Business opportunities in Singapore as a Smart City ©KuiperCompagnons

Business opportunities in
Singapore as a Smart City
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Brief description of Singapore as a smart city 4
What are the knowledge and skills needs for Singapore as a smart city? 5
Why and to what extent is the development of smart cities in Singapore
promising for Dutch companies? 6
Investment and development plans of the Singapore government. 7
Incentives in relation to the smart city 8
Information on legislation: is there a specific law about smart cities or eco
cities; are Dutch companies allowed to bid, certification, market access 13
Projects and tenders 14
DESTEP-analyses (demographic, economic, social/cultural, technological
level, ecological, politics-juridical) 16
Trade fairs and exhibitions about smart cities (eco cities) or in the 6 themes
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Brief description of Singapore as a smart city
From transportation and public housing, to energy management and water
treatment, Singapore has developed and adapted some of the world’s most
advanced urban solutions. Backed by a progressive leadership and firm
commitment to sustainable development, the city has managed to turn the
challenges of urban development into rewarding economic opportunities. Some of
those solutions have been replicated and implemented successfully in other cities.
Even though Singapore can already be regarded as a ‘smart’ city, the government
is actively exploring ways to make the city even smarter. Key elements in this
approach are the integration of policies, the intelligent use of ICT, and the focus
on ‘liveability’; i.e. czeating a city in which people are happy to live.
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What are the knowledge and skills needs for Singapore as a
smart city?
Singapore is a highly developed country which relies on good economic policies by
the government, a highly skilled workforce, high productivity and cutting edge
technology. Just like the Netherlands, its focus lies on innovation as an engine for
growth. It therefore invests heavily in R&D.
Singapore’s growth in the last few decades is based on attracting Foreign Direct
Investment. The Economic Development Board, responsible for FDI, has incentive
programmes to attract companies in specific sectors. The EDB is mainly interested
in companies with high productivity, cutting edge technology and large
investments in R&D. Singapore is also very interested in foreign architecture and
design. Singapore is always on the lookout for talent. It has special programmes
to attract talented students and scholars from the region and beyond.
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Why and to what extent is the development of smart cities in
Singapore promising for Dutch companies?
Singapore is a dynamic city which is constantly changing. The Singapore society is
embracing innovative technological solutions, whether it is for personal use or to
be applied on broader scale. New buildings are being build, the newest
technologies are being applied and top rated universities educate the highly skilled
workforce of the future. The country has a pro-business mentality, and offers
business opportunities on many fronts. In the construction sector, there are
opportunities for architects, designers, companies working in construction industry
and companies specialized in green buildings and energy efficiency.
Implementation of ICT solutions in all sectors brings many opportunities.
The Dutch water sector is renowned in Singapore and actively offers solutions for
Singapore’s challenges in this field. The maritime sector offers opportunities in
LNG, green shipping and port construction. Singapore is very interested in
European design. In line with its desire to be a ’liveable’ city, new products
should not only be functional, but also attractive.
In the health sector, there is interest in technological telehealth solutions and
other medical devices, and for creative solutions to prevent development of
chronical illnesses, e.g. serious gaming. In this small country without natural
sources of energy, there is a need for new methods of energy collection and
storage. Smart grids are testbedded and universities develop methods for energy
The fact that Singapore likes to see itself as a “Living Laboratory” also offers
opportunities. The city is open to test new concepts, develop and commercialise
cutting-edge urban solutions, capitalising on Singapore’s experience in systemslevel
integration. It invites companies to partner government agencies, local
companies and research institutes for a diversity of R&D activities, leveraging the
excellent public infrastructure for test bedding activities.
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Investment and development plans of the Singapore
The Singapore Government pursues a pro-business, pro-foreign investment,
export-oriented economic policy framework. Overall economic policy has been laid
out in the Economic Strategy Committee Report 2010. This report proposed a shift
towards productivity-driven growth, which would require major new investments
in skills, expertise and innovative capabilities of people and businesses. The
strategy was summarized as “High-skilled People, Innovative Economy, Distinctive
Global City”.
