SSLN (Literacy) Professional Learning Workshops Learning, Teaching and Assessment - Group Discussion Document title Transforming lives through learning Before you continue… Document title Transforming lives through learning Resources To complete this workshop each participant will need: Document title Handout: listening skills Handout: Literacy and English Progression Framework Notes sheet: Progression in listening and talking Reflection and planning sheet Transforming lives through learning Introduction to SSLN (Literacy) Professional Learning Workshops Welcome to the SSLN (Literacy) Professional Learning Workshops. These workshops are designed to support practitioners with the areas for development identified by the survey. Before using this material you may wish to view the results of the survey in the Scottish Government report. This workshop focuses on group discussion. There are additional workshops available for writing and reading. The material in each workshop is taken from Education Scotland’s SSLN (Literacy) online Professional Learning Resources. Document title Transforming lives through learning SSLN (Literacy) 2014 Group Discussion – Professional Learning Workshop Purposes of this workshop : To reflect on current practice in the learning and teaching of listening and discussion skills in your establishment To develop practitioners’ understanding and skills in this area in order to improve learners’ attainment. Document title Transforming lives through learning Outline of workshop Focus Slides Time (approx) Part 1 Listening skills 8-14 30 – 45 mins Part 2 Discussion skills 14-21 30 – 45 mins Part 3 Optional Activity 21-25 45 – 1 hour Part 4 Reflection and Planning 27 10 mins Document title Transforming lives through learning LISTENING SKILLS Document title Transforming lives through learning Skills in listening and talking are the building blocks for developing wider literacy. Document title Transforming lives through learning Document title Transforming lives through learning Active listening strategies such as using body language, asking questions, paraphrasing, and summarising can be modelled for learners. Learners need to know what good listening looks and feels like. Make a list of the activities that you use, in the classroom, to support learners to develop their listening skills. Document title Transforming lives through learning Listening skills Before Listening During Listening After Listening Predict the likely course of the discussion Ask questions Summarise main points Ask questions about the task or research the topic Link discussion points to previous knowledge Evaluate the effectiveness of discussion Make notes to clarify ideas Clarify or challenge the contributions of others Create a text representing key ideas or decisions State a viewpoint Build on and develop other contributions Explain why your point of view has or has not changed. Discuss which of the skills are part of your everyday learning and teaching? Which are not? What changes can you easily make in your practice to ensure that learners get experience of using the full range of strategies? Document title Transforming lives through learning First Level Second Level Third Level Selects and discusses a range of texts, giving a personal response. Selects and discusses a range of texts, giving a personal response. Selects and discusses a range of texts, justifying personal preference. Engages respectfully with others in different contexts by responding, questioning and contributing appropriately. Engages respectfully with others in different contexts by responding, questioning, contributing appropriately and building on ideas. Engages respectfully with others in different contexts by responding, questioning, contributing appropriately, building upon, and challenging opinions and ideas. Demonstrates a range of verbal and non -verbal skills when interacting with or presenting to others. Demonstrates a range of verbal and non- verbal skills, adapting to the needs of a range of audiences. Communicates clearly and confidently using appropriate language and register, verbal and non-verbal skills as appropriate to purpose and audience. Using the learning statements in Plans and creates spoken texts and delivers tothe a varietyProgression of Plans and creates spoken texts with increasing confidence Plans and creates spoken texts with increasing confidence Framework, audiences. and delivers to a variety of audiences. and delivers to a variety of audiences. highlight the listening skills for the Asks and answers a range of questions to inform Asks and answers a range of Asks and answers with understanding of a variety of texts. questions to inform critical evidence a range of level you are currently teaching. understanding of texts. questions to inform critical understanding of texts. Recognises the difference between fact and opinion and is developing an informed view. Recognises persuasive language and is starting to question the reliability of sources. Recognises persuasive techniques, and questions the reliability and relevance of sources with increasing independence. Identifies and discusses the main features of texts, makes notes under given headings, using these to create texts. Identifies and discusses the main features of texts, makes and organises notes, using these to create texts appropriate to audience and purpose Compares a variety of texts, makes and organises notes, using these to create texts appropriate to audience and purpose. Document title Transforming lives through learning Pupil Council Meeting – Muga Pitch 1. In what ways can you see the learners applying listening skills? 2. What might the next steps be for these learners and how might you create opportunities for them to develop and apply these skills across learning? Video on Group discussion workshop page. Document title Transforming lives through learning DISCUSSION SKILLS Document title Transforming lives through learning Our ability to communicate is fundamental and underpins everything else – making friends, forming relationships and achieving at school. In the 21st century being able to talk, listen and express yourself are vital life skills, yet in the UK today, one in ten children – that’s three in every average classroom - have some form of speech, language and communication need (SLCN). In areas of disadvantage, evidence suggests that upwards of 50% of children are arriving at school with poor communication skills. These children are on the back foot from day one! Jean Gross Document title Transforming lives through learning First Level Second Level Third Level Selects and discusses a range of texts, giving a personal response. Selects and discusses a range of texts, giving