=- The ' Governor EAS, the people of Texas have a kight to expect that children entrusted to the care or supervision of e will not be subject to abuse or neglect; and (1) Reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect. I am hereby directing each state agency-which operates or regulates facilities caring for children to observe the requirements for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect mandated in the Texas 'Family Code, Chapter 34. Specifically, the Texas Family Code requires that any person having cause to suspe,ct that a ~hild's'~hysica1 or mentalhealth or welfare has been or may be adversely ,- affected by abuse or neglect shall make an immediate oral report followed by a written report within five days ' to a local or state law enforcement agency; and the Texas Department of Human Resources (TDHR) or the agency as a substitute for the legal reporting requirements. : ' vestigation report, on all incidents of suspected child abuse or.neglect to the Governor's Office of Youth Care Investigation (OYCI) created under authority,of Executive Order DB-9. (2) Investigating suspected child abuse and neglect. The Texas Family Code, 534.05, requires a.thorough investigation of suspected child abuse or neglect promptly after receipt of either the oral o r written report. The Second, the TDHR Child Protective service Office maintains (! 24-hour hotline number for receiving reports of suspected child abuse, (800) 252-5400. Reports can be made bxcalling this number or by contacting the local tive service unit. I ~IJI hereby directing each state agency which operates facilities caring for children tly post the TDHR child abuse hotline number in all facilities and in administrative offices. hird, I am directing that each state agency which operates faiilities caring for children develop and submit for my review pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5429j, a plan for training agency and facility staff on child abuse and neglect. The plan must be completed no later than June 1, 1984. .. The staff training program must include prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect; state law and rep~ningrequirements; appropriate behavior modification and physical 'restraint techniques; agency licies and procedures on reporting, investigating, and remediating child abuse and neglect; and investigative ' directing the TDHR to work with my office and other state agencies to develop and submit for rsuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5429j, no later than June 1, 1984, a plan for: (1) certifying state-operated facilities under the, Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, and (2) developing administrative rules governing the conduct of child abuse investigations in all state agencies. . .- , Fifth, I am hereby directing the TDHR to assist my office in convening an interagency working group on child abuse investigations in state-operated facilities pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 4413(32a). The working group will be chaired by the 0ffice.of the Governor. The TDHR will serve as lead agency. The working group will examine the issues and make recommendations regarding interim and long-range solutions to the problem of child abuse in state-operated facilities. The working group shall consist of representatives from the TDHR, Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Texas Youth Commission, Texas Department of Health, Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, Texas School for the Blind, Texas School for the Deaf, Texas Rehabilitation Commission, and the Texas Education Agency. The working group is hereby charged with the following responsibilities: (I),.' develop interim measures for regulating child abuse and neglect investigationsconducted by state agencies; February 21, 1984 ... . . . -. . . 9 ' Texas Register for state agencies to follow in conducting child abuse investigations;, (3) develop a common definition of child abuse and neglect; (5) recommend legislative solutions. . . I am directing the working group to present to the ~ e a l t hand Human Services Coordinating Council at its next. or rescinded by me. Issued in Austin, Texas, on February 6, 1984. TRD-841841 Governor of Texas February 21, 1984