& ' $! !##$! ! "# ' ! # #!" Based on a generic model of serial communication systems, this architecture dramatically reduces the time needed to program functional and in-circuit tests for devices with serial interfaces. It is implemented in a new Serial Test Card and Serial Test Language for the HP 3070 family of board test systems. 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" " ! $0; 5(4,$. ,06(4)$&(5 &106$,0 %,6 564($/5 9,6+,0 %,6 564($/5 #( &$.. 6+(5( %,6 564($/5 %$5,&>4$6( ,06(4)$&( ,5 $0 (:$/2.( 1) $ +,(4$4&+,&$. %,6 564($/ %$5,& )4$/( 1) 6+,5 ,06(4)$&( &105,565 1) %,65 1) &+$00(. '$6$ $0' %,65 1) &+$00(. '$6$†† ) 6+( &+$00(. %,65 )41/ ($&+ )4$/( $4( (:64$&6(' $0' $55(/%.(' 10( $)6(4 6+( 16+(4 ,061 $ 5(2$4$6( 5(4,$. %,6 564($/ 6+(; )14/ $0 >.,-( %,6 564($/ † See references 3 and 4 for a complete description of ISDN and associated activation procedures. Details of HDLC and other bit-oriented protocols can be found in references 5 and 6. †† This is a simplified description of an ISDN basic rate frame. Actual frame length and content vary depending on which reference point (S, U, etc.) is being considered. 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In that case the symbol rate is defined as part of the bit stream symbol synchronization algorithm. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Start Bit IFF Stop Bit Data Start Bit IFF Stop Bit Data Bit Processor IFF = Interframe Fill Pattern 63')77-2+ %2 @ &-8 786)%1 6)*)6)2') 43-28 73 8,) &-87 3* 8,) 7)6-%0 786)%1 '%2 86%27*)6 136) '3140)< -2*361%8-32 ;,)8,)6 % 4368 -7 %2 -2498 4368 36 %2 398498 4368 %8% %0;%=7 *03;7 -283 %2 -2498 4368 %2( 398 3* %2 398498 4368 !,)6) %6) 8;3 8=4)7 3* *6%1-2+ 6%1-2+ '%2 &) )-8,)6 explicit % ()(-'%8)( 7-+2%0 4%8, *36 *6%1-2+ -7 463:-()( 36 implicit *6%1-2+ -2*361%8-32 -7 )2'3()( ;-8,-2 8,) 7)6-%0 &-8 786)%1 2 -140-'-8 *6%1-2+ %0+36-8,1 1%= -2(-'%8) *6%1-2+ 97-2+ )-8,)6 % bunched *6%1-2+ 4%88)62 36 % distributed *6%1@ -2+ 4%88)62 &92',)( 4%88)62 -7 1%() 94 3* % +6394 3* '328-+9397 &-87 (-786-&98)( 4%88)62 -7 1%() 94 3* % +6394 3* &-87 -28)674)67)( %132+ 8,) (%8% &-87 8,)6 6)59-6)1)287 %6) ()8)61-2)( &= 8,) 7)6-%0 &-8 786)%1 83 ;,-', 8,) 4368 %88%',)7 * 8,) &-8 786)%1 -7 )<40-'-80= '03'/)( 97)7 %2 )<40-'-8 7=1&30 7=2',632->%8-32 %0+36-8,1 8,) 4368 1978 ,%:) % clock interface -1-0%60= -* 8,) &-8 786)%1 97)7 %2 )<40-'-8 *6%1-2+ %0+36-8,1 8,) 4368 1978 ,%:) % frame synchronization interface !,)7) -28)6*%')7 1%= '327-78 3* 32) 36 136) 4,=7-'%0 7-+2%07 8,%8 *03; )-8,)6 -283 36 398 3* 8,) 4368 !,) -140)1)28%8-32 ()8%-07 '%2 &) ()8)61-2)( &= 789(=-2+ 8,) &-8 786)%1 74)'-*-'%8-327 %2( 8,) 86%27*361%8-32 %0+36-8,1 !,) 8-1) -28)6:%0 &)8;))2 8,) )2( 3* 32) *6%1) %2( 8,) &)+-22-2+ 3* 8,) 2)<8 -7 '%00)( 8,) interframe gap !,-7 +%4 1%= &) )-8,)6 >)63@0)2+8, *6%1)7 %6) &%'/@83@&%'/ 36 232@ >)63@0)2+8, * -8 -7 232>)63@0)2+8, 8,) -28)6*6%1) +%4 -7 *-00)( ;-8, %2 interframe fill (IFF) pattern. Logical Channel Identification. %2= 7)6-%0 &-8 786)%17 7-1908%@ 2)3970= '%66= 136) 8,%2 32) -2()4)2()28 03+-'%0 ',%22)0 3* -2*361%8-32 $) 7%= 8,%8 8,)7) &-8 786)%17 %6) multiplexed 36 hierarchical * 8,) -2()4)2()28 03+-' ',%22)07 %6) ):)6 83 &) 6)'3:)6)( *631 % 1908-40)<)( &-8 786)%1 8,)6) 1978 &) % 1)%27 3* 92-59)0= -()28-*=-2+ )%', -2(-:-(9%0 03+-'%0 ',%2@ 2)0 !,) 1908-40)<-2+ 7',)1) 74)'-*-)7 8,) 1)8,3( 97)( 83 1908-40)< 8,) 03+-'%0 ',%22)07 %2( 1%= &) '%8)+36->)( %7 )-8,)6 explicit 36 implicit $-8, )<40-'-8 1908-40)<-2+ )%', *6%1) '328%-27 % +6394 3* -2*361%8-32 *631 )%', 1908-40)<)( 03+-'%0 ',%22)0 !,) *6%1) &392(%6= 463:-()7 % 6)*)6)2') *36 8,) &-8 +6394-2+7 !