-1- Study Group 17 Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs (14–23 March 2016) A.4 Study Group 17 Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs SG17 Question (Study Period 2013-2016) Q1/17 (WP1/17) Telecommunication /ICT security coordination Rapporteurs Associate Rapporteurs Mohamed M. K. ELHAJ Cai CHEN National Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) P.O. Box 2869, Khartoum, Sudan Tel: +249 91215 2424 E-mail: mohamed.elhaj@ntc.org.sd China Academy of Telecom. Research Nan li shi road 36, Hua yuan building C block, Beijing, 100037 China (People's Republic of) Tel: +86 010-68033792 Mob: +86 18610446288 E-mail: chencai@catr.cn Youngwha KIM Chief of Information Technology Department, Standardization Division, TTA 47, Bundang-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-city, Gyeonggi-do, 463-824, Republic of Korea TEL: +82-31-724-0109 FAX: +82-31-724-0110 E-mail: ykim@tta.or.kr; Isaac Kobina KWARKO National Communications Authority P.O. Box CT 1568, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana, West Africa Tel: +233 24 4789276 Fax: +233 21 763449 E-mail: kobina.kwarko@gmail.com Yiwen WANG Q2/17 (WP1/17) Security architecture and framework Patrick MWESIGWA China Academy of Telecom. Research Nan li shi road 36, Hua yuan building C block, Beijing, 100037 China (People's Republic of) Tel: +86 1068033848 Fax: E-mail: wangyiwen@caict.ac.cn Zhiyuan HU Uganda Communications Commission 12th Floor, Communications House, Plot 1, Colville Street P.O. Box 7376, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256776979653 Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd China (People's Republic of) Tel: +86-21-38438289 E-mail: Zhiyuan.Hu@alcatelsbell.com.cn -2- SG17 Question (Study Period 2013-2016) Rapporteurs Fax: +256 4134 8832 E-mail: Patrick.Mwesigwa@ties.itu.int Associate Rapporteurs Heung Ryong OH Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Seongnam-City, Gyeonggi-do, 463-824 Korea (Republic of) Tel: +82 70 7780 0083 Fax: +82 31 724 0119 E-mail: hroh@tta.or.kr Q3/17 (WP1/17) Telecommunication s information security management Miho NAGANUMA Kyeong Hee OH LAC Co, Ltd Japan Tel: +81 80 5871 8495 Fax: +81 3 5425 3182 E-mail: miho.naganuma@lac.co.jp TCA services Jangseong A 301-501, Daewha, Ilsan, Goyang, Gyeonggi, Korea, Republic of Tel: +82-10-9356-5860 Fax: +82-303-505-5009 E-mail: khoh@tcaservices.kr Q4/17 (WP2/17) Cybersecurity Youki KADOBAYASHI Michael KATUNDU NICT Japan Tel: +81 743 72 52 11 E-mail: youji-k@is.naist.jp Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) P.O. Box 14448 Nairobi 00800 Kenya Tel: +254 20 4242000/446/447 Mobile: +254 703 042446/447, +254 730172446/447 E-mail: Katundu@ca.go.ke Jong-Hyun KIM ETRI, Korea, Republic of Tel: +82 428606576 Fax: +82 428015404 E-mail: jhk@etri.re.kr Ibrahim Hamza Al MALLOUHI Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company, PJSC. P.O.Box 502666, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +97143693930 Mob: +971556568883 Fax: +97143656989 E-mail: Ibrahim.Almallouhi@du.ae -3- SG17 Question (Study Period 2013-2016) Rapporteurs Associate Rapporteurs Q5/17 (WP2/17) Countering spam by technical means Yanbin ZHANG Seokung YOON CATR of MIIT China (People's Republic of) Tel: +86 10 6803 2074 Fax: E-mail: zhangyanbin@catr.cn Korea Information & Security Agency IT Venture Tower, Jungdaero 135, Songpa, Seoul, Korea (Republic of) Tel: +8224055563 Fax: +8224055249 E-mail: seokung@kisa.or.kr Q6/17 (WP4/17) Security aspects of ubiquitous telecommunication services Jonghyun BAEK Bo YU Korea Internet & Security Agency Korea (Republic of) Tel: +82 2 405 6540 Fax: +82 2 405 5419 E-mail: jhbaek@kisa.or.kr China Unicom China (People's Republic of) Tel: +8610 68799999 Fax: +8610 68799696 E-mail: yubo49@chinaunicom.cn Yutaka MIYAKE KDDI Japan Tel: +81 49 278 7367 Fax: +81 49 278 7510 E-mail: yu-miyake@kddi.com Q7/17 (WP4/17), Secure application services Jae Hoon NAH Lijun Liu ETRI Korea (Republic of) Tel: +82 42 860 6749 Fax: +82 42 860 1471 E-mail: jhnah@etri.re.kr China Mobile China (People's Republic of) Tel: +86-10-52686688 Fax: +86-10-63135318 E-mail: liulijun@chinamobile.com Q8/17 (WP3/17) Cloud computing security Liang WEI Victor KUTUKOV CATR of MIIT China Tel: +86 10 6809 4408 Fax: +86 10 6803 4801 E-mail: weiliang73@gmail.com Russian Federation Tel: +7 (495) 980 6005 Fax: +7 (495) 980 6005 E-mail: kva@stacksoft.ru; intcoop@minsvyaz.ru Q9/17 (WP4/17) Telebiometrics John George CARAS Yongnyuo SHIN Intrutec, Inc. 14421 American Kestrel Drive Austin, Texas 78738, USA Tel: +408-387-4700 Fax: +408-387-4700 E-mail: john.caras@telebiometrics.org Hanyang Cyber University 222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791 Korea (Republic of) Tel: +81 2 2290 0303 Fax: +81 2 2290 2828 E-mail: ynshin@hycu.ac.kr -4- SG17 Question (Study Period 2013-2016) Q10/17 (WP3/17) Identity management architecture and mechanisms Rapporteurs Associate Rapporteurs Abbie BARBIR Hiroshi TAKECHI 415 Caroline Street Apt #4 Ogdensburg 13669 United States Tel: +1 3153083840 E-mail: BarbirA@aetna.com NEC 1753, Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8666, Japan Tel: +81 80 2119 7547 Fax: E-mail: hiro@takechi.org Junjie XIA Q11/17 (WP5/17) Generic technologies to support secure applications Erik ANDERSEN Q12/17 (WP5/17) Formal languages for telecommunication software and testing Dieter HOGREFE China Unicom No.9, Shouti Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, 100048, P.R. China Tel: +86 10 6879 9999-7203 Fax: +86 10 6879 9696 E-mail: xiajj2@chinaunicom.cn Jean Paul LEMAIRE Elsevej 48 DK-3500 Vaerloese, Denmark Tel: +45 20 97 14 90 E-mail: era@x500.eu Institute of Computer Science University of Göttingen Goldschmidtstr. 7 D-37077 Göttingen, Germany Tel: +49 551 39172001 Fax: +49 551 391 4403 E-mail: hogrefe@informatik.unigoettingen.de Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7) 15 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf 75013 Paris France Tel: + 33 618 473 756 E-mail: jean-paul.lemaire@univ-parisdiderot.fr Gunter MUSSBACHER Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill University McConnell Engineering Building 3480 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A0E9, Canada Tel: Fax: E-mail: gunter.mussbacher@mcgill.ca Rick REED TSE Limited The Laurels, Victoria Road Windermere Cumbria LA23 2DL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 153 948 8462 E-mail: rickreed@tseng.co.uk ______________