Banff and Buchan College Excellence in In Year PI Predictions Banff and Buchan College developed a PI predictor tool for 2012-13 that required teaching teams to agree and then revisit their PI predictions for learner retention and success. All staff were engaged in this process and the outcome was that learner withdrawal rates fell significantly and learner success increased overall. The success was not only seen in programmes with lower PIs but high performing programmes also improved their performance. Three times within the session (November, February, May) course tutors were asked to make a success prediction for each learner in the full-time tutor group. This data (along with information on withdrawals) was used to produce PI predictions which can be viewed by all but particularly the tutor group and teaching team. Members of staff could identify concerns with individual learners and more generally with groups and to put actions in place to turn a potential withdrawal or partial success into success. As well as professional discussion taking place at course and team level, meetings also took place between curriculum managers and senior management (representing curriculum and student support) following the publication of PI predictions. They discussed the PI predictions and the measures to put into place to support learners and staff in achieving improved outcomes. The project grew out of giving staff a better understanding of PI data and determining the actions required to improve learner outcomes in terms of success and retention. The impact that college teaching and support staff could have on student PIs was not fully appreciated. The process has contributed to members of staff gaining a better understanding of PI data and the effect that teaching and support staff play in improving learner outcomes. A Collegiate approach has been developed to PI improvement.