SECOND LEVEL Reading Experiences and Outcomes Context of Learning Learner Experiences The class project was War and Conflict. The class read War Horse as a whole class, independently and in reading pairs. This was a challenging text, however, pupils demonstrated an ability to talk about the moods, themes, character feelings and writer’s messages. Each session pupils could consistently comment on how these themes were being developed by Morpurgo. Skills of skimming/scanning for supporting evidence from the text were then introduced and pupils were asked to independently locate evidence in the text to support their views and sometimes record it. To show my understanding, I can respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other close reading texts and can create different kinds of questions of my own. ENG 2-17a To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose and main idea of a text and use supporting detail. LIT 2-16a Significant Aspects of Learning - Reading • Uses reading and listening strategies to understand , analyse and evaluate texts. • Develop and use higher-order thinking skills Breadth Pupils had been introduced to these types of questions in a previous session. Previous close reading tasks had been completed well. Challenge They also independently read a variety of novels, extracts and online information about WW2. Pupils were asked to answer questions adapted from Ryan’s Thinkers Key question starters. Application Pupils applied their knowledge when creating Ryan’s Thinkers Questions for P2 Reading Buddies related to Julia Donaldson’s stories. They also created their own questions which are exemplified relating to WW2. Personalisation and choice Creative thinking, choice in presentation of created Question Cards for Reading Buddies. Learner statements • • • • • • Selects and discusses a range of texts, giving a personal response. Selects appropriate reading strategies to monitor and check understanding. Uses knowledge of language to read unfamiliar texts with understanding and expression. Asks and answers literal, inferential and evaluative questions about a text and uses supporting detail. understands how the theme is developed and links to own and others’ experiences. Identifies and discusses the writer’s style, use of language, and the effect this has upon the reader. Evidence of Learning Pupil Comments We talk about Morpurgo’s style of writing and the words he’s used. We think about why he uses them. We can scan the chapter to find the part that shows how kind Albert was to Joey or to find the bit that shows how WW1 destroyed France. Sometimes we share it with each other and sometimes we write it down. I can use my own words and I can use quotes from the book.. We have to prove it, like a real detective finds evidence in the book. I get an extra point for writing the page number too. Pupils had been introduced to these type of questions in a previous session. Previous close reading tasks had been completed well. Teacher Comments- Challenge and Application These examples demonstrate day to day tasks. Pupils are asking and answering a variety of Higher Order Thinking questions about War Horse or Boy in Striped Pyjamas. New learning took place in that pupils were expected to give supporting evidence. Other new learning was identifying themes, linking word choice to moods and feelings. New vocabulary was discussed and applied in extended writing tasks. The performance in these tasks demonstrates the learner can analyse and evaluate appropriate Second level texts. Application was demonstrated when pupils, after reading online extracts and extracting information, created their own questions, and were able to give supporting detail to answer questions in Social Studies and Science. say make write do How to look after worms Texts organised into tables Independent Writing What they like What they don’t like Evidence of sounding out to attempt to spell new words These are further examples of the learner analysing and evaluating a text using supporting evidence to interpret and form an opinion. The learner has created their own questions based on HOT skills. The learner demonstrates skills of analysis by bringing together several pieces of evidence. The learner is beginning to be able to answer Ryan’s Thinkers Key Questions after reading information on about WW2 Homefront. Pupils applied their knowledge when creating Ryan’s Thinkers Questions for P2 Reading Buddies related to Julia Donaldson’s stories. They also created their own questions which are exemplified relating to WW2 Creative thinking, choice in presentation of created Question Cards for Reading Buddies.