! Mixed-signal testers are frequently used as specialized automatic test equipment in various test applications. The real-time digital signal processors in the HP 9493 mixed-signal LSI test system can perform complex tests for next-generation telecommunication devices. ! . 4(% .%84 '%.%2!4)/. /& 7)2%,%33 #/--5.)#!4)/.3 3934%-3 ()'(>15!,)49 4%,%#/--5.)#!4)/. !.$ #/-0!#4 %15)0-%.4 7),, "% !#()%6%$ "9 53).' .%7 ()'(,9 ).4%'2!4%$ -5,4)&5.#4)/.!, -)8%$ $)')4!, !.$ !.!,/' $%6)#%3 )8%$>3)'.!, 4%34%23 ,)+% 4(% #!. 4%34 4(%3% $%6)#%3 !.9 /& 4(% .%7%2 4%,%> #/--5.)#!4)/. 3934%-3 53% #/-0,)#!4%$ -/$5,!4)/. -%4(> /$3 35#( !3 $)&&%2%.4)!, 15!$2!452% 0(!3% 3()&4 +%9).' 7()#( #2%!4%3 30%#)!,):%$ 7!6%&/2-3 4(!4 !2% 6%29 $)&&)#5,4 4/ !.!,9:% )4( )43 "5),4>). $)')4!, 3)'.!, 02/#%33/23 3 4(% #!. !,3/ "% 53%$ 4/ 3/,6% 3/-% /& 4(%3% $)&&)#5,4 3)'.!, !.!,93)3 02/",%-3 . '%.%2!, ! -)8%$>3)'.!, 4%34%2 )3 ./4 !. ).3425-%.4 &/2 -%!352%-%.4 "54 3%26%3 !3 !54/-!4)# 4%34 %15)0-%.4 ). 4(% 02/$5#4)/. !2%! (% -/34 )-0/24!.4 2%15)2%-%.4 )3 (/7 15)#+,9 &!),).' $%6)#%3 #!. "% 2%*%#4%$ &2/- ! ,!2'% .5-"%2 /& 0!33).' $%6)#%3 //$ 2%0%!4!"),)49 7()#( )3 ! &5.#4)/. /& 3934%- 34!"),)49 !.$ 53!"),)49 !2% !,3/ 2%15)2%$ &/2 ()'( 02/$5#4)6)49 !.9 /& 4(% 4%343 0%2&/2-%$ "9 -)8%$>3)'.!, 4%34%23 $/ ./4 (!6% 02%#)3% 30%#)&)#!4)/.3 "%#!53% /& 4(% #/-0,%8)49 /& 4(% $%6)#% 5.$%2 4%34 .3)$% ! -)8%$>3)'.!, $%6)#% !2% -!.9 $)')> 4!, !.$ !.!,/' 3)'.!,3 !.$ $)')4!, 3)'.!,3 -!9 #/22504 !.!,/' 3)'.!,3 !.$ 6)#% 6%23! 3 ! 2%35,4 3/-% 4%343 (!6% 4/ "% '5!2!.4%%$ 34!4)34)#!,,9 /2 %80%2)-%.4!,,9 (% -%!352%-%.4 /& 4(% 6%#4/2 %22/2 /.% /& 4(% -/34 )-0/24!.4 4%34 0!2!-%4%23 &/2 $%6)#%3 "%,/.'3 4/ 4()3 #!4%'/29 3/ )4 )3 ./4 !. 5.&!-),)!2 490% /& 4%34 &/2 ! -)8%$>3)'.!, 4%34 3934%,)+% 4(% Data Input X Serial-toParallel Converter Y Differential Encoder #4/"%2 %7,%44>!#+!2$ /52.!, I-Channel Waveform Roll-Off Filter Q-Channel Waveform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oll-Off Filter I X 1 0 0 1 Y 1 1 0 0 Rotation –3 / 4 3 / 4 /4 – / 4 )'.!, 30!#% $)!'2!- /& -/$5,!4)/. Q Q I-Channel Waveform Roll-Off Filter I2 Re Fourier Transform lm I I Q-Channel Waveform Roll-Off Filter tan–1 Extracted Symbol Timing Q2 Conventional method of symbol timing extraction. (b) (a) IĆQ signal without filters. (b) IĆQ signal with root raisedĆ cosine filters. interference, as shown Fig. 3b. For this test the receiver filĆ ters are emulated in the HP 9493 test system using the digital signal processing capabilities. To obtain the required impulse response, we use 8ĆsymbolĆdeep FIR (finite impulse response) filters, where 8ĆsymbolĆdeep means that the duration of the filter impulse response corresponds to eight data symbol times. The design employs virtual oversampling1 and multiĆ rate techniques1 to achieve highĆresolution delay adjustment and high throughput.2 The Research and Development Center for Radio Systems in Japan specifies the vector error as follows.3 The ideal transĆ mitted signal after final filtering is: S(k) = S(k - 1)ej(/4+B(k)/2) where B(k) is defined by the following table. 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 The actual transmitted signal after final filtering is: Z(k) = [C0 + C1{S(k) + E(k)}]Wk where W = edr+jda for phase offset da (radians/symbol) and amplitude change dr (nepers/symbol) C0 = arbitrary complex constant representing the offset of the origin caused by imbalance of the quadrature modulator C1 = arbitrary complex constant determined by the phase and power of the transmitter E(k) = vector error. Then the sum of the squared vector errors is: max ȍ 2 |E(k)| + k+min max ȍ ŤNJƪZ(k)W*k * C0ƫńC1Nj * S(k)Ť . 