! ! $& !#!'# # %!" " #"#& " Methods for enhancing the dynamic range of the intensity noise technique for high-frequency photoreceiver calibration are proposed and experimentally demonstrated. These methods combine recently developed EDFA* technology with spectral filtering techniques. The intensity noise calibration technique is portable, easy to use, and field deployable. & $" & & ! ""30 2$ "' 0 "2$0(8 2(-, -% 2'$ %0$/3$,"7 0$1.-,1$ -% , -.2(" * 0$"$(4$0 (1 (+.-02 ,2 2- $,130$ 2' 2 2'$ 0$"$(4$0 (1 "-+. 2(!*$ 5(2' 2'$ # 2 20 ,1+(11(-, 0 2$ 300$,2*7 ,3+9 !$0 -% 2$"',(/3$1 $6(12 2- "' 0 "2$0(8$ 2'$ %0$/3$,"7 0$9 1.-,1$ -% -.2(" * 0$"$(4$01 ,$ +$2'-# (1 2- "-+.32$ 2'$ -30($0 20 ,1%-0+ %0-+ 2'$ 2(+$9#-+ (, (+.3*1$ 0$1.-,1$ 0$/3$,"7 #-+ (, 2$"',(/3$1 13"' 1 2' 2 31$# (, 2'$ *(&'25 4$ "-+.-,$,2 , *78$0 $+.*-7 %0$/3$,"79 15$.2 1(,31-(# * +-#3* 2(-, -% 2'$ -.2(" * (,2$,1(27 31(,& '(&'9%0$/3$,"7 (! +-#3* 2-0 '(1 **-51 "-++$0"( **7 4 (* !*$ 0$1.-,1$ +$ 130$+$,21 %0-+ 8 2- 8 '$ -.2(" * '$2$0-#7,$ 2$"',(/3$ 31(,& 25- #9 * 1$01 ' 1 #$+-,120 2$# " . !(*(27 %0-+ 8 2- 8 2 5 4$*$,&2' -% + '$1$ 2$"',(/3$1 ** (,4-*4$ 1.$9 "(%(" 20 #$9-%%1 +-,& %0$/3$,"7 "-4$0 &$ $6.$0(+$,2 * "-+.*$6(27 ,# 1$,1(2(4(27 ,# ,-,$ 0$ "-+.*$2$*7 1 2(1% "9 2-07 2 (1 #$1(0 !*$ 2- ' 4$ 2'$ " . !(*(27 2- +$ 130$ 2'$ !0- #! ,# %0$/3$,"7 0$1.-,1$ 5(2' 1(+.*$ 03&&$# -.2(" * (,1203+$,2 '$ (,2$,1(27 ,-(1$ 2$"',(/3$ -%%$01 2'$ .-11(!(*(27 -% +$ 9 130(,& %0$/3$,"7 0$1.-,1$ "' 0 "2$0(12("1 -% .'-2-0$"$(4$01 "0-11 2'$ $,2(0$ %0$/3$,"7 1. , -% +-#$0, $*$"20(" * 1.$"9 203+ , *78$01 %-0 $6 +.*$ )8 2- 8 %-0 2'$ '(1 (,2$,1(27 ,-(1$ +$2'-# 5 1 %(012 #$+-,120 2$# 31(,& 1$+("-,#3"2-0 -.2(" * +.*(%($0 1 1-30"$ '(1 2$"',(/3$ (1 -% . 02("3* 0 (,2$0$12 !$" 31$ 2'$ ,-(1$ $6(121 2 ** %0$/3$,"($1 1(+3*2 ,$-31*7 .$0+(22(,& 4$07 0 .(# -.2(" * 0$"$(4$0 "' 0 "2$0(8 2(-, ##(2(-, **7 , 3,.-* 0(8$# 1'-029 "-'$0$,"$9*$,&2' -.2(" * 1-30"$ (1 31$# '(1 (1 #4 ,2 &$-31 $!03 07 $5*$229 ") 0# -30, * !$" 31$ (2 + )$1 2'$ +$ 130$+$,21 (++3,$ 2- .-* 0(8 2(-, #0(%21 ,# 2(+$94 07(,& (,2$0%$0$,"$ $%%$"21 %0-+ +3*2(.*$ -.2(" * 0$%*$"2(-,1 2'$0$!7 **-5(,& 12 !*$ 0$.$ 2 !*$ +$ 130$+$,21 #"#& " $" ,2$,1(27 ,-(1$ 2$"',(/3$1 2 )$ #4 ,2 &$ -% 2'$ !$ 2(,& !$25$$, 4 0(-31 -.2(" * 1.$"20 * "-+.-,$,21 -% !0- #9 ! ,#5(#2' 1.-,2 ,$-31 $+(11(-, 1-30"$ ,7 25- 1.$"20 * *(,$1 5(** !$ 2 -0 +(6 2- "0$ 2$ , (,2$,1(27 %*3"23 2(-, 5(2' %0$/3$,"7 $/3 * 2- 2'$ %0$/3$,"7 #(%%$0$,"$ !$25$$, 2'$ 25- *(,$1 '(1 "-,"$.2 (1 (**3120 2$# (, (& (,"$ 2'$ -.2(9 " * ! ,#5(#2' -% 1.-,2 ,$-31 $+(11(-, 1-30"$1 " , $ 1(*7 $6"$$# 2'-31 ,#1 -% &(& '$028 2'$ (,2$,1(27 !$ 2 ,-(1$ 5(** ' 4$ 1(+(* 0 %0$/3$,"7 "-,2$,2 '$ %*3"23 2(-,1 (, -.2(" * (,2$,1(27 0$ 0$%$00$# 2- 1 1.-,2 ,$-3191.-,2 ,$-31 -0 1.91. !$ 2 ,-(1$ '$0$ 0$ + ,7 1-30"$1 -% !0- #9! ,#5(#2' 1.-,2 ,$-31 $+(11(-, -2 130% "$1 13"' 1 23,&12$, *(&'2 !3*!1 " , .0-4(#$ -.2(" * 0 #( 2(-, 0 ,&(,& %0-+ 2'$ 4(1(!*$ 2- 2'$ % 0 (,%0 0$# $+("-,#3"2-0 1-30"$1 13"' 1 $#&$ $+(22(,& *(&'29 $+(22(,& #(-#$1 1 .0-4(#$ (,"0$ 1$# .-5$0 #$,1(2($1 -4$0 5 4$*$,&2' 0 ,&$ -% !-32 ,+ 2(** '(&'$0 .-5$0 #$,1(2($1 " , !$ -!2 (,$# %0-+ 1-*(#912 2$ 1-30"$1 * Erbium-doped fiber amplifier. SP-SP Beat Noise Power Spectral Density SE () .2(" * 2$"',-*-&7 5(** .* 7 , (+.