This approach filters through every aspect of government policy. For each sector,
plans are being developed that have a long planning horizon. This leads to
consistent and integrated city planning. Over the last decades, this has resulted in
a city with excellent infrastructure, business climate and services.
Efforts are underway to turn Singapore into an even smarter city. The Infocomm
Development Authority (IDA) has set up a ‘smart city programme office’, to study
the phenomenon and decide what needs to be done before Singapore can really
call itself a smart city. Key elements will be a whole of government approach,
integration of policies and intelligent and multi-purpose use of existing data. The
team expects to finish its work over the next year.
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Incentives in relation to the smart city
a. Smart city planning
One of the key features of Singapore is its intelligent and integrated city planning.
The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) develops land use plans that guide
Singapore's development for the next 40 to 50 years. The last Concept Plan dates
from 2001 and is currently being reviewed.
The concept plan is translated into a Master Plan which guides Singapore's
development in the medium term over the next 10 to 15 years. It is reviewed
every five years and translates the broad long-term strategies of the Concept Plan
into detailed plans to guide development. The Master Plan shows the permissible
land use and density for every parcel of land in Singapore.
The Housing Development Board is responsible for the development of public
housing projects. The organization aims to develop these projects in a sustainable
manner. A good example is the Punggol Eco-Town (more information below). The
HDB is also involved in the land reclamation projects of Singapore, for which the
Netherlands offers its expertise.
Singapore emphasises the need for a city not only to be business friendly, but also
‘an endearing place to live’. In 2008, an Inter-Ministerial Committee on
Sustainable Development developed a “Sustainable Development Blueprint”,
outlining that Singapore should be efficient, clean and green (preserving
The Committee also set up the Centre for Liveable Cities, which organizes events
and trainings on the topic. The main event is the two-yearly World Cities Summit,
which last took place in July 2012.
b. Smart use of ICT
Developments in ICT and its application in key economic sectors play a major part
in the development of Singapore as a smart city. The “iN2015” (“Intelligent Nation
2015”) is a 10-year masterplan on ICT, implemented by the Infocomm
Development Authority (IDA). The aims are to develop an ultra-high speed and
globally competitive infocomm infrastructure and the transformation of key
economic sectors, government and society through more sophisticated and
innovative use of infocomm. Projects for future development will focus on Cloud
Computing, Business analytics and Green ICT.
The government applies ICT solutions to improve its services through the
“egovernment” programme. The “eGov2015” programme guides public agencies in
the implementation of new ICT programmes. Under this programme, the
government has aligned all government web sites to offer a ‘one-stop-shop’ for
the public. Mobile and social apps will also be introduced to enable citizens to
receive mobile alerts and provide their feedback and suggestions.
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c. Smart ways to save energy and protect the environment.
Since Singapore has no natural energy resources, it depends on imported fossil
fuels to meet its energy demand. Its energy policy is therefore based on
diversifying its energy sources and reducing the demand for energy.
There are limited opportunities for alternative energy sources due to Singapore’s
size and location. Possible sources that are being explored are waste-to-energy,
biofuels, solar energy and possibly nuclear energy. Singapore also focuses on the
R&D of renewable energy options and presents itself as an R&D center and 'living
lab' for new energy technologies in Asia.
In March 2010, a bill was adopted aimed at reducing the energy intensity of the
country by 35% in 2030 compared to 2005. The electricity consumption in
buildings in Singapore can be attributed to the use of air conditioning (40-50
percent) and ventilation (20 percent). The government is working on
comprehensive legislation for energy efficiency in buildings, such as giving energy
As one of the programmes aimed at reducing energy consumption, a multi-agency
Electric Vehicle Taskforce was set up to test-bed EVs and assess the benefits and
feasibility of adopting EVs in Singapore. The test-bed seeks to test the feasibility
of EVs in Singapore and to develop related industry and R&D opportunities. There
are business opportunities for Dutch companies in transport telematics and
mobility solutions in this field.
Singapore is very interested in smart grid technology. In 2011 one of the largest
experimental test facilities for electricity networks in the world opened in
Singapore: the Experimental Power Grid Centre (EPGC). Energy Market Authority
The National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS) was set up to coordinate
Singapore's domestic and international policies on climate change.
