Early Level Studies - What does it look like? Teacher Voice


Early Level Studies - What does it look like?


LI - Learning Intentions

SC - Success Criteria

Teacher Voice

Pupil Voice

Learning Statements

Represent the characteristics of objects through abstract forms using imagination and memory.

Experiment freely with media and techniques and technology to create images and objects that explore, for example, the use of line, shape and colour.

Demonstrate awareness of some visual concepts, for example, differences in size and shape.

Talk about their own work and the work of others.

LI : We are learning to look at different objects in detail and record this by drawing.

Learner’s Comments:

I were drawing a picture of me.

I had to draw all details- mouth, eyebrows, hair, nose.

I needed round circles for head and eyes.



We were copying with our eyes.

I can see the petals and seeds in the middle .

Significant Aspects of Learning – Creating

Demonstrate that they can be creative and express themselves in different ways.

Will be able to express themselves, think innovatively, meet challenges positively and find imaginative solutions to problems.

Have opportunities to nurture and develop their expressive arts interests and skills.

Prior Learning

Learners have been using line and colour to create different marks and shapes to express themselves.

Learners will have been freely experimenting and exploring creating images and objects.

Learners have tried a basic range of different materials.

Learners will also have been engaged with a variety of different stimuli to encourage their imagination and creativity. These include using mirrors, primary and secondary sources.

SC : I can draw the basic shapes and details of my face.

SC : I can draw the basic shapes of the flowers and jar. LI : We are learning to research, plan and sculpt a 3D model.

Teacher’s Comments:

This Learner who is achieving Early Level is expressing themselves by adding personal details to their drawings. In the portrait there is a lovely big smile and long eyelashes and in the flower drawing they have decided on the composition and added a pattern.

They have used line freely to represent the characteristics of the subject matter and although some shapes are fairly abstract and drawn more from imagination, these drawings are easily recognisable.

Teacher’s Comments:

This Learner has shown Early Level creating with this ‘Sea Creature’ project. Using images from magazines they have researched and recorded images of things that live in the sea.

Learners then created their own idea for a sea creature choosing their own shapes, colours and patterns.

The Learner has been given time to freely explore the clay before making their final piece. There is reference to their original plan in creating their final piece. The learner has only deviated slightly from this; something which is common at first level.

Teacher’s comments:

This Learner is achieving Early

Level because they can experiment freely with printing choosing suitable colours and demonstrating good printing technique, with tools they have selected to create their chosen image of flowers in springtime.

SC : I can use ideas from looking at sea creatures to create one of my own.

Learner’s Comments:

It’s a happy spring picture.

There’s big flowers and small ones.

They’re all different colours.

LI : We are learning to print using a variety of different materials.

SC: I can use different shapes and colours to create a picture of


Learner’s Comments:

Its got 5 legs just like a starfish.

The clay was good to squeeze and poke holes into.

It’s got lots of colours because it lights up in the water like a disco.

Experiences & Outcomes

I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials.

EXA 0-02a

I can create a range of visual information through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum. EXA 0-04a / EXA 1-04a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design. EXA 0-05a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design. EXA 0-05a/EXA 1-O5 a/ EXA 2-05a

LI : We are learning to express different feelings or mood in our pictures.

SC : I can decide about detail to include to show a feeling in my picture.

I can use media to express feelings in my art. (smudge, colours, line)

Teacher’s Comments:

Having looked at images of different expressions including ‘The Scream’ the Learner is achieving Early

Level Creating by making their own choice of what feeling to express. The big eyes, open mouth and hands drawn at the side of the face all give the basic impression of someone scared. The Learner has experimented freely with the materials, choosing their own colours and manipulated the materials by using chalk as a drawing tool as well as on its side and smudging it.

LI : We are learning to express our ideas in a picture by making choices about colour and the media we use.

Learner’s Comments:

I was trying to do the “scare” picture.

Round mouth and teeth looks scary.

Teacher’s Comments:

In this image the Learner has achieved

Early Level by creating an image which can be identified as a vase of flowers.

They have expressed themselves by adding their own pattern and choosing a mixture of different colours to paint their background. The background is free and expressive yet the painting of flowers and tablecloth is more controlled.

Learner’s Comments:

I used all different colours and mixed up backgrounds.

I can still see the flowers. SC: I can include detail using line in my painting.

I can select colours and media to express my ideas.