-1) (-:-7-32 1908-40)<)( ! ,-+,;%=7 79', %7 8,37) *392( 32 8)0)'311 0-2) '%6(7 %2( 8,) @&97 %6) )<%140)7 3* )<40-'-80= 1908-40)<)( &-8 786)%17 $-8, -140-'-8 1908-40)<-2+ )%', *6%1) '328%-27 % +6394 3* -2*361%8-32 *631 320= 32) 3* 8,) 1908-40)<)( 03+-'%0 ',%2@ 2)07 2*361%8-32 *631 38,)6 03+-'%0 ',%22)07 1%= *3003; -2 79&7)59)28 *6%1)7 2 8,-7 '%7) 03+-'%0 ',%22)0 -()28-*-'%8-32 -7 )2'3()( -2 8,) &-8 786)%1 *36 )<%140) 8,) %((6)77 *-)0( 3* %2 *6%1) 36 38,)6 4%'/)8->)( (%8% !,) .3& 3* % &-8 463')7736 -7 83 '32:)68 32) &-8 786)%1 -283 %238,)6 %''36(-2+ 83 731) 74)'-*-)( %0+36-8,1 &-8 463')7@ 736 8,)6)*36) ,%7 8;3 (-78-2'8 4634)68-)7 4368 ()*-2-8-327 %2( 86%27*361%8-32 %0+36-8,17 Port Definitions. &-8 463')7736 -28)6*%')7 83 &-8 786)%17 8,639+, 32) 36 136) ports 378 &-8 463')77367 ;-00 ,%:) %2 input port %2( %2 output port &98 731) ;-00 ,%:) 320= 32) 36 8,) 38,)6† %', 4368 1978 ,%:) % data interface %2( 1978 3* '3967) 1%8', 8,) 4,=7-'%0 74)'-*-'%8-327 3* 8,) &-8 786)%1 !,) (-6)'8-32%0 7)27) 3* 8,) (%8% -28)6*%') ()8)61-2)7 † These are called sources or sinks and occur at the ends of a communication system. This is where the information sent back and forth in the serial bit stream is ultimately generated or analyzed. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 3+-'%0 ',%22)0 +6394-2+ %0+36-8,17 (3 238 (-6)'80= %**)'8 8,) 6)59-6)1)287 3* 8,) 4368 %08,39+, 8,)= 1%= -2*09)2') 8,) ()7-+2 3* 8,) '03'/ -28)6*%') 36 )<%140) % &-8 463')7@ 736 ()7-+2)( 83 ()1908-40)< % 03+-'%0 ',%22)0 *631 % 1908-@ 40)<)( &-8 786)%1 '390( &) -140)1)28)( -2 32) 3* 7):)6%0 ;%=7 2) 1)8,3( 1-+,8 97) +%8)( '03'/ 7-+2%07 '03'/ )(+)7 320= 3''96 ;,)2 &-87 *631 8,) 03+-'%0 ',%22)0 3* -28)6@ )78 %6) 398498 *631 8,) (%8% -28)6*%') 238,)6 1)8,3( 1-+,8 97) % '328-29397 '03'/ all &-87 *631 8,) 36-+-2%0 &-8 786)%1 %6) 398498 %8 8,) (%8% -28)6*%') %2( +)2)6%8) % 7)4%6%8) ?(%8% :%0-( 7-+2%0 ;,)2 &-87 *631 8,) 03+-'%0 ',%22)0 3* -28)6)78 %6) 46)7)28 %8 8,) 398498 (%8% -28)6*%') Transformation Algorithms. 86%27*361%8-32 %0+36-8,1 7-140= ()*-2)7 8,) *92'8-32 83 &) 4)6*361)( &= 8,) &-8 463')7736 !,) &-8 463')7736 1978 1%2-490%8) 8,) -2'31-2+ &-8 786)%1 -2 ;,%8):)6 1%22)6 -7 2)')77%6= 83 1%/) -8 '32*361 83 8,) 6)59-6)1)287 3* 8,) 398+3-2+ &-8 786)%1 7-140) )<%140) ;-00 ,)04 83 '0%6-*= 8,) *92'8-327 3* &-8 463')77367 %2( &-8 786)%17 -+ 7,3;7 %2 )<%140) 3* 8,) +)2)6-' 13()0 %440-)( 83 % 7-140) %7=2',632397 '31192-'%8-32 7=78)1 !,) &-8 786)%1 32 8,) 0)*8 -7 8,) -2'31-2+ &-8 786)%1 "7-2+ '32:)28-32%0 8)61-2303+= -8 ;390( &) ()7'6-&)( %7 %2 %7=2',632397 &-8 786)%1 97-2+ 32) 78%68 &-8 %2( 32) 7834 &-8 23 4%6-8= ',)'/@ -2+ %2( %2 )-+,8@&-8 (%8% *-)0( !,) ()*-2-8-32 97-2+ 8,) +)2)6-' 13()0 ;390( &) 731)8,-2+ 0-/) 8,-7 ,=7-'%0 4)'-*-'%8-327 3+-' 0):)07 #308%+) 0):)07 @ @ 0):)07 03+-' ,-+, :3087 03+-' 03; :3087 =1&30 =2',632->%8-32 0+36-8,1 !=4) 140-'-8 /23;2 7=1&30 6%8) =1&30 %8) 4)6 7)'32( 6%1-2+ 0+36-8,1 !=4) 140-'-8 &92',)( *6%1-2+ 4%88)62 6%1-2+ %88)62 ? %8 0)%78 32) 7834 &-8 36 &-8 *3003;)( &= 8,) 78%68 &-8 )&69%6= );0)88@%'/%6( 3962%0 Interframe Gap: = 0 symbols IFF Pattern: 1" Logical Channel Identification: Type: Explicit (none really, since there is a single eightĆbit data field) The bit processor receives this bit stream on the data interĆ face of its input port. As shown in Fig. 1, the job of this parĆ ticular bit processor is to generate a clocked, synchronous version of this bit stream on its output port. Here is the defiĆ nition of the bit stream output from the bit processor (the bit stream on the right side of the figure): Physical Specifications: Logic levels: 2 Voltage levels: Standard TTL levels Symbol Synchronization Algorithm: Type: Explicit Clock Rate: 9600 Hz Framing Algorithm: Type: Implicit, bunched framing pattern Framing Pattern: 10" (at least one stop bit or IFF bit followed by the start bit) Interframe Gap: = 0 symbols IFF Pattern: 1" Logical Channel Identification: Type: Explicit Notice that the framing algorithm and logical channel identiĆ fication specifications have not changed. The bit processor has merely generated a clock signal synchronized to the inĆ coming bit stream. In this case another bit filter upstream of this one could further transform the bit stream and perhaps extract the data field. Since the output bit stream uses an explicit clock, it is not really necessary to specify the clock rate. Another bit processor that conforms to our generic model should be able to accept the bit stream knowing only that there is an explicit clock signal. Any practical implemenĆ tation, however, will have a finite clock rate specification, so it is a good idea to specify all such performance requirements as part of the bit stream description. The definition of the bit processor in our example looks like this: Input Port: Data Interface: Required. See bit stream definition for physical requirements. Clock Interface: Not required, bit stream is implicitly clocked. Frame Sync Interface: Not required, bit stream is implicitly framed. Output Port: Data Interface: Required. Standard TTL output specifications. Clock Interface: Required, bit stream is explicitly clocked. The interface consists of a single clock output signal meeting standard TTL logic specifications. Frame Sync Interface: Not required, bit stream is implicitly framed. February 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal Transformation Algorithm: 1. Use a combination of the given baud rate, an internal highĆspeed clock, and data signal transitions to locate bit centers. 2. Sample the input data at the bit centers and retransmit on the output data interface. Transmit the sampling clock on the output clock interface. The actual algorithm would probably need to be more soĆ phisticated, but this simple example illustrates the process of mapping a real communication system onto the generic model. A more complex example is given in Fig. 2. The example just given was quite simple but can serve to illustrate an important feature of the model. As mentioned before, another bit processor upstream of the one described might further transform the bit stream, perhaps aligning itself to the framing markers and extracting the data field. The data field could then be passed to yet another bit processor, and so on. We call this feature of the model . Using this idea, we can conceptually break up a serial communicaĆ tion system into smaller, simpler pieces consisting of a series of bit processors connected by a series of serial bit streams. Modularity also aids the processing of hierarchical bit streams. The functions of demultiplexing and logical bit proĆ cessing can be divided among more than one bit processor. As we have seen, realĆworld bit streams and communication systems can be described by carefully specifying each propĆ erty of the generic model. In other words, the model can effectively mimic any serial communication system. A seĆ quencer architecture that exactly implements the generic model would therefore be easily programmed to test serial bit stream or protocol. We knew of course that a variety of constraints (the laws of physics, for example) would limit our ability to implement the model exactly. We also knew an abstract model that could not be implemented well enough to solve real test problems would be useless, so we revisited the test probĆ lems described earlier. We examined each test problem, looking for issues that might affect the way in which we chose to implement the model. Complex Physical (Electrical) Interfaces. The model handles this quite easily. One simply describes the characteristics on a sheet of paper. An actual implementation, however, is quite different. We decided early on that it was not feasible to implement hardware compatible with any possible electrical interface! Instead, we chose to implement hardware of sevĆ eral different classes, each class capable of handling a family of related physical bit streams. Multiple Interfaces Operating at Unrelated Bit Rates. The generic model does not address this issue, although the model can be used to describe each individual interface. We decided that this implied a multichannel architecture in which each channel was capable of operating essentially independently of the others. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Framing Bits Clock Bit Processor (Personality Module) B1 Bits Frame Sync B1 Bits D Bits Data Physical Specifications: CCITT I.430 (3-Level Logic) Symbol Synchronization: Implicit Framing: Implicit, Distributed Pattern IFF Length = 0 Logical Channel Identification: Explicit B1 Algorithm: Sync to symbols and frame. Regroup bits and transmit synchronously. B2 D B1 Physical Specifications: Binary TTL Symbol Synchronization: Explicit Framing: Explicit IFF Length = 0 Logical Channel Identification: Explicit Clock Clock Bit Processor (Filter) Bit Processor (Channel Splitter) Data Algorithm: Use frame sync signal to locate D bits and transmit them upstream. Serial Test Sequencer D D D D D D D D D D D Physical Specifications: Binary TTL Symbol Synchronization: Explicit Framing: Implicit, bunched pattern = 01111110 IFF Length > = 0 Symbols IFF Pattern: 1 Logical Channel Identification: Implicit (channel ID embedded in data field) Frame Sync Data Data Packet Algorithm: Sync to framing pattern (01111110) and transmit synchronous frame sync bounding the frame. Check for correct frame check sequence. Extract data packet and frame check sequence and transmit upstream. Frame Check Sequence Physical Specifications: Binary TTL Symbol Synchronization: Explicit Framing: Explicit IFF Length = 0 Logical Channel Identification: Explicit process XDLC_receive receive into Data, into FCS if Data = TEI_assignment_packet then call Process_TEI end if receive into Data, into FCS . . . end process Serial Test Language Fragment ,)--#(! ( 5/- "((& &.")/!" )/, ),#!#(& !)& 1- .) '% .-. 0&)*'(. -., ( -#, 1 &-) ,&#4 .". '/&.#"((& )(5 /,,(. ,"#../, )/& ,'.#&&3 #(,- .-. .",)/!"5 */. ), 2'*& &)(! #. ,,), ,. .-. )/& ,/( -#'/&.()/-&3 )( && "((&- ) '/&.#"((& Nondeterministic Bit Streams. ( ." ')& (3 -),. ) &/&5 .#)( ), $/-.'(. ) #( ),'.#)( #( ." #. -.,' #- -*#5 # 3 ." .,(- ),'.#)( &!),#."' .")/!". .", 1, .1) ,- ) #'*&'(..#)( .". )/& . 3 ."##--/ #,-. 1 .")/!". #. '#!". -)'.#'- (--,3 ), ( &!),#."' .) -- #( ),'.#)( ,)' )." ." .,(-'#. ( ,#0 #. -.,'- -#'/&.()/-&3 "#- #'*&# ." ( .) *,)-- )." #. -.,'- 1#."#( ." -' #. *,)-5 -), )(&3 1 %(1 .". (3 ./& #'*&'(..#)( ) #. *,)--), 1)/& "0 &#'#.- -) 1 1(. .) & .) - ), "#( #. *,)--),- Bit Streams with Embedded Clocks. /, -)&/.#)( .) ." *,)5 &' ) )'*&2 *"3-#& #(., - **&#- .) ."#- *,)&' 1&& -.- ) # ,(. ",1, " ./( .) &-- ) '5 &)% -"'- Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Hierarchical Bit Streams. #,,"#& #. -.,'- #'*&3 '/&.#5 *&2#(! -) 1 %(1 .". )/, #'*&'(..#)( ( .) !)) . "(&#(! '/&.#*&2 #. -.,'- "#- !#( #'*&# ." ( ), -& #. *,)--),- " ,"#../, .". 0(./&&3 ',! ,)' ."- )(-#5 ,.#)(- #- -")1( #( #! " ,"#../, #- '/&.#"((& #( (./, " #!/, -")1- -#(!& "((& ) ." ,"#.5 ./, #( ." (., 1#." $(. "((&- )0 ( &)1 " "((& #- -#!( .) .." .) -#(!& #. -.,' ) ." " "((& ) ." ,"#../, )(.#(- .1) #( ),'.#)( -)/,--#(%- && ( .3*#& **&#.#)( " 1)/& *,)-- #(*((. -/"(5 (&- &)!#& "((&- ) ." #. -.,' ( ,#& -. (5 !/! " &)!#& "((& #- && ( #- )(5 .,)&& 3 ,/((#(! )( ." "( ,+/#, 3 ." .-. *,)!,' ,-)/,- ,)' $(. *,)--#(! "((&- ( &-) .." .) ." #. -.,' *,)0##(! /* .) )/, -/-.,'- ), " #. -.,' ,/,3 1&..5%, )/,(& Adjacent Processing Channel Personality Module To DUT Interface Circuitry Reconfigurable Bit Processor (RBP) 3 Reconfigurable Bit Processor (RBP) 1 Serial Test Sequencer (STS) Reconfigurable Bit Processor (RBP) 4 Reconfigurable Bit Processor (RBP) 2 Serial Test Sequencer (STS) Reconfigurable Bit Processor (RBP) Adjacent Processing Channel 7.2,0* 463(*77.2, (-&22*0 3+ 8-* !*6.&0 "*78 &6) !" +36 8-* '3&6) 8*78 +&1.0= 396 (-&22*07 3+ 8-* &6(-.8*(896* &6* .140*1*28*) 32 8-* !*6.&0 "*78 &6) !" &2) 94 83 !"7 (&2 '* .278&00*) .2 & 7=78*1 7 7-3;2 .2 ., *&(- !" 463(*77.2, (-&22*0 .7 (31> 437*) 3+ & 7*6.*7 3+ '.8 463(*77367 (322*(8*) '= 7*6.&0 '.8 786*&17 "-* '.8 463(*77367 &6* .140*1*28*) ;.8- 8-* % 7*6.*7 3+ +.*0)>463,6&11&'0* ,&8* &66&=7 7 +631 %% 314&2= 2 .14368&28 +*&896* 3+ 8-* % 7*6.*7 .7 8-*.6 >'&7*) (32+.,96&'.0.8= "-* % (&2 '* 463,6&11*) 32>8-*>+0= .2 8-* 7=78*1 73 23 46*463,6&11*) 7 &6* 2**)*) "-.7 +*&896* &003;7 8-* 86&27+361&8.32 &0,36.8-1 3+ & '.8 463(*7736 83 '* (-&2,*) 32 8-* +0= &2) 1&/*7 8-*7* )*:.(*7 .)*&0 +36 8-.7 &440.(&8.32 "-* 86&27> +361&8.32 &0,36.8-17 &6* .140*1*28*) '= (.6(9.87 .27.)* 8-* %% )*:.(*7 "-*= &6* 238 6*&00= *.8-*6 -&6);&6* 36 73+8> ;&6* 73 ;* -&:* (3.2*) 8-* ;36) circuitware 83 )*7(6.'* 8-.7 7368 3+ 6*(32+.,96&'0* (.6(9.86= ., 7-3;7 & 136* )*8&.0*) :.*; 3+ 396 78&2)&6) '.8 463> (*7736 (&00*) & reconfigurable bit processor 36 2 &)).> 8.32 83 8-* %% % *&(- &073 .2(09)*7 & 4&.6 3+ >'=>>'.8 7 "-* 7 &6* (322*(8*) 83 4.27 32 8-* &2) &6* 97*) &7 6*59.6*) '= 8-* (.6(9.8> ;&6* )*7.,2*6 "-.7 6*7396(* (3140*1*287 8-* &6(-.8*(> 896* 3+ 8-* &2) 463:.)*7 & 0&6,* )*27* 03(&0 7836&,* *0*1*28† &(- -&7 & )3;2786*&1 4368 83;&6)7 8-* #" &2) &2 94786*&1 4368 83;&6)7 8-* !"! &2) *&(- 3+ 8-*7* 43687 79443687 )&8& 86&271.77.32 .2 '38- ).6*(8.327 7.1908&2*3970= "-* '.8 786*&17 8-&8 .28*6(322*(8 8-* 7 &6* )*+.2*) &(> (36).2, 83 8-* ,*2*6.