In June 2012, the Deputy Prime Minister launched the National Climate Change
Strategy 2012.
The NCCS-2012 describes the projections for carbon emissions up to the year
2020 and the plans to reduce emissions to meet Singapore’s target of 7% to 11%.
It also outlines the direction post-2020 as studies are undertaken into how to
stabilise Singapore’s long-term emissions.
d. Smart and green buildings
The plans and initiatives outlined above culminate in a series of efforts to make
Singapore’s buildings greener and smarter. The Building Energy Efficiency Master
Plan (BEEMP), contains programmes and measures that span the whole life cycle
of a building. It begins with a set of energy efficiency standards to ensure
buildings are designed right from the start and continues with a programme of
energy management to ensure their operating efficiency is maintained throughout
their life span. There are business opportunities for Dutch companies in energy
efficient building systems, such as smart building management systems.
The “Sustainable Singapore Blueprint” led to the Green Buildings Master Plan. It
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contains, inter alia, a Green Mark Incentive Scheme to encourage building owners
to undertake improvements in energy efficiency. This system gives points on items
such as energy efficiency, water efficiency and indoor environmental quality.
Singapore set a target for 80% of existing build stock to achieve at least a Green
Mark certified rating by 2030.
As the Building Construction Authority’s flagship R&D project under its Green
Building Masterplan, an existing building at the BCA Academy was retrofitted into
a Zero-Energy Building (ZEB). It houses green classrooms and offices, and also
function as a test-bedding center for Green Building Technologies.
e. Smart solutions to water challenges
Being a small island with limited resources of fresh drinking water, Singapore has
to be creative to fulfil its water needs. Throughout the country there are
‘catchment areas’, to optimise the use of rainwater. One of those, the Marina
Barrage, was built with Dutch technology.
One of the sources for drinking water is “NEWater”, reclaimed water produced
from treated used water that is further purified using advanced membrane
technologies and ultra-violet disinfection.
Another technology-based water source is desalinated water. Singapore has one of
Asia’s largest seawater reverse-osmosis plant. The second desalinated plant will
be completed in 2013.
To tackle the issue of flooding after heavy rainfall, Singapore set up an 'Expert
Panel on Drainage Design and Flood Protection Measures'. In January 2012, it
recommended that Singapore develop a more integrated approach to the flooding.
The country should use dynamic models and monitoring systems. Other suggestions
pertained to better ways to deal with the excess water, such as green
roofs and porous asphalt. The national water agency, PUB, has set aside Eur 450
million over the next 5 years to implement the recommendations.,
f. Smart education
Singapore needs a highly skilled workforce, so it does not come as a surprise that
this small country has four universities. The latest addition, the Singapore
University for Technology and Design, was built upon a design of Dutch architect
Ben van Berkel.
The iN2015 plan contains a special “iN2015 Education and Learning plan”. The
plan aims to improve its educational system through infocomm and to increase the
attractiveness of Singapore’s educational institutions for global talent.
One of the flagship programmes, EdVantage aims to strategically deploy infocomm
to provide a learner-centric, collaborative learning environment within and beyond
the classroom, thereby enabling a diverse and vibrant schools landscape in the
use of infocomm technologies (ICT).
Ministry of Education,
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g. Smart healthcare
Like so many developed countries, ageing population and increasing prevalence of
chronical illnesses is a challenge for Singapore. Taking care of the elderly by
family members instead of by professionals is an increasing burden, since the birth
rate is dipping. Also, healthcare costs are rapidly increasing. Therefore,
smartification of the healthcare system is required. Mobile apps to prevent
chronical illnesses, like obesity and diabetes, are developed, use of telehealth tools
are planned and IT solutions to improve logistics in hospitals are applied.
Singapore is very interested in Dutch solutions in the context of aging.
The goal of the iN2015 Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences plan is to accelerate
sectoral transformation through an infocomm-enabled personalized healthcare
delivery system to achieve high quality clinical care, service excellence,
costeffectiveness and strong clinical research.