-02 ,2 0-*$ (, !3(*#(,& 2'$ "-+(,& (,%-0+ 2(-, 13.$0'(&'5 7 2'0-3&' (21 " . "(27 2.0-4(#$ '(&' (,%-0+ 2(-, 2'0-3&'.32 ,# *-59*-11 20 ,1+(19 1(-, 1(+3*2 ,$-31*7 .2(" * 1-30"$1 13"' 1 1$+("-,#3"2-0 * 1$01 .0-4(#$ , -.2(" * " 00($0 5'-1$ (,2$,1(27 (1 +-#3* 2$# 5(2' (,%-0+ 2(-, 2- !$ 1$,2 -4$0 %(!$09-.2(" " !*$ -0 '(&'9 # 2 90 2$ "-++3,(" 2(-,1 * 1$01 27.(" **7 -.$0 2$ ,$ 0 2'$ 9+ -0 9+ *-59*-11 5 4$*$,&2'1 (, -.2(" * %(!$0 .2(9 " * 0$"$(4$01 "-,4$02 2'$ (,%-0+ 2(-, +-#3* 2$# -,2- 2'$ -.2(" * " 00($0 2- ! 1$! ,# $*$"20(" * 1(&, *1 1 #$+ ,#1 0$ + #$ %-0 +-0$ (,%-0+ 2(-, 2'0-3&'.32 2'$ ! ,#5(#2'1 -% -.2(" * 0$"$(4$01 0$ (,"0$ 1$# "-++$,130 2$*7 Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) 4000 GHz o Frequency .-,2 ,$-3191.-,2 ,$-31 1.91. !$ 2 ,-(1$ 0(1(,& %0-+ +(6(,& -% 2'$ 4 0(-31 1.$"20 * "-+.-,$,21 %0-+ 2'$0+ *9*()$ -.2(" * ,-(1$ 1-30"$ Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 SE (n) ASE SI (f) Si (f) [ȧR(f)ȧ2SI (f) Bo '+!# -&,1,"',"# !2//#+1 '0 -/,-,/1',+) 1, ,-1'!) '+1#+0'16 +" +,1 #)#!1/'! $'#)" *,/# /#)#3+1 .2+1'16 1, !,+0'"#/ '0 1&# -,4#/ 0-#!1/) "#+0'16 ,$ 1&# ,-1'!) '+1#+0'16 $ 4&'!& '0 0!)#" 1, &3# 2+'10 ,$ 4110 7 &'0 .2+1'16 '0 /#)1#" 1, 1&# ,-1'!) $'#)" 0-#!1/2* 6 1&# /#)1'3#)6 0'*-)# #5-/#00',+ SE(n) (W/Hz) Power Spectral Density (a) [ Po Bo Bo no Frequency n (b) S I (f) (W 2/Hz) Power Spectral Density 2 Po d (f) P o2 [ Bo SE(n)SE(n) 0 Bo Frequency f (c) &# '+1#+0'16 +,'0# 1#!&+'.2# $,/ ,-1'!) /#!#'3#/ !)' /8 1',+ &# ,-1'!) $'#)" 0-#!1/2* 0 *#02/#" ,+ + ,-1'!) 0-#!8 1/2* +)67#/ ! &# ,-1'!) '+1#+0'16 0-#!1/2* 4&'!& '0 -/,-,/8 1',+) 1, 1&# -&,1,!2//#+1 0-#!1/2* 0 *#02/#" ,+ + #)#!1/'!) 0-#!1/2* +)67#/ 02!& 0 $' #/8,-1'! *-)'$'#/0 0## -%# &# ')'16 1, !,2-)# 1&#0# 0,2/!#0 ,$ /," +" )'%&1 #$$'!'#+1)6 '+1, 0'+%)#8*,"# ,-1'!) $' #/ '0 )0, '*-,/1+1 ,2-)#" -,4#/ "#+0'1'#0 !+ /+%# $/,* ,21 -+* $,/ )'%&1 2) 1, %/#1#/ 1&+ *+* $,/ *-)'$'#" 0-,+1+#,20 #*'08 0',+ $/,* $' #/8,-1'! *-)'$'#/ &# &'%& -,4#/ "#+8 0'1'#0 $/,* $' #/8,-1'! *-)'$'#/0 /# -/1'!2)/)6 4#))802'1#" $,/ '+1#+0'16 +,'0# %#+#/1',+ '% '))201/1#0 &,4 1&# 01/#+%1& +" )'+# 0&-# ,$ 1&# ,-1'!) 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This parameter can be thought of as the fractional intensity noise associated with an optical source. The definition for RIN in terms of the optical intensity spectrum is: RIN(f) = SI(f)/ P 2o. –100 1 nm RIN (dB/Hz) (3) Thus RIN is the spectral density of the optical intensity at a given frequency divided by its integrated value at zero freĆ quency. An equivalent definition equates RIN to the variance of the optical intensity hDI2(f)i in a oneĆhertz bandwidth divided by the average intensity squared. Since the optical bandwidth Bo is usually much larger than the electrical detection bandwidth, the RIN from an ASE source is usually considered to be constant, equal to its lowĆfrequency value. From Fig. 2c, it can be seen that this value is approximately given by: RIN ] 1/Bo. Bo = 0.5 nm –110 2 nm 5 nm –120 –130 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (GHz) (4) Relative intensity noise (RIN) for a GaussianĆshaped optical field power spectrum centered at 1.55 mm. This result is valid for unpolarized light with thermalĆlike noise statistics. A more accurate value for