study it is recommended that further tests of the spotlight method be undertaken. This work should be done in the late winter and early spring, prior to the onset of spring vegetation growth. This would eliminate the influence which vegetation growth has upon the ability to see deer. Populations would still be concentrated on open grassy slopes where counting is easiest. Also, early spring counts would not be influenced by the fawn increment. 1. Conduction deer studies with Aldous, C1arnce M. the use of a helicopter. Journal of ildlife Management 20:327-328. 2. 1956. Behavior of Columbian black- Dasmann, P aymond F. tailed deer with reference to poDuletion ecology. Journal of Mammalogy. 37:143-164. 1956. Determining structure in Columbian b1aok-ii1ed deer pooulstions. Journal 3. __________________, 4. of Wildlife Management 20:78-83. 1956. Gregory, Tappan. yes in the night. New York, Thomas Y. Orowell Ccmpany, 1939. 243 p. 5. Halioran, arthur F. Management of deer and cattle on the Aransa,s National Wildlife Refuge, Texas. Journal of Wildlife Manement 7:203-216. 1943. 6. Hines, William W. Kill statistics from an intensively hunted Columbian black-tailed daor population in estern Oregon. Unpublished manuscript. 1958. 13 numb. leaves. 7. Jones, H. Spencer. General astronomy. New York, Longmans, Green and Company, 1923. 386 p. Li, Jerome C. P. Introduction to statistical Arbor, Michigan, Fdwards Brothers, inference. Inc., 1957. 553 p. 9. Linadale, Jean . and P. Quentin Tomich. A herd of mule deer. Perkeley, California, University of California Press, 1953. 567 p. 10. fluff, Frederick J. The white-tailed deer on the Pisab. National Came Preserve, North Carolina. Washington, D.C., TJS Forest Service, 1938. 8. 249 p. 11. Slivonen, Lauri and Jukka Koskimlea. Population fluctuations and the lunar cycle. Papers on Game Pesearch. 22 p. Helsinki, Finnish Game Foundation, 1955. 12. Taylor, Walter P. The deer of North America, Harrisburg, Staekpole Company, 1956. 668 p. 13. u.S. \eather Bureau. Cliniatological data. Oregon. 63:39. 1957. 14. _______________ Oregon. 15. 6357. Walls, Gordon L. July 7, 1958. Climatological data. 1957. Letter, Berkeley, California. APPI2,NLICFS 5? APPJNDIX A eek1y Schedule of Spotli.ht and ?::ot Route Saiing from May 6 to September 21, 1957 Miles Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Routes Green Peek Unit A Green Peak Unit B Green Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit a Yew Creek Unit A Yew Creek Unit B Spotlight SA SA Soap Bald Bald Bald SC bC SC Jind Creek Drainage Berry Creek Trap Unit Berry Creek Trap Unit Forest Peak Soap Creek Pastures 2.14 2.14 5.3 2.8 5.3 14.3 IC 3.3 2.0 IA IA 3.14 3.3 1.6 2.3 5.5 SC SC SC IC 10 IC 5k-id Creek Unit Saturday 14.8 IC Rickreall Mt. Loop Skid Creek Unit A ind Creek Drainage Cedar Creek Burn iiles Foot 14.8 SC SC SC C Bald Mt. Unit A Bald Mt. Unit B Skid Creek Unit A skid Creek Unit B Rickreall Mt. Loop Spot. IA IA Yew Creek Unit A Soap Creek