UCL SCHOOL OF SLAVONIC AND EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES Coursework Submission Sheet UNDERGRADUATE Notes of Guidance to Students: Students should complete ONE COPY of this form – both pages. Students should complete the following sections IN FULL: Section 1 on pages 1 and 2 Students should fill in all details in Section 3 Penalty for late submission: The mark will be reduced by 5 percentage points for the first working day after the deadline and a further 10 percentage points if the dissertation is submitted during the following 6 days. Coursework submitted later than 7 days after the deadline will be recorded as 0 but the assessment will be considered complete. Penalty for exceeding the word count: For work that exceeds the upper word limit by 10% or more, a mark of zero will be recorded. For work that exceeds the upper word limit by less than 10% the mark will be reduced by 10 percentage marks; but the penalized mark will not be reduced below the pass mark, assuming that the work merited a pass. 1. STUDENT DETAILS – To be completed by student and retained in Room 341 STUDENT NAME STUDENT NUMBER (Please Print) CANDIDATE NO. MODULE TITLE MODULE CODE DATE SUBMITTED WORD COUNT Declaration: I have read and understood the UCL statement on plagiarism. I declare that the accompanying piece of work is all my own. I understand that SSEES may check my work electronically. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/current-students/guidelines/plagiarism Signature: 2. OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Receipt Received by (initials) 3. RECEIPT – Issued to the student on submission Student Number Module Code Module Title Date Received Date Stamp (Office Use Only) 1. STUDENT DETAILS (to be completed by student) UG Coursework Submission Sheet Student Number Candidate No. Module Title: Module Code: Date Submitted: Word Count: 4. Summary of Overall Assessment (to be completed by marker) (See UG Marking Criteria) Excellent Knowledge Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Knowledge of problems involved, e.g text, author, genre, period, linguistic phenomena, historical and social context, specialist literature on the topic. Evidence of capacity to gather information through a wide and appropriate range of reading, and to digest and process knowledge Analysis and Interpretation Demonstrates a clear grasp of concepts. Application of appropriate methodology and understanding; willingness to apply an independent approach or interpretation recognition of alternative interpretations; Use of precise terminology and avoidance of ambiguity; avoidance of excessive generalisations or gross oversimplifications Structure and Argument Demonstrates ability to structure work with clarity, relevance and coherence. Ability to argue A case clear evidence of analysis and logical thought; recognition of an arguments limitation or alternative views; Ability to use other evidence to support arguments and structure appropriately. Presentation and Documentation Accurate and consistently presented footnotes and bibliographic references; accuracy of grammar and spelling; correct and clear presentation of charts/graphs/tables or other data. Appropriate and correct referencing throughout. Correct and contextually correct handling of quotations Provisional Mark before penalty: ________ Penalties Applied: Lateness Over-Length work Total Penalty Applied: ______________ FEEDBACK: Best Features Suggestions for Improvement Marker’s name and date Marker [print name] ………………………….. Date……………………… Provisional Mark: ________ Essay to be sent to Visiting Examiner