equation 4 reĆ quires knowledge of the line shape of the ASE spectrum. Normally, for a given source, one would increase the average optical power incident onto a photoreceiver to increase the photocurrent beat noise and hence the measurement sensiĆ tivity. With the development of EDFAs (erbiumĆdoped fiber amplifiers), the average optical powers attainable will easily saturate highĆfrequency photoreceivers. This means increasĆ ing optical power is no longer an issue, and for a given optiĆ cal receiver, a power just below its saturation level should be used for calibration purposes. Since incident optical power can now be considered a constant, depending on the detecĆ tor saturation level, the concept of RIN becomes useful beĆ cause increasing its value increases the SNR of the intensity noise technique. According to equation 4, this means that decreasing the spectral width Bo of the ASE source will imĆ prove the SNR for detector calibration. The only limitation is that eventually there will be a rollĆoff in the highĆfrequency content of the beat noise. different optical bandwidths. The plotted curves correspond to the case of an unpolarized ASE source with a Gaussian optical spectral shape. The highest RIN is achieved at the lowest frequencies with the narrowest optical bandwidth. At frequencies comparable to the optical spectral bandwidth, rollĆoff in the RIN becomes apparent. The RIN for the 5Ćnm spectral width is relatively constant to several hundred gigaĆ hertz. Expressions for RIN as a function of frequency are shown in Table I for the case of Lorentzian, Gaussian, and rectangular optical field spectrums. The Lorentzian shape corresponds closely to the spectrum of commonly used FabryĆ Perot optical filters. The Gaussian spectrum is sometimes used to describe the spectra of EELEDs or lasers operating below threshold. The rectangle function approximates some interference filters, gratingĆbased monochromators, and chirped fiber gratings. The normalized (to unity) optical field spectrum is also included in Table I for reference. The line width Bo in each case is the FWHM (full width at half maxiĆ mum) of the optical field spectrum. As the optical bandwidth is reduced, the maximum freĆ quency separation of beating components also decreases. In Fig. 3, the RIN is shown as a function of frequency for four Comparing the lowĆfrequency RIN values for each of the different spectral shapes, the rectangle spectrum delivers the most RIN (1/Bo), followed by the Gaussian (0.66/Bo), Table I Relationship between Unpolarized Optical Field Spectrum and RIN Optical Field Spectrum Shape Normalized SE() ǒn *B n Ǔ Rectangle* Gaussian o o NJ Lorentzian o o 1 1)4 = rectangle function. ǒn *B n Ǔ Nj 2 exp *(4ln2) * RIN(f) (fu0) ǒn*n Ǔ B o 2 1 Bo NJ ǒBf Ǔ o ǒ ǓNj 1 Ǹ2ln2 exp *(2ln2) f B o Ǹp Bo 1 1 Bo p 2 1 2 ǒ 1 ) fńB oǓ o = triangle function. February 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 (m !