a personal response. Selects and discusses a range of texts, justifying personal preference. Engages respectfully with others in different contexts by responding, questioning and contributing appropriately. Engages respectfully with others in different contexts by responding, questioning, contributing appropriately and building on ideas. Engages respectfully with others in different contexts by responding, questioning, contributing appropriately, building upon, and challenging opinions and ideas. a range of verbal and non- verbal skills, • UsingDemonstrates the learning statements Communicates on clearly and confidently using appropriate adapting to the needs of a range of audiences. language and register, verbal and non-verbal skills as the Progression Framework, appropriate to purpose and audience. Plans and creates spoken texts and delivers to a variety of Plans and creates spoken texts with increasing confidence Plans and creates spoken texts with increasing confidence audiences. and delivers to a variety of audiences. delivers to a variety of audiences. highlight the discussion skills andfor areof currently Asks and answers a range of questions to inform the level Asks and you answers a range Asks and answers with understanding of a variety of texts. questions to inform critical evidence a range of understanding of texts. questions to inform critical teaching. understanding of texts. Demonstrates a range of verbal and non -verbal skills when interacting with or presenting to others. Recognises the difference between fact and opinion and is developing an informed view. Recognises persuasive language and is starting to question the reliability of sources. Recognises persuasive techniques, and questions the reliability and relevance of sources with increasing independence. Identifies and discusses the main features of texts, makes notes under given headings, using these to create texts. Identifies and discusses the main features of texts, makes and organises notes, using these to create texts appropriate to audience and purpose Compares a variety of texts, makes and organises notes, using these to create texts appropriate to audience and purpose. Document title Transforming lives through learning Coaching discussion skills How can we coach discussion skills with children? Give three examples from the clip. Video on Group discussion workshop page. Document title Transforming lives through learning Coaching body language How can we coach children in using body language? Give three examples from the clip. Video on Group discussion workshop page. Document title Transforming lives through learning English teacher – language of discussion How has this English teacher adapted her approach to encourage the development of a learning environment which supports discussion skills? What has the impact been? Video on Group discussion workshop page. Document title Transforming lives through learning Group discussion tasks should be relevant with a clear purpose and will normally be planned in the context of on-going work, whether in a curriculum area or as part of an interdisciplinary approach. Learners should also be given the opportunity to apply skills in new and unfamiliar situations across curriculum areas and in real and meaningful contexts. This will help to emphasise the importance of being able to transfer and apply skills. Document title Transforming lives through learning Pupils discuss homework at pupil council meeting 1. In what ways can you see the learners applying discussion skills? Video on Group discussion workshop page. Document title 2. What might the next steps be for these learners and how might you create opportunities for them to develop and apply these skills across learning? Transforming lives through learning OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Document title Transforming lives through learning Listening and Talking planning for progression Learners will develop from exploring sounds and patterns in language to listening to, discussing, analysing and evaluating a wide range of more challenging spoken texts. They will ask and answer higher order questions to inform critical understanding, evaluate the reliability of sources, select and use information to create new texts and make and organise notes for understanding. Learners will use verbal and non-verbal skills with greater confidence and should talk and listen for a range of purposes in a variety of contexts. Document title Transforming lives through learning Listening and Talking planning for progression In discussion, learners will progress from turn‐taking and articulating ideas, thoughts and feelings to responding, questioning, challenging, summarising and building on contributions and using language effectively and confidently. Learners will work more independently to research, plan, create and deliver spoken texts of increasing complexity as appropriate to purpose and audience. Document title Transforming lives through learning • Discuss these statements. • In the second column, note down examples from your current practice which illustrate each statement. • In the final column add some ideas that you might develop as next steps for your planning Document title Transforming lives through learning Reflection and planning As a result of this workshop, what changes will you make to your practice? Resources/further reading/support needed to complete your target. Next week Next term Next session Document title Transforming lives through learning ASSESSMENT – SOME TERMS EXPLAINED Document title Transforming lives through learning Overarching Paper Literacy and English professional learning paper Document title Transforming lives through learning Literacy and English professional learning paper Significant Aspects of Learning Listening and talking Reading Writing Document title engage with and create a broad range of texts, including Scottish and Scots texts use reading and listening strategies to understand, analyse and evaluate texts find and use information develop critical literacy skills, including evaluating sources write with increasing accuracy, making effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation create texts of increasing complexity using more sophisticated language develop and use higher‐order thinking skills. Transforming lives through learning Progression Framework Learning Statements Document title Transforming lives through learning Annotated Exemplars Details of significant aspect of learning and learning statements that are illustrated. Document title Transforming lives through learning Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA T +44 (0)141 282 5000 E Document title Transforming lives through learning