TITLE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS by YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS Previous degrees in chronological order (examples below) B.S., University of Illinois, 2010 M.S., Wisconsin State University, 2012 AN ABSTRACT OF A DISSERTATION submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree YOUR DEGREE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (EXAMPLES BELOW) DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Name of your department (example: Department of Chemistry) Name of your college (example: College of Arts and Sciences) KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Manhattan, Kansas Graduation Year Abstract Type abstract here, no longer than 350 words. TITLE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (A DISSERTATION MUST HAVE TWO TITLE PAGES) by YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS Previous degrees in chronological order (examples below) B.S., University of Illinois, 2010 M.S., Wisconsin State University, 2012 A DISSERTATION submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree YOUR DEGREE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (EXAMPLES BELOW) DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Name of your department (example: Department of Chemistry) Name of your college (example: College of Arts and Sciences) KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Manhattan, Kansas Graduation Year Approved by: Major Professor Name of your major professor Copyright YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS Graduation Year The Copyright page is recommended, but optional. If you keep it, delete this paragraph. For details, see k-state.edu/grad/etdr/create/copyright. Abstract (A dissertation must have TWO abstracts.) Copy the first abstract and paste it here, with no more than 350 words. Keep the Section Break below that provides required page numbering. Can’t see it? Go to the Home tab > Paragraph section > click ribbon. Show/Hide. On a Mac, it may be above the Table of Contents DO NOT MANUALLY TYPE the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables. These are automated and are updated by right-clicking anywhere in the content and selecting “Update Field”. If a window pops up, select “Update entire table” and click OK. DELETE THIS HIGHLIGHTED TEXT BEFORE YOU PUBLISH. List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ ix Dedication ....................................................................................................................................... x Preface............................................................................................................................................ xi Chapter 1 - Enter Your Chapter Title Here ..................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 - Enter Your Chapter Title Here ..................................................................................... 2 Chapter 3 - Enter Your Chapter Title Here ..................................................................................... 3 Chapter 4 - EXAMPLES (delete this chapter before publishing)................................................... 4 You are in control of your content .............................................................................................. 4 Use Headings 2-5 inside your chapters....................................................................................... 4 Heading 3 example ................................................................................................................. 4 Heading 4 example (can be used on a separate line or in a paragraph) .............................. 4 Heading 5 example is an in-paragraph heading. ............................................................. 5 Adding captions to figures and tables ......................................................................................... 5 Chapter 5 - HOW TO USE THE ETDR TEMPLATE (delete this chapter before publishing) ..... 7 Chapters and appendices ............................................................................................................. 7 Special styles in this template ..................................................................................................... 7 Benefits of using styles to save time ........................................................................................... 8 A quick overview on using the template and styles.................................................................... 8 References or Bibliography (choose one) ....................................................................................... 9 Appendix A - Enter Your Appendix Title Here............................................................................ 10 Figure and table captions in appendices ................................................................................... 10 Appendix B - Enter Your Appendix Title Here ............................................................................ 11 vi List of Figures Figure 4.1 First image/graphic in Chapter 4 ................................................................................... 6 Figure 4.2 A second image/graphic in Chapter 4. .......................................................................... 