SECOND LEVEL TECHNOLOGIES (SAL 2) Significant Aspect of Learning 2

Significant Aspect of Learning 2
Understanding how technological products work and how they affect people:
Critical thinking through exploration and discovery within a range of learning contexts.
2. Discussion and debate, skills and collaboration, leading and interaction with others.
3. Problem solving skills through exploration.
Learning Statements & Experiences and Outcomes
Learning Statement 1
Identify and use appropriate technologies and
Learning Statement 2
Learning Statement 3
Investigate and experiment with the Use appropriate software to design an
features and functions of computer interesting and entertaining game, which
technology that support and enhance incorporates a form of control technology
learning, at home and in the workplace.
or interactive multimedia, in collaboration
with others
TCH 2-01a
When exploring technologies in the world
around me, I can use what I learn to help
design or improve my ideas or products.
TCH 2-04a
TCH 2-09a
I explore and experiment with the Using appropriate software, I can work
features and functions of computer collaboratively to design an interesting
technology and I can use what I learn to and entertaining game which incorporates
support and enhance my learning in a form of control technology or
different contexts.
interactive multimedia.
Learning Experiences
Prior Knowledge
A basic awareness of how technology
Gain a comprehensive understanding of
is used in everyday practices eg
consider their impact on society and
the role technology plays in society and
mobiles / internet shopping.
discuss how said technologies have
make predictions about future
Experience of using iPads and Personal
been developed / improved.
Computers in order to create a range
of basic media eg text / images.
Research a range of technologies,
Next Steps
Applications (“Apps”).
Explore Apps and identify how they
could be used in a real world context.
Create a functioning App, share it with
peers and evaluate it accordingly.
Extend skill set using familiar Apps and
broaden knowledge of new Apps.
Consider peer evaluations by developing
or creating a more complex App.
Significant Aspect of Learning 2
Understanding how technological products work and how they affect people:
Critical thinking through exploration and discovery within a range of learning contexts.
2. Discussion and debate, skills and collaboration, leading and interaction with others.
3. Problem solving skills through exploration.
The learner identified and
used a variety of research
materials (internet, various
As part of a
information poster.
outlined the key developments
of the chosen technology and
technology has impacted on
Travel Agent task: allocation of roles
In order to produce a travel itinerary with
multiple criteria, the learner applied his prior
knowledge of travel Apps. He identified a
range of suitable Apps, selected the most
appropriate and could justify his decisions to
group members.
The learner recorded his findings in a
Game Evaluation form which he referred
to during the programming phase. By
identifying, using and evaluating existing
Apps, the learner was able to determine
which features he wanted to include when
creating his own App.
He selected
software that he felt would be most
appropriate to design his game.
The learner created a glossary of
familiarised himself with programming
language and demonstrated a higher level
of understanding by defining these terms
in his own words.
selfassessment, analysis and evaluation of
peer feedback, the learner identified
elements of his App that could be
improved. He was consequently able to
plan his next steps in learning.
“Getting feedback from the P1s
was useful.
They all liked
playing the game but I need to
see if I can stop it from
Primary 1 App feedback.
“I enjoyed doing our
presentation, it was
fun being an expert.
I learned the facts
and made sure I
understood what I
was talking about so
questions from my
Significant Aspect of Learning 2
Understanding how technological products work and how they affect people:
Critical thinking through exploration and discovery within a range of learning contexts.
2. Discussion and debate, skills and collaboration, leading and interaction with others.
3. Problem solving skills through exploration.
Technology debate
Watch: Music technology presentation
The learner demonstrated his ability to work
collaboratively when researching a chosen technology; he
shared his ideas and opinions by engaging in group
discussions and demonstrated individual accountability
by allocating group roles.
Each group delivered a presentation and as an ‘expert’ he
facilitated the learning of his peers whilst consolidating
his own learning.
“Technology is important to
a travel agent. I learned
how to use travel Apps to
book a journey and I found
the hotel using Google Maps.
were shared with
peers during role play
sessions. The learner
adopted the role of a
travel agent. He was
able to interpret and
explain the bookings
that he had made and
answer any questions
and queries his client
Debating the pros and cons of technological
developments gave the learner an opportunity to voice
his knowledge and opinions.
He supported his
arguments by providing factual information, referring
to his own technological experiences and offered
solutions to the dilemmas raised. He recognised that
developments have an impact on society at a local and
global level and that many have both practical and moral
In order to evaluate the Apps the learner
collaborated with their P1 buddy. He explained
the purpose of the App and the commands
required to use it.
For the purposes of improving the App and to
establish his next steps, the learner observed the
reactions of his buddy during game play, noted
down any comments asked targeted questions
about their experiences.
“I thought carefully about the questions I was going to
ask the P1s because I wanted to make sure that their
answers helped me make improvements to my App.”
Significant Aspect of Learning 2
Understanding how technological products work and how they affect people:
Critical thinking through exploration and discovery within a range of learning contexts.
2. Discussion and debate, skills and collaboration, leading and interaction with others.
3. Problem solving skills through exploration.
The learner demonstrated his knowledge and understanding
of a range of Apps by selecting those most appropriate for
completing the different aspects of the travel agent task.
The learner created a game based
He used his Game
Evaluation form which he devised
when researching existing Apps,
to ensure that certain features
Referring to and acknowledging
the findings of his research
proved that learner understood
the importance of this process
and how essential it is when
creating a potentially commercial
The learner demonstrated his practical knowledge of how
these Apps worked by creating mock bookings and
purchases. He made bookings that were sequential; this
level of planning, logical reasoning and organisation
indicated that he had a comprehensive understanding of
how Apps can be used as a practical tool in the real world.
He applied his coding skills in a
programming the App. He used a
process of trial and error to
create the desired functions and
“I already knew about some
Apps. like Amazon and
Google Maps and we learned
about travel Apps in class
so when we were given the
travel agent task I knew
probably be the best for
picking a flight and that
Amazon or Argos would be
good for shopping”.
“I was going to book my
client’s hotel using the
LateRooms App. but when
I went to book it I
realised that they only do
UK hotels and my client
was going to Norway. I
used Expedia instead”.
In order to research his chosen technology the
learner explored a range of appropriate
sources which he listed in a bibliography. He
then used these sources to select relevant
information to create a presentation.
In his presentation he successfully shared the
key facts relating to features and functions of
computer technology that support learning at
home and in the work place.
“I wanted to make the
background fade into
another background but
found the coding for
this very challenging.
My group decided to
change our design to suit
a single background”.