College of Engineering Department of Computing and Information Sciences (CIP 110000 - Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services) Salary Comparison Data by Rank and University from the FY 2014 Oklahoma State Faculty Salary Study Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Average Salary Average Salary Average Salary New Assistant Professor1 Total Average Count Average Salary Auburn 3 $ 142,021 4 11 $ 100,455 5 2 $ 88,710 8 1 $ 53,730 5 17 $ 103,660 7 Clemson 9 $ 152,133 2 11 $ 107,556 3 10 $ 92,947 5 -- -- -- 30 $ 116,059 Colorado State 13 $ 129,015 8 16 $ 120,254 2 6 $ 106,752 1 10 $ 60,221 3 45 Iowa State 9 $ 137,382 7 15 $ 96,639 10 1 $ 90,000 6 5 $ 72,392 2 Louisiana State 3 $ 122,944 10 9 $ 100,139 6 4 $ 93,778 4 3 $ 51,054 North Carolina State 18 $ 144,670 3 11 $ 97,501 9 10 $ 88,578 9 3 Oklahoma State 3 $ 123,519 9 6 $ 98,117 8 3 $ 87,939 10 Oregon State 7 $ 141,788 5 11 $ 102,886 4 8 $ 89,778 17 $ 176,059 1 10 $ 123,583 1 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- Kansas State3 6 $ 140,361 6 9 $ 99,662 Average w/o K-State 82 $ 146,803 -- 100 $ 105,918 University of Massachusetts Washington State 2 Median w/o K-State $ 141,788 Rank Count $ 100,455 Average Salary Rank -- -- -- 2 2 $ 91,124 4 $ 107,644 4 4 $ 115,085 1 30 $ 104,599 5 1 $ 90,000 7 6 19 $ 94,650 10 1 $ 95,000 3 $ 55,705 4 42 $ 112,606 3 2 $ 98,500 2 -- -- -- 12 $ 101,923 8 -- -- -- 7 6 $ 48,188 8 32 $ 97,863 9 3 $ 91,005 5 $ 98,008 2 3 $ 93,610 1 37 $ 140,425 1 1 $ 91,000 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7 1 $ 96,067 3 3 $ 50,448 7 19 $ 104,554 6 -- -- -- -- 51 $ 93,459 -- 31 $ 61,553 -- 264 $ 111,001 -- 14 $ 99,186 -- Rank Count $ 90,000 Rank Count $ 55,705 Rank Count Average Salary $ 104,599 Rank Count $ 91,124 1 This is a subset of the total Assistant Professors reported and represents those hired between November 1, 2012 and October 31, 2013 2 Washington State did not report CIP 110000 - Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services 3 Kansas State reported CIP 110101 - Computer and Information Sciences, General, which is a subset of CIP 110000 - Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services used to generate this table to include the most comprehensive list of similar CIP codes across peer institutions