One of the programmes under the iN2015 is the Integrated Health Information
Systems (IHIS). It yielded innovative and productive outcomes for Singapore’s 8
public hospitals to efficiently manage the medical, admin, financial and legal
aspects of its public hospitals. Examples are the Electronic Medical Records
Systems (e-medical records), filmless x-rays and mammograms, E-service onestop
health and fitness training portal and online hospital pharmacy.
Ministry of Health,, Health Promotion Board
Infocomm Development Authority,
h. Smart transport solutions
As a city state, Singapore is the second most densely populated country in the
world. Today, roads take up 12 percent of total land area and the demands on the
land transport system are set to increase by 60 percent. Singapore has made
public transport the centrepiece of the land transport system to keep congestion
in check and help protect the environment. The public transport alternatives
include the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, Light Rail Transit (LRT) system,
buses and taxis. Taxis are less expensive than Dutch counterparts and part of
daily public transport system.
The Land Transport Authority adopted an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to
improve operational efficiency and road safety of Singapore’s road network. It
offers, inter alia: Real Time Traffic Information Systems, Expressway Monitoring
Advisory System (EMAS – monitors traffic along expressways, traffic accident alerts
to motorists and rescuers), Green Link Determining (GLIDE) System (monitors,
adjusts and optimizes green time along the main roads in response to changing
traffic demand); Traffic Scans (use taxis as probes on the road network to provide
motorists with information on the traffic conditions island-wide);
Parking Guidance System (provides real-time information on parking spaces
availability of participating building developments).
An important factor in managing traffic, Singapore introduced an Electronic Road
Pricing (ERP) system, with strategically placed gantries. Drivers pay ERP charges
when they pass the gantry at certain times via the In-vehicle Unit (IU). Via this
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method, driving at certain roads at certain times of high traffic volume is
The LTA is looking how to put in place a more effective system of congestion
management. It is envisaged that the next generation of ERP will charge on the
basis of distance along congested stretches of roads and expressways. This would
be a more equitable and economically efficient system than the current point
charging system where motorists are charged based on the number of gantries
they drive through rather than distance travelled on a congested road.
Ministry of Transport, Land Transport Authority,
Energy Market Authority
i. Smart logistics & maritime
The ease of customs clearance in Singapore has been underpinned by a set of
initiatives in improving trade facilitation called “Trade-FIRST” where businesses
can streamline its application process for different trade schemes, resulting in
time/management cost savings for companies. In addition, Singapore has an
established electronic national single-window allowing for one-stop submission of
documentation thus, reducing red tape for businesses.
Civil Aviation Authority Singapore
In the last few years, environmental issues in the maritime industry gained
prominence with an increased awareness of the environmental footprints caused
by shipping activities. At the same time, rising fuel costs had also led to a growing
consciousness on energy efficiency in maritime operations. Singapore is building a
Liquefied Natural Gas terminal, and is looking into Electric Propulsion, Energy
Management Systems for Port/Shipping and Bio-fuel Singapore Maritime Institute, Port Singapore Authority,
Maritime Port Authority,
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Information on legislation: is there a specific law about smart
cities or eco cities; are Dutch companies allowed to bid,
certification, market access
There is no specific legislation on smart cities or eco cities. Singapore has been
consistently acknowledged as a global business hub – one that features developed
infrastructure, political stability, open business policies, a skilled workforce, the
use of English as the main working language and respect for intellectual property
rights. Business owners all over the world regard Singapore as an ideal location to
grow their businesses, with many of them using the country as a springboard to
tap into other emerging markets in Asia.
Foreign companies are usually allowed to bid for tenders, if this is not the case it
will be clearly stated. All government tenders can be found on
Information on setting up a business in Singapore: The
economic Development Board has incentive schemes for companies in some
sectors wishing to set up in Singapore:
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Projects and tenders
One of the projects announced in the master plan 2008, the development of the
Jurong Lake District, has won a grant in IBM’s Smarter Cities Challenge
programme. The Singapore government has designated the area as a smart
district, meaning it should use land and resources more efficiently, and provide a
better environment for its workers, residents and visitors. New developments in
the Jurong Gateway Precinct are required to meet one of Singapore’s highest
green building ratings, known as Green Mark Gold Plus.