( 13)*0 00 .28*62&0 '.8 786*&17 &6* '.2&6= "" 03,.( 7.,2&07 &2) &6* *<40.(.80= (03(/*) &2) *<> 40.(.80= +6&1*) "-* (03(/ .28*6+&(* 43687 .2(09)* data valid &2) ready 7.,2&07 83 7944368 1908.40*<*) '.8 786*&17 $* 97* personality modules 83 .140*1*28 *&(- .28*6+&(* (0&77 "-*6* &6* (966*280= 4*6732&0.8= 13)90*7 &:&.0&'0* +36 "" ! !>'97 &2) ! #>'97 *0*(86.(&0 +361&87 7 & ;-30* 8-* 4*6732&0.8= 13)90* 7*6:*7 &7 & '.8 463(*7736 &2) .7 6*74327.'0* +36 (32:*68.2, 8-* *<8*62&0 7*6.&0 '.8 786*&1 .283 & +361&8 (314&8.'0* ;.8- 8-* .28*62&0 !" 7*6.&0 '.8 786*&1 )*+.2.8.32 "-* 7*6.&0 8*78 7*59*2(*6 !"! .7 8-* +.2&0 '.8 463(*7736 .2 8-* (-&.2 7 79(- .8 ;.00 3+8*2 '* &2 .2+361&8.32 7396(* 36 2K 8-Bit RAM Downstream Receive Port Downstream Transmit Port Upstream Receive Port XILINX XC3042 Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Upstream Transmit Port 2K 8-Bit RAM † The XC3000 series of parts is structured as an array of D-type flip-flops fed by Boolean function generators. This structure makes them well-suited for state machine and random logic designs, but unsuitable for applications requiring a lot of storage elements. *'69&6= *;0*88>&(/&6) 3962&0 *(32+.,96&'0* '.8 463(*7736 &6(-.8*(896* Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 8.30 *(&11 9-&9 84:7(*8 &3) 8.308 &7* <-*7* .3+472&9.43 .8 ,*3*7&9*) 47 &3&1>?*) '> & (422:3.(&9.43 8>89*2 3 4:7 (&8* 84:7(*8 &3) 8.308 &7* 9-* 2*&38 '> <-.(- 9-* 9*89 574@ ,7&22*7 (422:3.(&9*8 <.9- 9-* #" .3 97&).9.43&1 " 9*728 9-* 8*6:*3(*7 47 9*89 5&99*73 ,*3*7&947 "-* !"! (433*(98 43 43* 8.)* 94 9-* .39*73&1 !" '.9 897*&2 +472&9 &8 )4 &11 4+ 4:7 '.9 574(*88478 "-* 9*89 574,7&22*7 (4397418 9-* 97&38+472&9.43 &1,47.9-2 4+ 9-* !"! 9-74:,- & -.,-@1*;*1 574,7&22.3, 1&3,:&,* (&11*) 9-* !*7.&1 "*89 &3@ ,:&,* !" "-* !"! .8 .251*2*39*) <.9- & 494741& ! ).,.9&1 8.,3&1 574(*8847 "-* 574(*8847 .8 <*11@ 8:.9*) 94 (425:9&9.43&11>@.39*38.;* 97&38+472&9.43 &1,47.9-28 &8 <*11 &8 ,*3*7&1@5:7548* '.9 897*&2 $-*3 9*89.3, & 2:19.51*=*) 47 -.*7&7(-.(&1 '.9 897*&2 9-* 9*89 *3,.3**7 <.11 9>5.(&11> (-448* 94 574(*88 )7.;* &3) 7*(*.;* )&9& +47 *&(- 14,.(&1 (-&33*1 .3)*5*3)*391> 4+ 9-* 49-*78 9 9-* 8&2* 9.2* <* -&;* 8**3 9-&9 .9 .8 4+9*3 &);&39&,*4:8 94 '* &'1* 94 574(*88 & '.9 897*&2 .3 & 8*7.*8 4+ 8*6:*39.&1 89*58 "-*7* .8 9-*3 & (43+1.(9 ,.;*3 & +.3.9* 3:2'*7 4+ '.9 574(*8@ 8478 '*9<**3 -&;.3, & 1&7,* 2:19.51*=.3, (&5&'.1.9> &3) -&;.3, & 1&7,* 3:2'*7 4+ 8*6:*39.&1 574(*88.3, 89&,*8 "-.8 .8 '*(&:8* 2:19.51*=*) '.9 897*&28 &7* '*89 &))7*88*) '> & <.)* 8-&114< &77&> 4+ '.9 574(*88478 ':9 2:19.89*5 574(*88@ .3, 4+ & '.9 897*&2 .8 '*89 &))7*88*) '> & 3&774<*7 )**5*7 &77&> 4+ '.9 574(*88478 :7 .39*7(433*(9 8(-*2* &3) 85*(.&1 7*84:7(* &88.,32*39 84+9<&7* 2.3.2.?* 9-.8 (43+1.(9 '> &114<.3, & <.)* ;&7.*9> 4+ 2:19.51*=.3, &3) 574(*88.3, &77&3,*2*398 8 8-4<3 .3 ., 9-*7* &7* 8*;*7&1 ).++*7*39 .39*7(433*(9 5&9-8 '*9<**3 9-* 8 &3) 9-* !"!8 ., 8-4<8 9-* 945414,> 4+ *&(- 5488.'1* .39*7(433*(9 (42'.3&9.43 :19.@ 51*=.3, .8 8:55479*) '> (.7(:.9<&7* 14&)*) .394 9<4 4+ 9-* 8 9-* 8 1&'*1*) &3) .3 ., "-* (-&33*1 851.99*78 &7* 1&'*1*) ! .3 ., *84:7(*8 (&3 &184 '* '4774<*) +742 &)/&(*39 574(*88.3, (-&33*18 84 &)).9.43&1 '7&3(-*8 (&3 '* &99&(-*) 94 & 5*7843&1.9> 24):1* "-* 8>89*2 84+9<&7* 2&3&,*8 9-.8 '4774<.3, 2.3.2.?.3, 9-* 949&1 7*84:7(*8 7*6:.7*) +47 & (:8942*78 9*89 + *;*3 <.)*7 2:19.51*=.3, .8 3**)*) 5*7843&1.9> 24):1*8 (&3 '* (433*(9*) 94,*9-*7 &9 9-* 8&2* 5->8.(&1 5479 4+ 9-* #" CS STS "-* 9*89 (&5&'.1.9.*8 4+ 9-* !" &7* +472.)&'1* ':9 9-*7* &7* 89.11 9*89 (&8*8 9-&9 <.11 7*6:.7* 85*(.&1 (&5&'.1.9.*8 47 81.,-91> ).++*7*39 +:3(9.43&1.9> !" 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'&8.( 7&9* .39*7+&(*8 &3) 2&3> 49-*7 8.2.1&7 &551.(&9.438 CS RBP STS CS RBP STS PM CS STS CS STS PM STS CS PM CS RBP CS = Channel Splitter PM = Personality Module RBP = Reconfigurable Bit Processor STS = Serial Test Sequencer Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 STS CS RBP RBP STS 74(*88.3, (-&33*1 (43+.,:7&9.438 *'7:&7> *<1*99@&(0&7) 4:73&1 .39*,7&9*) 3&9:7* 4+ 9-* )*8.,3 19-4:,- .9 .8 5488.'1* 94 574'* .39*73&1 34)*8 43 9-* '*3(- .9 .8 2:(- *&8.