2 k+min method of extracting the phase of the signal (symbol timing) has to be designed. In concrete terms, the function of symĆ bol timing extraction is to find the eight convergence points of the filtered IĆQ signal shown in Fig. 3b. The conventional method of extracting symbol timing is enĆ velope detection of the squared signal as shown in Fig. 4. The phase extracted by this method is a little different from the best phase" because this method observes only a narĆ row bandwidth around oneĆhalf the symbol frequency and ignores the group delay of the actual devices. Fig. 5 shows the timing error for this method of symbol extraction as a function of the calculated vector error, obtained by simulaĆ tion. According to this figure, timing error must be within 10 ns to achieve repeatability within less than 0.1%. Therefore, instead of the envelope detection method, we adopted a specialized search method that finds the actual minimum vector error. In a /4 DQPSK receiver, the extracted symbol timing is fed back to the digitizer clock inputs. In the HP 9493, this is simulated by using adjustableĆdelay filters in front of the signal processing. Fig. 6 shows the simplified block diagram of the vector error test. The test uses two 16Ćbit digitizers to digitize the I and Q signals independently and uses two sets of realĆtime DSPs to process both signals at the same time. Each digitized signal with 16Ćbit resolution is transferred into the rollĆoff filters and processed by one of the 8ĆsymbolĆdeep FIR filters. In effect, there are 512 of these filters, each having a slightly different delay. The delay is selected by feedback from subsequent blocks. Next, gain error and offset are adjusted and then 1.0 Vector Error (%) (a) 0.5 System designers attempt to minimize this error by selection of C0, C1, and W. To calculate the vector error, C0, C1, and W must be deterĆ mined. For a baseband transmitter device, the frequency offset described by W is zero because the I and Q signals are observed without quadrature modulation that shifts the signal frequency. The offset of the origin described by C0 can be obtained easily by statistics. To determine C1, a 0 –60 –30 0 30 60 Symbol Timing Error (ns) Symbol timing error as a function of calculated vector error. October 1994 HewlettĆPackard Journal Real-Time Digital Signal Processor Slicer I-Channel Waveform 16-Bit 1-MHz Digitizer Roll-Off Filters Statistics and Control I2 err Vector Error to Test Program Gain and Offset Symbol Timing L-Path Real-Time Digital Signal Processor Gain and Offset Q-Channel Waveform 16-Bit 1-MHz Digitizer Roll-Off Filters Q2 err Statistics and Control Slicer Symbol Timing ,/#+ $)!'2!- /& 4(% 6%#4/2 %22/2 4%34 315!2%$ 6%#4/2 %22/23 !2% #!,#5,!4%$ "9 #/-0!2).' 4(% !#45!, 39-"/, ,/#!4)/.3 ). 4(% < 0,!.% 7)4( 4(% )$%!, ,/#!< 4)/.3 7()#( !2% $%4%2-).%$ "9 4(% 3,)#%23 (% 34!4)34)#3 !.$ #/.42/, ",/#+ 3%!2#(%3 &/2 4(% "%34 39-"/, 4)-).' 4/ -).)< -):% 4(% 6%#4/2 %22/2 "9 #(!.').' 4(% 2/,,</&& &),4%2 $%,!9 7()#( #(!.'%3 4(% 39-"/, 4)-).' (% 2/,,</&& &),4%23 !2% $%3)'.%$ 4/ (!6% ! ()'( 6)245!, #/.6%2< 3)/. &2%15%.#9 /& 4)-%3 4(% 39-"/, &2%15%.#9 7()#( #/22%30/.$3 4/ !"/54 <.3 $%,!9 2%3/,54)/. ). 4(% 2/50 $%,!9 ). 4(% "!.$ &2/- :%2/ 4/ 4(% "!5$ 2!4% #!53%3 39.#(2/.):!4)/. %22/2 .!,/' 4)-).' 3+%7 "%47%%. $)')4):%23 !,3/ $)2%#4,9 2%$5#%3 4(% !##52!#9 /& 4(% 6%#4/2 %22/2 -%!< 352%-%.4 . 4(% 4%34 3934%- 4(% %&&%#4 /& 4)-).' 3+%7 )3 %,)-).!4%$ "9 2%'5,!2 #!,)"2!4)/. 3/ 4(% 53%2 .%%$ #4/"%2 %7,%44<!#+!2$ /52.!, /.,9 -!+% 352% 4(!4 4(% #!",% ,%.'4(3 /& 4(% #(!..%, !.$ 4(% #(!..%, !2% 3!-% /. 4(% "/!2$ (% !54(/2 7/5,$ ,)+% 4/ 4(!.+ !-/25 !."! &/2 ()3 "%.#(-!2+ 4%34 (% !54(/2 7/5,$ !,3/ ,)+% 4/ 4(!.+ !,, -%-"%23 /& 4(% !00,)#!4)/. %.').%%2).' '2/50 !4 !#()/*) %-)#/.$5#4/2 %34 )6)3)/. &/2 4(%)2 '2%!4 #//0%2!4)/. 2/#()%2% !.$ !").%2 2%.4)#% !,, !25"% %4 !, ;$6!.#%$ )8%$<)'.!, %34).' "9 /#!,):%$ %34%2 00 < < %3%!2#( !.$ %6%,/0-%.4 %.4%2 &/2 !$)/ 934%-3