The Economic Strategy Report announced the progressive development of a new
waterfront city at Tanjong Pagar once the existing port’s lease will expire in 2027.
No plans have been revealed yet for the new waterfront city, but it is expected
that Singapore will rebuild this area according to the newest ‘eco-friendly’ insights,
similar to the new eco-town in Punggol.
The Container Port Singapore will be translocated to the south-west side of
Singapore. The Next Generation Container Port (NGCP) Challenge seeks to
encourage greater partnerships between industry and academia to invent new
concepts and ideas for the maritime sector. Registration for the international
competition is open till 31 July 2012. Participants will have to submit their
proposals by 31 December 2012. Submissions will be evaluated by an
international panel, comprising representatives from the Singapore government
and the maritime industry.
In August 2011, Singapore had its very 1st Eco-Town: Punggol Eco-Town, a
neighbourhood in the city-state’s north-eastern corner, is a “living lab” for a total
energy solutions pilot project for public housing. Ten flats in a housing block have
been picked in an energy-saving field test slated to run from Jan 2012 till 2013.
The eco-town is still being developed and there could be opportunities for foreign
Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA) encourages more building
companies to use BIM-“Building Information Modelling”. These companies can
apply to be subsidized by a $12 million government fund, set up to enhance
efficiency and increases productivity for the building sector. The use of BIM will be
mandatory for all projects with a gross floor area of more than 5000 sq.m. by
Green Mark Incentive Schemes
The BCA administers several programme to accelerate the adoption of green
building technologies and design practices. The scheme provides cash incentives
to developers, building owners, project architects and M&E engineers who achieve
at least a BCA green mark gold rating in the design and construction of new
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Research Fund for the Built Environment is a $50 million funding initiative by
the Ministry of National Development (MND) and managed by BCA. Its objective is
to encourage and support applied R&D that will raise the quality of life and make
Singapore a distinctive global city. Some key focus areas include sustainable
development projects such as integrating solar technologies into building facades.
The “Intelligent Energy System” (IES) Pilot was launched in 2010 to bring
capabilities of the power grid to the next level and ensure that the electricity
infrastructure is ready for the future. The IES pilot will test and evaluate new
applications and technologies around a smart grid. The success will enable Energy
Market Authority to adopt and roll out workable solutions for Singapore’s power
system, to lower energy costs and reduced carbon emissions.
A 50 hectare eco-business park named CleanTech Park was set up jointly by EDB
and Jurong Town Council for green minded businesses. It will serve as a large
scale integrated “living lab” for test bedding and demonstration of systems level
clean technology solutions. Located next to the Nanyang Technological University
it will house R&D activities from the University to promote collaborations between
industry and academia.
Other programmes to support clean energy adaption include the Clean Energy
Research and Testbedding Programme (CERT) , the Energy Research Development
Fund Authority, the Solar Capability Scheme (SCS) by the EDB, the National
Environmental Agency’s Energy Efficiency Improvement Assistance Scheme
(EASe) , the Grant for Energy Efficiency Technologies (GREET) by NEA and the
Design for Efficiency Scheme (DfE) by NEA .,
IDA just called for industry collaborators to propose for plans for Singapore’s 1st
Telecare Project.
Singapore's Budget Terminal will be closed on September 25 and demolished to
make way for the construction of a new Terminal 4 at Changi Airport. The
construction of Terminal 4 will begin in 2013 and is expected to be ready by 2017.
The new terminal will be a larger passenger building, with the capacity to handle
16 million passengers per annum.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAAS) and IDA (Infocomm
Development Authority) selected three consortia in March 2012 to manage
paperless airfreight process as part of the e-freight@Singapore programme. The
pilot will take one year and by 2013, the consortia will pilot deployment among
their members before the solutions are rolled out to the industry by 2014.The
efreight@ Singapore programme aims to take the paper out of the air cargo process
and replace it with electronic data and messages through the use of ICT.