(# ! The fiber-optic amplifier is a key element in modern high-data-rate communications. Its large optical bandwidth, [4000 gigahertz, makes it effectively transparent to data rate and format changes, allowing system upgrades without modifications to the amplifier itself. The most prevalent fiber-optic amplifier is called the erbiumdoped fiber amplifier (EDFA). It provides amplification in the third telecommunications window centered at a wavelength of 1.55 m. The EDFA has four essential components, as shown in Fig. 1. These are the laser diode pump, the wavelength division multiplexer (WDM), the erbium-doped optical fiber, and the optical isolators. To achieve optical amplification, it is necessary to excite the erbium ions situated in the fiber core from their ground state to a higher-energy metastable state. A diagram of the relevant erbium ion energy states is shown in Fig. 2. The erbium ions are excited by coupling pump light ([20 mW or greater) through the WDM into the erbium-doped fiber. Commonly used pump wavelengths are 980 nm and 1480 nm. The ions absorb the pump light and are excited to their metastable state. Once the ions are in this state, they return to the ground state either by stimulated emission or, after about 10 ms, through spontaneous emission. Light to be amplified passes through the input isolator and WDM and arrives at the excited erbium ions distributed along the optical fiber core. Stimulated emission occurs, resulting in additional photons that are indistinguishable from the input photons. Thus, amplification is achieved. Optical isolators shield the amplifier from reflections that may cause lasing or the generation of excess amplified spontaneous emissions (ASE). Good EDFA design typically requires reduction of optical losses at the amplifier input and minimizing optical reflections within the amplifier. EDFAs with greater than 30-dB optical gain, more than 10-mW output power, and less than 5-dB noise figure are readily achieved in practice. 4S 3/2 670 nm 4F 820 nm 4I 9/2 980 nm 4I 11/2 1480 nm 9/2 4I 13/2 10 ms Metastable State 1550 nm Ground State 4I 15/2 Fig. 2. Relevant erbium ion energy levels. ASE is generated in optical amplifiers when excited ions spontaneously decay to the ground state. The spontaneously emitted photons, if guided by the optical fiber, will subsequently be amplified (by the excited ions) as they propagate along the fiber. This can result in substantial ASE powers (u10 mW) at the amplifier output. A typical spectrum of signal and ASE at the amplifier output is shown in Fig. 3. The ASE can extend over a broad spectral range, in this case in excess of 40 nm. Output Spectrum (5 dB/div) ErbiumDoped Fiber WDM Input Signal Amplified Output Fusion Splice Isolator Fig. 1. Schematic of an erbium-doped fiber amplifier showing essential optical components. The WDM is a wavelength division multiplexer. ".% .&84 #9 4)& /2&.4:*". / ' 4)& 3/52$& *3 0/,"2*:&% 4)& 7*,, #& 47*$& "3 ,"2(& '/2 ",, 4)2&& $"3&3 ' 4)& /04*$", 2&$&*6&2 2&30/.3& -&"352&-&.43 "2& 0&2'/2-&% *. 4)& ',"4 2&(*-& 3&& *( ./ 30&$*'*$ +./7,&%(& /' 4)& 3/52$& ,*.& 3)"0& *3 2&15*2&% /7&6&2 *' 4)& 30&$42", ,*.& 3)"0& '/2 4)& 3/52$& *3 "$$52"4&,9 $)"2"$4&2*:&% "%%*4*/.", -&"352&-&.4 3&.3*4*6*49 $". #& /#4"*.&% #9 53*.( ."22/7&2 /04*$", '*,4&23 ".% $/22&$4*.( '/2 4)& 2/,,;/'' *. 4)& 2&30/.3& %"4" &!# #"#' " $ " # %# $# / %&-/.342"4& 4)& '*,4&2&% *.4&.3*49 ./*3& 4&$).*15& -&"; 352&-&.43 7&2& 0&2'/2-&% "4 " 7"6&,&.(4) /' - /. " 2&$&*6&2 7*4) ;: &,&$42*$", #".