Ultrasonics in an Atomic Force Microscope Mark S. Skilbeck, Rachel S. Edwards, Neil R. Wilson Email: m.skilbeck@warwick.ac.uk Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Four-quadrant photodiode Laser Cantilever Transducer (UFM) Ultrasonic Force Microscopy (UFM) Lateral Deflection Drive • Sample is mounted on a piezoelectric transducer. • Sample is oscillated at high frequencies (> 1 MHz). • Cantilever cannot respond to oscillations at these frequencies, instead the tip indents and retracts from the sample. • Due to nonlinearity of force vs indentation relation, average force on the cantilever increases with increasing oscillation amplitude, causing the cantilever to deflect. • Increase also depends on surface stiffness. • Oscillation is amplitude modulated at lower (kHz) frequencies, to distinguish between topography and surface stiffness information. • Oscillation also induces superlubricity between tip and sample, allowing scanning of delicate samples. 4 μm 10-5 10-6 Above: Raw signals in UFM experiments. Below: Gold on silicon sample, topography (left, 300nm full scale) and UFM response (right), showing a lower response (darker) for gold, meaning it is softer. 10-7 10-8 8 μm 10-9 Current (A) Sample Real Current • Nanoscale tip (typical radius < 10 nm) on the end of a flexible cantilever. • Contact with sample surface, measure deflection of cantilever (typically using a reflected laser and four quadrant photo-diode). • Sample can be scanned and changes in deflection correspond to surface topography. • Very high resolution in-plane (typically 10s nm) and out-of-plane (typically 100 pm). • Physical contact allows for investigation of other properties, such as mechanical properties, and conductivity. • Cantilever can also twist, allowing detection of lateral motion and forces. Idealised 10-10 Sample stage (X-Y Motion) 10-11 Conductivity image of carbon nanotubes, using superlubricity to prevent sample damage. Sample is biased to 2V using a gold contact off the right side of the image. Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Detection of Ultrasound • At lower (< MHz) frequencies, cantilever will follow motion of the surface. • Can be used as a high sensitivity, high resolution pickup for ultrasound experiments, using waves with out of plane motion. • In plane motion also detectable using the lateral channel, though only in one direction. • Measure the deflection of the cantilever when in contact with the sample, with ultrasound generation by an electro-magnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) driven with a high voltage pulse. • On an aluminium plate, fast S0 mode and slower, dispersed A0 mode both visible, with minimal generation noise. EMAT 0.5 mm aluminium sheet Wave Direction ~150 mm EMAT to crack Through crack ~20 μm wide Scan line 10 mm 150 mm 20 mm 80 mm 150 mm Above: Layout of sample for testing ultrasonic pickup in an AFM. The EMAT generates out of plane motion, resulting in Lamb waves on plate samples. The tip is in contact on the scan line, near the crack. Below: Typical A-Scan (cantilever deflection) for tip contact on the side of the crack closest to the EMAT. We acknowledge support from the University of Warwick through a Chancellor’s scholarship to MSS and support from the EPSRC through grant EP/J015202/1. We also thank Oxford Instruments Asylum Research, Inc. for loan of a dual gain ORCA. Further Reading 1. 2. 3. 4. Skilbeck, M. S. et al., Nanotechnology, 25, 335708 (2014). Yamanaka, K., Ogiso, H., & Kolosov, O., Applied Physics Letters, 64, 178 (1994). Dinelli, F., Castell, M., & Ritchie, D., Philosophical Magazine A, 80, 2299 (2000). Clough, A. R., & Edwards, R. S., Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 104906 (2012). • Cracks and other defects cause changes in the ultrasound signal; looking at these changes allows the cracks to be detected. • Here we measured multiple A-Scans across a crack, as pictured in “Detection of Ultrasound,” with 20 μm steps between points, compiled into a B-Scan (left). Above: B-Scan across a crack using an AFM as a pickup. The crack is located at ~3 mm and < 3 mm positions are on the EMAT side of the crack. 50nm full data scale. Below: Sonograms for tip position at 0 mm (top) and 2.6 mm (just before crack, bottom). Dispersion curves for S0 and A0 Lamb waves with a 150 mm travel distance are overlaid. »» Crack is non parallel to sides of the sample to reduce effects from edge reflections. »» Crack goes all the way through the sample to maximise the effects. »» Clear change is visible when the crack is crossed, including a reduction in amplitude and a time delay. • Sonograms are time windowed Fourier transforms of the signal, showing frequency content at each time. »» Dispersion curves can be overlaid to see the mode content. »» Shown here (left) is that the Lamb wave A0 mode is strong in this experiment, and a weaker S0 mode is also visible (which is expected as the A0 mode has more outof-plane content than the S0 mode). • Regions on a sonogram can be averaged to see how the amplitude within that frequency and time window changes with position. »» As seen below, there is enhancement of the signals before the crack (due to constructive interference with reflections), followed by a near complete drop off after. Mean values for regions indicated by boxes on the sonograms. Black is the S0 mode, red is the A0 mode and yellow is not a direct Lamb wave mode. ULTRASOUND GROUP D E P A R T M E N T O F P H Y S I C S warwick microscopy