6 Figure A.1 Correct caption in Appendix A. See the ETDR website for instructions on changing appendix captions.................................................................................................................. 10 vii List of Tables Table 4.1 First table in Chapter 4. You can number captions however you want, as long as you are consistent. .......................................................................................................................... 6 Table 4.2 A model APA-formatted table (no vertical lines) plus a table note................................ 6 viii Acknowledgements The Acknowledgements page is optional. If you include it, retain the Acknowledgements heading and enter your text here. ix Dedication The Dedication page is optional. If you include it, retain the Dedication heading and enter your text here. x Preface The Preface page is optional. If you include it, retain the Preface heading and enter your text here. Keep the Section Break below that provides required page numbering. Can’t see it? Go to the Home tab > Paragraph section > click Show/Hide. On a Mac, it may be above the ribbon. xi Chapter 1 - Enter Your Chapter Title Here Add content here. See Chapter 5 for details on using the ETDR template. 1 Chapter 2 - Enter Your Chapter Title Here Add content here. 2 Chapter 3 - Enter Your Chapter Title Here If you need additional chapters, follow these steps: 1. Insert a Page Break. 2. Type the headline that you want in regular text. 3. Select the text and apply a “Heading 1” style. 3 Chapter 4 - EXAMPLES (delete this chapter before publishing) This chapter shows timesaving elements such as headings, captions for figures/tables, and more. These elements can be easily modified by you or with help from an ETDR consultant to meet your department’s requirements. Check the “Using Styles” section in your Word version on the ETDR website at k-state.edu/grad/etdr/word. You are in control of your content During final review of your thesis/dissertation, the Graduate School will thoroughly check all the pages before Chapter 1 for both content and formatting. In chapters and appendices, the Graduate School will check for: Consistency on page numbering, margins, paragraph style/spacing, etc. No blank pages or image problems Figures and tables must fit inside the margins. Note that page sizes and orientation are not limited, since this is a digital format. References are at the end of chapters or before appendices (or both). A blank line must follow each reference. Use Headings 2-5 inside your chapters To add another subhead level inside this section, use Heading 3 as shown below. Heading 3 example The Heading 2 and Heading 3 styles in the template meet the needs of many students. To add a subsection inside a Heading 3 section, use Heading 4 as shown below. Heading 4 example (can be used on a separate line or in a paragraph) Heading 4 has a half-inch indent. It can be used as a stand-alone heading or as a heading inside a paragraph to meet APA style. Students often modify this heading level in order to meet departmental requirements. 4 Heading 5 example is an in-paragraph heading. This may be helpful for APA style users. Note: Headings that are inside a paragraph will display in the Table of Contents, but will not show up in Word’s Navigation Pane. Adding captions to figures and tables Every figure and table in your chapters must have a caption/label, and some or all of the caption must be in the List of Figures and/or List of Tables. The best way to do this is to INSERT a caption, so Word applies the Caption style and does all the caption numbering. In Word for Windows: References tab > Captions section > click Insert Caption In Word for Mac: Insert tab > Caption Before adding figure/table captions 1. Visit with your adviser and decide where to place captions (above/below elements), line spacing, and how you want them to look. The Graduate School wants consistency. 2. Train your first figure caption. Train your first table caption. (See “Captions for figures and tables” for your Word version, k-state.edu/grad/etdr/word.) 3. From then on, you simply insert a caption, make sure the label is correct (Figure or Table), and click OK. 5 Figure 4.1 First image/graphic in Chapter 4 Table 4.1 First table in Chapter 4. You can number captions however you want, as long as you are consistent. This table uses a Table Text style with 12-point font, single-spacing, and no paragraph indent. It also has 3-point spacing around the text. A-D A B C D 1 A1 B1 C1 D1 2 A2 B2 C2 D2 3 A3 B3 C3 D3 Figure 4.2 A second image/graphic in Chapter 4. Table 4.2 A model APA-formatted table (no vertical lines) plus a table note. A-D A B C D 1 A1 B1 C1 D1 2 A2 B2 C2 D2 3 A3 B3 C3 D3 Note. This is an example of a note under a table using Table Note style (10-point font). How to use it: 1) Type the text below your table. 2) Select the text and apply Table Note style. 3) Select just the “Note.” and add italics. 6 Chapter 5 - HOW TO USE THE ETDR TEMPLATE (delete this chapter before publishing) Chapters and appendices 1. Chapters should contain your essential information, including tables and figures. Appendices are for supplemental data that you want to include. 2. There’s no limit on the number of chapters or appendices. 