%7*%4) )& -&"; 352&-&.4 3&450 *3 3)/7. *. *( )& -*22/2 "4 4)& &.% /' 4)& 2&35,43 *. 47/;0"33 (&.&2"4*/. )*3 %/5#,9 "-0,*'*&% *3 4)&. '*,4&2&% #9 ". /04*$", #".%0"33 '*,4&2 7*4) " ;.- 30&$42", 7*%4) ,, /04*$", $/..&$4*/.3 7&2& '53*/.;30,*$&% 4/ &,*-*."4& /04*$", 2&',&$4*/.3 )& 02&3&.$& Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Green 540 nm Amplified Signal Laser Diode Pump Isolator 2H 11/2 ASE 1520.00 1572.00 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 3. Spectrum of amplified spontaneous emissions (ASE) and amplified signal at the amplifier output. /' -5,4*0,& /04*$", 2&',&$4*/.3 $/5,% *-0"24 5.%&3*2"#,& *.; 4&.3*49 2*00,& /.4/ ". /4)&27*3& $/.34".4 30&$425- 7)*$) 7/5,% #& %*''*$5,4 4/ 3&0"2"4& '2/- 4)& 2&$&*6&2 '2&; 15&.$9 2&30/.3& )& #".%0"33 '*,4&2*.( 2&35,4&% *. "002/8*; -"4&,9 " ;% *-02/6&-&.4 *. . "6&2"(& /04*$", 0/7&2 /' 7"3 *.$*%&.4 /.4/ 4)& 2&$&*6&2 4)*3 7"3 #&,/7 *43 3"452"4*/. ,&6&, /' 3*.( " -/2& $/-0,*; $"4&% %5", %;! /04*$", )&4&2/%9.& 3934&- -&"352&; -&.43 "4 " 7"6&,&.(4) /' - 7&2& 0&2'/2-&% '/2 $/-; 0"2*3/. 7*4) 4)& *.4&.3*49 ./*3& 4&$).*15& )& *.4&.3*49 ./*3& 4&$).*15& 3)/73 &8$&,,&.4 "(2&&-&.4 7)&. $/-0"2&% 7*4) 4)& 34".%"2% )&4&2/%9.& -&4)/% "3 *.%*$"4&% *. *( !' #! #"#' " $ 3 %*3$533&% &"2,*&2 '/2 " '*8&% "6&2"(& /04*$", 0/7&2 4)& 30/.4".&/53;30/.4".&/53 #&"4 ./*3& *. 4)& 0)/4/$522&.4 30&$425- *.$2&"3&3 "3 4)& /04*$", #".%7*%4) / *3 2&%5$&% )*3 *.$2&"3& *. 3*(.", 342&.(4) *3 %&3*2"#,& #54 *' 4)& /04*$", #".%7*%4) *3 2&%5$&% 4// -5$) 4)& )*();'2&15&.$9 $/.4&.4 /' 4)& #&"4 ./*3& 7*,, 34"24 4/ 2/,, /'' -"+*.( *4 5.35*4"#,& &#25"29 &7,&44;"$+"2% /52.", Laser Diode Pump Erbium-doped Fiber SE(n) SI (f) Wavelength Division Multiplexer Mirror Isolator Bandpass Filter Bo = 1 nm Optical Receiver Si (f) HP 8565E Electrical Spectrum Analyzer 9 kHz to 50 GHz EDFA Experimental arrangement for frequency response measurement of a SONET photoreceiver using the bandpassĆfiltered intensity noise technique. for highĆfrequency detector calibration. In practice, this tradeĆoff between signal strength and frequency content beĆ comes a problem when trying to characterize highĆfrequency, lowĆgain optical receivers. Because of the large input noise figures (typically 30 dB) associated with highĆfrequency elecĆ trical spectrum analyzers, large values of photocurrent beat noise are required. The periodically filtered intensity noise technique solves this tradeĆoff problem by allowing the magnitude of the beat R(f) (linear) Heterodyne 1.32 mm 0 0 1 2 3 Frequency (GHz) (a) R(f) (linear) Intensity Noise 1.55 mm 0 1 2 3 Frequency (GHz) Measurement of a SONET receiver frequency response using (a) a 1.32Ćmm NdĆYAG optical heterodyne system and (b) the 1.55Ćmm filtered intensity noise technique. Details of the periodically filtered technique are shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6a shows the ASE from a source such as an erbiumĆdoped fiber amplifier passing through a FabryĆPerot filter and on to the test optical receiver. The transmission characteristics of the FabryĆPerot filter are determined by its free spectral range, FSR, and its finesse, F. FSR is the freĆ quency separation of the transmission maxima and F is the ratio of the FSR to the width of the