Future Approaches to Inspection and Review Scottish Learning Festival 24th September 2014 Marie McAdam, HMI Patricia Watson, HMI Transforming lives through learning What do we mean by inspection? All approaches to external scrutiny across all sectors and across all aspects of our work. • inspection programmes relating to all establishments and services • shared inspection and review work with other scrutiny bodies • thematic and aspect reviews Transforming lives through learning Principles underpinning this review 1. Independence, impartiality and accountability. 2. Learners or users at the heart of inspection and review. 3. Equality and diversity. 4. Transparency and mutual respect. 5. Focusing on outcomes and impact. Transforming lives through learning 6. Building on self-evaluation. 7. Partnership. 8. Improvement and capacity building. 9. Proportionality, responsiveness and assessment of risk. 10. Best value. This review is • About all sectors of Scottish education and all aspects of our scrutiny work. • A long term look to inform future inspection and review practices for use in 3-5 years. • Open to all creative ideas and is not about refining existing models. • Dependant on a wide ranging consultation with all key stakeholders. Transforming lives through learning Discussion Questions: 1. What approaches to inspection would promote a joined up 3-18 approach to Curriculum for Excellence? 2. How can we ensure we do not miss poorly performing establishments and services? 3. Are inspections securing improvement sufficiently? 4. How can we communicate the performance of education authorities? 5. Are we focussing sufficiently on the real challenges of Scottish education? 6. How might we reduce the stress felt by establishments and services and focus on improvement? Transforming lives through learning In addition: Next steps: • How Good Is Our School? The Next Generation Further consultation through conversation days and stakeholder meetings. 2015 • No proposals will be published nor pilot conducted until the 4 HGIOS beginning of 2015 at the earliest. ?????? • All decisions informed through discussion with external reference group of all key stakeholders. • Planning for change over time, not a single large-scale change. Transforming lives through learning Why do we need a new edition of HGIOS? • Developments in educational policy • Changes in legislation • Improvements in self-evaluation • New approaches to school improvement Transforming lives through learning What’s important to us in our work? • Taking account of stakeholder views • Ongoing consultation and tests of change • Looking inwards, outwards and forwards • Accessibility, Creativity and ICT • Self-evaluation for improvement and scrutiny • Launch of HGIOS? (new edition) at SLF 2015 Transforming lives through learning Any Questions? Now or later… • Marie McAdam: marie.mcadam@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk • Patricia Watson: patricia.watson@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk Lead Officers for Inspection and Review Transforming lives through learning