3. From Chapter 1 on, the content and format of your research is up to you, your adviser(s), and your graduate committee. You have many choices on fonts, headings, paragraph style, tables, captions, etc. Consistency is essential. 4. For details, see the Graduate School Requirements and Guidelines for Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports at k-state.edu/grad/etdr/create/guidelines.html. Special styles in this template This template uses “styles” time-saving features in Word. A style is a combination of formatting characteristics (similar to clothing styles and vehicle styles). It can include font size, color, line spacing, paragraph alignment, and more. See Chapter 4 for examples using some of these styles. Heading 1 provides a “Chapter” title in 1, 2, 3 format. Headings 2-5 are for subheadings in chapters. Heading 6 provides an “Appendix” title in A, B, C format. Headings 7-9 are for appendix subheadings. Body Text is for basic content and is double-spaced with a paragraph indent. Bibliography is single-spaced, with a hanging indent and a blank line after. Caption is for labeling figures and tables. Page Heading is used on sections headings such as Abstract and Copyright. Page Heading TOC is for section headings that must display in the Table of Contents. Table Text is a Normal font that’s single-spaced, with even margins all around. 7 Benefits of using styles to save time 1. Fast updates of the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables. Put your cursor in the content field, right-click, and select Update Field. (Sometimes a window pops up. Click Update entire table and OK.) 2. Headings create a roadmap for fast and easy navigation. Use the clickable outline in the Navigation Pane (View > Navigation Pane). 3. Modifying a style in the Styles Menu will change all occurrences in your document. To display the Styles Menu in Windows: Home tab > Styles section > click small arrow in bottom right corner. To display it in Mac: Toolbox icon > Styles tab. A quick overview on using the template and styles 1. Watch “Configure Word 2010 for Working with the ETDR Template” (2 min. video). It also applies to Word 2013. 2. Request a meeting via the ETDR Service Request form (linked on the right of the ETDR homepage) and provide up to three choices for meeting times. 3. Study the Styles section for your Word version at k-state.edu/grad/etdr/word. Contact the IT Help Desk, 785-532-7722, helpdesk@k-state.edu, if you need assistance. 8 References or Bibliography (choose one) Include a separate chapter for your references or bibliography. Citations must be followed by a blank line, and can be single- or double-spaced. The format is up to you and your adviser. As shown by the examples below, a Bibliography style with single spacing and a hanging indent is available in this document to meet the needs of many students. You can modify the style as needed. Devine, P. G., & Sherman, S. J. (1992). Intuitive versus rational judgment and the role of stereotyping in the human condition: Kirk or Spock? Psychological Inquiry, 3(2), 153159. Hodges, F. M. (2003). The promised planet: Alliances and struggles of the gerontocracy in American television science fiction of the 1960s. The Aging Male, 6(3), 175-182. James, N. E. (1988). Two sides of paradise: The Eden myth according to Kirk and Spock. In D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrum of the fantastic (pp. 219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood. The Bibliography style does not format your citations into a specific style such as American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA). You must enter your citations in the style used by your department, or use bibliographic software such as RefWorks, EndNote, or Mendeley. For assistance with citations, contact K-State Libraries and see its Citations and Bibliographies information at guides.lib.k-state.edu/citations. 9 Appendix A - Enter Your Appendix Title Here Appendices are for supplemental data and are optional. There’s no limit on the number of appendices. Appendix headings must be labeled A, B, C, etc. Figure and table captions in appendices Captions can include the chapter number and appendix alphabetical designations, or can be listed as Figures 1, 2, 3, and Table 1, 2, 3, etc. Visit with your adviser to determine the caption styles and placement that meet your department’s requirements. Microsoft Word has trouble dealing with the complexity of numbered chapters versus alphabetical appendices. If you decide to include chapter/appendix designations in caption labels, inserting a caption in an appendix will cause it to be labeled as though it were in a chapter. For example: The figure caption below was labeled “Figure 6.1” when inserted but is required to be “Figure A.1”. Figure A.1 Correct caption in Appendix A. See the ETDR website for instructions on changing appendix captions. For a way to fix appendix caption labels, see the Appendices section for your Word version on the ETDR website at k-state.edu/grad/etdr/word. 10 Appendix B - Enter Your Appendix Title Here If you need additional appendices, follow these steps: 1. Insert a Page Break. 2. Type the headline that you want in regular text. 3. Select the text and apply a “Heading 6” style. 11