Burn Oak Creek Drainage Creek Burn Mt. Unit A Mt. Unit B Mt. Unit C Foot 5.5 1.0 2.3 2.6 CC 50 14.6 IC IC SC SC SC Totals SA Spotlighted alternately, early then late SC Spotlighted at consistent time each night IA a1ked alternately, morning then evening IC Walked conitent1y morning or evening 2.6 2.2 2.2 6.8 2.6 614.3 314.7 M'F:WDIA B Descriptions of Seven Lamps Tested on a Sjotliit 1ane n Lamp flumber Service Watts Maximuu Candle sower Kor.Vert. Filament Shield Price ach 1+o05 Automotive 12.8 30 100 45,000 3)4 5 1+1+35 Automotive 12.8 30 100 75,000 5 5 Yea 1+5i Automotive 6.1+ 30 100 55,000 5)4 4)4 Yes 2.60 4516 Automotive 6.2 30 100 4O,QOQ 9 4 Lo 2.50 4522 Aircraft 13.0 250 25 290,000 12 10 Yes 7.10 L535 Automotive 6.1+ 30 100 95,000 1+ Yea 2.85 coin Machines * Volts kite Hours At 11+ volts Amperes 25 .20** - 5)4 - 3.50 - 50 APPENDIX C HORIZONTAL BEAM SPREAD MEASUREMENTS FOR SEVEN LAMPS TAKEN AT TWENTY FIVE YARDS. 26 24 22 20 18 I6 U, w -J z 4 I4 0 0 0 I2 Li 8 6 4 2 0 5 4 3 2 I 0 FEET I 2 3 4 5 APPENDIX C (CONTINUED) 36 34 GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP NUMBERS: 32 -4522 30 4515 4516 -"--I484 28 26 24 C) 22 -j Z 20 0 18- 00 Li 16 - 14- 2 I0 6 8 4 / .f 7 2 / \\ " L 0 6 4 3 2 I FEET 3 4 5 6 APPENDIX 1) A Summary of Spotlighted Deer Sex and Age C1assjfjcatjon Obtained between May and September, 1957 .1 Q Spotlight Routes o Green Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit 3 Yew Creek Unit A Yew Creek Unit 3 Soap Creek Burn Oak Creek Drainage Bald Mt. Unit A Bald Mt. Unit B 69 96 205 166 316 102 kO BaldMt.UnitC Skid Creek Unit A Skid Creek Unit B Rickreall Mt. Loop Wind Creek Cedar Creek Berry Creek Trap Forest Peak Soap Creek Pastures Total Deer Lf7 38 93 442 167 41 12 15 50 38 k9 13 23 12 5 143 44 47 79 5 20 60 20 25 3 19 28 2152 397 H 4.-t 4) 2 16 10 2 11 12 5 6 96 163 291 239 k32 150 153 - 1 2 9 34 6 16 2 12 3 So 52 141 595 211 220 92 112 121 110 148 3233 1 6 2 5 9 23 17 13 20 3 7 7 15 22 k2 12 6 13 5 6 9 1 2 12 5 4 19 10 1? 16 18 3 9 39 1]. 17 13 22 1 1 8 8 2 8 15 11 2 2 299 127 1k - Ak-i DIX E Summary of Night Deer otivity Observed While Spotlighting between May and £eptember, 1957 ---- - No. No. Spotlight Routes Standing Bedded Green Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit B Yew Creek Unit A Yew Creek Unit B Soap Creek Burn Oak Creek Drainage Bald Mt. Unit A Bald Mt. Unit B Bald Mt. Unit C Skid creek Unit A Skid Creek Unit B Rickreall Mt. Loop hind Creek Drainage Cedar Creek Burn Berry Creek Trapping Forest Peak Soap Creek Pastures 37 80 14 17 43 27 Total Deer 1.17 Unclassified 47 68 128 Total Deer 98 165 288 232 450 145 156 82 54 194 67 19 17 4 16 2 16 62 11 8]. 