transmission maxima. From a signal processing point of view, the FabryĆPerot filter has a frequencyĆdomain transfer function for the optical field given by H(n). The squared magnitude of this transfer funcĆ tion is illustrated in Fig. 6b. For the ideal case, the transmisĆ sion through the filter would be unity at frequencies sepaĆ rated by the FSR. After passing through the filter, the power spectral density of the input optical field SE(n) will be transĆ formed to H(n)2SE(n). Fig. 6c shows the filtered spectrum, which is incident on the optical receiver. Strong beat signals occur in the intensity separated by frequency intervals equal to the FSR of the FabryĆPerot filter. As described earlier in equation 1, the power spectral density for the optical intensity SI(f) can be obtained from an autocorrelation of the input electric field spectrum: SI(f) ] P 2oδ(f) + H(n)2SE(n) H(n)2SE(n). 0 (b) noise to be increased without loss of its highĆfrequency conĆ tent.4 This is accomplished by passing the amplified spontaĆ neous emission through a FabryĆPerot filter and then on to the highĆfrequency optical receiver. This reduces the average optical power while maintaining the magnitude of the sponĆ taneousĆspontaneous beat noise at periodic frequencies spaced at intervals equal to the free spectral range of the filter. The result is an increase in RIN at periodically spaced beat frequencies. If needed, optical amplification can then be used to boost the average optical power to a value just under the saturation level for the receiver. February 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal (5) This expression is valid for unpolarized amplified spontaĆ neous emission (see equation 1). The result of equation 5 is illustrated in Fig. 6d. Intensity noise peaks are evident at frequency locations separated by the FSR of the FabryĆPerot filter. Relative to the dc signal, these peaks are a factor of F/p larger than the unfiltered case shown in Fig. 2c. For a typical finesse of F = 100, this corresponds to an increase in signalĆtoĆnoise ratio of about 15 dB for photodiode characterĆ ization. The penalty for the increased SNR is that beat signals only occur at specific frequencies. This constraint is not very severe because this frequency spacing can be set to any Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 ȧH(n)ȧ2SE (n) SE (n) ASE Bo Fabry-Perot Filter SI (f) Si (f) [ȧR(f)ȧ2SI (f) H (n) H(n ) 2 Filter Transfer Function (a) )& ] :&: & + :&: FSR 1 H(n ) 2 S E(n) Filtered Spectrum [ P o2 Bo Bo no Frequency n Power Spectral Density S I (f) (c) 2 Po d (f) [ P o2 F Bo p H(n) 2SE(n) H(n) 2SE(n) 0 Bo Frequency f (d) . ! +.#* $)!'1!, )++4231!3)-' 3(% /%1).$)#!++8 &)+3%1%$ )-3%-; 2)38 -.)2% #!+)"1!3).- 3%#(-)04% " 1!-2&%1 &4-#3).- .& 3(% !"18; %1.3 &)+3%1 # /3)#!+ &)%+$ 2/%#314, )-#)$%-3 !3 3(% /(.3.1%#%)5%1 $ (.3.#411%-3 2/%#314, !2 ,%!241%$ .- !- %+%#31)#!+ 2/%#314, !-!+89%1 WDM 0.98-mm Pump EDFA p ȍ * ǒ Ǔ ) &** Dn .1 #.,/!1)2.- /41/.2%2 3(1%% $)&&%1%-3 3%#(-)04%2 6%1% 42%$ 3. ,%!241% 3(% &1%04%-#8 1%2/.-2% .& 3(% /(.3.1%#%)5%1 (% 1%24+32 .& 3(%2% 3(1%% ,%!241%,%-32 !1% 2(.6- )- )' (% #415% +!"%+%$ 6!2 ."3!)-%$ 42)-' 4-&)+3%1%$ .1 Optical Receiver Er3+ Er3+ Isolator @ ! " . $%,.