Green Cloud Computing Centres and Public Private Partnerships Bruce Baikie Green WiFi – Founder BSME – Michigan Technological University International Business – University of Wisconsin The Issue The Journey: Coal to the Server 16.66 MW Coal Energy 5-10% distribution loss 60% Lost through chimney 5 MW to the Data centre 0.35-0.5 MW “Useful Server Cycles” 1515-30% Server and Storage utilisation 65% DC power Conversion and cooling loss Where does the power go? New Approach Re-Engineering the Data center 1. 2. 3. 4. Low Power CPU & Storage Energy Smart Cloud Computing Direct Current Power Cloud Compute Load Shifting Low Power Processors/Servers 1. 2. 3. 4. Intel Atom Based (15 Watts) Solid State Storage 10 Blades – 165 W total 48vDC powered Atom 330 Xeon E5410 240 rps 198 rps 30 rps 21 rps CPU wait state power 0.1 watt 50 watts Power Usage per 15 watts 145 watts 6 SQL requests, light PHP PhpBB 3 Marvell Quad-core ARM-based CPU 8 Watts 5U Blade Low Power Processors/Servers Green Cloud Computing 1. Cloud & VM Controls for servers 2. Increase/Decrease Cloud based on energy Why Direct Current • Why DC power? • Reduces power conversions and transformations before the load • Simpler system architecture – less complexity – more reliable • Safe power distribution of less than 60VDC (48VDC) 13.2 kVAC Utility 1 480 VAC MV/LV Transformer AC | DC | AC | 480 VAC 2 UPS PDU 480 VDC Solar 220 VAC 3 1 4 AC Input Server 48 VDC DC/DC Converter LVDC Input Server Moving Cloud Computing Workloads Small Specialized centres that link into large public clouds to leverage services such as storage or disaster recovery and energy! Power Model – Augment Grid Power Model – Augment Grid Power Model – Augment Grid 80 Compute Node Centre Green Cloud Computing PPP • Design cost effective and solar powered Green Cloud Centre • Raise efficiency to +90% • Commercial application performance and be carbon neutral • Compelling business case Green Cloud Computing Green Cloud Computing PPP •Build operational showcase solar powered Green Cloud Centre • Demonstrate commercial viability • Provide model to industry Solar Green Cloud - Senegal 128 Solar Panels - 30 kw Power - 200 sqM Data Center Building 48 VDC Electrical Distribution - 50 Servers@20 watts each 30 TB Storage at 4 watts per TB - Natural & LCD Lighting Questions Bruce Baikie