31 126 244 16 60 23 19 6 68 335 131 113 51 76 80 14 23 11 74 110 121 1390 365 1464 3219 79 158 110 79 55 46 26 48 9 1 138 591 O9 225 PP2. Dlx F Atmospheric Conditions Present While Spotlighting Routes between May and September, 1957 Spotlight Routes Green Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit B Yew Creek Unit A Yew Creek Unit B Soap Creek Burn Oak Creek Drainage BaldMt.UnitA Bald Mt. Unit B Bald Mt. Unit C Skid Creek Unit A Skid Creek Unit B Rickreall Mt. Loop Wind Creek Drainage Cedar Creek Burn Berry Creek Trap Unit Forest Peak Soap Creek Pastures Clear 1k 13 13 7 1k 13 1k 12 12 13 13 12 12 10 13 12 13 *Scattered Clouds **Partly Cloudy 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 C1oudy 2(1IR) 5 3 2(IIR) 3(I1R) k 5 IC1IR) 1(1IR) 2 2 Raining 2 1 2 2 6 1 1 14(IIR) 1 3 1 2 2 Foggy APPENDIX G A Moving Aver.0 na1ysis o± Lunar f1ects upon iight Spot1iht Counts Mean Route Counts by Lunar ;egments Routes Green Peak A Green Peak B Yew Creek A Yew Creek B Soap Creek Burn Oak Creek Bald Mt. Bald Mt. B Bald Mt. C Skid Creek A bkid Creek B Rickreall Wind Creek Cedar Creek Berry Creek Trap Forest Peak Soap Creek Pasture Sums Lunar Days 1-15 4-18 7-21 10_21+ 13-27 16-30 19-3 22-6 25-9 5.3 8.5 15.4 21.0 21.4 9.6 8.1 3.8 4.8 2.6 8.3 29.2 ii.8 12.1 6.0 7.9 7.1 5.9 9.1 16.6 19.5 23.3 8.9 8.4 ,.8 3.5 3.0 9.5 33.5 11.3 14.1 5.1 8.1 7.1 5.7 8.9 5.3 9.4 15.7 20.3 26.6 8.5 8.9 5.2 5.7 3.6 9.6 36.3 5.8 9.9 15.4 20.9 27.5 6.8 9.0 5.7 5.6 4.0 4.7 10.0 14.5 20.9 25.5 7.1 7.7 5.4 5.1 1f.3 4.9 8.7 13.9 21.8 19.3 7.5 6.7 4.7 4.4 3.1 10.1 32.2 11.4 14.9 9.3 13.0 21.3 21.3 8.5 8.0 5.4 4.9 3.0 7.5 23.6 9.9 14.1 7.1 6.4 8.6 182.9 190.7 176.2 16.4 20.3 25.9 7.8 7.8 4.2 5.2 3.8 10.0 35.8 11.1 14.2 5.3 8.4 7.6 198.4 U.S 15.7 4.9 8.8 8. ok.5 4.6 9.4 30.2 9.5 15.8 6.3 8.0 7.6 7.1 8.9 4.0 8.2 13.2 21.3 23.4 7.3 7.3 5.6 6.8 3.8 8.1 25.9 9.9 14.3 7.0 6.9 8.9 199.4 192.2 181.9 4.]. 8.0 23.1 9.4 12.4 7.6 6.0 7.6 169.1 28-12 4.5 8.4 14.3 41.0 18.3 10.0 6.8 4.0 4.3 2.6 7.1 46.7 9.3 13.3 7.9 6.9 8.6 174.0 AFkFNDIX H A Summary of Deer Sex and Age Classifications Obtained from loot Ioutes between May and September '4 195? M kLQ p i Foot Routes u Groan Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit B Yew Creek Unit A Soap Creek Burn Bald Mt. Unit A Bald Mt. Unit B Skid. Creek Unit A Skid. Creek Unit B 29 U 83 177 28 21 5 18 Rickreall Loop Road iad Creek Drainage Berry Creek Trap Unit 2k9 118 13 Total Deer 752 8 10 19 66 29 10 18 U k6 90 52 13 52 kk 36 18 26 89 k2 - 8 231 k36 12 7 ko 72 22 7 7 11 52 16 250 9 5 17 1k 10 15 k 8 37 10 10 10 31 75 33 28 6 7 66 38 2 183 310 58 90 236 538 17k 117 £30 83 5k5 268 37 2182 P tipheic C iJ:ita t } lie Conut:tng v..rinF fcot Mtte Gounts ay and Lejte ber i937 Liy Morning anit bet-een **] foot Routes Clear Claude Cloudy Green Peak Unit A Green Peak Unit B 8 8 1 2 Yw Creek Unit A 8 k 2 3 1 1 Coa Creek Burn &J.d Mt. Unit A Bald Mt. Unit B k±d Creek Unit A Skid Creek Unit B Rickreall Mt. Loop wind Creek Drainage Berry Creek Trap Unit 10 9 11 7 7 8 6 8 Totals Per Cent of Total 90 * *** 10-25 per cent cloud cover 26-70 per cent cloud cover 71-100 per cent aloud cover Lf5 3 i 1 1 ***C].c)1y Raining 6 Foggy 1 7 2 1 2 1 2 3. 6 9 3. 1 5 5 k 5 5 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 12 6 U 22 58 29 5 2 1 9 7