-231!3% 3(% !".5% 1%24+3 3(% !11!-'%,%-3 )++4231!3%$ )- )' 6!2 42%$ (% ."3!)-%$ &1., 3(% 36.;/!22 24/%1&+4.1%2#%-3 2.41#% '%-%1!3%$ !- ./3)#!+ 2)'-!+ 6)3( ! 2/%#31!+ 6)$3( .& !".43 -, #%-3%1%$ !3 m, ()2 3(%- /!22%$ 3(1.4'( !- ./3)#!+ )2.+!3.1 6()#( /1%; 5%-3%$ 3(% 36.;/!22 24/%1&+4.1%2#%-3 2.41#% &1., "%#.,)-' ! +!2%1 (% .43/43 .& 3(% )2.+!3.1 6!2 3(%- 2%-3 3(1.4'( ! 2)-'+%;,.$% &)"%1 !"18;%1.3 &)+3%1 6)3( &)-%22% !-$ &1%% 2/%#31!+ 1!-'% 9 . "..23 3(% !5%1!'% /.6%1 3(% &)+3%1 .43/43 6!2 ./3)#!++8 !,/+)&)%$ "8 ! &)-!+ /.23!,/+)&)%1 5%1!'% .43/43 /.6%12 .& 2%5%1!+ ,)++); 6!332 #!- "% ."3!)-%$ 42)-' 3()2 !11!-'%,%-3 42).- 2/+)#%2 "%36%%- 3(% 24/%1&+4.1%2#%-3 2.41#% 3(% &)+3%1 !-$ 3(% /.23; !,/+)&)%1 6%1% 42%$ 3. ,)-),)9% 1%&+%#3).-2 ()2 )2 ),/.13!-3 "%#!42% ,4+3)/+% 1%&+%#3).-2 6)++ !$$ !,/+)34$% 1)//+% 3. 3(% )-3%-2)38 /.6%1 2/%#314, (% /(.3.1%#%)5%1 #.-2)23%$ .& ! ()'(;2/%%$ ;m,;$)!,%3%1 -!2 /;);- /(.3.$).$% &.+; +.6%$ "8 ! 31!5%+)-' 6!5% !2 ,)#1.6!5% !,/+)&)%1 ;9 %+%#31)#!+ 2/%#314, !-!+89%1 $)2/+!8%$ 3(% /(.3.#411%-3 /.6%1 2/%#314, Periodically Filtered Intensity Noise Source Mirror . 6(%1% Dn )2 3(% 2/%#31!+ 6)$3( .& 3(% !"18;%1.3 &)+3%1 !-$ )2 ')5%- "8 Dn ()2 1%24+3 )++4231!3%2 3(!3 3(% ,!'-)34$% .& 3(% /(.3.#411%-3 "%!3 2)'-!+ #!- "% )-#1%!2%$ 1%+!3)5% 3. ! &)7%$ !5%1!'% #411%-3 6)3(.43 2!#1)&)#)-' )32 ()'(;&1%04%-#8 #.-3%-3 no Frequency n (b) $%2)1%$ 5!+4% "8 /1./%1 #(.)#% .& 3(% &)+3%1 2 $%; 2#1)"%$ %!1+)%1 3(% ./3)#!+ 1%#%)5%1 &1%04%-#8 1%2/.-2% #!"% ."3!)-%$ 42)-' %04!3).- 6()#( 1%+!3%2 3(% ./3)#!+ )-; 3%-2)38 2/%#314, 3. 3(% /(.3.#411%-3 2/%#314, ,%!241%$ 42)-' !- %+%#31)#!+ 2/%#314, !-!+89%1 224,)-' !- ./3)#!+ "!-$6)$3( . ,4#( +!1'%1 3(!- 3(% &1%04%-#8 1%2/.-2% .& 3(% ./3)#!+ 1%#%)5%1 3(% /(.3.#411%-3 /.6%1 2/%#314, )2 ')5%- "8 Fiber FabryPerot Filter WDM Isolator Isolator 0.98-mm Pump EDFA WDM=Wavelength Division Multiplexer HP 8565E Electrical Spectrum Analyzer 9 kHz to 50 GHz 7/%1),%-3!+ 2%34/ 42%$ 3. $%,.-231!3% 3(% /%1).$)#!++8 &)+3%1%$ )-3%-2)38 -.)2% 3%#(-)04% Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 %"14!18 %6+%33;!#*!1$ .41-!+ Si (f) (10 dB/div) B C A (A) Unfiltered ASE (B) Periodically Filtered ASE (C) Heterodyne 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency (GHz) curve B, the periodically filtered ASE output was used. The average optical powers were held constant and equal for curves A and B. Curve C was generated using an optical heterodyne technique. Curves A and B experimentally demĆ onstrate an SNR enhancement of approximately 17 dB beĆ tween the filtered and unfiltered intensity noise techniques. Comparison between the heterodyne technique and the two intensity noise techniques shows very good agreement, illusĆ trating the flat intensity noise spectrum obtained from the EDFA noise source. The use of a broadband intensity noise source for highĆ frequency detector calibration has several advantages over other frequencyĆdomain techniques. One important advantage is that calibration of the frequency response of the optical source is not necessary since it can be made flat by choosing the ASE spectral width to be much larger than the frequency response of the photodetector. This is not the case for other frequencyĆdomain techniques. For