*7 94 574'* ):7.3, 8.2:1&9.43 &71> .3 9-* 574/*(9 <* &184 *=5*7.2*39*) <.9- '4&7)?1*;*1 8.2:1&9.43 !-* 57.2&7> 24):1* (439&.3.3, 9-* ! &3) +4:7 8 <&8 8.2:1&9*) &8 & <-41* !-*8* 8.2:1&9.438 <*7* 24891> .39*3)*) 94 ;*7.+> 9-* (.7(:.97> 8:774:3).3, 9-* &3) 94 ;*7.+> 9-* .39*7(433*(9 8(-*2* $* )*(.)*) 349 94 8.2:1&9* 9-* *39.7* ! 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(.7(:.9 9*89 )*;*1452*39 574(*88 .3;41;*8 )*8(7.'.3, 9-* (42543*398 &3) (433*(9.438 94 9-* 8>89*2 "8.3, 9-.8 .3+47? 2&9.43 9-* 8>89*2 ,*3*7&9*8 9-* .3+472&9.43 7*6:.7*) 94 ':.1) & 2*(-&3.(&1 .39*7+&(* '*9<**3 9-* "! &3) 9-* 8>8? 9*2 !-.8 .3+472&9.43 .8 &184 :8*) 94 ,*3*7&9* .3).;.):&1 9*898 +47 *&(- (42543*39 !-* +:3(9.43&1 9*89 574(*88 .8 8.2.1&7 31> 9-* *),* (433*(? 947 3**) '* )*8(7.'*) .389*&) 4+ &11 9-* (42543*398 !-* :8*7 9-*3 (7*&9*8 7*84:7(* 1.'7&7.*8 )*8(7.'.3, 9-* (433*(9.43 4+ 7*84:7(*8 94 9-* "! *),* (433*(947 !-* 8>8? 9*2 :8*8 9-* 1.'7&7.*8 &3) *),* (433*(947 )*8(7.59.43 94 ,*3*7&9* 9-* 2*(-&3.(&1 .39*7+&(* )*8(7.59.43 !-* -.,-*89?1*;*1 :8*7 .39*7+&(* 43 9-* 8>89*2 :8*8 9-* #" *3;.7432*39 7:33.3, 43 9-* ?"% 45*7&9.3, 8>89*2 5*(.+.( 5479.438 4+ 9-* 9*89 -&7)<&7* &7* (4397411*) '> 9*=9:&1 1&3,:&,*8 !-*8* 1&3,:&,*8 &7* 8.2.1&7 .3 897:(9:7* &3) 8>39&= (43;*39.438 &3) <*7* )*8.,3*) +47 9-* 85*(.+.( 5:7548* 4+ 9*89.3, "!8 ;*7&11 9*89 8*6:*3(.3, .8 (4397411*) 9-74:,- & 9*=9:&1 .39*7+&(* 7:33.3, &3 .39*757*9.;* *).947 +47 9-* 4&7) !*89 !? 574,7&22.3, 1&3,:&,* !-* 89&3)&7) ).,.9&1 8*6:*3(*7 .8 (4397411*) '> :8.3, 9-* #*(947 439741 &3,:&,* # !-.8 8*6:*3(*7 574;.)*8 5&7&11*1 ).,.9&1 (&5&'.1.9> !-* &3&14, 84:7(*8 &3) )*9*(9478 &3) *=9*73&1 .3897:2*39&9.43 &((*88 &7* (4397411*) :8.3, 9-* 3&14, !*89 &3,:&,* ! 49- 1&3,:&,*8 (&3 '* :8*) 94,*9-*7 94 9*89 & 5&79.(:1&7 "! ,7&5-.(&1 49.+% †† The choice of a factor of ten as a goal was somewhat arbitrary because the actual throughput improvement depends on the number of DUT channels. An eight-channel DUT might be tested only eight times faster, whereas a sixteen-channel DUT might be tested sixteen times faster. ††† In-circuit testing refers to methods for testing the various components of a DUT separately while they are in place on the board. This form of testing is based on the assumption that testing all components and connections between components ensures that the DUT as a whole has been properly tested. This form of testing produces excellent fault diagnosis to the failing component for repair. Functional testing refers to methods for testing a DUT by † This part of the design consisted mostly of discrete logic gates and flip-flops, so it was quite emulating the system environment into which it will later be integrated. Many DUTs have an similar in character to the RBP circuitware designs. Experience has shown that these types of edge connector interface, so this is also commonly called edge connector functional testing. designs are more prone to design defects than higher-level, “cookbook” designs. *'7:&7> *<1*99?&(0&7) 4:73&1 Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 serial;Count1,R1_frames Board Test BASIC (BT-BASIC) serial clock IOM_clock is 2048 events events every 61.03515625n internal connect clk1 to ”DCL” connect clk2 to ”2048” at event 0 set clk1 to ”1100” at event 0 set clk2 to ”11110000” end serial clock Test Statement Mixed Test Analog Test Language (ATL) Vector Control Language (VCL) Serial Test Language (STL) 758&785( 2) 7(67,1* /$1*8$*(6 (19,5210(17 68332576 '(9(/230(17 2) # $1' ! 7(676 ,* ,//8675$7(6 7+,6 62)7:$5( 6758&785( // 7(;78$/ 6285&(6 $5( &203,/(' %()25( (;(&87,21 !+( 7(67 ,6 7+(1 (;(&87(' )520 7+( !> (19,5210(17 %< 86( 2) 7+( test 67$7(0(17 !> ,6 $/62 86(' 72 &21752/ 7(67 5(6285&(6 /,.( 32:(5 6833/,(6 7(67 6<67(0 23(5$725 ,17(5)$&(6 7(67 5(68/76 &$3785( $1' 62 21 • • • • • • • • • ! 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352*5$0 6,03/,),(6 3$56,1* $1' '5$0$7,&$//< ,03529(6 (5525 ',$*1267,& 0(66$*(6 !+( 29(5$// 6758&785( )25 $ 6(5,$/ 7(67 ,6 ,//8675$7(' ,1 7+( (;$03/( 6+2:1 ,1 ,* !+( 6(5,$/ 67$7(0(17 serial;Count1,R1_frames ,6 86(' 72 '(),1( 9$5,$%/(6 3$66(' 72 25 )520 7+( 7(67 (;(&87,21 (19,5210(17 !> !