Engaged Faculty Mini-Grant Program (2014-2015) The overall goals of the program include: Supporting faculty in the practice of the scholarship of engagement in their discipline; Connecting students to their communities and developing life-long citizenship skills. Building a strong and productive social and intellectual network of like-minded scholars in Kansas. KsCC Engaged Faculty Applicants (up to $3,000) can be used for any combination of: Research: Applicant can use funds for summer salary support needed to develop a research project to enhance and advance the field of service-learning and community engagement. The outcome of this research will be a publishable paper for one of several possible peer-reviewed publications, assisted by KsCC. Development: Faculty can utilize funds to travel to and attend or present at a conference to enhance their understanding of service-learning or civic engagement. On-campus visibility: Faculty member will serve as a champion on their campus for the advancement of engaged research and teaching. While this may take various forms depending on the culture of the individual institution, funds should be used primarily to hold an event on campus where the applicant will be a proactive voice for service-learning and engagement among other interested faculty. In addition to faculty members on your campus, community partners may be invited to take part. It is encouraged that at least some of the mini-grant funds be designated for an outside expert/speaker honorarium to come to your campus. Who Can Apply: Full-time teaching and/or research faculty from all disciplines and professional schools at Kansas Campus Compact (KsCC) member campuses are eligible to apply. Availability: Funds will be provided at the beginning of the grant period (August 2014); **If the applicant so chooses, the project may commence summer of 2014, in which case funding will be disbursed accordingly. Timeline: Proposals Due: Award Notification: Grant Period Begins: Grant Period Ends: May 10, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CST May 16, 2014 August 1, 2014 July 31, 2015 Submission Instructions: Please submit proposals electronically (in PDF format) with official signatures to: kscc@k-state.edu; ATTN: Engaged Faculty Fellows Program/[P.D.’s Last Name] Contact: Josh Mosier (kscc@ksu.edu); (785) 532-6896 2014-2015 KsCC Engaged Faculty Mini-Grant Program TERMS/CONDITIONS Definitions: Applicant refers to the faculty member who is responsible for the creation and implementation of the project. The Applicant serves as the manager of the course/research/professional service. Authorized Fiscal Agent refers to the individual who serves as the designated financial signatory for the campus. ALL proposals must be properly routed through the fiscal routing system at an applicant’s institution prior to electronic submission to Kansas Campus Compact. The Fiscal Agent is responsible for the fiscal management of the grant and will ensure fulfillment of fiscal reporting requirements. Grantees will have a grant account established by their institution to which expenditures will be charged. The fiscal agent will submit the required fiscal reports to KsCC, in accordance with the established due dates, for grant funds to be reimbursed to the account. Grant funds cannot be used for indirect costs; items of durable equipment costing more than $100 (unless approved in writing by KsCC); payment for participants to do service; fundraising activities; entertainment costs (e.g. tickets to recreational events, ball games, zoos, etc.); clothing such as T-shirts or hats; or cash incentives. If there is a question regarding whether a particular expense is an allowable cost, please contact KsCC. Revised 04/2014 2 2014-2015 KsCC Engaged Faculty Mini-Grant Program PROPOSAL TITLE PAGE GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT: Project Title: Applicant: Institution: Campus Address: (Faculty Member Name and Title) Department: (Include Street Address, City, AND Zip Code) Telephone (work) Fax: Email: Fiscal Agent: (Name and Title) Telephone (work) Email: I am willing to share my project with others via the Kansas Campus Compact website Yes No By signing below, the campus representatives certify to the best of his/her knowledge that the data in this application is true and correct, and that the governing body of the applicant has duly authorized the filing of this application, and that the applicant will comply with the assurances required of applicants if the proposal is approved. Applicant Signature: Date: Authorized Fiscal Agent Signature: Date: PLEASE INCLUDE A SCANNED COPY OF THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED SIGNATURE PAGE WITH YOU ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION. Revised 04/2014 3 2014-2015 KsCC Engaged Faculty Mini-Grant Program PROPOSAL COMPONENTS 1. Abstract: Briefly describe the proposed project (double-spaced, not to exceed one page). 2. Project narrative: Use the following outline (double-spaced, not to exceed 3 pages). a. Research: Describe your interest in the research topic. This is not a research proposal – only a description of why this topic is of interest to you. Include what professional skills and experiences you will be able to contribute to a successful research effort on this question. If funded, you will be expected to present your findings at a future KsCC sponsored event (i.e. Heartland Conference, KS Hunger Dialogue), so please identify which event that would be and include applicable travel/registration costs in your budget. b. Development: Describe the conference or event you wish to attend (including dates) and how it will enhance your understanding of service-learning and civic engagement. c. On-Campus visibility: Describe the strategies you will to be a champion for the institutionalization of civic engagement and service learning at your institution. If you are holding an event on campus, who is the audience and how will you be a proactive voice for service-learning and engagement? Identify community partner(s) and describe their role in the process. If you plan to bring an outside expert to speak, who would you invite and what is the message you wish to deliver? 3. Letter(s) of support: All applicants must include letters of support from their department head, specifically addressing how this project supports the goals of the school or department. Letters of support from community partners are strongly encouraged but not required. 4. Project Director biography and photo (for publicity) 5. Budget: Each applicant may apply for a grant of up to $3,000.00. Please submit a budget indicating how grant funds are to be expended with a cost basis column that explains the calculation of line item amounts. The following page includes an example of how the line item budget should be structured – please use your institution’s required budget form. The items provided are only an example and your budget does not need to reflect these items. Revised 04/2014 4 KsCC Engaged Faculty Mini-Grant Program SAMPLE BUDGET Item Personnel: Supplemental pay (summer ’14) Cost Basis Subtotal 5% of $40,000 $2,000 Subtotal Travel: Regional conf. lodging 2 days @ $125 National conf. registration 1 reg Supplies: Project implementation Books and materials Total Project Costs Revised 04/2014 $2,000 $250 $150 Subtotal $400 Paper, printing, postage for survey 20 @ $25 Subtotal $100 $500 $600 Subtotal $3,000 $3,000 5