Last but not least, there are numerous Government funding schemes to support
the water industry such as: TechPioneer Scheme, Incentive for Research and
Innovation Scheme and Fast-Track Environmental and Water Technologies
Incubator Scheme.
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DESTEP-analyses (demographic, economic, social/cultural,
technological level, ecological, politics-juridical)
Singapore is a small, stable, highly developed country with an elected
parliamentary system of government. Singapore's resident population of over five
million inhabitants comprises 75% Chinese, 14% Malay, 9% Indian, and 2%
others. English is widely spoken. Criminal penalties are strict and law enforcement
Key figures for 2011: economic growth 4,9%, Gross Domestic Product S$326
billion, per capita income S$61,692, total trade S$974 billion. Within the EU, the
Netherlands is the largest foreign direct investor, the second largest trading
partner in services and the fourth in trade in goods.
The government is actively negotiating several free trade agreements (FTAs),
including one with the European Union. The EU-Singapore FTA is expected to be
concluded soon.
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Trade fairs and exhibitions about smart cities (eco cities) or in
the 6 themes
Medical Fair Asia 2012 : 12 - 14 September;
Build Eco Expo Asia 2012 and International Green Building Conference 10-12
October 2012:
Annual SCM Logistics World Conference : 16 - 19 October 2012
Annual Singapore International Energy Week : 22 - 25 Oct 2012 :
Offshore South East Asia (OSEA 2012) : 27 to 30 November :
Second Water Research Conference: 20-23 January 2013:
Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences: 25-26 February 2013:
Annual Singapore Maritime Week: 7-12 April 2013
Metal Asia / Precision engineering Trade Show: 9-12 April 2013:
Pharma-Nutrition 2013: 15-17 April 2013:
Cards Asia: 24-27 April 2013
Singapore Construction Productivity Week: 7 May 2013
Semicon Singapore 2013: 7 - 9 May
Broadcast Communic-Asia: mid June 2013
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Informatie op maat
Trajectbegeleiding naar een of meerdere markten voor Nederlandse bedrijven met
serieuze internationaliseringsplannen.
Mogelijke vormen:
 gesprek over internationale strategie
 landenvergelijking om keuze te maken voor een bepaalde markt
 aandragen van nuttige contactpersonen in Nederland of het buitenland
 overzicht van relevante dienstverlening en financieringsmogelijkheden
Een zakenpartnerscan (voorheen marktscan) geeft u een overzicht van mogelijke
zakenpartners in uw doelmarkt. Dit kunnen agenten of distributeurs zijn, maar ook
productiepartners. De scan wordt uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de
handelsmedewerkers van Nederlandse ambassades, consulaten en Netherlands
Business Support Offices (NBSO's). Aan de hand van een vastgesteld profiel gaan
zij op zoek naar potentiële partners. Deze worden vervolgens benaderd en er
wordt gepeild of er interesse is om met u in gesprek te gaan. De scan is maatwerk
dat uw marktentree kan vergemakkelijken. Kortom, met de zakenpartnerscan
openen wij deuren voor u in het buitenland. Voor deze dienstverlening wordt een
eigen bijdrage gevraagd van 500 euro.
Meer informatie:
Starters International Business (SIB)
Starters International Business helpt u om in drie stappen tot een
internationaliseringstrategie te komen. Wat zijn mijn sterktes? Welke markten
bieden kansen? En wat moet ik doen om die kansen te pakken? Resultaat is een
concreet stappenplan waarmee u direct aan de slag kunt. De enige voorwaarde is
18 van 20
dat u beschikt over tijd en middelen om succesvol buitenlandse markten te
bewerken en dat u bereid bent om in het traject te investeren. Samen met een
adviseur van de Kamer van Koophandel, Syntens of een van de Deelnemende
Package4Growth (P4G)
Biedt financiële ondersteuning voor MKB-bedrijven die kennis nodig hebben om de
Chinese en Indiase markt te betreden. Bijvoorbeeld kennis op het gebied van
productcertificering, marktonderzoek of fiscale/juridische zaken. Met deze
informatie kunt u uw bedrijf beter positioneren in China of India. Voor meer
informatie zie
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Agentschap NL
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