+,6 $//2:6 )/(;,%,/,7< ,1 &+$1*,1* 7(67 (;(&87,21 3$5$0(7(56 :,7+287 1((',1* 72 5(&203,/( 25 ,167$1&( 7+( 86(5 &$1 3$66 ,1 7+( 180%(5 2) 6(&21'6 $ %,7 (5525 5$7( 7(67 ,6 72 %( (;(&87(' !+( 237,21$/ 6(5,$/ &/2&. %/2&. serial clock IOM_clock … 352> *5$06 7+( ! &/2&. 6285&(6 72 287387 63(&,),& &/2&. 6,*1$/ 3$77(516 $&+ &/2&. 6(&7,21 &21752/6 7+( )285 6<1&+521286 &/2&. 5(6285&(6 )281' 21 21( ! !+(6( &/2&. *(1(5$7256 &$1 %( 6<1&+521,=(' 72 $1 ,17(51$/ 25 $1 (;7(51$/ &/2&. 6285&( !+( &/2&. 6,*1$/6 &$1 +$9( 9$5,$%/( /(1*7+6 5$1*,1* )520 72 3$77(51 &+$1*(6 &$//(' (9(176 !+( /$5*( 180%(5 2) (9(176 3529,'(6 $ 9(5< )/(;,%/( )250$7 )25 '(),1,1* (%58$5< (:/(77>$&.$5' 2851$/ (97831 (03(/ &2) +6&1* 7=2( 7.,2&07 #-* ;.)8- 3+ *&(*:*28 .7 )*+.2*) .2 2&237*(32)7 36 1.(637*(32)7 #-* transmit frame length &2) receive frame length 78&8*1*287 &6* 97*) 83 (&4896* 8-.7 .2+361&8.32 #-.7 1&= '* 92/23;2 ;-.(- .7 &003;*) &7 & /*=;36) 36 & 291'*6 '*8;**2 &2) #-.7 .2+361&8.32 .7 97*) '= 8-* (-&22*0 740.88*6 (.6(9.8;&6* &7 .8 .27*687 36 *<86&(87 '.87 +631 8-* 786*&1 #-* 786*&1 '03(/ stream IOM2_Master type “synchronous” .7 97*) 83 )*+.2* 8-* 4-=7.(&0 (-&6&(8*6.78.(7 3+ 8-* 7*6.&0 '.8 786*&1 &2) 46383(30 83 8-* (366*7432).2, 4*6732&0.8= 13)90* #-*6* &6* 8-6** 4*6732&0.8= 13)90* 8=4*7 ## " "$" &2) " $$" #-* " 4*6732&0.8= 13)90*7 &6* 97*) 74*(.+.(&00= +36 (322*(8.32 83 " .28*6+&(*7 #-* ## 4*6732&0.8= 13)? 90* .7 & +0*<.'0* (300*(8.32 3+ 463,6&11&'0* ##?:308&,* 0*:*0 )6.:*67 &2) 6*(*.:*67 97*) 83 .28*6+&(* 83 ,*2*6.( ##? 0*:*0 7*6.&0 '.8 786*&17 #-* 786*&1 8=4* )*8*61.2*7 8-* 4*6? 732&0.8= 13)90*7 13)* 3+ 34*6&8.32 2 8-* &'3:* (31? 1&2) 8-* /*=;36) “synchronous” 463,6&17 8-* 4*6732&0.8= 13)90* '.8 463(*7736 83 *<4*(8 &2 *<40.(.80= (03(/*) '.8 786*&1 #-.7 8=4* 3+ 7*6.&0 '.8 786*&1 6*59.6*7 & ## 4*6732? &0.8= 13)90* 2 *6636 ;390) '* 7.,2&0*) .+ 8-.7 /*=;36) ;*6* 97*) &2) & ## 4*6732&0.8= 13)90* ).)28 *<.78 #-* *0*(86.(&0 0*:*07 3+ 8-* 4*6732&0.8= 13)90*7 &6* +.<*) '98 8-* 786*&1 46383(307 &6* 463,6&11&'0* #-* *<&140* .2 ., .7 &2 *<40.(.80= (03(/*) &2) .140.(.80= +6&1*) '.8 786*&1 #-*6*? +36* 8-* ## 4*6732&0.8= 13)90* 97*7 8;3 7.,2&0 0.2*7 83 6*(*.:* )&8& rx_data &2) rx_clock #-* *<40.(.8 +6&1.2, 7.,2&0 0.2* rx_frame_sync .728 6*59.6*) '= 8-* '.8 463(*7736 '*(&97* 8-* +361&8 -&7 8-* +6&1.2, .2+361&8.32 *1'*))*) .2 8-* &(89&0 )&8& 86&271.88*) .++*6*28 ## 13)*7 &6* 97*) 83 6*463,6&1 8-* '.8 463(*7736 83 *190&8* & :&6.*8= 3+ 7*6.&0 46383(307 6&2,.2, +631 7=2(-632397 # .28*6+&(*7 83 &7=2(-632397 .28*6+&(*7 0./* !"? #-.7 0*&)7 97 83 8-* 2*<8 '03(/ 7869(896* 8-* &(- 786*&1 (&2 -&:* '*8;**2 32* &2) +396 79'786*&17 #-* 79'786*&17 &6* )*+.2*) &7 & '03(/ 7869(896* ;.8-.2 *&(786*&1 '03(/ #-* 79'786*&1 463,6&17 8-* (-&22*0 740.88*6 83 8&6,*8 74*(.+.( '.87 ;.8-.2 8-* +6&1* &(- 79'786*&1 (&2 6*(*.:* &2) 86&271.8 '.87 +631 ;.8-.2 *&(- 786*&1 +6&1* #-* '.87 8&6,*8*) '= 8-* (-&22*0 740.88*6 &6* 8-*6*+36* *.8-*6 *<? 86&(8*) 36 .27*68*) .283 8-* 786*&1 +6&1* &(- 79'786*&1 -&7 &2 &773(.&8*) 7*6.&0 8*78 7*59*2(*6 (&00*) & 773(.? &8*) 79'786*&17 &2) 463(*77*7 -&:* 8-* 7&1* 2&1* #-* 79'786*&1 )*+.2*7 ;-.(- '.87 3+ 8-* +6&1* &6* 4&77*) 83 36 6*(*.:*) +631 8-* 463(*77 #-* 463(*77 (328&.27 8-* &(89&0 463,6&1 97*) 83 (328630 8-* '.8 :&09*7 + 8-* 786*&1 +6&1* 0*2,8- .7 /23;2 8-*2 *&(- 79'786*&1 .7 )*+.2*) &7 & 4368.32 36 &00 3+ 8-* 786*&1 +6&1* &68.(90&6 '.87 .2 8-* 786*&1 +6&1* &6* *291*6&8*) +631 83 8-* +6&1* 0*2,8- #-* 97*6 8&,7 (*68&.2 786*&1 '.87 +36 8-* 79'786*&1 83 86&271.8 36 6*(*.:* '= 97* 3+ 8-* 86&271.8 36 6*(*.:* '.87 78&8*1*287 transmit bits all transmit bits 1 to 8 receive bits all 908.40* 86&271.8 36 6*(*.:* '.87 78&8*1*287 &((9190&8* 8&,,*) '.87 00 8-*7* '.87 &6* (32(&8*2&8*) '= 8-* "# -&6);&6* .2 36)*6 '.8 83 '.8 2 &2) 86*&8*) &7 & +6&1* '= 8-* 463(*77 &773(.&8*) ;.8- 8-&8 79'786*&1 #-* 13)* 3+ 8-* " 4*6732&0.8= 13)90*7 (&2 '* (-&2,*) &7 ;*00 36 *<&140* 8-* " "?'97 13)90* (&2 7.190&8* 8*61.2&0 *59.41*28 36 & 2*8;36/ 8*61.2&836 #-* &9831&8.( " 7=2(-632.>&8.32 7*59*2(*7 &6* ).++*6*28 )*4*2).2, 32 8-* " 13)* 7*0*(8*) #-* 13)* 8=4* 6*463,6&17 8-* 4*6732&0.8= 13)90*7 (.6(9.8;&6* 83 (32+361 83 ).++*6*28 786*&1 6*59.6*1*287 + 8-* 786*&1 +6&1* 0*2,8- .7 92/23;2 '*(&97* .8 1978 '* 6*(3:*6*) +631 8-* '.8 786*&1 &7 .7 8-* (&7* 7-3;2 .2 ., 8-*2 8-* 463,6&11*6 1978 )*+.2* & 6*(32+.,96&'0* '.8 463? 