example, sinusoidal intenĆ sity modulation of an optical source using a LiNbO3 modulaĆ tor requires careful calibration of the frequency response of the modulator, which becomes increasingly difficult at high frequencies. Any errors in this calibration are passed on to the detector's frequency response. Compared with heterodyne techniques, the intensity techĆ nique is rugged and field deployable and does not require stable polarization alignment. Since the intensity noise is present at all frequencies, it allows rapid measurements. Additionally, the long coherence length of laser sources in the presence of optical reflections makes the heterodyne measurement more susceptible to environmental effects. The intensity noise method also has advantages compared to timeĆdomain impulse measurement methods. For highĆfreĆ quency measurements, the effects of the oscilloscope must be deconvolved from the measurement before an accurate caliĆ bration can be obtained. This can often be arduous since accurate impulse responses for highĆfrequency oscilloscopes are difficult to obtain. The advantage of not requiring careful February 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal 35 Frequency response meaĆ surements of a highĆfrequency optical receiver using three techĆ niques. The intensity noise curves were measured at 1.55 m and the heterodyne measurement was made at 1.32 m. source calibration for the intensity noise technique is an imĆ portant consideration in developing a portable, lowĆcost, userĆfriendly calibration technique. In this paper we have proposed and experimentally demonĆ strated methods for enhancing the dynamic range of the intensity noise technique for highĆfrequency photoreceiver calibration. By combining recently developed EDFA technolĆ ogy with spectral filtering techniques, we have shown that the magnitude of intensity beat noise can be increased to values practical for unamplified photodiode calibration. Using the periodically filtered technique, RIN values larger than -100 dB/Hz can be achieved over a frequency range in excess of 100 GHz. The intensity noise calibration technique has the potential for becoming a portable, easy to use, field deployable calibration method. Mike McClendon and Chris Madden performed the optical heterodyne measurements and Mohammad Shakouri proĆ vided the 30ĆGHz photoreceiver. Steve Newton provided important support for this project. 1. D.J. McQuate, K.W. Chang, and C.J. Madden, Calibration of LightĆ wave Detectors to 50 GHz," Vol. 44, no. 1, February 1993, pp. 87Ć91. 2. S. Kawanishi, A. Takada, and M. Saruwatari, Wideband FrequencyĆ Response Measurement of Optical Receivers Using Optical HeteroĆ dyne Detection," Vol. 7, no. 1, 1989, pp. 92Ć98. 3. E. Eichen, J. Schlafer, W. Rideout, and J. McCabe, WideĆBandĆ width Receiver/Photodetector Frequency Response Measurements Using Amplified Spontaneous Emission from a Semiconductor OptiĆ cal Amplifier," Vol. 8, no. 6, 1990, pp. 912Ć916. 4. D.M. Baney, W.V. Sorin, and S.A. Newton, HighĆFrequency PhotoĆ diode Characterization Using a Filtered Intensity Noise Technique," Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1994, pp. 1258Ć1260. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995