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(*77 process RX_All;Count1,R1_frames &(- 463(*77 6*46*7*287 &2 .2)*4*2)*28 463,6&1 8-&8 .7 *<*(98*) (32(966*280= ;.8- &00 38-*6 463(*77*7 )*+.2*) .2 & 4&68.(90&6 7*6.&0 7396(* 463,6&1 %&6.&'0*7 4&77*) .283 8-* 7*6.&0 8*78 &6* 79'7*59*280= 4&77*) 83 .2).:.)9&0 463(*77*7 #-* "# 463(*77 78&8*1*287 ;*6* 13)*0*) &+8*6 #?" #-*6*+36* 8-* 78&8*1*287 &2) 7869(896*7 &003;*) .2 "# 463(*77*7 .2(09)* +?8-*2 (32).8.32&07 3,.(&0 34*6&8367 77.,21*28 334*<.8 .+*2) 0334 (327869(8 Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 • • • • 6#3065*/&4 8*5) %"5" 4$01*/( $0/530- *5 &3303 3"5& 5&45 '6/$5*0/4 6.&3*$ '6/$5*0/4 $$&44 50 453&". "/% '*-5&3 '&"563&4 5)306() $0/530- "/% 45"564 '6/$5*0/4 *54 50 #& 53"/4.*55&% 03 3&$&*7&% "3& '03."55&% "4 " %"5" 5:1& $"--&% " 3".& %"5" $"/ #& 4503&% */ " 7"3*"#-& A$ 03 "4 " $0/45"/5 46$) "4 10001 "$) '3".& 7"3*"#-& *4 4*.1-: " -*/&"3 "33": 0' 1"$,&% #*54 30. 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"/: 05)&3 130$&44 5 "-40 "--084 .6-5*1-& 130$&44&4 50 3&< $&*7& 5)& 4".& 53*((&3 &/ %*''&3&/5 53*((&34 $"/ #& 4&/5 50 "/: 05)&3 130$&44 %&'*/&% */ 5)& 4&3*"- 4063$& / "%%*5*0/ 50 */5&3130$&44 53*((&3*/( 5)& 4:45&. 46110354 53*((&3*/( 50 "/% '30. 5)& 1"3"--&- %*(*5"- 4&26&/$&3 03 &9".1-& *( 4)084 580 130$&44&4 "/% 4&/%*/( "/% 3&$&*7*/( 53*((&34 )*4 4*.1-& 53*((&3 4$)&.& "--084 " 8*%& 7"3*&5: 0' 4&26&/$& $0/530- ".0/( $0/$633&/5-: &9&$65*/( 130$&44&4 "/% 5)& %*(*5"- 4&26&/$&3 -- 45"5&.&/54 */ 5)& 130$&44 4&$5*0/ "3& 015*.*;&% '03 41&&% &45*/( "/% 64& )"7& 4)08/ 5)"5 $"/ 1&3'03. " '"*3-: $0.1-&9 4&5 0' 01&3"5*0/4 */ 4† 50 " '&8 .*--*4&$0/%4 Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Process A Process B Trigger from B.5 Wait for Trigger Initiate Trigger 5 Initiate Trigger 4 Trigger from Digital.2 End Process Trigger from A.4 Loop Receive A$ Exit if Triggered End Loop End Process HP 3070 Digital Sequencer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Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 )&69%6= );0)88?%'/%6( 3962%0 $.+ 542= 659+49/'2 */8'*;'49'-+ 5, 9.+ '7)./9+)9:7+ /8 ' 82/-.9 /4)7+'8+ /4 9.+ )'6/9'2 )589 5, 9.+ 9+89 8=89+3 $.+ 7+2'9/;+ <+/-.9 5, 9.+ '*;'49'-+8 '4* */8'*;'49'-+8 /8 *+9+73/4+* (= 9.+ 9=6+ 5, %$ (+/4- 9+89+* '4* 9.+ 9=6+ 5, 9+89 (+/47:4 54 9.'9 %$ &.+4 9+89/4- (5'7*8 </9. 3:29/62+ /*+49/? )'2 ).'44+28 +86+)/'22= <.+4 9.+ (5'7* 9+898 /4)2:*+ 254)54,573'4)+ 9+898 2/1+ " 9.+ 4 /4)7+'8+ /4 9.75:-.6:9 54+ )'4 ')./+;+ :8/4- 4 #$ ).'44+28 +'8/2= 5,,8+98 9.+ 82/-.9 67/)+ 67+3/:3 5, 9.+ .'7*<'7+ 5'7* 9+898 9.'9 *5 459 /4)2:*+ 254- )54,573'4)+ 9+898 '4* 9.'9 /4;52;+ 8/-4/,/? )'49 5;+7.+'* (+)':8+ 5, .'4*2/4- 57 .+';= /4?)/7):/9 9+89/4</22 459 8++ 8:). 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'88+3(2+7 75:9/4+8 #:4/9 .'22' ,57 <7/9/4- 9.+ .'7*<'7+ )54,/73'9/54 '4* */'-4589/)8 9+89 75:? 9/4+8 &/2854 #6+4)+ ,57 ./8 '2<'=8 +49.:8/'89/) 8:--+89/548 '4* ,++*(')1 '4* :22+4 '74+22 '4* =44 #).3/*9 ,57 9.+/7 3'4'-+3+49 2+'*+78./6 +(7:'7= +<2+99?!')1'7* 5:74'2 " ):2/,,+ >!7')9/)'2 !75*:)9/54 $+89/4- 5, # /7):/9 5'7*8 Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference, 66 ? $ +'2= Automatic Testing and Evaluation of Digital Integrated Circuits "+8954 !:(2/8./4- 536'4= 4) $$ >49+-7'9+* #+7;/)+8 /-/9'2 +9<571 # ;+7'22 +9<571 86+)98 '4* :4)9/548 # %8+7?+9<571 49+7,')+8 CCITT Blue Book, Recommendations I.310ĆI.470, Volume III, Fascicle III.8 & #9'22/4-8 ISDN and Broadband ISDN Second Edition ')3/22'4 !:(2/8./4- 536'4= # #954+ Microcomputer Interfacing, **/854?&+82+= !:(2/8./4536'4= 4) .57','8 The Handbook of Data Communication and Computer Networks, !+975)+22/ 5518 4) " ):2/,,+ >5'7* $+89/4- 5*+74 %$8 #52;/4- 9.+ # $+89 .'22+4-+ HewlettĆPackard internal communication HP-UX is based on and is compatible with Novell’s UNIX operating system. It also complies with X/Open’s* XPG4, POSIX 1003.1, 1003.2, FIPS 151-1, and SVID2 interface specifications. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited in the UK and other countries. Motif is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation in the U.S.A. and other countries. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995